UUCC Meeting Minutes University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee October, 23rd 2014 Hibbs Hall, Room 308 2:00 - 5:00 PM Members Present: Beth Bader, Etti Baranoff, Jill Blondin, Michael Cabral, Karen Cary, Patrick Dattalo, Teri Dunnivant, Herschell Emery, Cliff Fox, Amber Hill, Meghan Homer, Susan Johnson, Barbara Judy, James Keck, Sue Lindner, Lara Mabry, Edna Renee Macbeth, John Mahoney, Shaun McCracken, Scott Oates, Faye Prichard, John Speich, Roxanne Spindle, Patty Strong, Joseph Topich, Joe Walsh, James Wiznerowicz, Linda Zyzniewski Members absent: Kathleen Blankenship, Michael Cabral, Sybil Halloran, William Korzun, Sarah Mizer Guests: Alaina Campbell, Biology, Dianne Jennings, Biology, Amy Rostan, Liberal Studies in Early Elementary Education, Timothy Reed, Student Affairs I. Announcements A. New format of agenda Agendas will be built in the order that proposals were received. The committee will honor this order but exceptions may be done to suit the availability of committee members or guests. II. III. Approval of the Sept. 18th, 2014 minutes - Approved Discussion A. UUCC Guidelines – Guidelines will be sent out for full committee review and accept suggestions before voting for an endorsement to present to the Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs. Final approval will be provided by the Provost. B. Major GPA calculation definition – Updated version to contain “area’ after the word major to clarify the definition will only apply to specific courses and the inclusion of “VCU” to clarify that native VCU credits and not transfer credits are used in the calculation. Endorsement for definition was approved by the UUCC and sent to the Academic Regulations Committee for review. IV. Old Business Administratively Approved - UUCC 09-18-14-010 ENGINEERING - Electrical and Computer Engineering Course revision proposal, EGRE 491 Special Topics, Adjusted contact hours and changed course description, Effective term: Spring 2015 Administratively Approved -UUCC 09-18-14-011 ENGINEERING - Electrical and Computer Engineering New course proposal, EGRE 492 Independent Study in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Adjusted contact hours and changed course description, Effective term: Spring 2015 V. New Business UUCC 10-23-14-001 ARTS - Theatre, Course revision, change THEZ 227 to THEA 100, update course description, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Amber Hill Approved Second reviewer: John Speich UUCC 10-23-14-002 ARTS - Theatre, New or revised curriculum, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre with a concentration in performance, update THEA 100 course and semester by semester suggested sequence, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Amber Hill Approved Second reviewer: John Speich UUCC 10-23-14-003 BUSINESS - Undergraduate Studies, New or revised curriculum, General business minor, add an elective to choices, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Amber Hill Approved Second reviewer: John Speich UUCC 10-23-14-004 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS – Academic Affairs, New course, INNO 351 Creativity for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, first course for students to take as part of the VCU INNOVATE Living-learning program, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Cliff Fox Approved Second reviewer: Joseph Topich UUCC 10-23-14-005 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS – Academic Affairs, New course, INNO 352 Making Innovation Happen, course for students to take as part of the VCU INNOVATE Living-learning program, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Cliff Fox Approved Second reviewer: Joseph Topich UUCC 10-23-14-006 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS – Academic Affairs, New course, INNO 353 Making Entrepreneurship Happen, course for students to take as part of the VCU INNOVATE Livinglearning program, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Cliff Fox Approved Second reviewer: Joseph Topich UUCC 10-23-14-007 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS – Academic Affairs, New course, INNO 450 Realizing Innovation and Entrepreneurship, course for students to take as part of the VCU INNOVATE Living-learning program, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Cliff Fox Approved Second reviewer: Joseph Topich UUCC 10-23-14-008 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS – Academic Affairs, New curriculum, Certificate of Completion in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, certificate for the VCU INNOVATE Livinglearning program, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Cliff Fox Second reviewer: Joseph Topich Approved Committee approved courses and Certificate of Completion for VCU INNOVATE and asked for additional information and guidelines for Certificates of Completion. James W. indicated this information will be provided for the November meeting with time for discussion. UUCC 10-23-14-009 through 012 moved to November 20th meeting. UUCC 10-23-14-013 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, New course, ENGL 355 AfricanAmerican Women Writers, effective term: Spring 2015 Reviewer: Etti Baranoff Approved Second reviewer: Sarah Mizer UUCC 10-23-14-014 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, Course revision, ENGL 379 African-American Literature: Beginnings through the Harlem Renaissance, course title, course description, effective term: Spring 2015 Reviewer: Etti Baranoff Approved Second reviewer: Sarah Mizer UUCC 10-23-14-015 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, New course, ENGL 382 AfricanAmerican Literature: Realism to the Present, effective term: Spring 2015 Reviewer: Etti Baranoff Approved Second reviewer: Sarah Mizer UUCC 10-23-14-016 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - LSEE, Revised curriculum, require minimum grade of C for TEDU 101 and MATH 361 for satisfying program requirements, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Michael Cabral Approved Second reviewer: Shaun McCracken UUCC 10-23-14-017 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - LSEE, Revised curriculum, removing INSC 301 and PHYS/MHIS 307 