HEROS-CALL - Game Crafter Forum

The Epic
By Jeff Hartman
Story Pg. 2
Character Creation Pg. 52
Races Pg. 53
Classes Pg. 67
System and Stats Pg. 110
Combat Pg. 111
Skills Pg. 113
Weapons and Armor Pg. 114
Feats Pg. 123
Casting Pg. 127
Inventory Pg. 138
Long ago the Author of all spread out the heavens and forged forth the great
work known as Voriidin. The Planet of Voriidin was set upon a triune of pillars that
supported the field above the void. Yet the void raged for it was empty and without
form. Upon Voriidin were made the eleven Ajvuun the caretakers of reality and the
forthright. The Ajvuun were known as the chapters for their existence within the
pages of history signified the dawn and dusk of ages. Beneath the Ajvuun were
placed the characters of the world, the races and empires that waxed and waned
beneath the burden of the primordial world. Though from below would come ruin
to the world. The emotions of the lesser races were unchecked, for their minds were
weak. The excess energy of thought and emotion seeped from Voriidin down into
the void, which consumed the essence of being without hesitation. In jealousy then
was the first act of greed sired within the nothingness. Inadvertently the void was
cursed into redundancy. For that which was without form sought all, that it might
create itself again from Voriidin. And so the void held emptiness its greatest goal,
when it was already complete.
The void attacked the minds of mortals lashing out with tendrils of corrupt
emotions, hatred, doubt, lust, pride, sloth and other deadly sins that overwhelmed
the mind of lesser races. Thus the races of the world became mortal as the withering
rot of sin, festered within their souls. The haze was born that day a dark miasma
released into the spiritual realm blocking the way for mortal’s souls to reach Ettlin,
which is heaven to some. Doomed were the mortal races to live and die, then
wander the void, lost in the mists in eternal agony and displacement. Yet the creator
was wise and saw the rebellion of his creatures and sought mercy. The Ajvuun were
instructed to fight the darkness and sheath a most powerful weapon known as light.
The light had lesser aspects known as the primordial elements ruled by the Omnielemental. The divine struck out against the void but many were lost in the conflict,
this loss in the darkness was called death. Death claimed many Ajvuun and so the
demon lords were born from the corruption of the Ajvuun and their servants in the
heavens. Yet there stood one being above the eleven known as the Eliin Volta ‘razz.
For the Eliin were beings before the creation, watchers and warriors of a different
book of reality. The lone herald returned to the fray and led the Ajvuun
triumphantly against the void. During the struggle the creator mocked and
humiliated the void by revealing world after world covered by darkness, worlds that
would have emerged on their own had the void not betrayed. Upon the unknown
worlds did the Ajvuun leave their mark and their bastions? The lesser worlds still
struggle against the demons, yet the battle of all was decided to the light.
Voriidin was far without an age of peril. The void may have been defeated,
but the agents of the darkness grew. For the flesh that the evil so despised brought
procreation and in it the ability to swarm the mortals. The shadows borne were the
first borne of void beasts and demons, immortals unable to reproduce without flesh.
Though unlike the mortals who had laws, tradition, and faith that forbid the
unwarranted lust of flesh, shadow borne did not. The tribes of shadow borne
teleported to the world by their demonic and outworlder parents quickly raped and
pillaged one another. Female Shadow borne were nothing more then engines of the
horde, reproducing without end. The legions of evil beings made it seem as if the
shadow of mountains could move with their numbers. The mortal races were
outnumbered three to one in those days. The era was dark and castles arose from
the stone as the Ajvuun Jonas taught mortals to build in the putrid days. Hold up in
their fortresses the shadow borne relentlessly assaulted mortal settlements, even
driving some extinct. Yet the shadow borne soon felt the strain that love and law
spared mortals from, inbreeding. The blood of the shadow borne became weak and
thin, their hunger only driving them to ruin.
Eventually the once great generals and masters of dark tactics became
lumbering buffoons easily slaughtered. The mortal races or the Battalion rallied
against the onslaught. Eventually the shadow borne were driven back, but a
stalemate occurred when the creatures reverted so far past intelligence that they
became brutish beasts. As beasts the shadow borne knew not doubt, and the lines of
nations were drawn between the fiend lands and the realms of the armies. Over
time the wars of dark bloods and the living became more and more scarce. The lines
of evil earth were pushed back and the era of hero’s began. The new lands colonized
that once belonged to the evil creatures were filled with monsters of old. Trolls,
Orcs, Ogres, and a plethora of other evil creatures rose up from under the
Shadowbornes wake. No fiend of earth could prepare the civilizations for what was
coming. In the mountains of the black marsh, there brood an ancient foe older then
the demons and voiding’s. Long ago the elemental force of life was forged as two
aspects of the authors design; one being the living beings of the universe the other
being a single group of greater entities known as Ginths.
The first Ginth was known as Peritheris father of space, water and inertia.
The second Ginth was the Omni-Elemental keeper of the elements. The third Ginth
was the Megaloviathin the mother of the great foes or dragons. The final and fourth
Ginth was the Enole warden of the balance of existence. The dragons began to
awaken after Peritheris and the Megaloviathin slew one another in combat. The
dragons were the remnants of the Megaloviathin blood that fell to Voriidin during
the battle of stars. Peritheris blood became the oceans and Enole went into
hibernation to balance power. Some scholars debate the balance between Enole and
the Ajvuun saying that they are his children but this unknown. The dragons awoke
some time in the first era of hero’s and posed a great extinction among the
remaining species on Voriidin. The sentient beings that survived the first age
spawned some of the greatest champions the realm of reality has seen. The dragons
established their own wild lands and the border between dark land and mortal land
became dragon country. With the dragons killing evil and good alike, the
civilizations began to flourish as long as hero’s marched against invading dragons.
Shadow borne became more of a myth for in bestial form, dragons overpowered
their fleshly husks. Orcs, Ogres, Goblins and Trolls fared no better against the flying
destruction engines and the world soon forgot about many of the ancient foes in the
The first era continued for ages before a race known as the Silodon began to
record history. The end chapters of the first age were recorded as 300 Ancient and
so time recording began. In 160 Ancient the first kingdom of mankind began
flourish. The great hero Joseph sired a king by the name of James and so the first line
of man began. Joseph slew a terrible riddle master that had taken up roost in the
dragon lands hidden from the world. The crooked beast would drive men to
madness then feed off the carrion left by their undoubted slaughter. James ruled for
30 years while the kingdom flourished. Eventually the king grew under his father’s
tutelage. James led his people to prosperity before disappearing at the age of
39(becoming king at 9 years old.) The only record left behind from James
disappearance was a letter noting that he had found the path to Enole and the mist
was not thick there. In the findings of James the first religion was formed within
Voriidin, a belief that Enole held some power to diffuse the mist. So Enism began. In
121 Ancient the first churches of Enism began among mankind as many sought the
straight and narrow path, the fate of souls became a rallying cry among the humans.
Yet mankind felt superior in their belief in escaping the soul mists. The other races
were downtrodden and scorned. The Ajvuun Tovicuss who kept the souls of the
righteous safe from the monsters of the mist became very angry at the pride of man.
The Ajvuun of redemption lashed out in righteous indignation causing a great
From 80 Ancient to 23 Ancient mankind became walled up within their own
borders, fighting the plague and those stricken. The plague birthed many different
diseases that spread to traders and others who braved human interaction. The
epidemic was eventually contained in 10 Ancient yet the damage was done. Eran the
fifth king of man saw it fit to open the barrier gates and renew interaction with the
outside world. When the great gates were opened mankind discovered the other
races had grown quite contempt of them. The fruit of self-righteousness tore apart
the pacts of old and the Battalion was no more. In 2 Ancient a great quest arose from
the eight tribes of men. Under the seventh king the humans set out to reclaim the
favor of the other faces of Voriidin. After two long years the second era of hero’s
began in Jon 1. Jon was the name of the adventuring group that left the fortress city
of Mazika to quest for the favor of the other species of Voriidin. The Silodon for the
group’s total sacrifice against an ancient demon Arkshath so aptly named the era the
drainer. Only threw the lives of the brave souls against the demonic host could the
armies of the Avoriin unite to slay the demon. In Jon 134 a great event occurred
beyond the wars of nations and the battle against dragons. A species began to
emerge known as the Nefori. Beings from another dimension of reality, the Nefori
were ancient above most and came from Volta ‘razz prior book of reality. The realm
there was desolate, ravaged by the failed resistance against the Voltalan armies. The
Nefori sought to reclaim their power by giving into their parasitic nature, and
absorbing the energy of Voriidin until it was nothing but a husk. The Nefori had
power, power beyond the weapons of mankind and the Avoriin. Powers to
manipulate reality in unnatural and unbelievable ways.
The energy of the world was at the disposal of the invaders and there was
little mortals could do to stop them. The Nefori Lords who sought to consume him
assaulted the Omni-elemental at this time. But the old power was wise and broke
the blinding hold that the Devourer Tal’gor’at had placed over the nine Nefori Lords.
In the confusion the Omni-elemental dispersed his life essence to the mortals who
battled below, eternally distancing his power from those who sought it. With the
power of the Omni-elemental the mortals gained the power of the omeus, the ability
to manipulate the elements. The war against the Nefori drove the creatures back to
their own dimension but their shape shifting abilities kept sleeper agents among the
populace to this day. Enole awoke after the Great War and burst forth from the
planet with violent power leaving an open fissure to hell, which he suppressed in his
slumber. With but one Ginth alive the world was faced with a new dilemma. The
Ajvuun rose to fill the gap but none were found worthy of the Ginth life energies. It
was a humble hero chosen from among the Ashgoth that inherited the life energy of
Enole; his name was Dro’sii’el. Given the torch Dro’sii’el was tasked with spreading
the light that could lead souls past the mist. With hell unable to hold its captives the
balance of Voriidins spiritual plain was being restored. The overwhelming flood of
souls threw the fissure of Gorinth, the hole in the earth that led to hell, caused a
unique phenomenon. The souls of the wicked that escaped were suppressed by the
Ajvuun Tovicuss and sentenced to return to their torment. The souls of the dead
sought refuge in life and inhabited the bodies of the recently dead and thus undeath
began. Humans were given extra-ordinary powers in exchange for the harboring of
souls within corpses and so necromancy began. The tide of evil that rose from the
defiant practices of necromancers wrought a new age of wickedness. The shadow
borne began to awaken from their hibernation, spurned by the evil arts of the
Outworlders of old.
Eventually the necromantic cults were assaulted and destroyed by armies of
different races and groups, yet the undead still roam the countryside regenerating
from dark power and rotting from the lack of true life. In Jon 316 Voriidin went
threw another drastic change, the Silodon an ancient and immortal race revealed
themselves to the outside world. The technology and learning of the Silodon was
beyond the eras of mortals and their ability to manipulate omeus like power was
frightening. Yet the Silodon allied themselves to the nations of their fellow lesser life
forms. The advanced ones did not lord their superiority over any other species,
instead in humility they sought how best to serve their allies. The Silodon
interjection nearly annihilated the practice of necromancy and the undead only can
flourish in shadow borne domains. Jon 407 began a new era for mortals one of
prosperity and unity. The different races were finally able to set aside ancient
differences in a new sport, the arena. In the arena the combatants would battle for
political and moral positions and the victor would gain a vote in the senate councils
to decide policy and laws. And so a balance of war and peace began in Voriidin with
the arena and the council working together. The idea of hard work awarding public
opinion drove humanity, dwarves and other races to great heights of social
ingenuity. Even slaves were allowed to compete for their freedom, and the free were
awarded their vote in the senate.
The second great era of hero’s was defined by the great arena battles that
dominated the land. Hero’s who rose up against tyrannical empires and corrupt
polatics. For in most circles the votes for law was one from the emperor only four
years after the initial system was implemented. The people rose up against the kings
and the emperor would send troops to quell uprisings; this was the tale in all the
major sentient species. The Silodon merely sat back and tried to give sound council
and discourage war, but even amongst the immortal corruption was not unknown.
The evil Silodon Meznar ascended as Silodon do and became an evil demigod, which
caused all manner of havoc upon Voriidin. The events of the dark Silodon that gave
into his inner shadow are noted in history only to explain what happens next.
In Jon 587 the First World War occurred, the nations of the plains and the
north united against the armies of the dark Silodon. Meznar attacked dragons and
necromancers in the name of cities and countries, using his omeus powers to
disguise his troops. The second era began not four years after the initial events of
the Meznar attack and the council of Empires. The emperors of the four great
nations, Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Avoriin met to discuss the events of their
nations. Meanwhile the Meznar armies overtook the lowlands and halted just
outside the city of Iim. Iim was the last force of the lowland people, a collective of
different races and tongues united in a commonwealth existence with trade and
lesser monarchy. The line of farmers never fell to Meznar, the hero’s and champions
who stood their ground routed the armies of shadow until eventually the hordes
went around the cities. The armies of Meznar were nigh unstoppable against the
separate nations; the empire council only took notice of their grand threat when it
was too late. The empires of the sentient world were crushed beneath the dark
Silodon’s power. The remnant started the second age Jon 2 in honor of the first great
group of hero’s who changed the planet. Jon 2 started at approximately what would
have been Jon 601. Yet Jon 2 was no great victorious age or time of splendor. The
dark one eradicated the remaining bastions and his army’s butchered mortals and
shadow borne alike. Only the dragons were left in their caves, for the invaders were
shrewd but not foolish. Eventually the dwarves held up inside of vast mountain
fortresses, successfully deterring the onslaught of the evil forces.
The second age of Jon was painted as a civilization of refuges in constant
sojourn. The Dwarves held up to avoid starvation and suffocation within their
mountains, and the Elves and Avoriin abandoning the other races to preserve their
forests and jungles. Dark creatures never before seen began to roam the land, the
once great cities and fortresses of the mortals became slave camps and dark pits.
The evil forces had nothing to do in all truth be told. All their enemies were
defeated, so they set their sights on the divine. The Ajvuun Tareena became the
target of the creatures attack. Tareena was the ruler of civilized power and the
bastion of defense against evil. The dark Silodon accepted the challenge of killing a
quasi deity. The fortresses of the wicked began to rise up out of the ruins they had
conquered. Ancient necromancers were recruited from deep into Shadow borne
land and used for ripping portals into the spirit realm. The first mindless undead
were forged out of the portal technology experiments. Bouncing souls in and out of
bodies eventually obliterated the soul and tore a tiny whole in the barrier. For every
1000 souls annihilated into spirit dust, a sterling remnant of consciousness, a portal
large enough for a soldier to pass threw was created. The Ajvuun Xel’Paldor made
his mark at this time. The Ajvuun of the appointed time, Xel’Paldor controlled death
and the exact moment of specific events. Though evil, Xel’Paldor abhorred the use of
souls in such a manner as Meznar had done. The deity charged 4 assassins to slay
the corrupt Silodon, for they were imbued with power from beyond. The group of
slayers made their way deep into enemy territory. The entire army unaware of the
infiltration of their ranks. The assassins cornered Meznar and struck. The dark lord
survived and slew the would be murderers. The bodies of the failed attackers were
used in dark experiments that destroyed their souls. Xel’Paldor collected the dust
and used it to reanimate their bodies as the first vampires. Driven with a hunger for
blood and imbued with the might of undeath and the knowledge of the great
assassins. The first as they were known, were forbid from death until they slew the
dark Silodon.
Jon 2 383 begat the age of blood, a time defined by the four vampire lords
recruiting a number of mortals to their cause. It was only after an attempted
slaughter of an incompetent subordinate threw feeding that the four discovered
they could turn mortals into vampires. Xel’Paldor was abhorred yet pleased by the
ingenuity of his underlings. As a result there grew vampires that were roaming in
day and night against the armies of darkness. Yet the Ajvuun Oliin was disgusted by
the advent of Vampirism and rose up against Xel’Paldor. Oliin invoked the power of
the sun to burn away the undead horrors. While the four welcomed the idea of death
by the light, the truth was their fate was still sealed by Xel’Paldor.
A vampire perishing in sunlight is nothing more then a banishment to a pain
filled nexus. A vampire is bound by the light in torment like hellfire, if slain by the
sunlight. And so the balance was given to the creatures of the night. The Four were
immune to sunlight still but their lackeys perished routinely. Sometimes vampires
could be recovered from the sunlight prison but doing so involved great power. The
age of blood lasted 30 long years, not a lot of time for an age, but the races of
Voriidin went extinct save the common wealth of Iim. With the armies of Meznar
looming in the borders Iim was spared a terrible fate of desolation by a chance
circumstance. With the dark army to the north and the field of blades between the
borders, the evil of the world forgot about Iim. The once mighty populace of the
world became Vampires and was involved in constant militia strikes against the
army of the dark lord. The ancient ruins of the once proud civilizations of creation
were literal ghost towns, filled with nothing but the angry dead. At the end of the
age of blood Meznars fought against the armies of the Four, but this time the odds
turned against him. The vampires fought tooth and nail against their living counter
parts with great success. But the advanced technology and battle suits that the
different betrayers (normal races genetically altered into a homogenous collective)
wore kept the odds even. At the final battle atop the crimson mountain there stood
the war tent of Meznar and the Four once again entered the fray.
Meznar’s army was decimated, only the undead fought and only out of
hunger. Yet once again Meznar slew the Four and scattered their remains to the
wind. Some time after in Jon 2 421 the vampire overlords re-formed far off in the
caves of Ulun, which lie far to the north. The Four realized they could not slay
Meznar as they were, and chose to begin the cycle of resting as vampires do. The
hope was that perhaps the dark Silodon would be slain while the host slept and
maybe then the sun would take them. During this time the remaining Silodon had
fled to the southern portion of their island continent and drove the dark ones off.
The rebuilding process was long and tedious. Many weapons and their limits were
used in the war including nuclear power. The Silodon knew that Voriidin was not
ready for advanced weapons and that the Ajvuun would move against them if such
weapons saw the hands of less controlled beings. So the technology and all its uses
were burned in a brilliant, final, nuclear light. The remnant neglected teaching many
of the modern ways, instead choosing to let secrets hold the records. The great
advanced knew the world needed to heal and weapons of monumental destruction
could never achieve this. The age of sword and armies could not end if Voriidin was
to find a lasting balance. Jon 2 533 marked a monumental era for the races of the
world that still lived. Voriidin was desolate, save for the lowlands. Only dragons
were populated in any form of mass, yet the commonwealth of Iim flourished.
People groups and cultures were reinvented once the mass of different species
realized they were the last survivors of their races. Armies were mobilized and a
number of different factions allied themselves to seek the aid of the Ajvuun.
Voriidin’s reclamation to the forces of light was the mission of the young. The
great generation of Voriidin’s original children rose up to defend their realm. The
vigor of the planet surged when the first armies marched north to reclaim fallen
homelands. In Jon 2 588 the homelands of most species had been retaken from the
remnant of Meznar’s army, though his hold over the west and the north was strong.
The near countless battles fought by the forces of the lowlands were sheathed in
majesty and honor. The resulting nations forged on Voriidin stand still to this day.
Giant walls of wood, stone, and iron were forged to keep the forces of darkness at
bay and drive them out of memory. Jonas Ajvuun of earth and clay became a
prominent figure in human lore. Jonas wanders the world, which gives him strength
and fights against evil that he encounters. Being a divine being, Jonas is held to
certain rules that prevent him from interfering with conflicts much larger then a
village raid. Nothing of notoriety occurred from Jonas interference during the prior
eons of history. Even during the Meznar assault the Forge Lord had only one
instance of mention among the forces of the dark one. The record showed a small
scouting party encountering what appeared to be a lone mercenary or traveling
blade. When confronted for conversion or death, the scouting party was annihilated
in an upheaval of earth and steel. Yet with the new city states the presence of the
Ajvuun returned to the land. The Shadow borne and dragons still remained a threat,
yet they seemed to slumber dwindled in number by the attack of Meznar. What few
know is that the dragons fought amongst themselves during the battle the dark
Silodon’s reign. Now there are three notable dragons that arose from the ashes of
the shadow of the second age. Tilnod, Vosga, and Roomish were the ancient dragons
of legends, the only dragons to achieve the rank of overlord a similar status to a
deity. The three dragon overlords arose to establish the dragon empire in Jon 2 782.
