mcat 2012 paper

MCAT 2012
By Entry Test Preparation
1- In the diagram given below the displacement of an oscillating particle is plotted against time what
does the length PR on the time axis represents?
a) twice the frequency
b) half the period
c) half the frequency
d) twice the period
2- What is the logic symbol for a NOT gate ?
3- Which one of the following is I-V curve of a junction diode
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4- Ina radioactive phenomenon observation shown in figure where a deviates lesser than beta in
some electric or magnetic field (not shown in the figure) what is the reason of less deviation of alpha
a) alpha is charged particle
b) alpha is heavier particle
c) alpha is neutral particle
d) alpha is lighter particle
5- the diagram shows a small magnet hanging on a thread near the end of a solenoid carrying a
steady current I
what will happens to the magnet as the iron core is instead into the solenoid?
a) it moves towards solenoid and rotates
b) it moves towards this solenoid
c) it moves away from solenoid
d) it moves away from solenoid and rotates through 180
6- A force ‘F’ is acting at point P of a uniform rod capable to rotates about O. what is the torque
about O
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a) (OP)(Ftanθ)
7-H2 and O2 both are at thermal equilibrium at temp 300K oxygen molecule is 16 times massive
than hydrogen root mean square speed of hydrogen is
a) 4 root mean square of oxygen
b) ¼ root mean square of oxygen
c) 1/16 root mean square of oxygen
d) 16 root mean square of oxygen
8-a simple harmonic oscillator has a time period of 10 second which equation relates its acceleration
a and displacement x
a) a=-10x
b) a=-(20pi) x
c) a= -(2pi/10)^2 x
d) a=-(20pi)^2x
9-flow speed of fluid through a non-uniform pipe increases from 1m/sec to 3m/sec . if change in PE
is zero then pressure difference b/w two points will be (density of fluid=1000kg/m3)
a) 1000N/m2
c) 8000 N/m2
d) 4000 N/m2
10-heat engine operating according to second law of thermodynamics rejects one fourth of the heat
taken from high temp reservoir what is % efficiency of heat engine
a) 100%
b) 25%
c) 50%
d) 75%
11-if Q is the amount of heat supplied to a system and W is the work done then change in internal
energy can be defined as
a) Q/W
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b) W/Q
c) Q-W
d) 1+Q/W
12-The image of an object placed inside the focal length of a convex lens will be largest n cleared
when it is at the
a) less than 25cm
b) near point
c) greater than 25cm
d) infinity
13-first law of thermodynamics under adiabatic conditions can be mathematically written as
a) Q=W
b) Q= delta U
c) Q=U+W
d) W= - delta U
14-Polarization of light exhibited the nature of light
a0 longitudinal waves
b) compressional waves
c) transverse waves
d) diffraction wave
15-the concentration of sugar solution can be determined by
a) un polarized light
b) plane polarized
c) interfence of light
d) diffraction of light
16-if speed of efflux through a small hole in a large tank is 9.8m/sec find the height of the fluid
a) 1m
b) 9.8m
c) 4.9m
d) 19.6m
17-Stoke’s law for steady motion in a fluid of infinite extent is given by
B).6 πŋ/r^2
c).6 πŋrv
d.6 πŋ/r
18-The information from one place to another can be transmitted safely n easily by
a) copper wire
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b) aluminum wire
c) photodiode
d) optical fiber
19-The kinetic energy with which the electron strikes the target is given by
a) KE= e2v
b) KE=hc/lamda
c) KE=Hf2
d) KE=eV
20-If an electron in the K shell is removed and a n electron from L shell jumps to occupy the hole in
the K-shell it emits a photon of energy
a) hfka=EL-Ek
b) hc=EL-Ek
c) h/lamda=EL-Ek
21-Laser is an acronym of
a) light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
