ACC Accredited Registration Scheme The ACC Register was accredited by the Professional Standards Authority on 26 March 2015. It is now open for application from ACC members who have been accredited by ACC as: (i) an Accredited Counselling Practitioner; (ii) an Accredited Counsellor, (iii) an Accredited Counselling Supervisor; or an Accredited Counsellor Manager. If you are already an accredited member of ACC, we would like to invite you to join the new ACC Accredited Register through the Registration Scheme. The purpose of the Registration Scheme is to enable you to express initial interest in joining the Register. The ACC Registrar, Dawn Sherry, will then contact you to provide full instructions on how to join the ACC Accredited Register by completing the relevant forms. A number of ACC accredited members have already joined the ACC Register by electing to be part of a Registration Pilot Scheme. This earlier pilot scheme was successful and contributed to ACC being awarded ‘Accredited Register’ status from the Professional Standards Authority in March 2015. If you are an accredited member of ACC who took part in the earlier Registration Pilot Scheme, we would like to express our gratitude and thanks for your support. Your details can already be found on the Register Search facility on the ACC website. We would therefore urge you to check that your details are correct and that you take note of your Registration number. We would also encourage you to visit the other information about the Register in order to familiarise yourself with the Professional Standards Authority Accredited Registers Scheme (it is particularly important that you are aware of the Professional Standards Authority guidance on permitted and unauthorised use of the ‘Accredited Registers’ logo that is featured at the top of this document, next to the ACC logo). If you participated in the Registration Pilot Scheme, you will not need to do anything further at this stage, as you are already an Accredited Registered member of ACC Congratulations!! For those accredited members of ACC who did not take part in the earlier Registration Pilot Scheme, the Register is now open and you are free to join as soon as you are ready. There are a number of benefits of being a member of an Accredited Register and these are outlined on the Register pages of the ACC website: By joining the ACC Accredited Register you will be electing to have a single accredited registered membership category with a single corresponding membership, registration and accreditation renewal date (any membership or accreditation fees already paid by you will be taken into account and you will be notified by our accounts department of any surplus or debit in your account). Registrants also agree to become part of an annual re-accreditation and registration renewal cycle as well as meeting the required CPD and supervision requirements for their level of accreditation. There is also an annual registration administration fee of £25 to pay (this will be incorporated into the single annual renewal fee for registrants). There are four Accredited Registered membership categories, corresponding to the four main types of accreditation, as illustrated below: Accreditation Status Registration Status Accredited Counselling Practitioner Accredited Registered Counselling Practitioner Accredited Counsellor Accredited Registered Counsellor Accredited Counselling Supervisor Accredited Registered Counselling Supervisor Accredited Counsellor Manager Accredited Registered Counsellor Manager In joining the ACC Accredited Register, there are a number of ‘Terms and Conditions’ that you will be asked to agree to. These consist, for the most part, of a series of ‘Safe Practice’ disclosures and declarations that you may be familiar with from your application to join ACC and your accreditation application. It is necessary to respond to these questions accurately and honestly. If any further information is required you will be contacted by the Registrar. Similarly, should you wish to notify us of anything in relation to these questions, please provide further information on a separate sheet and we will contact you if required. If you have any questions about your eligibility to join the ACC Register, when completing your application, please address these to Dawn Sherry, ACC Registrar, in the first instance (Tel. 0845 124 9569/70 Ex. 24; Email: If you would like to upgrade your Accredited Registration status to a different category, for example, from ‘Accredited Registered Counselling Practitioner’ to ‘Accredited Registered Counsellor’, you would need to apply for the relevant accreditation level through the usual means. Information on all of the accreditation grades can be found on the ACC website and application forms obtained from the Registrar. If you are ready to register now, please complete the following ‘Declaration of Interest’ form. The ACC Registrar will then send you the relevant application forms to complete. In brief, the Registration application procedure involves: - Completion of Re-accreditation forms; - Completion of a Registration Form, containing Safe Practice questions, ‘Terms and Conditions’ of Registration, and personal/professional details to appear on the Register. - Evidence of adequate, up-to-date professional indemnity insurance (photocopy of certificate). Should you prefer not to join the ACC Accredited Register at this stage, you will have until 31 December 2017 to make the transition at a time when you feel ready. All current ACC members will be required to join the new Register by this date. Please note, it is a Professional Standards Authority requirement that all organisations holding an Accredited Register should register all members who meet the registration criteria within a specified time (the ‘Transition Period’). ACC will aim to support its counsellors and psychotherapist members to transfer their membership onto the Register before then. In the meantime, we look forward to welcoming you as a member of the ACC Accredited Register when you are ready to join. For more information on the Accredited Registers Scheme, please refer to the ACC website: Tony Ruddle (Executive Chair) Amanda Georgiou (Director of Counselling) ACC Accredited Registration Scheme Form I would like to join the ACC Accredited Register: Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Membership No (if known): ___________________________________________________ Accreditation No: ___________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Telephone/mobile: __________________________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________ Yes No I am an Accredited Counselling Practitioner member of ACC: I am an Accredited Counsellor member of ACC: I am an Accredited Counselling Supervisor member of ACC: I am an Accredited Counsellor Manager member of ACC: Please return your completed Register application form to: Dawn Sherry, ACC Registrar, Association of Christian Counsellors (ACC), ACC Head Office, 29 Momus Boulevard, Coventry, CV2 5NA; Tel. 0845 124 9569/70 Ex. 24; Email: This form can be returned either by post or electronically but must be completed and signed in order to register. Thank you. [Please note, the ACC Accredited Register is granted by the Professional Standards Authority and is only open to counsellors who are presently working and residing in the UK.]