RIDLEY PARK, PA September 16, 2014 The Ridley Park Borough Council met in regular session on the above date in Council Chambers of the Ridley Park Borough Hall. Council President Bob Berger called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Please note that these minutes are a SUMMARY of what transpired in a public council meeting on the above referenced date. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Eberle. ROLL CALL Council members present: Council President Berger, Councilor Broadhurst, Councilor Mattus, Councilor Snow, Councilor Glenn, Councilor O’Mahoney, Councilor Endriss-Dalessio and Mayor Eberle. Also Present was Mr. Angelos, Esq. and Engineer Charles Catania. MINUTES Motion to approve the minutes of August 19, 2014 Councilor Mattus/Councilor Glenn Yea: Broadhurst, O’Mahoney, Glenn, Mattus, Snow, Endriss-Dalessio, Berger Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Motion Approved All in Favor MAYOR’S REPORT Mayor Eberle discussed various topics including the Victorian Fair which featured warmer than usual weather and a good turnout. The event was sponsored by the Recreation Board. He noted that he was present for the original version of the Victorian Fair which was then called the Town Fair and was held in the center of town. It was held in September 1986 and was not very successful, with under 100 people attending. The 3rd year the fair was held it was moved to the lake and was much more successful. Bev Kapange suggested changing the name to the Victorian Fair and now it includes paddle boats and provides scholarships. The 5K run sponsored by Main Streets and the HeadStrong Foundation was discussed. Mayor Eberle announced that a family support home is in our area. The Rubber Duckie Regatta was held the same day as the run and featured lane markers placed in the lake with ducks being forced down to a finish line by a stream of water provided by the fire company’s firehose. The winner received $500. Both events were in their first year and everyone looks forward to seeing them grow. The Mayor showed a photo of Thayer Street many years ago as a dirt lane. It was named for a local resident, as were many streets in the borough. Bartol was named for a resident who 1 RIDLEY PARK, PA September 16, 2014 invented a sugar process and is one of the founders of the Union League in Philadelphia. Mr. Sellers invented a standard system for screws and nuts. Motion to Approve the Mayor’s Report: Councilor Mattus/Councilor Glenn Yea: Glenn, Mattus, O’Mahoney, Broadhurst, Snow, Endriss-Dalessio, Berger Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Motion Approved COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE/PERSONNEL – COUNCILOR PAUL MATTUS Councilor Mattus discussed the MMO payment of $118,501. There will be a pension committee meeting Thursday at 7pm. The payment of the bills was also mentioned in the amended amount of $357,855.13 and a report on franchise fees was given. Motion to accept the Finance Report, Councilor Glenn/Councilor O’Mahoney Yea: Glenn, Broadhurst, Snow, Mattus, O’Mahoney, Endriss-Dalessio, Berger Nay: None Abstained: None Absent:None Motion Approved PUBLIC SAFETY – COUNCILOR HOLLY O’MAHONEY Chief Donkin reported that the Fire Company won the 2013 Life Safety Achievement Award. After congratulations were given he went on to describe the hard work of the fire prevention committee and their upcoming activities planned for Fire Prevention Week. Mayor Eberle commended the fire department on their achievement. Chief Bascelli announced that children were back to school and encouraged motorist caution. He also announced details regarding a reported attempted abduction of a middle school student in Ridley Park. He provided details of a white van with a ladder rack that was indicated as the suspect vehicle. Police continue to investigate the report but everyone was encouraged to call in with any pertinent details. Councilor O’Mahoney congratulated the fire department and then went on to discuss National Preparedness Month, the CodeRed service that was recently purchased in the borough and the grant that paid for this service. A follow-up discussion of using the CodeRed service for situations such as Chief Bascelli’s announcement was mentioned. Mayor Eberle stated that he had spoken to Chief Bascelli about the establishment of a formal Anti-Crime unit for special duties in the borough. 