Preview Form This is an example of the application questions with which you will be presented. It is recommended that you compose the answers to the paragraph questions in a word processing program and then cut and paste that text into the online application. Contact Information Select the names below who are contacts for this grant application and/or add any new contact(s). Title (Text)(500 character maximum) Instructions: *Prefix (Single-Select List) Dr. Miss Mr. Mrs. Ms. Professor The Honorable Instructions: *First Name (Text)(40 character maximum) Instructions: First Name *Last Name (Text)(40 character maximum) Instructions: Last Name *Street Address (Text)(100 character maximum) Instructions: Address Address 2 (Text)(500 character maximum) Instructions: *City (Text)(50 character maximum) Instructions: City *State or Province (Single-Select List) Instructions: *Postal Code (Text)(20 character maximum) Instructions: Please provide the full 9-digit zip code *Telephone (Text)(30 character maximum) Instructions: Telephone Extension (Text)(500 character maximum) Instructions: *E-mail Address (Text)(100 character maximum) Instructions: E-mail Address Organization Information *Legal Name Instructions: (Text)(255 character maximum) *Street Address (Text)(100 character maximum) Instructions: Address 2 (Text)(100 character maximum) Instructions: *City (Text)(50 character maximum) Instructions: *State (Single-Select List) Instructions: *Postal Code (Text)(20 character maximum) Instructions: Please provide the full 9-digit zip code. Tax ID (Text)(10 character maximum) Instructions: Please enter 9-digit number. Canadian Charity Registration Number (Text)(15 character maximum) Instructions: Please enter the 15-character number (9 numbers, the letters 'RR', followed by 4 more numbers). *Phone Number (Text)(30 character maximum) Instructions: Please enter main phone number. Fax Number (Text)(30 character maximum) Instructions: Please enter main fax number. *E-mail Address (Text)(100 character maximum) Instructions: Please enter main e-mail address. Website Address (Text)(100 character maximum) Instructions: Please enter the organization's website address. Social Media Website Address(es) (Text)(200 character maximum) Instructions: Please enter any social media URL links. Proposal Information *Program Title (Text)(255 character maximum) Instructions: *Requested Amount (Currency)(20 character maximum) Instructions: Only proposals requesting from $25,000 to $100,000 will be evaluated *Number of Participants Directly Involved (Text)(15 character maximum) Instructions: Number of Participants Directly Involved *Geographical Area Served (Single-Select List) Instructions: What one geographic area will benefit most from this project? General Geographic Area (Single-Select List) Local Community Multi-State National Regional Area Instructions: School State *Schools or School Districts Impacted (User-Defined List) Demographics Instructions: Please list any schools or school districts impacted by this grant. (If more than one school is involved in the project, then list all that apply.) Instructions: (No input required) Completion of the following section is voluntary. Information provided will not be considered for the purposes of grant selection. If you prefer not to respond, please enter 100% in 'No Response'. *Ethnicity Served (Percentage List) No Response American Indian \ Alaska Native Asian Black \ African American Hispanic \ Latino Native Hawaiian \ Other Pacific Islander White Not Specific Instructions: Please provide the percentage for each ethnicity served by the project. All percentages must add up to 100%. *Age Group Served (Percentage List) No Response 0-4 yrs Infants \ Toddlers 5-12 yrs Children 13-20 yrs Teens \ Young Adults 21-29 yrs 30-64 yrs 65+ yrs Seniors All Ages Instructions: Please provide the percentage for each ethnicity served by the project. All percentages must add up to 100%. *Gender Served (Percentage List) No Response All Females only Males only Instructions: Please provide the percentage for each ethnicity served by the project. All percentages must add up to 100%. *Population Served (Percentage List) No Response All Populations Low Income Moderate Income Middle Income High Income Instructions: Please provide the percentage for each ethnicity served by the project. All percentages must add up to 100%. Investigation *Please give us a brief summary of your project. (Paragraph)(2000 character maximum) Instructions: Please provide a summary of the project. *How does this project qualify as service learning? (Paragraph)(900 character maximum) Instructions: How does this project qualify as service-learning? How is the service performed in the community connected to K-12 curriculum? If not using K-12 curriculum, please explain how this curriculum can enrich student learning. *What is the YAB issue area your project will address? (Single-Select List) Arts and Culture Community Safety and Justice Economic Empowerment and Financial Literacy Access to Higher Education / Closing the Achievement Gap Environmental Responsibility Health and Wellness Instructions: What is the YAB Issue area your project will address? *Previous Funding (Yes/No) Instructions: Have you received Youth Advisory Board funding before for this project? Additional Funding Justification (Paragraph)(2000 character maximum) Instructions: What has been the impact of that funding, and how does this year’s program build upon last year’s program to warrant additional funding? *Please explain (providing statistics and evidence) what unmet need in your community your service-learning proposal addresses and whom it benefits. (Paragraph)(900 character maximum) Instructions: How does it address the root cause of the problem? What evidence demonstrates that your project will be successful in addressing the issue? *What is unique about your project? (Paragraph)(900 character maximum) Instructions: What is unique about the approach of your service learning project? If your approach has been taken before, please explain the prior impact of the approach and how it could be improved. Preparation *How were youth involved in the writing of this grant proposal? (Paragraph)(600 character maximum) Instructions: Were youth involved in writing the grant? If so, how? *How many young people, and in what ways, will be involved in leadership roles in the planning and execution of the project? How will