Sport England Methodology of measuring sports participation Methodology of measuring sports participation Consultation document August 2015 1 Sport England Methodology of measuring sports participation 2 Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Background ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Reasons for Change ........................................................................................................................... 5 Pilot studies ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Proposal ............................................................................................................................................. 7 What will this mean for me? ................................................................................................................ 9 Timing............................................................................................................................................... 10 Quality Commitment ......................................................................................................................... 11 How Can I Respond? ........................................................................................................................ 12 Sport England Methodology of measuring sports participation Introduction Sport England wishes to consult with users and other interested parties on future arrangements for the measurement of sports participation. This document and an ONLINE SURVEY forms this consultation. Please click on this link to respond to the consultation. If you have any questions, please contact: OR Research, Evaluation and Analysis Sport England 1st Floor 21 Bloomsbury Street London WC1B 3HF The consultation will be open for 8 weeks, closing at midnight on 14th October 2015. 3 Sport England Methodology of measuring sports participation Background Sport England is an insight-led organisation tasked with getting more people active. To create the right conditions for this we need a broad and deep knowledge of how much sport people play, what sports they play and which sports they’re interest in playing more of. This will inform our decision around who we invest in, and our understanding of how sport can deliver wider objectives. Through our commitment to measuring sports participation over the past decade, we have unparalleled data both internationally and amongst other sporting and cultural agencies in the UK. Central to this commitment has been Sport England’s Active People Survey (APS). APS has existed since 2005/06 and over that time, its design has remained largely unchanged. The cross sectional, random digit dial (RDD), landline telephone design has provided an effective mechanism to measure a wide range of sports and provide local authority level data. We are committed to continue to lead in this area over the next five years and beyond, as Sport England begins to consider its strategic priorities for the period until 2021. We believe there is a natural opportunity to review both what we measure (to ensure it aligns with the Government’s, and our own, new strategy) and how we measure it (reflecting the best available methods). This consultation is specifically about how we undertake the collection of data. In parallel, both Sport England and DCMS are undertaking a wider consultation to establish the strategic priorities for community sport over the next five years. Sport England previously consulted users of APS data about modernising the survey design in 2013/14. There was overwhelming support for the introduction of a new survey design that reflected more modern methods of data collection (e.g. mobile phone and online). However, respondents also emphasised the importance of retaining consistency with previous results. In response to the consultation, Sport England carried out further testing of different modes of data collection. With this work now completed, we believe it is the right time to set out plans (approach and timing) for the future measurement of sports participation. 4 Sport England Methodology of measuring sports participation Reasons for Change APS is a large landline telephone survey (annual sample size around 165,000) which focuses on sports participation and physical activity amongst people aged 14 years and over in England. The sample size is large enough to be able to measure robustly lower participation sports at the national level as well as providing headline sports measures at local authority level. However, given changing patterns of telephone use, surveys based purely on residential landlines do not have complete or even coverage of the target population. Whilst all of the validation, testing and development we have undertaken gives us confidence the current design remains fit for purpose, changes to our business requirements and the changing use of technology mean new and alternative approaches should be considered as we look to ensure the right arrangements are in place for the next 5-15 years. Survey designs reflecting newer methods, such as online and mobile phone, have been explored and proven to be viable alternatives to meet our strategic and performance measurement requirements in the future. 5 Sport England Methodology of measuring sports participation Pilot studies Having tested alternative approaches alongside the current APS model, Sport England believe there are other survey designs (briefly described below) that are viable and can meet Sport England’s requirements. Dual-frame (mobile and landline) design The trials undertaken used random digit dial telephone interviews with both a landline and mobile sample. Through testing this dual frame approach, it was concluded that: It is feasible to carry out a suitable sport and physical activity survey using a mobile RDD sample The dual frame design provides coverage of 99% of the target population The mobile phone sample was effective in reaching demographic groups that were typically under-represented in the landline sample achieving a more balanced sample overall However, the response rate achieved on the mobile phone interviews was lower than the landline interviews The cost per interview for a dual-frame RDD survey is higher than the cost per interview for a RDD survey based on landline numbers only. CAWI (Postal-to-web surveys) The trials undertaken used an online data collection method based on an approach trialled for the Cabinet Office’s Community Life Survey. With this method, a sample of addresses was drawn (using random methods) from the Postcode Address File and the target population at the sampled addresses were invited, by letter, to complete the survey online. Respondents were also provided with (by request or with the second survey reminder) a shortened paper version of the questionnaire, enabling the offline subset of the population to also participate in the survey. A monetary incentive, conditional on completion of the survey- was offered. The trials provided evidence that: It is feasible to carry out a suitable sport and physical activity survey using online data collection The online design provides coverage of 99% of the target population The online sample is more effective in reaching demographic groups that are typically under-represented in the landline sample achieving a more balanced sample overall However, the response rate achieved by the online design was lower than the landline telephone interviews The cost per respondent of the online survey was broadly equivalent to the cost of landline telephone interviews Online data collection will have an impact on the level of sports participation reported. Whilst not exhaustive, the pilot work gives us confidence that it would be possible to develop and implement a high quality alternative to the current APS design that meets the needs of Sport England and its key partners. 