_____________ CLASSIFICATION Copy ___ of ___ Copies Oregon State Defense Force Camp Rilea, OR 17 1700U OCT 2013 ANNEX B (INTELLIGENCE) TO OPERATION ORDER 20132 (U)References: Maps: a. Oregon Transportation Maps (Tillamook, Lincoln, Lane, Douglas, Coos, Curry, Jackson, Josephine, Washington, Yamhill, Polk, Marion, Linn, Benton, Klamath, Multnomah, Clackamas), 2012 Edition. b. References: c. FM-2-0 (doctrinal reference) (U) Time Zone Used throughout the Order: Pacific Daylight Time 1. (U) Situation. a. (U) Situation: A set of severe earthquakes on 23 MAR 20013, have critically damaged much of the Western Oregon infrastructure. Estimated at nearly 9.2, the earthquakes have damaged most buildings, bridges, and other structures. The earthquakes have spawned Tsunamis that have devastated most of the low lying communities along the coast. Dams and water impoundments have been damaged, and due to heavy rains earlier in this month, are at or near full capacity. Hospitals, and schools have been damaged to the point that many have to be evacuated. Secondary and alternate EOCs are now in operation. b. (U) Area of Operations. Refer to Appendix 2 (Operation Overlay) to Annex C (Operations). The AO contains the entire coast of the state of Oregon, the Willamette Valley, the Umpqua Valley, and the Counties of Jackson and Josephine. 1. (U) Terrain. The terrain within the Area of Operation (AO) varies from a sandy and rocky beach along the coast, to dense coniferous forest forests in the coastal range and the Cascades. In the valleys feature open meadows and farms give way to suburban sprawl, climaxing with high density city urbanization in the cities. The Columbia river is the most important terrain feature, running east to west, with the Willamette River running south to north a close second. Freeways bisect the AO, including Interstate 5, running north/south (border to border), and Interstate 84 beginning in Portland and running east. Highway 30 extends west from Portland and generally follows the Columbia River's southern bank. Lesser highways support the major freeways, providing access from teh coast to the interior valleys, and from the valleys through the Cascade range. 2, (U) Weather. Seasonal Spring weather is expected for the next 10 days, including average daily temperatures at or about 56 degrees (F), with showers turning to rain, heavy at time throughout the period. Sun breaks may appear for short times, but near 100% overcast will be the general rule. Night time low temperatures range from 35 to 48 degrees (F). Page #1 _______________ CLASSIFICATION __________________ CLASSIFICATION ANNEX B (INTELLIGENCE) TO OPERATION ORDER 20131 Rain will replace the sun breaks and showers in the evenings, and will extend well into the morning hours. Weather will not impede military ground vehicles while remaining on paved and gravel roads. All bridges still standing are suspect, and may collapse at any time. Off Road situations will vary from firm and passable to muddy and impassable. Flight operations will suffer from decreased visibility, dropping to 500 feet at times, with possible short periods of clearing above 5,000 feet. Winds will be out of the North-Northwest, ranging from calm at sun rise and sun set, rising to 18-25 MPH in the AM, and with the potential of exceeding 30 MPH in the afternoon. BMNT will be 0311hrs, and EENT will be 2105hrs. c. (U) Enemy Forces. There are no known enemy forces in the AO. d. (U) Friendly Forces. See the Oregon National Guard intelligence plan. Elements of the ORSDF will provide LNO teams for each county EOC receiving a Disaster Declaration from the Governor. The Oregon National Guard will respond to WARNOs, and missions assigned to it from the JOC(Joint Operations Center). ORSDF Commander will place the entire ORSDF on alert, and prepare to deploy LNO teams to any EOC within Oregon that fully deploys (HOT). e. (U) Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Nongovernmental Organizations. 1.(U) Interagency Includes: FEMA, FBI, US Army, US Marines, USGS, USCG, & others. 2. (U) Intergovernmental includes: State of Oregon, State of Washington, State of California, and individual Oregon Counties. 3. (U) NGOs include the Red Cross, NW Natural Gas, Pacific Power & Light, and Intell. f.(U) Civil Considerations. 1. The Earthquake has damaged much of the infrastructure, including nearly all bridges, overpasses, and tunnels. Civilian movement is highly restricted, due to damaged roadways, downed power lines, and broken gas mains. Communications are nearly nonexistent with land line phones, cell phones, and the internet all down. Only the amateur (HAM) Radio is fully operational. Expect mobs will appear at first light with the intent of stealing anything of value. Smaller neighborhood grocery stores, and local strip malls are most vulnerable. High value targets like jewelry stores, electronics stores, and larger box stores will be of special interest to the mob. Shop owners will be actively defending their property with a variety of weapons. 