18 - Pass Christian, Mississippi

November 18, 2014
BE IT REMEMBERED that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Pass Christian,
Mississippi met on the above date at the Municipal Court Bldg., 105 Hiern Avenue, Pass Christian,
Mississippi, at 6:00 p.m., same being the time and place for said meeting.
PRESENT: Mayor Chipper McDermott, Alderman Buddy Clarke, Alderman W. Earl Washington, Sr.,
Alderman Kenny Torgeson, Alderman Anthony Hall, Chief John Dubuisson, City Attorney Malcolm
Jones and City Clerk Marian Gest.
ABSENT: Alderman Victor Pickich
There being a quorum present to transact the business of the City, the following proceedings were
had and done.
Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved
unanimously, the minutes of the November 5, 2014 Mayor and Board of Aldermen Meeting. A-1.
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved
unanimously, the Summary change order #1 (Final) and Pay Application No. 2 (Final) for replacement of
West Harbor Bulkhead Wall-Phase-I with Gill’s Crane and Dozer Service, Inc. in the amount of
$344,748.00. A-2.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved
unanimously, to revise Agreement with Southern Way Charters for modification of Slips in New Harbor.
Potential adjustment of “additional rent” for electrical service after one year based upon review of
compiled meter readings and 2) Owner will pay slip rental rate for its smaller boat, “Guardian”, based
upon length of vessel and not length of slip. Modified Slip – C408 – will be narrower requiring special
rate. A-3.
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, for Aldermen to attend Mid-Winter Legislative Conference, January 27-29, 2015, lodging
excluded at a Conference Early Registration fee for Member/Associate Member of $135. A-4.
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved
unanimously, discussing the contract between the City and WSPCO for contract services. A-5.
Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board
unanimously, approved Anthony Hall as Contract Administrator.
Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved
unanimously, ratifying Animal Control Services Agreement between the City of Pass Christian,
Mississippi and the Humane Society of South Mississippi at the monthly sum of One Thousand Two
Hundred Fifty Seven Dollars and 00/100 ($1257.00), with the first payment being due on October 1, 2014.
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, City Planner’s recommendation to approve Application PD-28-2014 for Charles Reymond,
at 611 West North Street, Tax Parcel ID #0313D-01-027.000. Planning Commission Approval to install
additional boat & recreational-vehicle storage units in the T4L Zone with the condition that the
landscaping is planted before the building permit for the structures is issued. PD-1.
Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved
unanimously, City Planner’s recommendation to approve Application PD-30-2014 for John Calzada as
agent for 21st Mortgage Corporation, at 222 East North Street, Tax Parcel ID #03120-01-023.000.
Planning Commission Approval for a Live-Work Unit to live at and operate a cylinder repair business in
the High Hazard Commercial Special District (SD-HH). PD-2.
November 18, 2014
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, hearing City Planner’s presentation on the requested North Street Rezoning Research.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board
unanimously, motioned to table until the second meeting in December.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved
unanimously, administrative hearing for the property at 388 Clark Ave, Parcel No. 0313B-02-117.000 &
0313B-02-118.000. as a public menace pursuant to Mississippi Code Section 21-19-11. CO-1.
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board
unanimously, motioned to declare the property menace and to direct the Code
Department to move forward with whatever needs to be done.
Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved
unanimously, to accept resignation of Britt A. Berden from the Police Department, effective November 27,
2014, and to pay him for any comp-time or vacation time he may have accrued in accordance with city
policy. Also, that he remain with the police department as a part-time police officer. P-1.
Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved
unanimously, Police Chief Dubuisson’s recommendation that the city enter into a contract with DCC.
LLC (D. Carroll Construction, LLC) to remove lead from the City of Pass Christian’s firing range located
at 413 Espy Avenue. DCC agreed to remove the lead which has no value from the firing range at no charge
to the city. P-2.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, overtime pay for overtime that will accrue due to having to work days over their scheduled
hours because of the resignation of Sgt. Britt Berden and officers scheduling vacation time. (Officer Chris
Cuevas – November 28 & 29, 2014 & Officer Eric Loveless – December 1 & 2, 2014). P-3.
