Workshop Descriptions - Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley

Workshop Descriptions
Choose one workshop from each session.
Session A
9:30 to 10:45 AM
A-01 The Final Frontier: Exploring the Deep Space of Collegiate Ministry This
workshop seeks to explore the necessity and significance of collegiate ministry in the
reformed tradition. Drawing from national data and current campus ministries in the
Sheppards and Lapsly and North Alabama Prebyteries, participants will delve more
deeply into the blessings and challenges of working with college students. Jason
Santos Jason Brian Santos is the Mission Associate for the Office of Collegiate Ministries
at the Presbyterian Mission Agency and the national director of UKirk. He is an ordained
teaching elder in the PCUSA and holds a Ph.D. in practical theology from Princeton
Theological Seminary, where he was named a Timothy Scholar for research on the
spiritual formation of youth and young adults. He is also the author of A Community
Called Taizé: A Story of Prayer, Worship and Reconciliation (IVP, 2008). He currently
resides in Louisville, KY with his wife, Shannon and his two sons, Judah and Silas (aka
A-02 The Bible after Galileo and Gettysburg This workshop will grapple with what we
have or have not learned about interpreting the Bible after historic struggles
regarding science and slavery. Joe Scrivner Rev. Joseph F. Scrivner, Ph.D. - Dr. Joseph
Scrivner currently serves as Pastor at Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and
Director of the Center on Religion and Society at Stillman College. The Church and
College are both historic African American institutions in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Before
his current positions, Dr. Scrivner taught for 11 years at Samford University in
Birmingham, AL. He has written “African American Interpretation” for The Oxford
Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation (2013), co-authored a handbook on Hebrew
grammar, and published numerous brief articles for Bible dictionaries and
encyclopedias. In addition, while in Birmingham, he assisted extensively in preaching
and teaching at Sixth Avenue Baptist Church. He also developed a well-attended Sunday
School summer series at Independent Presbyterian Church. He was raised in Memphis,
TN, by Rev. Ralph and Janet White. He has been an ordained minister for twenty-two
years, beginning under his father’s ministry at Bloomfield Baptist Church. He earned a
B.A. from Crichton College, an M.A. from Reformed Theological Seminary (Jackson), and
a Ph.D. in Old Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary.
A-03 Leading a Short-Term Mission Trip Leading a short-term mission trip with your
church or presbytery in the next year? This workshop is for you. Come to this
interactive session to learn what it takes to plan and lead a great short-term mission
trip. Leave with practical tools and new insights for short-term mission leadership.
Ellen Sherby Ellen Sherby is the coordinator of Equipping for Mission Involvement work
area of Presbyterian World Mission. Ellen lived in Nicaragua for eleven years working
with short-term mission teams from the U.S. to Mexico, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Nine
of those years she was a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission co-worker with the
Council of Evangelical Churches of Nicaragua (CEPAD). She holds a master’s degree in
Pedagogy from the UNAN in Managua. Outside of her work role, Ellen is highly involved
with her husband Elmer Zavala’s house church ministry with Latino/Hispanic immigrants
through Mid-Kentucky Presbytery.
A-04 You Are a Wave in the Ocean of God In the Gospel of John, Jesus performs 10
escapes and rejects literal language 11 times. These two patterns reveal the mystical
nature of the Fourth Gospel. Thus, both Jesus and his words are found to be slippery
and out of reach by rationalistic theology. Wayne McLaughlin Wayne has served
Baptist, Lutheran, and Presbyterian congregations in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, and
Alabama. Being honorably retired, he lives with his wife Pat in Homewood.
A-05 We Worship with Our Eyes Too! - Visual Arts in the Church This workshop will
explore how to begin a Visual and Liturgical Arts program in your church on a limited
budget. Tap into the creativity of your congregation to create a vital and engaging
arts ministry for all ages. Dave VanderMeer Dave VanderMeer has been Director of
Music & Fine Arts Ministries at Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia since
August 2001. Dave conducts the adult Chancel Choir, three handbell choirs, helps plan
weekly worship services, leads a monthly Taizé Prayer Service, curates the church’s art
gallery and coordinates the liturgical arts ministry. He has been conference director,
clinician, and seminar leader for many national and regional conferences. Dave is
pursuing a Master of Arts in Practical Theology degree in worship at Columbia
Theological Seminary.
