Funnel Plot Analysis Risk of transfusion (Seven studies) Risk of >4 units pRBCs (Four studies) Risk of re-operation for bleeding (Fourteen studies) Search Strategy MEDLINE 1 ((renal or kidney$) adj (disease$ or failure$ or insufficien$ or impair$ or sufficien$ or function$ or dysfunction or disorder$)).tw. and ((renal or kidney$ or glomer$ or nephr$ or dialys$ or h?emodialy$ or creatinine or gfr$).ti,hw. or (cohort and (blood$ or bleed$ or transfus$)).mp. or exp Epidemiologic Studies/ or (outcome$ or mortality or risk$ or survival or morbidity).ti.) 2 ((chronic or impair$) adj (renal or kidney$ or glomerulonephr$ or nephr$ or ur?emi$)).tw. and ((renal or kidney$ or glomer$ or nephr$ or dialys$ or h?emodialy$ or creatinine or gfr$).ti,hw. or or exp Epidemiologic Studies/ or (outcome$ or mortality or risk$ or survival or morbidity).ti.) 3 ((end stage or endstage or end-stage or pre-end-stage) adj (renal or kidney$)).tw. and ((renal or kidney$ or glomer$ or nephr$ or dialys$ or h?emodialy$ or creatinine or gfr$).ti,hw. or or exp Epidemiologic Studies/ or (outcome$ or mortality or risk$ or survival or morbidity).ti.) 4 (predialy$ or pre-dialy$ or kdoqi or k-doqi).tw. and ((renal or kidney$ or glomer$ or nephr$ or dialys$ or h?emodialy$ or creatinine or gfr$).ti,hw. or or exp Epidemiologic Studies/ or (outcome$ or mortality or risk$ or survival or morbidity).ti.) 5 ((renal or kidney$) and (ckd or ckf or crd or crf or eskd or eskf or esrd or esrf or pre-esrd or dialy$ or h?emodialy$)).tw. and (renal or kidney$ or glomer$ or nephr$ or dialys$ or h?emodialy$ or creatinine or gfr$).ti,hw. 6 (gfr or glomerul$ filtr$ or eCcr$ or MDRD$ or cGFR or serum creatinine or creatinine clearance or screatinine).tw. 7 ((estimat$ or predict$ or automat$ or report$ or calculat$) adj (eGFR or Ccr or eCcr or MDRD$)).tw. 8 (((pre-operative or elevated or preoperative) adj creatinine) or (creatinine adj (ratio or level$))).tw. 9 (creatinine and ((renal or kidney$) adj (disease$ or failure$ or insufficien$ or impair$ or sufficien$ or function$ or dysfunction or disorder$))).tw. 10 ((pre-operativ$ or preoperativ$ or pre-existing) adj (renal$ or creatinine or kidney or mild renal or ur?emi$ or dialys$ or h?emodialy$ or non-dialys$)).tw. 11 exp Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/ or Renal Insufficiency/ or (transfus$ and blood cell$).ti. or *Erythrocyte Transfusion/ 12 exp Renal Dialysis/ or (creatinine and micromol$).tw. 13 or/1-12 14 ((renal or kidney$) adj2 (disease$ or failure$ or insufficien$ or impair$ or sufficien$ or function$ or dysfunction or disorder$)).ti. and ((end stage or endstage or end-stage or pre-end-stage or chronic) adj (renal or kidney$)).tw. 15 ((chronic or impair$) adj (renal or kidney$ or glomerulonephr$ or nephr$ or ur?emi$)).ti. 16 ((end stage or endstage or end-stage or pre-end-stage) adj (renal or kidney$)).ti. 17 (renal or kidney$).ti. and (ckd or ckf or crd or crf or eskd or eskf or esrd or esrf or pre-esrd or dialy$ or h?emodialy$).tw. 18 (*kidney disease/ or *kidney failure/ or *kidney/ or *glomerulus filtration rate/ or exp *kidney function test/) and ((chronic or impair$ or end stage or endstage or end-stage or pre-end-stage) adj (renal or kidney$)).tw. 19 exp *Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/ or exp *Renal Dialysis/ or *Renal Insufficiency/ or *Creatinine/ or Kidney Diseases/bl 20 (serum creatinine or creatinine clearance or (creatinine adj (ratio or level$))).ti. 21 or/14-20 22 ((abdominal or aneurysm or aortic or grafting or cardi$ or carotid or coronar$ or elective or general or heart or major or off-pump or parathyroid or serum or renal dysfunction) and (surgery$ or pre-operativ$ or preoperativ$ or intraoperativ$ or perioperative$ or peri-operative$ or operative)).ti. 23 *Surgical Procedures, Operative/ or exp Cardiac Surgical Procedures/ or exp Thoracic Surgical Procedures/ or Surgical Procedures, Elective/ or Reoperation/ or *Perioperative Care/ or *Postoperative Care/ or exp *Postoperative