b) light annihilation by stimulated emission of radiation
c) light amplitude of stimulated emission of radiation
d) light amplification by stimulated emission of radio
22-which of the following can be used to produce population inversion for the emission of laser
a) optical pumping
b) optical fiber
c) optical instrument
d) optical polarization
23-what is the charge on alpha particle emitted during phenomenon of radioactivity
a) =e
b) –e
c) -2e
d) +2e
24-Radioactive nuclei decays by emitting an alpha particle , beta and gamma ray photon the change
in nucleon number will be
a) -4
b) -1
c) -2
d) -3
25-The isotope iodine-131 is used in the treatment of
a) blood cancer
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b) bone cancer
c) lung tumor
d) thyroid cancer
26-which of the following effect is observed due to emission of beta during the phenomenon
a) A increases by 1 and Z remain same
b) Z increases by 1 and A remains same
c) Z decreases by 1 and A remains same
d) A decreases by 1 and Z remains same
27-Electric charge on an object is measured as 5 micro coulomb how the value of this charge can be
expressed in terms of base units
a) 5x10^0 ampere second
b) 5x10^-5 ampere second
c) 5x 10^6 coulomb second
d) 5x 10^0 coulomb second
28-if m is mass , c is the velocity of light and x=mc2 then dimension of x will be
a) [LT-1]
c) [MLT-1]
d) [MLT-2]
29). The property of bending of light around an obstacle and spreading of light waves into geometric
shadow of an obstacle is called
a. diffraction b. polarization c. quantization of light d. interference of light
30). A wire is stretched by a force F which causes an extension delta t the energy is stored in it
a) F delta t
b) 2F delta t
c)1/2 F delta t2
d) ½ F delta t
31) which expression is of mean square velocity of N gas molecules contained in the cylinder
a. sq.root(v1^2 + v2^2 + v3^2+….. vn^2)/n
b. (v1^2 + v2^2 + v3^2+….. vn^2)/n
c. sq.root(v1 + v2 + v3+….. vn)/n
d. (v1 + v2+ v3+….. vn)/n
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32) A laser light is monochromatic which means
a) it consists of one ray of light
b) it consists of one wavelength
c) it consists of carbon monoxide gas
d) it consists of photons having 1eV energy
33). A 10cm long solenoid has 100 turns. What will be the magnetic fields inside it along its axis if
one micro ampere current is passed through it
a) 4 pi x 10^-13 tesla
b) 4pi x 10^-7 tesla
c) 4pi x 10^-10 tesla
d) 4 pi x 10^-16 tesla
34).unit of absorbed dose is?
a) Gray
b) Sievert
c) Roentgen
d) Curie
35). X ray can be produced by bombardment of – on target metal
a) protons
b) electrons
c) neutrons
d) alpha particle
36) If source moves towards stationary object, then formula for changed frequency is? (d)
a) f’=(v/v+us)f
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d)f’=f(v/ v-us)
37). half-life of sodium 24? (c )
a) 45 days
b) 15 days
c) 15 hours
d) 6 hours
38). ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain is called? (d)
a) Modulus of elasticity
b) Shear modulus
c) Bulk modulus
d) Young’s modulus
39). An object mass m is suspended in an elevator moving downward with acceleration equal to
acceleration due to gravity .what will be the apparent weight of the object.
a zero
b 2mg
c) mg
d) mg/2
40).if the length of simple pendulum is doubled what will be the ratio of new old frequency to new
frequency (a)
a under root 2
b 1/under root 2
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c 1/2
41).IF 10V potential difference is applied across the plates of 1 micro farad capacitor. what is the
energy stored in the capacitor ?
a) 0.05mJ
b) 50 mJ
c) 0.5 mJ
d) 5 Mj
42) spectrum of star light is measured and the wavelength of one of the lines as sodium’s line is
found to be 589nm. The same line has the wavelength of 497nm when observed in the laboratory.
