Grading Rubric for Publisher Business Elements Each separate piece is worth 10 points and each piece is graded on this rubric 5 - 4 Points 3 Points General / Overall Organization Information is well organized with a clear business idea that is well represented on the Publisher piece Information is well organized, business idea is somewhat clear on each Publisher piece Information is loosely organized, business idea is somewhat clear on each Publisher piece Information is disorganized and business idea is unclear and isn't translated to the Publisher piece Grammar / Format - How does it look? (margin, font, size, spacing,) No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors and organized formatting elements are used Almost no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors and organized formatting elements are used, with little to no formatting errors A few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors and organized formatting elements are used, but still looks disorganized Sevearl grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors and formatting elements are disorganized or not used CATEGORY 2 Points 1 - 0 Points TOTAL ________ / 10 CHOSEN PIECE: 5 - 4 Points 3 Points General / Overall Organization Information is well organized with a clear business idea that is well represented on the Publisher piece Information is well organized, business idea is somewhat clear on each Publisher piece Information is loosely organized, business idea is somewhat clear on each Publisher piece Information is disorganized and business idea is unclear and isn't translated to the Publisher piece Grammar / Format - How does it look? (margin, font, size, spacing,) No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors and organized formatting elements are used Almost no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors and organized formatting elements are used, with little to no formatting errors A few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors and organized formatting elements are used, but still looks disorganized Sevearl grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors and formatting elements are disorganized or not used CATEGORY CHOSEN PIECE: Points earned _____ / 5 2 Points 1 - 0 Points Points earned _____ / 5 TOTAL ________ / 10 Name: _____________________________________________________________________________