SCHOLARSHIP PACKET - MyCapitol - Capitol Technology University

Director of Financial Aid
Kim Wittler
Assistant Director
Tamika Dent
Assistant Director
Tracy Duffy
practical education in engineering, computer science, information
technology and business that prepares individuals for professional careers
and affords them the opportunity to thrive in a changing world. As a part of
its vision to be affordable and offer access by diverse populations to quality
learning outcomes for success as workforce professionals and citizens,
CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY strives to offer students the
financial resources to obtain its vision.
Inside of this packet, holds 100+ scholarships, grants, fellowships,
and more to supplement your educational funding in your years at
academic success, financial sustainability, and future, grab hold of
these opportunities and most of all,
Have Fun Searching!
The Capitol Scholars Program is designed for remarkable students who have the
ability to excel in the fields of engineering, information technology, and computer
science. Your talent for technology and ambitious goals and drive could be the
characteristics that earn you a spot as one of five students selected each year to be
Capitol Scholars.
Capitol Scholars receive a full scholarship and the opportunity to participate in a
prestigious four-year program that is challenging, integrated, and hands-on. The
program offers students an encouraging support system, dedicated mentors, and
above all, career planning assistance and internship opportunities.
March 1 – Deadline for applications and FAFSA forms
February and March - Interview and Presentation Days
April 1 - Notification of awards
•a 3.0 GPA or higher
•a combined SAT CR/M score of 1100 or higher or the ACT equivalent
How to Apply
1. Apply to the college and be accepted.
2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Results must be
sent to the CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY Office of Financial Aid two
weeks prior to interviews.
3. Nominated students are invited to a CSP Interview and Presentation Day to
present their academic interests. Students may consult with an admissions
representative for interview preparation.
High school students who apply to Capitol College for admission as first-year
students automatically have their applications reviewed for one of the institutional
scholarship programs. Students whose cumulative grade point average and SAT
scores fit into the Merit Scholarship Grid will automatically receive a scholarship.
They will be notified by the Office of Admissions of their award amount.
All the scholarships are annually renewable to recipients who maintain at least a 3.0
grade point average and complete 24 credits each year. Students renewing the Richard
A. Wainwright Grant are to maintain at least a 2.0 GPA and a 2.5 GPA for the
Emerging Leaders Scholarship.
Acterna Scholarship Fund (JDSU)
This scholarship was established in 1997 as part of the Millennium Society
Scholarship Fund. Acterna, formerly Telecommunications Techniques Corporation,
supports one outstanding third- or fourth-year student. In addition, the scholar will
exhibit financial need, exemplary character, initiative and leadership potential.
Alcatel USA Scholarship
An endowment by DSC Communications Corporation, now Alcatel USA, was
established in 1984 to help academically talented, financially needy students. Since that
time, it has provided two scholarships each academic year.
Board of Trustees Scholarship
Awards range from $4,000 to $6,000. The scholarship is named to recognize the
service and support of the college's Board of Trustees members.
Carl and Sandra English Endowed Scholarship Fund
This award provides support to African American students who have outstanding
academic ability and financial need. One scholarship is awarded each year. The
English family has been involved at the college for many years and has a long history
of supporting the college's mission.
Avrum Gudelsky Memorial Scholarship
Funds for this scholarship have been made available through an endowment created
by Homer and Martha Gudelsky in memory of their son, Avrum. This scholarship
recognizes and encourages academic excellence among outstanding seniors who are
pursuing a bachelor of science degree. It is the highest academic honor the college
Charles and Helen DeVore Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was endowed in memory of Charles and Helen DeVore. The
scholarship provides financial support to two students with junior or senior status
who have been active in the CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY student
branch of the IEEE (a
professional engineering association) who have demonstrated abilities in
communications and maintained a high standard of academics. The endowment has
grown significantly throughout the years and funds one scholarship for each academic
Emerging Leaders Program
This scholarship entails a comprehensive program that will strengthen their academic
skills, enhance their bond with fellow classmates and provide them with opportunities
to meet with business and industry leaders through our Innovation and Leaders.
Frederick J. Berger Scholarship
Dr. Frederick J. Berger, executive director of the Tau Alpha Pi National Honor
Society, has endowed this award to recognize outstanding scholarship in engineering
technology. Qualifications include membership in Tau Alpha Pi National Honor
Society, demonstrated leadership and fine character.
George I. Alden Trust Scholarship
A continued supporter of CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY, the George I.
Alden Trust provided an endowed scholarship to the Millennium Society
Scholarship Fund. The scholarship was established in 1998.
Homer Gudelsky Memorial Award
This scholarship program has been designated to provide encouragement and support
for an outstanding freshman with demonstrated commitment and potential for
academic success. Faculty members nominate and select the recipient.
Leonard Jarrell Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Leonard Jarrell. The Jarrell family has
been part of the CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY community for more
than 27 years. Leonard, an
engineer and teacher, played an important role in building a relationship between
IEEE and the college. This scholarship is part of the Millennium Society Scholarship
Fund and is dedicated to the support of future generations of engineers and
LTC Lawrence Sites Scholarship
One scholarship is awarded each academic year in the amount of $2500.
John & Beverly Puente Scholarship$3,500
Micro Systems Scholarship $2,900
Presidential Scholarship
Awards range from $7,000 to $9,000.
Richard J. Heiman Scholarship
Named in honor of a dedicated member of the CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY
UNIVERSITY Board of Trustees, this is the largest of the institutional
scholarships. Awards range from $10,000 to
$12,000. Eligible Heiman Scholarship awardees are invited to our Capitol Scholars
program in January to compete for additional scholarships up to full tuition.
Richard A. Wainwright Grant: This grant provides support for students who have
academic ability and demonstrate financial need. The Richard A. Wainwright Grant is
the highest level of institutional grant offered to the most qualified students.
The Brigadier General Harold R. “Johnny” Johnson and Maria Baciu Johnson
This scholarship was endowed by the Johnson family and William O. Hider, in
memory of Brigadier General Harold R. ―Johnny‖ Johnson and his wife, Maria Baciu
Johnson. The Brigadier General was the fifth president of CAPITOL
TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY. This scholarship is for a junior with a career in
innovation, entrepreneurship or business.
The France-Merrick Foundations Endowed Scholarship Fund for Baltimore City
The France-Merrick Foundations have established a fund to provide a scholarship for
a financially needy student who is a resident of Baltimore City. One award is made
each year.
The Giannopoulos Fund
Tom Giannopoulos, president of Micros Systems, Inc., is a former member of the
CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY Board of Trustees. He generously
provided funding to establish the Giannopoulos Fund to support bright students
pursuing high-technology degrees at CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY.
The France-Merrick Foundations Scholarship
This endowed scholarship, made possible by a grant from the France-Merrick
Foundations, enables CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY to provide support
to students with outstanding academic ability. One award is made each year. The
France-Merrick Foundations actively support many cultural and educational initiatives
in the Baltimore area.
Thomas Capshaw Memorial Scholarship
The family of Thomas E. Capshaw has created the Thomas Capshaw Memorial
Scholarship to remember the late alumnus of the Capitol Radio Engineering Institute
(CREI), now known as CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY. Each year, the
scholarship will be awarded to
an undergraduate student who is majoring in either electronics engineering technology
or astronautical engineering, and who demonstrates financial need. The scholarship
will be awarded to one student annually in the fall semester with a fall and spring
disbursement. Special consideration will be given to students from either North
Carolina or Florida (former residences of Capshaw).
Walter and Annie Pike Scholarship
Anne Pike, widow of Walter Pike, has very generously established an endowment in
memory of her late husband, He received a diploma from Capitol Radio &
Engineering Institute (CREI), the predecessor institute of CAPITOL
TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY. In 1939, Based on his CREI education, Pike was
declared vital to the war effort during WW II and developed radar and other state-ofthe-art systems. He had a long distinguished career in government.
William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Fund for Women
The Hearst Foundation established this program in 1988. Its purpose is to encourage
women to enter the field of engineering. The endowment has grown from one
scholarship per year to four.
William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Fund for Women and
The Hearst Foundation affirmed its support for CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY
UNIVERSITY by joining the Millennium Society in 2000. Its scholarship fund is to
encourage women and minority students to enter the field of engineering.
FIRST Robotics Scholarship
CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY offers a $5,000 scholarship to FIRST
Robotics students. These funds may be used toward any undergraduate course of
study at the college and the award is renewable up to a total of $20,000 over four
years, contingent upon good academic
To be eligible for this scholarship you must:
•Be a senior in high school
•Have participated in at least one full season during your junior or senior year
on a FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team or a FIRST Tech Challenge
(FTC) team; and
•Apply and be admitted to CAPITOL TECHNOLOGY
UNIVERSITY as a full-time student.
Account Control Technology Foundation has established a scholarship program to assist current
postsecondary undergraduate students who will be enrolled as second-year students (sophomores) in
the Fall of the 2014-15 academic year. This Scholarship is administered by the Scholarship
Management Services, a division of scholarship America. Scholarship Management Services is
nation’s largest designer and manager of scholarship and tuition reimbursement programs for
corporations, foundations, associations. The students will receive a $1,000 award. Up to twenty five
(25) awards will be granted each year
 Demonstrate financial need
 Be a current postsecondary undergraduate students
 Plan and qualify to be enrolled as second-year students in full-time undergraduate student at
an accredited four-year college or university in the fall of the 2014-15 academic year.
DEADLINE: March 31, 2014
ACT Second Year Scholarship Program
Scholarship Management Services
One Scholarship Way
Saint Peter, MN 56082
Telephone (507) 931-1682
ACT Foundation Second-Year Scholarship Program
Opening Early 2015
The Account Control Technology Foundation's Second-Year
Scholarship Program is for current undergraduate students who plan
and qualify to enroll as second-year students (sophomores) in fulltime undergraduate study at an accredited four-year college or
university in the Fall of the following academic year.
A total of 25 $1,000 scholarships are awarded to college students
Sponsor of the ACSAC and NSPW conferences, has offered scholarships through the Scholarships
for Women Studying Information Security
 Essay describing interest and background in the information security field
 Current Transcript
 Resume or CV
 Letters of reference
 University name and class status
The scholarship is renewable for a second year, given proof of satisfactory academic progress.
Preference is for the US citizens or permanent residents.
After College Business Student Scholarship
Deadline: March 31; June 30; September 30; December 31
Applicant must be currently seeking a Bachelor’s, Masters, or Doctorate degree as a
full-time student in the field of business at an accredited institution. Business can
include (but is not limited to): accounting, advertising, business administration,
economics, finance, human resources, international relations, management, political
science, public relations, etc. Minimum 3.0 GPA and good standing in program
required. Applicant must fill out the AfterCollege application and complete their
profile which will be the criteria (with specific emphasis on the personal statement)
used to determine the recipient of the award.
Sponsored by AfterCollege, Inc.
After College Engineering Student Scholarship
Deadline: March 31; June 30; September 30; December 31
Applicant must be currently seeking a Bachelor’s, Masters, or Doctorate degree as a
full-time student in the field of engineering. Minimum 3.0 GPA required. Applicant
must fill out the AfterCollege application and complete their profile which will be the
criteria (with specific emphasis on the personal statement) used to determine the
recipient of the award.
Sponsored by AfterCollege, Inc.
Montgomery/Prince Georges County Chapter
We invite your students to participate in the…
Citizen-Centric Report Contest – Learn more about your state or local government and
have the chance to be awarded a cash prize!
The Montgomery/Prince George’s County Chapter of the AGA is hosting its
annual contest for teams of college students to create a Citizen-Centric Report
(CCR) on a governmental entity in Maryland.
