SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL Construction of strains (1) Mutant strains carrying various deletions Gene disruptions were constructed via homologous recombination using PCR-generated fragments. The primary PCR-generated fragments contained around 500 to 1,000 bp of the upstream (using primers -11 and -12) and downstream (using primers -23 and -24) sequences of the target gene, which overlap either end of the PCR-generated fragment using primers -For and –Rev and containing an antibiotic gene marker. We used the recombinant PCR method (Wach, 1996), to generate the secondary PCR products with 3 primary PCR fragments. All constructs were verified by genomic PCR. (2) plsX-inducible strain In the plsX-inducible strain NBS1014 [plsX::pMT3plsX (Pspac-plsX erm ) fabD::pfabD15 (PrepU-neo-fabD-fabG )], plsX was placed under the control of the Pspac-IPTG inducible promoter. Construct details were described previously (Hara et al, 2008). (3) Strains expressing GFP- and HA-fusion proteins Strain NBS402 [trpC2 PftsAZ-ftsA-gfp cat] The ftsA region including its promoter was PCR-amplified from wild-type genomic DNA using primers ftsA5′-EcoRI and ftsA3′-BamHI and cloned between the EcoRI and BamHI sites of pGFP7C (Kuwana et al, 2006), creating pFTSA8G. This plasmid was used to transform strain 168 for cat resistance to generate strain NBS402, in which the gfp-fused ftsA is expressed from the native PftsAZ promoter at the native locus on the chromosome. Strain NBS800 [amyE::spc(Pxyl-gfp-plsX)] The plsX coding region was PCR-amplified from the wild-type genomic DNA using primers plsXXhoI and plsXecoRI and cloned between the XhoI and EcoRI sites of pSG1729 (Lewis & Marston, 1999), creating pGFP-PlsX. The linker sequence coding a 12-amino acid (a.a.) peptide LELPGPELPGPE was used to connect gfpmut1 to plsX. This plasmid was used to transform strain 168 for spc resistance to generate strain NBS800. Strain NBS1876 [amyE::spc(Pxyl-gfpA206K-plsX)] The A206K mutation, which prevents dimerization of GFP (Landgraf et al, 2012; Zacharias et al, 2002), was introduced into the gfp part of plasmid pGFP-PlsX using KOD-Plus Mutagenesis Kit (TOYOBO, Japan) with gfpmut1A206K for/ gfpmut1A206K rev as the mutagenic primers, creating pGFPA206K-PlsX. This plasmid was used to transform strain 168 for spc resistance to generate strain NBS1876. Strain NBS1877 [thrC::(Phy-gfp-plsX ermR)] The gfp-plsX fragment was PCR-amplified from pGFP-PlsX using primers PhygfpplsX(NheI) and PhyplsXR(NheI) and cloned between the NheI sites of pHT003, creating pHT308. This plasmid was used to transform strain 168 for erm resistance to generate strain NBS1877. Strain NBS1009 [plsX::pMHAcPlsX(plsX-HA erm –Pspac-fabD-fabG)] The gene fragment corresponding to the C-terminal region (from the 163rd to the carboxyl-terminal 333rd amino acid residue) of PlsX was PCR-amplified from the wild-type genomic DNA using primers plsX5′-BamHI and plsX3′-EcoRI and cloned between the BamHI and EcoRI sites of pMHAc (K. Asai, unpublished data), creating pMHAcPlsX. This plasmid was used to transform strain 168 for erm resistance and IPTG inducibility to generate strain NBS1009 in which the HA-fused plsX is expressed from the native promoter PfapR at the native locus on the chromosome. Downstream genes are under the control of the IPTG-inducible Pspac promoter. Strain NBS1878 [spc-cfp(Bs)-ftsA] This strain was constructed by homologous recombination using PCR-generated fragments, which were made using primers ftsA up For and ftsA up Rev for the downstream fragment of the ftsA gene, ftsA-spc For and ftsA-spc Rev for the coding region of the antibiotic gene marker, and cfp For and cfp Rev for cfp (Bs) fragment of the plsX gene, ftsA orf For and ftsA orf Rev for the coding region of ftsA gene, as described above. These recombinant fragments were used to transform strain 168 via homologous recombination. Spectinomycin-resistant transformants were selected at 37°C. The linker sequence coding a 13-a.a. peptide GSAGSAGSAAGSG was used to