10/12 – 10/16 Week 8 HOMEWORK SHEET 5th GRADE MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SPELLING WORD GRID Select one task for each day to complete on a sheet of paper. 1. Colorful Words: Write all your spelling words using one color for vowels and another color for consonants. 2. Write the words in groups (ed and ing endings): Then find 5 more words for each group on the internet, in a magazine, or in a dictionary and add to your lists. 3. Write synonyms and antonyms! Write the spelling word and then the synonym and antonym for each word. 4. SpellingCity.com: If you choose this activity you must print a page each day showing what you did and include in homework packet each Friday. Select one task from the above SPELLING WORD GRID to complete each day. Task Completed # ____ Select one task from the above SPELLING WORD GRID to complete each day. Task Completed # ____ Select one task from the above SPELLING WORD GRID to complete each day. Task Completed # ____ Select one task from the above SPELLING WORD GRID to complete each day. Task Completed # ____ NONE NOTES Students are expected to complete homework each evening and turn in on Friday in their notebook. PLEASE BRING HOMEWORK NOTEBOOKS TO SCHOOL DAILY. TEACHERS WILL USE THIS NOTEBOOK TO COMMUNICATE WITH PARENTS/ STUDENTS. READING LOG Reading should be practiced daily for at least 30 each day including weekends. ___________ MINUTES READ ___________ MINUTES READ ___________ MINUTES READ ___________ MINUTES READ ___________ MINUTES READ MATH Worksheet page 213-214 all problems. SCIENCE Weather Project – complete work daily. forbidding referred injured deserved applied relied renewing www.spellingcity.com Search: 79904 Scroll: Colin L. Powell Elementary Select: Camille Calderon Select: pick one of the FREE activities Worksheet page 229-230 all problems. Worksheet page 229-230 all problems. Worksheet page 229-230 all problems. Worksheet page 229-230 all problems. NONE Weather Project Homework Reviewed X ________________ Parent’s Initials Homework Reviewed Weather Project X ________________ Parent’s Initials Homework Reviewed Weather Project X ________________ Parent’s Initials Homework Reviewed Weather Project Weather Project X ________________ Parent’s Initials Homework Reviewed X ________________ Parent’s Initials SPELLING WORDS spelling change w/ -ing and -ed added jogging dripping skimmed accepted amusing easing regretted magnified IMPORTANT complicated qualified threatening gnarled envied fascinated adoring OCTOBER CALENDAR 16 No school for students 27 Parent /Teacher conferences Report Card Distribution