6 Sport England Methodology of measuring sports participation Proposal Sport England is planning to appoint an appropriate social research agency, and to work with them on the development and implementation of new arrangements to measure sports participation. To manage the risk of any change and to ensure the availability of robust sports participation data, Sport England is planning a period of parallel running whereby the current APS survey design continues alongside the development and implementation of the new survey arrangements. Through the development work undertaken, it is clear there are several alternative designs that could be developed and implemented. Rather than prescribe a particular technical solution, Sport England believes it is more appropriate to state its measurement requirements and priorities and allow leading social research agencies to use their experience and expertise to develop proposals that meet these. Input gathered through this consultation process will help to form those requirements and priorities. We believe this approach will encourage innovation and result in the best solution being identified and implemented. On this basis, Sport England has developed the following requirements: The new survey will be required to: • Accurately track regular participation at a population level, by: – Demographic group (age, disability, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, working / educational status, faith, sexuality, other demographics) – Local area (The survey will need to provide credible estimates at a national, regional, county sports partnership, and local authority level. APS has been structured to provide the same sample size for every local authority area in England. Whilst credible estimates will be retained for all local authority areas, we will be considering the ability to have different sample sizes depending on size of authority. – Sport / activity (In addition to overall participation, provide accurate and precise estimates of regular participation for a range of specific sports and activities. For larger sports and activities, this will include additional detail about specific forms / disciplines of the sport.) Taken together, this is likely to mean the new survey will be of a similar size and scale to APS. • Measure the overall activity of individuals, rather than their involvement in each sporting activity separately. This will be kept under review and develop in response to the requirements of the new strategy, but key considerations are likely to include: – Understanding the full range of sporting behaviour from regular, wellestablished patterns to infrequent and sporadic activity. 7 Sport England Methodology of measuring sports participation – – – – • Better recognition that the nature of participation in different sports can vary significantly based on a range of factors (duration, frequency, formality, setting, etc.). How people combine different sports and activities at a given moment in time as part of an active lifestyle. How individuals combine different sports and activities over the course of a year as part of an active lifestyle. How and why participation in sport fluctuates over time (e.g. motivation, illness/injury, constraints of time, access to opportunities, etc.) and that sometimes actual behaviour in a given period may not represent typical patterns of participation. Measure the contribution of sport and physical activity to public health. We anticipate the new survey will continue to include questions about walking and all forms of cycling (not just sport / recreational) and are keen to continue to work positively with Public Health England on areas of common interest. The design of the new survey will: • Be high quality, providing statistically robust estimates of participation that have the confidence of key stakeholders by using sound statistical methods and principles quality assured by professional statisticians1. • Remain fit for purpose over the medium to long term. As previously noted, Sport England wants to establish new survey arrangements that will remain fit for purpose for the next 5-15 years. • Minimise the survey burden on respondent. We are very conscious of the burden surveys place on respondents. As part of new survey arrangements, we want to minimise this. • Support a transparent and easily understood measurement framework. As part of implementing any new survey arrangements, Sport England will review and seek to develop and improve the reporting and dissemination of results (e.g. reports, tables, charts, interactive tools). We believe it is appropriate to retain the current six-monthly cycle of reporting. 1 Considerations of quality will include: population coverage; sampling approach; sample size and profile (geographic and demographic); response rates; questionnaire design and testing; fieldwork procedures; data processing and weighting; reporting and dissemination 8 Sport England Methodology of measuring sports participation What will this mean for me? New survey arrangements will be developed and implemented with extreme care and closely monitored following implementation. Should any issues arise, we would take the necessary action to manage them. A new survey, designed to support a new strategy, will mean new data and information being presented in new ways. Through effective consultation and dialogue, we will ensure we deliver outputs that are of value and relevance to stakeholders. Sport England is keen to emphasise that they regard this as a new survey, not the continuation or evolution of the current Active People Survey. Whilst we would like to get continued value from the time series data we have, our primary focus is on making the right choice for the next 5-15 years. 9 Sport England Methodology of measuring sports participation Timing Sport England is currently in the process of selecting an appropriate social research agency to work with on the development of the new survey. Once appointed, we will work with this agency to implement new survey arrangements in the autumn. We intend to appoint the supplier to oversee an initial development and implementation period which, if successful, will then lead to ongoing delivery over the five year period of the new strategy for sport (until 2020/21). Any responses received from users of sports participation statistics will be important as we ensure the arrangements are put in place. We will continue APS until 31 March 2016. Through this period of parallel running, we will be able to continue to provide sports participation data, manage the risk of any changes, and understand the impact of any changes. 10 Sport England Methodology of measuring sports participation Quality Commitment APS is subject to the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. Sport England believes reviewing current arrangements for the measurement of sports participation will increase public trust and confidence in sports participation statistics. Sport England’s Research, Evaluation and Analysis Team are working closely with experts in social and market research to evaluate alternatives and will continue to do so if any new arrangements are implemented. 11 Sport England Methodology of measuring sports participation How Can I Respond? We value your views on this consultation. You can respond by completing the ONLINE SURVEY which will remain open until midnight on 14th October 2015. This survey provides structured questions and space for free text response. If you wish your response to be confidential, you will have the option to specify this at the end of the survey. If you would prefer to respond by post, a word version of the survey is available to download on the consultation page of the Sport England website or please contact the Research, Evaluation and Analysis team (details in the introduction to this document). 12