AGA’s Citizen-Centric Government Reporting Initiative is intended to foster
innovative means of communication between governments and their citizenry.
AGA believes that government financial information should be provided to citizens
in forms that are clear and understandable, updated regularly and often, delivered to
all, easy to locate, honest in breadth and technically accurate in detail. In fact, as the
owners of government, citizens have a right to this information.
Contest details:
Teams must include 2-4 students and may select any governmental entity in
Maryland (e.g., State of Maryland, Montgomery County, Prince George’s County).
 Teams must register by January 23, 2015 via email to; providing the school, names of team
members, and the governmental entity selected.
 AGA National’s website has many resources to assist with the preparation of
a CCR. Including a variety of templates. You can find this information at The information needed to draft the CCR
is expected to be available online.
 Teams must submit their CCR’s by March 18, 2015. Early submission is
 Finalists will present their CCR’s at a Montgomery/Prince George’s County
AGA Chapter dinner meeting. Please have at least one team member who is
in the DC/Maryland area and would be able to attend. These meetings also
offer a great networking opportunity with local professionals.
 The winning team will be announced in April and will be awarded a $2,000
cash prize evenly divided among the team members.
ANA Annual Scholarship Program
A Neumann & Associates, LLC has established an Annual $1,000 Business Scholarship Program
sponsoring talented students who plan to pursue a career in business.
The scholarship will be awarded to the student with the best 500-word essay entitled, “What it
Takes to be Successful in Business” after the ANA team reviews all submissions.
Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, 15 hours of coursework taken (or registered for) in
business related course work and be enrolled full-time at a university or college offering a business
degree during the award period.
Graduate students must hold at least one baccalaureate degree and be registered as a full-time
graduate student.
Each student needs to submit a:
1) 500-word essay (double spaced) entitled "What It Takes to Be Successful in Business"
2) Resume
3) Proof of three business courses taken or registered for
4) Proof of current GPA
5) Photo
Deadline to submit is March 15 and August 15 of each year.
The application needs to be submitted in written form by way of postal mail to
 ANA – Scholarship Program
 Postal Box 500
 Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716-0500
The awards will be announced April 15 and September 15, respectively, are set at $500 per semiannual award and will be paid out on May 30 and October 30, respectively.
An award will only be issued when at least ten submissions are received.
Anthony Ihedoha Anaebere, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
Available to High School Seniors,
Undergraduate or Graduate Students
Application Deadline: Saturday, February 20, 2016
To be eligible for this $1,000 scholarship you must:
1. Be a Nigerian-born or first generation Nigerian-American student pursing an
undergraduate or graduate level engineering degree at an accredited
college/university in the United States of America.
2. Have a cumulative grade point average (gpa) of :
o Secondary (high school) students matriculating to a 4-year college/university are
required to have at least a cumulative 3.0 gpa to apply.
o College/University undergraduate and graduate students are required to have at
least a cumulative 2.5 gpa to apply.
To obtain a scholarship application and apply, email:
Also visit for more information
- $500 1 Award
1) Be attending college or university no later than January of 2015.
2) Be attending college or university on a full-time or part-time basis by January of 2015.
3) Have achieved a GPA of 3.0 or greater during their last academic year.
Deadline: Aug 31
Applications for the 2015 ARRL Foundation scholarship program will be accepted between
midnight, October 1, 2014 and 11:59PM Eastern Standard Time January 31, 2015. Transcripts
must be received by February 13.
More than 80 scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000 are awarded through the ARRL
Foundation Scholarship program. In addition, one applicant is selected for the prestigious
William R. Goldfarb Memorial Scholarship, awarded to a high school senior pursuing a degree
in business, computers, medical, nursing, engineering or science.
DEADLINE: February 13
Scholarship Program Administrators, INC
3314 West End Ave. Suite 102
Nashville, TN 37203-0916
Phone: (877)387-6126
REQUIREMENTS: Applicant must be a high school senior or a college freshman,
sophomore, or junior. Student must be enrolled full-time, have an interest in a career in the grocery
and must display financial need. Applicant must be making satisfactory academic progress.
DEADLINE: April 30
The Joe Martin Scholarship program is a competitive scholarship program available for college or
vocational schools in the U.S. to dependents of Bank of America employees.
For an employee’s dependent to be eligible, an employee must be:
An active full-time or part-time Bank of America employee at the time of award recipient
selection (service with predecessor banks or subsidiaries of Bank of America is counted as Bank
of America service)
Employed by Bank of America for at least 1 year by the time of award recipient selection
In job bands 4 - 9 at the time of award recipient selection (employees in job bands 0 - 3 are not
Dependents of deceased, disabled or retired employees are also eligible
Students must:
Be 23 years of age or younger and a dependent of a Bank of America employee
Be a high school senior or graduate
Plan to be enrolled or currently be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an
accredited 2- or 4-year college, university, or vocational/technical school located in the United
 Enroll in the college, university, or vocational/technical school of their choice in the United States
no later than the fall of the year in which the award is given
DEADLINE: February 28.
The Binc Scholarship Program is open to bookstore employees, bookstore owners, former
Borders employees and dependents* of bookstore employees, owners and former Borders
employees who plan to enroll in full or part-time undergraduate or graduate study at an
accredited two or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school for at least half of
the 2015-2016 academic year.
*Dependents include children under the age of 25, spouses and qualified same-sex partners.
Opening Early 2015
BestSeekers Digital Marketing Scholarship Program
We are happy to invite Capitol Technology University students to apply for
the BestSeekers Digital Marketing Scholarship Program. Our scholarship
will provide undergraduate or postgraduate students with a passion for
Internet marketing the chance to receive $1000 in the form of a
scholarship. This can be utilized on course materials, books and other
BestSeekers has always provided the best, unbiased reviews about a broad
range of products. We recognize the power of the written word and copy
on and offline and want to help the brightest minds showcase their
abilities in this area. Leading on from this we’ve created the BestSeekers
Digital Marketing Scholarship.
Create a piece of content that is between 500-1000 words long and submit
to us via a word .doc. Additionally, please add the URL to your website or
piece of online content.
Scholarship Details:
Submit your scholarship application to:
Submission deadline: December 31st, 2015 / Result Date: January 31st,
2016 / Number of Positions available: 1 Recurring Scholarship - We will run
new scholarship programs every year.
This type of scholarship is open to graduate students who are pursuing an advanced degree (either
Masters or Doctoral) in any subject at an accredited institution in the United States. One individual will
be designated each year and awarded a one-time scholarship of $6,500 to support his or her full-time
graduate study.
1. Applicants must be full-time graduate students currently enrolled at an accredited institution in the
U.S. and hold a valid student ID card.
2. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale to apply.
3. Applicants must be citizens of an Asian country.
DEADLINE: December 31
Opening Early 2015
The Buick Achievers Scholarship Program is open to high school seniors or college
undergraduates who plan to major in a specified course of study that focuses on Engineering,
Technology, or select Design and Business-related programs of study.
Scholarships will be awarded based on participation and leadership in community and school
activities, interest in the automotive industry, academic achievement, and financial need.
Special consideration will be given to those who are a first-generation college student, female,
minority, military veteran or a dependent of military personnel.
If you have the passion to succeed — especially in fields of study important to the automotive
and related industries — the Buick Achievers Scholarship Program is looking for you. Visit for more information.
Buildium’s Build U. Scholarship awards one $2,500 prize each semester to the
Product Design, Interaction Design, UX Design, Engineering, or Computer
Science student who best explains how having a shared set of beliefs is important
for building a great company.
REQUIREMENTS: College or university student in good standing at an
accredited public or private university.
•Must be enrolled in a Product Design, Interaction Design, UX Design,
Engineering, or Computer Science program.
DEADLINE: October 31
2012 Massachusetts Ave.,
NW Washington DC 20036
Phone: (202)293-1200 Fax (202) 861-0298
REQUIREMENTS: Applicant must be a female 25 years of age or older with critical
financial need to seek the education necessary to enter, re-enter or advance within the work
Two awards of $1,000 each to be given annually
Any current US student who:
•Is enrolled in post-secondary education in the upcoming semester
•Is between the ages of 16 and 20
•Is not a CARiD employee
•Is not related to an employee of CARiD or its partners
Central Scholarship program offers over 21 scholarship programs to undergraduate and is devoted to
helping individuals achieve a better life through higher education. We believe that education is a
right, not a privilege and that scholarships are an investment, not an expense.
1700 Reisterstown Road, Suite 220
Baltimore, MD 21208-2903
855-276-0239 or/ (410) 415-5558
REQUIREMENTS: Awards include scholarship and interest-free loans. Must be a resident of
Baltimore County or City and must have exhausted all other available avenues of funding.
DEADLINE: rolling-basis
Renewable scholarship for tuition only to women who are attending a college, university, or other
institution of higher learning.
REQUIREMENTS: Available to Class Level Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, Graduate students
Minimum GPA Required 3.0
Residency Maryland, Female
Financial need analysis is required
Address 1700 Reisterstown Road, Suite 220
City, State, Zip Baltimore, MD 21208-2903
Telephone (410) 415-5558
Fax (410) 415-5501
Chameleon John $10,000
Spring 2015 Student Scholarship
Our mission at is to help people save money on their online
purchases. That is why we get the best coupon codes from hundreds of online
stores around the United States. After having saved money for thousands of
consumers, we decided to give a hand to future students who are struggling
financially and thus established an annual $10,000 scholarship for University
students in the United States.
Application Requirements
The application requirements are as follow:
Your desired University must be in the United States;
You must submit your application until the 1st of June 2015.
We will read all the essays and choose one applicant who will be granted the
scholarship. The money will be transferred to their University’s bank account.
End Notes
We wish all of you the best of luck and we are hopeful we will be able to help
more students next year! And always remember:
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”.
- Benjamin Franklin
Apply at:
P.O Box 756
Easton, MD 21601
REQUIREMENTS: student must have permanent residence on Eastern Shore. Must be less than
21years old
WEBSITE: www.pha-md-org
An independent review committee made up of higher education and financial aid professionals will
select scholarship recipients. In addition to academic achievement, the committee will take into
consideration other indicators of talent and leadership qualities, including: extracurricular activities,
work experience, community service, school recommendations as well as the written essay and
financial need.
Due to an IRS regulation on scholarship funding by corporations for children of colleagues, the
program is required to limit the number of scholarships awarded to a maximum of 25% of
applications received. Students who receive a scholarship are invited to apply for scholarships in
subsequent years, with the knowledge that the application will be reviewed in the context of each
year’s pool of applicants in keeping with the IRS limitations of scholarships awarded.
 The student is a dependent child of a full-time CVS Caremark colleague.
 The student is either a high school senior or current college student who will be enrolled
during the 2014-2015 school year in a 2 or 4 year accredited U.S. based college, junior
college or university leading to a recognized undergraduate degree.
 The student’s parent is a full-time colleague at the application deadline and must remain a
full-time active colleague at the time the scholarship check is awarded.
Deadline: April 25
Contact: 401-770-2435 and/or contact Ashlee Hypolite at 617-338-5895
The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation proudly continues its support of Two Year Colleges
through the
Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team Program by providing up to $237,500 in
200 stipends are awarded annually across four tiers of recipients in varying amounts: Fifty
New Century Gold Scholars are awarded $1,500, fifty Silver Scholars are awarded $1,250,
and fifty Bronze Scholars are awarded $1,000.
P.O BOX 442
ALANTA, GA 303010442 (404)733-5420
REQUIREMENTS: Current high school (or home-schooled) seniors attending school
in the United States (or select DoD schools); U.S. Citizens; U.S. Nationals; U.S.
Permanent Residents; Refugees; Asylees; Cuban-Haitian Entrants; or Humanitarian
Parolees; Anticipating completion of high school diploma at the time of application;
Planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S.
post-secondary institution; Carrying a minimum 3.00 GPA at the end of their junior year
of high school.