This means the star is
a. moving away from the earth b. moving towards the earth c. stationary d. revolving around the
43) .if the Area of the each capacitor is doubled and the distance between them becomes one half ,
what will be the value of capacitance (a)
a) Increase by 4 times
b) Increase by 2 times
c) remains same
d) becomes half
44- Two long straight parallel wires held vertically have equal but opposite currents as shown in the
Which of the following effect will be observed
a) magnetic field at X is stronger than that at Y and Z
b) magnetic field at X is weaker than that at Y and Z
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c) magnetic field at X Y and Z is same
d) magnetic field at X is weaker than that at Y but stronger than that at Z
1-no. of molecules in 22.414dm3 of H2 gas at O C and 1 atm are
a) 60.2 x 10^23
b)6.02 x 10^22
c) 6.02 x 10^25
d) 60.2 x 10^22
2-correct order of boiling point of liquid is given below
a) H2O>HF>HCl>NH3
b) HF>H2O>HCl>NH3
c) H2O>HF>NH3>HCl
d) HF>H2O>NH3<HCl
3-with increase in number of principal quantum number n the shape of the s orbital remains the
same although their sizes
a) decrease
b) increase
c) remain the same
d) may or may not remain same
4-the angel between un-hybridized p orbital and three spo2 hybrid orbitals of each C atom in ethane
a) 120
b) 90
c) 109.5
d) 110
5-In H-F bond electronegativity difference is 1.9 what is the type of bond
a) polar covalent bond
b) non polar covalent bond
c) pi bond
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d) coordinate covalent bond
6-delta H will be given a negative sign in
a) exothermic reactions
b) decomposition reactions
c) dissociation reactions
d) endothermic reactions
7- which intermediate product will form when ethene reacts with bromine
8-in contact process for manufacturing sulfuric acid sSO3 is not absorbed in water because
a) the reaction does not go to completion
b) the reaction is highly exothermic
c) the reaction is quite slow
d) SO2 is insoluble in water
9-in modern harber process plants the temp maintained during the process is
a) 670-770K (400-500C)
b) 270-370K (0-100C)
c) 370-470K (100C-200C)
d) 570-600K (300-350C)
10-in harber process for the manufacturing of ammonia nitrogen is taken from
a) air
b) minerals containing nitrates
c) proteins occurring in living bodies
d) ammonium salts obtained industrially
11-ethene on polymerization give the product polyethene this reaction may be called as
a) addition
b) condensation
c) substitution
d) pyrolysis
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12-in the following which one is free radical
a) Clb) Cl+
c) Cl2
d) Cl^0
13-In substitution reactions ,dihaloalkane/secondary halogen alkane give
a Sn1
b Sn2
c E1
d both sn1 and sn2
14. Sea water has 5.65*10-3g of dissolved oxygen in one kg of water, concentration of oxygen in (b)
ppm is
b. 5.65
15 empirical formula of a compound is C3H3O... If its molar mass is 110.15 what is its molecular
formula? (C=12, H=1.008, O=16)
a) C6H6O2
b) C3H3O
16 order of these energy levels.....4s 3d 4p (b)
a) 3d>4s>4p
b) 4s<3d<4p
c) 4s>4p>3d
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d) 4s<3d>4p
17-starch is a polymer of
a) beta D glucose
b) alpha D glucose
c) alpha L glucose
d) gamma D glucose
18-adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine both of which have – C atoms
a) 7
b) 8
c) 6
d) 4
19-lactose is a sugar present in milk it is an example of
a) disaccharide
b) monosaccharaides
c) polysaccharides
d) starch
20-macromolecules are described as large molecules built up from small repeating units called
a) monomers
b) isomers
c) metamers
d) tautomer
21-Inc in conc of oxidizing agent in smog like H2O2 , HNO2, PAN and ozone in air is called
a) carbonated smog
b) nitrated smog
c) photochemical smog
d) sulphonated smog
22-when 8 gm. (4 moles) of H2 react with 2 gm. of O2 how many moles of water will be formed
a) 5
b) 4
c) 6
d) 3
23- in fishes gills clog due to + (c )
A). Zn
B). Cu
C). Al
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D). Fe
24- The reaction Of fats with caustic soda is known as
a : Esterification
b: saponification
c: iodination
25-Which pair of transition elements shows abnormal electronic configuration
a) Sc and Zn
b) Cu and Sc
c) Zn and Cu
d) Cu and Cr
26-oxidation state of Mn in KMnO4,K2MnO4 ,MnO2 and MnSO4 is in order
a) +7,+6,+2,+4
b) +6,+7,+2,+4
27-carbon has unique ability to form long chains by bonding with other C atoms, this is
a) condensation
b) polymerization
c) cyclization
d) catenation
