Constitution of the Heritage High School’s Band Club Preamble We, the members of the Heritage High School’s Band Club, in order to promote a more well-rounded student body, do adopt this constitution. Article I – Authority Section I – This authority invested in the associated students of Heritage High School by its constitution and decisions rendered under this authority, shall extend over all members of the Heritage High School’s band club. Section II – This constitution shall be subordinate to the constitution and laws of the federal, state, and country governments and of the rules of the board of trustees of the Liberty Union High School District and the associated student body of Heritage High School. Article II – Name and Membership Section I – The organization to which this constitution applies shall be known as the Heritage High School Band Club. Section II – All students attending Heritage High School have the right to join the Heritage High School’s Band Club. Section III – The name of the Heritage High School Band Club shall be held at the highest regard, for we represent the entire band voice. It is a requirement that anything documented by the council shall be professionally written to display our competence. Article III – Leadership Section I – Membership The executive powers of the leadership shall be vested in the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These positions will make up the executive Band Council, and will be sole voters on certain topics and activities that the council wants to undertake. It is mandatory that all council will come to every meeting for the Heritage High School Band Council. Monthly attendance to the Band Boosters meetings will consist of the President and one other member. This other member will rotate throughout the year – the President will never attend alone. Section II – Nominations and Elections 1. The officers will be nominated by members of the club, and voted on upon membership, except the President and Treasurer positions in which the Advisor shall choose upon their discretion. 2. Elections are to be held at the end of the third quarter. The fourth quarter shall be used as a training opportunity for the next year’s officials in all positions. The term of office is for one school year. 3. All council members must be enrolled in band for the entire year. 4. All members who run must be motivated for this position (not a popularity contest) Section III – Advisor 1. The advisor shall be a faculty member in good standing and shall be selected by officers each year, and approved by the principal. 2. It is permissible to have Co- Advisors. Section IV – Duties 1. President—1 Member The President is the face of the Band Council and has all the responsibilities of maintaining the structure of the council In charge of advising and running all weekly meetings of the council and makes sure everyone does their intended job In charge of main communications to the Band Boosters and Advisor Must be very responsible and organized 2. Vice President—1 Member The Vice President will assist the President in any way needed and take on tasks that the President will need help with Will take the place of the President when absent at the council meetings or booster meetings Work in collaboration with the President in coming up with ideas and topics of discussion Vice President will consider taking the place of the President in the next election period i. It is recommend that this position not be a senior Will be the communicator of the band council 3. Treasurer—1 Member Rigorous interview process Managing the Club Funds Must create a binder with all purchases and forms submitted to the Financial Clerk i. PO’s ii. Budget Adjustments iii. Fundraising Request Forms iv. etc… Overall management of the Band Club account i. Securing signatures on any forms for payment of funds ii. Collecting and depositing monies from all fundraisers to the appropriate accounts iii. Submitting refunds Must sit down with executive council and music director to plan out a budget Make copies of original receipts Deposits money from concerts and events Order end of the year awards Be very good friends with Ms. Nelson 4. Secretary—1 Member Secretary will attend and record all the minutes of the Band Council meetings i. This person will make the minutes electronic and be responsible for making them available online ii. This person will print these minutes and bring to every council meetings for review and approval iii. This person will put together a binder with all the meeting minutes and forms that are discussed at the meeting Secretary must create all music performance programs i. Using roster sheets with up to date student names and numbers ii. Getting it proofed (run it by music director) iii. Responsible and folding these at school iv. Must include Thank You section and current business sponsors v. The Secretary will be in charge of revising Band Constitution vi. The Secretary will be charge of rewriting council applications/officer job descriptions every year 5. Librarians—2 Members (Symphonic), 2 Members (Concert), 1 Member (Jazz), 2 Members (Wind), 1 Member (Percussion), 1 Member (Orchestra), AND 1 Head Librarian Head Librarian is in charge of teaching each librarian the responsibilities and guiding them through any questions Head Librarian will check in on a regular basis with all of their fellow librarians All must organize and update the music library All must be responsible for maintaining its orderliness and security (no one has access to music except them) All in charge of making copies for others in band only when needed All in charge of instituting a billing system for missing parts