LFND Board Meeting Minutes and Notes June 12, 2015, Valley City

LFND Board Meeting Minutes and Notes
June 12, 2015, Valley City, Regional Technology Center
President Tabitha Lang called the meeting of Learning Forward North Dakota to order at 10:06 a.m.
Board members present were Sarah McFadden, Jennifer Carlson, Traci Welk, Laurie and Jim Stenehjem,
Jody French, Tabitha Lang, Kim Jones, Monte Gaukler and Peg Wagner. Absent were Terry Brenner,
Mike McNeff, and Ryan Townsend. Guests: Dr. Anne Clapper – presented on using the Learning Forward
Standards with students, and Kellen Tibor, majoring in History Education/University of Mary, attending
as an current intern with DPI.
Approval of May 21, 2015 LFND Board Meeting Minutes –Re-creation of minutes. Jim S moved for
approval, Jody F seconded the motion, motion carried.
Preview of Agenda – Addition: How will we provide communication on the change in the conference
this year?
Action Item – An announcment indicating the change in the LFND annual conference will be developed
to go out as an e-blast. It will be sent out using the REAs distribution list and the NDCEL administrator’s
distribution list, along with the LFND membership listing.
Treasurer’s Report – Jim S reported that no financial transactions had occurred in the treasury since the
last meeting. The treasury balance remains at $15, 845.25. Peg moved for approval, Monte G.
seconded the motion, motion carried.
Membership Committee - No report
A. Nominating Committee –
Sarah, Mike, and Tracie’s names were proposed by Tabitha to sit on the nominating committee. The
board looked at the current open positions for the Board, and will consider standing committee
membership. Four positions are open as of the Fall 2015 annual meeting. Those members are:
Terry Brenner, Jody French, Kim Jones, and Jim Stenehjem.
Jim S asked that we consider agencies that might provide representatives to serve in standing
positions on the LFND board. Agencies suggested include: ND LEAD Center (NDCEL is current fiscal
agent for LFND); EduTech (provider of statewide PD and current tech support agreement for annual
conference), ND REAs (responsible for delivery of PD in their regions), and ND Teacher Support
System (keep instructional coaches involved). Along with the current DPI designee, that would allow
for 5 standing positions with 8 positions at-large. Peg will check into whether DPI would consider
the new Director of Academic Support Division for DPI to serve as their rep to LFND.
B. Updates and Changes to Constitution and By-Laws
Jody F moved to change our by-laws (Article IV. Executive Board, Section 1) to include the following:
Designated agencies will provide representatives to serve in standing positions on the LFND Board.
These agencies include: ND LEAD Center, EduTech, ND REAs, DPI, and ND Teacher Support System.
Laurie S seconded, motion passed.
Jody F moved to change the wording in our by-laws (Article VIII. Amendments, section 2) and add
the word “present”, to read as follows: Amendments may be proposed in writing by any member of
Learning Forward North Dakota at a regular meeting, and may be approved by a 2/3 vote of
members present and voting at the annual meeting, etc…, Jennifer C Seconded the motion, and the
motion carried.
Jim S clarified the procedures for making changes in the by-laws. This can be done by the board.
We can move to make that change at the present time, and then act on it at the next meeting.
Action Item – An announcement asking for members to submit their names and short bios to be placed
on the ballot for election of new board members at our annual meeting will be sent out to the LFND
membership list serve.
Action Item – Current officers will need to be contacted to see if they are willing to continue in their
positions before the annual meeting.
Tabled Discussion – How can we fix the scheduling of Board meetings to allow for maximum
participation by Board members?
C. Conference Planning –
 Engaging Learners for Success (Conference Theme)
 How might we change the name for this joint conference to include the Learning Forward ND
name along with AdvancEd?
 Session Brainstorming - Protecting Student Data
- Designing PL around AdvancEd Goals = NDSU Leadership Team Presentation - Barnes County North Educational Technology Council Grant Project
- Park River Educational Technology Council Grant Project
- Coaching (2 Sessions – Topics by Laurie) – for Instructional Coaches
- Change – C-BAM (Concerns-Based Adoption Model) Dr. Clapper?
- Stephanie Hirsch – Keynote – How does Adult learning tie in with student learning; session Engaging Adult Learners – what do adult learners need? – what is happening around the
world with Professional Learning
- Community and Parent involvement –
- LFND – Get to know us…
 Conference presenters receive 2 free registrations per presentation
Action Item – Bring any other ideas for possible sessions to the next meeting.
D. Conference Committee Members– Ryan T, Jody F, and Tabitha L. Other suggestions?
Summer Learning Forward Conference -Tabitha will be going to the summer LF meeting in Toronto on
July 17- 19. The board will need to look at this on a yearly basis to determine if the financials of the
organization can allow the President-Elect to be a participant. Ryan T, current President-Elect, is unable
to attend this year.
Jim S. moved to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 1:37 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, July 29, 1:00 – 3:00 PM, via FUZE (Two hour time frame to allow for more
conference session planning.)
Respectfully Submitted, Kim Jones, LFND Secretary