A-06 Growing with Grace and Gratitude God’s grace and our response of gratitude
are the foundation of the new PC(USA) denominational children’s curriculum for fall
2015. This workshop will provide a hands-on experience with the new curriculum, a
tool that encourages leaders to nurture children’s discipleship through the spiritual
practices of hospitality, generosity, and love. Candace Hill Candace Hill is the
coordinator of educational ministries for the PC(USA).
A-07 Workshop 1 Dr. Carol Kruger
A-08 This is Not Just Fun and Games You can’t just hand a game book to your church
leaders and say, “Have fun.” Recreation leadership should be a part of the training
for your youth leaders and Sunday school teachers. Discover what is to be attempted
and avoided as we look at the fundamentals of recreation leadership. Joel Winchip
Joel is the Executive Director of the Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference
Association. He also serves on the adjunct faculty of Columbia Theological Seminary,
teaching their classes on camp/conference ministry and recreation.
A-09 Living River: A Resource to Support Your Ministry Come discover how the
unique resources of Living River can help support your church’s ministry. At Living
River we offer distance from the distractions of daily life, the wonder of God’s
creation found in nature and opportunities to live in intentional Christian community.
Learn how to use these unique characteristics to encourage rest, reflection and
renewal. Explore how to partner with Living River to plan, organize and lead events
to help people grow, both individually and as a group. Find out about our
programming including teambuilding and leadership development and how Living
River can tailor them to meet your needs. John Erdman John Erdman is Executive
Director of Living River: A Retreat on the Cahaba. Prior to joining Living River, John's
experience included serving as director of three other Christian camp and retreat
centers in Tennessee, New Hampshire, and Ohio. Before moving into full time camp
ministry, John worked in leadership development, training and human resources
positions in business and higher education.
A-10 Katharine Rhodes Henderson The Rev. Dr. Katharine Rhodes Henderson is
president of Auburn Theological Seminary. Henderson is an international leader in
theological education and has pioneered programs for religious leaders of many faith
traditions to exercise moral leadership in the public square. From the Auburn Coach
Training program to Auburn Media to Groundswell, Henderson has spearheaded
innovative educational programs, ranging from convening corporate CEOs on ethics in
business practice to infusing mainstream media with compelling faith voices on issues
such as moral economy, sex trafficking, immigration, gun violence and LGBTQ equality.
Henderson has been featured in outlets like MSNBC, The Washington Post and The New
York Times, and is the author of “God’s Troublemakers: How Women of Faith are
Changing the World” (Continuum, 2006). She was named co-recipient of the Guru Nanak
Interfaith Prize for her lifelong commitment to create spaces for authentic interfaith
engagement, including her work with programs such as Face to Face | Faith to Faith and
spearheading the creation of MountainTop, a gathering of faith leaders to catalyze a
multifaith movement for justice. She joined esteemed past winners, such as His Holiness
the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. Henderson was raised in Louisville, Ky., during the civil
rights movement. As a child she accompanied her parents on civil rights marches and sat
with them at church gatherings of people of many different faith traditions and people
who claimed no faith tradition but came together out of moral conviction or
commitment — all united for justice. This personal history has fueled Henderson’s work
and lifelong passion for the multifaith movement for justice. Henderson is ordained in
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). She earned her Masters of Divinity degree at Union
Theological Seminary in New York City and her doctorate at Columbia University
Teachers College.
Session B
1:00pm to 2:30pm
B-01 Public Speaking for pastors Want to shake the dust off your speaking? Dive into
new perspectives, new nouns and new verbs for speaking, teaching, and preaching.
Major topics include play, empathy, tuning, and story. This is a high participation, fun
session you won't forget. Jim Belk The Rev. Dr. Katharine Rhodes Henderson is
president of Auburn Theological Seminary. Henderson is an international leader in
theological education and has pioneered programs for religious leaders of many faith
traditions to exercise moral leadership in the public square. From the Auburn Coach
Training program to Auburn Media to Groundswell, Henderson has spearheaded
innovative educational programs, ranging from convening corporate CEOs on ethics in
business practice to infusing mainstream media with compelling faith voices on issues
such as moral economy, sex trafficking, immigration, gun violence and LGBTQ equality.