The empire connected each of the different territories of dragon kind and solidified
their position as the dominant species on the planet. The fact that Meznar had slain
the other species to near extinction made pillaging simple for the reptilian menace.
Though the armies of the Dark Silodon were still avoided for the northwest was
completely saturated with the remnant. Many dragons achieved great power and
invented draconic disciplines and spells that could change them into different forms
at will. Dragons gained the ability to alter their breath weapons, add effects, enchant
and developed their own culture. For a time the reptiles humored the tradition of
taking human form and living as humans, trading, farming and other menial tasks.
While for fun the dragons would attack and destroy ruins and zombie infestations in
their territory. The age of dragons was filled with prosperity until the dragon
Roomish had enough of fun and games. Roomish sought to annihilate all threats to
the dragon empire starting with Meznar. A huge draconic host assaulted the
northland and decimated the northwest. Yet Roomish met Meznar in open combat
and was defeated. The resulting fall of a dragon deity shocked the pride of fires peak
kind and caused unrest in the minds of other dragons. Roomish eventually
reanimated in his temple high in the mountains, yet the damage was done. Dragons
began to rebel and the War of the Burning Sky began. So the third age was dawned
as the Burning Sky or BSWT. The battle of the dragons lasted 1000 years and the
events are as follows. BSWT 10 Roomish followers attack settlements of all sentient
races in the will of their master. BSWT 15 Other dragons begin to examine Vosga
and Tilnod for weaknesses. BSWT 30 The dragon council is formed in the absence of
BSWT 75 The first dragon rebellions begin, as lesser dragon clan’s fight
amongst one another for power. BSWT 76 the concept of a new dragon deity filling
the void is hatched and the Cult of Black Flame was born. BSWT 100 the dragon
armies of Vosga assemble to purge the Cult of Black Flame. BSWT 102 the armies of
Vosga attack the mountain citadel of Bor’vash where the cult is stationed. BSWT 105
The long battle at Bor’vash comes to an end with the cult leaders death at the hand
of Vosga. BSWT 106 the remaining cult members go into hiding among the mortal
races. BSWT 107 Vosga demands the systematic culling of mortal races until every
sleeper agent of the cult is executed. Tilnod disagrees with Vosga and sends
draconic emissaries to the mortal kingdoms warning them. BSWT 200 Vosga
recovers her losses at the cult battle and launches a full-scale assault against the
mortal races. Tilnod flies north and hunts for the lost bastion. BSWT 211 Vagna
herself flies to the imperial glade of the elves. BSWT 233 The first dragon forces
begin a brood outside the major mortal cities. BSWT 240 The armies of men and
dwarves storm the nests of the red dragons, and slay the clutch. BSWT 241 The
Avoriin decimates the clutch of the yellow dragons outside their deserts. The Yatosh
fight tooth and nail slaying the brute dragons, but ultimately are exterminated by
the draconic juggernaut Zil. Only the secret village of Yatosh upon Mt. Emprum
holds any of the species.
BSWT 250 the green dragons sent to deal with the Kratt are found sleeping
outside the territory, with care packages nearby written in the “cricket folk”
language. BSWT 260 Vosga arrives at the elfish high council during the lunar
eclipse. She inquires of the elves the knowledge of the sleepers. The elves use their
omeus power to perceive threats among their people. The elves find three dragons
in their midst and begin an attack. Unfortunately there are also Nefori in their ranks
and these beings side with the dragons. BSWT 275 the cult members of the elves
and the nefori are slain but Vosga is greatly wounded. Most of the elves are lost and
the cities are eclipsed into a hiding dimension. BSWT 300 the cities of mortals are
besieged by the blue, green and black dragons. BSWT the army of Tilnod defect to
join Vosga in the culling, believing passivity is not the way of mighty wyrms. BSWT
303 The first dragon slayers appear, special soldiers trained in the deep bunkers of
the dwarves. The dragon slayers are able to defend the remaining cities thus
preserving the mortal races. BSWT 314 Tilnod finds the lost bastion of the dwarves
hidden in the mountains. Tilnod requests the aid of the dwarves and the use of their
diamond weapons against his kin. BSWT 320 Tilnod uses his divine power to imbue
the dwarves weapons with Frictionless. BSWT 321 the diamond firing guns of the
dwarves are ready. BSWT 332 The armies of Tilnod arrive to aid Vosga and route
the dragon slayer assaults. BSWT 333 the dwarves led by Tilnod march toward the
imperial city of man. BSWT 340 Vosga recovers her strength and spares the elves
that remain. Vosga flies to aid her soldiers on a last march toward the imperial city
of man. BSWT 350 The full dragon armies amass and replenish their numbers.
BSWT 351 the armies of dragons begin the assault as the dwarven support led by
Tilnod arrives at the city gates. Tilnod is denounced by dragon kind. The great battle
of Brimstone occurs at the imperial city of man, where all the mortal races
congregated to defend their lives. BSWT 352 The siege of the city ends and the
dragons burn the crops and supply routes outside the city. BSWT Tilnod takes the
form of an elderly woman and slips out of the city and into the dragon territory.
BSWT 353 the empire of man runs out of food.
BSWT 354 the population is starving and thirsty. A lone general by the name
of Titus gathers the remaining soldiers for a final assault. By this time the humans
and dwarves have built access tunnels underground and out of the city. The refugee
population is evacuated. Yet the black dragons life sense alerts them and a full-scale
assault is launched. Over 5000 dragons of all different species assault the city of
man. The imperial city is decimated in a number of hours; all the glorious
architecture and foundations are lost. The Ajvuun Tareena is appalled. The Ajvuun
descended and confronts the dragons aided by Tilnod and Jonas. Tilnod able to slip
away from the dragons launches a flanking attack. The remnant armies of Titus are
brought together under Tareena and the offensive is pressed. Vosga steps in to aid
her children. The battle shakes the foundation of the planet. Volta’ razz arrives
sword in hand and drains all the heat from the area. The four deities and the
dragons are frozen in a four-mile thick cube of ice surrounding the entire war zone.
Volta ‘razz shatters the block creating a crater where once stood the city. The
dragons are scattered to the four corners of the world, while the deities go into
hibernation from the catastrophic events. Volta ‘razz returns to Shollar to recover.
BSWT 380 the races return to their villages and cities. The reconstruction effort is
successful. Rogue dragon forces from the dragon country still plague villagers, but
the massive dragon army is never seen again. The truth is that the dragons are
frozen among the nigh countless mountain dimensions of the north. BSWT 400 The
Cult of the black flame reemerges in force. The dragons begin to collect the corpses
beneath the battleground of the Brimstone battle. A massive army of zombie
dragons is creating. BSWT 450 the dragons are completely reanimated as zombies
and the horde is kept brooding, eating the remains of beast and abomination from
the outer worlds.
BSWT 467 Titus grandson becomes the high general of mankind. The elves
re-emerge from isolation. Rogue dragons burn the Kratt country, and the cricket folk
prepare for war. Adventurers discover BSWT 489 The Yatosh hidden village. An
army led by a nercolord is sent to destroy the mountain village, with the aid of
spider folk. BSWT 490 the army is repelled in full and the forces there of is halted.
BSWT 499 The Cult of the Black Flame attempts to ascend a new dragon deity.
BSWT 500 Roomish revives in his temple at Aktha Mountain. BSWT 550 Nesgar’con
is born and the undead dragon deity fueled of black flame, lives. Roomish reasserts
his position as a dragon deity and sets a telepathic link to all his scattered brood.
BSWT 600 Nesgar’con summons his zombie dragons and begins to roam from the
upper mountains of the southeast toward the lowlands and Iim. BSWT 601 the
undead hoards reach civilization in the lowlands and devours everything in sight.
Tovicuss and Oliin are alerted. BSWT 602 the ancient armies of the lowlands set up
a last stand against the zombie hordes. Oliin and Tovicuss bastion the brave
defenders with peace of mind and strength of arm. The undead hordes descended
upon Iim but are driven back. Eventually the overwhelming numbers siege the city
and Iim is divided. Half of the city becomes a rot of zombies and vampire dregs,
while the fortress stands holding what little civilization remains within. BSWT 603
Roomish flies to meet Nesgar’con in combat. The battle of Iim occurs once again as
the two dragon overlords lock in immortal combat. Ultimately Roomish is victorious
and the remains of Nesgar’con are burned to ash. The unholy power that gave such
strength to the dragon deity are contained within 3 black stones and scattered
across the world.
BSWT 700 The four vampire lords awaken under the Cult of the Black
Flame’s temple. BSWT 709 lesser drakes and hatchlings are converted into vampires
and flee the cult. BSWT 710 the brood of vampire dragons is born. BSWT 750 The
city of Iim is rebuilt and the vampire brood grows in number. The second undead
brood marches once again toward mighty Meznar to claim his head. BSWT 723 the
armies of the vampires scatter on their way making more dragon vampires. The
vampire deities Tilnod and Roomish congregate to deal with the threat. 750 The
armies of the Four arrive at the now citadel country of Kalin’Ket. The entire border
from mountains to the sea was a mix of metal and stone woven into catacombs and
citadels. The vampires began to attack with their newfound might. BSWT 752 The
vampires are able to locate Meznar within Kalin’Ket. BSWT 753 The Four once again
sieges Meznar. The battle is hard fought but the Dark Silodon slays the Four and
their army. Meznar is now without soldier and move alone within Kalin’Ket all
remnants of any force, obliterated. BSWT 758 The vampire lords reanimate miles
outside of Kalin’Ket. The Entire region is cursed by the vampires and secluded from
the outside world. BSWT 767 Vosga awakens from hibernation. 777 Roomish, Vosga
and Tilnod each take up guarding one of the black stones that contain Nesgar’con.
The pact of Scales ensures the deities will no longer attack mortals as long as the
stone is in their possession. BSWT 798 The Cult of the Black Flame attacks the
temple of Tilnod but is defeated. The resulting victory earns Tilnod his recognition
among dragon kind once more. BSWT 800 Doove becomes the leader of the vampire
brood. The remaining Vampire dragons are moved to the mountains of Kalin’Ket
where the sky never shows sunlight.
BSWT 812 The armies of men seek peace with the dragon hordes. BSWT 820
Peace is established among the mortal races and dragon kind. BSWT 821 A final
crusade is launched by dragons and mortals to utterly destroy the Cult of the Black
Flame. BSWT 899 The descendants of Titus band together to revitalize the dragon
slayers. BSWT 923 The Brute Brood of dragons defects and declares war on all other
species. BSWT 987 The battle lines are carved and the territories of the brutes are
established. Rogue dragons still exist but the majority of powerful dragons fights
one another rather then siege mortals. BSWT 1000 The Cult of the Black Flame is
finally eradicated. After the great age of dragons the world began to slumber once
more, the Ajvuun revived from their colossal struggles, and the hero’s of old died off.
The planet forgot about Meznar and civilization took refuge in Tareena’s wings. The
world began to prosper once more and the boundaries of countries expanded.
Everything seemed to be going exceptionally well, old forms of government were
reinstated and the arenas were reconstructed. Each people found his or her own
identity as a nation, and so the IAAN era began.
IAAN 1 The people of the organized world begin to rebuild after the zombie
attacks. IAAN 5 The population is one-fourth its original number for existing species.
IAAN 8 Animals begin to return from hiding after the dragon wars. IAAN 12 The soft
earth can be dug up threw the ash. IAAN 14 The seed of adventuring is rekindled in
mortals. IAAN 20 The Silodon empire is rebuilt and the high council of Silodon
reconvenes after over 1000 years. IAAN 22 Pockets of undead are discovered and
bounties are placed to eliminate them. IAAN 23 mercenary work becomes one of the
leading forms of business in the world. IAAN 25 Subterranean tunnels of unknown
origin are discovered in the south. IAAN 29 The kingdoms of man are reestablished.
IAAN 34 Jousting tournaments become a new form of sport. IAAN 37 Brute dragons
invade the lowlands and burn villages to dust. IAAN 38 The heartland crusade
begins to slay three troublesome dragons. IAAN 40 The dragons remain undefeated,
the nobles begin to be worried. IAAN 44 Every would be adventurer congregates for
a piece of the action, a chance to slay a brute dragon. IAAN 50 The cultural icons of
dragon slaying become a hero’s mantle. Young men and women who strive for
recognition prepare day and night to slay the mighty beasts. IAAN 58 The powers
that be establish temples and libraries to care for the poor and needy in their
nations. IAAN 62 The tunnels of the south begin showing signs of unknown species.
IAAN 64 A storm looms off the coast to the south.
IAAN 65 the storm moves closer to shore and the first hurricane is recorded
on Voriidin. IAAN 68 A second storm begins brewing off the coast, the people of the
coastal cities look to the southern continent of Gorinth for answers. IAAN 70 The
second storms trikes the coast, but this time flying creatures accompany the winds.
The Gliding Battle occurs in the city of Tish. Warriors gliding the winds doing battle
throughout the city with the flying sea terrors, such was the scene from the rooftops
of Tish. IAAN 71 An expedition is assembled to combat the source of the hurricanes.
A third storm brews off the coast. IAAN 73 A large metal ship is finished able to sail
under the surface of the water, using Silodon technology. IAAN 78 The next
hurricane bombards the coast and brings with it massive sea monsters. The dragon
slayers stationed in the city are able to fell the beasts with minimal casualties for
such events. The expedition set sail under the cover of conflict and headed out to
sea. IAAN 79 The end of the IAAN era occurs when the re-establishment of the long
departed queen of the Avoriin unites the empire of Elves and Avoriin. The Age of
Kings begins after IAAN 80 while the high shaman of the Yatosh solidifies the rule of
the queen by divine creed. AOK 1 The expedition arrives on an island outside
charted map of Voriidin waters. AOK 2 The island is explored with great success
finding a colony of humans living on the island. AOK 3 The humans inform the crew
of a fortress underground with amazing metal statues. The crew investigates the
structure only to find a species of metallic organisms. There are robots, but the
creatures are crafted as if from flesh but have metallic skin and blood. AOK 4 The
race of metal is impervious to attacks by normal means; only the casters of the crew
can dent them but not kill. AOK 5 The creatures are named Steelions, and the artifact
along with the new race is sealed under tons of rock and earth. AOK 7 The crew
leaves the island having explored the extent. Yet once off shore a mighty storm
forms. Down below the surface some kind of underwater caster is manipulating an
orb of water. The wind and waves match its patterns. Huge sea monsters patrol past
him on the war march. It seems as if the sea itself has turned against the mainland.
AOK 8 the submersible is destroyed and her crew marooned on a deserted island.
AOK 10 The army of sea creatures reaches the mainland and begins to attack the
shore. AOK 11 The Human Kings send aid to Tish in hopes of a victory, yet the news
bodes failure. The monsters march but Tish makes a final stand.
AOK 12 The monsters are slain but the city is half submerged in water. AOK
13 the would be creature caster arrives at the mainland. The creature reveals itself
as a Hydromancer with control over the sea. AOK 14 The armies of the kings of man
arrive at Tish, the resulting battle changes history. The battle of marshes ends in the
slaying of the Hydromancer but the waters of the world are no longer controlled. As
a result rivers expand and shorelines shrink, the waters of the world spin into
random flux. AOK 15 A second council of kings is held among the sentient races on
how to remedy the loss of the Hydromancer. The air has begun to be saturated with
water. The trend would end with total suffocation in 8 years time from
oversaturation of water vapor in the air. AOK 15 A group of adventurers are
assembled and a new sub is built with the combined research and mystic resources
of the known world. AOK 17 5 years remain and the expedition back to the sealed
island begins. The sub arrives in record time and uses powerful geomancers to
remove the earth and stone. The Silodon on board entered first in order to attempt
diplomacy. The Steelions would listen to the Silodon but other races were
unwelcome within the halls.
AOK 18 4 years remained until the populace would drown in the air.
Coughing up water was a nightly occurance. The underground facility was infact an
entire synthetic continent as large as Voriidin buried beneath the surface. The
Silodon brought a grim ultimatum, sink the island and drain off the excess torrents
of the water. With the height of the facility the area was twice that of Voriidin minus
the mountain peaks. The Steelions surprisingly agreed on this solution and opened
the floodgates. The sea level dropped almost 400 feet, but the excess water from the
deep was undone. The ocean eventually returned to normal being that it still was in
turmoil but disaster was avoided. The steelions and their robots did not need to
breath and went about their lives submerged. AOK 20 Sea monsters attack the
coasts now and again but monster slayers have adapted to counter the titanic
beasts. AOK 22 A number of strange sigils begin to appear around the continent of
Voriidin. AOK 23 a new race appears in the north east mountains, signs of their
existence and culture appearing as if overnight. AOK 40 an expedition is finished
and travels to the new species. The strange beings identify themselves as Tefarin.
AOK 41 the other species still have no explanation of the source of the new race, but
diplomatic treaty crafting commences. The Tefarin are offended by the accusations
proposed by the treaties, but are willing to comply. AOK 42 Trade routes reach the
Tefarin villages but are turned away for the most part. The species seemed self
sufficient within their colonies. AOK 43 Humanity decides the Tefarin would be
better off left alone, yet sends spys to moniter their intentions. AOK 60 The human
spys are discovered by the Tefarin and executed. AOK 61 Humanity declairs war on
the Tefarin species. AOK 62 Human legions arrive at the mountain villages and set
fire to the colonies. The Tefarin retaliated with little or no action. Those who died
burnt away into golden ashe and collected on the soldiers. The remaining colonies
watched as the humans made their way along low lying villages.
AOK 63 Human settlements begin to catch fire across the lowlands. Ironically
the homes of the soldiers attacking the Tefarin burn. AOK 70 The Tefarin secrets are
revealed by the Silodon high council. The Tefarin are guarded by the dust or
reciprocity. What is done to the Tefarin in aggression is revisited on those who
commited the act or any unfortunate to be bathed in the dust of their death. Also
those who are kind to them can sometimes gain favorable events. AOK 80 90% of
the Tefarin are slain but the resulting carnage destroys all of the lowland
settlements and much of the imperial province. AOK 77 A sleeper force of the
Tefarin reveal there numbers were only 50% of their army, martyrs for a cause. The
true plan revealed, the Tefarin army erupts from the sewer of the imperial city and
attacks from the inside out. AOK 78 The imperial city is lost and the palace is
bastioned against the Tefarin. AOK 79 The Tefarin claim the imperial city as their
own and name mankind their slaves. AOK 80 reserve forces from the lowlands
assault the imperial city. Mankind and the Tefarin battle for the fate of humanities
future. The result of the battle leaves mankind decimated but the Tefarin are not so
unfortunate. The armies of the peoples empire are defeated in whole but the Tefarin
Elder proclaims the army to return to the homeland, since a rogue force has
abducted a majority of their remaining females. AOK 88 Man is subject by the
Tefarin empire and her allies, made in secret, and humans are put into slavery. AOK
90 The last standing King of man erects a city in the low lands to defend Iim. AOK
100 The city of Dorash is built and mankind has sovereignty in a small area. AOK
215 the forces of the Tefarin expand into the imperial city. The different forces of
the world shift as the absence of mankinds greed shifts trade. Humans from Dorash
are not allowed north of the border into the “Old Lands,” as the people say. AOK 216
The Tefarin discover the existence of Dorash after a 100 year search for any trace of
their missing families, cities and history. AOK 220 The entire invading army is
assembled outside of Dorash. The armies of the Elves, Avoriin, Dwarves, and Tefarin
lay siege to the fortress city. AOK 221 The siege of Dorash eventually breaks the
gates and enters the inner fortress of the city. Iim is now the last place that holds
free humans. In the meantime a group of adventurers travel into uncharted territory
seeking a place humanity can hide in freedom.