DEADLINE: Applications are due October 31
CoachUP, the nation’s leading private coaching company, annual scholarship program, will be
awarded to spectacular student-activities, either currently enrolled or accepted into a US
college or university.
REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must be a senior in high school with plans to attend college
in the fall, or applicants must be a college student with at least one year left of college.
CONTACT: 355 Congress St. Boston, MA EMAIL:
DFE recognizes students by awarding deserving high school and college students with
scholarships for their ideas to help Denny's efforts to fight childhood hunger.
REQUIREMENTS: All applicants must be enrolled in an accredited educational institution
high school and college) in the United States.
•All applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States.
•If an applicant under the age of 18 is selected as a potential HFE Scholarship recipient, in
order to
be confirmed as a winner, the student's parent or legal guardian must sign an Affidavit of
Eligibility and Assignment of Rights.
•College students that are applying to the Tom Joyner Foundation will need to meet its
•Students will need to provide a 300-word essay (high school) or 500-word essay (college) on
Denny’s can impact childhood hunger in the United States.
Dealspotr Smart Shopper Scholarship
All of us at are dedicated to helping consumers save money and find amazing deals
by using online coupons, promo codes and printables. As part of that commitment, we want to help
the next generation to become smart shoppers as well. We’ve decided to hand out a $1,000
scholarship to a current college student that has demonstrated expertise when it comes to saving
money while at school. Write a 500 word essay on the best ways to save money as a college
Any U.S. resident enrolled in a university within the 50 states or the District of Columbia can apply
for this scholarship. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a college program. Applications must
be submitted by September 24, 2015. The $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to one student.
Selection of a Winner
Our team of experts will judge the essays based on quality and creativity. Grammar, punctuation
and sentence structure will be taken into account as well as the originality of the content.
A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to one winner. The prize will be announced September 30,
2015 and the winner will be notified by email. The winner has until October 7, 2015 to claim the
prize. The money will be distributed by check on October, 14, 2015.
Digital Marketing Scholarship / Snap Agency
To the best of your ability, complete a 1,000 word article discussing a cuttingedge digital marketing tactic that is on the cusp of becoming incredibly
important. Why and how will it change the way marketers promote their
brand online? Complete your answer by showing us a strategy that supports
your hypothesis.
Complete your 1,000 word article, making sure to call out headings for readability, and upload a
featured image for your article.
Within a few days after you submit, we will email you with a link to the live post.
Visitors will be able to vote at the bottom of your article when it is published. So, using the
link we provide you with, feel free to let your families, friends and social networks know
where the article is to read it and vote. We will measure shareability (How much traffic is
driven to that post) and that will be one criteria for how the judges determine the winner.
The winning article will include these three certain criteria:
High-quality writing
How cutting edge is the article?
The final winner, based on the decision of our marketing experts, (taking into consideration the
criteria/votes and traffic driven to the article,) will receive $1,000 dollars towards future or ongoing
education and have their article featured on our primary Snap blog, read by thousands of people
every month.
Runner-up articles that follow the above criteria and display diligence will be featured prominently
on our Scholarship Contest blog.
Good luck to all applicants.
Last Day to Enter: 5/25/15 | Winner Announced: 6/15/15
DigiCert Scholarship
$1,000 Internet Security essay-based scholarship
DEADLINE: July 1, 2014
Dominion Diversity Scholarship
Dominion is committed to creating and reinforcing an inclusive, creative and productive
environment in which each employee feel accepted, respected and empowered. Dominion’s
Diversity Scholarship Program, which assists eligible students by providing a $5,000
scholarship and a paid summer internship, is open to students enrolled full-time in a field of
study mutually beneficial to the company and the individual.
 Current cumulative 3.0 GPA
 Enrolled or registered at an accredited 4-year or 2 year college as a full-time student for
the 2014 Fall Semester
Every student deserves a chance to realize their potential. That's why Dr Pepper gave away
over $1,000,000 in tuition in 2013-14 to help students across the country pursue their dreams.
Since 2008, the Dr Pepper Tuition Giveaway has changed lives by giving away millions of
dollars in tuition. With the challenges of rising tuition costs and studying full-time, we take
pride in helping students achieve their goals.
Dr Pepper Tuition Giveaway Promotion and Contest
$3,000 Discountrue Scholarship Opportunity!
Discountrue knows that the world can be tough, especially for university students,
who have to face a lot of new expenses. This is why we decided to fund a special
scholarship and choose one person who presents their writing abilities to receive
$3,000 in order to alleviate the costs of studying at a U.S university. The scholarship is
aimed at all students enrolled at any U.S. university or college in fall 2015.
To be eligible for the $3,000 scholarship you need to:
 Be a U.S. citizen or possess an authorization to study in the U.S.
 Be accepted into a United States university and attend the school in fall 2015.
 Achieve an undergraduate cumulative amounting to minimum 3.0 GPA.
To apply for the scholarship you must submit by January 15th, 2016:
 your resume
 An essay on the topic: "How can you personally help make the world a better
place?", 700-1000 words long.
 An official copy of your undergraduate college transcripts.
 The most current academic transcript/an acceptance letter from a U.S.
university or college in case of freshman.
 Proof of legal residency in the United States.
 The recipient will be announced on January 31st, 2016.
 The money will be transferred to the recipient's university's bank account.
 The scholarship is to be used only on school tuition and related expenses.
The applications deadline is January 15th, 2016 and the required materials should be
e-mailed in PDF format by then to:
Distracted Driver Awareness Scholarship
Who Can Apply?
This $1,000 scholarship is for any person in the United States seeking post-secondary education. We are
not limiting the Distracted Driving Scholarship to any particular major or degree. Between housing,
books, and tuition we understand that higher education is expensive and we seek to help relieve the
burden for a deserving student.
How to Apply?
Applications of 2,000 words of less should be emailed to:
Applicants should include their name, email address, home address and phone number.
Applicants must provide proof of identity and school enrollment.
Applicants must include a link to their Facebook profile to confirm their identity and school enrollment.
The applicant should state where they s/he is currently attending or planning to attend school in the body
of their submission email.
No additional information should be included.
Applications due November 15th 2015
The essay topic should be one of the following topics:
A. “Distracted Driving and Me.” A personal story about either yourself or a close family member that was
affected by distracted driving.
B. “Distracted Driver Awareness Campaign.” A personal story about an awareness campaign you have
personally organized or administrated.
C. “Why You Shouldn’t Text and Drive.” An article appealing to young drivers that conveys the message
that distracted driving is dangerous.
How We Select?
We will take the top five (5) essays and post them on our blog. We will choose the award recipient based
on the quality of essay. In addition, we will add value to applicant’s who generate social media “buzz” on
their essay; creating awareness for their essay and campaign on Facebook Shares, Retweets, Pins, +1’s
and any other social media awareness. If you’re selected as a finalist, we will require a photograph and
we will send you an email with the link to your article published on our blog. From there it will be up to
you to promote your article and win the scholarship. Good luck!
Eli Lilly and Company/Black Data Processing Associates Scholarship:
The purpose of this scholarship is to recognize outstanding minority students with an
interest in information technology, who make significant contributions to society.
Applicants must excel academically, show exceptional leadership potential, and make an
impact on their communities through service to others. The scholarship is available to
any graduating high school senior or current college student.
We will provide two $2,500 one-time only scholarships for a high school senior or college
student with a STEM major, strong community involvement and a minimum GPA of 3.0.
The completed application, typed essay, two letters of recommendation, official transcript
and resume must be postmarked by Friday, July 3, 2015.
Elie Wiesel Foundation Prize In Ethics Essay Contest 2016
First Prize - $ 5,000
Second Prize - $ 2,500
Third Prize - $ 1,500
Two Honorable Mentions - $ 500 Each
Registered undergraduate full-time Juniors or Seniors at accredited four-year colleges
or universities in the United States during the Fall 2015 Semester.
Articulate with clarity an ethical issue that you have encountered and analyze what it
has taught you about ethics and yourself.
Please note: *This topic is only a suggestion. Students may write about any topic
they wish, as long as it explores the theme of ethics.
In 3,000 to 4,000 words, you are encouraged to raise questions, single out issues and
identify dilemmas.
Essays may be written in the formal or informal voice, but most importantly, an
individual voice should be evident.
The essay should be developed from your point of view and may take the form of an
analysis that is biographical, historical, literary, philosophical, psychological,
sociological or theological.
Essay must be the original, unpublished work of one student. Only one essay per
student per year may be submitted.
All essays must have a title.
All essays must be written in English.
Essay should be titled, typed in 12-point font easily readable font (such as Times
New Roman), double-spaced with 1" margins and numbered pages.
Submissions will be judged anonymously. Hence, no name or identifying
references (i.e. your name, school, or professor) should appear on the title page or
in the document. Our office will put a code on your essay.
Deadline: December 14, 2015 by 5pm PST
Ensurify Safe Driving Scholarship
Ensurify seeks to support the next generation of innovators with a college scholarship
contest. We are a venture backed technology startup founded by MIT and Kayak
alumni. As a tech leader in data research with regards to people’s driving habits, car
insurance, safety and finance advice, Ensurify’s goal is to promote the importance of
safe driving habits. Our scholarship is open all registered university students,
including international students. Each applicant has to write about one of three essay
topics, which include the dangers of texting and driving, drinking and driving, and
vehicle safety with regards to technological advances.
Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: January 15, 2016
Full details are on our blog:
FORECLOSURE.COM has issued $45,000 in scholarship money
to 25 college students nationwide since the program was
introduced in 2009. Each year, the company challenges
future leaders of America to provide creative
solutions/ideas to many of the nation's most critical
issues, real estate/housing in particular, which can be used
to help turnaround the market.
Essay Topic: "The foreclosure crisis that swept the nation several years ago claimed countless wellto-do homeowners, who were forced out of their houses when the economy hit rock-bottom. Those
victims, along with the economy, are now beginning to slowly recover. With collective home prices
and interest rates still at very attractive levels, these 'foreclosure victims' have transitioned into
potential 'boomerang buyers.' How can these buyers with checkered pasts best take advantage of the
current desirable real estate market conditions? There are a several actions these 'boomerang buyers'
can take to get back into home ownership. Please describe in your own words how the 'rent-to-own'
option, among others, might best benefit these folks until they are ready to go 'all in' on another
mortgage." Minimum 800 words, Maximum 2,000
REQUIRMENTS: Currently enrolled college students (graduate students, law students and/or high
school seniors are NOT eligible) are invited to apply by submitting an essay. Freshman entering fall
2014 are eligible once they have received student identification numbers.
8th annual create-greeting-card $10,000 Scholarship contest.
The CBCF General Mills Health Scholarship Program, sponsored by General Mills, is open to
students living in a Congressional Black Caucus district who plan to continue their education
in the fields of medicine, engineering, technology, nutrition or another health-related field and
have financial need. Applicants must be high school seniors or graduates or be current
postsecondary undergraduates or graduate level students, who plan to enroll in full-time
undergraduate or graduate study at an accredited two-year or four-year college, university, or
vocational-technical school for the entire upcoming academic year.
Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent)
and live in a Congressional Black Caucus district.
CBCF General Mills Health Scholarship Program
General Scholarship for Higher Learning: Students enrolled in a two year, four year,
or a graduate program are eligible to apply.
The General Scholarship is awarded each fall and spring semester.
Lighting55 is offering college based scholarships for students aspiring to achieve a
college education. As we have attended college education ourselves, we are aware
of the difficulty students face in financing their education. We recognize the benefits
a college degree can provide. That’s why our need-based scholarship rewards
students who are looking to better themselves, who have goals and dreams, and who
are committed to achieving a college degree. Students of all majors, of all countries
who are 16 years of age or older are encouraged to apply for our scholarships. High
school students, undergraduate students, master degree students, and adult learners
are all encouraged to apply.
