Comparison of Hybrid PSOGSA & Cuckoo Search (CS) algorithm for Optimization of ETBE Reactive Distillation By Vandana Sakhre*1 1 Madhav Institute of Technology & Science (MITS), Gwalior. 474005 Email: Sanjeev Jain1 V.S. Sapkal2, 1 2 Madhav Institute of Technology SGB Amravati University, & Science (MITS), Amravati.444602 Gwalior. 474005 Email: Email: Abstract: Reactive Distillation is highly nonlinear process because of complex chemical interaction and simultaneous separation of components. Control of process parameters of reactive distillation is a challenging task. The objective of this contribution is to present a novel approach for optimization of reactive distillation process parameters. Cuckoo Search (CS) and hybrid combination of Particle Swarm Optimization Gravitational Search Algorithm (PSOGSA) are newly developed metaheuristic technique for solving optimization problems. In this paper, we have chosen ETBE Reactive Distillation as a case study. The objective function for this case is to maximize product purity. After comparison we found that both the algorithm gives best results, but hybrid PSOGSA gives faster convergence and best solution quality irrespective of number of iterations. Key Words: Cuckoo Search, Hybrid Optimization, Metaheuristic, PSOGSA. 1.0 Introduction: Unlike conventional separate reaction and distillation system, Reactive Distillation is a combination of both operation. Due to this reason, it comprises of three sections. These three sections are namely non-reactive rectifying section, reactive section and non-reactive stripping section. The reaction is carried out in reactive section while separation is carried out in both non-reactive rectifying and stripping sections respectively. Thus, the system of reactive distillation is affected by type of reacting components, hardware selection, mode of operation and operating conditions. Reactive Distillation is more advantageous for those reactions in which reaction equilibrium limits the conversion. During the reaction, the continuous removal of reaction product causes increased rate of reaction. As reaction and separation are carried out in single unit, it is benefitted in terms of reduced capital cost [1]. On the other way, it is highly nonlinear process and very difficult to control process variables. Mathematical Optimization is an applied science which helps determining the best value of the parameters by minimization or maximization of the given function [2]. Optimization algorithms form the core tools for experimental design, parameter estimation, model development, and statistical analysis. It also provide tool for model predictive control and real-time optimization [3]. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a global stochastic optimization method based on simulation of social behavior. It exploit the population of potential solution [4]. Nature inspired algorithm are most powerful algorithm for optimization [5]. New metaheuristic algorithms including Harmony Search inspired by the improvising process of composing a piece of music, and Firefly which is formulated based on the flashing behavior of fireflies developed recently [6-7]. Most meta-heuristic algorithms combine rules and randomness to imitate natural phenomena. These phenomena include the biological evolutionary processes, such as genetic algorithm (GA) [8-9], evolutionary algorithm [10-11], and differential evolution (DE) [12] , animal behavior, such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) [13], Tabu Search (TS) [14] and Ant Colony Algorithm (ACA) [15], as well as physical annealing processes, such as simulated annealing (SA) [16]. Improved Cuckoo Search (ICS) Algorithm was developed by Ehsan Valian [17]. A new hybrid PSOGSA developed by Mirjalili, and Hashim (2010) incorporates features of PSO into Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) which is exploitation ability of PSO and exploration ability of GSA [18]. In this research paper, we have implemented hybrid PSOGSA and Cuckoo Search (CS) algorithm for global optimization of Reactive Distillation (RD). Etherification of Ethyl-Tert-Butyl Ether (ETBE) was taken as *corresponding author: Phone No.-07512409378/200. case study. The organization of this paper is as follows: Section 2 describes case study of ETBE reactive distillation along with problem formulation. Section 3 presents the optimization using heuristic algorithm. Section 4 describes results and discussion. Section 5 presents conclusion. 