Supplementary Information - Journal of the American Medical

Supplementary Information
S1. Hash functions and usage in medical informatics
A hash function is an algorithm that takes a block of data and returns a unique fixed-length
string. Hash functions are ideally suited for securely de-identifying data: Identical inputs into a
hash function always produce identical outputs, but even slight variations (e.g., one character
difference) in inputs will produce entirely different output strings. Hash functions are one-way;
that is, the output of a hash function cannot be reverse-engineered to yield the inputs.
Hash functions are the core method for creating a de-identified synthetic derivative of clinical
records for linking to a biobank (BioVU) [1]. In an early pilot, we validated that use of hashes of
patient identifiers is acceptable to IRBs and viable for linking patients across participating sites
[2]. In our current project, we developed and distributed a software application to standardize
the process for participating institutions to create hashes for any given set of patients.
S2. DCIFIRHD algorithm performance in the face of data corruption
Given that a patient will often provide their demographic details, there is the possibility of
“corrupt” data existing when records are merged across sites and over time. This “corrupted”
data could be due to a patient omitting certain fields on an intake form, errors due to text input or
transcribing written responses, or any number of other possibilities. While it is unknown what
percentage of patient data suffers from incompleteness or gross inaccuracy (although the
expectation would be that is rather low) we still sought to characterize the performance of the
optimized DCIFIRHD algorithm performance in this context.
We developed an algorithm that corrupts patient information randomly to test the DCIFIRHD
algorithm performance. The corruption algorithm performs one of three possible operations to a
field in the patient information: shift an element, randomly change the field, or delete the field.
Shifting an element is based on a keystroke error upon entry, so if a patient’s name was “Kevin”
and the letter “e” was randomly chosen to shift it would be changed to “w”, “s”, “d”, “f”, or “r”
with equal probability. Randomly changing elements substitutes characters of the same type into
the field (i.e. letters are replaced with letters and digits with digits). Deleting a field replaces the
value with “NULL”.
The corruption algorithm has two parameters: n, the maximum number of duplicated rows, and
p, the probability of corrupting a row of patient data. For each patient in the input data, the
patient data is duplicated a random number of times, with that random number uniformly drawn
from [1, n]. Rows of patient data to corrupt are chosen randomly based on p. For any row that
will be corrupted a field is chosen randomly as well as an error type. In the current test we chose
probabilities of 70% to shift an element, 15% to change a field, and 15% to delete the field. After
the patient information is corrupted all of the rows are randomly shuffled to destroy any relevant
matching information based on row proximity.
The North Carolina voter registration dataset is a publicly available resource comprised of
records for current, registered voters in the state [3]. The records are maintained by the North
Carolina State Board of Elections and are updated on a weekly basis and at the time of download
consisted of 4.9 million individuals. Similar to previous work with the dataset we used a random
subset of the data to use in testing [4]. We randomly selected 50,000 individuals from the entire
dataset and generated random, unique SSNs for each individual. This generation of SSNs, along
with our assumption that individuals that do not share the same SSN are distinct, ensures that
there are no duplicated individual records.
To test the performance of the DCIFIRHD algorithm against imperfect data we generated
corrupted versions of the 50,000 individual voter records. The corrupted datasets were generated
with n=5 and 10% increments in p (Figure S2). As a comparison we also implemented two naïve
matching algorithms, one based on matching a SSN alone and another based on matching the full
name. More complex, deterministic algorithms based on demographic attributes (such as SSN +
full name) would yield similar but degraded results as either attribute alone since the constraint
on matching would just be more difficult.
The DCIFIRHD algorithm outperforms a name-based match algorithm in every metric at all
levels of corruption. The DCIFIRHD algorithm also performs better in the accuracy, balanced
accuracy (balanced accuracy calculated as the arithmetic mean of specificity and sensitivity), and
sensitivity metrics than the SSN matching algorithm until p=50%. Specificity at all levels of
corruption was equivalent, with DCIFIRHD having a specificity of 0.99922±0.00011 and SSN
having 0.99917±0.00012. However, corruption of patient data at a level greater than fifty percent
is highly unlikely to represent a real world situation. Additional scenarios would instead likely
involve instances of missing SSN numbers or incorrect SSN numbers (one SSN number
corresponding to two unique individuals) are likely to exist, which are both missing from our
input dataset. To test this we removed the SSN field from 0.001% of the initial 50,000 records
and re-ran the analysis. We found a proportional decrease in the accuracy of the SSN matching
algorithm that matched the percentage of missing records, while the DCIFIRHD performance
was unaffected.
Figure S2. Comparison of matching algorithm performance on simulated datasets with
increasing amounts of patient information corruption. The corrupted datasets were created
from an initial set of 50,000 individuals with n=5 at corruption percentage. The DCIFIRHD
algorithm outperforms a naïve algorithm based on matching the individual’s name at every level
of corruption and SSN alone until the corruption percentage equals 50 percent.
Pulley, J., et al., Principles of Human Subjects Protections Applied in an Opt‐ Out,
De‐ identified Biobank. Clinical and translational science, 2010. 3(1): p. 42-48.
Galanter, W.L., et al., Migration of Patients Between Five Urban Teaching Hospitals in
Chicago. Journal of medical systems, 2013. 37(2): p. 1-8.
Violan, C., et al., Comparison of the information provided by electronic health records
data and a population health survey to estimate prevalence of selected health conditions
and multimorbidity. BMC Public Health, 2013. 13: p. 251.
Kuzu, M., et al., A practical approach to achieve private medical record linkage in light
of public resources. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2013.
20(2): p. 285-292.