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, Police Chief Dubuisson’s recommendation that patrolman Kenneth Gillis be promoted to
the rank of patrol sergeant to fill the existing vacancy created by the resignation of Sgt. Britt Berden. He
will attend the next available First Line Supervisor training class and his rate of pay rate be increased to
$16.19, that of the current patrol sergeant’s pay rate. He will have a 1 year probationary period in the
sergeant position. Effective starting date for the position and pay increase will be November 28, 2014.
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved, Fire Chief
Dwight Gordon’s request to increase pay for Donald Tillman and Josh McGoey, as they became certified
firefighters as of October 31, 2014. Increase will be from 23,152.00 to $28,152.00. F-1.
Alderman Clarke: Aye
Alderman Washington: Aye
Alderman Torgeson: Aye
Alderman Hall: Nay
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved
unanimously, resignation of Donald J. Tillman, Jr. from the Fire Department, effective November 18, 2014.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Clarke, the Board approved
unanimously, to evict the following customers (#00377, and #00509) from the Pass Christian Harbor
for non-payment of boat slip rental in excess of 60 days past due on pleasure pier and 120 days past due
on the commercial pier. Customer #00130 paid by time of meeting. H-1.
November 18, 2014
Upon motion of Alderman Washington seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board denied
adjustment request for the removal of NSF fees request for Clyde Bel, Jr. of 217 Fairway Drive, in the
amount of $80.00 resulting from two NSF fees ($40 x 2 = $80) imposed on each of her father’s accounts
because the bank closed the accounts when the obit was published in September. There is a refund due
of $80.00. We have not had a similar request in the past and this situation is not specifically covered in
ordinance. W-1.
Alderman Clarke: Nay
Alderman Washington: Nay
Alderman Torgeson: Aye
Alderman Hall: Nay
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved unanimously,
approving adjustment request for sewer charges for Mr. Evans of 111 Courtney Ave, in the amount of
$236.50 resulting from 50,000 gallons of water that went thru the meter due to “a soaker hose for one
flower bed on the house meter to that line” The water did not enter the City sewer system but ran into
the flower bed. Their average usage is 7,000 gallons. W-2.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, oath of office taken from Dawn Sanders as Deputy Clerk. CA-1.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, transferring former Deputy Clerk Sherrell Lizana’s change drawer to Dawn Sanders Deputy
Clerk, ($110.33). CA-2.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, amending room rate from $138 to $170 for Chief Dwight Gordon to attend 2014 McDema
Mid-Winter Conference in Choctaw MS, November 11-13, 2014. CA-3.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, accepting lowest quotes submitted by Mid-South Uniform & Supply & Cruse Uniforms.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, ratifying Budget Modification #14 for R109-291-02KCR to extend grant deadline to
December 31, 2014. CA-5.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, final change order #3 and payment in the sum of $500 for PW 9204 with Kappa for sewer
cleaning and repair as recommended by City Engineer. CA-6.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, receiving of monthly Budget Report for City Clerk. CA-7.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, Dixon Contracting’s application for payment #3 in the amount of $204,473.25 for Fleitas
Park. CA-8.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, Fleitas Park change order #2 for Dixon Contracting that increases contract total $2,495
and increases contract time by 1 day. CA-9.
November 18, 2014
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, the request to use the City’s credit card to purchase lunch for the Inmates during the
school holiday break for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Schools will be closed November 24 th thru
December 1st and again December 22nd to January 5th. CA-10.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, request for cash payment of Neel-Schaffer’s Invoice #1021840 in the amount of $1,840.00
(for Architect/Engineering expense) for CDBG R-109-291-02-KCR, No. 44. CA-11.
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, invoice for legal services for Malcolm F. Jones, P.A. for CDBG Harbor Expansion Project in
the sum of $4,758.75. CA-12.
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, Claims Docket No. 1 in the amount of $2,226,734.76. CD-1.
Upon motion of Alderman Washington, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved
unanimously, accepting Addendum item.
Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Torgeson, the Board approved
unanimously, adopting the holiday schedule, to be observed in addition to the regularly scheduled
observed holidays, issued by proclamation of Governor Bryant for the following days: AD-1.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Friday, January 2, 2015
Upon motion of Alderman Torgeson, seconded by Alderman Washington, the Board approved
unanimously, motion to adjourn.
City Clerk