as options within the first group of the Natural sciences requirement, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Michael Cabral Approved Second reviewer: Shaun McCracken UUCC 10-23-14-018 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - LSEE, Revised curriculum, adding ENVS 105 Physical Geology and ENVZ 105 Physical Geology Laboratory to the GEOG group under Natural sciences, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Michael Cabral Approved Second reviewer: Shaun McCracken UUCC 10-23-14-019 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - LSEE, Revised curriculum, add HIST 103 Survey of American History as an option within the Social studies area, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Michael Cabral Second reviewer: Shaun McCracken Approved Proposals 16 – 19: Committee inquired about minimum grade requirements for students as part of sequencing and progressing forward. LSEE representative stated this action will not be retroactive and students will be advised and assisted to make informed decisions and plans for future success. UUCC 10-23-14-020 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, New course, BIOL 200 Quantitative Biology, effective term: Spring 2015 Reviewer: Herschell Emery Approved Second reviewer: William Korzun and Lara Mabry UUCC 10-23-14-021 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, BIOL 218 Cell Biology to BIOL 300 Cellular and Molecular Biology, course title, course number, course level and prerequisite change, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Herschell Emery Second reviewer: William Korzun and Lara Mabry Approved The Provost Office will provide support for addressing changes in all locations of the bulletin for departments impacted by course changes from other programs. UUCC 10-23-14-022 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, BIOL 301 to BIOL 402 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, change number and level change, update prerequisite, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Herschell Emery Approved Second reviewer: William Korzun and Lara Mabry UUCC 10-23-14-023 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, BIOL 310, update to course prerequisites, change to course description, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Herschell Emery Approved Second reviewer: William Korzun and Lara Mabry UUCC 10-23-14-024 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, BIOL 311 to BIOL 411 Animal Physiology, change course number and level, update prerequisite, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Herschell Emery Approved Second reviewer: William Korzun and Lara Mabry UUCC 10-23-14-025 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, BIOL 317, update to course prerequisites, change to course description, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Herschell Emery Approved Second reviewer: William Korzun and Lara Mabry UUCC 10-23-14-026 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, New course, BIOL 318 Evolution, effective term: Spring 2015 Reviewer: Herschell Emery Approved Second reviewer: William Korzun and Lara Mabry UUCC 10-23-14-027 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, BIOL 320 Biology of the Seed Plant, update to course prerequisites, change to course description, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Herschell Emery Approved Second reviewer: William Korzun and Lara Mabry UUCC 10-23-14-028 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, BIOL 321 Plant Development, update to course prerequisites, change to course description, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Herschell Emery Approved Second reviewer: William Korzun and Lara Mabry UUCC 10-23-14-029 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, New course, BIOL 325 Fungal Biology, effective term: Spring 2015 Reviewer: Edna Macbeth Approved Second reviewer: Susan Lindner and Susan Johnson UUCC 10-23-14-030 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, BIOL 401 Applied and Environmental Microbiology, update to course prerequisites, change to course description, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Edna Macbeth Approved Second reviewer: Susan Lindner and Susan Johnson UUCC 10-23-14-031 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, New course, BIOL 415 Mangrove Avian Field Ecology, effective term: Spring 2015 Reviewer: Edna Macbeth Approved Second reviewer: Susan Lindner and Susan Johnson UUCC 10-23-14-032 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, New course, BIOL 440 Developmental Biology, effective term: Spring 2015 Reviewer: Edna Macbeth Approved Second reviewer: Susan Lindner and Susan Johnson UUCC 10-23-14-033 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, New course, BIOL 448 Neuroscience, effective term: Spring 2015 Reviewer: Edna Macbeth Approved Second reviewer: Susan Lindner and Susan Johnson UUCC 10-23-14-034 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, BIOL 450 Biology of Cancer I, update to course prerequisites, change to course description, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Edna Macbeth Approved Second reviewer: Susan Lindner and Susan Johnson UUCC 10-23-14-035 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, BIOL 451 Biology of Cancer II, update to course prerequisites, change to course description, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Edna Macbeth Approved Second reviewer: Susan Lindner and Susan Johnson UUCC 10-23-14-036 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, BIOL 455 Immunology, update to course prerequisites, change to course description, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Edna Macbeth Approved Second reviewer: Susan Lindner and Susan Johnson UUCC 10-23-14-037 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, New course, BIOL 460 Human Evolutionary Genetics, effective term: Spring 2015 Reviewer: Edna Macbeth Approved Second reviewer: Susan Lindner and Susan Johnson UUCC 10-23-14-038 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Revised curriculum, Bachelor of Science in Biology, update curriculum requirements, add BIOL 200 and 318, renumbering of proposed courses, removal of