report quiz

Many readers consider the executive summary the most important part of the report.
*a. True
b. False
The recommendations section should be the longest section in the report
a. True
*b. False
The conclusion should be a brief summary of the report and rarely should be more than
half a page long.
a. True
*b. False
The executive summary references other report sections and tells the reader where in the
report they will find the information they need.
a. True
*b. False
How many levels of headings should appear in a table of contents?
a. 1
*b. 2
c. 3
d. all headings should appear in the table of contents
The body of a report should be objective; it presents information but does not interpret or
analyze it.
a. True
*b. False
The report introduction should contain the assumptions you made when collecting and
analyzing the information.
*a. True
b. False
Word can automatically create the table of contents based on
a. Boldfaced heading
*b. Headings with heading styles assigned
c. Word can’t automatically create a table of contents
A report with two figures and two tables would number them
*a. Figure 1, figure 2, table 1, table 2
b. Figure 1, figure 2, table 3, table 4
c. Table 1, table 2, figure 3, figure 4
When would a figure be numbered as Figure 2.4?
a. In the second section of a report
*b. In the second chapter of a book
c. In the fourth section of a report
d. In the fourth chapter of a book
a. True
A report’s appendix contains information vital to understanding the report
*b. False
The first paragraph of a report should contain
a. A general description about the reason the report was written
*b. The specific reason the report was written
c. The report conclusions
d. The names or job titles of the report’s audience
Which is the typically reading order of a report, after the executive summary
a. Introduction, analysis, conclusion, appendix
*b. Introduction, conclusion, analysis, appendix
c. Introduction, conclusion, analysis, appendix
d. Conclusion, introduction, analysis, appendix
e. Introduction, analysis, appendix, conclusion
As part of researching a report, you interviewed 8 people. Where would you put the
transcript of those interviews?
a. Introduction
b. Report body where you talk about the interviews
c. Conclusion
*d. Appendix
You are writing a report that will evaluate a new payroll system. The payroll system is
being evaluated based on 5 major points. In the introduction, would you use a bullet list or a
numbered list for the criteria?
*a. bullet list
b. numbered list
If your document has 2 or 3 levels of headings, do all of the headings have to be parallel?
In other words, do the level 1 headings have to be parallel with level 2 headings.
a. All headings must be parallel to each other
*b. All headings at one level must be parallel to each other
c. Level 1 headings must be parallel. The other headings need a form appropriate to their content.
d. Headings only need to be parallel if they are on the same page.
Type: MA
What the reasons to consider using indented text in a document like this. Assume the
entire document is formatted this way, with headings flush left and the text indented.
*a. Increases white space and makes page more inviting
*b. Easier to skim headings looking for specific information
c. Decreases page count
*d. Reduces line length so reading is easier
e. All of the above
Should an executive summary have headings?
a. No, it’s only one page and they take up too much space
b. No, they distract from the content
*c. Yes, they make specific points easier to find
d. Yes, all technical documents need headings
Assume you are writing a recommendation for your boss or comparing a Kindle to a
Nook across several criteria. If you use a part-by-part approach in the report, it will be structured
a. Talking about all features of the Kindle and then all features of the Nook.
*b. Talking about the Kindle and Nook for the first criteria and then going onto the next criteria.
c. The report is using criteria, not the parts of the Kindle and Nook, so a part-by-part approach
isn’t appropriate.
Your boss asks you for a report containing information X and Y. As part of writing it,
you realize that Y is mostly irrelevant (it's related to X, but has nothing to do with problem the
boss is trying to figure out) and that he really needs to know about Z. Thus, the report needs to
focus on:
a. X and Y since that is what the boss wants
b. X, Y and Z since that is all the available information
*c. X and Z since that is what the boss needs to know