Deadline: April 15
General Scholarship for Advanced Education: Fall 2015 is awarding a general academic scholarship of $1,000 to eligible college
students. We at Fantasy Sports Daily understand that financing your education can be difficult and
expensive; as a result we would like to lend a hand.
To apply for the scholarship, each candidate must answer four personal, open-ended, and thoughtprovoking questions. The students whose responses are the most persuasive, compelling, and wellwritten, as judged by our executive management team will be considered finalists.
Submission Deadline October
1, 2015
Award Amount $1,000.00
General Scholarship for Higher Learning: Spring 2016 is awarding a need-based scholarship of $1,500 to college students.
We at Hotelscheap understand that financing your education can be difficult; as a
result we would like to lend a hand. To apply for the scholarship, he or she must
answer four personal, open-ended, and thought-provoking questions. The students
whose responses are the most persuasive, compelling, and well-written, as judged by
our executive management team will be considered finalists. US students who are 16
years of age or older are encouraged to apply for our scholarships. High school
students, undergraduate students, master degree students, and adult learners all are
encouraged to apply.
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2016
Award Amount: $1,500
The scholarship link for student application is located here:
General James H. Doolittle Scholarship of Communities Foundation of Texas
The General James H. Doolittle Scholarship is awarded to college juniors, seniors, or
graduate students pursuing a degree in aerospace science, aeronautical engineering
or a related field. Applicants must have a minimum 2.75 GPA and have completed at
least 52 hours of college course work by the end of the academic semester.
Application Deadline: March 1, 2016
To Apply: Go to and click on “Sign up” at the
top right of the page to create your login and password.
Complete the General Application, then select the
DGS/Hilsewick/Shepherd/Sistrunk/Stanley/Dodge Scholarship Endowment
Scholarship from the list and answer the additional questions indicated.
For more information: Contact Abigail Hazlett at Communities Foundation of Texas at
214-750-4144 or at
GoodCall’s Best Decision Scholarship
At GoodCall, we try to help people make smarter decisions by giving them access
to important data. We want to know about a great decision you've made in your
life. Write an essay between 400 and 500 words detailing one of the most
important decisions you've made in your life. What information did you rely on?
What decision did you make? How did you know it was the right choice?
The scholarship is open to high school seniors, current undergrad and current
graduate students with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Enter this contest by December 31, 2015. We will award $2,500 to the writer of
the best essay, as decided upon by our panel of judges.
The GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program, sponsored by The Ronald Reagan
Foundation and GE, is offering $10,000 scholarships to high school seniors in the United
States. The GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program is open to students who
demonstrate the attributes of leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship similar to those
exhibited by President Ronald Reagan. Like President Reagan, candidates use the formative
experiences of their youth to lead, serve, and pursue a life of purpose and significance, both
individually and for their communities. Renewable scholarships are offered for full-time study
at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States.
The Great Lakes National Scholarship Program, funded by the Great Lakes Educational Loan
Services, Inc., is offering $2,500 scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students from
across the country.
The Great Lakes National Scholarship Program is open to high school seniors or graduates or
current postsecondary undergraduates or graduate level students who are United States
citizens or permanent residents. They must plan to enroll in a full-time STEM (science,
technology, engineering or math) field of study at an accredited non-profit public or private
two-year or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school in the United States
for the entire 2015-2016 academic year. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75
on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent) is required along with demonstrated financial need.
DEADLINE: April 30
HISPANIC SCHOLARHSIP F UND *featured 5000+ scholarship portal
As the nation’s largest not-for-profit organization supporting Hispanic American higher education,
HSF has awarded over $400 million in scholarships and provides a range of ancillary programs for
candidates, scholars, and their families.
HSF further strives to make college education a top priority for every Latino family across the nation
and to mobilize our community to proactively advance that goal – each individual, over a lifetime, in
every way he/she can. For more information about the Hispanic Scholarship Fund go to website.
CONTACT: 1411 w. 190th St. Suite 325 Gardena, CA 90248
Phone (310)-975-3700
The ICMA-RC Vantagepoint Public Employee Memorial Scholarship Fund provides
scholarships to the surviving children and spouses of US city, county, and state public
employees* who have died in service to their communities. Applicants must enroll in and
attend an accredited college, university, or vocational-technical school on a full-time basis.
High school seniors, undergraduates and graduate students are eligible to apply. Find out more
*Students must provide a letter from the deceased employee’s place of work verifying his or
her employment at time of death, and supporting financial information.
Awards are determined based on merit and financial need and are for tuition and fees only.
Interior-Deluxe is offering college scholarships to all students of any studies aspiring to achieve
a college education. Having attended college ourselves, we appreciate the difficulty students
face in financing their education, and we recognize the benefits a college degree can provide.
That's why our need-based scholarship rewards students who are looking to better themselves,
who have goals and dreams,
REQUIREMENTS: Students enrolled in a two year, four year, or a graduate program are
eligible to apply.
720 Brooker Creek Blvd., Suite 205
Oldsmar, FL, 34677
Email: scholarship@interior-deluxe.xom
DEADLINE: October 15
inSegment Scholarship
inSegment is an innovative, full-service digital marketing agency offering an $800
scholarship. For our 2015 scholarship, we are going to have an essay contest with the
topic “3 Digital Marketing trends that have changed your perception of the industry”.
Please include your resume with your essay. Also, include a short introduction for
your essay and a personal statement that lets us know who you are.
Essay requirements:
 The essay length should be 500-1000 words.
 You can write from any aspect, but please have a consistent theme. Also, there
must be no racism, sexism or fascism in your article.
 All essays should be original (plagiarism will not be tolerated).
 The essay is not necessarily in academic style – try to be creative.
Resume requirements:
 The resume should be no longer than one page.
 The resume should include your major, school year and GPA.
Participants must meet the following criteria:
 Enrolled at high school, college, or university in the U.S.
 Aged sixteen (16) years or older.
 Academic status should be "good standing".
 Have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0
Deadline: November 30, 2015
Irene Somerset Gould Memorial Scholarship
Sponsored by High Desert Community Foundation.
The applicant must be a female who is pursuing a business related career.
Contact Information:
Deadline: April 1
ISSA-Educational Foundation Annual Information Security Scholarship
The Information Systems Security Association Education Foundation (ISSAEF) proudly
announces an Information Security scholarship for outstanding students. To be eligible
for a scholarship a student must be pursuing a career in computer science including
information security and privacy and must be an active, full-time undergraduate or
graduate student in an information security related program.
The applicant must fulfill the eligibility requirements established by the ISSAEducational
Foundation (ISSAEF) Scholarship Committee. The scholarship of $2,000 will be awarded
towards tuition and books.
Deadline: July 15th
Applications can be found in the ISSAEF website at:
The (ISC)² Foundation aims to bridge the gap by providing future information security professionals
with scholarships to prepare them for a rewarding career in this important field. A career in
information security puts you on the front lines of this burgeoning industry, defending the safety of
all those who work, study, and play in our digitized world.
REQUIREMENTS: Be pursuing a course of study, and/or have a declared major/minor, with an
information assurance (IA) or cyber security concentration.
-Be enrolled at a regionally accredited college or university (or equivalent for non-US applicants).
-Applicants seeking an Associates, Bachelors or Graduate Degrees are eligible to apply.
-Commit to and abide by the (ISC)² Code of Ethics.
Fax (310)-349-3328
MESOTHELIMAhELP.ORG is hosting its third $10,000 annual scholarship essay contest. (10)
different award amounts are granted to deserving students throughout the U.S. The purpose of the
scholarship is to assist with educational efforts, as well as raise awareness for Mesothelioma, and its
REQUIREMENTS: This essay contest is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are 18years-old or older and are currently enrolled in a college or university located within the 50 United
States or the District of Columbia. U.S. territories are excluded.
DEADLINE: October 7
Jeannette Rankin Women's Scholarship Fund provides scholarships and support for low-income
women 35 and older to build better lives through college completion.
1. Woman, age 35 or older
2. Low-income
3. A U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident of the United States
4. Pursuing a technical or vocational education, an associate's degree, or a first bachelor's degree
5. Enrolled in, or accepted to, a regionally or ACICS accredited school
Morton A. Gibson Memorial Scholarship (administered by the United Jewish Endowment
Fund of The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington)
One to two scholarships in the amount of $2,500 awarded annually to a high school senior who has
completed significant volunteer services within the local Jewish community in addition to high school
graduation service requirements.
•A high school senior
•A Jewish resident of the metropolitan Washington area
•Accepted into an accredited four year undergraduate program on a full-time basis
•A U.S. citizen or working towards citizenship
Awards may not be used for:
•Community college
•Study abroad programs (including Israel)
Any awardee who does not complete a full year of school must repay the scholarship.
CONTACT: General: 301.838.4200 · Inquiry and Screening Department: 301.816.2633 ·
200 Wood Hill Road, Rockville, MD 20850 (Main Office) • 6123 Montrose Road, Rockville, MD
20852 • 9900 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20902
Karman Healthcare
Offering two (2) $500 scholarships for students whom suffer a mobility and would like to offer this to
Requirements: enrolled at an accredited high school, college, or university in the U.S.
Enrolled at the undergraduate level or your final year of high school
Aged sixteen (16) years or older
Must be currently enrolled at an accredited high school. college, university in the U.S
Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 (or equivalent)
DEADLINE: September 1
Kohls Cares Scholarship Program
Nominate a young volunteer aged 6 to 18 who has made a difference in your community.
DEADLINE: March 14
CONTACT: Call: 319-688-4336
Mail: Kohl’s Cares® Scholarship Program
c/o Scholarship America
327 2nd Street
Coralville, IA 52241
o Be a high school senior
o Be younger than 21 years old
o Be eligible to attend a two- or four-year college, university or technical school with a
full course of study
o Be a legal U.S. resident
o Live in a participating RMHC Chapter's geographic area
Make It Move Scholarship
Our world today is driven by creativity and innovation, by brilliant ideas that can come
from a single, young mind, containing the power to move the world into the future. If
you are one of these creative minds, looking to make one of your innovations a reality,
then you might have the chance to earn some extra college money. Applied Motion
Products is proud to announce The Make It Move scholarship, specifically designed for
those who want to turn their brilliant ideas into moving, working realities.
The Make It Move Scholarship will award one winner a $1000 scholarship to use
towards funding their academic career. The Make It Move Scholarship is open to U.S.
citizens and international students enrolled in high school or an
undergraduate/graduate program at an accredited U.S. institution.
How to Apply
Take your great idea, and turn it into an actual moving creation.
Film your final creation in action using Instagram.
Include a short description about your creation.
Upload it to Instagram including the hashtag #ampmakeitmove.
What kind of creation you ask? That’s up to you. You can build it out of anything –
crafts, household items, trash or random empty cereal boxes in your dorm room. Let
your inner MacGyver loose, get creative, make something move, and you could be
earning some money.
Important Dates and Deadlines
All projects will need to be fully uploaded to Instagram with the hashtag no later than
the final deadline of October 16, 2015 in order to be considered for the scholarship.
No other additional documents or forms (letters of recommendation, etc.) are required
for submission.
Selection Process
Once entries are received, they will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of
managing staff members of Applied Motion. The decision of the panel will be based on
which student’s creation best exemplified the originality, ingenuity, and mechanical
skill to drive the advancement of today’s technological society. The winning student
will be selected and notified by November 13, 2015 for the Fall semester. The winner
will be awarded a $1000 scholarship.
