Mitosis and Meiosis Name: Levels of Biological organization Cells à

Mitosis and Meiosis
Levels of Biological organization
Cells  ___________________
Tissues  ___________________
Organs  ___________________
Organ Systems  ___________________
From zygote to Trillions of Cells
_____________________=Cell that forms when sperm and egg join
__________ gives you DNA from dad, ___________ gives you DNA from mom
Shortly after sperm ________________________ egg, the zygote splits into a 2nd cell
Name: ________________________
These 2 cells split into 4, then 8, then 16, etc.
Each of these cells contains _______________________________ (Recall DNA replication)
Why must cells divide
_____________ limits cell size
Cells get materials from surroundings through their _____________. This is also how
they expel wastes
If the cell gets too large, it would take a long time for these processes to occur
DNA also limits cell size
There is a limit on how fast this can happen.
If the cell is too large, it takes too long to make all of the structures from the
Surface area-to-volume
Cell Cycle
The cell cycle can be divided into _______ stages
Interphase, Mitosis, and Cytokinesis
Interphase and Mitosis are further divided by certain events that happen
Interphase=G1, S, G2
Mitosis=Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
Interphase (G1, S, G2)
Think “_______________________________”
Most of the cell’s life is spent in __________________
Period of ______________ and development
____________ (Growth Phase 1)
_____ Phase (Synthesis phase)
Cell grows in size and synthesizes __________ and _____________________
DNA ______________________
______ (Growth Phase 2)
Cell grows again, ________________ are duplicated, and ________________ are
synthesized to prepare for cell division
Period of division
4 parts (___________)
_________________ (“Prologue”)
_________________ (“Middle”)
_________________ (“Apart”)
_________________ (“Two”)
Happens only in __________________________ (body) cells
Prophase (“Prologue”)
First and ______________________ stage of mitosis
Prophase begins as strands of ______________ coil around proteins called _____________ and
become a ____________________ (tightly wound strand of DNA and proteins)
Each copy of DNA (from Interphase) coils and forms ____________________ strands
Called __________________________________
These sister chromatids join together at the center (called a _________________)
Each chromosome has a “________________” (remember, you get one from
your mom and one from your dad)
These are called homologous chromosomes
The _____________________ disappears
____________________ move to opposite ends of the cell
A structure called a _______________________ forms
Made up of rod-like structures called ___________________________
Metaphase (“Middle”)
Spindle fibers attach to __________________ of chromosomes
Spindles extend from centriole on one side and attach to sister chromatid on that same
Fibers help chromosomes __________________ in the middle
Very important because it ensures that ½ of the chromosomes end up in each cell
Anaphase (“Apart”)
Spindle fibers ___________________ and pull sister chromatids apart at the centromere
Each identical sister chromatid ________________ to one of the sides of the cell
Telophase (“Two”)
Chromatids reach opposite ends
Chromatids begin to ____________________ into chromatin
__________________________ around chromatin
__________________ breaks down
Cells begin to __________________
This ____________________________________
Division of _______________________
Cell divides and ____________________ daughter cells are formed
Process differs in plants and animals
In plant cells, a structure called a _____________________ forms and separates the 2
daughter cells
In animals cells, the cells “pinch in” until the cells are ____________________
Control of the Cell cycle
_____________________=uncontrolled cell division
Proteins (called _______) created during protein synthesis help to regulate the cell cycle
When these proteins are damaged by mutations of DNA, the cell’s normal cycle
is disrupted and cells divide out of control
Forms a __________________
Cancer cells take nutrients from healthy cells, and can occasionally move around in the
When cancer cells move around, it is called _______________________.
This forms new tumors throughout the body
Occurs only in _________________________ (males-sperm and female-egg cells)
The goal is to cut the original number of chromosomes in __________
Offspring need to inherit from both parents
If the number was not cut in half, the offspring would have _________ the
chromosomes as the parents
A ________________ cell is a cell that contains ____ of each chromosome (di=2)
A _____________ cell is a cell that contains ___ of each chromosome (hap~half)
These are typical body cells
These have _____ the number of chromosomes as typical cells
Phases of Meiosis
Very similar to mitosis
Starts with Interphase
Only occurs __________ before meiosis begins
Basically does mitosis _________________
Meiosis ___
Meiosis ___
Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I
Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II
Each ends with cytokinesis
_________________ the same as in Mitosis
Occurs only before Meiosis I, NOT Meiosis II
Meiosis-Prophase I
Very similar to Prophase in Mitosis
One huge difference
Homologous chromosomes line up and form a structure called a ________________
They tangle up and can actually break portions off and exchange DNA
Process is called ___________________________
Increases genetic diversity by potentially allowing you to pass on traits
from both grandparents to offspring
Meiosis-Metaphase I
Again, similar to Metaphase in Meiosis, but with a key difference
Spindle fibers _________________________, and line them up in the middle
This means that there are _____________________ next to one another in the
center, instead of one as was the case in Mitosis
Meiosis-Anaphase I
Probably the most different from Mitosis
Whereas in Mitosis, sister chromatids separate at the centromere and move towards
opposite ends of the cell, in Meiosis, tetrads are pulled apart and chromosomes (the
pair of sister chromatids) move to each side of the cell
This ensures that there will be a ____________________ in the daughter cells
Meiosis-Telophase I
Occurs exactly as it did in Mitosis, except this time there is an _________________________
(pair of sister chromatids) in each of the _____________ cells
Another division is necessary to split the genetic material in half
Cytokinesis occurs, same as Mitosis
Meiosis II
This process occurs _________________________ AS MITOSIS
________________ cells are formed
Only it is occurring in 2 cells at once
Results of Mitosis and Meiosis
In Mitosis, 1 cell splits into 2 daughter cells
The daughter cells are _____________________
In Meiosis I, a single cell splits into 2 daughter cells
Each of these cells contains the same amount of chromosomes as the parent cell
Still diploid, and ________________________
In Meiosis II, the 2 daughter cells from Meiosis I undergo another cell division, and split into 2
more daughter cells
Each of these cells contains ½ of the original genetic material
Now ______________, and each ______________________