How to Remove Pimples?


How to Remove Pimples? Proven Ways to Get rid of Acne Scars!

Dear Acne, you are not at all welcome on my face. Please just go away!

Acne said,


” and vanished in a jiffy. And the princess stayed beautiful ever after… Alright alright, I know it never works this way. Sorry, I may have exaggerated a bit.

Back to the real world, it isn’t but doesn’t mean pimples are forever. You can clean them up and rid your face of those inflammatory bumps and scars with some typical and easy home remedies. In fact, you can remove pimples fast with some make at home inexpensive recipes that will require no harsh chemicals or skin treatment.

To remove pimples naturally , all you need is a kitchen and fridge full of veggies, essential oils (incredibly healthy) and fruits. Here are 25 Proven Ways to remove pimples naturally and fast

1. Ice : Rubbing ice on the pimples really helps in lessening the visibility of redness and swelling. It makes your skin numb and shrinks the pimple, making your blemish less visible on the face. For better results, use green tea ice cubes.

The trick is to rub ice on the inflammatory pimple for only half a minute and do it multiple times a day.

2. Cucumber : If you apply cucumber juice on the pimples, it will reduce the swelling as well as redness and help ease the pain while also hydrating your skin. Since it has high amount of water in it, it rids your skin of excessive oil if applied or eaten daily.

3. Papaya : Papaya is a legendary cleansing fruit which should be present in your stock at all times. With its exfoliating properties and vitamin A, it kills pimples and removes dead skin, leaving behind a beautiful, glowing, smooth skin.

4. Baking soda + lemon : Baking soda has cleansing properties and it leaves no residue so it can be used for cleaning the excessive oils and impurities that cause your skin to breakout. For fast effects, you can mix lemon juice with baking soda and apply the paste which will give you a well cleansed and oil-free skin.

5. Pith of orange : you can dried orange peel or simple hammer the pith of the peel and apply the residue to your affected skin to treat pimples.

6. Lemon juice : Not only just a natural bleach but lemon juice is also a natural astringent which can be used to clean up the oily pores and impurities on the skin that cause acne.

7. A clove of garlic : Acne contains sulfur which destroys the bacteria and stops from pimples from occurring. Along with its anti bacterial properties, it also cleanses the blood making it one of the best home remedies for pimples .

8. Tomato : Tomato is one of those veggies that have just about uncountable beauty and health benefits. Not only just it shrinks pores (lessening outbreak) but tomato also acts as a natural astringent, cleanser and a solution for sunburns if mixed with plain yogurt.

9. Apple cider vinegar : dilute and use it as astringent, it can do wonders for your skin.

10. Cinnamon + honey : Make a paste and apply on the face. With regular usage, you will notice glowing and pimple free skin.

11. Essential oils : lavender oil and tea tree essential oil are very beneficial for the skin.

Only a single drop a day will help remove pimples .

12. Potato : raw potato kills acne bacteria so you can remove pimples naturally with potato slices.

13. Basil tea : Basil has some incredible medicinal and cosmetic uses. You can use cool strong basil tea to thwart pimples.

14. Cosmetic clay : Applying cosmetic clay mask will smoothen your skin and clean the pores.

15. Neem : Neem is a blessing for skin with its anti bacterial and anti fungal properties it keeps the skin fresh and dirt free.

16. Strawberry flesh : rubbing tiny piece of strawberry flesh will lessen the inflammation and redness.

17. Witch Hazel : the best way to remove pimples with witch hazel is by using the astringent in its purest form.

18. Hibiscus tea : Applying hibiscus tea residue or leaves eases the pain and cleans the skin.

19. Salt + lemon juice : Lemon juice acts just fine for pimples and for a heightened effect, add some salt.

20. Cabbage : apply mashed cabbage for 30 minutes and clean up with astringent.

21. Aloe Vera gel - Pure Aloe Vera gel prevents acne and acne scars.

22. Whipped egg white : to thwart dirt and oil accumulation in your skin, use whipped egg white face mask.

23. Honey

: leave a tiny drop over the pimple for the night and next morning, it’ll be gone.

24. Mint : Just rub 2 leaves on your affected area, leave the juice on and see the difference. If you can’t find mind, look for mint based toothpaste and use it.

25. Steam : Steam assists your skin in breathing through the pores and removes skin impurities.

Don’t have Time? Special Event in the coming Week? Here’s how you can

Instantly Hide your Acne and scars… just few seconds and you are done!

As the festive season is currently on, one thing gals are scared of is waking up with a nasty pimple... a little spot that can spoil everything, especially if you have a special even in the coming week! Thank heavens there is quick savior in the form of makeup.

Whether it's dark circles, uneven complexion, acne or acne scars, you can hide them in just few seconds.

To Hide Acne Instantly, try concealer or corrector followed with the right foundation.

Also, highlight either your lips or eyes to draw attention away from acne. This video is gonna help you with the same!

Well obviously this is a temporary solution and its not going to work for long term. For lasting benefits, maintaining a skin care routine is very important! .Lets have a look at

What causes Acne so that you can work on it before you get affected by it! Here are some possible causes of acne ! After all, knowing about the problem is the best solution to its cause.