2 RIDLEY PARK, PA September 16, 2014 Motion to accept the Public Safety Report Councilor Mattus/Councilor Glenn Yea: Glenn, Broadhurst, Snow, Mattus, O’Mahoney, Endriss-Dalessio, Berger Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Motion Approved PARKS & PROPERTIES – COUNCILOR JIM GLENN Councilor Glenn reviewed topics including the HARB recommendations made at the previous work session due to time constraints. He also discussed mosquito spraying and streamside maintenance in response to complaints from Jeanne Franz and Kathy Zang at the work session. He read from the CRC pamphlet about buffer areas between the lake and the park area. He indicated that he will put that information on the website. Motion to accept the Parks & Property Report Councilor Mattus/Councilor O’Mahoney Yea: Glenn, Broadhurst, Snow, Mattus, O’Mahoney, Endriss-Dalessio, Berger Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Motion Approved COMMUNITY RESOURCES – COUNCILOR SAMANTHA SNOW Councilor Snow discussed her committee’s continued revisions of the trash/recycling ordinance. She also thanked everyone for coming out to the Victorian Fair. She read the library report which featured information on fall children’s programs, reading to pets, the writer’s group and the change of hours for fall. She noted the date of the Main Streets fair as October 12th and mentioned the success of last week’s Zumbathon. Motion to accept the Community Resource Report, Councilor Endriss-Dalessio/Councilor Glenn Yea: Glenn, Broadhurst, Snow, Mattus, O’Mahoney, Endriss-Dalessio, Berger Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Motion Approved COMMUNICATIONS – COUNCILOR MICHELE ENDRISS-DALESSIO Councilor Dalessio discussed the recent issue with the broadcast of the last business meeting. Due to an apparent defect in the DVD player, the meeting was recorded in segments which affected its ability to be broadcast. Thanks were offered to Ted Williams and Perry Artese for diagnosing the issue, ordering new equipment and handling the repairs. The Business 3 RIDLEY PARK, PA September 16, 2014 Association meets tomorrow and the Athletic Club will be celebrating Homecoming on September 27th. The Barnstormers will be presenting Rocky Horror and it was mentioned that the senior information was the same as usual. Motion to Approve the Communications Report Councilor Mattus/Councilor Glenn Yea: Berger, Glenn, Broadhurst, Snow, Mattus, O’Mahoney, Endriss-Dalessio Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Motion Approved PUBLIC RELATIONS – COUNCILOR DAN BROADHURST Councilor Broadhurst reported that the 9/11 meeting of the Historical Society had to be rescheduled but a 10/19 walking tour conducted by Keith Lockhart would be the organization’s first event of the year. It starts at 4pm. School board information included the fact that the school will be moving to a 6point grading system and also mentioned a new citizenship requirement for all high school students. They must acquire 80 units in 4 years.He also mentioned Terry Rowlyk getting a $500 grant for the jazz group and Jabari Whitehead who is the principal at Upper Merion and is being featured in a WebMD article. Councilor Mattus asked about the strike and contract negotiations and how that may affect taxes and the budget next year. Councilor Broadhurst did not know but indicated he would ask. Motion to Approve the Public Relations Report Councilor Mattus/Councilor Snow Yea: Glenn, Broadhurst, Snow, Mattus, O’Mahoney, Endriss-Dalessio, Berger Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Motion Approved PLANNING & ZONING COUNCIL PRESIDENT BOB BERGER Councilor President Berger discussed the 307 Sellers application that will be before Planning in Spetember, the 5K run as well as the 150 or so ducks that were in the Rubber Duckie Regatta. He thanked the Ridley Park Fire Department, Police Department, Highway crew and Tinicum Twp. Ambulance. He also promoted the favorite dish competition at the Farmers Market. It will be held at the Taylor Community Foundation booth on 9/18 at 5 pm. There will be gift certificates for restaurants as prizes. On a final note, the CDCA 2006 metering program was discussed. Our meter will be checked by the engineer. Councilor Broadhurst thanked Council President Berger for his efforts relating to the CDCA. Motion to Approve the Planning & Zoning Report Councilor Mattus/Councilor Glenn 4 RIDLEY PARK, PA September 16, 2014 Yea: Glenn, Broadhurst, Snow, Mattus, O’Mahoney, Endriss-Dalessio, Berger Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: O’Mahoney Motion Approved JUNIOR COUNCILORS REPORT – Absent – He did email and remains focused on services for the community. Councilor Broadhurst asked if perhaps the schools required community service could be incorporated into the junior councilor’s service project. BOROUGH ACTIVITIES BOROUGH MANAGER’S REPORT – DAWNMARIE HUMAN Ms. Human discussed the latest activities involving code enforcement issues, MS4 audit, parking meter inspections, administrative items, bridge follow up, paving in October and continuing pothole reports. Motion to accept the Borough Manager’s report Councilor Mattus/Councilor Glenn Yea: Glenn, Broadhurst, Snow, Mattus, O’Mahoney, Endriss-Dalessio, Berger Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Motion Approved BOROUGH SOLICITOR – MR. ERNIE ANGELOS Mr. Angelos continues to work with the trash committee on the trash/recycle ordinance. He also noted it is tax appeal season and although the borough does not take the lead on handling tax appeals, he wanted everyone to be aware that he will be bringing them forth for approval. The school has the lead role on tax appeals. ENGINEER’S REPORT – MR. CHARLES CATANIA, JR. Mr. Catania discussed the Hinkley Avenue Bridge inspection (over Stony Creek), and the need to authorize bids for the 2015 budget. He estimated the repair costs to be approximately $24,000. The Tome Street sewer inlet repair was mentioned as was the Hillside bridge meeting. The settlement taking place on Robert & Dean Street was determined to be from a private lateral. 