connect cfp to ftsA. The cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) gene, using codons optimized for B. subtilis, was PCR amplified from plasmid pDR200 (a gift from M. Fujita). (4) Strain plsX-his12 NBS1517 [plsX-his12 spc] was constructed via homologous recombination using PCR-generated fragments, which were made using primers plsX-mutFor and plsX-His12 ORF rev for the histidine-tagged plsX fragment, plsX-His12 spc For and plsX-spc Rev for the coding region of the antibiotic gene marker, and plsX-23 and plsX-24 for the downstream fragment of the plsX gene, as described above. These recombinant fragments were used to transform strain 168 via homologous recombination. Spectinomycin-resistant transformants were selected at 37°C. (5) Overexpression strain To generate vector pHT001, the PCR product containing the chloramphenicol-resistance marker was amplified from plasmid pC194 using the primer pair catF/catR, digested with EcoRI and DraIII, and ligated to the EcoRI and DraIII sites of pDR111 which carries a erythromycin-resistance marker, a polylinker downstream of the Phy-spank promoter, and the gene for the LacI repressor, between two arms of the amyE gene (Ben-Yehuda et al, 2003). To generate vector pHT002, the PCR product containing the erythromycin-resistance marker was amplified from plasmid pMUTIN4 using the primer pair ermF/ermR, digested with EcoRI and DraIII, and ligated to the EcoRI and DraIII sites of pDR111. To generate vector pHT003, the fragment containing the Phy-spank promoter and the gene for the LacI repressor was excised from plasmid pDR111 using the restriction enzymes EcoRI and BamHI and was ligated to the EcoRI and BamHI sites of plasmid pDG1664 which carries an erythromycin resistance marker and a polylinker downstream between two arms of the thrC gene (Guerout-Fleury et al, 1996). Strain NBS1569 [thrC::(Phy-ftsA ermR)] The ftsA-coding region was PCR-amplified from the wild-type genomic DNA using primers PhyftsAF(SalI) and PhyftsAR(NheI) and cloned between the SalI and NheI sites of pHT002, creating pHT206. The fragment including ftsA gene was excised from pHT206 using the restriction enzyme EcoRI and BamHI and was ligated to the EcoRI and BamHI sites of plasmid pDG1664, creating pHT402. This plasmid was used to transform strain 168 for erm resistance to generate strain NBS1569. Strain NBS1571 [thrC::(Phy-mciZ ermR)] The mciZ-coding region was PCR-amplified from the wild-type genomic DNA using primers PhymicZF(HindIII) and PhymicZR(NheI) and cloned between the HindIII and NheI sites of pHT003, creating pHT307. This plasmid was used to transform strain 168 for erm resistance to generate strain NBS1571. Strain NBS1572 [thrC::(Phy-sirA ermR)] The sirA-coding region was PCR-amplified from the wild-type genomic DNA using primers PhysirAF(SalI) and PhysirAR(NheI) and cloned between the SalI and NheI sites of pHT002, creating pHT215. The fragment including sirA gene was excised from pHT215 using the restriction enzyme EcoRI and BamHI and was ligated to the EcoRI and BamHI sites of plasmid pDG1664, creating pHT408. This plasmid was used to transform strain 168 for erm resistance to generate strain NBS1572. Screening of the plsX ts mutant strain by random PCR mutagenesis Since plsX gene is located in the fap operon, we placed a marker gene, spc, which did not contain its own promoter to avoid polar effects, downstream of plsX gene. This strain, named NBS1327, showed normal growth and morphology at high temperature (Fig. 6C) and polar effects were not observed. Temperature-sensitive mutants of plsX were constructed via homologous recombination of PCR-generated fragments. The primary PCR-generated fragments contained 1) around 500 to 1,000 bp of the upstream sequence of the plsX gene (using primers plsX-11 and plsX-12), 2) the PCR-mutagenized fragment of the plsX coding sequence using Taq polymerase and primers plsX-mutFor and plsX-mutRev, 3) the coding region of the antibiotic gene marker using primers plsX-spcFor and plsX-spcRev, and 4) the downstream