Patient participation enhanced service

Patient Participation Enhanced Service 2014/15 Annex D: Standard Reporting Template
London Region North West Area Team
Complete and return to: by no later than 31 March 2015
Practice Name: Stanley Corner Medical Centre
Practice Code: E84051
Signed on behalf of practice: Jo Dunkley-Hughes
Date: 27/3/15
Signed on behalf of PPG:
Prerequisite of Enhanced Service – Develop/Maintain a Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Does the Practice have a PPG?
Method(s) of engagement with PPG: Face to face, Email, Other (please specify)
We have regular 6-12 week meetings face to face, telephone calls, postal and some e-mail contact
Number of members of PPG: 19 members.
Detail the gender mix of practice population and PPG:
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Detail of age mix of practice population and PPG:
> 75
Patient Participation Enhanced Service 2014/15 Annex D: Standard Reporting Template
Detail the ethnic background of your practice population and PRG:
Gypsy or Irish
White &black
Asian/Asian British
Mixed/ multiple ethnic groups
White &black
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Describe steps taken to ensure that the PPG is representative of the practice population in terms of gender, age and ethnic
background and other members of the practice population:
We had difficulty enlisting any of our Somalian patients on our list to join the group but this year we have a somalian lady
as a regular group member. We still struggle to find any younger (25-40 years of age) patients to join. We have a large
number of patients from the Asian Continent that come to study in London but they also have jobs to enable them to send
money home. They live in rented accommodation and don’t have access to computers to enable e-mail access. Many of
them don’t speak English and although I did wonder if one of our gujarati speaking receptionists could translate I don’t
think it would be a feasible solution.
We have been holding the meetings on a Friday afternoon but are planning in the Summer to have an evening meeting
which may suit the younger working population.
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We continue to put fliers in the waiting room and advertise on our website to encourage patients to join. The clinicians and
Receptionists are also encouraged to recruit patients if possible.
The members of the group we have are from a variety of backgrounds and ethnic groups. We have two Afro-carribean
members, one somalian, three from India, one Canadian, one Irish, one Easten European and ten English members. They
also have a variety of experience and religious backgrounds. The group includes a retired Mental Health Services Manager,
a retired school teacher, retired secretary, an NHS admin worker and several housewives (who never retire).We have two
physically challenged group members.
They are a very enthusiastic group and their input has been invaluable this year.
We will next year hopefully arrange some meetings in the evening as well to try and get younger patients to participate.
Are there any specific characteristics of your practice population which means that other groups should be included in the PPG?
e.g. a large student population, significant number of jobseekers, large numbers of nursing homes, or a LGBT community?
If you have answered yes, please outline measures taken to include those specific groups and whether those measures were
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Review of patient feedback
Outline the sources of feedback that were reviewed during the year:
We used the ‘Family & Friends Questionnaire’, any complaints and comments received (written, verbal or feedback from our website and NHS
Choices website. We also discussed topics requested to be reviewed by the group from the Partners and staff. We also reviewed progress from
last year’s PPG report.
We decided to add two questions agreed by the Doctors, staff and PPG to the ‘Family & Friends’ mandatory questions.
The questions agreed by all parties after discussion were:1. Please rate confidence in your doctor’s ability and how they explained your condition and treatment.
2. The manner in which you were treated by the reception staff.
These were disappointing results in the previous cfep survey 2013/ 2014.
The comments on the returned ‘Family & Friends questionnaires from January, February and March were very encouraging and positive for both t
the PRG decided to choose three different priority areas that had been discussed at previous meetings and commented on in the complaints and
1. The introduction of an in-house phlebotomy service
2. The need for a Friday pm or Saturday am routine surgery
3. On-going problems getting appointments (shortage of appointments).
How frequently were these reviewed with the PRG?
We had meetings every 12 weeks but also written and telephone contact.
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Action plan priority areas and implementation
Priority area 1
Description of priority area:
1. To implement phlebotomy in house. The imminent closure of Wembley Centre for Health & Care phlebotomy
service and patients having to go to other GP practices (mostly by appointment only) was not an ideal situation. It
was also difficult for the frail, elderly or poorly patients to have to ring for an appointment and then wait for a blood
test. The implementation of an in-house phlebotomist means the turn round for tests and results would be much
faster. We would also be able to monitor patients that fail to go for blood tests.
What actions were taken to address the priority?
1. It was discussed at a strategy meeting by the Partners and Practice Manager (who chaired the PRG meeting). It
was agreed this was a priority to have an in-house phlebotomy service.
2. It was discussed at a CCG meeting to see when we could apply for the service (January was the earliest)
3. We advertised for a Health Care Assistant/Phlebotomist who could also help with reception cover. She is now a
member of the practice team. We also have a further member of staff undergoing training to cover holidays and
4. We refurbished a room that was really only used as a store room to accommodate the service.
5. We submitted a contract request on 3rd February 2015 to Mark Algar (NHS Shared Business Services Manager) for
in-house phlebotomy.
6. We have since heard we can go-ahead, with the proviso our Phlebotomist attends a two day update phlebotomy
course. This is booked for 7th and 8th. of April 2015.
7. We will have appointments from 8.30am for patients needing fasting blood sugars or needing to get to work. We
will start with one or two sessions a week and monitor the uptake and waiting times.
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Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):
1. We are waiting for a date in April to start the phlebotomy service and once confirmed we will put notices in the
waiting room, on our website and on prescriptions. We will then claim for the patients we give the service to.The
PRG will be spreading the word and are really pleased with the outcome.