B-02 Homelessness in Alabama: Sustainable Ministry for Presbyterians To acquaint
participants with the rising number of homeless children in Alabama and the ways in
which churches can help. Mark Howard
B-03 Dying Well Truth: We are all going to die one day. Reality: Most of us are not
prepared. This workshop will explore how we can connect truth with reality. Join us
as we explore how "dying well" was lived out in the past and how medical
advancements have changed our experience to what can now be called a "good
death." During this workshop we wil take time to openly discuss, identify and
document our end-of-life desires. Catherine Oliver Henderson has been featured in
outlets like MSNBC, The Washington Post and The New York Times, and is the author
of “God’s Troublemakers: How Women of Faith are Changing the World”
(Continuum, 2006).
B-04 Through and Beyond: Moving Mindfully Through Life We need time to reflect
on where we have been, where we are and where we are going in our journey. Using
simple meditation exercises we can become more mindful, embrace our present, and
prepare for the next step. “Many thresholds beckon…one small step forward has
power to change everything” —Bonnie Thurston. Nancy Hornsby
B-05 Engaging Children With God's Story How do we help children see themselves in
God's Story so they can see God in their story? Come explore a variety of ways to
"make God's Story come alive" for children of all ages using children's literature,
wooden story sets, drama, games, and more! Krista Lovell She was named corecipient of the Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize for her lifelong commitment to create
spaces for authentic interfaith engagement, including her work with programs such as
Face to Face | Faith to Faith and spearheading the creation of MountainTop, a gathering
of faith leaders to catalyze a multifaith movement for justice. She joined esteemed past
winners, such as His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet.
B-06 Traditional Worship with A Dash of the Nontraditional Many of our churches
aren't called to completely alter their worship styles...but that doesn't mean worship
leaders can't throw a few interactive and nontraditional elements into our worship
planning. Workshop participants will learn ways to use simple things like children's
books, Laffy Taffy, a box of old photographs and much more in our worship services
as we help people connect with and worship God. Lindsey Wade
B-07 Creating a Culture of Generosity Is your congregation’s approach to
stewardship stuck in a rut? Are you living in a state of scarcity and longing for
abundance? You will walk away from this workshop with ideas on organizing your
generosity/stewardship leadership group, communicating with the different types of
givers that exist in your congregation, integrating all aspects of your church into the
life of generosity, and teaching the spirituality of generosity. Robert Hay, Jr.
Henderson was raised in Louisville, Ky., during the civil rights movement. As a child she
accompanied her parents on civil rights marches and sat with them at church gatherings
of people of many different faith traditions and people who claimed no faith tradition
but came together out of moral conviction or commitment — all united for justice. This
personal history has fueled Henderson’s work and lifelong passion for the multifaith
movement for justice.
B-08 When We Leave the Church Parking Lot When we take youth on a trip, we
introduce them to a whole new world of ministry. We also add new responsibilities
and liabilities for our church and its leaders. This workshop will address risk
management during trips and what we can do to address the safety of our youth.
Joel Winchip
Session C
2:30pm to 4:00pm
C-01 A Spirituality for the Second Half of Life The leader will invite and guide
participants to age with intentionality, encouraging them to expand and deepen the
spiritual dimension of their lives through greater awarenesshe reading of original
poetry will be the jumping off point for individual reflection and group sharing,
facilitated by individual and interactive exercises. Mary McQueen Porter Henderson
is ordained in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). She earned her Masters of Divinity
degree at Union Theological Seminary in New York City and her doctorate at Columbia
University Teachers College.
C-02 Young Adult Faith Formation: Absolutely Everything You Need To Know About
Emerging Adulthood During this workshop, we will unpack the current state of
young adult faith in order to illuminate why the mainline church is struggling to reach
this generation. Particular attention will be placed on how young adults think about
religion, faith, and spirituality and how we might more faithfully journey with them
during this life stage. Jason Santos Jason Brian Santos is the Mission Associate for the
Office of Collegiate Ministries at the Presbyterian Mission Agency and the national
director of UKirk. He is an ordained teaching elder in the PCUSA and holds a Ph.D. in
practical theology from Princeton Theological Seminary, where he was named a
Timothy Scholar for research on the spiritual formation of youth and young adults. He is
also the author of A Community Called Taizé: A Story of Prayer, Worship and
Reconciliation (IVP, 2008). He currently resides in Louisville, KY with his wife, Shannon
and his two sons, Judah and Silas (aka Tutu).