Period/ or exp *Preoperative Care/ or *Preoperative Period/ or *Intraoperative Period/ or *Intraoperative Care/ or *Ambulatory Surgical Procedures/ or exp *Intraoperative Complications/ or exp *Postoperative complications/ or exp *Femoral Fractures/su 24 *Abdomen/su or *Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal/ or *Heart Valve Prosthesis/ or *Heart Valves/su or *Hyperparathyroidism,Secondary/su or *Leg/bs or Blood Loss,Surgical/ or Blood Vessel Prosthesis Implantation/ 25 exp Coronary Artery Bypass/ or exp Coronary Disease/su or exp *Heart Diseases/su 26 (((coronary or aortocoronar$ or cardio$ or infrainguinal) adj3 bypass$) or CABG).tw. 27 Carotid Stenosis/ or Endarterectomy,Carotid/ or exp *Cardiovascular Diseases/su 28 Cardiopulmonary Bypass/ and surg$.af. 29 Lower Extremity/bs or Vascular Surgical Procedures/ 30 *Aortic Aneurysm/su 31 ((aneurysm$ or endovascular) and (aortic or repair$ or surg$ or operation or reoperation)).ti. 32 Endarterectomy, Carotid/ or exp Carotid Artery Diseases/su or ((endarterectom$ or revascularization$) and carotid$).ti. 33 ((abdominal or aneurysm or aortic or grafting or cardiac or cardiovascular or carotid or coronary or elective or general or heart or major or off-pump or parathyroid or heart valve or cardiac valve) adj (surgery$ or dissection)).tw. 34 (carotid adj5 (surger$ or endarterectom$ or stent$)).ti. 35 lower extremit$.ti. or (infrainguinal$ adj2 (bypass or graft$)).tw. or (limb adj (isch?emia or salvage)).tw. 36 (carotid adj2 (surger$ or endarterectom$ or stent$)).tw. 37 ((cardi$ adj2 surgery) or ((myocardial or coronar$ or arterial or extremity or off-pump or surgical) adj2 revascul$)).tw. 38 *Arterial Occlusive Diseases/su or *Ischemia/su or Limb Salvage/ or Peripheral Vascular Diseases/su or exp *Aneurysm/su 39 or/22-38 40 13 and 39 41 (Postoperative care/ or Intraoperative care/ or Perioperative care/ or Postoperative complications/ or Preoperative care/) and surg$.af. 42 (pre-operativ$ or preoperativ$ or intraoperativ$ or perioperative$ or peri-operative$ or post-operativ$ or postoperativ$).tw. and surg$.af. 43 Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal/ 44 (((coronary or aortocoronar$ or cardio$) adj3 bypass$) or CABG).tw. 45 Leg/bs 46 ((aneurysm$ or endovascular) and (aortic or repair$ or surg$ or operation or reoperation)).ti. 47 ((endarterectom$ or revascularization$) and carotid$).tw. or (bleeding or blood-loss).ti. 48 or/41-47 49 21 and 48 50 40 or 49 EMBASE 1 ((renal or kidney$) adj (disease$ or failure$ or insufficien$ or impair$ or sufficien$ or function$ or dysfunction or disorder$)).tw. and ((renal or kidney$ or glomer$ or nephr$ or dialys$ or h?emodialy$ or creatinine or gfr$).ti,hw. or (cohort and (blood$ or bleed$ or transfus$)).mp. or controlled study/ or major clinical study/ or comparative study/ or retrospective study/ or (outcome$ or mortality or risk$ or survival or morbidity).ti.) 2 ((chronic or impair$) adj (renal or kidney$ or glomerulonephr$ or nephr$ or ur?emi$)).tw. and ((renal or kidney$ or glomer$ or nephr$ or dialys$ or h?emodialy$ or creatinine or gfr$).ti,hw. or or controlled study/ or major clinical study/ or comparative study/ or retrospective study/ or (outcome$ or mortality or risk$ or survival or morbidity).ti.) 3 ((end stage or endstage or end-stage or pre-end-stage) adj (renal or kidney$)).tw. and ((renal or kidney$ or glomer$ or nephr$ or dialys$ or h?emodialy$ or creatinine or gfr$).ti,hw. or or controlled study/ or major clinical study/ or comparative study/ or retrospective study/ or (outcome$ or mortality or risk$ or survival or morbidity).ti.) 4 (predialy$ or pre-dialy$ or kdoqi or k-doqi).tw. and ((renal or kidney$ or glomer$ or nephr$ or dialys$ or h?emodialy$ or creatinine or gfr$).ti,hw. or or controlled study/ or major clinical study/ or comparative study/ or retrospective study/ or (outcome$ or mortality or risk$ or survival or morbidity).ti.) 5 ((renal or kidney$) and (ckd or ckf or crd or crf or eskd or eskf or esrd or