AOK 223 The humans of Dorash are executed. The army begins moving down
to the borders of Iim. All human nobles in Iim are targeted first. Tefarin attack the
human settlements, but are defeated at first. AOK 225 A revitalized offensive is
organized and the Tefarin begin to march to Iim. The city of Iim is outmatched but
their stand is strong and the other races of Iim band together to protect humanity
and repel the invaders. AOK 226 The Tefarin Elder sees atrocity in the actions of his
soldiers, and he sees his people become blood thirsty. The armies retreat and return
to growing and living in peace, humanity is spared. AOK 231 The expedition
discovers settlements of crusaders living in constant struggle with the
shadowborne. AOK 298 The plan of damnation is hatched. A human nobleman
conspires with other humans to test the power of the Tefarin dust. So an elaborate
relationship attempt to have a young noble wed a Tefarin woman. AOK 300 The plan
is successful and assassins kill the woman slowly so she may bless her husband, the
result is the restoration of the city of Dorash to human armies in 334 AOK but the
parties responsible for the atrocity are cursed by Oliin and become chimeras. AOK
345 The library of No’Volo lord of the eternal record, summons the king of Dorash,
the would be general who sacked the city, and turns him into a toad. AOK 350 The
second line of Dorash is seated by Tareena for they were the only nobles without
plans most foul. AOK 377 The book of Dronn is discovered in the south east. AOK
388 A lone Silodon mage destroys the records of Dronns existence and the power of
the “Deal Maker,” is lost to the world. AOK 400 The first paladin of Dronn arrives in
the imperial city of the Tefarin, former city of man. The paladin of Dronn marches
threw the imperial city, unstoppable on his warpath. AOK 411 The dark paladin
makes into shadowborne territory and attacks the nobleman Vortish one of the
main funders of the Silodon mage who destroyed the book of Dronn.
AOK 412 The castle of last light is besieged by the paladin of Dronn, those
within are slain save for the count who kills the paladin in a grueling battle. The
damage is done and the powers of shadowborne enter into the castle. AOK 422 An
expedition is raised to overwhelm the shadowborne in the castle of landhouse. AOK
433 The battle of the Landhouse is won and the forces of mire are undone. AOK 477
Vosga attacks the Tefarin searching for potential remnants of the Black Flame cult.
AOK 499 The entire old world of once human lands are burned away, Vosga leaves
the area void of life Tefarin or otherwise. AOK 501 Humans begin to travel north
since the patrols of Tefarin have vanished. AOK 535 Human explorers find their
lands completely desolate and burnt, but begin to rebuild. AOK 540 The Tefarin
retreat to their original homelands and vanish once again. AOK 555 The south is
besieged by orcs, ogres and goblins, the kingdoms unite against the threat. AOK 556
A warlord of the orc has erected a kingdom on Gorinth. AOK 557 The continent of
Gorinth enters the fray of kings and countries, unbalancing everything from music
to monetary gain. AOK 588 The Orcs have pushed inland and all coastal cities have
fallen to them save Ov. AOK 589 an army is constructed in order to combat the
forces of the orcs. AOK 600 The war of green fields is ended with the orcs being
pushed back by the other sentient races to Gorinth. AOK 675 News has spread that
the Goblin kingdoms of Gorinth have uncovered the remains of the Megaloviathin.
AOK 682 The kingdoms of Gorinth burn, the smoke can be seen from Voriidin. AOK
700 A Nefori Lord has entered the mortal world and subjugates Gorinth. A new era
begins and perhaps the shortest era of Voriidin history but the amount of massive
events that happened earn it the title of an age. SODI 1 The doors of Ifinus open, the
Mege are released. SODI 2 The Nefori Lord present on Gortinth begins to siphon
energy from the world reducing the lifespans of mortals and stripping immortality
from lesser beings. Oliin and No’Volo go to confront the Nefori Lord. The resulting
battle leaves No’Volo and Oliin weakened but the Nefori Lord is shunt back into his
story and the book gate is closed.
SODI 3 A species known as the higherarch are discovered in the plateu of the
south west. The creatures are insectoid intelligences that prey upon lesser life forms
with ruthless efficiency. A soul group of adventurers confronts and drives back the
creatures. SODI 4 The higherarchs enlarge ant colonies and send the swarms at the
major cities of the world causing the ant crisis. The beasts swarmed over major
cities but shere might of arms and phalanx fortification of cities won the day for
mortals. Ironically the ants ran away from Kratt settlements. SODI 5 The A group of
adventurers discover a lost dwarven city and awaken a Rubidium golem. The second
paladin of Dronn is chosen, the paladin is tasked with recovering the shattered
remains of the deity of kinetic energy. SODI 6 The dragon deity Vosga and her brood
are placed into stasis by the overwhelming devastation of the Tefarin. SODI 7 A
massive time distortion opens a gate into the void. Creatures that get to close to the
portal are transformed into engines of destruction. The soldiers who met the
mutations found that they were filled with dark energy and consumed everything in
sight. The very fabric of reality that held them together was frayed making single
target strikes nigh impossible for all but the masters of combat. The fiends were
eventually contained with powerful light abilities, but the damage to the
surrounding area destabilized reality. The result being that more openings to
random moments in history could occur potentially causing paradoxes. No’Volo’s
paladins came to fix the issues but a Outter Folk attacked them interrupting the
ritual for many moons. Eventually the portals were closed and the Outter Folk slain
but the casualties to the surrounding area scarred the populace.
SODI 8 Roomish travels to the goblin kingdoms to recover the body of the
Megaloviathin. Kara’Tese stops Roomish and prevents him from taking the corpse. A
battle arises between the two forces and a lowly goblin is caught in the crossfire.
The divine weapons seethe energy into the corpses of the leviathan and the goblin,
the result being the gobline awakens a demigod. The life energy of the
Megaloviathin’s bones are enough to ascend the innocent goblin to a point of power
unknown to his people. The goblin still terrified and unaware of his power flees
from the battle. SODI 9 The goblin deity Chuk’chet gets a job cleaning tables in bars,
unaware of his power. SODI 10 The Megaloviathins skeleton is obliterated and a
new crop of demigods arises from its ashes. Orcrot, Ogrex, Trovo, and Gorinthia are
just four of the most well known demigods that arise from the corpses annihilation
by Kara’Tese. Roomish himself steals the skull of his mother and whisks it away to
his lair there he performs a ritualistic burial. The energies of his mothers skull
create giant worms that devour anything demigod or otherwise. The worms guard
the skull of the Megaloviathin day and night, the mightiest of these worms is
Aka’deef’ron. SODI 11 A Wraith warrior unites the demonic forces of hell against the
Ajvuun in a surprise attack after being betrayed by the Ajvuun of nature. No’Volo
halts his would be follower and resets the incident before Shollar is consumed in
war. The age of So open doors infinite, ends with the events of No’Volo, yet the rise
of multiple demigods and the effects on history echo on forever. CD 1 the era of
closed doors begins after the great battle of Shollar and the heavens assault. The
peoples of the world begin to reexamine borders and divide up the lands. CD 3 The
empire of humanity is reborn and a number of other races are placed as potential
enemies for the Tefarin wars. CD 5 The Silodon are approached by humanity as new
allies but are turned away.
CD 7 Ivnos the island continent of the Silodon is besieged by golem creatures.
The expieraments of the Silodon are corrupted and begin to attack their masters,
making any form of trade or communication nigh impossible. CD 9 The first Yatosh
village appears in over 400 years, scholars puzzle over how the species suddenly
reappeared. Some scholars belive the tiny remnant families within Iim were
responsible, though their presence was only recently discovered among the turmoil
surrounding Iim. CD 12 A heightened form of technology sweeps across Voriidin,
Indoor plumbing develops. CD 44 The nations of Voriidin are in relative peace,
populations of the world have increased to 75% of their original strength since the
great wars of old save Humans and Yatosh. CD 129 The Kratt begin fleeing their
forests. CD 130 The forests of the Kratt and their living tree guardians are corrupted
by a carnivorous ivy that controls plants, animates them, and turns them into
carnivorous attackers. CD 132 The Council of Forests is delegated between Avoriin,
Elves and Kratt to decide the fate of the effective world, since the ivy is growing at
an alarming rate taking over grove, hill and jungle. The resulting forces of the Forest
Pack begins a trench line across all of Voriidins Forests. The undertaking ends with
a chasm 10ft deep and 25 feet wide across 60% of the continent. CD 200 the eastern
forests of Vorridin are consumed by the Ivy save the Ancient Wood. The forest pact
amasses for a great battle against the corrupt plants.
CD 300 After a century of struggle the ivy is finally demolished and the earth
burned. A number of air born seeds are destroyed and powerful wind devices are
deconstructed with the ivy no longer seeding. CD 310 The first major pirate clans
begin to appear off the coast of the human city of Tish.
AOP 1 The age of pirates began with the attack on the fortress city of Sal’Vay.
The pirates plundered the city but when they reached the citadel the mages there
surrounded them and a deal was struck. The pirates would no longer sige the city,
and the city would become a safe haven for pirates. So the capital of piracy was
born. AOP 4 The navies of the civilized nations begin to form. AOP 6 The navies of
the civilized world are sieged by pirates. AOP 10 The ocean becomes the new
frontier, with the southern shores between Voriidin and Gorinth being the most
frequented. AOP 11 The Orc pirate Son’Thak is born. AOP 12 Treasure of the north
sea draws many pirates, but the discovery of ancient islands draws more
adventurers then pirates. AOP 15 The Ancient Islands are found to be the shells of
massive hermit crabs, and supposedly the fruit of immortality resides on one of
them. AOP 20 Piracy becomes a folk staple in multiple cultures. AOP 22 A pirate
captain sets sail to find an island near Gorinth said to have a fragment of the
Megaloviathin’s skeleton that still holds life. AOP 30 The royal navy of humanity is
born, a year later the Avoriin and Elven navies are revitalized from eons past. The
dwarven navy follows suit and the search across the ocean hits the hearts of
mainlanders. AOP 50 Son’Thak becomes the terror of the sea. AOP 68 Bald Beard the
pirate (he shaves) sails onto the scene as one of the treasure kings, specializing in
jewels and furs. AOP 70 The fabled adventures of the beloved pirate bald beard
become tavern tales across Voriidin. AOP 100 The death of Son’Thak rocks the
higherarchy of pirates everywhere.
AOP 121 The sea is in turmoil, pirates unite as a second Hydromancer is born
beneath the waves. AOP 133 With a new power controlling the waves the water
level sinks 400 feet around the globe. The result of the dropped water level being
that 60% of the sea life population dies in a matter of hours. AOP 144 Zix’Alla puts
gathers together seafarers to destroy the Hydromancer in exchange for the favor of
the lady of the deep. AOP 145 The mainland sages remember the facility deep
beneath the earth that contains most of the worlds water. AOP 150 An expedition
arrives at the facility but what they uncover terrifies them. A secondary species lives
now within the facility. The new alien species is very intelligent and has the ability
to piece together organic and synthetic material into cyborgs. The strange electric
charge used to animate the machine beasts is directly linked to the creatures
consciousness. AOP 155 The creatures send waves of monstrosities against the
would be crusaders. Eventually a lone squad is able to slay most of the fiends in the
particular area controlling the flood gates. The lever is flipped and the soldiers give
up their lives as near all of the ocean of the world is sucked into the facility filling it
to the brim. The ocean dropped to 500ft at the lowest points. Sea life was also
drained into deep water and into the facility sparing casualties. The result being that
the Hydromancer is powerless to stop a land based assault from Voriidin. AOP 167
The Hydromancer is slain and the waters of the world once again go into unrest. The
ocean lashes out and completely evaporates. The facility containing the water and
sealife is unable to react to the Hydromancers death. AOP 168 People begin dieing of
thirst as the waters of the world elude them. AOP 170 The pirate captains unite to
enter the facility. The small army primed with Silodon, Mages, Pirates, and even two
Nefori enter the massive containment zone.
AOP 171 The Pirates are able to find and release the waters of the world with
the aid of the Steelions. Only 36% of the people sent survive the quest, with no
prominent number of pirate captains remaining the age of pirates comes to an end.
FQE 1 The oceans return to their normal levels upon surging half of the water out of
the facility. The ocean is still low by 100 ft but still livable for the surviving sea life
contained in the facility.
The massive amount of clouds all around the globe
begins to cool the planet, causing an ice age across the face of the planet, and so the
era of Frost Quests begins. FQE 10 The world is covered in 4 inches of snow at the
lowest point and the skys are still dark the world begins shifting. The Avoriin
protect their jungle homes with mystic barriers that repell the cold. Yet the Omeus
strain on those who channel the power causes a new cycle to begin. Avoriin adopt a
new position of society the channelers, those who dedicate themselves to keeping a
barrier up. The Avoriin society developes into a monastic style, with high amounts
of activity among the young and channeling done by the elders who cannot perform
physical activity. FQE 22 The snow subsides and many temperate farms are able to
grow cooler climate crops. The economy of the world adjusts. The Frost Kings being
to arise, lone castle city states that govern portions of the frozen tundra. The result
being the outlying empires shrink drasticly, for no large force can be mobilized for
fear of resource shortage. The Imperial city of man is finally reclaimed and becomes
the largest human settlement once more. FQE 31 The oceans begin to recover their
losses, and fishing is revived as an industry.
FQE 45 Frost trolls begin to make their pressance known, coming down from
the mountains now that they are able to survive across the planet. FQE 48 The tales
of the castle sieges and troll wars begin. FQE 100 The snow stops its consistency and
the tropical regions of the world begin to warm. FQE 122 The ancient Volcano of
Xupat erupts and creates a small temperate pocket in the north. FQE 178 The trolls
awaken ancient higherarchs to aid them in their assults. The frozen higherarchs are
different from their cousins. The frozen ones are simbiots that adhere on a pscionic
level allowing complete military tactics to be spread across armies instantly. With
their new found generals the Troll chieftans quickly became a foce to be feared.
While most often the frozen higherarchs feed off the blood of their hosts, trolls
regeneration negated the drawbacks and inhibiting factor of the higherarchs life
cycle. FQE 200 The North falls to the Troll armies led by Ziltash the higherarch
general under the command of Thaad the troll chieftan. FQE 238 The mighty armies
of the frost trolls make peace with the midlands in exchange for supplies. The trolls
begin to build a nation. FQE 240 The bloodthirsty son of Thaad goes against his
father and summons the higherarchs to war against all Voriidin. The midland and
imperial city of man are put under siege by the troll armies. Despite their strength
the instant tactical imput of the higherarchs is to much for the resistance and the
castle states are pushed inside their walls.
FQE 258 Using omeus power and plots within their borders allowed the
massive castle citadels to survive. FQE 260 Thaad is assassinated by supporters of
his sons war. Ziltash symbiot and friend of the chieftan protects his widow from
assassination. Ziltash learns that his long standing vampirism of the trolls has given
his body regenerative properties. Aka the widow of the troll chief becomes the new
leader of the troll empire. The son of Thaad, Rot reviles against his mother and
seperates the troll empire into two factions. Rot goes on in the southern kingdoms,
while his mother rules diplomatically in the north. FQE 300 Rot has come of age
fully and now begins to breed, creating some of the most terrifying troll soldiers
ever seen. The higherarchs gain longer lives due to the regenerative effects of the
trolls blood. The armies of the combined might of sentient war is still unstoppable,
and the castle lands unassailable. FQE 500 for two hundred years the stale mate
held, the mid-land and north-land was taken by the troll forces, while the isolated
city states remained untouched, humans and trolls scoffed at one another but dared
not ignite conflict to waste resources, for the ice began to fall once more. FQE 515 In
the southern continent of Gorinth the snow had melted. The entire area had grown
from a jungle environment to a temperate forest continent. The Fissure of Gorinth
began to be wrestles. Dark energies poured out of the fissure and corrupted the
surrounding area. Long sleeping demons beneath the fissure began to stir and the
demonic armies arose. FQE 566 Demonic armies sweep over Gorinth fighting the
Orcs, Trolls, Goblins, Humans, Gorinthians, Elves and other citizens without mercy.
Paladins of Volta’Raz are able to slay a number of high ranking demon officers. FQE
577 The demon armies foolishly assault the grave of Dro’zi’el and are obliterated by
the guardians. FQE 582 The armies of the light forces are able to drive back the
demons and reseal the fissure of Gorinth after reawakening Dro’zi’els order of the
torch. FQE 599 The order of the Torch becomes established on Gorinth. FQE 600
The troll empires are defeated by the Silodon on their island continent, after sieging
half of the area.
FQE 634 The trade routes of Voriidin begin to be theorized among the
council of kings. FQE 637 building plans for intercontinental trade routes are
devised. FQE 640 The building projects are started and the different sequences are
spread among Rowin, Silodon, Humans and Dwarves. The four races of the midlands
begin to build trade roads guarded with soldiers against troll attacks. FQE 659 The
troll armies begin to move into the dragon empires in search of mystic stones of evil
power, some say that can ascend Rot to a deity. FQE 675 Rot and his armies ascend
the mountain barriers into dragon country in full force successfully. FQE 677 Over a
third of the armies are burned alive by rogue dragons pestered by the filth. FQE 681
Rot is able to slay a dragon and fashions flame resistant armor for himself and his
commanders. FQE 682 Another dragon is slain and more armor is formed to protect
the trolls from their one major weakness, fire. FQE 689 Seven dragons have been
slain but half the troll army is lost. Rot sends for female trolls to bolster the numbers
while a settlement is built in the mountains. The domed city of Zag is a defiant
outpost against the dragons. FQE 700 the dragon broods begin to take notice of the
troublesome trolls. The leader of the reptilian fiends begins to study the troll armies.
FQE 701 Female trolls arrive and the city of Zag begins to grow and burrow into the
mountain. FQE 703 Dragon attackers bombard the domed fortress but to no avail,
the dragons begin to ponder on how to destroy their foes. FQE 709 Trolls begin to
send strike forces out of the city after dragon clutches. FQE 712 Rot breeds
expendable whelps in order to kill the slow breeding dragon hordes. FQE 714 The
dragon forces of the mountains head toward the temple of the Megaloviathin in
Roomish territory. The dragon rogues steal the mighty skull of their ancestor and
deliver it to the troll armies as a sign of peace. Rot is taken away by the grandure of
becoming a deity by aborbing the power of the skull. The Dragons tell him it will
take 4 days to assimilate and teach him how to chant.
FQE 716 the foolish trolls begin to chant, but all they truly accomplish is to
call the titanic worms that guard the skull. The higherarchs warn of impending
attack, but are silenced. The remaining higherarchs abandon the trolls in the dead of
night, when the titanic worms burrow up beneath the fortress and kill the trolls. The
worms return with the skull and Rot is left with nothing. The soul survivor of the
onslaught only Rot’s symbiot higherarch remains with him. FQE 724 With his
servant the Troll leader begins to hunt the dragons in the mountains determined to
get revenge for the mockery made of him, and to sate his pride. FQE 725 Rot is able
to pinpoint the four dragon roosts that led to the downfall of his people and the
robbery of his power. FQE 726 Rot and his higherarch Lorst set up a command tent
hidden among the snowy peaks. Lorst keeps telepathic communication while Rot
travels down the mountain to slay the young and crush the dragon eggs. Rot faces
many drakes, for the first brood are yellow dragons. Yellow dragons like to keep
lesser reptiles around. Drakes are the breeding results of dragons and any other
reptile. Rot fights and butchers his way past the beasts and confronts a brook
mistress of the yellow dragons. The she dragon mocks his efforts and begins to call
the horde to slay him. Rot assaults her and is locked in one on one combat
eventually coming out the victor. Rot disappears among the corpses of the slain
while the dragons burn and tear apart their roost looking for him. By cover of
darkness Rot is able to slip back into his war tent. Once there the troll leader and his
higherarch aid begin to brainstorm plans of attack against the rest of the brood.
Lorst recommends building better armor form the remains of Zag, using the dragon
wing flesh instead of the scales to make dragon leather. FQE 726 Rot and Lorst
create a suit of dragon leather armor, which still mitigates the flames of fire breath
but is as light as leather but stronger then steel.