28-alkaline earth metal hydroxides decompose on heating which of following reaction is
representation of this decomposition
a) Mn(OH)2  MO +H2O
b) MOH2  M2O + H2O
c) 2MOH  2MO + H2
d) 4MOH  4M + 2H2O + O2
29-more the ionization energy of an element
a) more the electronegativity
b) more the reducing power
c) less the metallic character
d) bigger the atomic radius
30-which one remains same along a period
a) atomic radius
b) melting point
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c) number of shells
d) electrical conductivity
31-the reaction rate in forward direction decreases with the passage of time because
a) conc of reactant decrease
b) conc of product decrease
c) the order of reaction changes
d) temp of the system changes
32-in some reactions a product formed acts as catalyst this phenomenon
a) negative catalyst
b) activation of catalyst
c) heterogeneous catalyst
d) auto catalyst
33-a buffer solution is that which resists the change in
a) pOH
b) pH
c) PKa
d) PKb
34-formation of Nh3 is a reversible and exothermic process what will happen on cooling
b) more H2 will be formed
c) more N2 will be formed
d) more product (NH3) will be formed
35-in MGCl2 the oxidation of Cl is
b) 2
c) -2
d) -1
36-in electrolysis of aqueous CuCl2 the metal deposited at cathode is
a) sodium
b) aluminum
c) lead
d) copper
37-lattice energy of ionic crystal is the enthalpy of
a) combustion
b) dissociation
c) dissolution
d) formation
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38-as number of solute particles increase freezing point of the solution
a) remains same
b) increase
c) first increase then decrease
d) decreases
39-boiling point constants help us to determine
a) molar masses
b) volumes
c) pressure
d) masses
40-pH of acid rain is:
A) between 7-14
B) less than 5
C) More than 5
D) 9
41-introduction of R-C group in benzene is called
a) acylation
b) carbonyl reduction
c) alkylation
d) formylation
42-the alkaline hydrolysis of bromoethane shown below gives alcohol as the product
a) H2O at room temp
b) ethanol, heat
c) KOH in alcohol
d) dilute NaOH, warm
43-the dehydration of ethyl alcohol with conc H2SO4 at 140 C gives
+a) ethene
b) diethyl ether
c) alcohol
d) carboxylic acid
44-ethanol can be converted into ethanoic acid by
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a) oxidation
b) hydration
c) hydrogenation
d) fermentation
45-the following structure is of
a) sec alcohol
b) primary alcohol
c) tertiary alcohol
d) carboxylic acid
46-when ethanol is warmed with ethanoic acid in the presence of strong acid catalyst , an ester ethyl
ethanoate is formed
during this reaction
a) alcohol is reduced
b) O-H bond in ethanoic acid is broken
c) O-H bond in ethanol is broken
d) acid is oxidized
47-primary alcohol normally give us aldehyde when oxidized in presence of Na2Cr2O7 what the
product will be when sec alcohol are oxidized in same conditions
a) alkenes
c) alkyl halide
d) ketones
48-formaldehey reacts with HCN ( NaCN + HCl) to give
a) CH3
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b) H
c) CH3
d) CH3-C-CN
49-iodoform test will not be positive with
a) CH3-CH2-C-CH2-CH3
b) CH3-CH2-C-CH3
c) C2H5OH
d) CH3-C-H
50-when CH3CH2OH is oxidized in the presence of K2Cr2O7 and H2SO4 the product formed is
a) CH3-C-OH
b) H-C-OH
c) CH3-C-CH3
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d) CH3-C-OCH3
51- amino acids in basic medium exits as+ (Charlie)
a) dipolar ionic form5
52-principal energy storage carbohydrate in animals is
a) glucose
b) starch
c) protein
d) glycogen
53-organic compound containing both amino and carbonyl group
a) amino acid
b) saccharide
D) amide
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55-whch of following structure is not an amino acid
56-the skeletal formula of dipeptide formed between aspartic acid and phenylalanine is given below
How many functional groups r present in it
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 3
57-structure of dipeptide is
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this is
a) glycyl glycine
b) glycly alanine
c) alainnyl alanine
d) alaninyl glycine
58- The whiteness of the recycled paper is improved by treating it with (d)
a. sodium hydroxide
b. super oxide
c. normal oxides
d. peroxides
1-Blood enters the glomerulus through
a) bowman’s capsule
b) ascending arm
c) distal end and collecting ducts
d) descending arm
2-cause of Parkinson’s disease is a death of brain cells that produce
a) acetylcholine
b) ADH hormone
c) oxytocin
d) dopamine
