Mini-Intensive Workshops - Occupational Therapy Association of

Mini-Intensive Workshops
Title of Presentation:
Desk Pilates—Integrating Body and Mind Throughout Your Day
Presenter Name: Angela Kneale, OTD, OTR/L
More than just a series of exercises, Pilates is a comprehensive way of living,
emphasizing consciousness and care during movement, including throughout the
performance of our daily self-care, work and play activities. Desk Pilates invites all of us
to increase our awareness of posture and positioning, to explore mind-body connections,
to effectively utilize core muscles to support our spines, and to playfully emphasize
strength and flexibility throughout each day—including while sitting at our desks.
Learning objectives:
1. Demonstrate understanding of optimal postural alignment during sitting.
2. Identify Pilates principles and their importance to movement activities.
3. Demonstrate awareness of Pilates breathing and activation of core muscles.
4. Effectively apply Pilates principles to everyday activities—including sitting at a
Description of content:
It is well known that the majority of Americans have become increasingly sedentary
throughout work, home, school, and leisure activities. We have also learned to
compartmentalize, isolating and limiting exercise to particular times and places. Most of
us have become disconnected from seeing, feeling, or knowing centered movement, and
from experiencing joyful movement. Prolonged sitting and standing, awkward
positioning, as well as repetitive activities have detrimentally affected our postural
alignment, body symmetry, and muscle balances.
Pilates is a method of intelligent fitness for lifelong health, that can be demonstrated in
how we choose to sit, stand, and breathe, and how we choose to approach everyday
life. Desk Pilates provides opportunities to learn and effectively incorporate Pilates basic
principles and movements into each day, and to experience the benefits of increased
awareness of posture and positioning, mindfulness of breathing, exploration of mindbody connections, and effective utilization of core muscles to support our spines, with
emphasis on strength and flexibility.
Presenter biography:
Angela Kneale, OTD, OTR/L is an integrative health coach, a Franklin Method educator,
and has achieved full certification from internationally recognized Stott Pilates.
Professional occupational therapy experience includes industrial rehabilitation, employee
wellness, and treatment of individuals with chronic pain, physical problems, and
neurological issues. She provides health and wellness services through her private
practice, teaches Pilates exercise, is the author of seven books, and specializes in the
integration of movement, breathing, postural alignment, and relaxation techniques for
optimal health.
Title of Presentation:
Change Their Brain, Change Their Function –
3 practices that enhance neuroplasticity and are key to embracing all
Presenter Name: Maxine Haller, OTR/L
Learn to identify the signs of neural noise in posture, movement and behavior.
Master 3 techniques that begin the quieting process moving people towards
parasympathetic function - activities that kids and adults love and ask for that
create a learning state for the brain optimizing neural growth and function.
We will look briefly at freeze, flight, fight, and re-engagement’s role in “noise”
creation. We will explore how this is part of normal human developmental and
how it is impacted by trauma.
This is a hands on workshop offering mastery of tools that can be implemented
Learning Objectives:
1) Understand the basics of Neuroplasticity
2) Understand how Neuroplasticity provides opportunity for changing
3) Identify the role of inappropriately active primitive reflexes in noise
4) Be able to identify the similarities between a Trauma response,
Inappropriately active Moro and Fear Paralysis Reflexes and Neural Noise
5) Understand that neural noise needs to be quieted before neural growth
can be facilitated
6) Be able to recognize 3-4 signs of neural noise thru posture, movement and
7) Master 3 techniques for calming neural noise that can be implemented
- 1 related to body schema and 2 for parasympathetic function
8) Take home a simple screening tool for behavioural identifiers of neural
Description of content:
Neuroplasticity has been well established scientifically. How to implement this
knowledge in clinical practice is more vague. There are several modalities that
work in this sphere. The consensus seems to be that neural noise needs to be
quieted or calmed before neural growth can be facilitated and that the
calming process is, in and of itself, neural reorganization that improves function
affecting all motor output.
There are significant similarities between the Trauma response, Inappropriately
active Moro and Fear Paralysis Reflexes and Neural Noise. Thus Neural Noise can
be identified through specific postural, movement and behavioral signs. We will
focus on recognizing these and mastering 3 techniques that begin the quieting
process - 1 practical intervention for establishing a relaxed and integrated body
schema – an activity that kids and adults LOVE and ask for, then practice 2 ways
to move towards parasympathetic function thus creating a learning state for the
brain and optimizing neural growth and function.