FQE 727 After studying and moving their camp for two years the Rot and
Lorst make their move against the yellow brood, but this time with help. A small
number of the trolls were flung into the ice and were able to regenerate over the
two year period. Now a band of five, Stout, Rot, Lorst, Ji’ul, and Mogo. The four trolls
outfitted themselves with dragon leather and crafted weapons from the left over
bones of the fallen dragons. With Zag ravaged the Troll squat made their way into
the depths of the frigid dragon country. The trolls spent no time exploiting their
regeneration by jumping off cliffs and diving down slopes with disregard for self
preservation. A destructive method of travel, jumping without looking, but trolls do
not like wasting their time and the dragon leather couldn’t be pierced by the local
stones. After a month of healing the Trolls made a good years progress across the
dragon country in a term of about seven weeks. The Yellow brood had fortified their
nest, and had moved most of their eggs, the trolls knew their honor, pride and
victory would not be easily won. The yellow dragons had hired mercenaries to hunt
the trolls down, creatures of foul birth not known to sentient or shadowborne. FQE
729 The Trolls drew back their cities to be linear with their northern kingdoms.
Dragons came in revenge and burned the lesser villages. Meanwhile the Rot crew
was able to move into the yellow nest and slay the brood. The father of the yellow
dragons came to defend his spawn but the troll crew was able to slay him. FQE 730
the new brood king takes the yellow dragons to a new nesting area and saturates
the area with chaotic energy. The energy released by the dragons rage causes
elementals to spurn from their hiding places and attack everything in the area. Rot
moves on to the blue dragons.
FQE 734 The troll kingdoms fortify themselves against dragon attacks, while
the trade routes of other mortals have begun construction. The supply lines
between Avoriin and Elves were the most daunting but the dwarven settlements
were easily established with the secret tunnels from the imperial city to the hidden
dwarven mountain far in the north. Rots squad has successfully scouted out the blue
dragons and began their assault. Rot was almost slain by the strange blue fire, but
was able to overcome through force of will. Lorst confronted Rot on his acts of
dragon slaying, boding wisdom in the fact that each strike he made the dragons
would return ten fold on his kingdom. FQE 736 Eventually Rot heeded the words of
his advisor and withdrew his mission of pride. The dragons though wounded by his
attacks, would eventually attack with such numbers his people would burn. Rot
went and buried what remained of his soldiers to charred to regenerate. The troll
squad left the mountains in search of a new challenge. FQE 742 Rot leaves the
mountains to find his kingdom under the command of his nephew Solv. Solv has
allied with his grandmother and seeks to rout the work of his uncle. FQE 748 Rot
returned to his homeland ostricised and a criminal for his military conquests. The
troll squad then took it upon themselves to dethrone the would be king, a daunting
task but they were dragon slayers. FQE 754 Rot slays his nephew and reclaims his
kingdom. In the wake of the turmoil his mother confronts him upon his return. Rot,
unable to raise his blade against his mother, agrees to end his war path against the
mortal races for a time. FQE 767 With the troll threat neutralized by treaty and
inner strife, the nations of humans and dwarves begin an industrial project the likes
of which had not been seen on Voriidin, building roads to each city in their
kingdoms. FQE 800 The humans and dwarves finish their roads across Voriidin to
each of their kingdoms.
FQE 822 The snow falls with increased vigor and a new threat dawns, the
cult of Apom. Apom’s purpose was to awaken the mythical mightans to slay the
deities and bring about a new order in the universe. FQE 833 Apom forms a temple
high in the western hills near Shadowborne borders. FQE 850 the cult of Apon has
grown in strength and number, when Apom dies at a young age the cult continues
with fervor. FQE 855 The Avoriin learn of the purpose of the cult and conspire to
unravel the evil organization. The Rowin are soon alerted the existence of the cults
intentions and their warriors rally for battle. FQE 859 The Cult of Apom is assaulted
by the forces of the United and is torn apart. FQE 861 Some cult members are able to
flee into shadowborne territory and begin dark rituals. FQE 862 The cult begins
using necromancy to revive fallen members to continue the work of Apom before
attempting to reanimate their leader. FQE 876 The Rowin storm the shadowborne
territories searching for the Cult only to be met with swarms of the evil beasts that
live there. FQE 877 The Rowin create a fort inside the lines of the shadow lands and
begin systematically finding and exterminating the cult members. FQE 879 The
castle lands begin to expand, with the troll forces recalled. The Rowin are able to
barter with some of the castles within the shadow lands for supplies. FQE 880 The
Cult revives Apom. FQE 888 The Rowin have successfully routed most of the cult
members but the living remnants are able to infiltrate one of the castle states. FQE
889 The Rowin ask for safe passage into the kingdom to destroy the cult, but are
sternly declined. 890 The armies of the United sack the castle state of Oomra and
hang the remaining cult members. FQE 894 Apom becomes a powerful undead force
and begins to harness dark powers from the shadowborne blood. Apom creates a
great hurricane of acid that tears across the shadow lands, reducing the desolate
forest realm to a desert wasteland. FQE 895 Apom is destroyed at the battle of the
United Front. FQE 896 The sky darkens once again as the sea vomits up more steam
into the sky to be turned to snow.
FQE 897 The entire globe is covered in at least 1 inch of snow once more.
Crops are destroyed that are unkept, such as in Gorinth, and the economy of many
nations plummits. FQE 899 An economic depression grips the heartland races of
Voriidin and Gorinth. FQE 900 The trolls begin to hunt mortals that trespass in their
forests to preserve resources. FQE 901 The dwarves and rowin fortify their gold and
silver mines against raids by other species. FQE 910 the first empire of the Rowin
arises among the ashes of poverty that grip the other species. FQE 912 The fighting
over resources continues as the depression draws to a close for the new empire.
FQE 922 The south eastern caves begin to yield precious gems to miners. A gem
rush begins and many would be treasure hunters seek their fortune. FQE 933 A
thriving civilization arises around the south east mines, the nation of Tal. A
conglomerate like the commonwealth of Iim, Tal is a bustling city of mining and
engineering. Tal is one of the first cities to harness steam power on a large scale,
using the omeus power to contain the chaotic waters of the area. FQE 935 The
dancing swamp is discovered. A small body of sea water isolated during one of the
ancient Tsunamis, the water dances and churns of its own will. With no borders the
dancing swamp writhes and churns without end. FQE 938 The city of Tal begins to
set up a supply line down to the eastern sea. The workers traveled threw shadow
borne territory and fought a great deal of enemies in order to secure the line. FQE
940 The city of Tal has nearly no defenders due to the fact they are always present
to defend against shadowborne.
FQE 945 Tal pays the other struggling empires to secure their routes for
them. A massive crusade is launched into the shadowborne territories to eradicate
the beasts and free the land for expansion. FQE 947 The leaders of the heart land
kingdoms begin to conspire a massive front to eliminate all shadowborne lands once
and for all. FQE 954 The United army joines the Voriidin Freedom Fighters. FQE 955
The VFF launches an attack into every shadowborne holding across the continent
covering and invading lands previously unknown. FQE 966 The VFF reaches the
western coast of Voriidin for the first time in history, breaking threw the greater
dark in order to find the blighted sea. FQE 968 The VFF find ancient demons in the
caves near the blighted sea and attack the monsters. FQE 974 The demons are slain
but the VFF forces in the west are eventually routed by the shadowborne and must
withdraw. FQE 977 The VFF begins to reassemble and move against the
shadowborne female pens. FQE 980 The battle of dark shores reveals that demons
and outworlders are breeding new species of shadowborne. FQE 987 The paladins
of Kara’Tese intervene in the VFF operations and aid them in slaying the
outworlders and demons before new shadowborne can be created. FQE 989 The
paladin core’s of Kara’Tese, Oliind, Volta’Raz and Tareena meet in the west and
purge the shadowborne from the area. FQE 999 The west is liberated from
shadowborne taint, though rogue beasts still wander. FQE 1000 The brute dragons
attack the weakened forces of the paladin core and the VFF. The forces of light are
decimated by the dragons surprise assault and are dwindled to a handful of
FQE 1022 With the snow falling harder and the inlands unguarded the
dragons begin to lay siege to the kingdoms of the west. FQE 1024 The draconic
juggernot Ta’vost is born. Ta’vost becomes the driving force in claiming the west for
dragon kind. FQE 1028 The VFF is eradicated in the west by Ta’vost and brute
dragons claim their first empire land. FQE 1030 Tilnod comes to the aid of the
paladin core in the west, and stands against Ta’vost. The forces of the paladin core
and Tilnod are sandwiched between the endless corruption of the blighted sea, the
demon caves, and the brute dragons. The Last Bastion is the name of the beach fort
created by the paladins who seek to live out their lives in defence under Tilnod’s
watch. The guardians of Tilnod arrive in order to rescue the paladins, who decline
for the intrest of setting up a standing fortress against evil. The dragons respect the
paladin but warn that their deities may not send aid to them for some time. Tilnod
will send his dragons to patrol their skys, perhaps to give a solace against the brute
dragons. Yet the demons and the forces of the blighted sea are the responsibility of
the paladins to fight. FQE 1033 The Last Bastion is visited by roaming crusaders
who bolster the numbers and expand the borders up to the demon caves. The
paldins send regular platoons into the demon caves to slay the abominations of
creation while they rest. FQE 1040 with a number of demon elders slain in their
sleep the blight in the ocean begins to lessen and the tormented sea life become less
aggressive. FQE 1044 The deeper the paladins treck into the demonic caves the less
structurally sound the area becomes. The Paladins decide to cave in the area and
seal the demons away out of reach. FQE 1050 The kingdoms of the west brace
themselves against the onslaught of the brute dragons but are systematically
whipped out by the roaming beasts. FQE 1056 The dragon juggernaut attacks the
last threshold of the western resistance and routes it. FQE 1060 The brute dragons
take ogre slaves from an unknown kingdom to do their bidding. FQE 1062 The
remnants of the paladin core, VFF and Western resistance discover an entire region
of ogre shoguns ruling in the south west. Three major fiefdoms ruled by three
shogun lords in constant war against one another. FQE 1064 The ogres have unique
dragon species under their command and are oblivious to the trifles and problems
of the outside world.
FQE 1067 The Ogres seem to be locked in the past but their weapons and
skill is unparalleled by remnant forces, yet the ogres have no sign of omeus use. FQE
1070 The brute dragons attack the ogres and decimate one of the shogunates before
a resistance can be raised. Tal’vost leads the charge against the ogres and their
dragon pets. FQE 1074 the ogres are defeated by the might of the draconic
juggernaut but the damage done to the dragons invading force has left them
vulnerable to attacks by the remnant resistance. The brute dragons withdraw for a
time while the ogres fight over the exposed lands. The pet dragons are taken for
breeding stock by the brute dragons to make hybrids as foot soldiers. FQE 1079 The
first greater drakes are born, a union between advanced and lesser dragon species.
FQE 1080 Elf druids find a secret forest nestled in the west between the Elf empire,
the ogre shoguns and the brute dragons. The secret forest holds a number of ancient
tree elementals and ancient scrolls eluding to an ancient empire of gorinthians on
Voriidin. FQE 1090 It is discovered that humans are hybrids between gorinthians
and elves. FQE 1095 Humans begin to question the findings and the sovereignty of
mankind is questioned. FQE 1098 Humanity denies the findings and commands a
relinquishing of the documents. The Elves refuse and tension grows among the
species. FQE 1100 The Humans declare trade route shut down and other embargoes
against the Elves.
FQE 1111 The Elves retaliate by returning to their forests, mocking the
foolishness of men and continue to harness the ancient power of the forests they
discovered. FQE 1122 One of the moons of the planet begins to eclipse the planet.
The eclipse lasts for a full day before undead begin to appear. FQE 1123 the sky is
still black and the cold rips through the land as the moons of Voriidin Eclipse the
sun, held stationary by unknown forces. FQE 1125 A group of adventurers is
assembled to discover the root of the dark forces holding the sun in place. The group
discovers an ancient temple nestled deep in the north where a second massive
facility, similar to the one in the south sea, is able to effect the moons. The
combination of ancient omeus power and technological harnessing has created a
plethora of dangerous guardians. FQE 1126 with the sky dark for over a year plant
life begins to wither and die, only Elf and Avoriin land sustains its plants, channeling
energy to keep them alive. The adventurers in the north are slain by the beasts but a
couple of survivors are able to reach civilization and warn the heartlands. FQE 1129
The Elves, Rowin, and Silodon unite to create a pseudo sun for the planet in the
shadow of the moons. The orb of light is forged using Silodon technology and elven
moon power to hold the orb in place. The Avoriin control the orbs orbit around the
globe. FQE 1130 The armies of the land unite to assault the facility and the first guns
are introduced to Voriidin. FQE 1132 The orb in the sky dissipates and the armies
are successfully able to remove the moon from the bases spell. FQE 1133 The
armies discover portals to the moons located within the facility. FQE 1134 The first
expedition to the moon is made by the forces of the heartlands. The moon is
inhabitable at first but the air quality of the thin atmosphere quickly brings death.
The dwarves are able to fashion suits with the aid of the Silodon in order to help the
explorers. FQE 1137 A small base camp is created on the moon and the local flora
and fauna are cataloged. A number of dangerous creatures were discovered on the
moon, some of which bare resemblance to terrestrial hunters. FQE 1139 A new
resource is discovered on the moon, Rubinite. Rubinte is a similar compound to the
Rubidium found on the planet. Yet the Rubinite gives off lightning energy that can be
harnessed seemingly infinitely.
FQE 1143 The new resource is to be collected by governments, but the
discovery of a new race on the moon hinders the progress. The Movilt are an
amorphous species discovered on the moon that seem almost to be a blend of two
different creatures. Each of the Movilt contain an organic core surrounded by
floating material. FQE 1150 The Movilt are slain on sight by the greedy forces of the
heartlands and the gun becomes a primary weapon among government arsenals.
FQE 1154 While useful, gun warfare was not practical on Voriidin where the
creatures have improved armor, regenerate and omeus hinders natural style of
combat. FQE 1156 Guns are implemented as the staple weapons to guards in major
cities where conditions can be controlled. Dwarves build buster launchers, basically
guns that fire sticks of dynamite. The buster launcher is an effective weapon but
largely used in dry climates. FQE 1158 The Movilt are pushed back from the lunar
expeditions entirely, massive cities and a lunar culture are uncovered. The Rubinite
seems a scattered resource, but the populace of the planet is unaware. The Movilt
had many names for the planet in their view but Dromi’el was their preferred name.
FQE 1160 The lunar excavations are disrupted by a volcanic eruption on the surface.
FQE 1161 The work of mining Rubinite is undone as a terrible plague sweeps over
the workers suddenly. FQE 1163 The second paladin of Dronn suddenly appears in
the hills surrounding the facility. FQE 1167 The paladin seeks to overcome the
facilities defenses, the powers that be declair the opperations halted until the
paladin can be slain.
FQE 1170 The portals close, something in the activity triggers the security
systems. The entire facility is assaulted by mechanical guards and the facility is lost.
FQE 1171 The paladin bides his time and waits for an opening to enter the base, but
none of the workers can figure out why. FQE 1178 The facility shuts down
completely and the ties to the lunar settlement are lost. FQE 1180 the remaining
Rubinite is shipped to major cities for industrial security and becomes the backbone
of many currencies. FQE 1188 The Elves continue to study the findings of the
ancient forest, but unearth a terrifying secret. The Elves of the ancient civilization
used curses in their warfare in order to highten and reduce the omeus use in war.
Curses that turned Elves or soldiers into animals were the most common. FQE 1200
The humans storm the forests of the Elves driven by blind zeal for their sovereignty
rights, having brewed and built their armies for over 100 years. When the humans
arrived the Elves were unprepared and yet had the ancient curses. Select warriors
were cursed and became the first ware creatures since time primordial. FQE 1206
The castle Drog becomes the first human settlement to contract lycanthropy from
wounded warriors in the Elf invasion.
FQE 1207 The count and his sons conduct the disease caused by the elves
curse fighters, a disease only spread to humans but quickly kills lesser men. FQE
1208 due to a genetic defect the count and his sons mutate the disease in their own
bodies into a virus with a lower mortality rate. FQE 1210 the results of the count
further prove the findings that humans are the spawn of elves and gorinthians. FQE
1215 The castle Drog holds the first werewolf arena battles. Other were species are
present but none of the diseases from the soldiers mutate and many die. FQE 1222
The castle Drog is assaulted by paladins of Jonas who raise the city and burn the
corpses of the infected. The living are taken into quarantine and the count is
replaced by paladin captain Suvant. The crafty old dwarf shows little regard for the
humanity of the infected and anger stirs in the hearts of the wolves. FQE 1224 The
count and his sons escape the dungeon and run into the hills. They formulate a
counter offensive, but decide to bolster their numbers first. FQE 1230 The kiss of
wolves is written about the exploits of the count and his sons, seducing women and
turning them in hopes of breeding pure werewolves. The plan succeeds and genetic
werewolves are born. FQE 1245 The small pack of werewolves attack castle Drog to
reclaim the throne, but are slain by Suvant and his men. Only the youngest son of
the count survives. FQE 1250 The lone wolf is confronted by a cloaked man and told
to abandon his quest. The paladin will receive his reward for his treachery the man
says. The wolf lashes out at the notion of the stranger before the stranger reveals his
identity as Jonas himself. Later in life the lone wolf had found a mate and started a
family, when a knock came to his door. The knock was none other then Suvant old
and near blindness and destitute. Instead of killing him on the spot the young wolf
took him in and cared for him. When Suvant became bed ridden from sickness the
wolf merely patted him on the shoulder and said, you put up a good fight kennel
FQE 1255 The human and elf wars end with stalemate between the two
factions. The economy of the two is in turmoil and the resulting weakness against
the evil fiends that roam the land is undeniable. FQE 1266 The Dragon juggernaut
conquers the west completely, only defiant pockets of resistance challenge him. The
Ogre shoguns make air nets and barriers to keep the dragons and everyone else out.
FQE 1267 The cold air breaths as a strange power sweeps over the east. The
shadowborne of the eastern lands bolstered themselves making travel nigh
impossible. Though when presented with food in the form of mortals the
shadowborne chose to ignore people completely, a new threat rose in the east one
the fiends could not ignore. The east was mostly mapped near the water pipeline
that led to the ocean. There were sea faring humans and Rowin that dwelt on the
coast, while the forests crawled with shadowborne beyond the blight line. Yet a mile
north of the pipeline there appeared strange warriors holding single edged swords
with hooks on the end. The strange soldiers say little and wander in packs of 8 no
more no less. FQE 1269 Shadowborne attack these new soldiers without mercy
trying to kill them with no regard for self preservation. FQE 1272 A diplomatic
measure is taken with these new warriors, but it is soon realized these are not
reason bound beings.
FQE 1273 The Sefesh are the outcroppings of Enole, extensions of the void of
balance in the world due to the three dead Ginth. The sefesh were embodyments of
singular thoughts, not emotion or essence, just thought and acts of reason. The
strange warriors would attack at opportune times never risking personal form, but
always without fear, strife, or anger guiding them. The Sefesh seemed almost human
behind their visage, but it was learned that they embody the thoughts of the being
whence they came. Those of dark or lustful thoughts manifested a crimson colored
Sefesh that attacked nether regions and throats in its strikes; able to draw the life
from their victims. Those of greed bound minds spawned light green Sefesh that had
a unique power to create some kind of dark orb that sucked everything near to them
for easy attacks. Those of kind minds spawned yellow Sefesh that carried tower
shields and could call ethereal versions of enemies weapons to fight with them in a
phalanx. The beings seem to follow specific orders of operation based on what
thoughts they spawned from, some targeting men some women while others attack
at random. The pipeline brokers saw it fit that the pests be eliminated, for such
rogue onslaught would be bad for business. FQE 1280 The official order is released
and a bounty is placed on the Sefesh. FQE 1282 Hunting Sefesh becomes a fools
errand as the tireless, fearless, creatures cull their hunters continuously and begin
to target sentient races perpetually. FQE 1289 The very strife and fear generated by
the soldiers and workers on the pipeline create a fourth species of Sefesh. The black
Sefesh use ranged daggers and a bow all made of shadow energy. If the weapon of a
black Sefesh kills a victim they arise a skeleton soldier under the command of the
Sefesh. FQE 1290 Work on the pipelines is ground to a halt due to the exorbitant
amount of Sefesh coming into existence from workers nightmares. The clerics,
warriors, paladins and other adventurers that come to deal with the creatures
seldom finish off a group before another has taken their place.