2.0 ETBE Reactive Distillation: Case Study In this research paper, etherification of ETBE by reactive distillation is chosen as case study. ETBE is one of the most important fuel oxygenating agent for gasoline. ETBE can be synthesized by exothermic reversible reaction between Isobutylene (IB) and ethanol [24], but the availability of IB is limited. Therefore, alternative routes to synthesize ETBE are under substantial consideration. By far the most important substitute of Iso-Butylene is Tertiary Butyl Alcohol (TBA) which is a by-product of propylene oxide production in ARCO process. ETBE can be synthesized by direct reaction of TBA and Ethanol in the presence of acidic ion exchange catalyst according to following reactions: TBA + EtOH <------> ETBE + H2O This main reaction is also accompanied by two side reactions and major side reaction is dehydration of TBA into IB and water. TBA <---> IB + H2O IB + EtOH <-----> ETBE The reactive distillation process can be used as an efficient process to achieve separations of equilibrium limited reactions. The difference in reactivity can be exploited advantageously. 2.1 Modeling of Catalytic Packed Reactive Distillation: Modeling of catalytic packed RD was done using first principle model. Two reactants (A and B) producing two products (C and D) as per the following chemistry: A+Bο«C+D The schematic diagram of the reactive distillation column is shown in fig 1. Two reactants with feed flow rates of F1 and F2 fed at top and bottom segment of the reactive section respectively. The product is collected at the top of the column while byproduct is collected at the bottom. Fig 1: Schematic of Reactive Distillation Some assumptions are made as follows: 1. The process is ideal in Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium 2. Saturated Liquid Feed and Reflux flow rate 3. The products have constant relative volatilities 4. Heat of reaction and vaporization and saturated liquid feed and reflux are fixed 5. Constant liquid hold up in reactive zone, reboiler and condenser 6. Reactive zone to be a single stage 7. Negligible vapor holdup. Rectifying and stripping trays: π(π₯π,π ππ ) = πΏπ+1 π₯π+1,π + ππ−1 π¦π−1,π − πΏπ π₯π,π − ππ π¦π,π ππ‘ Reactive trays: π(π₯π,π ππ ) = πΏπ+1 π₯π+1,π + ππ−1 π¦π−1,π − πΏπ π₯π,π − ππ π¦π,π + π π,π ππ‘ Feed trays: π(π₯π,π ππ ) = πΏπ+1 π₯π+1,π + ππ−1 π¦π−1,π − πΏπ π₯π,π − ππ π¦π,π + π π,π + πΉπ π§π,π ππ‘ Column base: π(π₯π΅,π ππ΅ ) = πΏ1 π₯1,π − π΅π₯π΅,π − ππ π¦π΅,π ππ‘ Column pressure: ππΆ π π = ∑ π₯π,π ππ(ππ) π=1 Equilibrium: π¦π,π = πππ π π₯π,π 2.2 Problem Formulation for ETBE RD: The condition in the reactive distillation column are suboptimal because it is a combined reactor-separator unit. The in-situ separation leads to complex vapor liquid equilibrium and fast conversion. The aim of reactive distillation to combine reaction and separation together to achieve higher conversion for equilibrium limited reactions. In this case study, we use simple mass balance equations for maximization of distillate composition: F=B+D F*XF=B*XB+D*XD Using above equation and calculating in terms of distillate D we get D/F = (Xπ − X π€ )/(Xπ − X π€ ) Rearranging above equation to get Xd in terms of D/F and let us denote this ratio by Z then equation reduced to: Xπ − X π€ Xπ = ( ) + Xπ€ Z Let the objective is to maximize distillate purity then our Objective function will be Xπ − X π€ Max Xd = ( ) + Xπ€ z Subjected to constraints 0<=Xw<=1 0<=z<=1 Where Xw=f (T, L, R); T is temperature, L is liquid flow rate, R is reflux ratio z=f (T, D, F); D is distillate flow rate, F is feed flow rate Xf if fraction reacting component in the feed. 3.0 Optimization using Heuristic Algorithm: Optimization problems are concerned with finding the values for one or several decision variables that meet the objective without violating the constraint. Depending on the objective function, optimization problems might have multiple solutions some of which might be local optima. For solving non-linear objective function, metaheuristic algorithm are commonly used, which uses pattern matrix to give random solution. In Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), swarm is referred by pattern matrix and each pattern is corresponds to artificial particle. A pattern is considered as an artificial nest in the Cuckoo Search (CS) algorithm. Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) uses two solution strategies, exploration and exploitation. The exploration process succeeds in enabling the algorithm to reach the best local solutions within the search space, the exploitation process expresses the ability to reach the global optimum solution which is likely to exist around the local solutions obtained. Hybrid PSOGSA combines the ability of global search in PSOGSA with the local search capability of GSA. 3.1 Optimization using Hybrid PSOGSA: Particle Swarm has two primary operators-Velocity update and Position update. During each generation each particle is accelerated toward the particles previous best position and the global best position. At each iteration a new velocity value for each particle is calculated based on its current velocity, the distance from its previous best position, and the distance from the global best position. The new velocity value is then used to calculate the next position of the particle in the search space. This process is then iterated a set number of times [19]. The algorithm of GSA is based on Law of Gravity. The gravitation is the tendency of masses to accelerate toward each other. The GSA starts with a set of agents, selected at random or based on some criteria, with certain positions and masses representing possible solutions to a problem, and iterates by changing the positions based on some values like fitness function, velocity and acceleration that gets updated [20]. The PSOGSA algorithm incorporates some features of particle swarm optimization algorithm into gravitational search algorithm i.e. exploitation ability of PSO with ability of exploration in GSA to unify their strength. Random initialization of agents in the search space is attracted towards the agent having a good solution. The agents near the optimal solution moves more slowly and assures the exploitation step of algorithm. The position and velocity are updated until it reaches to the stopping criterion [21]. At a specific time t we define the force acting on mass i from mass j as following: πππ (π‘) × πππ (π‘) π πΉπππ (π‘) = πΊ(π‘) (π₯π (π‘) − π₯ππ (π‘)) π ππ (π‘) + π Where Maj is the active gravitational mass of agent j, Mpi is the passive gravitational mass of agent i, G(t) is gravitational constant at time t, ε is a small constant, and Rij(t) is the Euclidian distance between two agents i and j: π ππ (π‘) = ||ππ (π‘), ππ (π‘)||2 In case of Reactive Distillation Column, the active force for consideration may be taken as either of flow rates of both the feeds, reaction rate constant, vapor phase tray efficiency, Temperature and pressure of the column. The reboiler heat duty and Reflux Ratio can be fixed as constraints. Gravitational and inertia masses are simply calculated by the ο¬tness evaluation. We update the gravitational and inertial masses by the following equations: πππ = πππ = πππ = ππ , π = 1, 2, … … π πππ‘π (π‘) − π€πππ π‘(π‘) ππ (π‘) = , πππ π‘(π‘) − π€πππ π‘(π‘) ππ (π‘) ππ (π‘) = π , ∑π−1 ππ (π‘) Where fiti(t) represent the fitness value of the agent i at time t, and, worst(t) and best(t) are given for a minimization. The velocity of an agent is calculated asπ£ππ (1) = π€. π£ππ (π‘)π1′ × ππππ × ππππ (π‘) + π2′ × ππππ × (ππππ π‘ − π₯ππ (π‘)) Where π£ππ (π‘) is the velocity of agent i at iteration t in dimension π, ππ′ is a weighting factor, w is a weighting function, rand is a random number between 0 and 1, ππππ (π‘) is the acceleration of ith agent at iteration t in dimension d and gbest is the best solution found so far. At each, iteration the position of an agent is calculated as: π₯ππ (π‘ + 1) + π₯ππ (π‘) + π£ππ (π‘ + 1) Where π£ππ (π‘ + 1) is the velocity of next agent and π₯ππ is the position of ith agent in dth dimension at iteration t. 3.2 Optimization using Cuckoo Search Algorithm: Cuckoo search (CS) is developed by Xin-she Yang and Suash Deb in 2009. The algorithm is inspired by the reproduction strategy of cuckoos. At the most basic level, cuckoos lay their eggs in the nests of other host birds, which may be of diο¬erent species. Some cuckoos have evolved in such a way that female parasitic cuckoos can imitate the colors and patterns of the eggs of a few chosen host species. Some host birds can engage direct conflict with the intruding cuckoos. Cuckoo search idealized such breeding behavior, and thus can be applied for various optimization problems. Each egg in a nest represents a solution, and a cuckoo egg represents a new solution. The aim is to use the new and potentially better solutions (cuckoos) to replace a not-so-good solution in the nests. CS is based on three idealized rules: 1. Each cuckoo lays one egg at a time, and dumps its egg in a randomly chosen nest. 2. The fraction of best nests with high quality of eggs will carry over to the next generation. 