sequence of the plsX gene (using primers plsX-23 and plsX-24). The mutated plsX fragment overlapped with the 5′ end of the antibiotic gene marker and the 3′ end of the upstream fragment of the plsX gene, while the downstream sequence of the plsX gene overlapped with the 3′ end of the antibiotic gene marker. We used recombinant PCR to generate the secondary PCR products with these 4 primary PCR fragments. The recombinant fragment was used to transform strain 168 via homologous recombination. Spectinomycin-resistant transformants were selected at 30°C and screened for the inability to grow above 45°C to isolate plsX ts mutants. SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURE LEGENDS Fig. S1. Specific interaction between cell division proteins and phospholipid synthases. Matrices of Y2H interactions occurring between cell division proteins and phospholipid synthases are shown. Already known interactions among proteins related to cell division are indicated by white squares. The interactions between PlsX and cell division proteins are indicated by red squares. The indicated proteins are expressed as baits (BD, Gal4 BD fusion) and/or as preys (AD, Gal4 AD fusion). Interactions between proteins were detected on selection medium (SC-LWH) supplemented with 1 mM 3-aminotriazol after 7 days incubation at 30°C. Fig. S2. Isolation and analysis of the PlsX complex. Separation and visualization of protein complexes purified from cultures containing his-tagged PlsX (strain NBS1517) by SDS-PAGE and colloidal Coomassie staining (see Experimental Procedures). Each protein was identified by mass spectrometry analysis. Fig. S3. Subcellular localization of GFPA206K-PlsX in the strain NBS1876. Images obtained from exponentially growing cells in LB medium containing 0.5% xylose at 37°C are shown as in Fig 1D. That is, from left to right, FM4-64-stained membranes, GFP-PlsX, DAPI-stained DNA, and superposition of GFP-PlsX (green), FM-4-64-stained membranes (red), and DAPI-stained DNA (blue), respectively. Arrows with each number corresponds to positions with the same number in the fluorescence intensity profiles. Fluorescence intensity profiles of FM4-64 (red), GFP–PlsX (green), and DAPI (blue) in arbitrary unit along the cell length are shown on the bottom. Scale bar indicates 5 μm. Fig. S4. Immunofluorecent localization of PlsX-HA. A. Growth profiles of strain NBS1009 in LB medium with 1 mM IPTG at 37°C. Growth was monitored by OD measurements. B. Cellular amount of PlsX-HA detected by immunoblot analysis. At each time point, culture was collected by centrifugation. Protein samples were subjected to SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblot analysis with anti-HA antibodies. The cellular amount of SigA as a control was also analysed with anti-SigA antibodies. C. Localization of PlsX-HA was detected with a monoclonal antibody against HA. NBS1009 strain was cultured in LB medium with 1mM IPTG at 37°C and cells were collected from exponentially growing cultures. Panels show from left to right, immunofluorescence of PlsX-HA, DAPI-stained DNA, and phase-contrast images. Scale bar: 5 μm. D. Cellular localization of GFP-PlsX before (left) and after (middle and right) fixation procedure. In our fixation procedure (middle), culture was fixed in growth medium with a final concentration of 2.6% paraformaldehyde and 30 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) for 30 min at room temperature. In the previous reported procedure (right), culture was fixed in growth medium with a final concentration of 2.6% paraformaldehyde, 0.006% glutaraldehyde, and 30 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) for 15 min at room temperature and 30 min on ice. Scale bar indicates 5 μm. Fig. S5. Effect of mciZ induction on the localization of GFP-PlsX. A. Images of cells (strain NBS1583) before and after MciZ induction. Time (in hour) after the addition of IPTG is indicated. MciZ was induced with 1.0 mM IPTG. Images and fluorescence intensity profiles are shown as in Fig. S3. Scale