Diversity Policy - Continu Plus Academy

The ContinU Plus Academy
Diversity Policy
MARCH 2013
Review due SEPTEMBER 2013
The ContinU Plus Academy
Diversity Policy
The ContinU Plus Academy (CPA) is committed to promoting understanding of the principles
and practices of equality and justice. We aim to equip students with an awareness of our
diverse society and to appreciate the value of difference.
Every member of the CPA is regarded as of equal worth and importance regardless of their
creed, culture, class, race, gender, sexuality or disability. The ethos and environment of a
school influences the developing attitudes of the students within it and it can be a powerful
vehicle for the promotion of understanding and the practice of cultural diversity.
The CPA wants to be a school that harnesses the talents of all and does not tolerate any form
of harassment or discrimination. It seeks to ensure that all learners succeed and can progress
in ways that match their abilities and aspirations.
The CPA recognises that members of the school come from diverse racial, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds and we endeavour to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect in order to
help to promote a school and a society in which there is social, religious and racial harmony.
Inequalities of opportunity do exist in society and the CPA is determined to take positive action
to enable students to raise their self-esteem and achieve their potential. Negative patronising
stereotyped views will be challenged. We will seek to include and express the history and
experience of groups in our multi-cultural community.
To ensure that students and staff recognise that discrimination on the basis of colour,
culture, religion, age, sexual orientation, origin or ability is not acceptable.
To provide an environment in which all students and staff feel safe enough to express
and question views.
To ensure that the principles and practice of equal opportunities in a diverse society
apply to all members of the school community: students, teaching and support staff,
parents/carers, Governors and visitors.
To educate, develop and prepare students for life whatever their colour, culture, religion,
age, sexual orientation, origin or ability.
To show respect towards one another as individuals - to develop each student’s
education in direct relation to their needs and abilities. In so doing, full use will be made
of the appropriate range of teaching and learning styles, teaching interventions and will
follow the school Positive Behaviour Policy.
To make equal opportunities practices evident and embedded in the student
programmes of study, in the extra-curricular activities and through the ethos of the school
and quality of personal relationships. To actively encourage all students to participate in
enrichment activities whatever their background.
To allow every student to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills that they will
need in order to participate in Britain’s multi-ethnic society and in the wider context of an
interdependent global environment.
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Diversity Policy
MARCH 2013
Review due SEPTEMBER 2013
The CPA’s Admissions Policy does not permit gender, race, colour or disability to be used as
criteria for admission.
Student and staff names will be accurately recorded and correctly pronounced. Students will be
encouraged to accept and respect names from other cultures. The CPA will respect the
religious beliefs and practices of staff, students, parents/carers and comply with reasonable
requests relating to religious observance and practice.
The CPA will aim to provide resources that should reflect cultural and racial backgrounds of
students to support positive self-image. Books that value the achievements of both men and
women will be used. Displays will reflect a range of cultures and races. Materials and
resources will be monitored by Curriculum and Year Leaders.
Religion and Culture
At the CPA there is an acceptance that members of the school come from diverse backgrounds.
Some have no religious faith; others are committed to a greater or lesser extent to a range of
religious faiths. We seek to promote an ethos of tolerance based on understanding of and
respect for the beliefs and practices of others. Linguistic diversity shall be viewed positively. All
students, parents/carers and staff must feel that their natural, first language is valued.
Attendance codes will reflect religious observance accurately.
Assemblies & Ethos
Assemblies will be sensitive to the different religious groups in school and will put across the
school values and ethos regarding race equality. No student will ever be asked to participate in
an act of worship which requires them to compromise their own faith. Major festivals will be
formally acknowledged, for example via the school assembly rota and the school will encourage
an appreciation of all cultures and religions in the community.
The school is committed to Equal Opportunities in Employment.
All members of the school are entitled to access a broad and balanced curriculum. Where there
are difficulties accessing this curriculum, appropriate support will be available where possible.
In particular, arrangements will be made for students who are ill or who have been excluded to
have work organised and sent home. This will be increasingly made possible through the
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) (links with outside agencies will be robust).
Student Voice
A School Council will operate at the CPA which will enable all students to have a voice in the
school. The School Council will meet regularly and all students can provide input via their tutor
group and year group meetings. We are always looking for more ways to improve
communication with students and develop how they view their learning in a positive manner.
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Diversity Policy
MARCH 2013
Review due SEPTEMBER 2013
Race Equality
A racist incident is “any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other
person” (MacPherson Report).