organismal course requirement, reduce lab hours from six to five, and include BNFO/LFSC 251/252 course options as substitutes for BIOZ 151/152, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Herschell Emery Second reviewer: Edna Macbeth Approved Curriculum proposal indicated the addition of BIOZ 291 and BIOL 314 revealed that BIOZ 291 has no0t been approved course for offering and will be removed from the proposal. On the other hand, BIOL 314 is an approved course which has been approved by the UUCC and is found in Banner. BIOL 314 will remain on the proposal. Students will be allowed to select this effective curriculum for greater flexibility in the requirements. UUCC 10-23-14-039 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Revised curriculum, minor in Biology, update course requirements, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Herschell Emery Second reviewer: Edna Macbeth Approved Approval of the minor is not retroactive to previous effective bulletin years. UUCC 10-23-14-040 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering New course, EGMN 250 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, course contains same content as EGRN 210 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering but with new course subject and numbering for organization within the program, with approval of EGMN 250 - EGRN 210 will be closed, no library and technology forms are required for this process, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: James Keck Approved Second reviewer: Patrick Dattalo UUCC 10-23-14-041 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering New course, EGMN 350 Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering, course contains same content as EGRN 310 Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering but with new course subject and numbering for organization within the program, with approval of EGMN 350 - EGRN 310 will be closed, no library and technology forms are required for this process, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: James Keck Approved Second reviewer: Patrick Dattalo UUCC 10-23-14-042 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering New course, EGMN 355 Radiation Safety and Shielding, course contains same content as EGRN 330 Radiation Safety and Shielding but with new course subject and numbering for organization within the program, with approval of EGMN 355 - EGRN 330 will be closed, no library and technology forms are required for this process, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: James Keck Approved Second reviewer: Patrick Dattalo UUCC 10-23-14-043 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering New course, EGMN 356 Nuclear Instrumentation and Measurements, course contains same content as EGRN 331 Nuclear Instrumentation and Measurements but with new course subject and numbering for organization within the program, with approval of EGMN 356 - EGRN 331 will be closed, no library and technology forms are required for this process, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: James Keck Approved Second reviewer: Patrick Dattalo UUCC 10-23-14-044 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering New course, EGMN 416 Mechatronics, course contains same content as EGRM 410 Mechatronics but with new course subject and numbering for organization within the program, with approval of EGMN 416 - EGRM 410 will be closed, no library and technology forms are required for this process, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: James Keck Approved Second reviewer: Patrick Dattalo UUCC 10-23-14-045 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering New course, EGMN 451 Nuclear Safety and Security, course contains same content as EGRN 440 Nuclear Safety and Security but with new course subject and numbering for organization within the program, with approval of EGMN 451 - EGRN 440 will be closed, no library and technology forms are required for this process, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: James Keck Approved Second reviewer: Patrick Dattalo UUCC 10-23-14-046 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering New course, EGMN 453 Economics of Nuclear Power Production, course contains same content as EGRN 410 Economics of Nuclear Power Production but with new course subject and numbering for organization within the program, with approval of EGMN 453 - EGRN 410 will be closed, no library and technology forms are required for this process, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: James Keck Approved Second reviewer: Patrick Dattalo UUCC 10-23-14-047 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering New course, EGMN 455 Nuclear Power Plants, course contains same content as EGRN 420 Nuclear Power Plants but with new course subject and numbering for organization within the program, with approval of EGMN 453 - EGRN 420 will be closed, no library and technology forms are required for this process, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: James Keck Approved Second reviewer: Patrick Dattalo UUCC 10-23-14-048 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering New course, EGMN 456 Reactor Design and Systems, course contains same content as EGRN 320 Reactor Design and Systems but with new course subject and numbering for organization within the program, with approval of EGMN 456 - EGRN 320 will be closed, no library and technology forms are required for this process, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: James Keck Approved Second reviewer: Patrick Dattalo UUCC 10-23-14-049 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering New course, EGMN 491 Special Topics in Engineering, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Faye Prichard Approved Second reviewer: Meghan Homer UUCC 10-23-14-050 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering New course, EGMN 492 Independent Study in Engineering, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Faye Prichard Approved Second reviewer: Meghan Homer UUCC 10-23-14-051 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Revised curriculum, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, update curriculum to include the new course