SELECTBOARD- TOWN OF BRADFORD REGULAR MEETING Meeting Minutes Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:30 p.m. at the Bradford Academy In Attendance: Board Members Present: Thomas E. Unkles, Carole P. Taylor, Daniel A. Perry III, Randy L. Moore, Lisa D. Sharp Administrative Assistant: Danielle Robinson Others present: Robert Wing, Phil Page, Jeffrey Stieger, Nancy Jones, Larry Coffin, Carolyn Coffin, Barbara Kulzyck, Alex Nuti-de Biasi, Lori Knipe, Stephen Knipe, Mike McCarthy, Sandy Price, John Price, Diane Chamberlain, Nila Anaya Public Comment: Ted Unkles explained that he is aware of the issues at the recycling center and has contacted Earth Waste Systems in hopes that things will start to get better. Larry Coffin- mentioned that 250 people showed up for the 250th anniversary picture and they will be getting a large copy of the photo for the Town Office. The Selectboard thanked the 250th group for their entire year of celebrations, they were all excellent. Barb Kulzyck explained that Bradford recycling center is no longer taking electronics but people can take them to Corinth recycle center free of charge. Junk Ordinance: Dan Perry made a motion authorizing Ted Unkles to write a letter to Robert Nutting, the property owner of 63 Cobblestone Alley that his property is not in compliance with the Town junk ordinance and will include a $500.00 fine. This property owner has previously been sent four junk ordinance letters and the property still remains in violation. The motion also included for Ted Unkles to do an inspection as the default dangerous building inspector of Robert Nutting’s burned property at 172 South Main Street, MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. Dan Perry made a motion authorizing Ted Unkles to write a letter to Pacific Union Financial Bank that owns the property at 9 South Pleasant Street that their property is not in compliance with the Town junk ordinance and to issue a fine of $100. This property owner has previously been sent one other junk ordinance letter. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOULSY. Proposed Solar Project: The energy committee is looking into a solar project through SunCommon that would cover the electricity for the Bradford academy building, highway building, water treatment plant, sewer treatment plant, and Bradford fire station. An acre of solar would cover all of the Towns building plus 10-15 residential homes. The Town would be guaranteed a 10% savings as there is a bigger savings on the community solar model. Being a member would save the Town money each year and SunCommon would pay the Town of Bradford $10,000 up front for the use of the remainder of the array for community solar. SunCommon looked at a few different sites in Bradford and decided that behind the highway garage would be the best place to place the solar panels. It would take between 4-8 months to develop project and start construction. The Selectboard has a lot of questions regarding this project and decided to get more information before moving forward. It was recommended that the board set up a separate meeting to continue the discussion with SunCommon and the general public. Colonial Village- CDBG Funds: 1 Downstreet Housing & Community Development asked for the Town to apply for CDBG funds to rehab the Colonial Village apartments. The Selectboard decided at this time not to move forward with the funding for Colonial Village. The Town currently has other projects it is pursing with CDBG money and the sidewalk vault area is taking higher priority at this time. Mutual Aid Agreement- Newbury: Randy Moore made a motion to approve the mutual aid agreement with Newbury. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. Generator Contract: Dan Perry made a motion authorizing Ted Unkles to sign the Town generator contract that includes the BA building, Fire Department, and Highway buidling. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. Copier Contract: Dan Perry made a motion to accept the 60 month copier lease contract through WB Mason in the amount of $89.95 person month. This contract is a full service contract to cover all parts labor and all supplies excluding paper. Black and white is billed at .01 cents and color billed at .06 cents per copy. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. Listers- Town Reappraisal: The Board of Lister would like to have a complete reappraisal of all taxable properties starting in 2016. The last full Town appraisal was done in 2000. This would be done as an outside contract, costing approximately $130,000. As of November 5, 2015 there is currently $61,752.18 left in the Town reappraisal fund line item, which leaves approximately $68,200 to be raised through taxes. The Listers are planning for the reappraisal to last July 2016 to July 2018. The Selectboard agreed to begin the reappraisal process and the taxes could be raised throughout the next few years to cover the expense. Carole Taylor made a motion authorizing the Listers to put the reappraisal proposal out to bid and begin the process of the Town wide reassessment. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. Fast Squad & Fire Dep- Purchase Orders: Dan Perry made a motion to approve the fast squad to purchase manikins in the amount of $419.00 and 2 infant/child key for house and 2 FRX AED in the amount of $2,750.00. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. Dan Perry made a motion to approve the fire department to purchase a backup camera system replacement in the amount of $1,145.00, a RAD 57 monitoring carbon monoxide and spo2 levels for $3,808.00, 2 sets of gear (coat and paints) for $3,230.14, and 2 pairs of boots for $738.00. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. Training Requests: Lisa Sharp made a motion to approve Bonna Wieler (recreation director) to attend the NNERPC conference at the Attitash Hotel on January 6, 2016 in the amount of $287.00 which does not include the breakfast. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. 2016 Appropriation Requests: 2 Lisa Sharp made a motion to approve the appropriation requests of Orange County Diversion Program in the amount of $400, Orange County Parent Child Center in the amount of $1,500, Safeline in the amount of $1,500, and the Bradford Public Library in the amount of $55,000, for inclusion in the 2016 budget. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. Police Department- Highway Safety Grant: Carole Taylor made a motion for the Bradford Police Department to participate in the 2016 Vermont highway safety program. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. BA Use Applications: Carole Taylor made a motion to approve Tina Towle to use the Bradford Academy building for the turkey trot on November 22, 2015 and Dwayna Covey to us BA on December 5, 2015 for a Shine Your Light show. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes: Carole Taylor made a motion to approve the minutes of October 22, 2016 with date and name corrections, the Selectboard will sign at their next meeting. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOULSY. Orders: Dan Perry made a motion to approve the orders dated November 13, 2016. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. Carole Taylor made a motion to approve the orders with the payments of the appropriations that the voters approved in 2015. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. Other Business: Ted Unkles was asked to sign the easement for the Twin State Fertilizer Property that was discussed and approved at the meeting held on October 8, 2015. Personnel- executive session: Lisa Sharp made a motion to go into executive session at 8:40 p.m. as allowed by 1 V.S.A. Section 313 (a)(1) to discuss a personnel issue because of the premature general public knowledge would place the Town at substantial disadvantage. The motion included for Danielle Robinson to attend the session. MOTION PASSED, UNANIMOUSLY. The Selectboard came out of executive session at 8:46p.m.and adjourned. ____________________________________ Thomas E. Unkles, Chair ____________________________________ Randy L Moore, Vice Chair _____________________________________ Daniel A. Perry III _____________________________________ Carole P. Taylor ____________________________________ Lisa D. Sharp 3