bar indicates 5 μm. B. Immunoblot analysis showing that GFP-PlsX remains intact after MciZ induction. GFP-PlsX was analysed using anti-GFP antibodies. The asterisk indicates the predicted size of free GFP. SigA, which was detected by anti-SigA antibody, was used as a control for loading. Fig. S6. Comparison of the localization pattern of GFP-PlsX in the rich (LB) medium and the minimal (S7 minimal salt) medium. A and B. The localization of GFP-PlsX in the wild-type strain (NBS1877) and the minCD mutant (NBS1878) under growth in LB medium (A) and S7 minimal salt medium (B). GFP-PlsX was induced with 0.2 mM IPTG. Images and fluorescence intensity profiles are shown as in Fig. S3. Scale bar indicates 5 μm. C. Effect of the medium condition on the cell length of the wild-type strain and minCD mutant. Histograms show the distribution of length under the indicated conditions. About 100 cells were measured for each strain. D. Immunoblot analysis of GFP-PlsX in strains NBS1877, NBS1878, and wild-type 168 under the indicated conditions. GFP-PlsX was analysed using anti-PlsX antibodies. SigA was used as a control for loading. Fig. S7. Effect of mciZ overexpression on the localization of GFP-PlsX in the minCD mutant. A. Images of strain NBS1875 cells and fluorescence intensity profiles shown as in Fig. S3 before and after FtsA induction. Time (in hour) after the addition of IPTG is indicated. MciZ was induced with 1.0 mM IPTG. Scale bar indicates 5 μm. B. Immunoblot analysis showing that GFP-PlsX remains intact after MicZ induction. GFP-PlsX was analysed using anti-GFP antibodies. The asterisk indicates the predicted size of free GFP. SigA was used as a control for loading. Fig. S8. Effect of ftsA overexpression on septum formation. A. Colony formation of NBS1569. Strain NBS1569 was streaked on LB plates with or without 0.2 mM IPTG and cultured overnight at 37°C. B. Effect of ftsA overexpression on cell division. Images of strain NBS1569 cells are shown. From left to right, FM-4-64-stained membranes, DAPI-stained DNA, superposition of FM-4-64-stained membranes (red) and DAPI-stained DNA (blue), and phase contrast microscopy (PC, only in the presence of IPTG), respectively, before and after FtsA induction. Time (in hour) after the addition of IPTG is indicated. FtsA was induced with 0.2 mM IPTG. Scale bar indicates 5 µm. White arrows and the yellow arrow indicate minicell and twisted septum respectively. C. Immunoblot analysis of FtsA in the wild-type 168 and NBS1569 strains. FtsA was analysed using anti-FtsA antibody. SigA was used as a control for loading (indicated by arrow). The asterisk indicates the band of FtsA due to using the same secondary antibody (rabbit). Fig. S9. Effect of 3-MBA on PlsX localization. Colocalization of GFP-PlsX and CFP–FtsA after growth for 1 h in the presence of 3-MBA (10 mM). Images are shown as in Fig 1E. From left to right, FM4-64-stained membranes, GFP-PlsX, superposition of GFP-PlsX (green), FM-4-64-stained membranes (red), and CFP-FtsA (blue), and CFP-FtsA, respectively. The arrows with each number correspond to positions with the same number in the fluorescence intensity profiles. Fluorescence intensity profiles of FM4-64 (red), GFP-PlsX (Green), and CFP-FtsA (light blue) are shown on the bottom. Scale bar indicates 5 μm. Fig. S10. Localization of GFP-FtsA in cells with DNA replication initiation defect. A. Images of strain NBS1584 cells before and after SirA induction. Time (in hour) after the addition of IPTG is indicated. SirA was induced with 1.0 mM IPTG. Images and fluorescence intensity profiles are shown as in Fig. S3. B. Immunoblot analysis showing that GFP-FtsA remains intact after SirA induction. GFP-FtsA was analysed using anti-GFP antibodies. The asterisk indicates the predicted size of free GFP. SigA was used as a control for loading. Fig. S11. Growth of plsX mutants at several temperatures. Colony formation of wt168, NBS1327 (plsX-spc), NBS1328 (plsXD59G), NBS1329 (plsXL104S) and NBS1010 (plsX103) is shown. Each strain was streaked on