3. The number of nests is ο¬xed and there is a probability that a host can discover an alien egg. If this happens, the host can either discard the egg or the nest and this result in building a new nest in a new location. Each egg in a nest represents a solution, and a cuckoo egg represents a new solution. The aim is to employ the new and potentially better solutions (cuckoos) to replace not-so-good solutions in the nests. The algorithm can be extended to more complicated cases in which each nest has multiple eggs representing a set of solutions [22-23]. When generating new solutions xi (t + 1) for the ith cuckoo, the following Levy flight is performed: ππ (π‘ + 1) = ππ (π‘ ) + πΌ πΏéπ£π¦ (π) where α > 0 is the step size which should be related to the scales of the problem of interest. The product means entry-wise multiplications. L´evy flights essentially provide a random walk while their random steps are drawn from L´evy distribution for large steps where α > 0 is the step size which should be related to the scales of the problem of interest. 4.0 Results and Discussion: Intelligent optimization algorithms under stochastic optimization such as Cuckoo Search (CS) and PSOGSA, which is developed recently, was implemented in our case of ETBE Reactive Distillation. The MATLAB code is written for both the algorithms and program was run for specified objective function. The number of agents for each is selected as 50. The performance of PSOGSA is shown in fig 2 to fig 4 for 50, 100 and 200 iterations respectively. In each run the maximum product purity obtained is 99.5% which shows best performance of hybrid PSOGSA. Fig 2: Performance of PSOGSA using 50 Iterations Fig 3: Performance of PSOGSA using 100 Iterations Fig 4: Performance of PSOGSA using 200 Iterations The performance of CS is shown in fig 5 to fig 7 using 50, 100 and 200 Iterations respectively. It can observe from the fig below that the maximum product purity obtained for each iterations are 99.4%, 99.5% and again 99.5% respectively. As we go on increasing the number of iterations we observed the same purity. The maximum iterations was set as 1000. Fig 5: Performance of CS using 50 Iterations Fig 6: Performance of CS using 100 Iterations Fig 7: Performance of CS using 200 Iterations The comparison of hybrid PSOGSA and CS was also performed. This comparison is shown in fig 8 and fig 9 respectively for 50 and 100 iterations. We can clearly observe from the fig below that hybrid PSOGSA give best performance. The results of PSOGSA and CS are tabulated in the Table 1 below for various gbest, fbest and %Xd values. From the table also we can conclude that PSOGSA gives better performance. Fig 8: Comparison of PSOGSA & CS using 50 Iterations Fig 9: Comparison of PSOGSA and CS using 100 Iterations No of Agents 50 50 50 50 50 Table 1: Results of PSOGSA and CS No of Iterations Hybrid PSOGSA gbest %Xd 50 100 99.5 100 100 99.5 200 100 99.5 500 100 99.5 1000 100 99.5 Cuckoo Search (CS) fbest %Xd 98.2205 98.8787 96.2850 96.9499 98.4794 99.3051 98.2570 99.1461 98.7083 99.2065 5.0 Conclusion: Optimization using newly developed heuristic algorithm such as hybrid PSOGSA and Cuckoo Search (CS) was implemented in case of ETBE reactive distillation for optimization of process parameters. One of the most important process parameter is distillate purity. Maximization of distillate purity was selected as objective function. The MATLAB code is written for algorithms. The maximum number of agents selected was 50. The maximum number of iteration was set as 1000. After the run for 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 iterations we observed maximum distillate purity as 99.5 % in case of hybrid PSOGSA and 99.2% in case of CS. After comparison we found that both hybrid PSOGSA and CS performance gives best results, but hybrid PSOGSA gives constant results irrespective of number of iterations. Nomenclature: F B D Xf XB XD π£π π π,π ππ ππΉπ ππ΅π π₯π,π ππ πΏπ π βπ»π£ ππ π¦π,π π π πΉπ π§π,π πππ ππ P feed flow rate bottom flow rate distillate flow rate mole fraction of more volatile component in feed mole fraction of more volatile component in bottom mole fraction of more volatile component in distillate : Stoichiometric coefficient of component j : Net reaction rate of component j on nth tray : Liquid holdup on nth tray : Forward specific reaction rate on nth tray : Backward specific reaction rate on nth tray : Liquid composition of component j on nth tray : Vapor flow rate on nth tray : Liquid flow rate on nth tray : Heat of reaction : Heat of vaporization : Total number of trays : Vapor composition of component j on nth tray : Reflux ratio : Input feed flow rate on nth tray : Feed composition of component j on nth tray : Pure vapour pressure of component j : Temperature at nth tray : Total pressure Acknowledgement: The author is gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance provided by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) New Delhi, under Research Promotion Scheme (RPS) in 2012. 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