esrf or pre-esrd or dialy$ or h?emodialy$)).tw. and (renal or kidney$ or glomer$ or nephr$ or dialys$ or h?emodialy$ or creatinine or gfr$).ti,hw. 6 (gfr or glomerul$ filtr$ or eCcr$ or MDRD$ or cGFR or serum creatinine or creatinine clearance or screatinine).tw. 7 ((estimat$ or predict$ or automat$ or report$ or calculat$) adj (eGFR or Ccr or eCcr or MDRD$)).tw. 8 (((pre-operative or elevated or preoperative) adj creatinine) or (creatinine adj (ratio or level$))).tw. 9 (creatinine and ((renal or kidney$) adj (disease$ or failure$ or insufficien$ or impair$ or sufficien$ or function$ or dysfunction or disorder$))).tw. 10 ((pre-operativ$ or preoperativ$ or pre-existing) adj (renal$ or creatinine or kidney or mild renal or ur?emi$ or dialys$ or h?emodialy$ or non-dialys$)).tw. 11 chronic kidney failure/ or *kidney failure/ or exp kidney dysfunction/ or chronic kidney disease/ or (transfus$ and blood cell$).ti. or *erythrocyte transfusion/ 12 dialysis/ or hemodialysis patient/ or renal replacement therapy/ or hemodialysis/ or peritoneal dialysis/ or (creatinine and micromol$).tw. 13 or/1-12 14 ((renal or kidney$) adj2 (disease$ or failure$ or insufficien$ or impair$ or sufficien$ or function$ or dysfunction or disorder$)).ti. and ((end stage or endstage or end-stage or pre-end-stage or chronic) adj (renal or kidney$)).tw. 15 ((chronic or impair$) adj (renal or kidney$ or glomerulonephr$ or nephr$ or ur?emi$)).ti. 16 ((end stage or endstage or end-stage or pre-end-stage) adj (renal or kidney$)).ti. 17 (renal or kidney$).ti. and (ckd or ckf or crd or crf or eskd or eskf or esrd or esrf or pre-esrd or dialy$ or h?emodialy$).tw. 18 (*kidney disease/ or *kidney failure/ or *kidney/ or *glomerulus filtration rate/ or *kidney function/ or kidney function test/) and ((chronic or impair$ or end stage or endstage or end-stage or pre-end-stage) adj (renal or kidney$)).tw. 19 *chronic kidney failure/ or exp *kidney dysfunction/ or exp *renal replacement therapy/ or *chronic kidney disease/ or *dialysis/ or *hemodialysis patient/ or *creatinine blood level/ or *creatinine clearance/ 20 (serum creatinine or creatinine clearance or (creatinine adj (ratio or level$))).ti. 21 or/14-20 22 ((abdominal or aneurysm or aortic or grafting or cardi$ or carotid or coronar$ or elective or general or heart or major or off-pump or parathyroid or serum or renal dysfunction) and (surgery$ or pre-operativ$ or preoperativ$ or intraoperativ$ or perioperative$ or peri-operative$ or operative)).ti. 23 *aorta surgery/ or *cardiovascular surgery/ or *endovascular surgery/ or *general surgery/ or *intraoperative period/ or *major surgery/ or *perioperative period/ or *peroperative care/ or *peroperative complication/ or *postoperative complication/ or *surgery/ or *surgical risk/ or *thoracic aorta surgery/ or *vascular surgery/ or *abdominal surgery/ or *aneurysm surgery/ or *bypass surgery/ or *elective surgery/ or exp *abdominal surgery/ or exp *off pump surgery/ or exp *postoperative period/ or exp *preoperative period/ or *heart valve surgery/ or *infrainguinal bypass surgery/ or *off pump coronary surgery/ or *reoperation/ or surgical mortality/ or *surgical risk/ or *hip fracture/su 24 *abdomen/su or abdominal aorta aneurysm/su or exp *aorta aneurysm/su or exp *heart valve/su or *secondary hyperparathyroidism/su or *leg blood flow/ or blood vessel transplantation/ 25 exp coronary artery surgery/ or exp coronary artery disease/su or *heart disease/su or *heart infarction/su or *heart surgery/ or *heart valve surgery/ or *heart muscle revascularization/ 26 (((coronary or aortocoronar$ or cardio$ or infrainguinal) adj3 bypass$) or CABG).tw. 27 carotid artery obstruction/ or exp carotid artery surgery/ or *cardiovascular disease/su or *vascular disease/su 28 cardiopulmonary bypass/ and surg$.af. 29 exp leg revascularization/ or *leg ischemia/ or exp *leg amputation/ or *leg/ or *ischemia/su or exp *carotid artery disease/su 30 exp *aorta aneurysm/su or *aneurysm surgery/ 31 ((aneurysm$ or endovascular) and (aortic or repair$ or surg$ or operation or reoperation)).ti. 32 carotid endarterectomy/ or exp carotid artery disease/su or ((endarterectom$ or revascularization$) and carotid$).ti. 33 ((abdominal or aneurysm or aortic or grafting or cardiac or cardiovascular or carotid or coronary or elective or general or heart or major or off-pump or parathyroid or heart valve or cardiac valve) adj (surgery$ or dissection)).tw. 34 (carotid adj5 (surger$ or endarterectom$ or stent$)).ti. 35 lower extremit$.ti. or (infrainguinal$ adj2 (bypass or graft$)).tw. or (limb adj (isch?emia or salvage)).tw. 36 (carotid adj2 (surger$ or endarterectom$ or stent$)).tw. 37 ((cardi$ adj2 surgery) or ((myocardial or coronar$ or arterial or extremity or off-pump or surgical) adj2 revascul$)).tw. 38 *ischemia/su or limb salvage/ or peripheral vascular disease/su or exp *aneurysm/su 39 or/22-38 40 13 and 39 41 (perioperative period/ or exp postoperative period/ or exp preoperative period/ or operation duration/ or peroperative care/ or peroperative complication/) and surg$.af. 42 (pre-operativ$ or preoperativ$ or intraoperativ$ or perioperative$ or peri-operative$ or post-operativ$ or postoperativ$).tw. and surg$.af. 43 abdominal aorta aneurysm/ or surgery/ or abdominal surgery/ or aneurysm surgery/ or bypass surgery/ or elective surgery/ or heart valve surgery/ or infrainguinal bypass surgery/ or off pump coronary surgery/ or surgical mortality/ or surgical risk/ or reoperation/ 44 (((coronary or aortocoronar$ or cardio$) adj3 bypass$) or CABG).tw. 45 leg blood flow/ or exp leg revascularization/ or leg ischemia/ or exp leg amputation/ 46 ((aneurysm$ or endovascular) and (aortic or repair$ or surg$ or operation or reoperation)).ti. 47 ((endarterectom$ or revascularization$) and carotid$).tw. or (bleeding or blood-loss).ti. 48 or/41-47 49 21 and 48 53 40 or 49 Reporting Check List Reporting of background - Problem definition ✓, CKD and bleeding stated in introduction - Hypothesis statement ✓ - Description of study outcomes ✓ - Type of exposure or intervention used ✓ - Type of study designs used ✓ Reporting of search strategy - Qualification of searchers ✓, MD (PGY-3), Graduate student (M.Sc). - Search strategy ✓, see Appendix - Included all available studies, contact with authors ✓, no contact with authors - Databases and registries searched ✓, actual databases not searched - Software used, name, version, special features ✓, see Methods - Hand searching ✓, from reviews and reference list of articles - List of citations located and those excluded ✓, excel spreadsheet provided - Method of addressing articles not published in English ✓, see references - Method of handling abstracts and unpublished studies ✓, full text articles included only - Description of any contact with authors ✓, no contact with authors Reporting of methods - Description of relevance or appropriateness of studies ✓, see Methods, Table 2 - Rationale for selection and coding of data ✓, see Methods, Figure 1 - Documentation of data coding and classification ✓ - Assessment of confounding ✓, See Table 5 - Assessment of study quality ✓, see Methods, Table 2 - Assessment of heterogeneity ✓, see Appendix for funnel plot analyses - Description of statistical methods ✓ - Provision of appropriate tables and graphics ✓ Reporting of results - Graphic summarizing individual/overall study estimates ✓ - Table giving descriptive information of each study ✓, see table 1 - Results of sensitivity testing ✓ - Indication of statistical uncertainty of findings ✓, see discussion Reporting of discussion - Quantitative assessment of bias (publication bias) ✓, funnel plot - Justification for exclusion (e.g. non-English articles) ✓, see references - Assessment of quality of included studies ✓, see table 2 Reporting of conclusions - Consideration of alternative explanations ✓ - Generalization of conclusions ✓ - Guidelines for future research ✓ - Disclosure of funding source ✓, no funding sources to disclose