Cancer Informatics for Registrars: From Bedside to Big Data

National Cancer Registrars Association (NCRA)
2015 Annual Educational Conference
Post-Conference Workshop
Cancer Informatics for Registrars: From Bedside to Big Data
Sunday, May 24, 2015
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter
San Antonio, Texas
Earn over five CEs.
In an era where science and clinical medical are experiencing rapid growth and development in
personalized medicine, tumor markers, genetics, and new treatment methods, the cancer registry
is positioned to effectively organize, manage, access, and share information derived from
comprehensive data sets collected throughout the continuum of care. Through a digital
environment characterized by inter-connectivity and community collaboration, cancer registrars
are capable of providing oncology information to validate and improve every stage of oncology
healthcare from bench to bedside.
The one-day workshop will bring together cancer registrars in all environments, cancer program
administrators, supervisors, managers, physicians, and students from across the nation to address
the practical application and use of cancer informatics. Agenda topics will address the registrar’s
core competencies and utilization of electronic medical records systems, efficient data collection
methods and reporting of quality data, and information retrieval for clinical, statistical and
strategic planning purposes. Practical and real-time case studies will demonstrate use of Registry
data for performance and patient care improvement, quality outcomes, cost reductions, economic
and regulatory concerns, ethical challenges and more.
8:00 a.m.
Cancer Informatics Core Concepts
8:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
Presenter: Michele Webb, CTR, Independent Contractor
Discuss the practical and formal definition of cancer informatics.
List the four classic components of cancer informatics and correlate them to the practice
of cancer registry.
Describe analytics and predictive analytics in oncology healthcare.
Cancer Informatics and Analytics Trends Impacting the Registry
8:45 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.
Presenter: Jim Hofferkamp, CTR, Training Specialist, North American Association of Central
Cancer Registrars
Describe the emerging trends in cancer informatics and how it is radically transforming
the cancer registry practice.
Describe the use of predictive analytics in oncology healthcare and its relationship to
cancer registry services.
Name three practical applications of predictive analytics where cancer registry can be
used for outcomes, quality, or patient care improvements.
Reinvention of the Cancer Registrar
9:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
Presenter: Nancy Etzold, CTR, Cancer Program Manager, St. David's Medical Center
Discuss why career reinvention is necessary in light of emerging trends in cancer
informatics and predictive analytics.
Describe how cancer informatics and analytic trends demand the cancer registrar develop
new critical thinking and core competencies.
Identify at least two ways in which cancer registrars can leverage informatics and
analytics to establish themselves as experts in the multidisciplinary healthcare delivery
From Bedside to Big Data
10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Presenter: Tom Tucker, PhD, MPH, Director, Kentucky Cancer Registry
Describe the cancer data lifecycle from bedside to “big data.”
Discuss how quality data is derived from the lifecycle and used for outcomes analysis and
List at least three data elements collected by cancer registrars that have a significant
impact in patient care improvements and outcomes analysis.
Meaningful Use 101
10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Presenter: Lynda Douglas, CTR, Public Health Analyst, CDC/NPCR
Discuss the definition and purpose of Meaningful Use.
Describe how Meaningful Use impacts cancer registry operations at the hospital, state
and national levels.
Describe how oncology data is used in Meaningful Use and how it will be used to reduce
costs and improve patient care.
Cancer Informatics Tools for Performance Improvement
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Presenter: Karen Coyne, MSc, RN, CTR, Director, Cancer Registry, Moffitt Cancer Center
Describe the relationship between cancer informatics and performance improvement.
Discuss the critical importance for individual and industry-wide accountability in the
collection and reporting of quality data.
List at least three tools or resources registrars can use to effectively measure and use for
performance improvement.
Outcomes Reporting “How To”
12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Presenter: Jocelyn Hoopes, MLIS, CTR, Independent Contractor
How Interactive Edits and Data Dictionaries Facilitate Quality
1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Presenter: Sarah Burton, CTR, Registry Support Services, Electronic Registry Systems Inc.
Describe interactive edits and data dictionaries and how they are used to collect quality
Discuss the “anatomy” or components of an interactive edit.
Identify at least two tools or resources that can be used for clarification and resolution of
a cancer registry interactive edit.
Cancer Informatics for Marketing and Strategic Planning
1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Presenter: Michele Webb, CTR, Independent Contractor
Describe at least two practical applications for using registry data for marketing and
strategic planning purposes.
Discuss the benefits of collaborative partnerships and how they can be used to enhance
patient retention and service line improvements.
List at least three processes by which registry data can be used to facilitate effective
community outreach, patient navigation and survivorship activities.
Cancer Informatics Core Competencies
2:15 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Presenter: Jocelyn Hoopes, MLIS, CTR, Independent Contractor
Discuss the use and implementation of cancer informatics core competencies based on
the cancer registrar’s role and experience.
List at least three industry-specific knowledge or skill set gaps in cancer informatics.
Describe how cancer informatics core competencies may be used for hiring, performance
evaluations and professional development activities of registry staff.
Group Discussion – Q&A
3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Moderators: Michele Webb and NCRA’s Informatics Committee Members
Discuss the learning and professional growth and development challenges of cancer
informatics today.
Describe how to leverage cancer informatics to facilitate quality outcomes.
Discuss and propose tools and resources needed by the NCRA membership to facilitate
learning and growth in the areas of cancer informatics and predictive analytics.
Professional Wellness for the Cancer Registrar
3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Presenter: Michele Webb, CTR, Independent Contractor
Discuss the purpose and value of conducting a professional growth self-assessment as it
relates to cancer informatics and analytics.
Describe how cancer informatics and analytics can be leveraged to increase the cancer
registrars value in healthcare organizations.
Identify key areas of professional growth and development every cancer registrar should
explore as it relates to cancer informatics and analytics.
Wrap-Up and Take-Aways
4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Moderators: Michele Webb, CTR, Independent Contractor, and NCRA’s Informatics Committee
Resources for Learning and Growth