2. The service has already been given to elderly, frail and really poorly patients that would find it difficult to go
elsewhere. We have also added three clinics next week for our diabetic patients that find it difficult to attend
elsewhere for phlebotomy to hopefully improve their compliance. We are running this as a trial to see if the times,
length of appointments etc are sufficient.
3. We have now completed the three clinics and the feedback has been very positive.
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Priority area 2
Description of priority area:
The PRG said because we have a surgeries on a Friday morning surgery (four doctors) with both ‘book on the day’ and
‘book in advance appointments’ and only an emergency service in the afternoon and then no more routine appointments
until Monday morning, it was too long to wait. We do have an overflow service at Vale Farm surgery for our patients
unable to get an appointment within 48 hours but patients prefer to see their own GP.
They suggested we had a routine Friday pm surgery or Saturday am surgery.
What actions were taken to address the priority?
It was discussed at the Partners meeting and agreed that it was a good idea because it would also ease the pressure on
Monday surgeries. It was decided that we didn’t have enough of the regular doctors to cover this because they use this
time to catch up on admin work and have meetings. We engaged a locum doctor for every Friday afternoon to hold a
three hour surgery (this was introduced some time ago). We now have a GP Registrar that will take over the surgery
shortly (a regular member of the clinical team).
We have also had a Partner that had to drop one of her evening surgeries due to pressure of workload from an MBA
Management course she was studying. This was completed last week and hopefully in the near future she will re-instate
her evening surgery.
Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):
We have had a good response from the PRG and also many of the patients. We always use the same locum doctors and
they are popular with the patients so the Friday pm appointments have been fully booked. We previously only had one
receptionist and we have now increased this to two on friday afternoon which has also helped with the ever increasing
admin load (patients letters are scanned in more quickly).
We also have less pressure on Monday surgeries and the feedback from patients is that they find it easier to get Monday
appointments now.
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Priority area 3
Description of priority area:
The feedback from the practice website, a couple of comments on ‘Friends & Family questionnaires and comments in
the complaints and comments box in the waiting room highlighted that some patients still had problems getting an
appointment when needed. The PRG had not had problems themselves but had heard comments in the waiting room
about difficulty getting appointments and thought this should be highlighted as a priority. We have increased our
capitation list in the last year and we have new patients added most days (although we also have deductions). These
comments continued even after we added Friday pm surgeries so although the Friday surgery has eased the situation
there still seems to be a need for more appointments.
We are a training practice and when new GP Registrars join us (in August and February), Dr. Krotosky (GP Trainer) has
to spend time mentoring and having tutorials with them which means we lose some of his appointments. We do employ
locums to cover but so many doctors are on holiday in August this can cause a problem. The GP Registrars once at a
stage when they can take surgeries are invaluable.
What actions were taken to address the priority?
This seems to be a problem highlighted every year and despite several measures we have introduced to ease the
situation (telephone consultations,on-line booking,booking 6 weeks in advance and the Sudbury Hub) patients are still
having difficulties.
Dr. Ybanez (a salaried doctor here for 15 years) is leaving at the end of June. Dr. Ybanez does four sessions a week but
we are going to advertise for a salaried doctor to cover six sessions a week to hopefully ease the situation. In the
meantime we will continue to cover holidays and absences with locum doctors to ensure the number of offered
appointments is the same. We will continue to monitor the situation and at present are doing an audit of the
appointments requested and booked.
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Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):
We are only advertising this week for the salaried doctor so we have yet to find out if it helps the situation. We are
however monitoring the appointments (family and friends questionnaires etc.) If we are still getting problems we will
have to add a locum doctor until Dr. Ybanez’s replacement is recruited. We do have two GP Registrars at a stage in their
training that they can now see more patients as well which should help.
Progress on previous years
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Is this the first year your practice has participated in this scheme?
If you have participated in this scheme for more than one year, outline progress made on issues raised in the previous year(s):
2012/2013 Problems highlighted :- Comfort of the waiting room – We replaced the window locks (we can open windows in hot weather) & replaced
some of the worn out door closures to prevent banging doors. We haven’t received any negative feedback since the changes but will continue to
monitor the situation.
Confidence in ability :- We had a ‘Retainer Doctor’ who used to run two hours late with her surgeries and also call patients back several times in the
same day to check their progress. She was a lovely person but it was mutually agreed by both parties General Practice was not for her. We now have an
excellent GP Retainer.
This was one of the questions on the ‘Family & Friends’ questionnaire that we added and the response was excellent except for one negative comment.
2013 /2014 Problems highlighted :- Opening Hours satisfaction – We had already introduced extended hours surgeries and changed the lunch time
closing but it remained a problem. We introduced telephone triage/consultations and encouraged on-line appointments booking and it did seem to help
for some time.
See a practitioner within 48 hours:- We now have the ability to refer patients to Vale Farm Sudbury if we are unable to offer an appointment within 48
hours. We do however find that patients would still rather wait to see their own GP, except if it is really urgent. We are hoping with the increase of two
further doctor sessions (as mentioned later) the situation will further improve.
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Patient Participation Enhanced Service 2014/15 Annex D: Standard Reporting Template
PPG Sign Off
Report signed off by PPG:
Date of sign off:
How has the practice engaged with the PPG:
How has the practice made efforts to engage with seldom heard groups in the practice population?
Has the practice received patient and carer feedback from a variety of sources?
Was the PPG involved in the agreement of priority areas and the resulting action plan?
How has the service offered to patients and carers improved as a result of the implementation of the action plan?
Do you have any other comments about the PPG or practice in relation to this area of work?
Complete and return to: by no later than 31 March 2015
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