youth be trained and organized in order to be prepared for their roles in the project? (Paragraph)(900 character maximum) Instructions: How many young people, and in what ways, will be involved in leadership roles in the planning and execution of the project? Please provide a specific example of a young person taking a leadership role. *Meaningful Service (Paragraph)(900 character maximum) Instructions: How will your project involve students in meaningful service? Execution *Give a month-by-month overview of your project's timeline. Please be specific. (Paragraph)(900 character maximum) Instructions: Please include what you aim to accomplish, when you will accomplish it, and how you will accomplish it. *Throughout the duration of your project, what efforts will you be using to engage members of your community? (Paragraph)(900 character maximum) Instructions: Will you be collaborating with other individuals, businesses, or organizations for your project? Will you engage other members of your community? If so, how? *How many young people will be impacted by the project? How will this goal be measured? (Paragraph)(900 character maximum) Instructions: Please describe the metrics you will use to evaluate the number of young people impacted by this project. *How will project awareness be generated through traditional and social media outlets? (Paragraph)(2000 character maximum) Instructions: Please provide all social media handles with which you will be promoting your project or the State Farm Youth Advisory Board. Reflection *How will you evaluate the success of this project? (Paragraph)(450 character maximum) Instructions: What opportunities will be provided for students involved in the project to reflect on their service? *How will your project remain sustainable after the YAB Grant Period ends? (Paragraph)(900 character maximum) Instructions: How will your project remain sustainable after the YAB grant period ends? *How will your service-learning project impact your entire community? (Paragraph)(900 character maximum) Instructions: How will your service-learning project impact your entire community? *Do you agree to provide State Farm semi-annual and final results of this program? (Yes/No) Instructions: Do you agree to provide the State Farm Youth Advisory Board monthly updates on the YAB website about the progress of this project? Additional Information Extra Information (Paragraph)(2000 character maximum) Instructions: Here is a chance for you to include any additional information that you did not already include in the application but would like the State Farm Youth Advisory Board to know. How did you hear about the State Farm Youth Advisory Board? (Single-Select List) State Farm Agent State Farm Employee Non-profit organization School/University website YAB website Other website YAB member Social Media Press Release Instructions: How did you hear about the State Farm Youth Advisory Board? *I confirm that the budget for this RFP does not include the purchase or rental of vehicles, any type of insurance, fringe benefits for employees, indirect travel costs, or administrative costs that are not directly related to the project. (Yes/No) Instructions: *I confirm that the total salary does not exceed 20% of the total budget. (Yes/No) Instructions: Budget *Charitable Amount (Currency)(15 character maximum) Instructions: How much of the requested amount would be considered a charitable donation? Enter dollar amount. (Typically the YAB likes to see all 100% of the grant considered a charitable donation.) *Non-Charitable Amount (Paragraph)(2000 character maximum) Instructions: If the entire requested amount is not a charitable donation, please list the value of incidental items or benefits received by State Farm, if any. Please provide dollar amounts and details. Examples (not all-inclusive): - Booth space at conferences/events - Paid advertisements - Travel allotments for SF YAB members *Budget Upload (File Upload)File Upload; 10485760 byte limit Instructions: Please upload the Budget Excel File here. Click here to download the YAB Grant Budget Template Click on the link to open the file. Save it to your computer, complete the fields, and then upload your completed budget here. Only a completed budget, using the included template, will be accepted. No other attachments will be considered when reviewing your grant. You MUST include all answers in the provided forms, additional attachments will not be read. *Salaries and Compensation (Number)(15 character maximum) Instructions: To help the YAB better examine the budgetary requests of grantees, please enter the totals from each category on the Excel budget file into the application field below. (You will still need to attach the complete Excel budget file in addition to these totals.) *Supplies and Equipment (Number)(15 character maximum) Instructions: To help the YAB better examine the budgetary requests of grantees, please enter the totals from each category on the Excel budget file into the application field below. (You will still need to attach the complete Excel budget file in addition to these totals.) *Travel and Lodging (Number)(15 character maximum) Instructions: To help the YAB better examine the budgetary requests of grantees, please enter the totals from each category on the Excel budget file into the application field below. (You will still need to attach the complete Excel budget file in addition to these totals.) *Promotion/Publicity/Marketing (Number)(15 character maximum) Instructions: To help the YAB better examine the budgetary requests of grantees, please enter the totals from each category on the Excel budget file into the application field below. (You will still need to attach the complete Excel budget file in addition to these totals.) *Expert Services (Number)(15 character maximum) Instructions: To help the YAB better examine the budgetary requests of grantees, please enter the totals from each category on the Excel budget file into the application field below. (You will still need to attach the complete Excel budget file in addition to these totals.) *Miscellaneous (Number)(15 character maximum) Instructions: To help the YAB better examine the budgetary requests of grantees, please enter the totals from each category on the Excel budget file into the application field below. (You will still need to attach the complete Excel budget file in addition to these totals.) Need Support?