2. Emergency shelters are full, and overflowing. Children and the elderly are least able to cope with the disaster, and face the greatest danger. 3. Coastal communities hit by major Tsunamis, will face near total devastation. There will be no public services (water, power, gas), no communications, only debris and sewage where their communities used to reside. Follow on tsunamis are highly likely. 4. Interior communities will suffer the loss of roadways, bridges. Most larger buildings have collapsed, or have suffered major damage and should not be entered. Public services are not available, nor is there communication services. Clean water is a major concern in the urban areas. g. (U) Attachments and Detachments. Refer to Annex A (Task Organization). h. (U) Assumptions. This is a major disaster, with heavy damage to each community's infrastructure. The vast array of issues facing the survivors suggests the affects of the disaster will linger for months, if not years. The realization that their home, job, and way of life has been irrevocably altered, and recovery (both personal and community wide) will be slow to come. Post event causalities, triggered by profound depression, Page #2 __________________ CLASSIFICATION __________________ CLASSIFICATION ANNEX B (INTELLIGENCE) TO OPERATION ORDER 20131 and suicides, which will continue to clog emergency rooms, and triage centers. The weather near term, suggests showers and rain, with significant wind. This will negatively affect the survivability of trapped survivors, as well as all who lack shelter. One positive effect of the rain will be to partially relieve the critical lack of clean drinking water. 2. (U) Mission. The mission of the Intelligence units assigned to this disaster include providing the ORNG and ORSDF Commanders with timely and useable intelligence estimates, including potential courses of action, combined with attached foreseeable consequences, and collateral damage. The Intelligence units will provide estimates to the Commanders (supported by overlays), describing how the disaster might unfold in the next 24/48 hours time frame. 3. (U) Execution. a. (U) Scheme of Intelligence Support. 1. (U) Purpose of intelligence operations: 2. (U) Summarize the means and agencies used in: planning, directing, collecting, processing exploiting and producing dissemination and evaluating intelligence in support of the concept of operations. 3. (U) Integrate the recourses of other services when available and appropriate. b. (U) Tasks of Subordinate Units. 1. (U) Subordinate units 2, (U) Tasks: Omitted c. (U) Counterintelligence. : Omitted d. (U) Coordinating Instructions. 1. (U) Requirements. a. (U) Priority Intelligence Requirements. b. (U) Friendly Force Information Requirements. c. (U) Requests for information. 2. (U) Measures for Handling Personnel, Documents, and Material. a. (U) Prisoners of War, Deserters, Repatriates, Inhabitants, and other Persons. b.(U) Captured Documents. c. (U) Captured Material. d. (U) Documents or Equipment required. 3. (U) Distribution of Intelligence Products. a. (U) Special Request for Reports. b. (U) Special Request Liaison Requirements. 4. (U) Other Instructions. 4. (U) Sustainment. a. (U) Logistics. b. (U) Personnel. c. (U) Health System Support. Page # 3 _________________ CLASSIFICATION ________________ CLASSIFICATION ANNEX B (INTELLIGENCE) TO OPERATION ORDER 20131 5. (U) Command and Signal. a. (u) Command. 1. (U) Location of the Commander. The ORNG Commander will be at the Anderson Readiness Center (Salem). The ORSDF Commander will be at Camp Withycombe (ORSDF HQ). 2. (U) Succession of Command. Not covered in this document, see appropriate unit SOP's. 3. (U) Liaison Requirements. See base OPORDER, and unit SOPs. b. (U) Control. 1. (U) Command Posts. - Omitted 2. (U) Intelligence Coordinating Line. - Omitted 3. (U) Special Security. - Omitted 4. (U) Reports. - Omitted. c. (U) Signal. Use Current CEOI, as per SOP. ACKNOWLEDGE: Janssen COL OFFICIAL: Stone COL ATTACHMENTS: Appendix 1 - Intelligence Estimate - Omitted Appendix 2 -Counterintelligence - Omitted Appendix 3 - Signals Intelligence - Omitted Appendix 4 - Human Intelligence - Omitted Appendix 5 - Geospatial Intelligence - Omitted Appendix 6 - Measurement and Signature Intelligence - Omitted Appendix 7 - Open Source Intelligence - Omitted. DISTRIBUTION: Per SOP Page # 5 __________________ CLASSIFICATION