A. Blackheads: These are dead cells containing excessive oil trapped in skin pores. When contacted with air, these plugs turn into black. These can further get inflamed due to the bacterial growth inside them, causing red acne/pimples.

When these pimples get infected, they form whiteheads which burst and leave nasty scars.

B. Hormones: Yes, the adults can also suffer from hormonal imbalance. The testes release a hormone called androgen and ovaries release hormone known as estrogen. These hormones stimulate sebaceous glands, which produce oil. Boost in that oil production makes the skin acne prone and oily.

C. Menstruation: Women may face a sharp drop and rise of hormones during their menstruation period . Ovulation, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, and perimenopause are some biological changes that occur in a female’s body at different stages of her life. Hormones control all these changes and any fall or rise in the levels can cause acne.

D. Makeup: Excessive use of makeup and cosmetics products can clog skin pores.

This results in acne eruptions and inflammation. Make sure you use less of those chemical based beauty products and cleanse your face every night to avoid acne breakouts .

E. Unhealthy Diet: Consuming oily foods and fast food like fries and burgers, and drinking aerated, sweetened drinks can cause acne. Excess intake of carbohydrates available in the form of processed bread, sweets, pasta, etc., can raise insulin’s production in the body, thereby worsening the eruptions.

F. Stress: Whether emotional or physical, stress weakens the immune system, making the entry for bacteria to attack skin. In addition, it has an effect on the adrenal glands, which exude more hormones, making skin prone to acne.

G. Medications: The use of control pills, hormone replacement therapy, steroids, and medications containing rifampin, iodine, and lithium can also be the causative factors.

Okay… now you have tried the afore-mentioned 25 proven remedies to cure acne …

GREAT! What Next!

Ah! those Pesky Zits and scars!, and here they pop, everywhere on the face killing that charming beautiful face behind its veil. What a pain, Isn't? Well, they are, but a natural stage of growing up and...(without going into its details, you must have read a lot of blah blah explaining the exact science ) . Some are fortunate enough to completely bypass them as they step from adolescence to adulthood and some aren't. Here are some tips to treat nasty acne scars!

How to Treat Acne Scars

Tea Tree Oil is Good!

This not only helps you from getting rid of acne scars but also prevent those acne from out bursting. So you can get this oil not for your lovely mane but also for your pretty face. This is not only natural but also is safe for your skin as the oil suits all skin types easily, amazing!

Keep your Hands in Control!

If you have acne then the last thing you would want to do is to follow something that will aggravate your situation. And if you have not controlled your hands as yet, this is the time you do that. Touching your red dots or pricking them will cause further inflammation and so you would make the problem worse.

Use Some Olive Oil on your Face!

This oil isn’t just for cooking; you can apply some to your skin and get relief. All you need to do is massage your face with some amount regularly for twice a day. This will help you fight scarring and also repair your damaged skin, isn’t that so simple?

Avoid too Much Bathing in Sun!

Sun can make your scars look more prominent and you would not like that for sure! So make sure you do not enjoy maximum time under sun and if you must, prepare your weapons beforehand to get relief.

Plain Yoghurt – Organic would Do Best!

Yoghurt can not only make you look your best but also helps in fighting acne naturally.

All you need is apply some over your face and then do something for about 20 minutes.

Yoghurt has done its job and now you can wash off!

Combo of Lemon Juice and Garlic!

Another effective weapon is lemon and garlic, I know this is a gross combination, but I can assure that it will work too! Just cut garlic clove into half and then apply it over the affected area, then afterwards repeat it with lemon juice. You will get itchy but avoid the urge at all cost. Wash gently after 15 minutes.

Someone said

“Prevention is Better than Cure” … Whether you are lucky one who is blessed with clear skin or vying to treat your here we are, with some surprising and helpful tips on preventing acne that are definitely worth a try!

Here are the tips on How to prevent acne in a much more effective way.

1. Be choosy in haircare products

Though quite surprising, this is a very useful tip for preventing acne. Some ingredients in common hairstyling products are oil-based and can easily cause break-outs on your skin and hence invite pimples and acne.

2. Follow the hands-off rule

Your hands contain dust, dirt, sweat and oiliness- in short germs & impurities. These factors cause breakouts and acne problems if you touch your face with them.

Sometimes you have to touch your face with hands for a purpose like applying cream, make sure your hands are thoroughly washed, clean and sanitized before touching your face.

3. Keep your Cell phone clean

If your phone screen is covered with layers of old-make-up, oil and bacteria for, it will allow germs to accumulate on it. The next time you use your phone, these germs will come in contact with your skin and thus cause acne problems.

4. Avoid tight fittings

While you exercise, you have to wear exercise clothes, headbands, wristbands or any type of exercise equipment or gear. Make sure that your exercise clothes are comfortably loose. If they are tight, your skin will stay in constant touch with them thus inviting acne troubles.

So grab all the weapons and give acne a hard time, all the best!