This is a hands on workshop offering mastery of tools that can be implemented
Presenter Biography:
Maxine Haller, OTR/L, is a South African trained OT who came to the USA in 1996. She
brings a unique perspective to Movement Based Interventions and OT because, along
with being a diversely trained and well-seasoned therapist, she is the mother of an SPD
child. She experienced such drastic changes implementing neuroplastic principles, first
with her twice gifted son and then with her clientele, that she has often been asked to
share what she has found with other therapists. Her study of the governing principles
and structures of neuroplasticity has shown that brain structures can be directly
accessed and influenced through specific sensation and movement, and has resulted in
the development of several interventions. It is her mission to empower professionals
with this skillset, and her desire is to invite other therapists, mothers and practitioners
to share in the amazing success this skillset consistently produces. She currently lives
and plays in Fort Collins CO.
Instructor Certifications
Brain Gym 101 Instructor
Rhythmic Movement Training International (RMTi) instructor for
1. Intro levels 1 and 2,
2. RMT for Therapists,
3. School Readiness
4. RMT for Parents
Haller method – new born and early intervention trauma resolution
Movement Based handwriting Program
Partial list of Clinician certifications/competencies: Occupational Therapist, Electro-toxicologist,
Bal- A – Vis – X Provider, Balametrics Provider, Touch For Health, Masgutova Method, &
Integrated Listening Home Programme supervisor (iLs)
Title of Presentation:
The Daring Way™: An Introduction to Wholehearted Living for OT’s
Presenter Names: Linda Crawford OTR/L, CDWF-Certified
Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator & Karen Gilbert, OT, CDWF-Candidate
This experiential and educational workshop is a mini-intensive Daring Way™ shame resilience
course. The Daring Way™ is based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, who has spent the past
twelve years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame. During the workshop we
will explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, self-compassion, empathy and
worthiness. Participants will also gain practical insights for applying the material to therapeutic
relationships and clinical practice.
Learning Objectives
1) Experience a ½ day mini intensive Daring Way™ shame resilience workshop for
professional development as a practicing clinician.
2) Identify the difference between shame, guilt, embarrassment, and humiliation based on
the research of Dr. Brené Brown.
3) Discuss the 10 Daring Way™ Guideposts for Wholehearted living and explore application
to OT practice.
4) Define the 5 attributes of empathy and identify how the practice of empathy can be
applied to therapeutic relationships with clients and in the workplace.
5) Identify the definition and basic neurophysiology of self-compassion and applications to
clinical practice.
6) Identify the 4 myths of vulnerability and Brené Brown’s definition of courage.
7) Gain knowledge and insights about "showing up and being seen" as an occupational
therapist and the impact of shame, self-compassion, and cultivating wholehearted living
on your practice.
Presentation Content:
This experiential and educational workshop would be a mini-intensive Daring Way™ shame
resilience course. The course description from The Daring Way™:
“The Daring Way™ is a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr. Brené
During the process we explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness. We
examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that are holding us back and we identify the
new choices and practices that will move us toward more authentic and wholehearted living.
The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing daily practices that
transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead.”
The Daring Way™ is based on the research of Brené Brown, a research professor at the
University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent the past twelve years
studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame and is the author of Daring Greatly, The
Gifts of Imperfection, and I Thought It Was Just Me.
(About Brené: The Daring Way™ method is based on the research of Brené Brown, Ph.D. LMSW.
Dr. Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social
Work. She has spent the past twelve years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and
shame. Her groundbreaking research has been featured on PBS, NPR, CNN, The Katie Show, and
Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday.
Brené is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be
Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead (2012), the New York Times
bestseller The Gifts of Imperfection (2010), and I Thought It Was Just Me (2007). Brené’s 2010
TEDx Houston talk “The Power of Vulnerability” is one of the top ten most viewed TED talks in
the world, with over 11 million viewers).
Join two pioneering OT's - Linda Crawford and her special co-presenter, Karen Gilbert (from
Vancouver, Canada) - for the first Daring Way™ workshop exclusively for occupational
therapists. This educational and experiential 1/2 day Daring Way™ workshop is based on the
research of Dr. Brené Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College
of Social Work. You'll discover how our vulnerabilities can be a doorway to a life filled with
courage, compassion and connection. We will explore the concepts of of shame, worthiness,
self-compassion, empathy, and the impact of cultivating wholehearted living in our professional
Linda and Karen are actively engaged in integrating the Daring Way™ curriculum into their
clinical practices in addition to creating workshops educating OT's and other health
professionals. They are excited to share their experience of becoming wholehearted
occupational therapists and the positive results on therapy outcomes for their clients.