Mark P. Herschede Engineering Award
Sponsored by Sigma Chi Foundation
The applicant must be a full-time graduate student studying engineering with a minimum
cumulative GPA equal to or above the All Men’s Average at the college or university to
which they are attending (minimum 3.0 GPA when AMA is not available). Membership
with Sigma Chi is required.
Deadline: May 15; varies
Mass Mutual Scholars
 Open to all students of all majors.
 Will be entering sophomore, junior, senior or 5th year senior year in pursuit of an
undergraduate degree at an accredited college or university.
Plan to attend a degree seeking program, full-time at a U.S. accredited institution
in the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands or Guam during the 2015-2016
academic year.
Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Preference will be given to students who demonstrate an interest in pursuing a
career in the insurance and financial services industry and demonstrate leadership
and participation in extracurricular activities.
Must complete and submit for federal financial aid by completing the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at
Must show proof of U.S. citizenship or legal permanent residency with a
permanent resident card or passport stamped I-551 (if selected).
A total of $150,000 in scholarships will be awarded for the 2015-2016 school
Selected students attending accredited 2 year and 4 year colleges/universities will
be awarded $2,500 or $5,000 respectively.
Deadline: March 31
Mayors Scholars Undergraduate Program
The DC Mayor’s Scholars Undergraduate Program (formerly Mayor’s Scholars
Undergraduate Fund) provides need-based funding for eligible DC residents earning
their first associate’s or bachelor’s degree at select area colleges and universities.
The program is a last-dollar award designed to fill the gap between a student’s
financial aid package and the cost of attendance. Recipients of Mayor’s Scholars
funding can receive up to $4,000 per year, for up to 4 years for an associate’s degree,
and up to 6 years for a bachelor’s degree. The funds are available first-come, firstserve, and you must re-apply each year. There is no guarantee you will receive
funding, as funds are only available until they run out. The application is available on
the District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education website
The Mckenzie Law Firm Legacy Planning Scholarship
Student must be enrolled in a post High School Education
Preference will be given to Veterans
Application Process
Only emailed submissions will be considered.
Only Word or PDF attachments will be opened.
Proof of attendance or acceptance at a certified school.
Proof of a minimum 3.0 GPA from the school you currently attend or most recently attended (copy of
official transcript is sufficient).
Candidates must submit an original essay based on the following: Imagine that you are 80 years old and you are
only now planning your will. What would you want your legacy to be? Write a letter from your ideal future self to
your current self, explaining what you will accomplish over the next 10 years, how you will accomplish it, and
what the continuing impact of those accomplishments will be after you are gone.
Scholarship Award: $1,000
All Applications must be received by email on or before November 29th, 2015
For all the details visit:
MCO Scholarship - $500 1 Award (Deadline: May 15, 2014)
1) Be attending college or university no later than December of 2014.
2) Be attending college or university on a full-time basis by December of 2014.
3) Submit an answer to the essay question no later than 11:59 PM EST on May 15, 2014.
4) Be currently in your last year of high school or a freshman, sophomore, or junior in
Are you witty? Savvy with technology? Broke? Then have we got an opportunity for you. This
year, for the first time ever, Mhelpdesk will be offering a scholarship for the Spring 2015
semester. Many will enter, and one of those eager entrants will be walking away from the
experience with a check for a cool $1500.00.
REQUIREMENTS: Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to create a commercial we
can use to break out of the pack. You’ll have 60 seconds of video to sell our business to the
people who need us. Make us laugh! Make us cry! Obligate us to leave anonymous tips with
mental health professionals in your area! Whatever you do, just don’t bore us.
DEADLINE: December 2014
CONTACT: Ryan Shank, COO
Opening Fall 2014
The New York Chapter of the American Logistics Association sponsors up to 15 $5,000
scholarships for dependent children of active duty, reserve, National Guard or retired
members of the United States military who hold valid Exchange & Commissary shopping
privileges at the time of application. Applicants must be high school seniors or graduates who
plan to enroll for the first time in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited
two-year or four-year college or university in the fall. Applicants must have a minimum
cumulative grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, or the equivalent. Scholarship recipients
are selected on the basis of academic record, demonstrated leadership and participation in
school and community activities, honors, work experience, statement of goals and aspirations,
unusual personal or family circumstances, and an outside appraisal.
The Hubertus W.V. Willems Scholarship for Male Students is awarded annually to a male, US citizen
who attends an accredited institution in the United States and is majoring in one of the following
fields: Engineering, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematical Sciences.
1.Be a male majoring in one of the following fields: Engineering, Chemistry, Physics or
Mathematical Sciences.
2.Be a US citizen.
3.Be currently enrolled or accepted to an accredited college (excluding proprietary schools) in the
United States.
4.NAACP membership and participation is highly desirable.
5.Must demonstrate financial need based on the federal poverty guidelines.
Graduating High School Seniors and Undergraduate Students
1.Must be full-time student.
2.Must possess a grade point average of 2.5. Graduate Students
1.May be full or part-time student.
2.Must possess a 3.0 (B) average on a 4.0 system.
DEADLINE: Applications will be available from January 15, 2014 - March 17, 2014. After
committee review, applicants will be notified.
Two Gateway Center, Suite 1700
603 Stanwix Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
NASA MUREP Scholarship
The NASA Office of Education is accepting applications for MUREP Scholars. The MUREP
Scholarship is a competitive scholarship opportunity that focuses on undeserved and underrepresented
students in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines and students attending
Minority Serving Institutions (MSls), thereby addressing the critical shortage of qualified STEM
professionals that the nation is facing.
REQUIREMENTS: Undergraduate students should be pursuing an aeronautical engineering degree or
related field of study at an accredited U.S. college or university and have at least (2) years of full time
study left to completed as of Fall 2014. Current undergraduate juniors are not eligible for
undergraduate funding unless they expect to complete their undergraduate degree in spring 2016 or
Eligible graduate students must have received or be on track to receive the bachelor’s degree by Fall
The Undergraduate Awards includes: Up to $15,000 awarded for each school year, to be used for
education related expenses
The Graduate Award Includes: $35,000 annual stipend, Up to $11,000 awarded for each school year, to
be used for tuition and other education related expenses
NASA OE Scholarship
This scholarship opportunity, with a baseline of two years, is required by the NASA Authorization act
of 2005 in support of research degrees relevant to the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
(ARMD). Aeronautics Scholarships are directed toward enhancing the state of aeronautics for the
nation, transforming the nation's air transportation system, and developing the knowledge, tools, and
technologies to support future air and space vehicles. The ARMD focus is on cutting-edge,
fundamental research in traditional aeronautical disciplines, as well as emerging fields with promising
application to aeronautics.
•Must have a least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
•Must be a U.S. Citizen. U.S. citizenship is required for access to NASA centers for participation in the
mandatory internship experience.
•Must be a rising undergraduate freshman (high school graduating seniors and community college
students acceptable or GED recipients not yet enrolled in college), sophomore or junior. Current
undergraduate juniors are not eligible for a scholarship unless they expect to complete their
undergraduate degree in Spring 2016 or later. Students who have less than two (2) years left of full time
study will not be eligible for a scholarship at a NASA Center. Community college students to have at
least two years remaining at the community college.
•Must be accepted to or enrolled full-time in a STEM discipline at a U.S. or U.S. Territory accredited
institution. High school graduating seniors and GED recipients receiving the scholarship will be
required to submit a letter of acceptance and verified proof of enrollment at the start of the award.
•Must be able to complete a 10-week internship during summer 2015 at a NASA Center
The undergraduate scholarship award includes:
•Up to $15,000 awarded for each school year, to be used for education related expenses.
•Summer internship at a NASA Research Center with a stipend in an amount up to $10,000.
Recipients of the graduate scholarship will be awarded up to two years with a third year option based
on academic standing and programmatic requirements and availability of funds. Students awarded
scholarships will be provided the opportunity for two 10-week internships performing aeronautical
research at a NASA center during the first two years they are enrolled in the program.
•The candidate does not have to be accepted into a program at the time the application is submitted;
however, should the candidate be selected, the award is contingent upon admission to a suitable
aeronautical engineering academic program or related field of study at an accredited U.S. college or
university. Application open to undergraduate students, graduating high school seniors, and GED
•The candidate must be studying an eligible field related to aeronautics. See supported engineering
fields listed below.
•The candidate must have at least two (2) years of full time study left to complete at an accredited U.S.
college or university as of Fall 2014. Desired applicants to the program will typically be students in
their sophomore (second) year of study at the time of submitting an application. Current
undergraduate juniors are not eligible for undergraduate funding unless they expect to complete their
undergraduate degree in Spring 2016 or later, or are in a joint baccalaureate-Master's degree program
with an expected completion date of Spring 2016 or later.
•Candidates who have less than two (2) years left of full time study will not be eligible for the program.
NASA Aeronautics Scholarship:
National Debt Relief Scholarship:
National Debt Relief will award 5 scholarships of $1,000 each to outstanding college
students pursuing studies in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields.
1. The applicants must be enrolled in an accredited 4-year university or college
located the United States.
2. Graduate and Undergraduate students can apply.
3. Graduating high school seniors with a GPA of 3.0 or above are also eligible to
apply for the scholarship.
4. Applicants must be pursuing or intending to pursue their bachelor’s degree which
can be in the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).
How to Apply
Provide a unique solution to the following issue:
Come up with a unique way to solve the $1+ trillion dollar student loan crisis
You can be creative and create a YouTube video, write an essay or create an
infographic for your solution.
Include a cover letter. Be sure to include your name, your college, college year,
graduating year and intended major. In your cover letter, explain how you plan to use
the scholarship and why we should select your application. For video submissions,
include a link to your video in your cover letter.
To apply, submit your scholarship application to To be considered for one of the (5) 2015
awards, entries must be received no later than Jan 31, 2016.
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship
The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship is a highly
competitive, portable fellowship that is awarded to U.S. citizens and nationals who intend to pursue a
doctoral degree in one of fifteen supported disciplines. NDSEG confers high honors upon its
recipients, and allows them to attend whichever U.S. institution they choose. NDSEG Fellowships
last for three years and pay for full tuition and all mandatory fees, a monthly stipend, and up to
$1,000 a year in medical insurance (this excludes dental and vision insurance).
REQUIREMENTS: Citizens or nationals of the United States. The term "nationals" refers to
native residents of a possession of the United States such as American Samoa. It does not refer to a
citizen of another country who has applied for U.S. citizenship. Persons who hold permanent
resident status are not eligible. Proof of citizenship will be required upon formal offer.
Discipline – Your field of study must fit under one of the fifteen supported disciplines:
■Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
■Chemical Engineering
■Civil Engineering
■Cognitive, Neural, and Behavioral Sciences
■Computer and Computational Sciences
■Electrical Engineering
WEBSITE: www./
The National Security Scholars Program (NSSP) is an exclusive program only available
through the Independent College Fund of Maryland (the I-Fund) to full-time undergraduates
REQUIREMENTS: Attend an I-Fund member college/university
 Full-time undergraduate(sophomore or junior status) with a minimum of 24 credit
Lhours at October application deadline
 Minimum Cumulative GPA of 3.0
DEADLINE: October 3
National Space Club Keynote Scholarship
We are very excited to announce that we are accepting applications for the National Space Club
Keynote Scholarship. The scholarship recipient will have the opportunity to attend the 59th Annual
Robert H. Goddard Memorial Dinner and serve as the keynote speaker at the industry's premier
gathering on Friday, March 11, 2016. In addition to serving as the keynote speaker, the recipient
will receive $10,000 to be used towards educational expenses.
The scholarship will be provided to a high school senior, undergraduate or graduate student with
the intention to pursue a career in the Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM)
Applicants will be required to complete an online application and submit a short video on why he or
she is inspired by space. More information regarding eligibility and requirements, as well as the
online application, can be found on the National Space Club website, here.