C-03 How Can This Be? Jesus’ Parables for A New Church We will learn how Jesus’
parables of the Kingdom bring astonishment and wonder - in Jesus’ own time and in
our own. Then we’ll see how His parables can lead us into new forms of Church. Jeff
Hayes Jeff has an M.A. from Yale Divinity School in Bible and an M.A. from Candler in
New Testament. He is currently writing an article for publication on the Gospel of Mark.
This workshop grows out of that research.
C-04 The Ruling Elder: From Formation to Transformation Whether you are a newly
ordained or seasoned ruling elder, this workshop is for you if you want to deepen
your understanding and experience of your call as a spiritual leader. We will examine
together the office of ruling elder, and the work of the session as a worshipful
community. Using the Being Reformed workbooks for ruling elders and the Book of
Order, this workshop will begin with formative information and end with exploration
of personal and communal practices that are transforming for leaders and the
congregation. Peggy Hinds Peggy Cecil Hinds, D.Min, ACC is a coach, consultant and
facilitator. Her purpose is to help individuals have holistic, balanced, and fulfilled lives,
and to assist congregations and non-profit organizations to succeed. She is author of
Ruling Elder: Transformation, part of the Being Reformed series of studies from
Congregational Ministries Publishing, and a frequent contributor to LinkedIn Pulse. She
has also written for and Peggy facilitates workshops for congregations,
presbyteries and the national church. She is a PC(USA) teaching elder and certified
Christian educator, and a member of the International Coach Federation and the
Presbyterian Coach Network.
C-05 Keeping in Touch with God and your Neighbor - Authentic Faith Facing the
Challenges of Today Religion unifies and divides us. Churches split over questions of
doctrine, social injustices and sexual orientation. We will discuss the question how to
keep the unity bearing with dissenting brothers and sisters in Christ (or, sex is not
everything ... but love). Inspiring basis: Shane Clairborne's book "Irresistible
Revolution. Living as an Ordinary Radical". Thomas Herwig Christian, theologian,
Ph.D. in Systematic Theology, pastor, musician, German, Assistant Professor teaching in
the Honors College of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, ministering First Pres
Deutsch at First Pres Tuscaloosa, married to Tuscaloosa First Pres Ass. Pastor Lou Ann
Sellers, father of Madelyn (9), Johannes (29) and Charlotte (27), contributing to the
English Karl Barth edition managed by the Center for Barth Studies at Princeton
Theological Seminary
C-06 Suffer the Little Children, Worshipping Joyfully With All Ages: A Hodge-Podge
of Practical Resources, Ideas, and Discussion Learn ways that Edgewood
Presbyterian Church is going beyond the children’s sermon to incorporate children
into the whole worship service seamlessly and joyfully. This session will present
resources and examples they use each week and for special seasons that have all of
God’s children participating fully in His worship. Fran Woodruff Fran Woodruff is a
local school librarian and a deacon at Edgewood Presbyterian Church with 15+ years
experience on the children’s sermon team. She posts her children’s sermon scripts for
the 3-year Revised Common Lectionary cycle on her blog on the chancel steps
C-07 Creating Safe Places for Kids: Preventing & Responding to Bullying In a recent
study 17% of students in grades 6 to 10 report being bullied “sometimes” and 8%
report being bullied at least once a week. How do we create places safe from bullying
in our churches? How do we care for both the kids who are bullied and the bullies? In
this session we’ll explore the common types of bullying, how it happens, why it
occurs and how to respond effectively. We’ll also look at strategies for preventing
bullying in our children’s and youth programs. John Erdman John Erdman is Executive
Director of Living River: A Retreat on the Cahaba. Prior to joining Living River, John's
experience included serving as director of three other Christian camp and retreat
centers in Tennessee, New Hampshire, and Ohio. Before moving into full time camp
ministry, John worked in leadership development, training and human resources
positions in business and higher education.
C-08 Workshop 2 Carol Kruger