FQE 1298 The snow builds up over the northern hemisphere causing
avalanches and rivers to stop flowing. The economies of the north feel the strain on
logging and other aquatic transport dependent industries. FQE 1300 Mages and
Clerics establish a social science society in order to discover the purpose and origin
of the Sefesh and other creatures on Voriidin. FQE 1311 The different faiths of
Voriidin begin to manifest theories of the Sefesh purpose and doomsday rantings.
FQE 1312 Pilgrims risk life and limb to travel across the land to demigod hosts and
even aloof libraries to seek wisdom on the epidemic of living thoughts entering the
world with cruel vendettas. FQE 1316 The Elf emporer is visited in a dream by
Irliina who tells him that the creatures known as the Sefesh are the remnant of the
Ginth. The beings are the remnant of the Ginth’s consciousness that is so powerful
that it spawns living thoughts based on creatures that contain Ginth energy, the
omeus. FQE 1320 The emperor of the elves tells his people of his dream and the
meaning there of. The elves take up the monastic practices of the Avoriin,
meditating and releasing negative energy. For Avoriin are the only races not
represented in the armored figure of the Sefesh.
FQE 1322 The elves reluctantly tell humanity of the Sefesh and their origins.
Some people listen but a few begin devising devastating military applications of
such beings. FQE 1326 The human mages begin attempting to channel the energy of
human monks in order to create Sefesh without the victim being asleep or groggy.
The goal was to create an army of infinite warriors loyal to their sire. The result of
the experiment was a new species of Sefesh known as logic. The logic based Sefesh
were anything but loyal yet were not driven by aggressive after thoughts, or for
them actions, and thus were not directly attacked. With the experiments failing
miserably the mages were put to death by the dukes who ruled them and the monks
were driven mad by the number of Sefesh speaking into their minds. The new threat
of logic was the fact that being in the presence of a Sefesh of logic brought
frustration, calm and doubt. Despite the alarming rate of the Mind soldiers
manifestations, their numbers remained that of a small legion instead of a massive
army. FQE 1330 A massive offensive is made to cull the Sefesh. A rogue mage
created a device that can suppress the powers of the average sentient in order to
prevent Sefesh creation. Such was the theory activate the devise and suppress
Sefesh, the result was that the device cut off the link between the Sefesh and the
mortals, stopping whispers but allowing the Sefesh to have thoughts and ideals of
their own.
FQE 1333 with the new empowered Sefesh able to create lesser versions of
themselves as foot soldiers, became the dominant threat to the civilizations of the
world. FQE 1339 The Elves confront the Mental monstrosities on a diplomatic level.
The Sefesh of logic say that there are some still to be born, and so Pride, Hope and
Love Sefesh are born. The combined aspects of thought begin to vanish into the
ethereal worlds of the fay ever watching, ever waiting. FQE 1348 The Elves release
the terms of survival between those who dwell under the Sefesh watch. The great
barriers are formed in honor of the pact. FQE 1354 A new king in the imperial city
decrees an open apology for the actions of his predicessors against the elves. FQE
1355 The draconic juggernaut is spotted in the heartlands. A number of different
dragon species are found in the dragon country long thought whipped out in the
dragon wars. FQE 1389 A new Elven faction arises under the banner of Gien. Gien
does not forgive the imperial city or mankind and their allies. The Elves declare war
on the humans, rowin and silodon. FQE 1390 The other elf tribes move into the
ancient forests to escape the tyrannical persecution of Gien. FQE 1400 The war of
Gien ends with all of the southern region save the lowlands and Tish falling to Gien.
Yet the northern elf tribes resisted the onslaught of their brethren by creating walls
of snow and ice to defend against the invasions. FQE 1417 The empire of the
southern elves adopt other unknown tribes of elves while enslaving or
exterminating other races found.
FQE 1423 One species of elves enveloped is disgusted by Gien and secretly
wages war on the tyrant. FQE 1433 The elven assassins born from the far west make
their way into the ranks of the Gien army and eventually slay the tyrant. The forces
of the elves attempted to move against the dragons but recalled their forces after the
dragon sages uncovered a cache of ancient war golems. FQE 1444 The empire of
Gien is taken over by his son under the watchful eyes of his assassin wife Tal’na. FQE
1447 The heartland empires begin to feel uneasy as the empires of dragons and
elves swell. The remaining species unit into the Hartfield Line, a group of different
species united in a royal line spanning the heartland. FQE 1450 The Silodon empire
delves into their vault of technology to regain control of their homeland from the
mutations of Meznar. FQE 1453 The Silodon are able to move against the mutant
forces with great success. FQE 1460 The silodon reclaim their homeland and
destroy almost all of the mutant creatures. FQE 1467 The old capital is still
unassailable due to the remnant of greater mutations and genetic experiments. FQE
1474 Hartfield forces bolster their lines against the elven empire. The use of
cannons and other types of ballistic weapons only provide basic solace against the
elves battle tree creatures.
FQE 1475 The old trade roads are walled off and the entire Hartfield area is
fenced in. The different mages in the heartlands attempt to experiment as much as
possible to create super soldiers for the human and dwarven forces. FQE 1488 The
royal lines of the Hartfields are broken into different people groups in order to
prevent inbreeding and crossbreeding among species. The Imperial city of man still
stands alone. FQE 1494 The forces of the Tefarin return to the northeast and assume
their lives as if nothing had happened. FQE 1500 The Hartfields receive word of the
Tefarin return and begin to suspect foul play. The hartfield humans send a small
group of adventurers to the northern facility in order to try and reactivate the lunar
portal. FQE 1502 The first frost pirates begin to appear on metal ships across the
northern sea. Their ships are slow and cumbersome but cut threw the ice with
brutal precision. FQE 1508 Pirate ships begin to dominate the untouched regions of
the world, evading countries and enemies all across Voriidin. The blighted sea still
keeps pirates from sailing threw the east but the Northern mysteries begin to
unravel. FQE 1515 A group of adventurers are sent to reclaim stolen goods by the
ice pirates. When the team of lawbringers arrives they discover the ship has been
assaulted by strange ice creatures. The entire northern ice cap is crawling with
strange crustacean menaces. The creatures are strong, fast and durable, normal
weapons do next to nothing.
FQE 1516 The adventurers are able to escape but the swarm begins to march
across the ice to the mainland. FQE 1517 The crustacean menace makes landfall in
the north and begins to attack anything that moves. A rogue army of barbarians
stands against the fiends, accompanied by Yatosh. FQE 1550 The battle has been
fought across the northlands. The Troll empires begin to fight the rogue crustaceans
while the bulk of the horde has been routed by the barbarian resistance, until the
rest of the creatures awaken. The barbarian lines fall back into the deep forests and
the frozen sea ice is shattered by over a million of the creatures rising from the
depths. FQE 1560 The horde hits the mainland like a Tsunami whipping out
everything in its path. Rot assembles the broken barbarian tribes and launches a
counter offensive against the crustacean threat. The Resulting battles bode
surprising few casualties for the defenders, being that no fights are made on open
ground. The northern forests take heavy hits but the combined gorilla tactics of the
armies break up the horde to containable measures. The eastern troll empire
bolsters its borders but does not aid the northern people against the fiends. FQE
1578 The crustaceans are all but slain, there corpses riddled with eggs for the next
generation. The hero’s and adventurers search the forests hoping to eliminate the
threat. The Hartfields launch a full scale attack upon Rot and his empire upon
hearing of their weakness. FQE 1590 The trolls put of a valiant resistance but
eventually must retreat or be annihilated by the opposing armies. The Hartfield
humans retake the troll lands stolen hundreds of years ago. FQE 1600 Rot gets
FQE 1601 Trolls do not suffer death from age, and the troll squad is alive and
well to face the new threat of invaders. Yet instead the would be ruler returns his
people to their native caves to the far north, Rot has sought revenge before and
knows its ends. Though the armies of the trolls regrow and adapt. FQE 1644 The
second troll empire is secure and with the frost higherarchs, is able to defeat the
Hartfields campaign. FQE 1670 The humans move back into their frozen homes but
attacks by troll survivors remain a constant threat. FQE 1671 The adventurers sent
to investigate the northern facility are able to discover and reactive the lunar portal,
but at the cost of many lives. The years that passed since the first expedition have
yielded the truth that the Tefarin are originally from one of Voriidins Moons. FQE
1680 The draconic juggernaut awakens after a long rest. The beast begins brooding
on further conquest. FQE 1690 The first currencies of the hartfields begin to appear
within the central lands. FQE 1696 The Avoriin begin to unite their tribes to support
the re-energizing of the worlds plant life. FQE 1700 The old and dead forests begin
to sprout to life as the Avoriin elders give their lives and their omeus to revive the
plant life. The elves channel the energies and are able to make great process in
reviving dormant seeds.
FQE 1702 The snow begins to subside and the sky lightens. The trade rodes
begin to bustle as guilds begin to form in major cities across Voriidin. FQE 1705
Near every field of adventurer study has become a guild and many more sub classes
have adopted their own social structure. FQE 1717 The guilds become an economic
boon. The Hartfields begin to open trade with the elves, but remain weary of the
Trolls to the North. FQE 1724 The last Sefesh disappears and within months the
pipe line workers are back to their jobs. With the pipeline to the steam powered
cities revived, the production of gems and precious resources finally crushes the
depression. FQE 1737 Gorinth begins a thriving fishing industry as many species
trapped by ice flows are allowed to swim south after the crustacean invasion. FQE
1745 The elves begin operations and massive omeus use to remove the snow from
their territory. FQE 1748 The draconic juggernaut attacks his enemies. The forces of
the greater drakes stampede into all the kingdoms of the civilized world mirroring
the dragon wars of old. The snow and ice impedes the initial carnage, as the drakes
must rest in order to warm their cold blood with dragon fire.
FQE 1755 The greater drake army is a hazard to all living things in Voriidin,
yet the cold prevents them from pushing their lines. Adventurers are garnered from
all across the globe for the great frost quest campaign. The campaign is a military
operation of privately contracted militia under the re-established UFF. The militia is
to travel across the land and use gorilla tactics and whatever means necessary short
of obliterating the area, to stop the greater drakes. FQE 1759 The frost quests begin
to flare up as the greater drakes and lesser drakes begin to swarm their territories
and mages continue to rout them while warriors cut them down. FQE 1762 The frost
quests end with a border being established and a constant military pressance made
around the dragons swelling empire. FQE 1776 Among the rash and vagrant actions
of kingdoms and monsters, the heart of adventure still burned brightly. A group of
thrill seekers and nobles of the Hartfield line decided to sail across the eastern sea
to discover what other secrets lay beyond the horizon. FQE 1777 The expedition of
explorers commences. The ship leaves Tish and sails threw the channel between
Gorinth and Voriidin on a course toward the east.
FQE 1781 The remnant of the shadowborne in the west begin to breed
amongst one another, and a prodigy is born. The creature was named Scath by the
farmers he terrorized. Scath grew into a shadowborne the likes of which had not
been seen since antiquity. 1786 The old beasts of the western evils are killed off by
Scath and a new breed of shadowborne come to dominate the land. A group of
raiders, rogues, bandits and even sorcerers, (for shadowborne cannot use omeus
instead they corrupt their own life force) and rangers. The evil council of
shadowborne create a menace the likes of which man has never seen, or ever did
see in all honesty. While Scath was a military generous and a monster above all
others his reign was short lived. FQE 1790 The Ta’vost slays Scath and the
remaining shadowborne of the west after they faild to assassinate him. FQE 1795
The dragon deity Tilnod approaches the border of dragons and man. There between
the conflict he erects his library of power in order to stave the tide of war. FQE 1799
A silodon ascends by the name of Hirn. The new ascended silodon assembles a
group of adventurers to attack the capital of the Silodon continent. The horrors and
robots found within the city are almost more then the adventurers could handle.
FQE 1800 The city of the silodon remained unsalvaged. The armies of Meznar
proved to great to overcome and the adventurers were able to escape but the
silodon ascendant sacrificed himself. With the essence of the Ultra scattered over
the city the mutations of Meznar began to revert or hibernate. The machines did not
recognize most of the creatures after the events and killed a majority of the believed
intruders. FQE 1802 With a majority of the creatures slain the Silodon are able to
retake their home completely. Yet the portals of Meznar remained untouchable
making an uneasy living for the people. FQE 1808 A group of adventurers are able to
recover ancient phoenix feathers from the great battle of the sun lands near the
north pole. The dust is able to diffuse the soul portals of Meznar in the imperial city
of the silodon. FQE 1811 A great deal of snow falls upon the land in specific areas
boding an ominous sign. FQE 1812 Snow elementals begin to form from the patches
of ice that fell the prior year. The elementals begin to rampage across the land
absorbing all the heat from wherever they go. The elementals seemed to gather the
heat from an area and then take it in orb form to a specific unknown location in the
southern catacombs.
FQE 1813 A group of adventurers begins an arduous march through frozen
tundra. The adventurers made there way to the southern catacombs in search of the
missing heat. For the world began to slowly freeze over. The elementals were
brutally efficient in their ability to attack and steal heat. Entire forests and crops
failed. Only rationed and underground farms could still operate. FQE 1814 The
adventurers arrive at the catacombs and discover a cult entwined with the
elementals. There amongst the psychopathic priests and the elementals lay a greater
elemental thought never to be seen on the mortal plain. After infiltration, battle and
study the adventurers returned with their information the following year. FQE 1816
The declaration stated the “Solid Blood,” as the cult called themselves, sought to
freeze the world solid to mimic the effects of Volta’razz attack that slew three
deities. Their goal was to kill as many deities and demigods who sought to interfere
and absorb their power. Then with their new power the cult would recreate the
world anew. FQE 1820 The Hartfield Mages are able to teleport a group of
adventurers into the catacombs armed to deal with the threat. The world outside is
steadily freezing solid. FQE 1822 The Adventurers are able to destroy the cult
members but the greater elemental and the cult leader escape back into the fourth
fold of the fay, a dimension hub for travelers.
FQE 1833 The deities meet at the first divine councel to discuss what must be
done in light of such a direct attack against them. The demigods are also invited to
partake in the meeting. FQE 1834 With the watchers distracted the forces of evil
become ever more prevalent. Lesser forces and commanders called themselves dark
lords and began galavanting on campaigns to destroy the world. While the true
forces of evil began more sinister work, delving into ancient arts and forbidden
powers to corrupt the world further rather than destroying it. FQE 1835 The deities
return to their duties and the worlds balance begins to re-establish. The word of the
Author is deciphered from the eternal record and the next choice of action is clear.
The barricading of the dimension lords, was the only way to prevent such attacks on
the Ajvuun, deities and demigods. The dimension lords are powerful beings that
control the portals between different realms, and ultimatly the fabric that holds a
book/universe together. While not powerful in a divine sense these beings have vast
celestial power.
FQE 1844 The deities go to fight against the dimension lords but are stopped
by Volta’Razz. The Eliin commands them under order of the author that they
overstep their boundaries. “You cling to your power like a dog to a bone, fearful that
the master or another will snatch it from you,” said the Eliin. “Do you not
understand that your power is for such a time as this to stand against the emotions
that ruin mortal lives. Yet all of thee cluster to ideals and emotional principles in
search of absolutes that do not exist. Do what thee were commanded in the
beginning; and thee of evil power stay in thy holes serpents,” said Volta’Razz. With a
mighty swing of his sword the deities were scattered and the armies of their host
burned away to ash, to reform back in Shollar. The Eliin stared at the dragon
overlords and other outworlders that had joined the cause, “Yee remnants of the
Megaloviathin return to your balance,” said the Eliin. FQE 1850 The library council
meets for the second time in history, where the dimensional lords re-evaluate the
rights and treaties of portal and inter story travel among beings. FQE 1853 The
Vampire lords reawaken to a frozen storm of a world. The Vampires seek the dead
during the dragon invasions and soon create a small army of undead. FQE 1857 The
paladins of Irliina sense the pressance of the vampires and rouse a mighty force to
combat them. The clerics of Irliina focus and channel power in order to decipher the
location of the vampires.
FQE 1858 The vampires learn that the amount of sunlight blotted by the
storm is enough to allow them to walk in the daytime. The armies of the Four begin
to strike at lowly settlements nestled in the mountains. Unfortunately a small troll
expedition is caught in the fighting. Vos’trage becomes the first troll vampire, a
twisted fiend with no defined way to perish. Vos’trage found he could walk in the
sunlight but this canceled his troll healing factor. FQE 1862 The Four seek to create
additional troll vampires for their army but are unable to control Vos’trage unless
two of the four focus on his mind. The analysis of the condition affirms to the
vampires that trolls are far to barbaric to be effective vampires, and their
regeneration forces them to attack with insatiable hunger. FQE 1864 Heal daughter
of Rot finds Vos’trage and defeats him in a duel. The resulting battle binds Vos’trage
to her service since he cannot die to pay his debt. FQE 1865 The Hartfield line gets
news of the Vampires return and informes the Elven empire. The Elves then make a
shrewd play by informing the dragons of the filths presence.
FQE 1866 With nowhere to hide the vampires launch a counter offensive
aimed at the dragons. Sending all their undead forces to stall the lizards, the Four
move against the Elves. While vampires are a struggle the original four assassins
turned protean Vampire is more then any platoon of soldiers can handle. The Four
hide and strike in the elves forests, barely evading detection in an otherwise one
sided environment. FQE 1867 Druids of the elves are finally able to pinpoint the
abilities of the vampires and corner them in the palace city of Sar’Ni. The battle of
Sar’Ni causes the vampires to fight for two days straight without faltering, yet on the
third day light prevails. A lone image pierces the forests as the elven king enters the
fray. With the power of the forest and the old sap behind him, the blood of the elven
king cannot be turned against him. As the dusk of the third day falls so do the Four
to the power of the elven king. The vampires lords are bound in amber and buried
beneath the ground of a sulfur deposit till next they wake. Yet the damage done by
the vampires is irreversible hundreds lie dead and many must be burnt to prevent
turning. The Elven royal guard is reduced to twelve surviving families. FQE 1868
Vos’trage is discovered by Rot. The Troll leader defeats the monster himself and
binds him as guardian of lady Heal. With a double barrier of ancient law forcing his
moves, Vos’trage submits and relinquishes his rage. Though the hunger of the
vampire troll is insatiable. A special apparatus is designed by the higherarchs to
recycle the blood that Vos’trage has consumed so that he can stabilize to a normal or
lesser feeding rate.
FQE 1869 The first frost basalisks are seen apart from mount Emprum. The
basalisks seemed to be migrating to new hunting grounds in the commotion of war.
The Monsters can contend with dragons in ferocity and power. As a result the
armies of the Hartfields focus on fighting basilisks rather then dragons for the time
being. FQE 1870 A strange ice crystal is found in the belly of one of the ice basilisk.
The gem seems to be some form prison for inside is a strange dark colored creature.
Upon thawing the beast researchers discover him to be a Vitrolisk a creature from
the dimension of Dronn. The Vitrolisk are supposedly Dronn’s grandchildren which
makes them all a step down from a demigod. The researchers inquire the creatures
name but it vanishes before any specific testing can commense. FQE 1872 A dragon
leutennant by the name of Fang is brought before the council of dragon servants of
Ta’Vost. In defiance with direct orders to devour a widowed resistor and her family
Fang is exiled from the dragons. FQE 1874 Fang wanders the wilderness and
consumes a great deal of beasts and rights some wrongs while causing others. FQE
1876 Ta’Vost moves against the elven empire for a decisive strike to gain a great
deal of land, but Fang interrupts his assault by routing the fire channels for the
drakes, preventing infantry from moving against the elves. The failed attack causes
the dragons to hunt Fang with a vengeance.
