Draft Minutes of the third meeting 2011/2012 of the Computing and Mathematical Sciences
School Board held on 15th May 2012 at 2.00pm in room QA075
Liz Bacon (Chair)
Choi-Hong Lai
Chris Woollard
Cos Ierotheou
Frank Razaghzadeh
Jane Bland
Jason Scates
Lachlan MacKinnon
Maggie Leharne
Mary Kiernan
Peter Morris
Phil Clipsham
Vitaly Strusevich
Secretary: Marilyn Greenaway
12.3.1 Apologies for Absence
Asif Malik
George Samakovitis
Karen Richardson
Kevin Parrott
Lachlan MacKinnon
Mona Ghassemian
Robert Mayor
Sophie Peter
Simon Walker
Tony Mann
Veronica Habgood
Virginia Malone
Yvonne Fryer
Ryan Flynn
Minutes from the meeting held on 14th February 2012 were a true and accurate
Matters arising
All actions had been completed, the following are on-going::
Action: The Head of CIS and Head of SST/CDT to write a set of procedures
regarding moderation.
Action: The DLQ will look into whether the School’s Assessment Offences
database logs poor academic practice as a separate category.
Update on programme reviews
The Dean gave a brief update on the programme reviews and reported that there will
be a major review in the next month for Computing programme entry in 2013/14.
There has also been the rationalisation of courses which has been untaken.
Update on Recruitment
The Dean expressed concern regarding postgraduate recruitment within the School
as the applications and acceptances from overseas students have dropped
significantly for a variety of reasons such as UKBA immigration rules. This pattern
is typical across the entire university. Discussion took place on how to retain AAB
and ABB students and the need to enhance our relationship with the local Schools.
It was proposed we should focus on improving our marketing, promote our courses,
and revamp our MSc Website. The Dean asked the Technical Resources manager to
take the lead on this and consult with the International office regarding the
recruitment of postgraduate students.
Action: The Technical Resources manager to consult with the International
office on the recruitment of Postgraduate students.
The Dean also reported she has been asked by the Executive Committee to resubmit
UCAS points for 2013/14. All programmes on 240 points had been moved to 260.
Film/TV and Maths remain at 280 points.
Academic Dashboard
Discussion took place regarding KPIs. In terms of our average league table position,
the Maths department are doing well. In terms of the decile in which we score, maths
is 5 and computing is 7.8. However, there are issues around employability which is
one of the hardest KPIs to improve. All the School has a large number of
employability initiatives, we need to do more. The deputy VC has also set up a
working group, teaming up with Reed Employment to help address the issue.
School Budget
The Dean gave an update on the budget and mentioned we are on track to meet our
budget for this year, and we have resolved some queries over the budget next year,
and expect to be able to deliver a balanced budget despite the need to make
efficiency savings of 10%.
The Director of Collaborations reported that it looked as though SVU would be able
to send the outstanding payments via a private bank in Syria. is now going through.
Update on new collaborations:
SBCS San Fernando - BSc (Hons) Computing & Information Systems
FPT Da Nang - BSc Computing approved.
Koleji MASA (NCC) - BSc (Hons) BIT. College has submitted a 4+0
package to the MQA and are waiting for MQA approval.
Maldives – approval event postponed because of political unrest on Male.
The Director of Collaborations also mentioned the main challenges ahead, and
discussion took place regarding the move forward with mainstreaming collaborations
and the move to the new Electronic Admissions System for all approved centres.
Health and Safety
There were no Health and Safety issues to report.
Minutes from the Learning and Quality Committee
Minutes from 23rd January 2012 Learning and Quality Committee were noted. The
Director of Learning and Quality mentioned that the issue regarding external
examiners has now been resolved and these are now in place. A couple are up for
renewal shortly. The L&Q committee did not agree to reading time before exams for
NCC Collaborative colleges. Instead, this decision would be taken within the School
on a course-by-course basis and good rationale would need to be proposed.
Minutes from the Health and Safety Committee
Minutes from 24th April 2012 Health and Safety Committee were presented and
Minutes from the Research Committee
Minutes from 31st January 2012 Research Committee were presented and noted.
Minutes from the Technical Resources Committee
Minutes from 25th November 2011 were presented and noted.
Minutes from the Recruitment and Marketing Committee
No minutes available.
Minutes from the Student Experience Committee
Minutes from 30th January 2012 Student Experience Committee were presented and
Minutes from the Portfolio Planning Group
Minutes from 13th February 2012 Portfolio Planning Group were noted.
No other Business
Meeting ended 3.30pm