LB plate and grown overnight at 30°C, 39°C, or 45°C. Fig. S12. Aberrant septum formation caused by depletion of PlsX. A. Growth profiles of plsX-inducible strain NBS1014. NBS1014 strain was streaked on LB pates containing 0.3 mM IPTG and incubated at room temperature overnight. LB medium with (open circles) or without (closed circles) 0.3 mM IPTG was inoculated with diluted aliquots of the overnight culture (starting O.D.600 = 0.05) and incubated at 37°C. Growth was monitored by O.D. measurement. B. Immunoblot analysis of PlsX in the PlsX-depleted strain NBS1014. Each PlsX protein was detected using anti-PlsX antibodies and the arrowhead indicates major non-specific bands. The cellular amount of SigA as a control was also analysed with anti-SigA antibodies as a control for loading. C. Effect of PlsX depletion on cell morphology. NBS1014 cells were collected for analysis after 1.5 hour cultivation with or without 0.3 mM IPTG. Images show from left to right, FM4-64-stained membranes, DAPI-stained DNA, and superposition of membranes (red) and DNA (blue). Scale bar indicates 5 μm. D. Effect of PlsX depletion on the cell length. Histograms show the distribution of length under the indicated conditions. About 250 cells were measured for each strain and time point. E. The effect of PlsX depletion on the number of nucleoids per cell. Histograms show the number of nucleoids per cell under the indicated conditions. Fig. S13. Aberrant formation of Z ring in the PlsX-depleted strain. Subcellular localization of GFP-FtsZ (A) and FtsA-GFP (B). Images of strains NBS1012 (A) and NBS1011 (B) show GFP-FtsZ or FtsA-GFP and superposition of GFP (green) and DAPI-stained DNA (blue). Cells were collected for analysis after 1.5 hours cultivation with or without 0.3 mM IPTG. Scale bar indicates 5 μm. Fig. S14. Immunoblot analyses of GFP-FtsZ and FtsA-GFP in cells with or without PlsX. A. GFP-FtsZ and FtsA-GFP detected by immunoblot analysis in PlsX-depleted strains (NBS1011 and NBS1012). B. GFP-FtsZ and FtsA-GFP detected by immunoblot analysis in intact plsX strains (NBS1372 and NBS1374) and plsX103 strains (NBS1373 and NBS1375). Time (in hour) after the shift to 45oC is indicated. In both A and B, each GFP-fused protein was detected using anti-GFP antibodies and the arrowhead indicates the non-specific band. The asterisk indicates the predicted size of free GFP. The cellular amount of SigA was also analysed with anti-SigA antibodies as a control for loading. Fig. S15. Effect of CCCP on the localization of GFP-PlsX. Cellular localization of GFP-PlsX with (right) or without (left) the proton ionophore 100 μM CCCP. Scale bar indicates 5 μm. Fig. S16. Phenotype of the PlsY-depleted strain. A. Effect of PlsY depletion on cell morphology. Cells of strain PMYNES were collected for analysis after 2.5 hour cultivation with or without 1 mM IPTG. From left to right, FM4-64-stained membranes, DAPI-stained DNA, and superposition of FM4-64-stained membranes (red) and DAPI-stained DNA (blue), respectively. White bar indicates 5 μm. B. Growth profiles of the plsY-inducible strain PMYNES. The PMYNES strain was streaked on LB pates containing 1 mM IPTG and incubated at room temperature overnight. LB medium with (open circles) or without (closed circles) 1 mM IPTG was inoculated with diluted aliquots of the overnight culture (starting O.D.600 = 0.05) and incubated at 37°C. Growth was monitored by O.D. measurement. C. Effect of PlsY depletion on the cell length. Histograms show the distribution of length under the indicated conditions. About 250 cells were measured for each strain at each time point. Fig. S17. Phenotype of the plsC temperature-sensitive mutant. A. Effect of PlsC on cell morphology. Strains NBS1399 (intact plsC (plsCspc)) and NBS1398 (temperature-sensitive plsC (plsC-C∆7)) cells were collected for analysis at 0 and 1 h after the temperature was shifted to 49°C, which is the non-permissive temperature for plsC-C∆7. Images are shown as in Fig. S16A. B. Growth profiles of strains NBS1399 (closed circle) and