Unit C Topic 2

Science 9|2013
Unit C: Environmental Chemistry Topic 2
2.0 The quality of chemicals in the environment can be monitored.
 What is the ozone layer and why is it so important?
 What is environmental monitoring?
2.1 Monitoring Water Quality
During the summer, ____________________ can cause lake water to become ____________.
Large quantities of algae reduce the __________________ in the lake, which can affect the
different organisms that live in the lake. For example, ____________ are one of the first fish to
_________ when ___________ concentration decreases. __________ is not a good indicator of
water quality. For example, lakes affected by ______________________ are crystal clear and
 What are the five categories of water use?
Biological Indicators
 What is a biological indicator? Give two examples.
Science 9|2013
 What are invertebrates? How are aquatic invertebrates used to indicate water quality?
Aquatic Environments
 Why does diversity decrease as acidity increases and dissolved oxygen decreases?
Chemical Factors that Affect Organisms
__________________ is made up of only ___________ molecules, but water in the
_____________ is never completely pure. It can contain many different ___________________
and _____________________. The concentration of these compounds affects
 List the six indicators of water quality.
Measuring Chemicals in the Environment
 What is parts per million?
 Write the statement for parts per million as a ratio, fraction, and equation.
Science 9|2013
Dissolved Oxygen
 What factors influence the level of dissolved oxygen in water?
 What range of dissolved oxygen are needed by the following aquatic invertebrates:
a). most invertebrates ___________
b). midge larva _______________
c). stoneflies _______________
d). freshwater shrimp _________________
Phosphorus and Nitrogen Content
 High phosphorus and nitrogen in water can affect dissolved oxygen levels. How do
large amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen enter into a water system?
 What happens when large amounts of phosphorus and nitrogen enter into a water
 Draw the three pictures of the effects of increased amounts of phosphorus and
Science 9|2013
 What is spring acid shock? Why can it be a major issue?
 Describe the issue of pesticides and resistance in the pests they target?
Science 9|2013
 What is toxicity?
Measuring Toxicity
 What is a toxin?
 What is LD50 and what does it mean? What outcome are scientists testing for
when they are measuring LD50?
Heavy Metals
In the 1950s, many people in ____________________ were becoming sick and dying
from a mysterious _____________ that affected their __________________. It was
discovered that the _________________ disease was linked to eating local _______ that
contained high quantities of ________________. The _______________ was traced
back to a ____________________________ that had been dumping its ______________
into the ocean. People who caught and ate the fish from this area were affected by
______________________________. The symptoms of __________________ include
numbness of arms and legs, _______________________, nerve damage, and brain
 What are heavy metals? Provide three examples.
 List examples of situations that increase the availability of heavy metals.
Science 9|2013
2.2 Monitoring Air Quality
 What percentages of the air are:
a). nitrogen __________
b). oxygen _________
c). argon ________
d). carbon dioxide __________
 What are some signs of poor air quality?
Sulfur Dioxide
 Where does sulfur dioxide come from?
 How do industrial and electrical generating plants reduce sulfur dioxide?
Nitrogen Oxides
 Nitrogen oxides are written as NOx(g). Why is it written with an ‘X’?
Carbon Monoxide
 How does carbon monoxide form?
 Why is carbon monoxide so dangerous?
Ground-Level Ozone
 How is ozone both beneficial and harmful to organisms?
Science 9|2013
 What is ozone?
 What are VOCs and what are the dangers of VOCs?
2.3 Monitoring the Atmosphere
 Two international issues are related to carbon dioxide concentration. What are they?
Carbon Dioxide as a Greenhouse Gas
 Why is carbon dioxide not considered a pollutant?
 Describe the greenhouse effect.
 Describe the enhanced greenhouse effect, and how it contributes to global warming.
 Draw a picture of the greenhouse effect and the enhanced greenhouse effect.
Science 9|2013
 What are some ways that countries have started reducing their carbon dioxide
The Ozone Layer
 How does the ozone layer protect the Earth from ultraviolet radiation?
 What are some consequences of holes in the ozone layer?
The Role of Chlorofluorocarbons
Scientists have concluded that the ______________ of the ___________________ is caused by
chemicals called _________________________, which are used in refrigerators, aerosol cans,
and fire extinguishers. ________________________ slowly move from lower atmosphere to
upper atmosphere. _____________________ breaks them down into substance, such as
_______________________. ______________________ atoms react with the
_____________________________ to form oxygen molecules. One ____________________
can remove 100 000 ___________________. The ozone hole over the
__________________________ is due to the extremely ___________________________,
which cause _______________________ to form in the upper atmosphere. These
_______________________________speed up the reaction that removes
___________________________________. Many countries have recognized that CFCs are a
danger to the _______________, and they have signed international
________________________ to reduce the use of CFCs.