and charging based on cost to purchase, replace, or copy the part All must be motivated for this position (not a popularity contest) 6. Historian—2 Members (Symphonic), 2 Members (Concert), 1 Member (Jazz), 2 Members (Wind), 1 Member (Percussion), 1 Member (Orchestra), AND 1 Head Historian The Historians shall oversee the documenting of the activities of the band (photographs, video and audio recording of the concerts) Must create a yearly scrapbook that compiles all these events for each band and a video for the final concert of the year Each performance group will have one or two Historians, depending on the size of the group, and should coordinate with each other on how best to develop a record of our events. i. Everything done will be communicated with the rest of the Band Council on a regular basis Contact the yearbook and journalism staff with any shots or footage you want included at the end of the year Communication is key 7. Setup Manager—2 Members + 10 Crew team In charge of leading setup/ take down for concerts, events, and activities In charge of making and maintaining a cycling team of set up crew i. Team participation is a part of their overall grade Managers must maintain a setup crew Will be in charge of all band equipment comes in or out of the band room Coordinate transportation of equipment for all events outside of Heritage High School Must keep record of broken or damaged equipment 8. Web Master—1 Member Maintain all aspects of the web page (School and Facebook) List all concert, rehearsal, birthdays and other important dates on the room calendar and online i. Get updates from each band representatives frequently Coordinate with Band Council as to what events are coming up and need to be advertised for the band via email newsletters Also, coordinate with the contact coordinator with upcoming events that are to be emailed to students and parents i. In the beginning of the year, in charge of obtaining password and username to Band Council email Works with PR/Secretary/Historian to get documents/minutes and events online In charge of advertising anything electronic 9. Contact Coordinator (Parent and Student)—1 Member Gather all contact information for each band student i. Email ii. Phone Number iii. Cell Phone Number iv. Shirt Sizes Create an electronic list of all this information Make master contact list available for Booster Members and Music Director Update with new students or changed information throughout the year i. Make sure all the information is valid and works Send out newsletters and updates to parents and students via email every month after booster meetings 10. Band Representatives One or two members from each group i. In charge of putting things on board ii. In charge of making all announcements to each respective class period In charge of distributing and handing out ballots for each student of the month in their respective classes i. Will count up who won ii. Will ask three voters of the winner why they voted for the winner iii. Will report and give all information back to Executive Band Council Assists Web Master update the classroom calendar 11. Pep Band Leader—2 Members Both will either be quick learners to the sport pep band is playing for, or have prior knowledge One member will be particularly good at telling the leader when to start and stop, and the other member will be particularly good at conducting and getting the bands attention Both positions should have gained the utmost respect from the band and have excellent leadership skills Must: i. Have been in band two years ii. Is able to conduct adequately iii. Is able to lead sectionals with entire band iv. Willing to organize pep band practice days by talking to Advisor and Band Council v. Have a drive to lead the band 12. Pep Band Members—All who audition and make it Must show up on time to all performances Shows band spirit May not be rude to anyone in charge Must always check in and out Be a responsible, reliable, and direction-following individual. Auditions i. Play Star Spangled Banner and Fight Song memorized Section V – Voting Each member of the executive council shall have one vote. In the case of a tie, the president and director will have the deciding vote. Subject must pass the membership by a majority vote. Article V – Consequences Section I – Officers If any member of the club feels that a member of the cabinet is not doing their job properly, they may bring it up at a meeting, and then the members shall make a motion for what should be done. If it is decided by a majority vote to remove the officer, then the President can, if desired, stop this action and place the officer on probation. If the officer is the President, then either the Vice President will put the President on probation or the President will be impeached. Section II – Club Member If any club member has a complaint lodged against them or has acted improperly as a Heritage High School student, then this person upon the majority decision of the officers, may be placed on probation for (1) school month, or removed from membership. Article VI – Fundraisers Section I – The Heritage High School’s Band Club will hold a minimum of (2) fundraising activities each year to defray the cost of band event(s). Article VII – Amendments Section I – Amendments to this constitution shall be proposed by 2/3 of the club membership. Such amendments shall become ratified by the 2/3 majority of the total membership vote cast. Article VIII – Mission Statement Section I – The Heritage High School Band aims at playing music passionately, building friendships through a common talent, and sharing the artistic aspect of Heritage High School both locally and overseas.