The CPA is opposed to all forms of xenophobia and racism including those that are directed
towards religious groups and communities. Racism, racial harassment and racial abuse will not
be tolerated - students will be made aware of this. The victims of attacks will be protected and
an immediate response will be taken to make clear the school’s position. Racist graffiti should
be reported to a member of the Senior Leadership Team immediately it is known about and it
will be removed as soon as possible. Staff, students, parents/carers and Governors will be
made aware of the school checklist for dealing with racist incidents (see Appendix A).
The CPA wishes to prepare our students to play a fulfilling and dignified role within society by
building on the strengths of cultural diversity. The CPA is committed to tackling racial
discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity and good race relations.
Racist incidents include: physical assault against a person or group because of
ethnicity/colour/background; verbal abuse; encouragement of others to behave in a racist way;
ridicule of an individual for cultural differences; racist graffiti; wearing racist badges or insignia;
bringing racist materials into school such as leaflets, comics or magazines or accessing racist
materials on the internet; racist comments in the course of lessons; attempts to recruit racial
groups; refusal to cooperate with other people because of their race, colour, ethnicity or
All incidents will be centrally recorded.
The CPA recognises that both sexes are affected by sexism. Equality of opportunity will be
addressed in the following areas:
Administrative organisation.
Organisation of activities so that students are not excluded from an activity because of
their gender.
Harassment will be dealt with to protect the victim and to make it clear that the school will
not tolerate such behaviour. Harassment may take the form of physical assault, verbal
abuse, unwanted attention, sexist or patronising behaviour, offensive graffiti/pictures.
The curriculum will avoid discrimination and sex stereotyping.
Teaching strategies will enhance a positive self-image for all students.
Resources will avoid sex stereotyping and will depict women and men equally involved in
all roles in society.
Assemblies and the pastoral team will use opportunities to promote equality and the
achievements of both genders.
A balance of literature will be sought including writing by female as well as male authors,
about women as well as men and with female as well as male central characters.
Resources in the school library will reflect this.
Equal time will be allocated for girls and boys for the use of resources such as computers
and subjects will be monitored for the uptake of male/female at GCSE and Post 16.
Positive images of all subjects will be offered in open evenings and in literature provided
by the school.
Bias in language will always be avoided
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Diversity Policy
MARCH 2013
Review due SEPTEMBER 2013
The CPA is committed to providing an accessible school within an inclusive learning
environment that enables all young people to work towards their potential. Accessibility refers
also to parents/carers and visitors to the school site.
It is our intention to remove, as far as possible, those barriers which make it difficult for any
individual who has difficulties within the following broad categories of need, if it inhibits normal
school life:
Physical access;
Access to published information;
Access to the curriculum.
Students, staff and parents/carers will be made aware that the Diversity Policy is on the school
website, in the CPA Prospectus and will be involved in its annual review. Governors may have
their own Equal Opportunities Policy.
Review & Monitoring
Those involved:
Curriculum and Year Leaders;
Leadership Group;
(Chair of Governors)
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Diversity Policy
MARCH 2013
Review due SEPTEMBER 2013
1. Any report of a racist incident should include:
A description of what happened;
Name and ethnic background of students involved;
Actions taken to support the student(s) who was the target of abuse or
Action taken in relation to the perpetrator(s);
Whether parents/carers were informed and if so in what ways;
That a Report 1 was completed for the Local Authority.
2. Racial Harassment Recording and Investigation Forms are available from the Assistant
Headteacher Key Stage 4
3. All students should be made aware that there are school rules prohibiting racial
harassment, abuse, graffiti and name calling in the corridors, classroom, playground,
toilets and on journeys to/from school as well as on school trips and visits.
4. All staff, including administrative and support staff, need to be familiar with formal
procedures for recording and dealing with bullying and racist incidents.
5. It is important that all staff are vigilant with regard to behaviour amongst students.
6. Students should be involved in drawing up and agreeing principles in regard to bullying
and harassment.
7. It is important for parents/carers to be involved where appropriate.
8. There needs to be coverage within the curriculum of interpersonal behaviour amongst
9. Staff should accept responsibility for helping ensure that play and leisure areas
encourage and promote positive play and cooperative behaviour amongst students and
appropriate training should be provided.
10. When a racist incident takes place it is important to act immediately, clear support being
given to the student who has been insulted or rejected. It must be made clear to the
student who was insulting that their behaviour was unacceptable. Restorative meetings
should be held where appropriate to help students settle elements in their arguments.
11. It is important to explain why racist insults/behaviour hurt are wrong; the issue should not
be sidestepped.
The Racist Incident Logbook is held by the Headteachers PA.
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