The deadline to submit your application and video online is December 2, 2015.
Olin E. Teague Scholarship
We are now accepting applications for the Olin E. Teague Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship
recipient will have the opportunity to attend the 59th Annual Robert H. Goddard Memorial Dinner,
the industry's premier gathering on Friday, March 11, 2016, and will receive $4,000 to be used
towards educational expenses.
The National Space Club offers this scholarship each year in memory of the Honorable Olin E.
Teague, a Representative in Congress who aggressively supported our national space program, to
encourage talented young people to pursue careers in aerospace fields. The scholarship, in the
amount of $4,000, is awarded to a graduating high school senior at an accredited U.S. high school.
The student must be a U.S. Citizen. This scholarship program is intended to encourage talented
young people to pursue careers in aerospace fields. More information about the Olin E. Teague
Scholarship can be found here.
Individuals who are interested in applying for the scholarship should click here to download the
The deadline to apply for this scholarship is October 30, 2015.
Oxygen Scholarship Mission:
To encourage and promote undergraduate college students interested in a STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, or Math) field by providing a one-time monetary scholarship to the
scholarship applicant who appropriately meets the criteria below and as selected by the designated
oxyGEN scholarship committee. All applicants who meet the criteria and deadline will be
considered, regardless of major or area of study. The number and value of scholarships awarded
each year will vary based on the number of quality applicants received and the funds available.
NOTE: At least one (1) recipient will receive a one-time scholarship in the amount of no less than
1. DEADLINE for scholarship applications is Sunday, May 31, 2015 5:00 pm CST. (no exceptions)
2. Refer to application criteria and process below for a list of the supporting documents required.
3. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
4. The final selections will be announced on July 1, 2015. The recipients will be notified prior.
Note: Scholarship funds will be awarded to the student's institution, upon evidence of registration in
classes. This includes student identification number and correct address of school's Bursar's Office.
2015 Scholarship Criteria:
A. Applicant must be a graduating High School Senior for the 2014-2015 Academic Year or a
current undergraduate college student
B. Applicant must plan to attend an accredited college (2-year or 4-year) for the 2015-2016
academic year
C. GPA Requirement: 2.5
D. Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Application Must Include:
Fully completed application
One letter of recommendation from a teacher, coach, or current oxyGEN member with no
relation to the applicant
A copy of your most recent transcript to verify GPA and education status
Personal Essay or Personal Video
Please email copies of your most recent transcript as well as letter of recommendation to after you submit the online application. Please make sure to
include your confirmation number (which you will get after you submit this application)
on all your documents.
As a supplement to the Post 9-11 GI Bill, the scholarship covers direct
study-related expenses, including tuition and fees, books and living
stipend, for eligible service members, veterans or military spouses who are
pursuing undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate degrees as full-time
students at a public or private, US-based accredited institution.
Deadline: March 6
Successful applicants will fully complete the Scholarship Application. A 'live' version of the
application form will be made available ONLY during the open periods listed below.
During those periods, the form will provide more detailed instructions on filling out and
submitting your application.
DEADLINE: December 15
The recipient must reside in Allegheny County and attend a two year or four year university.
Preference is given to African American students and those studying in the field of Engineering
•Demonstrate financial need
•Are enrolled in, or have been accepted to, a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate
degree program
•Are motivated to achieve their educational and career goals
•Reside in one of Soroptimist International of the Americas’ member countries or territories
DEADLINE: December 1
Robert H. Goddard Memorial Scholarship
The National Space Club offers this scholarship each year to encourage study in the field of
engineering and science. The scholarship is awarded to a U.S. citizen in at least the junior year of
an accredited university, who, in the judgment of the award committee, shows the greatest interest
and aptitude. More information about the Goddard Scholarship can be found here.
Individuals who are interested in applying for the scholarship should click here to download the
The deadline to apply for this scholarship is December 2, 2015.
We are now accepting applications for the Robert H. Goddard Memorial Scholarship. The
scholarship recipient will have the opportunity to attend the 59th Annual Robert H. Goddard
Memorial Dinner, the industry's premier gathering on Friday, March 11, 2016, and will receive
$10,000 to be used towards educational expenses.
Remote DBA Scholarship
For 2015, Remote DBA is creating a new scholarship for students interested in pursuing a datafocused or data science career.
About the scholarship
Remote DBA, a leading provider of remote dba services, will award a scholarship of $3,500 to an
outstanding college student pursuing studies in computer science or computer engineering with a
demonstrated interest in the fields of database administration or data science.
What's behind this scholarship?
IDC estimates that this year alone, over 1.8 zettabytes of data will be created. This number is
projected to grow fifty-fold by the year 2020. Right now and in the near future, companies of all sizes
will need database administrators and data scientists to help manage and make sense of the enormous
amount of new data generated. We want to encourage students to pursue data-focused careers and to
play an active role in the new data-centric global economy.
1. The applicants must be enrolled in an accredited 4-year university or college located in
United States;
2. Graduating high school seniors with a GPA of 3.5 or above are also eligible to apply for the
3. Applicants must be pursuing or intending to pursue their bachelor's degree which can be in
the fields of computer engineering, computer science or in another technical discipline such
as electrical engineering, physics or mathematics with an interest in the field of computer
How to Apply
To apply for this scholarship, submit the following:
1. Write a 1000-word essay comparing 3 different database technologies of your choosing;
2. Create a visual infographic to accompany your essay;
3. Be sure that both your essay and infographic are detailed, well-written and are based on
information that is well-researched;
4. Include a cover letter. Be sure to include your name, your college, college year, graduating
year and intended major. In your cover letter, explain how you plan to use the scholarship and
why we should select your application;
To apply, submit your scholarship application to To be
considered for the 2015 award, entries must be received no later than July 1, 2015.
School of SEO Scholarship
School Of SEO emphasizes on providing excellent and wholesome learning experience
and to strive towards mentoring efficient search engine optimization managers. For
the year 2015-2016 School Of SEO is conducting a scholarship for Management &
Marketing students.
SEO has evolved over time and so has the job description of the SEO Manager.
Students are required to write a research paper on “The Current Role &
Responsibilities of a SEO Manager” in minimum 1000 words.
School Of SEO will provide a scholarship of $250 to a deserving student. We are
happy to provide encouragement and help for management and marketing students
to earn additional income to push ahead with their studies.
1. Scholarship is applicable only to the students pursuing any Management &
Marketing studies.
2. Only students from USA are eligible for the scholarship.
Important Dates
1. Contest start on September 5th, 2015
2. Contest ends on March 5st, 2016
3. Winner will be announced by the 15th of March 2016.
Application Process
Email us the paper to along with:
Relevant course entry form
Acceptance letter of the college or university.
Scholarship America’s Dream Award is a renewable scholarship fund targeted toward
completion. Awards will be given to students entering their second year or higher of education
beyond high school, based on the fact that too often scholarships are only offered in their
freshman year. Award amounts will grow each year, helping ensure that students can afford to
complete their degrees.
Dream Award scholarships for 2014-15 included general scholarships; STEM scholarships (for
study in science, technology, engineering and math-related majors); and scholarships for
Chinese-American students. Financial need will be considered in determining award amounts.
For more information, and to be notified when applications are available for 2015-16, visit the
Dream Award page of our site.
The SCSF was founded on the belief that any desiring individual in need should have the opportunity
to further his or her education. By removing some of the financial burdens associated with going to,
surviving in, and graduating from college, the SCSF plays a vital role in increasing college access and
success for many motivated yet underserved youth and young adults. The SCSF provides individual
grants ranging from $1500 to $2500 to every student who qualifies and reapplies yearly, from
admission to graduation. The grant can be used to cover tuition expenses and related supplemental
educational expenses such as books, lab fees, travel and select costs of living. All Shawn Carter
Scholars are required to ―give back‖ by conducting community service and by serving as mentors to
younger, aspiring Shawn Carter Scholars.
All high school seniors, undergraduate (2yr or 4yr) college students, and students at vocational or
trade schools are eligible to apply. All applicants must be US citizens, 25 years old or younger, and
have a minimum GPA of 2.0.
DEADLINE: The application must be completed by the published deadline date.
WEBSITE: Visit for more information
Slickdeals Student Scholarship Program
Scholarship award: Two (2) available. Each award is a value of up to $5,000 for the fall
2016 semester/quarter
Submission deadline: April 30, 2016
To further support the Slickdeals tradition and mission of helping college students
save, we are offering two scholarships for the fall 2016 semester. Each scholarship
award is a value of up to $5,000 for use in connection with tuition, fees, books,
supplies and equipment required by each winner's university. If you're a deal-savvy
student currently attending a college or university, or if you will be attending in the
fall of 2016, you should apply for the Slickdeals Saves U! Scholarship Contest.
We want to provide exceptional students with an opportunity to focus more of their
energy on academics, and ease the financial stress of achieving their goals. Our site is
built to be a money-saving resource, and now we're proud to be able to offer a
scholarship program in addition to that.
Eligibility Requirements:
 Must be a U.S. citizen, living in one of the 50 United States or the District of
 At least 18 years of age in most states (19 in AL and NE; 21 in MS)
 Currently registered for a full-time undergraduate program at an accredited
university in the U.S.; or currently accepted to an accredited university for a
full-time undergraduate program in the U.S. for the fall 2016 semester.
 No purchase or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win this contest
 Void where prohibited by law
 Minimum 3.0 GPA
 Submit an original 500 word essay on your best money-saving tips for college
 Ten finalists will be featured on the Slickdeals site for entries to be voted on by
the community. Additional consideration of the overall submission will be
awarded to the top performers by the Slickdeals Scholarship Committee;
however, public votes are not the final determination of the winner
 All entries must be received on or before 11:59 p.m. CT on April 30, 2016
 Subject to full official contest rules
Link to scholarship application page:
SMART Scholarship
The Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for
Service Program has been established by the Department of Defense (DoD) to support
undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The program aims to increase the
number of civilian scientists and engineers working at DoD laboratories. The program
provides opportunity for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in
STEM disciplines to receive a full scholarship and be gainfully employed upon degree
Students pursuing degrees related to the following are encouraged to apply:
 Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
 Computer and Computational Sciences
 Electrical Engineering
 Information Sciences
Deadline December 1, 2015 at 12:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time
Apply here:
Software education company has created a scholarship to help aid tuition costs
for students as part of their business launch.
Write a 600-800 word essay
DEADLINE: September 30
WEBSITE: www.softwareporviders/
STEM Scholarships
AFC NOVA is currently accepting applications for its merit-based STEM scholarship program.
The AFCEA NOVA Educational Foundation awards over 30 merit-based scholarships
each year to qualified students who are pursuing a Bachelor or Master’s degree in STEM
technical fields supportive of our national security. Through this program, AFCEA
NOVA hopes to encourage bright, motivated students to apply their skills and knowledge
to the challenges that America will face in the future.
Read more and apply at:
2015 Staver Law Group Personal Injury Scholarship
We are happy to announce the second annual Staver Law Group Personal Injury
Scholarship. We realize that for many, obtaining further education can be costly –
especially if you have been hurt by an accident that has impacted your life and your
financial means. Every day we help people who have been hurt in car accidents or other
types of personal injury situations who are struggling to keep up with medical bills and
types of stress. An accident should never get in the way of education, and we have
instituted an annual scholarship fund to help one individual each year who has been
injured in an accident or impacted by a loved one’s accident. The winner will receive
$2,000 towards educational expenses.
In order to be eligible for the Staver Law Group Personal Injury Scholarship,
applicants must:
Be a United States citizen or permanent resident.
Be accepted to or currently enrolled as a student at an accredited college, university,
or graduate program within the United States.