3- enzyme succinate dehydrogenase convert succinate into
a) fumarate
b)malonic acid
c) citrate
4-what are three components of mechanism of homeostatic regulations
a) receptors, control center and effectors
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b) sensory, motor and associative neurons
c) CNS , PNS and diffused nervous system
d) cerebrum, cerebellum and pons
5-detection of change and signaling for effector’s response to the control system is a
a) negative feed back
b)positive feedback
c) inter coordination
d) feedback mechanism
6-which is the niche of an organism of an ecosystem
a) role played by an organism in an ecosystem
b) role played by a dead organism in an ecosystem
c) role played by community of micro organisms in their ecosystem
d) role played by an organism inn its ecosystem
7-the distinct levels or links of food chains are called
a) trophic level
b) food web
c) energy pyramid
d) food chain
8-relationship b/w two or more organism of different species in which all partners get benefits called
a) symbiosis
b) parasitism
c) commensalism
d) predation
9-bacteria n fungi are examples of
a) producers
b) decomposers
c) consumers
d) derivers
10-the cause of acid rain is
a) oxides of C
b) oxides if N and S
c) oxides of S
d) oxides of N
11-the gene for ABO blood group system in human is represented as
a) X
b) I
c) Y
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d) O
12-the comparative embryology of all vertebrates shows development of
a) hairs
b) scales
c) fins
d) gill pouches
13-in men sex determination depends upon the nature of
a) heterogametic males
b) homogametic females
c) heterogametic female
d) homogametic male
14-population of different specie living in same habitat is called
a) community
b) ecosystem
c) biosphere
d) microhabitat
15-the part of body which forms a structure and functional unit and is composed of more than one
tissue is
a) organ
b) organelle
c) organ system
d) whole organism
16-a method in which pests are destroyed by some loving organism or natural enemies is
a) pasteurization
b) biological control
c) genetic engineering
d) integrated disease management
17-.which is a terminal acceptor of electron in ETC (b)
a)cytochrome a
c)cytochrome a3
d) H2O
18.role of mesosomes (a)
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a) dna replication
b)rna synthesis
c)protein synthesis
19-.fasciola is a name designated to (b)
A: tapeworm
b: liver fluke
c: earthworm
d: pin worm
20.Ascarias is (a)
21.In Down’s syndrome, which pair fails to segregate? (a)
a) 21st chromosome
b) 18th chromosome
c) 20th chromosome
d) sex chromosome
22.At which stage FADH2 is formed in Krebs’s cycle? (a)
a) oxidation of succinate to fumarate
b) conversion of fumarate to malate
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c) conversion of alpha-ketoglutarate into succinate
d) dehydrogenation of malate
23.If 44 autosomes + XXY ,which disease is it? (d)
a) down’s syndrome
b) Jacobs syndrome
c) Edward syndrome
d) Kline filter syndrome
24-chemically produced by microorganism which are capable of destroying the growth of microbes
are called
a) antigen
b) biocidal
c) antiseptics
d) antibodies
25-ER contains a system of flattened membrane bounded sacs which are named as
a) cristae
b) marks
c) cisternae
d) tubules
26-lipids synthesis takes place in
a) mitochondria
b) vacuoles
c) RER
d) SER
27-ribosomes exist in 2 forms either attached with RER or freely dispersed in
a) tonoplast
b) Golgi bodies
c) cytoplasm
d) SER
28-exchange of segments b/w homologous chromosomes
a) segregation
b) crossing over
c) mutation
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d) independent assortment
29-ribosomal RNA is synthesize and stored in +
a) ER
b) nucleolus
c) Golgi complex
d) chromosomes
30-in which stage of interphase there is increase in cell size and many biochemical formed
a) G2 phase
b) G1 phase
c) S phase
d) C phase
31-which of following is an unsaturated fatty acid
a) acetic acid
b) oleic acid
c) palmitic acid
d) butyric acid
32-whch of following combination is absent in DNA
a) A-T
b) A-U
c) C-G
d) T-A
33.Carbohydrates are composed of (b)
a) C,H,O
b) C,H,O,N
c) C,S,O,H
d) C,S,O,H,N
34.Mesoderm form the (c )
a) lining of digestive tract
b) nervous system
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c) muscular, skeletal system
d) liver
35.Volume of air remaining in lungs (d)
a) 5 liter
b) 3.5 liter
c) 3.5ml
d) 1.5liter
36.Peptide bond is between (a)
a) C-N
b) C-H
c) C-O
d) O-H
37.Total NADH formed by one glucose in Krebs’s cycle?