NBS1398 (open circle). These strains were grown at 30°C for 1 h in LB medium before the temperature was shifted to 49°C. Growth was monitored by O.D. measurement. C. Effect of the plsC-C∆7 mutation on the cell length. Histograms show the distribution of cell length in the indicated strains. Time after the shift to 49°C is indicated. About 250 cells were measured for each strain at each time point. Table S1 Bacterial strains and plasmids Strain or plasmid Genetic markers Source/reference Strains Bacillus subtilis 168 trpC2 Laboratory stock BFS1038 trpC2 ezrA::pMUTIN2.mcs (ermC) Laboratory stock NBS245 trpC2 ftsA::cat This study NBS367 trpC2 aprE::(PftsAZ-gfp-ftsZ cat) YK065→168 NBS402 trpC2 PftsAZ-ftsA-gfp-cat pFTSA8G→168 NBS800 trpC2 amyE::( Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc ) This study NBS1009 plsX::pMHAcPLSX ( plsX-HA erm –Pspac-fabD-fabG) This study NBS1010 trpC2 plsX103 [D59G, L104S] spc This study NBS1011 trpC2 plsX::pMT3plsX (Pspac-plsX erm ) fabD::pfabD15(PrepU-neo-fabD-fabG ) NBS402→NBS1014 PftsAZ-ftsA-gfp cat NBS1012 trpC2 plsX::pMT3plsX (Pspac-plsX erm ) fabD::pfabD15(PrepU-neo-fabD-fabG ) NBS367→NBS1014 aprE::(PftsAZ-gfp-ftsZ cat) NBS1014 trpC2 plsX::pMT3plsX (Pspac-plsX erm ) fabD::pfabD15(PrepU-neo-fabD-fabG ) BYH12→168 NBS1327 trpC2 plsX spc This study NBS1328 trpC2 plsX [D59G] spc This study NBS1329 trpC2 plsX [L104S] spc This study NBS1330 trpC2 ASK510→168 NBS1341 trpC2 amyE::( Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc ) Pspac-ftsZ erm NBS1330→NBS1008 NBS1342 minCD::tet This study NBS1359 trpC2 amyE::( Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc::cat ) pSpc::Cm→NBS800 NBS1362 trpC2 plsX::Pless-spc amyE::(Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc::cat) This study NBS1365 trpC2 minC::tet amyE::(Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc) NBS1342→NBS800 NBS1371 trpC2 ftsA::cat amyE::(Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc) NBS245→NBS800 NBS1372 trpC2 plsX spc amyE::(PftsAZ-gfp-ftsZ cat) NBS1327→NBS367 NBS1373 trpC2 plsX103 [ D59G, L104S ] spc aprE::(PftsAZ-gfp-ftsZ cat) NBS1010→NBS367 NBS1374 trpC2 plsX spc, PftsAZ-ftsA-gfp-cat NBS1327→NBS402 NBS1375 trpC2 plsX103 [ D59G, L104S ] spc PftsAZ-ftsA-gfp cat NBS1010→NBS402 NBS1398 plsC-C∆7 spc unpublished strain Pspac-ftsZ erm NBS1399 plsC spc unpublished strain NBS1517 trpC2 plsX-his12 spc This study NBS1569 trpC2 thrC::( Phy-spank-ftsA erm ) This study NBS1571 trpC2 thrC::( Phy-spank-mciZ erm ) This study NBS1572 trpC2 thrC::( Phy-spank-sirA erm ) This study NBS1576 spec-gfp-ftsA SD100→168 NBS1578 trpC2 thrC::( Phy-spank-ftsA erm ) spec-gfp-ftsA NBS1569→NBS1576 NBS1579 trpC2 thrC::( Phy-spank-ftsA erm ) amyE::( Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc ) NBS1569→NBS800 NBS1583 trpC2 thrC::( Phy-spank-mciZ erm ) amyE::( Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc ) NBS1571→NBS800 NBS1584 trpC2 thrC::( Phy-spank-sirA erm ) spec-gfp-ftsA NBS1572→NBS1576 NBS1585 trpC2 thrC::( Phy-spank-sirA erm ) amyE::( Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc ) NBS1572→NBS800 NBS1875 trpC2 thrC::( Phy-spank-mciZ erm ) amyE::( Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc ) minCD::tet NBS1342→NBS1583 NBS1876 trpC2 amyE::( Pxyl-gfpA206K-plsX spc ) This study NBS1877 trpC2 thrC::( Phy-spank-gfp-plsX erm ) This study NBS1878 trpC2 spec-cfp(Bs)-ftsA This study NBS1879 trpC2 spec-cfp(Bs)-ftsA amyE::( Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc::cat ) NBS1878→NBS800 NBS1880 trpC2 spec-cfp(Bs)-ftsA amyE::( Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc::cat ) thrC::( Phy-spanK-ftsA erm ) NBS1569→NBS1879 NBS1881 trpC2 spec-cfp(Bs)-ftsA amyE::( Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc::cat ) minCD::tet NBS1342→NBS1879 ASK510 168 Pspac-ftsZ erm K. Asai (unpublish) PMYNES plsY::pMutin [Pspac-plsY erm] (Hara et al, 2008) BYH12 plsX::pMT3plsX (Pspac-plsX erm ) fabD::pfabD15(PrepU-neo-fabD-fabG ) (Hara et al, 2008) YK065 CRK6000 aprE::(PftsAZ-gfp-ftsZ cat) Y.Kawai (unpublish) SD100 spec-gfp-ftsA