FQE 1880 Fang is cursed by the elves after they discover that he had drank of
the old sap. The curse imprisoned the dragon in the ice far to the north with the
same sulfur cap as the vampire lords. Fang was cursed in a similar way to the
vampires, that he must feed on the flesh of beasts to transform and the bodies of
dragons to survive. So Fang was imprisoned in a human form unable to assume his
draconic power without feasting on tons of animal flesh. FQE 1888 The frozen
prison of Fang begins to cause stirring among the villagers in the area. A small
religious group travels to the place where a strange rune circle has appeared in the
ice cap. FQE 1890 A bustling village is constructed upon the rune circle and becomes
one of the most prestigious locations in the north, the city of Voln. FQE 1893 The
world begins to subside in its turmoil. The snow thickens once again and the
dragons are forced to retreat from their campaign. Only the brute dragons dare fly
in the blizzards that dominate the nocturnal scenes. FQE 1894 The rumors of ghosts
begin to leek from abandoned temples and local cemeteries. FQE 1895 Adventurers
from all around flock at the promise of gold and glory for vanqishing the ghosts of
the north. FQE 1897 Upon inspection by clerics, it appears that the spirits are not
ghosts at all, but the Sefesh blinking into this reality from the folds of the fey. The
creatures were believed disoriented and rash in their habbits to repeat actions and
avoid confrontation. FQE 1899 The pressance of the Sefesh bodes fear in the hearts
of the imperial mages. Though the imperial city of man had not gone unchanged
since the Hartfield lines began, the soul human empire on Voriidin saw it fit to keep
tabs on events of the world. The Sefesh were bound by ancient pact, but their
pressance meant something in their dimension was driving them into Voriidin
reality. FQE 1900 The dimensional lord Il’ges comes to the mortal plain in search of
aid against the Nefori that have invaded his realm. Il’ges was unable to stop the
Nefori Lord Ro’Mos from destroying the barrier of worlds and opening a trans book
QE 1901 The book of Il’kile was a strange and wonderful land. The ground
was covered in a fuzzy orange moss, while the massive stone pillars that dotted the
area made massive homes to algie. The realm seemed to be dominated by lesser
plant life, for there was no grass or tree species there. Some fungus grew to create
the only forests, but these died and revived multiple times per year making the
landscape shift each month. The sky was a brilliant clear blue with sun raining down
on most of the surface, while the moons eclipses brought night cycles. For the realm
of Il’kile had multiple suns and multiple moons, so the adventurers who traveled
there were very fatigued at first. FQE 1902 The shadowborne had begun to enslave
the local ecology to their bidding a race of giant insects provided the position as the
dominant predators. The mystic energies of Il’kile were strong and the oxygen levels
high, the dimension lord had to shield those of Voriidin in order that they enter the
realm. When first a dragonfly the size of a hawk was seen, the adventurers knew
things weren’t right. The closest moon to Il’kile was a good distance closer then the
moons of Voriidin. So close was the moon that if one were to jump they would be
slightly pulled. FQE 1903 Despite the scientific fascination with the realm by the
Silodon. The adventurers strove to rid the realm of the Nefori. FQE 1905 while the
dimensions are being stabilized the mercantile industry begins to boom. A number
of development projects erects towns nearly over night. Elves, Hartfields and the
Imperial city all add on to their staggering holdings.
FQE 1912 The outlying fiefdoms within the eastern shadowborne territory
begin to reclaim their stability and adventurers unwittingly clear out ancestral
homes in search of reward. FQE 1927 The wild folk, troll, orc, goblin and ogres,
begin to recess their attacks and focus on a new threat in Gorinth. A new gorinthian
tribe master has arisen and he felt that his lands were threatened. While there was
truth in the fact the gorinthians lived among the wild folk, they were more then
capable of repelling multiple siege attempts. Yet the war of Gorinth began. FQE 1930
The war fo Gorinth cut off all trade routes through the expanse between the
continent, naval forces crowded the water way and nigh killed the fishing industry
with fear. FQE 1931 The adventurers trapped on Gorinth witnessed horrible battle
and epic struggle. The few settlements and fortresses of mankind and the Rowin
became packed to the gills. No one dared to enter the forests and hills after dark.
The Gorinthians marched into infested territories and surprisingly won their bouts.
The forces of the gorinthians pushed until an entire area was culled of all other
species. The culling fields were deemed a neutral barrier where no sentient beings
could reside lest they be considered aggressors preparing for war. FQE 1932 With
the numbers of wild folk reduced, the demigods who ruled over them began to get
interested. Not fully in understanding of their powers, these demigods thought
themselves unique among their species rather then heirs of the most powerful life
forces on the planet.
FQE 1934 The naval forces of the different races still roam the waters
unaware the war was over. The brave sea voyagers tried again and again to fish but
almost always a war vessel would chase them to port. FQE 1936 The Elves began
increasingly angry at the high number of rogue naval vessals. The empire began to
fashion fast and maneuverable ships that could weave and dodge through traffic.
FQE 1937 The Elves launch an offensive against the forces of the Gorinthian strand.
The resulting months of conflict left the naval fleets of Gorinth devastated and the
Elves in control of the strand. FQE 1938 The dragon overlords are assaulted by the
different monsters of the area to aquire the dark stones. FQE 1939 The roosts of
Tilnod, Vosga, and Roomish are fortified against the unknown assailants. Tilnod is
wounded, but able to recover, while the others are gravely wounded. One of the
three dark stone is revealed to be missing, Vosgas stone had been captured. FQE
1943 As the years continued Tilnod and Roomish began to show signs of corruption.
The stones in their possession were beginning to taint their minds. FQE 1945 Tilnod
recognized the corruption and went to his brother Roomish. Tilnod advised giving
the gems to the Ajvuun and having Jonas or Tareena guard them. But the prideful
Roomish had a better plan. Roomish proposed the creation of a new dragon deity
with the power of the stones to temper it. For there were no dragon overlords that
bode of the evil flame, and balance had to be maintained. Tilnod disagreed and said
the only true balance was evils suppression within obedience to righteousness.
Roomish laughed at his brother but before he could use his power Tilnod absorbed
the stones into himself. The once repentant and loyal Tilnod corrupted instantly into
a malefic horror. Kadonus, the corrupted Tilnod looked into his brothers eyes and
snorted. Kadonus flew to the peak of Mt. Emprum where he commanded the high
shaman to slay him with the axe of Kara’tese. The Shaman agreed and struck down
Kadonus before Roomish could arrive to stop him. With his death Tilnods essence
was taken by Tovicuss to rest within the gates of peace. Though a dragon and being
corrupted Tilnod sacrificed himself for his race so that the evil they made would
never rise again.
FQE 1947 Roomish puts out a bounty for the return of the last stone stolen
from Vosga. Vosga mourns the death of her brother while brooding on how to
recover the stone. FQE 1948 A new demigod rises in the south lands, he is clothed in
darkness and rides a horse of obsidian. The dragons know he is born of the stone of
darkness. FQE 1949 Roomish and Vosga fly to meet the would be ruler. The battle
that occurred marked the end of the dragon overlords. The battle raged atop a
mountain of dark rock, and the volcanic ashe made flying nigh impossible even for
the likes of the greater dragons. The shadowborne swarmed the deities as they
fought dealing blow after blow to the dragons nigh impenetrable hide. The brother
and sister fought for days but the endless swarms eventually weakened them as to
become vulnerable to mortal weapons. The dark rider attacked and struck with
great and terrible force. Yet Vosga sacrificed herself and annihilated the undending
horde with a mighty flash of fire. Roomish destroid the rider in two day long battle,
but succumb to his wounds. As the greater dragon lay dying he condensed his
essence into a single egg and then perished, burning away to dust.
FQE 1950 The Egg of Roomish was found by Silodon explorers, drawn by the
dark energy to investigate. The egg was placed on display at a silodon museum
oblivious to its true nature. FQE 1953 With the death of the dragon overlords the
other creature deities and demigods began to examine their own might and
durability. FQE 1954 A number of deities foolishy sought to test their metal against
one another, leading to the first divine arena. The dieties of Voriidin slew one
another till only one remained the lord of the arena. Sitting atop an ethereal throne
forged from the remains of life energy unbound, the Arena king became the only
deity on Voriidin. The Ajvuun kept a close eye on the Arena King and gauged his
actions as to wether or not they should attack him. FQE 1957 The demigods were
freed from the oppression of mightier foes and began performing epic quests and
feats of bravery so as to cement their position of power. FQE 1959 The frosts began
to die down in the sky and the last world blizzard passed.
FQE 1961 The Hartfields claim some of the shadowborne territory destroyed
in the stone battle with Vosga and Roomish. FQE 1964 Jonas begins to cull demigods
left and right, the beings awakening as normal creatures of their races. FQE 1967
The life energy attained by Jonas from killing the demigods or rather stripping them
of their power, is formed into a singular crystal power source. FQE 1969 The Ajvuun
lose track of Jonas, as he seamlessly vanishes from the Voriidin. FQE 1970 The
council of Ajvuun begin to send out their paladins to hunt for Jonas. The different
Ajvuun worry that the earth keeper has become corrupted. A number of different
soldiers and warriors are scattered across Voriidin in order to discern the location
of the forge lord. FQE 1973 A large fissure in the north is found that leads deep into
the earth. The Ajvuun investigate but find a terrible revelation, that one of the
Mightans has awakened below the surface of Voriidin. Jonas had taken the power of
the demigods to empower his mechanical creations that fight in infinity to prevent
the Mightan from making its way to the surface. FQE 1975 For his crimes Jonas is
sealed with his chasm at his own volition, looking back only once to see his bride
before the jaws of tectonic plates close on him. The inner workings of the earth
begin to launch earthquakes every so often, as a message to all the battle is raging.
FQE 1976 The Winter intensifies as the mourning Irliina accepts her husbands faults
and reveals to her sister Tareena she is pregnant.
FQE 1977 The hidden pregnancy of Irliina is hidden from the other Ajvuun by
the dimension lord Sulvis. FQE 1978 The birth of Ulia is a blessed revival for Shollar.
A new Ajvuun restored the balance that Jonas absence rought. Ulia grew fast and her
power seemed to focus on the forces of the fay. Ulia was instantly adopted by the
fairy queen and the satyr collective; as the Ajvuun of the fey the Sefesh became the
prime charge of Ulia, to guard and watch the stray thoughts of the world her
mission. FQE 1979 The Sefesh become a force against the power of Ulia and those
who learn of her are intrigued. FQE 1980 The frontier lands begin to thaw slightly
and the world sees its first relenting sleet storms since the frost quests began. The
treasures of the world begin to thaw also but the ice still held secrets. FQE 1981
Adventuerers discover the Tefarin monestaries buried into the northern mountains.
Long since abandoned as the Tefarin shift in and out of Voriidin. Within the depths a
rare teddy bear was discovered. The strange nature of the toy brought an eerie
feeling to those who held it. The stuffing of the bear upon examination later in the
year was revealed to be Tefarin blood in powder form. Whatever this item was it
was a tool of great cursing power.
FQE 1982 A number of adventurers began to discover cursing artifacts
crafted with Tefarin blood. The horrific items were forged in an unknown location
with malicious intent, often being found with mutilated corpses and outlines of
major cities. None of the rituals seemed to ever be finished, perhaps Tefarin loyalists
to the old wars or Nefori who fled during the dragon conflict. There were a number
of theories and the rest of the year was spent searching out these theories. FQE
1983 The barbarian tribes began to come forward with information about frost
lords in the area. These beings were corrupt creatures that harnessed the power of
the cold using snow as their litteral power dust. By consuming snow the frost lords
could produce attacks of great heat and power some even annihilating battlefields in
a brilliant flash of light. Sometimes the beings would create poison gas and others
would chill the bones of their victims. FQE 1984 A group of adventurers were
assembled to act on the UFF’s behalf in the area. The United Freedom Fighters
assaulted many compounds with rumored frost lords but the only beings that fit the
description were three monsters of the direct northland. Rot told the UFF that the
frost lords were powers beyond and before time. The frost lords power in such a
cold age was nigh limitless in the huge fire balls crafted from snow to the sudden
rush of wind sucking the air out of the fighters lungs.
FQE 1985 The first tower of the frost lords was assaulted by the barbarian
tribes in the northern mountains. Sending gorilla strike forces set apart by miles in
constant unison, the barbarians were able to assault the tower while their brothers
and sisters were annihilated by the wrath of the frost lord. FQE 1986 The head of
the first frost lord sat atop a pike at the beginning of the year at the balcony of the
creatures tower. FQE 1987 The barbarians abandon their homes vowing to wander
till the frost lords are dead. The homeland of the barbaric warriors is consumed in a
cascade of light and heat from the second frost lord. In a moment the area is
decimated and their legacy erased. The barbarians kept in constant motion
outrunning the mile sized explosions that evaporated their prior camps even a night
before. FQE 1988 The barbarians eventually reach the mountains and are able to
avoid the direct assaults by the frost lords. The vile beings enlist the aid of trolls,
giants and other creatures of the north to hunt down the rebellious resistance. FQE
1989 The forces of the hartfields come in contact with the frost lord Selvel the Cold
who abruptly evaporates the legion of soldiers who confront him. With the
awesome power of a frost lord brought to the attention of the kings, the hartfields
send legions to the north to deal with the threat.
FQE 1990 The forces of the hartfields are destroyed and the “Bloodless
Slaughter,” battlefield. The frost lord used its signature weapon of converting snow
into some kind of bomb weapon and decimating the legions sent against it. Selvel
the Cold ignores the surviving soldiers as he presses his way toward the mountains
in hopes of eliminating the forces of the barbarian resistance. FQE 1991 Hartfield
loyalist despose of the routed armies that return and claim that avalanche and giant
forces demolished the proud legions that died at the hands of Selvel the Cold. FQE
1992 The barbarians are able to position themselves in such a way that using
extreme displays of power would collapse the mountains down upon Selvel the
Cold. The frost lord cares little for the barbarians ploy and collapses the mountains
by siphoning and detonating all the snow on the mountain. The resulting rubble kills
off most of the barbarian warriors but also traps Selvel the Cold beneath tons of
rock. The frost lord, not needing to breath, welcomes his prison as a chance to
experiment in peace.
FQE 1993 The final frost lord is confronted by the great hero Jeron decendant
of the mythic barbarian warrior who fought in antiquity against the undead armies.
Jeron was able to deal crushing blows against the frost lord but the creatures nigh
limitless manipulations of frost combustion power into physical augmentation
proved to much. Jeron survived his encounter but the frost lord Rolsh, the
Cryomancer returned to his tower in isolation. FQE 1999 Jeron and his allies
returned to the door step of Rolsh the Crymancer and endulged in a mythic battle of
steel and ice. Rolsh was dealt a fatal blow but Jeron was slain in the battle. At the fall
of their leader the barbarians fled, by Jerons order, yet Rolsh began to feel the pains
of death. The Cryomancer used his power to put himself into a frost induced stasis,
creating a violent storm of frost that embodied his consciousness and power. FQE
2000 A calm wind blows from the north and light peers through the clouds of the
north for the first time in centuries. FQE 2001 The armies of the Hartfield kings
begin to rebuild. FQE 2002 The powers that be begin to take a great interest in the
north land secrets. The great cursing devices are collected by the elves and locked
away behind wards and barriers never to see the light of day. FQE 2007 The frost
quests renew with vigor as the storms in the sky begin to die down and glimmers of
sunlight will breach the sky in summer time. The adventurers swarm the western
dragon lands, as the large reptiles are forced into hibernation by the cold. FQE 2014
For seven years adventurers searched the plains of Voriidin without fear. The great
powers of darkness subsided and the dragons slept. The dragon overlords were no
more and the threat of the dark stones evaporated. All on Voriidin seemed well in
the eyes of the nations.
FQE 2015 A plague begins in the Imperial city. The disease spreads but is
isolated within the walls of the city itself. The disease would not leave with any
being or object past the walls. FQE 2017 Workers find an expended curse device
outside the imperial city with goblin runes on the ground near where the item lay.
The Imperial city was deemed cursed and all who entered eventually contracted and
died of a mysterious plague. FQE 2018 The human nobles refused to give up their
home and searched far and wide for a way to dispel the curse. FQE 2019 A platoon
of soldiers was sent to Gorinth to discover the origin of the runes used to curse the
city, while mages and clerics scoured religious and scientific writings trying to find
anything relating to such events. FQE 2020 A large dark curse symbol is found in the
belly of the city beneath the sewer. A disturbing essence lingers near the mark and
attempts to remove it fail. A scholar determines the only way to remove the curse is
either with the blood of a great elf, one who has drank of the elder sap, or using the
axe of Kara’Tese embedded atop Mount Emprum.
FQE 2022 A large group of human warriors, clerics and mages are sent to
Emprum and the land of the Elves to try and attain both remedies. FQE 2024 The
first group returned unable to retrieve the axe, while the second group returned
with a jug of greater elf blood. The nobles asked not how or where the blood came
from, but they knew an affront was made against the elven royal family. The vial
contained enough blood to cover the mark, which the nobles knew would have been
a fatal amount to extract from one elf, but the likely hood of multiple elven nobles
giving blood was ludicrous. FQE 2026 The elven high council puts out a bounty of
great wealth for anyone who can reveal information regarding the assault on the
elven royal family. The elves reveal the murder of the prince Lissar. The elven high
guard tasked to defend the prince dedicates herself to recovering the security of the
empire and punishing the one who slaid her beloved prince. FQE 2027 The rogue
master Jark informs the high priest of the elves on some interesting information.
The high guard is sent a missive from the cleric order of the elves to investigate the
outlying cities and towns near the Hartfield borders for more information. FQE 2028
The Imperial city secretly sends assassins to deal with the high guard who asked to
many questsions. FQE 2029 The elven investigator slays her attackers and seeks out
the root of the assassin’s origin.
FQE 2030 Jark appears to the high guard herself and offers information on
how to further her investigation. The elf reluctantly purchases a number of
passports and legal documents, for the Hartfields use such things, in order to enter
the province under a different identity. Yet the rogue asks only to receive the
bounty and the reward for information once everything is said and done with. FQE
2030 The high guard Ul’nala enters the hartfield heartlands and began to ask
questions regarding the prince. FQE 2031 After a year the high guard discovers that
someone in the imperial city of man was responsible for the crime against her
prince. The elf returns to her people promptly but not after avoiding a legion of
Hartfield guards that discover she is an illegal. FQE 2032 unable to turn back and
her disguise shaken, the force of the young warriors spirit urges her to continue her
fight. Ul’nala moves north to the imperial city of man. FQE 2033 Ul’nala stops
outside the walls of the city imperium. She lays down a prayer to the author and for
the guidance of the Ajvuun as she takes her place at the gates of No’Volo and the key
of Xel’Paldor. The distinguished woman makes her way to the walls of the city and
gains entrance through the sewers. Though the sewers are guarded they are no
match for the highguards training and skill.
FQE 2035 After a two year campaign hiding and deceiving her way into the
populace, the highguard finally sank her blade into the heart of the assassins who
killed the prince. The young woman was surrounded unto Jark came to her aid. With
cover of a smoke bomb Jark led her back to the opening of the sewer and a clear
journey home. The young elf attacked the rogue but to no avail, she revealed the
truth that Jark had led the assassins to the gates of the elves, she learned much in
her stay. The rogue merely smiled and kicked her out of the sewer into the muck.
“Take your victory, and go home,” said Jark. FQE 2037 Once the elves learned of the
retribution a celebration was held for the high guard. After the celebration in the
following months the high guard took her reward and many of the gifts given her
and sold them. She moved to a remote location and left the gems, jewels, and gold in
the boxes. The next day in the very place lie empty chests and no gold, though a
beautiful red dress with a note was standing in their place. “Here, being covered in
filth does not suit you. No hard feelings,” Jark. FQE 2038 The high guard returned to
her home and the elves made peace with their enemies now that justice had been
done. News of the strange curse eventually reached the elven courts but it was of no
FQE 2039 The city of Tish began to boom after a number of great pearl
harvest was found off shore. The new industry in Tish began a ship building craze in
the port town. The wild life in the ocean began to return as if unafraid of the ship
lanes. FQE 2040 The Rowin empire dedicates their blades and bows to the
preservation of the united country of Voriidin. The announcement begins the
invasion into dragon territory to slay Tal’vost. Many soldiers are gathered from
among the stable kingdoms as the new empire of the Rowin begins to grow in the
southern reaches of the west, bordered by the Ogre Shoguns. The dragons sleeping
in their caves did not take kindly to being slain. While the drakes and greater drakes
defended their masters, mighty knights and soldiers were able to overcome them.