Have sustained injuries in an accident OR have been personally impacted by
another individual’s accident.
Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Submit application and supporting materials by December 1, 2015
More eligibility details and application instructions can be found at:
Since 2011, ACSA has provided scholarships to women studying for their B.S. and M.S. degrees
in fields relating to information security. These $5000 to $10,000 scholarships provide
assistance to women at formative stages of their careers. With the addition of HP’s multi-year
financial commitment to this program starting with the 2014-15 academic year, ACSA was
able to increase the number of scholarships, in turn helping to increase the number of women
in the field.
REQUIREMENTS: Women may receive the scholarship for their third or fourth year of
undergraduate studies, or for a Masters’ program. You must be accepted at or enrolled in a
US campus of a US university. Preference will be given to US citizens and permanent
The Cash Store Continuing Education Scholarship Program
The Cash Store Continuing Education Scholarship Program is offering
scholarships to high school graduates at least 25 years of age with a minimum
GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale. Up to five (5) awards of $1,000 will be granted each
year. Awards are one time only. Only the first 200 submitted applications will be
The Future Entrepreneurs of America Scholarship
“Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art. It is a practice.” – Peter Drucker,
management consultant, educator, and author.
We here at understand the high costs of pursuing higher education. Even
with an early start, saving and budgeting for college can be difficult in this ever-changing
economy. It’s hard to predict costs, so we believe every bit of help matters. So with this in mind, is proud to present The Future Entrepreneurs of America Scholarship. We
created this scholarship to award innovative, forward-thinking students with a passion for
business and entrepreneurship. Each year there will be two winners (one in the spring and one
in the fall) that will be awarded $500 for books, living expenses, and other required fees.
Entrepreneurship has different meanings to different people. Some may say it’s about being
your own boss; others think it’s about making loads of money. Although these are valid reasons,
there are greater rewards than just the ones mentioned. We want to hear what you think
entrepreneurship means, and what better way to find out then with an essay!
In 500 to 1,000 words (no more, no less) answer AT LEAST two of these three
1. In your opinion, what is it that makes someone an entrepreneur?
2. In your opinion, what major characteristics do successful entrepreneurs exhibit, and why
these characteristics?
3. Describe your entrepreneurial experiences and why you would make a great future
entrepreneur or business leader.
TheDream.US is a new multimillion dollar National Scholarship Fund for DREAMers, created
by Graham Holdings Company to help immigrant youth who’ve received DACA achieve their
American Dream through the completion of a college education. The fund will provide college
scholarships to highly motivated DREAMers who, without financial aid, cannot afford a college
education that will enable them to participate in the American workforce.
TheDream.US awards scholarships for tuition and fees to DREAMers who have demonstrated
financial need, academic achievement, and a high motivation to succeed, and are accepted to
attend one of our partner colleges. Applicants to the TheDream.US Scholarship Program must
be first-time college students who have graduated from a U.S. based high school or equivalent
with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 (2.5/4.0) or higher. Applicants must also meet
DACA eligibility criteria and must have submitted Form I-821D or received notification of
DACA approval.
Awards are renewable as long as the Scholar continues to meet renewal criteria. Scholarships are
awarded up to $12,500 for students pursuing an associate degree, and up to $25,000 those
seeking a bachelor degree. (The amount of each award will be based on the current tuition, fees,
and estimated cost of books charged by the participating college in which the Scholar enrolls.)
Every year the Target Corporation awards 2100 All-Around Scholarships to deserving collegebound students across the country. These scholarships are designed to benefit students who have
demonstrated a high level of academic achievement, and a devotion to community service. Four
$10,000 national scholarships are awarded annually. In addition to the national awards, each Target
store awards 2 scholarships to students within the community who have achieved academic
excellence in their high school studies, and have demonstrated initiative, leadership and service to
their community.
REQUIREMENTS: students must be high school graduates under the age of 24 who are enrolled,
or are soon to enroll, in an undergraduate program at an accredited college or university.
Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, and scholarships are available to students pursuing
degrees in all major fields of study.
DEADLINE: November 1st.
CONTACT: For more information on the Target All-Around Scholarship, and to arrange for an
application, students should contact the company directly at 1-800-316-6142.
(AFCCE) is a professional organization of individuals who regularly assist clients (typically radio and
TV broadcasters and wireless service providers) on technical issues before the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC). In addition to its professional activities, AFCCE engages in
charitable and educational activities including the administration of a Scholarship Fund.
The goal of The AFCCE Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students who are
undertaking a full-time undergraduate (Bachelor’s) program at an accredited college or university with
a major in engineering or science and related to the telecommunications field.
REQUIREMENTS: Applicants are required to obtain an AFCCE sponsor who is a member of the
Association (information included in packet).
The AFCCE Scholarship generally ranges from $1,000 to $2,500 per semester depending upon the
qualifications of the candidate as well as the candidate’s demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in
the broadcast consulting engineering or related fields. Since 2006, AFCCE has awarded on average
over $15,000 annually for The AFCCE Scholarship
DEADLINE: September 20
The Herbert Lehman Education Fund Scholarship.
The Herbert Lehman Scholarship is a national, highly competitive scholarship program that
makes annual awards to qualified, outstanding undergraduate students. The scholarship was
established in
1964 and is named after the former Governor and United States Senator from New York
LDF chose to honor Senator Lehman in recognition of his integrity, persistence, and valor
on behalf of numerous civil rights causes.
DEADLINE: Beginning November 1, our fillable PDF application will be available for
download for the academic year. Please note: applicants may type directly onto the Lehman
application form, save their information on that form and edit as they see fit. Lehman
applications should not be filled in by hand. If you are unable to download the application,
please send a note of inquiry to the scholarship programs at or by
writing to:
CONTACT: The Herbert Lehman Education
Fund c/o NAACP LDF
40 Rector Street, 5th floor
New York, NY 10006
DC Office
1444 I Street NW, Suite 800
Lehman Scholarship applicants may be seniors in high school, high school graduates or
freshmen currently enrolled in college or university. Successful Lehman Scholarship
applicants must be planning to attend or currently attending an accredited, four-year
college or university.
For the third year in a row, we're happy to announce the Great Lakes
National Scholarship—a program that will help you reach your goal of earning
a degree in a STEM field. We're awarding 750 awards of $2,500 each
to the most qualified students.
A high school senior or graduate, or current postsecondary undergraduate or
graduate level student
A student with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0
Able to demonstrate financial need
A student who plans to enroll at an accredited, non-profit two-year or
Four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school for the entire
2014-2015 academic year
In an eligible major, such as:
o Math
o Natural or physical science
o Biological or agricultural science
o Engineering or engineering technology
o Computer/information science
Deadline: April 5
=znschlr&vid=d .
The Naval Officers’ Spouses’ Club of Washington, D.C. will award merit based
scholarships to graduating high school seniors and Military Spouses
 The applicant must be a dependent child of an active duty, retired, or deceased United
States Navy (USN) service member.
 The USN service member in question must: (a) currently reside within the boundaries of
the Naval District of Washington (NDW), (b) currently serve in a command situated within
the boundaries of NDW, or (c) have previously served in a command situated within the
boundaries of NDW.
 The applicant must be in his or her senior year of an accredited high school or
program and reside within the boundaries of NDW.
 For the 2014-15 academic year, the applicant must have applied for acceptance as a fulltime student at an accredited institution, such as a two- or four- year undergraduate
college, a visual or performing arts school, or a vocational/technical school.
 The applicant must be a U.S. citizen and possess a valid military dependent identification
 Applicant must be the spouse of an Active Duty (AD) United States Navy (USN)
service member who serves within the boundaries of Naval District Washington
(NDW) and who has been on AD for at least nine consecutive months.
 Applicant must reside within the boundaries of NDW area at the time of application.
 Applicant must currently be attending or applying to attend an accredited institution,
such as a two- or four- year undergraduate college, a visual or performing arts school,
or avocational/technical school.
 Previous NOSC Washington scholarship recipients may not reapply. However, those
who have previously applied, but DID NOT RECEIVE a scholarship, are eligible to
Mail to: Naval Officers' Spouses' Club of Washington
DC Scholarship Committee
1122 Columbus Circle
The National Black MBA Association
The National Black MBA Association provides financial support to students pursuing careers
in business, academia and related professions. Since inception, more than $5 million have been
awarded to undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. Our mission is to identify and
increase the pool of Black talent for business, public, private and non-profit sectors. The
program is supported by donations from our corporate and educational partners and
members. Scholarship awards range from
$1,000 to $20,000 however award amounts are contingent upon funding for the current year
Applicants must:
•Be a U.S. citizen.
•Be a student in their first, second, third, or fourth year enrolled full-time at an
accredited college or university in the United States or Canada at the time of
award (September)
•Submit essay on provided topic.
•Have a 3.0 or above GPA.
•Demonstrate academic excellence.
•Demonstrate exceptional leadership potential.
•Be actively involved in their local communities through service to others.
•Be recommended by faculty
REQUIREMENTS: This $1,000 scholarship is open to enrolled students with an interest in finance,
economics, and trading stocks. To apply, students may submit an essay by following the instructions on
the website
DEADLINE: October 1
WEBSITE: www.pha-md-org
The polish heritage association of Maryland will be providing one $2500, two $2000, and several
$1500 scholarship grants to undergraduate students for the academic year 2014-2015. To qualify you
must currently be a fourth-year high school student or full-time college student, a legal resident of
Maryland, and have at least two polish ancestors. Students must attend an accredited college or
university in the United States of America. Applications are available January 2014.
The Association of Federal Communications Consulting Engineers
The goal of The AFCCE Scholarship is to provide financial assistance to students who are
undertaking a full-time undergraduate (Bachelor’s) program at an accredited college or university with
a major in engineering or science and related to the telecommunications field.
REQUIREMENTS: Applicants are required to obtain an AFCCE sponsor who is a member of the
Association (information included in packet).
The AFCCE Scholarship generally ranges from $1,000 to $2,500 per semester depending upon the
qualifications of the candidate as well as the candidate’s demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in
the broadcast consulting engineering or related fields. Since 2006, AFCCE has awarded on average
over $15,000 annually for The AFCCE Scholarship
The Talbots Charitable Foundation
REQUIREMENTS: women pursuing a college degree later in life. This program includes one
$30,000 Nancy Talbot Scholarship Award, which is named in memory of the founder of Talbots, and
thirty $5,000 awards. Recipients will be notified starting this spring.
DEADLINE: November 20
United States Golf Association (USGA) and Chevron have established a scholarship program to
assist current high school seniors with a demonstrated interest in golf who plan to continue their
education in college with a focus in Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Math (―STEM‖).
Renewable scholarships are offered each year for full-time study at an accredited four-year college or
university of the student’s choice.
The program is administered by Scholarship Management Services, a division of Scholarship
America. Scholarship Management Services is the nation's largest designer and manager of
scholarship and tuition reimbursement programs for corporations, foundations, associations and
individuals. Awards are granted without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, age,
gender, disability or national origin.
 Be high school seniors with a demonstrated interest in golf, which may include: school team
participation, family or other golf-related extra-curricular activities, golf tournament
participation, participation in First Tee Chapters, etc.
 Plan to attend an accredited four-year college or university as a full-time student with a focus
in a STEM-related course of study and be enrolled no later than the next fall or spring
semester of the award year.
USGA and Chevron employees and their children and relatives are ineligible to apply.
DEADLINE: March 19
Applicants will be notified in May. Not all applicants to the program will be selected as recipients.