S.Ishikawa (unpublish) F‐ φ80lacZΔM15 Δ(lacZYAargF)U196 recA1 endA1 hsdR17 (rK‐ , mK+) Invitrogen Escherichia coli DH5α phoAsupE44 λ‐ thi1 Plasmids pGFP-PlsX bla amyE::Pxyl-gfp-plsX spc This study pGFPA206K-PlsX bla amyE::Pxyl-gfpA206K-plsX spc This study pHT001 amyE::Physpank cat This study pHT002 amyE::Physpank erm This study a pHT003 thrC::Phy-spank erm amp This study pHT307 thrC::Phy-spank-mciZ erm amp This study pHT308 thrC::Phy-spank-gfp-plsX erm amp This study pHT402 thrC::Phy-spank-ftsA erm amp This study pHT408 thrC::Phy-spank-sirA erm amp This study pGFP7C bla gfp cat (Kuwana et al, 2006) pFTSA8G PftsAZ-ftsA-gfp cat This study pMHAc bla erm Pspac-HA K.Asai (unpublish) pMHAcPLSX bla erm Pspac-plsX (487-999bp)-HA This study pSpc::Cm bla spc::cat Laboratory stock pDG1664 thrC::erm amp (Guerout-Fleury et al, 1996) pDR111 amyE::Physpank spc (Ben-Yehuda et al, 2003) pDR200 cfp amp (Doan et al, 2005) pSG1729 bla amyE'3 spc Pxyl-gfp amyE'5 (Lewis & Marston, 1999) Abbreviations for antibiotic resistance are as follows: tet, tetracycline; spc, spectinomycin; cat, chloramphenicol; erm, erythromycin; bla, ampicillin. Table S2 PCR and mutational primers Primer Primer Sequence (5'-3') Gene disruption ftsA-11 GGTCAGGCCTTGAGGATC ftsA-12 CGTTTGTTGAATTATCTATGGCACCTCCTCAC ftsA-catFor GTGCCATAGATAATTCAACAAACGAAAATTGGATAAAG ftsA-catRev TATCTATCTATTACTATAAAAGCCAGTCAT ftsA-23 GGCTTTTATAGTAATAGATAGATAGTCATTCGGC ftsA-24 CGAAGTACGTTATCCGCTTC minCD-11 CCAGAAGGGCTGACAATCGG minCD-12 TTCATAACCGTTAAATATTCACCTCAACAACATACTCATTTCG minCD-tetFor CGAAATGAGTATGTTGTTGAGGTGAATATTTAACGGTTATGAAGTGAAATTGA minCD-tetRev CTTTGTCAGATTCTTCTCTTTGATTCTATCACACATTATTACTAGAAATCCCTTTGAGAATG minCD-23 AGGGATTTCTAGTAATAATGTGATAGAATCAAAGAGAAGAATCTGACAAAG minCD-24 GGCTGTCTTTGCTGACTTCAAC gfp fusion strain plsXxhoI CGCTCGAGCTGCCGGGACCGGAACTGCCGGGACCGGAAATGAGAATAGCTGTAGATGCAATGG plsXecoRI ACATGAATTCAAAACCTCCAGACTACTC gfpmut1 A206K for AAACTTTCGAAAGATCCCAACGAAAAGAGAG gfpmut1 A206K rev AGATTGTGTGGACAGGTAATGGTTG PhygfpplsXF(NheI) GCGCTAGCTCTAGAAAGGAGATTCCTAGGATGG PhyplsXR(NheI) GCGCTAGCCTACTCATCTGTTTTTTCTTCTTTCAC ftsA up For AGACGGATACGCCCTTGA ftsA up rev CACCTCGTTGTTCGATCATTTCTATTCTATTATTTGC ftsA spc for GAAATGATCGAACAACGAGGTGAAATCATGAG ftsA spc rev CTCCTTATGTCTAGGCCTAATTGAGAGAAG cfp for TTAGGCCTAGACATAAGGAGGAACTACTATGGTTTC cfp rev GCAGCGGAGCCAGCGGATCCTGCTGAGCCCTTATAAAGTTCGTCCATGCCAAGT ftsA orf For GGATCCGCTGGCTCCGCTGCTGGTTCTGGCATGAACAACAATGAACTTTACGTCAG ftsA orf Rev CCTGTCAGCACGAAGCC Temperature-sensitive mutant plsX-11 GTTCAGCCAGAAACAATCG plsX-12 GCATGCTCCACCTTTATGAATG plsX-mutFor CATTCATAAAGGTGGAGCATGC plsX-mutRev CACCTCGTTGTTATCATCTGTTTTTCTTCTTTCAC plsX-spcFor AACAGATGAGTAACAACGAGGTGAAATCATGAG plsX-spcRev CTCCAGACTATTACTAGGCCTAATTGAGAGAAG plsX-23 CAATTAGGCCTAGTAATAGTCTGGAGGTTTTTACATCATG plsX-24 TCACAGGCGTCCAATACC plsX-His12 strain plsX-His12 ORF Rev TTAGTGGTGGTGGTGGTGGTGGTGGTGGTGGTGGTGGTGCTCATCTGTTTTTTCTTCTTTCACTTC plsX-His12 spc For CACCACCACCACCACCACCACCACCACCACCACCACTAACAACGAGGTGAAATCATGAGC Overexpression strain PhyftsAF(SalI) GCGTCGACACATAAGGAGGAACTACTATGAACAACAATGAACTTTACGTCAG PhyftsAR(NheI) GCGCTAGCTGACTATCTATCTATTCCCAAAACATGC PhymicZF(HindIII) GCAAGCTTCATACTAGAGCAAAAGGGGGC PhymicZR(NheI) GCGCTAGCTTATGGCTTTGAGATCCAATCTTTC PhysirAF(SalI) GCGTCGACACATAAGGAGGAACTACTATGGAACGTCACTACTATACG PhysirAR (NheI) GCGCTAGCTTAGACAAAATTTCTTTCTTTCACCGG Resistant genes cmRF GCGAATTCTTCAACAAACGAAAATTGGATAAAG cmRR GCCACATGGTGTTACTATAAAAGCCAGTCAT ermRF GCGAATTCCGTGCTGACTTGCACCATATC ermRR GCCACATGGTGTTACTATTTCCTCCCGTTAAATAATAGATA Specificity test of yeast two-hybrid analysis cdsA-5Eco GGGCGAATTCATGGTGGACATGAAACAAAGAATTTTGAC cdsA-3Bam GCGGATCCTGAAAAAAGGGCAAGCAGAAAGTAC dgkA-5Eco GCGAATTCGTGAATCGATTCTTCAAAAGCTTCG dgkA-3Bam GGGCGGATCCCAGCTTTGGCAAAAAAATAAGTAAACC gpsA-5Eco GCGAATTCATGAAAAAAGTCACAATGCTTGGAGCG gpsA-3Bam GGGCGGATCCCTTCACTTGATTTTCAAACGTATTTACC pgsA-5Eco GGGCGAATTCATGTCTAACTTACCAAATAAAATCACACTAGC psd-5Eco GGGCGAATTCATGTCTAACTTACCAAATAAAATCACACTAGC psd-3Bam GCGGATCCTTCTTCGTAACCTATCAGTTCTCCG pssA-5Eco GCGAATTCGTGAATTACATCCCCTGTATGATTACG