Flying Scholarship Assignment #6 - Weather Reporting & Forecasting (167) 1. How often are METAR reports issued? Is the cloud height indicated in height above sea level or height above ground level? Are the winds given in degrees true or degrees magnetic? (3) 2. How often are TAF’s issued? How long are they valid for? Are the cloud heights indicated in height above ground level or height above sea level? (3) 3. How often are GFA’s issued? Are the cloud heights indicated in height above ground level or height above sea level? (2) 4. Complete the following chart: (6) Code Number of Oktas Obscured SKC FEW SCT BKN OVC VV 5. How many oktas must be obscured to constitute a ceiling? (1) Decode the following METAR’s including full words of all short forms and any units required. 6. SPECI CYVR 241837Z 24003KT 2 1/2SM BR OVC008 01/M03 A2983 RMK FG2SF6 VSBY W 6 SLP161= (32) Location Identifier (1) Time Issued (2) Wind Direction & Velocity (4) Visibility (2) Weather Phenomena (1) Sky Condition & Ceiling Height (4) Temperature & Dewpoint (4) Altimeter Setting (2) Remarks (10) Sea Level Pressure (2) 7. What does SPECI mean in the previous report? (1) 8. METAR CYYJ 241900Z 00000KT 1SM FZFG VV003 07/07 A3000 RMK FG8 SLP161= (23) Location Identifier (1) Time Issued (2) Wind Direction & Velocity (1) Visibility (2) Weather Phenomena (1) Sky Condition & Ceiling Height (5) Temperature & Dewpoint (4) Altimeter Setting (2) Remarks (3) Sea Level Pressure (2) 9. METAR CYXY 242000Z 18010KT 1SM R31L/P6000FT/N BLSN OVC003 M00/M03 A2996 RMK ST8 VSBY NW 2SM SLP182= (30) Location Identifier (1) Time Issued (2) Wind Direction & Velocity (4) Visibility (2) Weather Phenomena (2) Sky Condition & Ceiling Height (4) Temperature & Dewpoint (4) Altimeter Setting (2) Remarks (7) Sea Level Pressure (2) 10. What does R31L/P6000FT/N mean in the previous report? (8) TAF CYXU 241746Z 241818 06008KT P6SM FEW030 BKN080 FM1200Z 08010KT P6SM -SHSNRA OVC025 TEMPO 1215 OVC015 FM1500Z 08015KT P6SM -SHRA OVC025 TEMPO 1518 OVC015 RMK NXT FCST BY 00Z= 11. When was the above forecast issued (CYXU) and what is its validity period? (9) 12. What weather phenomena are forecast at 1300Z in CYXU? (4) 13. What ceiling is forecast at 1700Z in CYXU? (4) TAF KDET 241738Z 241818 06009KT P6SM SCT040 OVC100 TEMPO 1822 OVC040 FM0000 07006KT P6SM SCT040 OVC080 FM0600 07006KT P6SM BKN030 OVC070 FM0900 08007KT P6SM OVC025 PROB30 1012 5SM -RA BR FM1200 09009KT 5SM -RA BR OVC020 FM1500 10011KT 3SM -RA BR OVC012= 14. What visibility is forecast for 0900Z at KDET? (3) 15. What weather phenomena are forecast for 1100Z at KDET? (3) 16. What is the forecast ceiling at 0300Z in KDET? (4) 17. Complete the following chart: (29) BC = DR = DZ = FU = GS = MI = PR = SH = SQ = VA = BL = DS = FC = FZ = HZ = PL = RA = SG = SS = VC = BR = DU = FG = GR = IC = PO = SA = SN = TS = 18. What is the visibility difference between mist and fog? (2)