a) 6
b) 3
c) 8
d) 18
38.most of the absorption takes place in which part of the nephron? (b)
a) glomerulus
b) proximal tubule
c) Convoluted tubule
d) ascending loop
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39.The action of ADH is on which part of the nephron? (b)
a) proximal tubule
b) collecting tubules
c) descending loop of Henley
d) ascending loop of Henley
40.What is the number of cranial nerve pairs? (d)
a) 31 pair
b) 62 pair
c) 24 pair
d) 12 pair
41.Which is formed by fusion of 4 posterior vertebrae of pelvic girdle ? (b)
a) sacrum
b) coccyx
c) lumbar vertebra
d) atlas vertebra
42. each muscle fiber is surrounded by membrane ? (c ) Ans: Sarcolemma
a) Plasmalema
b) Cell wall
c) Sarcolemma
d) muscle fiber
43.Ca++ gets attached to what during muscle contraction? (b)
A) tropomyosin
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c) actin
d) myosin
44.The part of neuron which carry message away from cell body is (a)
a) axon
b) dendrite
c) nissle granules
d) axoplasm
45.Breathing, heart rate and swallowing is controlled by which part of brain? (b)
b)medulla oblongata
d) hypothalamus
46.Vassopressin and oxytocin is released from (a)
a) posterior lobe of pituitary gland
b) median lobe of pituitary gland
c) anterior lobe of pituitary gland
d) hypothalamus of pituitary gland
47-in the recombinant DNA technology plasmids are used as
a) genetic material
b) enzymes
c) vectors
d) probes
48-in DNA finger printing process, the use of – produces distinctive pattern on on x ray film
a) restriction enzyme
b) probes for genetic markers
c) microsatellites
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d) macro satellites
49-skin and mucous membrane are part of body defense system and they form the
a) physical barrier
b) mechanical barrier
c) chemical barrier
d) biological barrier
50-ductless glands are known as
a) endocrine glands
b) exocrine glands
c) salivary glands
d) bile glands
51-gastrin is hormone which is produced by
a) liver
b) adrenal glands
c) pyloric region of stomach
d) mucosal lining of intestine
52.Which is directly matured into sperms? (a)
a) spermatids
b) spermatocyte
c) sec. spermatocyte
d) spermatogonia
53.Syphillis is caused by? (a)
a) Treponema Palladium
b) Neisseria gonorrhea
c) gram negative bacterium
d) both a and c
54.Polymorphism is observed in which type of animal? (a)
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A) cnidarian
b) porifera
c) triploblastic
d) echindinoderm
55.In recombinant DNA technology, ------are tools for manipulating DNA ?