subject (EGMN) and revised course numbers, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Faye Prichard Approved Second reviewer: Meghan Homer UUCC 10-23-14-052 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Revised curriculum, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in nuclear engineering, update curriculum to include the new course subject (EGMN), revised course numbers, and revised course levels, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Faye Prichard Approved Second reviewer: Meghan Homer UUCC 10-23-14-053 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Revised curriculum, Minor in mechanical engineering, update course subject changes, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Faye Prichard Approved Second reviewer: Meghan Homer UUCC 10-23-14-054 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Academic Affairs, New course, LDRS 201 Leadership Seminar I, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Roxanne Spindle Approved Second reviewer: Beth Bader UUCC 10-23-14-055 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Academic Affairs, New course, LDRS 202 Leadership Seminar II, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Roxanne Spindle Approved Second reviewer: Beth Bader UUCC 10-23-14-056 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Academic Affairs, New course, LDRS 301 Leadership Seminar III, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Roxanne Spindle Approved Second reviewer: Beth Bader UUCC 10-23-14-057 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Academic Affairs, New course, LDRS 302 Culmination Leadership Seminar, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Roxanne Spindle Approved Second reviewer: Beth Bader UUCC 10-23-14-058 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Academic Affairs, Course revision, UNIV 270 Introduction to Leadership Studies, change to course description and prerequisites/restriction, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Roxanne Spindle Approved Second reviewer: Beth Bader UUCC 10-23-14-059 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Academic Affairs, New curriculum, Certificate of completion in Leadership Studies, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Roxanne Spindle Approved Second reviewer: Beth Bader UUCC 10-23-14-060 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Academic Affairs, New course, LDRS 491 Special Topics in Leadership, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Roxanne Spindle Approved Second reviewer: Beth Bader UUCC 10-23-14-061 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Academic Affairs, New course, LDRS 492 Independent Studies in Leadership, effective term: Fall 2015 Reviewer: Roxanne Spindle Approved VI. Second reviewer: Beth Bader Administrative Approvals UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp001 ARTS - Theatre, Course revision, update the maximum total of credits for which THEA 251 can be repeated, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp002 ARTS - Theatre, Course revision, update the maximum total of credits for which THEA 252 can be repeated, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp003 BUSINESS - Undergraduate Studies Course revision, update prerequisites to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200” with the UNIV 112 requirement, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp004 BUSINESS - Undergraduate Studies Bulletin update, Change Sources of additional credit, IB credit for Business and management area will have equivalencies for BUSN 201 and 202, DSST exam for Introduction to business will have equivalency for BUSN 201 and 202, effective term Fall 2015. UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp005 BUSINESS - Finance Insurance and Real Estate, Bulletin update, correction to the semester by semester plan for the Bachelor of Science in Business with a concentration in risk management and insurance/corporate, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp006 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, Bulletin update, updating the learning outcomes listed in the bulletin, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp007 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, Course revision, update prerequisites for ENGL 201 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp008 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, Course revision, update prerequisites for ENGL 202 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp009 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, Course revision, update prerequisites for ENGL 203 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp010 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, Course revision, update prerequisites for ENGL 204 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp011 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, Course revision, update prerequisites for ENGL 205 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp012 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, Course revision, update prerequisites for ENGL 206 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp013 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, Course revision, update prerequisites for ENGL 211 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp014 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, Course revision, update prerequisites for ENGL 236 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp015 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - English, Course revision, update prerequisites for ENGL 291 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp016 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Gender Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, Course revision, update prerequisites for GSWS 236 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp017 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - International Studies, Course revision, update prerequisites for INTL 211 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp018 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Richard T Robertson School of Media and Culture, Course revision, update prerequisites for