Eventually the dragons caught wind of the invasion and were able to awaken before
all of them were routed. For normally a dragon would defend itself but against
hundreds of thousands of soldiers pouring like ants into a dragon cave, is more then
common dragons can overcome. FQE 2042 Tal’vost and Zil cull the armies of the
Rowin and begin to rout their aggressors.
FQE 2043 The general Ti’Kul challenges Tal’vost to a duel to decide the fate
of their armies and kingdoms. The aged dragon slayer faces down the draconic
juggernaut and eventually bests him in combat. Though the dragon consumes Ti’Kul
the brave warrior cuts down the beast from the inside out. The exhaustion and lack
of air kill Ti’Kul but his legacy of slaying the draconic juggernaut live on. Zil
withdraws the remainder of the siege forces and halves the empire of dragons to the
west. The Brute dragons still hold the largest dragon empire but the Rowin earned
their place. FQE 2045 The invention of soap becomes the new craze in the hartfield
lands. FQE 2046 Shampoo soon follows as the females of many races adopt the age
old beauty secret of the elves. FQE 2048 The Avoriin open their borders once again
as their battle against the frost is finally secured with the stabilization of a greater
barrier. The palnts of the world regrow under the Avoriin’s watchful eyes and the
economy and population of nations begin to flourish. FQE 2049 A strange group of
cultists begin to appear in major cities, their intentions are unknown but clerics and
followers of Kara’Tese begin to confront them. The cultists seem to be spawned
from the ancient necromancy cults. The abrupt cultists are executed by the city
guard but their work is still prevelant. A number of major cities suddenly have
zombie invasions from below as a portal to the realm of the dead opens beneath
every major city.
FQE 2050 Despite the great number of zombies and other powerful undead
the populations of the cities are able to fortify themselves in the local keeps and
avoid total annihilation. The elves use the power of the elder sap to seal the portals
and the Avoriin channel life energy into the light of their barriers so as to burn away
undead in the light. FQE 2051 The zombie battles intensify as the snow begins to fall
over the heartlands. The frost dead battles continue for months until the last
zombies and retches are demolished. The portals to the realm of the dead are
eventually closed but a number of Sefesh are created as a result of the conflict. The
remnant thought incarnations begin to phase into the fay realms. The farmers and
merchants of the different cities begin to pray at a number of local temples to ask
the divine to ease the Sefesh of rage. FQE 2052 The inns of the area begin to treat
the needs of the less fortunate in an effort to improve the economy and the well
being of the citizens. The faith of the Torch is spread among the poor and the hope is
rekindled among the people. FQE 2053 With the people of the imperial city of man
in a settled state the council of kings convenes for an ultimatum. The number of evil
creatures and fiends that are let loose on the world is unacceptable. The fact that
cultists can be allowed into borders and set up portals without someone so much as
lifting a finger to stop them is unacceptable. FQE 2054 An army of the most elite
adventurers and fighting forces is aroused under the banner of crusade. A
inquisition is formed around the Hartfield, Human, and Elven empires to extinguish
dark practices and the evil that corrupts life.
FQE 2056 the many different forms of darkness from shadow drinkers, those
who consume shadowborne blood for dark power, to necromancers are culled by
the hundreds as the dark arts of Voriidin are expunged in a bloody march. FQE 2057
After many years of searching the crusade against evil is brought to a close with no
remnant appearing in the populace. Though evil never rests, and the winds of
change begin to blow. FQE 2097 For fourty years the entire continent of Voriidin
lives in peace with one another, no war, no famine, only prosperity as the evils
remain suppressed. FQE 2099 The snows begin to thicken the sky once again but the
hemispheres begin to reform as a tropical line births in Gorinth. FQE 2100 A quake
in the north west bodes trouble to the land of the living. FQE 2101 the dancing
swamp stops moving. FQE 2102 The entire continent becomes aware that a new
Hydromancer has been born in the deep. FQE 2103 A torrential plummeting of snow
blankets the continent of Voriidin and Gorinth in half a foot of snow. The sky is once
again clear like no other time in the last two thousand years. The snow has dropped
from the heavens and the climate begins to reshape itself. Yet in a months time since
the fall, massive floods begin to accumulate across the continent as entire cities and
monuments are washed away by the snow melting.
FQE 2104 The Hartfield line makes preparations with mages and warriors to
rescue outlying farms and towns that might be suppressed by the sudden flooding.
Using a number of different flying abilities the mages are able to craft massive flying
platforms. The platforms are constructed as large ice platforms atop enormous
balloon like coverings that keep the hot air from escaping. The heat upon the icy
underbelly of the platform keeps a balance so that the ice does not get to cold for
people to stand atop it, but the altitude and mass of ice keeps the warm air from
melting the platform. The entire platform is able to hold buildings and starts a small
trend of sky cities. Initially the sky cities are a refuge for those who have been
stranded by flood. But eventually the rescued farmers choose to use their skills in
order to make the most of their air borne lives. The rare mineral Strosium, is found
only in the clouds and is what gives some of them a silver lining. The strosium is a
powerful conductor and is necessary for all automaton creation short of using
necromancy to possess a husk with a soul.
FQE 2105 The Strosium industry begins to boom in a small facet, the forges
that keep the city afloat are worked by a number of dwarven piolets and the flying
cities remain sky borne longer then anyone would have anticipated. FQE 2107 A
missive is sent from the current hydromancer in order to explain a great deal of
information to the living world. The hydromancer explains that he and his people
are being hunted by Zix’alla who seeks to destroy their entire civilization for the
promise of Peritheris the Ginth. Long ago the power over the universes water was
given to the people of the hydromancer in return for the annihilation that Peritheris
death wrought on the planet. For long ago there were no oceans and Peritheris
death flooded most of the world destroying entire civilizations. Zix’alla the mother
of silodon and the daughter of the Ginth seeks her fathers power and the deity will
stop at nothing to hunt down and slay the hydromancer and his people. FQE 2108
While the people of the continent that serve the lady of the depths, Zix’alla have no
problem with this situation, many clerics know that the Lady is not the most rational
or kind of rulers and having the power over all water would be a death sentence to
those who oppose her will.
FQE 2109 In Shollar Oliin prepares to travel to the deep and confront Zix’alla
about her mission against the hydromancers. The ancient Ajvuun seeks the aid of
the ancient crabs, a species older then the Ajvuun and with wisdom that makes the
world seem near temporal to them. FQE 2110 Oliin confronts Zix’alla on diplomatic
terms but is attacked by the terrible fiends of the deep. The shadowborne
apparently dwelt in the deep as well as on land, and Zix’alla apparently allows them
in return for their servitude of her. FQE 2111 Oliin slays the shadowborne but ses
there is nigh no end to the fiends, and trys one last time to reason with Zix’alla on
behalf of the living. The ancient crabs also post their wisdom to the deity but she
will not listen, they are both cast out of the deep onto the dry land. And so Oliin
sneers at what he must do and the pain of the world there in. Oliin seeks out the
Hydromancer and asks him to sever the foundations of the waters. The
hydromancer parts the water even down to the deep, separating the waters of the
right side of the world from the left by a mile gap. Oliin marches his armies against
the fiends on dry land and seeks to deter the hunter of the dark lady once and for all.
FQE 2113 The army of Oliin includes many adventurers and warriors from
across the land as they battle against the sea itself to slay Zix’alla or at least suppress
her will. After months in the trench the battle finally ends with the armies of Oliin
killing the three Silodon princes of Zix’alla. With her children dead the Lady of the
waves returns to the deep and recalls her hounds from the Hydromancer. The
Hydromancer continues to keep the waters of the world separate, allowing only one
gap to connect the two oceans. This gap is monitored by the clerics and paladins of
Oliin to make sure that the forces of Zix’alla remain on her side of the ocean. The
oceanic split causes quite a stir on the continent causing the fishing industry to shift
drastically in to different hemispheres. A number of different small towns begin to
appear in the rift formed by the Hydromancer and dams are erected to keep the
waters at bay. FQE 2154 The snows finally settle and the age of frost quests comes
to an end. Yet the dawn of the Exploration age begins.
E 1 The entire rift down the planet separating the oceans is built into massive
dams that hold back the waters and allow the Hydromancer to rest his powers. The
new cities that begin to appear in the gaps develop the first trains in the history of
Voriidin. The different cars and trains are used in order to travel from one place on
the dam to another. The barrier is used in order to allow ships easier travel by train
to specific, and once impossible waters to reach. E 4 A protective fortress is built in
order to guard the Hydromancer from Zix’alla and her treachery. E 8 An expedition
of the eastern sea begins now that the number of sea monster has been greatly
reduced. E 13 The massive ship Marlin is constructed in order to sail the eastern sea
and sustain a crew indefinitely. E 15 After sailing for two years the shores of a
distant land come into view. The overwhelming energy of the situation excites the
crew and a number of landing preperations are made. As the ship full of weary
sailors arrives on the continent they notice it is filled with Elves and Gorinthians.
This new continent is entitled Nishral by the natives. The sailors use their best
behavior, which is helped by the barbarian courtesy matron. With an axe at their
backs the sailors are able to converse with the female inhabitants, the male
population is limited to warriors, without succumbing to temptation. E 17 The
number of wonders found on the new continent supports the theory of human
origin. A number of humans are seen on the island but they are isolated for hybrids
are unwelcome in most of the settlements.
E 19 With the news of human origin confirmed the sailors begin inquiring of
the layout and terrain of the continent. What little the locals are able to reveal
depicts the fact that the surroundings are filled with a number of sacred forests and
lowlands. The native tribes tell of a kingdom on the other side of the continent that
holds a fierce tribe of warriors with great power. E 24 The explorers are able to
discover a number of different weapons and armor unknown on the mainland, but
most currencies taken are not necessary to the locals. Only raw materials are used
as predominant value holders and the few druids that dwell among the populace
have no time to work as interpreters. The druid council however is very interested
in the reagents and materials used for potion making that have been brought by the
ships cleric. E 30 The Marlin prepares to depart back to civilization in the hopes of
relaying the wonder so Nishral to the rest of the world. E 37 The remaining
countries of Voriidin are swept over by a dark sandstorm. E 38 An ancient foe
begins to rise from the west, Meznar returns. E 39 The dark sandstorm rips through
almost anything it is exposed to, the very stones that support cities dwindle under
the wrath of the pounding winds.
E 42 The Avoriin unite with the Hartfield clerics in order to create a barrier
to inhibit the sandstorm. E 43 As the marlin returns to port it finds cities under siege
and entire capitals reduced to dust. The knowledge they carry becomes a liability,
with Meznar on the move once more. E 50 Meznar begins by solidifying his
resistance in the north. The outlying kingdoms are sealed within their borders by
powerful tearing storms of sand. The powers used to manipulate the sand are
unknown the different species of Voriidin. The actions are speratic and it is
uncertain what Meznar has done to suddenly bring about destruction in areas
where his power never before reached. E 55 The mage council sends rogues behind
Meznars lines and learn the grim truth. Meznar has constructed curse devices of his
own and expended them but upon what, the rogues did not know. E 59 A strange
device is seen being used by the dark silodon, an hourglass of some sort. The dust
within is no doubt Tefarin blood dust, but it is a silver hue instead of its natural gold.
When the beast looks at a specific area he turns the hourglass and for a time, equal
to the dust, that area is engulfed in chaos. The presence of the Hour of Damnation,
became one of horror and disbelief among the populace of Voriidin. The artifacts
ability to curse the entire planet in a singular point for a set amount of time was
beyond the weapons of omeus or steel. Entire cities would waste away as the very
fabric of reality was cursed to waste away, such were the products of the
hourglasses use. The different nations of the world began to shift their attentions on
the coming threat.
The Hourglass was used in order to dismantle a number of city defenses and
summon the dreaded dark sandstorm to destroy enemies of Meznar. The plan of the
dark silodon and why he chose to re-appear was unknown for months. Eventually a
young peasant boy was sitting among the ruins of his home with the dark sand
tearing everything away around him. Meznar passed by and looked down at him,
before moving on. The creature he said carried a chain with multiple women of
different species behind him and a number of golems that guarded him. E 64 The
dark silodon marched past the defenses of the Hartfield line and plundered a
number of sacred artifacts. The total use of the artifacts was nothing more then a
rudimentary teleportation device, but the range was limitless. E 67 Meznar begins to
march into the dragons territory in a fashion uncouth to his previous dealings. E 70
Meznar battles his way past nigh every species of dragon as he begins to move
toward the skull of the Megaloviathin. E 72 The plan of the dark silodon becomes
clear as the armies of the world assemble to do battle with the ancient evil on the
border of the southwestern dragon lands. E 75 Meznar reaches the shrine of the
Megaloviathin and confronts the three elder dragons that then guarded the skull.
Using the hourglass the shrine withered away around the dragons pinning them
under tons of decayed rock. The silodon of mirk made his way to the ancient skull of
the Megaloviathin and did something very strange he took a look at bone and smiled
before he walked away. The dark silodon then took a small vial and tossed it over
his shoulder, shattering it upon the skull.
Suddenly a massive spider formed over the rubble as a humble house spider
ascended to the level of an arachnid deity. It is said that Meznar laughed as he
mocked the Ajvuun with the existence of an arachnid that rivaled their power. The
giant worms that guarded the shrine killed and devoured the spider before Meznar’s
eyes, for they would not approach the smell of the mirk. The skull vanished away to
dust, save for the slivers taken to defeat Rot in the previous millennium. E 78 The
dark silodon was not offset by his plans backfiring, at least no one could assimilate
the skulls power and challenge him. E 80 The armies of the united offensive met
Meznar and his golems on the open fields of the dragon lands. Meznar proceeded to
rout the armies and destroy their generals with his great power, but not before his
golems were crushed by the resistance. E 81 For over a year the armies held Meznar
at bay but none could deliver a blow to harm the fiend. The dark silodon peered
over the ruined expanse at his desposal and defiantly marched threw the lines of
soldiers, paralyzing them with his mere pressance. Yet a young boy stood in his
path, unshaken by the monster. The dark one recognized the boy as the same he
had passed by at the village. The silodon bowed before his only challenger and drew
out a sword of pure darkness. The lad took up a nearby dagger and charged the
monster. The creature laughed at him but raised his blade in defense, but before the
monster could strike him down something amazing occurred. The blade seethed
with holy energy and the light of the Torch that burned in the young mans heart
blazed. Meznar teleported away from the harmful holy light and grit his jaws. With a
stroke of his hand the surrounding mountains gave up their snow and cascaded
upon the would be defenders, but the boy survived. Volta’Razz came to the young
man with a plan, for the honor of the maker.
E 88 Meznar appears atop mount Emprum to challenge Kara’Tese to a duel.
The monster used the hourglass to weaken Kara’Tese life force to mortal levels
during the fight. But before the creature could deliver the fatal blow the high
shaman struck Meznar with the concussive force of the omni bolt. Meznar fell from
Emprum and crashed into the earth below, more angered then harmed. The dark
one stood and dusted himself off before making his way back toward his lands in the
northwest. E 90 The young man who stood his ground against Meznar had become a
great commander in the army of man and the imperial city. He made it his life’s
work to slay Meznar the Corruptor. A mysterious watcher peered on as the dark
silodon suddenly abandoned his quest that day. E 92 A strange cult of the tainted
earth became a force in the wild lands. Apparently the cult had grown out of Jonas
desire to keep the Ajvuun, dieties, demigods and other powers in check in case of
corruption. While the Mightan would destroy the Celestial beings, they would also
destroy all of creation. But the existence of the Hourglass of Damnation brings new
fire to the weapons against the deities. The fact an artifact exists that can weaken a
divine being to the level of mortality, even for a short time is necessary as the
spearhead of the cult. E 95 Emissaries of the cult begin to make pilgrimage quests to
the northwest in hopes of somehow retrieving the hourglass. After failure after
failure the cult vanished into the wilds to bolster their followers and improve their
E 100 The Hartfields learn of the Cult of Final Soil. United fronts begin to
coagulate their efforts to overcome the cults influences. The Marlin meanwhile set
sail for the great canal linking the two oceans, hoping to retreat into Zix’alla’s
territory as a deterrent to the Meznar aggression. E 102 The overwhelming threat
of Meznar could no longer be ignored. A final mission was launched to end the dark
silodon once and for all. The age of the Meznaren crusade began. MC 1 The boy
legend, as he was called, the general who could revoke the mirk. The Torch shone
bright in the young lieutenant commander. The armies of the crusade began by
assaulting the forces of the shadowborne and the “Dragon Corrupt” on the border of
the Meznar territory. MC 9 after eight years of battle the corrupted dragon and her
brood finally fall to the valiant efforts of the inquisition. MC 11 The maze is plowed
threw with might and omeus power. At the base of the pillar upon which Meznar
dwelt, the great hero of the crusade cut the pillar asunder bringing the dark one
crashing down to the ground. The warriors descended upon the dark silodon only to
learn he was not among the ruins. Meznar stood on the other side of the great
expanse and yelled out to the would be warriors, using omeus to magnify his voice
in their minds. “You fools, I have slain armies, deities and monsters of the old world.
I have had over 2000 years of planning while your hero’s and Ajvuun ignored me.
What could possibly make you think you can stagger a being that has plotted his
future since before your countries even formed!” said Meznar. Suddenly the entire
region began to convulse and shift. Lava began to shoot to the surface enveloping
the maze into a true den of fire and death. The hole plowed through the maze only
acted as a cannal to faster entrap the crusaders on the main platform. Meznar shook
his head and walked away confident. MC 13 The crusaders were able to navigate
their way back to the imperial city of man after a grueling journey. Meznar had
disappeared but Voriidin still fought to find him.
MC 14 The crew of the Marlin became exceedingly worried and pushed
toward the western sea. Upon reaching the sea they began to search for places to
dock in order to recouperate. The boat eventually landed upon a strange continent.
The water around the land mass was in total peace without influence from other
events. The sky was tropical and showed no baring from any of the catastrophies
that had harmed the world. And the land seemed unchanged. The wizards that came
with the crew noticed that their omeus power was limited on the strange land and
teleportation was near impossible. Upon the shore were massive reptilian beasts
and a jungle that daunted those who looked upon it. When the ship landed the crew
of the Marlin found that they did not feel the pain of age. The hardship of movement
and life were intensified in the savage place, but sicknesses nigh evaporated form
the ill. Everyone felt stronger and more primal, and the barbarian battle mistress
cleaved at a number of raunchy sailors. MC 15 Silodon that joined the crew met with
ancient creatures known to them as Kanor’ree’ra. These superior beings met with
the adventurers and instantly struck fear in the hearts of the lesser. They explained
that this was Tanand the unchanging, no force of heaven or earth, or below could
shape the face of Tanand. The deity that dwelt inside Tanand paralyzed the presence
of the realm in the eternal record. So the sleeping being had thus frozen Tanand in a
perpetual present. MC 19 The crusade on the mainland reached out to Gorinth who
also enveloped the mission of fighting and stopping Meznar. The orc, goblin, and
ogre saw Meznar as a worthy challenge and hoped to slay the beast for their nations
MC 22 The armies of Gorinth assembled on an uneasy truce searching for the
fabled Meznar beast. Meznar was found in Gorinth near the fissure seemingly
sealing the gateway to hell and the shattered plain. “I do not need competition,” he
said as he sealed the fissure with powerful magic. With his demonic opposition
sealed Meznar turned his attention to the army that had surrounded him. The dark
silodon shook his head and took out the relics he had stolen. Before activating them
he turned the Hourglass and struck ruin upon the armies with the horrendous sands
of oblivion. The creatures knew he gave the orc something to fight, a monster for
them to hate. For the silodon they were more souls for his fire and with the
hourglass, his key to slaying a deity, or even an Ajvuun. MC 30 The crusade
recovered its losses and began a global hunt for the Dark Silodon. The entire force of
Gorinths main armies assembled to scour the seas for any potential sighting of the
fiend, while Voriidin focused on searching by air and divine inquiry.
