Cebu Interagency Meeting_27Feb2014

2nd Interagency Meeting
27 February 2014
Task Force Paglig-on Office, Cebu Provincial Capitol
Meeting Read-out
Meeting Participants:
CHR, DOLE, NEDA, DSWD, TF Paglig-on, UN OCHA (observers)
Meeting chaired by Ms. Carmel Pami-Ulanday, Deputy TL, TF Paglig-on
Introductions and updates
After brief introductions, the chair presented the agenda which includes updates on the visit of
PNoy and PARR, what to do (identification of specific projects with indicative budget for
submission to the Office of the President) and identification of next steps.
The chair mentioned three possible funding sources for rehabilitation of Yolanda affected areas:
20 B PARR source which will be subdivided into five affected areas, according to the
prioritization of needs.
139 M Special Program Funds from the Office of the President (OP)
80 B Funds from the Office of the President for reconstruction
400 M donated funds and managed by NGOs and private institutions
Review of investment needs and gaps
The chair presented the data shared during the President’s visit. In Shelter, the province
identified 103,831 households with shelter needs (based on the data of the Shelter cluster). Of
these, 12, 920 are for relocation, and 33,861 for on-site construction of totally-damaged houses;
and 2,104 for relocation and 54,946 for on-site construction of partially damaged-houses.
The shelter investment requirements is Php 7,233.170 (M) with cost at Php 70,000/shelter. The
total investment requirements covering shelter, infrastructure, utilities, school infrastructure,
livelihood and social development, including admin cost is at 9,864, 615.0 (M) for the period of
2014-2016. Taking in the investment support from the provincial government through donations
and disaster fund, the investment gap for rehabilitation and recovery is Php 9,547, 968.00
The identified needs of the municipalities after consultations were also presented, as follows:
Relocation sites in non-settlement areas and shelter assistance
Heavy equipment for site development and road access
Natural and resource-based livelihood intervention
Repair of social infrastructures like schools, water system, health facilities, markets and
government facilities
Capacity building for LGUs and partners on DRR and CCA.
Clusters were established to support coordination of responses and rehabilitation for Typhoon
Yolanda affected areas.
Models for shelter design were also presented but the TF is keen on taking permanent shelter
design and will preposition machine in the areas where raw materials for construction needs like
limestone are available. The cost of shelter material is pegged at Php 70,000.00 per shelter,
with standard size at 22x22 sq/meter. The ILO provided for the machine which is around Php80,
What needs to be done/ Identification of projects
The TF underwent municipal level consultations in January and February to gather data and
feedback on their proposed recovery needs. Subsequently, some of the municipalities have
submitted their respective rehabilitation plans. The data and plans generated from the
municipalities will be subjected for validation with regional offices such as the need for an
interagency meeting and process. Upon validation, the rehabilitation plan will be submitted for
funding to the Office of the President.
The OP is just waiting for the proposals to be submitted for funding support. PARR on one
hand requires that proposals need to be specific, citing ‘what is the project and what is the
indicative budget?’
The submitted rehabilitation plan of the municipalities will be coursed through agencies, eg.
water management to DPWH, school rehabilitation to DepEd, health to DOH, among others.
The agencies can cross-checked if they have already lined up project support to these
municipalities so these can be tracked and reported already as part of the accomplishment.
The chair emphasised the need to go through the process, i.e. submission of plans need to be
done according to the Government process so that funds can be accessed. Furthermore, she
stressed the need to have one data for consistency. The TF received the data from the
municipalities, consolidate and subject them for validation among the agencies. With this, the
Chair called for openness among the agencies to support the initiative.
Once budget is approved, the details for implementation will be requested. Proposals that will
not be covered by the program fund sources will be coursed through the agencies for inclusion
in their 2015 budget.
It is projected that by March it will be known what will be given to Cebu in terms of project
PARR is expected to release its program funds by June.
Action Point: Agencies will submit in a week’s time their indicative plans for the affected
Agency Updates
Each agency provided an update on its accomplishments in terms of providing support for
Yolanda affected areas.
DOLE: provided livelihood support with ILO for 6 municipalities serving 381 beneficiaries with
cash and social welfare benefits. It also installed community powered stations
NEDA: (The Chair inquired if it is possible for the agency to come up with an M& E to monitor
the funds given by the NGOs, INGOs in the province).
CHR: Co- leads with DSWD on Protection. It monitors the Government compliance on
international standards. With support from UNHCR, it conducted protection training in four
areas: Bantayan Island, Northern part of Cebu, Camotes Island as well as the law enforcers of
Camp Lapu-Lapu.
The Chair emphasized equal focus must be given on protection as well.
It was inquired how the results of PDNA link with the plan. The Chair cited that the TF will also
submit the plan to the PDDRMC. However if the PDNA is not yet available, the plan will be
submitted directly to OP, upon the instruction of the President.
The Chair also asked NEDA if they can request the partners NGOs, INGOs operational in the
province and even those with planned support to the province if they can submit their respective
rehabilitation plan to the province. They can cite specific project support up to the barangay
level. This is in particular for the development organizations (at least 3-5 years program
The need to get the plans from various actors is to enable the province to map out the gaps and
subsequently make an appropriate plan so that no municipality is left behind.
The TF will work and visit each agency for data and plan validation.
Next meeting schedule will be notified via email.