a) enzymes
b) chromosomes
c) viruses
d) genes
56.Plastids are found in (c )
b)plants and animals
57.Millions of copies of single gene is produced by (a)
a) PCR chain reaction
b) cloning
c) asexual reproduction
d) gene sequencing
58.ADA enzyme lacking disease is (b)
a) cystic fibrosis
c) familial hypercholesterolemia
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d) cancer
59. inhibition which binds tightly and permanently to enzymes and destroy their globular structure
and catalytic site is
a) reversible
b) irreversible
c) competitive
d) non-competitive
60. a gene at one locus interacts with another gene at another locus, the interaction is known as (d)
b multiple alleles
c. pleitropy
d. epistasis
61.In case of snake bites which immunity is produced? (b)
a)active immunity
b) passive immunity
c) inherited immunity
d) naturally induces immunity
62.Antibodies are produced by which of following lymphocytes (c )
a) A lymphocytes
b) T-lymphocytes
c) B-lymphocytes
d) both B and T lymphocytes
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63.Antigens stimulate to produce (d)
a) MHC complex
b) immunogens
c) mucus
d) antibodies
64.T lymphocytes are mature and competent under the influence of (a)
a) thymus
b) spleen
c) lymph node
d) antigen presenting cells
65.Veins that carry oxygenated blood (c )
a) renal vein
b) subclavian
c) pulmonary veins
d) jugular veins
66.Plasma constitute volume of blood (b)
a) 50%
b) 55%
c) 45%
d) 65%
67.Mammalian mature RBC don’t have (a)
b) hemoglobin
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c) enzyme
d) cytoplasm
68.Trypsinogen is activated by (a)
a) enterokinase
b) trypsin
c) acidic chyme
d) Na2CO3
69.Stomach wall mix food with gastric juice eventually converts it into semi-solid mass called (a)
a) chyme
b) bolus
c) chyle
d) digested food
70.End product of glycolysis is (a)
a) 4 ATP , Pyruvate
b) 2ATp,3NADH2
c) 3NADH2, 4ATP , Pyruvate
d) Pyruvate, 2ATP, 2 FADH2 cyclic phosphorylation the product is (d)
b) 2ATP, 2 NADPH
c) ATP, O2
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d) ATP
72. in large intestine vitamin K is formed by the activity of symbiotic
a.symbiotic bacteria
b.obligate parasite
c.parasitic bacteria
d.facultative bacteria
73. ----- is/are intermediate in respiration and photosynthesis (c )
a) tetroses
b) trioses
c) glyceraladyde and dihydroxyacetone
d) dihydroxyacetone
74.cell wall of fungi is made up of (d)
a) collagen fibers
b) cellulose
c) glycogen and polysaccharides
d) chitin
75.__________r produced by living organisms and is used to treat infectious diseases (c )
c) antibiotics
d) vaccine
76-most widespread problem of antibiotics misuse is
a) rapid cure
b) increased resistance in pathogens
Page 35
c) immunity
d) disturbance of metabolism
77.cell membrane is chemically composed of (b)
a) Proteins, lipids
b) Proteins, Lipids , Carbohydrates
c) cellulose
d) collagen fibers
78. Such inhibitors which form enzyme inhibitor complex at a point other than active site (d)
a) irreversible inhibitors
b) reversible and competitive inhibitors
c) irreversible and non competitive inhibitors
d) reversible and non competitive inhibitors
79-In HIV viruses , reverse transcriptase converts single stranded RNA into double stranded viral DNA
this process is
a) translation
b) duplication
c) replication
d)reverse transcription which is inorganic in nature is called (a)
b)prosthetic group,
c)Apo enzyme,
Page 36
d) holoenzyme
81-.How many bones r present in each half of pelvic girdle ?