5 RIDLEY PARK, PA September 16, 2014 PUBLIC COMMENT Kathy Zang – 250 W. Ridley Avenue wanted to follow up on the comments made on behalf of the junior counselor. She felt someone should contact the LEO club at the school as they do community assistance projects. Her daughter is in that club. She also stated that she thinks the lake looks terrible and she heard the information about the need to keep a natural buffer that CRC Watersheds recommends but she thinks it is disrespectful to people who bought memorial benches. She felt she could take her bench back but Councilor Glenn explained she made a donation to the lake and we buy the benches. She then stated she just won’t take care of her bench anymore. She thanked Corporal Frazier for assisting at a call involving an accident. She appreciated his help. Grace (?) 23 Partridge Ave. was very upset that when she had to get a CO for her property, Code Enforcement was asked to take note of the property behind her which had months worth of dog feces, a ripped tarp on the home, overgrown weeds and other violations. However, it has been 5 months since the information was taken and Mr. Tartaglia has done nothing. Councilor O’Mahoney explained about the abatement program and indicated that it could be used for an occupied property. She then addressed Council President Berger about why it should take 5 months and he stated he would get a response and update for her tomorrow. Mike Gale – Discussed herbicide spray in the park. He downloaded a copy of the Roundup label, called an 1-800 number and represented that they told him that there should be a 4 hour reentry time for the park where it was used. He feels we should post signs. Council President Berger agreed and stated that was fair enough. There was also a brief discussion of spray times and whether spraying was happening at dusk or early in the morning. It was undetermined. Andy Furman – 419 Pomeroy revisited the previous budget discussions of what he feels to be a $275,000 deficit. Various scenarios were discussed including the difference in the highway funds, contributions by Aqua, etc. Council President Berger was asked to comment. Declining tax revenues and other revenues of over $800,000 was discussed although Council President Berger indicated he did not have the benefit of budget material in front of him. Mr. Furman also felt that we were about $270,000 over budget for the Sector 5 Police Grant. Councilor Glenn attempted to explain that it is a 3 year grant and funds do not come into it anymore. It is over. The Borough Manager explained that his rationale was totally incorrect and those accounts have been closed and audited. In fact, there remains a few thousand dollars in the account awaiting an issue to be worked out with some equipment. The resident at 16 Partridge asked when there will be people ticketed for speeding on Sellers Avenue and described how bad he felt it was. Chief Bascelli indicated that special details have been assigned to that area with many tickets written. The resident felt that this was a big revenue opportunity for the town but the Chief explained that enforcement has to be for the sake of enforcement because in fact the borough spends money every time they write a ticket. We only get $12.50 and have to send officers to court and pay overtime in many cases. He restated that enforcement there would continue because it is necessary but wanted to clarify that it does not make the community any money to write tickets. 6 RIDLEY PARK, PA September 16, 2014 Recommendations FINANCE COUNCILOR MATTUS Motion To Approve Payment of the Bills List for September, 2014 in the amount of $357,855.13. Councilor Mattus/Councilor O’Mahoney Yea: Glenn, Broadhurst, Snow, Mattus, O’Mahoney, Endriss-Dalessio, Berger Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Motion Approved Motion to Approve payment of $118,501 for the 2015 mmo Councilor Mattus/Councilor O’Mahoney Yea: Glenn, Broadhurst, Snow, Mattus, O’Mahoney, Endriss-Dalessio, Berger Nay: None Abstained: None Absent: None Motion Approved There was a brief discussion about the interest payment on the previous MMO and how that came about. The Borough Manager explained how the payment was to be made at the end of the year, she was out ill and the payment was made 2 weeks later. However, the check was not cashed and that was not discovered until the bank statement for February arrived in March. The interest payment is made back to the pension account. OLD BUSINESS Councilor O’Mahoney discussed the new ticket system Chief Bascelli has been working on which is in use in other communities and better accounts for tickets and monies. NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Councilor Mattus/Councilor Glenn AIF Respectfully Submitted DawnMarie Human Borough Manager 7 RIDLEY PARK, PA September 16, 2014 8