2015 CAMC GIT – Gastrointestinal Tract Infection Worksheet Name DOB MR # Age Account # Admitting Diagnosis M F Birthweight (gms) (Neonates only) Test Period Unit Event Date Medicare ID # Pt expire Yes No Admit date D/C date ICU Admit date ICU D/C date Attending / ID Consultant Culture date Pathogen(s) Culture Site Culture date Pathogen(s) Culture Site GIT- Gastrointestinal tract infection (esophagus, stomach, small and large bowel, and rectum) excluding gastroenteritis, appendicitis, and C. difficile infection Gastrointestinal tract infections, excluding gastroenteritis and appendicitis, must meet at least one of the following criteria: Date 1. 2. Patient has an abscess or other evidence of infection on gross anatomic or histopathologic exam of gastrointestinal tract. Patient has at least two of the following localized signs or symptoms compatible with infection of the organ or tissue involved: fever (>38.0°C±), nausea*, vomiting*, pain*or tenderness*, odynophagia*, or dysphagia* AND at least one of the following: a. Organisms cultured from drainage or tissue obtained during an invasive procedure or from drainage from an aseptically-placed drain b. Organisms seen on Gram stain or fungal elements seen on KOH stain or multinucleated giant cells seen on microscopic examination of drainage or tissue obtained during an invasive procedure or from drainage from an aseptically-placed drain c. Organisms cultured from blood in a patient with imaging test evidence of gastrointestinal infection d. Imaging test evidence of infection (e.g., MRI, CT Scan) e. Evidence of infection on endoscopic examination (e.g., Candida esophagitis, proctitis, etc.) * With no other recognized cause ± As documented in the medical record Notes/Comments: 2015 CAMC GIT – Gastrointestinal Tract Infection Worksheet Unit RIT Infection Window Period Date of Event Hospital Day Date Table of Events Infection Window Period (first + diagnostic test, 3 days before & 3 days after) Repeat Infection Timeframe-RIT (14 day timeframe where date of event = day 1) Date of Event (date the first element occurs for the first time within the infection window period) Secondary BSI Attribution Period (Infection Window Period + RIT)