Presenter Biographies:
Linda has been an Occupational Therapist for 25 years and is currently in private practice
treating all types of chronic pain, CRPS, and pelvic pain using a bio-psycho-social approach. She
works in a collaborative practice clinic with specialized physical therapists, a massage therapist
and yoga instructor. She also collaborates with counselors and other health care practitioners to
facilitate a multidisciplinary treatment approach for healing from chronic pain.
Linda is one of the few occupational therapists certified in Brené Brown’s Daring Way™ shame
resilience curriculum is actively engaged in adapting and integrating the material into her
treatment for men and women with chronic pain. She also offers Daring Way™ workshops for
health professionals and women with chronic pain.
Brave Chronic Pain Therapy-
Karen has been practicing as an occupational therapist in Vancouver BC for 20 years. She
currently works part-time in an interdisciplinary elder care out-patient clinic with a focus on
cognitive strategies and brain health habits, primarily with adults or older adults with mild
cognitive impairment or early stage dementia. She also has a modest private practice where she
offers 1:1 sessions and Daring Way™ workshops for working professionals with invisible health
Title of Presentation:
Rapid Release Techniques to support OT’s and COTA’s
(Focus on Shoulder)
Presenter Name: Theresa Huber, OTR, RMT, NMT,
Presentation Content:
1. Help OT’s gain 20% ROM or more in just one session.
2. Learn to release reflex inhibition of the antagonist muscle group with
3. Targeted muscle groups will be rotator cuff , upper trapezius, and
4. Learn to quickly identify nerve entrapments and what to do about them.
5. Glenohumeral mobilization for a person presenting with forward
shoulder and the exercises to do for correction.
Program Abstract:
These techniques are helpful to treat: rotator cuff injuries, arthritis, shoulder
impingement, soft tissue injury of the shoulder complete shoulder arthrosis w/o
the mobilization technique. This class will help you be more effective in your
daily work environment.
We all practice manual muscle testing and we all know how to muscle test to
isolate a muscle or a group of muscles. This course is designed to make the
work and life of OT’s more efficient, and more effective. The information gained
will be put to use several times a week maybe even several times a day. Come
see how these invaluable skills will give you the tools needed. Reflex inhibition
of tight muscles using the antagonist muscle group is an application of isometric
muscle contraction, which inhibits and releases tight muscles. Let me teach you
the rapid release.
Learning Objectives
1. Palpate boney prominences of the shoulder
2. Locate and muscle test the muscles of the shoulder
3. Identify which muscles are limiting ROM of the shoulder
4. Analyze the posture of the shoulder
5. Identify nerve entrapment possibilities
6. Palpate Trigger points
7. Release Muscles affecting shoulder movement.
Presenter Biography:
Theresa A. Huber, OTR, RMT, NMT, has been a practicing occupational
therapist since earning her degree from Colorado State University over 28 years
ago. She is registered with the National Board for Certification in Occupational
Therapy (NBCOT) as well as with the state of Colorado. In 1989, she completed
a 500-hour curriculum of massage therapy with Health Matters Massage Therapy
School (now Mesilla Valley School of Therapeutic Arts) and became certified by
the NCBTMB in 1992. Theresa also became a Certified Work Capacity
Evaluator in 1988 and received certification of Strength Testing Evaluation for
Work Fitness and Disability by the American Disability Evaluation and
Rehabilitation Institute in 1987. In addition, she has been a certified Trager
Practitioner for 16 years and earned her certification as a Neuromuscular
Therapist by the International Academy of NMT, Judith Walker Method, in
1992. Additionally, Theresa has studied Medical Aroma therapy extensively over
the past 15 years and often incorporates it into her treatment protocols. She has
dedicated her extensive
With a professional focus in pain solutions, work hardening, work simulation, and
job analysis, Theresa has lectured on the topics of pain syndromes and
treatment, adaptive equipment, cumulative trauma disorders, and various other
topics since 1985. Theresa recently co-authored an article in Occupational
Therapy International, which highlights her unique treatment protocol for Bell’s
Palsy. As evidenced by her array of certifications and educational pursuits,
Theresa is relentless in her endeavors to expand her knowledge in traditional
and non-traditional methods of rehabilitation, as well as multi-disciplinary
practices in order to provide the most benefit to her clients. She is truly driven by
a passion to help empower her clients to overcome issues and has dedicated her
life to the restoration of function. Personal dedication in her career has been to
pain management and professional awareness.