MASC 203 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp019 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Richard T Robertson School of Media and Culture, Course revision, update prerequisites for MASC 204 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp020 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Philosophy, Course revision, update prerequisites for PHIL 211 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp021 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Philosophy, Course revision, update prerequisites for PHIL 212 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp022 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Philosophy, Course revision, update prerequisites for PHIL 214 to include “or both ENGL 295 and HONR 200”, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp023 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, update prerequisite for BIOL 303 to change BIOL 218 to BIOL 300, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp024 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, update prerequisite for BIOL 308 to change BIOL 218 to BIOL 300, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp025 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, update prerequisite for BIOL 314 to change BIOL 218 to BIOL 300, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp026 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, update prerequisite for BIOL 323 to change BIOL 218 to BIOL 300, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp027 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, update prerequisite for BIOL 413 to change BIOL 218 to BIOL 300, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp028 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, update prerequisite for BIOL 491 to change BIOL 218 to BIOL 300, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp029 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, update prerequisite for BIOZ 310 to remove BIOL 218, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp030 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, update prerequisite for BIOZ 321 to remove BIOL 218, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp031 HUMANITIES AND SCIENCES - Biology, Course revision, update prerequisite for BIOZ 491 to change BIOL 218 to BIOL 300, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp032 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Course revision, close EGRM 308 Automatic Controls, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp033 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Course revision, close EGRN 320 Reactor Design Systems, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp034 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Course revision, close ENGR 412 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, effective term: Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp035 ENGINEERING - Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Change of course subject, convert ENGR, EGRM, EGRN and ENGZ to EGMN - with the creation of the courses under the EGMN subject, the ENGR, EGRM, EGNR and ENGZ courses listed below will be closed Current course subject Proposed course subject Effective term ENGR 102 ENGR 301 ENGR 302 ENGR 305 ENGR 315 ENGR 427 EGMN 102 EGMN 301 EGMN 302 EGMN 305 EGMN 315 EGMN 427 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 EGRM 101 EGRM 201 EGRM 202 EGRM 204 EGRM 215 EGRM 300 EGRM 303 EGRM 309 EGRM 311 EGRM 312 EGRM 321 EGRM 401 EGRM 420 EGRM 421 EGRM 425 EGRM 426 EGRM 428 EGRM 435 EGRM 436 EGRM 437 EGMN 101 EGMN 201 EGMN 202 EGMN 204 EGMN 215 EGMN 300 EGMN 303 EGMN 309 EGMN 311 EGMN 312 EGMN 321 EGMN 401 EGMN 420 EGMN 421 EGMN 425 EGMN 426 EGMN 428 EGMN 435 EGMN 436 EGMN 437 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 EGRN 450 EGMN 450 Fall 2015 ENGZ 402* EGMN 402 Fall 2015 ENGZ 403* EGMN 403 Fall 2015 *Denotes change for ENGZ 402 and ENGZ 403 to EGMN 402 and EGMN 403, respectively, marks approved change to course subject for capstone courses for the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in nuclear engineering. Administrative approval for course closures from proposals 040 – 048: Course approved for closure: EGRN 210 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering EGRN 310 Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering EGRN 330 Radiation Safety and Shielding EGRN 331 Nuclear Instrumentation and Measurements EGRM 410 Mechatronics EGRN 440 Nuclear Safety and Security EGRN 410 Economics of Nuclear Power Production EGRN 420 Nuclear Power Plants EGRN 320 Reactor Design and Systems Effective term: Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp036 ARTS – Art History, Course Revision, ARTH 300 Prehistoric and Ancient Art and Architecture, Update prerequisite requirement to allow qualified VCUQ students registration access to course, add or ARTF 115, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp037 ARTS – Art History, Course Revision, ARTH 305 Classical Art and Architecture, Update prerequisite requirement to allow qualified VCUQ students registration access to course, add or ARTF 115, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp038 ARTS – Art History, Course Revision, ARTH 330 20th-century Art and Architecture, Update prerequisite requirement to allow qualified VCUQ students registration access to course, add or ARTF 116, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp039 ARTS – Interior Design, Course Revision, IDES 251 Historical Environments: Ancient Through 19th Century, Update prerequisite requirement to allow qualified VCUQ students registration access to course, add or ARTH 115 and 116, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp040 ARTS – Interior Design, Course Revision, IDES 252 Historical Environments: 20th-21st Centuries, Update prerequisite requirement to allow qualified VCUQ students registration access to course, add or ARTF 115 and 116, effective term: Spring 2015 UUCC 10-23-14-AdminApp041 ARTS – Interior Design, Course Revision, IDES 493 Interior Design Internship, Update prerequisite requirement to allow qualified VCUQ students registration access to course, add IDES 330 or 431, effective term: Spring 2015