Call: 1-507-931-1682 and ask for the United States Golf Association and Chevron STEM Scholarship
Mail your transcript and all required documents to:
United States Golf Association and Chevron STEM Scholarship Program
Scholarship Management Services
One Scholarship Way
Saint Peter, MN 5608
The Whirlwind Steel Student Scholarship
As an advocate of higher education, Whirlwind Steel is seeking to help a construction, engineering
or architecture student or prospective student relieve some financial stress in the upcoming school
year. Our $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student who displays a passion for
their continued education. This scholarship will be awarded once per semester.
Scholarship Value: $1,000
Scholarship Deadline: July 31, 2015
Full-time enrollment at an accredited university
3.0 GPA
500-word essay
30-second video
Essays and videos should address the question: Who or what inspired you to enter a construction or
engineering field?
How to Apply
Essays and videos should be submitted via email to . Be
sure to include the following information:
First and last name
Date of birth
Home address
Email address
Contact phone number
School attending
The winner will be announced five weeks after the deadline and notified via telephone and/or
emails. In addition, a public announcement will be issued on the Whirlwind Steel website and
social media platforms. All applications must be received by 11:59pm ET on July 31, 2015. No
late applications will be reviewed.
Scholarships are awarded for tuition only and must be used in the following academic year.
$5000 Thumbtack School-To-Skills Scholarship
 You must be at least eighteen (18) years old and a legal resident of one of the
50 states or the District of Columbia.
 You must currently be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate, graduate or
vocational program, or be planning to enroll in a full-time undergraduate,
graduate or vocational program during the entirety of the 2016-2017
academic program at an accredited career college, technical school or two- or
four-year college or university in the United States.
 You must be pursuing a degree that enables your or others in your
communities to learn a new trade, develop skills or start a small business.
 Employees and affiliates of Thumbtack and members of their immediate
families, and persons residing at the same address, are not eligible to apply
for the Scholarship.
To apply, please submit an application that includes answers to the following
 Small business owners and independent professionals have a personal impact
on their customers and communities every day. Share a story with us about
how a small business owner or independent professional had an impact on
you or someone you know.
 How do you envision using your education to start a small business or enable
more individuals to start their own businesses and become independent
Find more information and to apply, visit:
Deadline to apply is Sunday, January 31, 2016
United States Hispanic Leadership Institute (USHLI) (High School
and College)
USHLI is a Chicago-based national, nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt organization that has
developed into one of the most powerful, nationally and internationally recognized Latino
organizations in the country by organizing and conducting nonpartisan voter registration and
leadership development programs in 40 states.
REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must be a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident, or individuals
who are lawfully authorized to work full-time without restriction for any U.S. employer and who, at
the time of application, possess lawful evidence of employment authorization. Grades and academic
performance will serve as indicators of potential; however, an emphasis may be placed on the
individuals essay submission.
University Tutor Scholarship holds a monthly $1,000 college scholarship contest. Any
student over the age of 16 is eligible and students simply need to submit a 300
word essay responding to that month’s essay prompt. The winner is selected
each month by personnel.
Women in Aerospace Foundation Scholarship
Eligibility Requirements
Minimum college grade point average (GPA) of not less than the equivalent of 3.0 GPA on a
4.0 scale
Must have completed at least two and a half academic years of full-time college work at
the time of application, and must be currently enrolled at an accredited college or
university in the United States or its territories, working towards a bachelor’s degree, and
plan to continue to be enrolled in the subsequent academic year
Interested in pursuing a career in the aerospace field
Entering senior year in the 2016-2017 academic year
Must be female, of any citizenship or nationality
Application Requirements
High school and college transcripts
Two letters of recommendation from a professor, or a supervisor of summer or Co-op work
experience, or a supervisor of research work. Recommendations from relatives will not be
500-1000 word essay on why the applicant is interested in aerospace, what she wants to
accomplish in her career, and why she deserves the scholarship
Completed scholarship letter agreeing to the payment rules
Deadline to apply is March 23, 2016
Scholarship website link:
Application link:
Writers Scholarship
Have you written a poem, short story, blog post you are proud of and want to show the world your
talent? Apply for the Build Your Own Blog New Writer Scholarship and you could earn $4,000 to
help advance your writing career.
Submit your work online by November 29th 2015
For more information visit
The Yes I Can! Foundation helps students with disabilities achieve their educational goals.
Scholarships are awarded to individuals with disabilities who are entering college or vocational school
for the first time. Four to ten $500.00 scholarships are awarded annually.
REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must be enrolling for the first time in full-time post-secondary
education or training. Past recipients are ineligible for current or future awards. All applicants must
be U.S. citizens.
CONTACT: 1110 North Glebe Road Suite 300 Arlington, VA 22201-5704 Phone: 800-224-6830
Ext. 462
2015 College Textbook Scholarship ~ Essay Contest
Raheem DeVaughn and The LoveLife Foundation will cover the cost of books and
supplies for three college-bound students for their first year in college.
Three students—one from each metropolitan area (DC, MD and VA)—chosen through an
essay contest sponsored by the LLF will receive a $2,000 College Textbook Scholarship
($1,000 for each semester) that will cover the cost of books and supplies, as they enter their
freshman year of college.
Contest Rules/Eligibility: Each contestant must be a graduating high school senior,
entering into college in fall 2015. Proof of acceptance into a university, community or state
college, with a current GPA of 2.5 or better is required for all submissions. All
submissions must be original work done by the student entering the contest. Submit each
essay in Microsoft® Word format, and must include the student’s first and last names, and
a valid phone number to appear at the top of each page of the essay.
A student can only submit one essay, and is eligible for one award for this annual contest.
Deadline: June 1, 2015
Howard P. Rawlings Program of Educational Excellence Awards
REQUIREMENTS: Current high school seniors who will complete a college preparatory program or a
student who graduated prior to the current academic year who provides written documentation explaining
why they were unable to attend college within one (1) year of graduating from high school.
You and your parents (if you are a dependent student) must be Maryland residents. You must enroll
at a two-year or four-year Maryland college or university as a full-time (12+ credits per semester;
audited courses cannot be used to reach the minimum credit hours required for full-time status),
degree-seeking, undergraduate student, and you must demonstrate financial need. All applicants must
have a minimum, unweighted cumulative 2.5 high school grade point average (GPA) and meet the
following income requirements:
Family Size
Each additional
person add
$ 14,937
$ 20,163
$ 25,389
$ 30,615
$ 35,841
$ 41,067
$ 46,293
$ 51,519
$ 17,235
$ 23,265
$ 29,295
$ 35,325
$ 41,355
$ 47,385
$ 53,415
$ 59,445
Scholarships with a maximum of $16,100 are offered.
WEBSITE: Complete and file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at, and complete and file the Howard P. Rawlings Guaranteed Access (GA) Grant
application online at (see below for application instructions).
2014-2015 Guaranteed Access Grant Family Income Requirements:
REQUIREMENTS: Current high school seniors and full-time, degree-seeking undergraduates.
You and your parents (if you are a dependent student) must be Maryland residents. You must
enroll at a two-year or four-year Maryland college or university as a full-time (12+ credits per
semester), degree seeking, undergraduate student. Audited courses cannot be used to reach
the minimum credit hours required for full-time status. You must demonstrate financial
need. All applicants are ranked by Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Your EFC is based
on information reported on the FAFSA. Students with the lowest EFC are awarded first.
DEADLINE: March 1, 2014
REQUIREMENTS: Part-time, degree-seeking undergraduates and students dually enrolled in a
Maryland high school and an institution of higher education.
The minimum award is $200, and the maximum award is $2,000. Funds may not be available
to award all eligible students.
DEADLINE: March 1, 2014
Legislative Scholarships
Delegate Scholarships
REQUIREMENTS: Current high school seniors and full-time or part-time, degree-seeking
undergraduate and graduate students. Students attending a private career school may also apply.
How to apply: If your delegates make their own awards, you should call or write them for further
instructions. The Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) can provide a list of all State
legislators. Some delegates ask OSFA to make awards for them. These awards are made on the basis
of need as demonstrated on the FAFSA. If a delegate asks OSFA to make the awards, students must
complete and file the FAFSA.
Eligible majors: All majors are eligible. The minimum annual award is $200. You may hold the
Delegate Scholarship with all State awards. The total dollar amount of all State scholarship awards
may not exceed your cost of attendance as determined by your college’s financial aid office or
$19,000, whichever is less. Funds may not be available to award all eligible students
When to apply: Complete and file the FAFSA by March 1. Contact your delegates in February for
further instructions
Who may apply: Current high school seniors and full-time and part-time, degree-seeking undergraduate
and graduate students. Students attending a private career school may also apply.
How to apply: Complete and file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If your
senator makes his/her own awards, you must call or write to your legislator for further instructions. The
Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) can provide a list of all State legislators.
When to apply: Complete and file the FAFSA at by March 1. Contact your senator in
February for further instructions.
Eligible majors: All majors are eligible.
You may use this scholarship at an out-of-state school if your major is not available at any Maryland
institution and if your senator agrees. In order to verify your major as unique, you must complete the
Unique Major Application and submit it to MHEC with the required documentation. Allow 8 weeks for
Admiral Grace Murray Hopper Memorial Scholarship
Description: To stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, and to expand
the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life while
demonstrating the value of diversity
Amelia Earhart Fellowship
Description: Women of any nationality pursuing a Ph.D./doctoral degree who demonstrate a superior
academic record in the field of aerospace-related sciences or aerospace-related engineering are eligible.
Aga khan foundation I International Scholarship Programme
Description: The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate
studies to outstanding students from developing countries that have no other means of financing their studies
Fulbright Commission I International Science and Technology Award
Description: The Fulbright Awards Programme offers a wide range of exchange opportunities to UK citizens
(regardless of where they reside) in the following main categories: •Postgraduate Student Awards to pursue a
postgraduate degree or attend a US university as a *'special student researcher' in any subject, or
•Scholar and Professional Awards for academics and professionals to lecture study and/or conduct research
in the US.
HISPANIC SCHOLARHSIP F UND *featured 5000+ scholarship portal
As the nation’s largest not-for-profit organization supporting Hispanic American higher education, HSF has
awarded over $400 million in scholarships and provides a range of ancillary programs for candidates, scholars,
and their families.
HSF further strives to make college education a top priority for every Latino family across the nation and to
mobilize our community to proactively advance that goal – each individual, over a lifetime, in every way
he/she can. For more information about the Hispanic Scholarship Fund go to website.
CONTACT: 1411 w. 190th St. Suite 325 Gardena, CA
Ivy Parker Memorial Scholarship
Description: To stimulate women to achieve their full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, and to
expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life while
demonstrating the value of diversity. Can be used at a SWE-approved school or ABET programs
Lillian Moller Gilbreth Scholarship
Description: To stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, and to expand
the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life while
demonstrating the value of diversity
OSAP: Ontario Student Assistance Program
The Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) is a mix of grants and loans for students. Through
one OSAP application, you have access to this mix of different financial aid programs, depending on
your circumstances. You can get OSAP to attend any schools that are approved for OSAP.
Society of Women Engineers (SWE) I Microsoft Corp. Scholarship Description:
Applicant must be a woman with a minimum 3.5 GPA. Applicant must be in an ABET- accredited
engineering program, engineering at SWE-approved colleges and universities, or computer science in a CSABaccredited program or at an ABET-accredited or SWE-approved institution.
The Electrochemical Society
Description: Through our Honors and Awards and Program, ECS recognizes outstanding technical
achievements in electrochemistry and solid-state science and technology. ECS awards are grouped according
to one of four types: Society Awards, Division Awards, Section Awards, and Student Awards.
TRW Scholarship
Description: Applicant must be a woman and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicant must be in an ABETaccredited engineering program, engineering at SWE-approved institution, or computer science in a CSABaccredited program or at an ABET-accredited or SWE-approved institution.
SCHOLARSHIP LINKS (For international students)