pssA-3Bam GCGAATTCGTGAATTACATCCCCTGTATGATTACG ugtP-5Bam GGGCGGATCCTGAATACCAATAAAAGAGTATTAATTTTGACTGC ugtP-3Sal GCGTCGACCGATAGCACTTTGGCTTTTTGTTTGG yfiX-N5Eco GCGAATTCGTGCCGGGCGGCTTCGGCTCGTTTG yfiX-C5Eco GCGAATTCAAACCGATCGGAGAGAAAGCTG yfiX-C3Bam GCGGATCCGACGGAGTCTTTTTTGCTTTTGCC yhdO-5Bam GGGCGGATCCTGTATAAGTTTTGTGCAAATGCTTTAAAAG yhdO-3Xho GCCTCGAGTAGCTGATCAAGTTTATTCTCTAGTTC ywnE-N5Eco GCGAATTCGTGAGTATTTCTTCCATCCTTTTATCAC ywnE-N3Bam GCGGATCCTAGATACTCATCTCCGACGTTAAAG ywnE-C5Eco GCGAATTCGGGCTTAATCCGAAATTCGG ywnE-C3Bam GCGGATCCTAAGATCGGCGACAACAGCCG plsX-5Eco GCGAATTCATGAGAATAGCTGTAGATGCAATGG plsX-3Bam GCGGATCCCTACTCATCTGTTTTTTCTTCTTTCACTT yneS-5Eco GCGAATTCATGTTAATTGCTTTATTGATTATTTTGGC yneS-3Bam GCGGATCCTTATAACCATTTTACTTTAGGTTCTGTTTT ezrA-N5Eco GGGCGAATTCATGGAGTTTGTCATTGGATTATTAATTGTACTG ezrA-N3Bam GCGGATCCGGACGCTTCATCAATATCCAGTTC ezrA-C5Eco GCGAATTCGCAATCCTGCAGCTCATTGACG ezrA-C3Bam GCGGATCCAGCGGATATGTCAGCTTTGATTTTTTC yshA/zapA5Eco GGGCGAATTCTTGTCTGACGGCAAAAAAACAAAAACAACC yshA/zapA3B GCGGATCCATCCTTTTCTTTAAGCTGACGCTCC dacA-5Eco GGGCGAATTCTTGAACATCAAGAAATGTAAACAGCTACTG dacA-3Bam GCGGATCCAAACCAGCCGGTTACCGTATC pbpD-N5Bam GCGGATCCTGACCATGTTACGAAAAATAATCGGATGG pbpD-N3Xho GCCTCGAGCTGTACGTCCGCATACGGGAG pbpD-C5Bam GCGGATCCGCGGAGCGGCTGTGATTAATC pbpD-C3Xho GCCTCGAGATAAGCCGCTTGCAGCGTTC pbpX-5Eco GCGAATTCATGACAAGCCCAACCCGCAGAAG pbpX-3Bam GGGCGGATCCTTCTTGATTTAGAAGCTGGTATATTTTATTGTTCAC ponA-N5Eco GCGAATTCATGTCAGATCAATTTAACAGCCGTG ponA-N3Bam GCGGATCCAAATGCGCTGTATTTGTTTGTACTTGC ponA-M5Eco GCGAATTCGTTGAAGAGGTTATGAAGGAAATTGATG ponA-M3Bam GCGGATCCCATCGACATCGGCGATGAG ponA-C5Eco GCGAATTCACGGAAGCGGATCATTTGAG ponA-C3Bam GGGCGGATCCATTTGTTTTTTCAATGGATGATGAGTTTGTTTGTG secA-N5Bam GGGCGGATCCTGCTTGGAATTTTAAATAAAATGTTTGATCC secA-N3Xho GCCTCGAGACCGACTAGAACAGGCTGTC secA-C5Bam GCGGATCCCGGTTGCCGTTGAAACATC secA-C3Xho GCCTCGAGTTCAGTACGGCCGCAGCAATTTT spoIIE-N5Bam GCGGATCCTGGAAAAAGCAGAAAGAAGAGTGAAC spoIIE-M5Bam GCGGATCCAAGTGGCGAGATATATTCCGG spoIIE-M3Xho GCCTCGAGCATCATGCTGTAGCTGTCACCG spoIIE-C5Bam GCGGATCCAGCTTGGAGCCAGAAAATATGCTG spoIIE-C3Xho GGGCCTCGAGTGAAATTTCTTGTTTGTTTTGAAAGATTGCCG divIB-5' GCGAATTCATGAACCCGGGTCAAGACCG divIB-3' GCGTCGACGCCCCTCAATTTTCATCTTCC divIB-C-5'Eco GCGAATTCTCTGTTACAGGGAATGAAAATGTATC divIB-3' GCGTCGACGCCCCTCAATTTTCATCTTCC divIC-5' GCGAATTCTTGAATTTTTCCAGGGAACGAACG divIC-3' GCGGATCCGGCTACTTGCTCTTCTTCTCC divIC-C-5'Eco GCGAATTCACATCTTCCCTTAGTGCAAAAGAAG divIC-3' GCGGATCCGGCTACTTGCTCTTCTTCTCC ftsA-5' GCGAATTCATGAACAACAATGAACTTTACGTC ftsA-3' GCGGATCCTCCTCCTAATCTGCCGAATG ftsE-5' GCGAATTCATGATAGAGATGAAGGAAGTATATAAAGC ftsE-3' GCGGATCCTTAATCATATGAACCATACTCCCC ftsL-5' GCGAATTCATGAGCAATTTAGCTTACCAACCAG ftsL-3' GCGGATCCGGCATTTGAATCATTCCTGTATG ftsL-C-5'Eco GCGAATTCTGCGGCATATCAAACCAATATTGAGG ftsL-3' GCGGATCCGGCATTTGAATCATTCCTGTATG ftsX-5' GCGAATTCATGATTAAAATTCTCGGGCGCCAC ftsX-3' GCGGATCCCTTTATACTCGCAGAAACTTGCGG ftsZ-5' GCGAATTCATGTTGGAGTTCGAAACAAACATAGACG ftsZ-3' GCGGATCCTTGTCCTTTACATTAGCCGC ylaO-5' GCGAATTCATGTTAAAAAAAATGCTAAAATCTTATG ylaO-3' GCGGATCCTATCCTTCCCCTGTACACAC B31-divIVA5Bam GCGGATCCTGCCATTAACGCCAAATGATATTCAC B31-divIVA3Pst GCCTGCAGTTATTCCTTTTCCTCAAATACAGCG B29-minC5Eco GCGAATTCGTGAAGACCAAAAAGCAGCAATATG B29-minC3Bam GCGGATCCTCACATTCCTCCCTCAAGCC B30-minD5Eco GCGAATTCTTGGGTGAGGCTATCGTAATAAC B30-minD3Bam GCGGATCCATCACATTAAGATCTTACTCCG B21-soj5Eco GCGAATTCGTGGGAAAAATCATAGCAATTACG B21-soj3Bam GCGGATCCCTTTAGCCATTCGCAGCCAC B24-pbpB5Bam GCGGATCCATATTCAAATAACCGGAAAAGCGAACG B24-pbpB3Sal GCGTCGACCGACGGCTTTCTTTTTAATCAGG B23-pbpF5Eco GCGAATTCCATTATGTCATAGATGAAAAAAAG B23-pbpF3Bam GCGGATCCTTAAGAGGAAAACAATTTTGGCTGAACG B26-yfhF5Bam GCGGATCCTGAATATCGCAATGACGGG B26-yfhF3SP GCCTGCAGGTCGACTTATACAGTCTTTCGGTCCGC B27-yfhK5Eco GCGAATTCATGAAAAAGAAACAAGTAATGCTCGC B27-yfhK3Bam GCGGATCCTTATCGCATTTGTAAATCCTTTGTG B28-yjoB5Bam GCGGATCCTGACTAACATACCTTTCATTTATCAGTACG B28-yjoB3Sal GCGTCGACGCTTTCTTTTAGTGAAAACCGAC pbpB-NF1Bam GCGGATCCTGATTCAAATGCCAAAAAAGAATAAATTTA B24-pbpB3Sal GCGTCGACCGACGGCTTTCTTTTTAATCAGG yppD-5Eco GCGAATTCATGTCCGGTTATGTATGCAAG yppD-3Bam GCGGATCCTCAGCCGATGCGGTATACC 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