a: 3
82- human and mammalian skeleton can be divided inot two parts axial skeleton and
a0 exoskeleton
b) appendicular skeleton
c) endoskeleton
d) hydrostatic skeleton
83-discharge of ovum or secondary oocyte from graffian follicle is called
a) fertilization
b) ovulation
c) follicle formation
d) pollination
84-second meiotic division in sec oocyte proceeds as far as
a) metaphase
b) prophase
c) anaphase
d) telophase
85-. Uterus opens into vagina through (a)
c) external genitalia
d) fallopian tube
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86- goblet cells secrete (d)
b pepsin
c enzyme
d. mucus
87- male reproductive part of plants (b)
88- beta cells in pancreas secrete? (b)
A glucagon
b insulin
c gastrin
d gastrin
Page 38
Choose the correct synonyms:
1. Vertex (a)
a) zenith
b) Candelabra
c) Dexter
d) Fawning
2. dissonance (a)
a) inconsistency
b) Discretion
c) Docent
d) Insincere
3. Sidle (d)
a) Sneak
b) Sift
c) Scuttle
d) Edge
4: plethora (a)
a) multitude
b) gesture
c) Spectacle
d) Placebo
5: trifle (a)
a) minor
b) Telepathy
Page 39
c) Tessellate
d) Tranquil
6: murky (a)
a) unclear
b) Caution
c) Tribute
d) Mulct
7. Facile (b)
8: magnum
A) magnanimity
B) masterpiece
C) mega
D) magnificent
9. Xanadu (a)
a) luxury
b) Vortex
c) Termagant
d) sophisticated
10. Query (a)
a) Inquiry
b) Queasy
Page 40
c) Reclamation
d) Jaunty
--------------Spot the error
The theory was discarded as there was no corroborating evidence for its favor.
The workers were raising much hue and cry when their demands were turned away.
Aslam was badly cudgeled from his step brother. He received many bruises and contusions.
Thank God ! No injury was serious.
I extend a cordial invitation for you to visit our farm house. We have grown vegetables
without chemical fertilizers over there.
Although he is not a close relative of me yet I was greeted with a show of deep cordiality.
This antibiotic destroys red corpuscles in the blood and cause pernicious anemia.
Choose correct one
A) why does not Norma remained true to her husband?
B) why did not Norma remain true to her husband ?
C) why had not Norma remain true to her husband ?
D) why did not Norma remained true to her husband ?
A) all my childhood, I longed desperately in for a tricycle.
B) all my childhood, I ,longed desperately to a tricycle.
C) all my childhood , I longed desperately for a tricycle.
D) all my childhood, I longed desperately at a tricycle.
A) she felt unreal to the voice informed her of the subway accident.
B) she felt unreal as the voice informed her of the subway accident
C) she felt unreal that the voice informed her of subway accident
D) she felt unreal for the voice informed her of the subway accident.
Page 41
A) bill gates is one of the wealthiest person in the world.
B) bill gates is one of the wealthy person in the world.
C) bill gates is one of the wealthiest persons in the world
D) bill gates is one of the more wealthy person in the world.
A) her father is a SP in the Punjab police
B) Her father was a SP in the Punjab police
C) Her father is an SP in the Punjab police.
D) Her father are a SP in the Punjab police.
A) There were musical instruments in the shop.
B) There was musical instruments in the shop.
C) there has musical instruments in the shop.
D) there is musical instruments in the shop,
A) always speak in the truth
B) Always tell for the truth
C) always tell the truth
D) always telling truth
A) hand up the answer sheet to me
B) Hand over the answer sheet to me
C) hand down the answer sheet to me
D) hand for the answer sheet to me
A) are you noticed the peach blossoms ?
B) Have you noticed the peach blossoms?
C) will you noticed the peach blossoms ?
D) were you notice the peach blossoms ?
He had a heart attack and all attempts to --- him failed
a) renew
b) revise
c) resuscitate
d) refurnish
The --- stench of dead animals and plants made Mumtaz ill.
a) putrid
b) purified
c) perturbed
d) purchased
Page 42
while going up to hills, by bus, she felt ---- inside.
a) fishy
b) itchy
c) queasy
d) squeeze
Correct meaning
a) inconsistency
b) expansion
c) perceptive
d) warp
a) pudding
b) minor
c) deluge
d) treble
a) dusty
b) squeaky
c) clear
d) unclear
a) blunder
b) mistake
c) false
d) indiscretion
a) countable
b) multitude
c) measured
d) blurred
Page 43
a) fallacy
b) depict
c) delicate
d) superficial
a) magnanimity
b) masterpiece
c) modest
d) magnetic
a) sneak
b) siege
c) sieve
d) sift
a) plastic
b) superfluity
c) pleasure
d) malleable
a) poetry
b) depth
c) zenith
d) diminish
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