MC 32 Meznar was found in the ancient forests making a direct path for the
elder sap. The elves did nothing, legion after legion tried to stop the dark ones
advance, they died. The elven lord made his way to the great tree, where the world
tree grew into the shattered plain. Meznar approached the tree and used the
hourglass to weaken the barrier protecting the fray. The elder elf tapped the tree
and held out the sap for the dark silodon, “May it serve you well.” Meznar took the
sap and studied it. “This is not what I came for elder, but I will leave this here.” The
dark one left the sap on the ground and walked to the tree. He used his power to
begin to bore into the tree, now the elves did act. “You come for the seed, don’t you
beast,” said the elder. “My world will be better elder, and for my respect you will be
a god,” said Meznar as he began to split the world tree to extract its one seed. “Id
rather not have the responsibility,” said the elder as he forced Meznar back. The
dark silodon raised his hands and one of the great battles between an arch druid
and a spell sword began. MC 33 In a time locked bubble the battle of the two forces
raged for a year out of sight by the world. When the dust settled Meznar fled the
scene and the elder lay stood defiant to the fiend. The elder inspected the sap of the
tree and spilt it on the ground. The sap began to revitalize and purge the silodons
corruptive aura that had settled in the hallowed ground. The elven guard came to
attend the elder but he declined. “I have fought death and prevailed where deities
have failed. The Author was with me this day,” said the old elf.
MC 40 Meznar was not seen after his first ever defeat, the pride of the
monster wounded by a lowly druid. The spell blade retreated back to his lair in
spite, a home built in ruin. But there waiting for him was a hooded figure robed in
darkness. Before Meznar could react the blade of Xel’Paldor sunk into his corrupted
soul. The dark silodon slipped into an ethereal prison, unable to die, he was trapped
in Xel’Paldor’s dagger. The Ajvuun assassin grinned at his captive. The Hourglass of
Damnation fell at the beings feet. Xel’Paldor picked up the hourglass and erected a
giant stone monument among the lava pit in the visage of Meznar. Atop the left hand
he placed the hourglass as a testament to the unbridled power of the curse and as a
warning to those who would follow his path. MC 41 Xel’Paldor revealed his actions
to the arch druid of the elves and the Meznar threat was abolished. The rumors of
the silodon were continued, for there still was a chance he could escape. OA 1 The
Open Age began the day the great threat of Meznar was snuffed out. Though the true
plans of Xel’Paldor were no doubt rooted in greed for power and security in his
reign, the fact that Meznar was gone created joy across the land. The world was at
peace with no more shadows hanging over them. The true history of the world could
begin, one of art, love, loss and invention.
OA 4 The Hartfield line invented a device known as the steam powered
transport, a mechanical device capable of matching a horses speed that ran off of
water and coal. OA 20 The ST or steam transport was a staple in all major trade
roads across Voriidin. With the ST the continent was united and the price of coal
increased, thus improving the economy of the struggling dwarves. With balance
returning to Voriidin the instance of monster attack lessened as riders atop ST
vehicles could maintain a fast pace across the kingdom. OA 40 Smaller steam
transports were set up in kingdoms as public transport and sewer modification
systems. The Ooze monsters that lived in most sewers were beginning to negate the
area due to the churner atomatons present in large cities. The first stock exchange
began in the Imperial city of man, mirroring the tales of the Silodon in their former
glory. OA 43 The economy of humanity began to boom and with it a bolstering in
trade opportunity, but the continent suddenly felt smaller, the people were able to
transport goods easily and the flux of wealth began to spread villages further and
further toward enemy territories. OA 48 Before expansion reached dragon lands or
shadowborne fronts, the governments of the world put barriers on property
expansion for fear of drawing the eye of ancient foes. OA 58 Countries began to put
an emphasis on the education of their people, lowly pesants were able to get free
education from large business donations.
OA 60 All the radiation from the silodon homeland had dissipated and
rebuilding began in ernest. OA 70 The kingdoms of the world had steadied their
growth and the wild remained wild. The silodon rebuilt their continent cities, yet
the threat of Meznar rebels still loomed. OA 75 The Marlin left Tanand, an entirely
new crew with new young men and women born and raised on the harsh realm. OA
80 The Marlin returned to port to an elated mainland, and a stunned scientific
community at the pressance of two additional continents. OA 84 The findings of the
Marlin were recorded and new fleets of ships contacted the Gorinthian fleet for wide
spread exploration. OA 100 The first wave of ships made landfall on Nishral and the
Elves were reunited with their ancient ancestors. OA 111 The technology of the
realm began to advance with sword and shield technology increasing, along with
bow and rifle improvements. OA 133 Nishral was partially explored with the entire
west coast mapped. The pressance of the ancient elves on Nishral was concerning to
some. The trees of Nishral had exorbitant amounts of omeus energy and the magical
pulses in that place were off the charts. There was theorized to be power enough to
destroy the world if Nishral were released.
OA 140 The first expedition into the heart of Nishral was met with disaster as
a new species of monster made its pressance known only 10 miles away from shore.
The Boggrode were massive creatures three times the size of a man and stood face
to face with ogres. The Boggrode were strong and fast, able to pick up fallen oaks of
great age and hurl them like spears. The Boggrode had reptilian armor and mammal
fur, while sporting feelers like an insect making them perfect night hunters. The
creatures traveled in packs and hunted large areas but seemed to only feed on
sentient beings instead of wild beasts. Mega fauna were discovered, dire bear and
other monsterous animals thought impossible by omeus. OA 150 The message was
sent back to Voriidin to bring soldiers to fight the new monsters of Nishral. OA 160
After a great deal of soldiers and pilgrims were lost the armies finally arrived on
Nishral, but the gorinthians and elves who lived there warned that armies bode
trouble and further intrusion would end diplomacy. OA 155 The humans mocked
the threats and continued, but the natives had enough. The entire naval fleet was
crushed by a conglomerate of dragoon and druid from the mainland. Soon the
armies were surrounded by rangers and paladins seeking their death, Nishral
became a hostile place for all invading races. OA 160 Despite guns, swords, and guts,
the Voriidin armies could not over come the ancient magic and powerful warriors of
Nishral who had been untainted for thousands of years. OA 167 Peace was made
with the locals and the people of Voriidin and Gorinth accepted that Nishral was
more then capable of being its own continent. OA 170 The mainland soon learned
that the shadowborne of Nishral were much more cunning, intelligent and powerful
then the beasts of Voriidin and Gorinth. The shadowborne had been feeding and
nurturing the magical energies of Nishral until they were corrupted masterminds of
OA 174 A fort was erected in the north west portion of Nishral, the only area
where the naitives allowed a large Voriidin fleet to exist. The shadowborne attacked
regularly with lesser beasts and monsters of their corrupt design. Steadily the fiends
weakened the cities defenses until they could slip inside under the form of local
beings. Eventually the fort disappeared as the Shadowborne forced the remaining
sane soldiers back onto their ships to sail south to salvation. OA 180 The northwest
part of Nishral was named the shadow coast. The Paladins who traveled to Nishral
swore they would reclaim their fort and put a stop to the evil that was the demon
spawn. OA 183 A group of local soldiers and barbarians begin to rouse an expansion
party to travel to the furthest inland city known to Gorinth on Nishral. The orc
reveal they had been to Nishral before and set up a small city full aware of the fiends
around them. The city was still standing to their knowledge, but no one knew if the
Orcs were still alive. OA 184 The search party pushed their way inland fighting off
monster and shadowborne alike. The city of Dargomash was discovered, untouched
for 3000 years. The Orcs had developed a tribalistic autocracy with a series of elders
ruling at different times of the year in order to balance power. OA 186 The orcs
adopted their kin who found them and so did attack others. After some
confrontations the orc were informed of their past and the entire continent of their
kin. The gray skinned creatures laughed and informed their kin that Nishral was the
home of Orc now. There were other species further inland and they were the true
masters of Nishral, not orc or elf, or gorinthians. OA 188 The Saulnulians are
discovered in inland Nishral. The Saulnulians have great power the likes of which
has not been seen. The mighty creatures stand taller then ogres and have gray and
purple skin. Their feet were split into tentacles used for gripping surfaces. The
Saulnulians feared nothing and became colossus from the magical fruit of inner
OA 189 The strange new species shows little instance in the words of the
new intruders. The ambassadors are taken and tossed into a bloody, putrid cage
until a single selected warrior can prove the value of their lives. The man began to
fight and be tossed like a rag doll. The creatures laughed and started to eat pieces of
the hostages. The man realized there was sulfer in the ground, he lured some of the
creatures into a duel and then burnt the element when he mixed a potion with it.
The chieftan allowed the survivors to live after the painful blast, but no creature
died. The exploration came with a price, the saulnulians devoured most of the
explorers and their sheer might echoed through the souls of their victims. OA 190
The expedition returned to the Orc city and began to evaluate this new nigh
insurmountable foe. A band of rangers came to Nishral in search of great foes, the
likes of which unseen on Voriidin. The Slayers as they were called, hunted monsters
and omeus creatures that threatened mortals. The Slayers were recruited to guard
settlements from saulnulian raiding parties. OA 192 The forces of the exploration
sanction for a small harbor town to be built near the thriving metropolis of Ulvan in
the south. The massive harbor almost makes one forget the troubles of life they say.
The power of the bards songs make life more livable and the stories tantilize the
mind into bliss. OA 200 A small expedition is sent to Tanand. The small group of 30
adventurers discovers a great lost civilization known as the Delug living on Tanand.
These reptilian simians are a strange creature to behold. With the features of a
raptor and the musculature of a gorilla, the Delug were a terror to behold. Perhaps
their most terrifying feature was the leathery spines from their heads and elbows,
and the talon on their feet. The Delug proved near as fierce as the saulnulian and
their shamans were a force to be reconed with. The great Delug shaman spoke of the
ancient ways and hunts with the Yatosh that rival any epic of men.
OA 202 The explorers of Tanand find many ancient secrets and great artifacts
of immense power. The desert of Avlo, an entire desert city constructed of artifacts
of world shaping. The artifacts began to react to many of the people involved in the
mission, but sometimes the devices would begin to shape entire buildings out of the
sand. Somehow, by science or magic the devices were able to construct buildings,
weapons and vehicles out of sand. The strange devices were removed and brought
to base camp outside the desert, but at dawn the devices had returned. For many
days the different factions within the explorers tried to discover how the sealed
devices magically escaped containment. After long watching, the truth was revealed.
The devices themselves came to life and unlocked themselves and returned to the
OA 204 The explorers set up a camp and sent for additional explorers. Yet the
ships that had been docked had decayed under the withering force of Tanand,
something the Marlin had overcome from constant maintenance. Different factions
became increasingly interested in the letters being teleported from the off shore
ships in Tanand waters. Ancient sea monsters dwelt in the ocean near Tanand and
their study and attacks were all the craze with the locals in Voriidin. The
Kanor’ree’ra were specific to explain the blood mountain of Tanand. In the heart of
Tanand lay a fifth Ginth, a being unknown to the eternal record, an Eliin from the
previous era. This sleeping deity, mighty ancient was the source of Tanad, but more
importantly the Tithians. The Tithians were goblin like insect creatures that dwelt in
massive colonies in the inland chasms. The species was voracious and bred
incredibley quickly. To destructive was there strength and multiplying potential that
the Kanor were tasked with culling their numbers, lest the creatures escape and
devour Matra. The beasts fought one another, four hives located among the crags.
The hives would battle at high noon each day and the resulting battle would leave
thousands of bodies. The bodies would then be collected by the tithian dredgers and
brought back to feed the hive.
OA 207 Once the word of the tithains reached Gorinth the orc became
obsessed with proving their worth in battle against the armada of endless fangs. Orc
began to send their teens and young adults to Tanand by any means necessary to
prove their warriors. Each orc would have to battle along side a specific hive, using
pharamone pouches to avoid detection, and survive. Upon survival of the tithian
noon feeding, the orcs that participated would be crowned warriors. OA 209
Meanwhile back on Voriidin the Hartfields had been improving the infrastructure of
the world. Railroads now connected the three major civilizations, the Hartfields,
Elves and Imperial City of Man. OA 211 Some northern explorers along with some
unique aquaintences, made their way to the frozen north and discovered a hidden
remnant of the dwarves. A young heir to the high mountain became evident. When
the dwarves learned that some of their ancient cities were no longer vampire
infested they rallied the call to reclamation.
RA 1 The age of reclamation began with the dwarven call to battle against the
vampire scum that invaded their homes. Base camps were derived and constructed
within the different mountain structures. Each attempting to salvage what they
could. RA 5 The dwarves made a point to overcome each obstacle that they
encountered, but when the Four awoke once again from oblivion the battle became
a battle for survival. RA 9 The forces of the Four assembled with great speed and the
maze of mountains was formed. 1000 dwarves against 10000 vampires weaving
their way through the mountains hunting one another. The dwarves were
accompanied by a mighty warrior, cleric and elementalist. RA 12 the armies of the
dwarves had set up base camps among the mountains, where adventurers could
come and slay the infected hordes for a bit of the glory. Many adventurers heeded
the call and the realm of the sleeping kings began to thaw. Some fierce beings were
discovered while delving in the valleys but the frost leviathans were some of the
most fierce. Foul creatures of the ancient wars, the frost leviathans were creatures
designed to fight against the forces of the outter folk which still dwelt in the ancient
mountains. There were demon caracasses and emaciated dwarves within the
tunnels, all victims of the outter folk betrayal, and predation. Abominations also
accompanied the vampires, fighting against them and the dwarves for superiority.
For many this place was hell, but for the battle born warriors of Voriidin they were
proving grounds.
RA 17 Ancient dwarven medicine began to surface from old records, special
tonics that did not require omeus, magic or other forces in order to allow their
effect. Such healing medications were a powerful tool in fighting corruption, such
things were called antibiotics. RA 23 The forces of the Hartfields began to send their
grizzled soldiers to the north, those who could not let go of battle, in order to slay
the evils of the world. With the influx of soldiers the reclaimers began to bolster
their forts into walled cities among the mountain peeks. An adventurer once said
that waking atop the mountain fortresses in the biting wind of battle made you feel
most alive. For no other place in the world had such danger both night and day,
while granting such inner satisfaction that the forces of evil were being slaughtered.
RA 25 The current year, the year of striking. A powerful explosive device is being
taken to the very northeastern edge of the mountain range to blow a hole into a
metallic mountain of dwarven treasure. No one knows what lies within but the
potential for glory calls many. Will you heed the Hero’s Call?
CHARACTER CREATION: Now that you have a basic understanding of the powers at
your finger tips and the different species through which your dreams can come to
life, it is time to make a character. Characters are simple in structure but complex in
design. The more you put into your character the more they will grow into a well
rounded individual in the realm.
The first step is to choose ones race, then your class and which omeus focus you
desire. After taking the first three steps other aspects can be added for more flare.
Some game masters like playing with an upfront morality system but that is at the
discretion of those playing. Characters level rather simply a character needs 2000x
the next level experience in order to level up. Every level a character receives their
intelligence score in skill points, their endurance score in hit points and any class
related bonuses. Every three levels a character receives a stat point to put in any
stat the character chooses. Every Four levels a character gains a feat to add to their
roster of abilities. Every 7 levels a character gains an additional action in their turn.
Every 10 levels a character gains a bonus die increment increase that can be applied
to offense or defense.
There are many different species that make up the populace of Voriidin and
the planet as a whole. The abilities and strengths of each species make them unique
among the adventurers that they can become. The different backgrounds and
cultures of the species can drive forward great acts of heroism or destroy a party
entirely. It is very important to explore the acts of a race within history, those who
have done less will be more feared and unknown, while the naitive Voriidin species
will be more accepted. Ultimatly the choice is yours, and the character birthed will
make its mark on history no matter how small or how great.
HUMANS: Humans have been a strong but prideful race for many centuries
on Voriidin. The creation of humans as the children of elves and gorinthians has
sparked a great deal of discussion into their past, but despite their hybrid nature
humans are independent. Humans have made great advances in medical and
industrial technologies on the planet and always strive for adventure and the
unknown. Greed is one of the biggest downfalls of humans and their urge for wealth
and control destroys many. When playing a human always remember your
diplomatic potential is not to be ignored, and the fruit of your discipline can achieve
great things.
Average Lifespan: 88 years, Height: 5’10, Weight 200 lbs.
RACIAL BONUS: Enigmatic: Humans are very social creatures and dept to try
almost anything once. As a result humans have acquired a unique diplomatic edge.
Humans receive +4 to their diplomacy skill or +2 to intimidate, barter or a
RACIAL STAPLE: Strength of Spirit: Humans are resilient in their
stubbornness and iron wills. Humans may reroll one failed willpower, intelligence,
aura or spirit roll once per day, they must take the new result.
RACIAL PERK: Zombie Killers: Humans deal +5 damage naturally to zombies.
Human History: Long ago the fist human was born to a mother elf and father
gorinthian. The boy grew into a strong man but was different from all of his
relatives. The strange boy startled many elves and gorinthians, but the unions of elf
and gorinthians continued. While the elders studied this new crop of hybrids, they
found them able to reproduce amongst one another without being sterile, no doubt
a byproduct of Gorinthian survivability. The humans soon bred with one another
and created a crop of people known as humanity. The first tribe of humans
contained 100 different pairs of humans dwelling in the heart land of Gorinth
surrounded by the Orc. Eventually the dreaded orc attacked them, but the humans
were able to escape before the armies arrived in bulk. Elven ships took the human
refugees to the mainland where they migrated through elf woods and made their
way north to the heartlands of Voriidin. There in the cradle of prosperity humanity
began to grow into a full fledged species. The first ages of human development
yielded advancements in agriculture and general city structure and building
material knowledge. Humans began to erect cities of stone, since they did not bare
the nature link their elven parents possessed nor the incredible survivability of the
gorinthians. The first cities of men were marvals of the age. The humans were the
only species to build up out of the ground, instead of building into hills, mountains
or forests. The fighting prowess of humans became a staple in their society. Mankind
always craved power and taught themselves the ability to wield the sword and the
mace with deadly accuracy and skill. The problem with human civilization occurred
when the greed for gold began to corrupt the kings of men. The imperial city
expanded for many years until the Tefarin arrived. The strange species
overhwlemed and slaughtered humanity with a mix of distraction tactics designed
to thin the numbers of defending forces. Eventually humanity lost their home and
were driven almost to extinction. Humanity through corrupt deals and betrayal got
their Imperial city back from the Tefarin by technicality and blood. The humans
eventually outgrew their city and overpopulation spilled out into the heartlands.
Eventually humantity allied with other races to form a collective under the sir name
Hartfield. Different races suddenly became family and the outlying humans
suddenly inherited a mighty kingdom to rival the Imperium. Humans continued to
be divided into who factions the Hartfields and the Imperium. Yet the two human
groups were not above sharing their findings, military and currency for the
purposes of overall advancement for both sides. Many different results occurred
when the powers of the area would declare war on certain factions and evil
monsters. Meznar was perhaps the single greatest threat to humanity but his
disappearance at the hand of Xel’Paldor led many humans to form cults in honor of
the shadow Ajvuun. These dark cults became blights upon Humanity and were
expunged and slain by paladins and clerics of the fourth age of man. The religion of
the torch has been a staple belief system for humanity, assimilating the divine light
that leads souls through the shattered plain regardless of sin, gave humanity hope
unlike any other. With hope at their back Humans began to grow and purge evil
from their ranks. Despite the good intentions of mankind, the problem remains that
sin gripped the heart of all humanity. Life was losing its value to the value of gold
and mankind needed to remedy this quickly. A number of inward crusades began, in
order to re-evaluate the economics and the overall infrastructure of human
settlements. A number of different remedies were proposed but few made
signifigant change. Ultimatly human kind had to break their currency into three
groups leaving one area in a financial drought. The wage control allowed the city to
function but the people of the Imperium fought on. With little money and famine
beginning to set in among the poor. The imperial city sought to head east to the sea
in order to aquire resources to boost their collapsed currencies. Finally a man by the
name of Marple Arbel created the first steam engine in the Imperial city. The stir
caused by the innovations in mining and transportation that could be attained
through the use of steam power made the city wealthy once more. With their three
currencies flourishing the Imperial city set its sights on exploration, which it
continues to this day.
YATOSH: The yeti people of the mountains and keepers of Emprum. The
Yatosh are the strongest natural race on the planet. Yatosh pride themselves in a
shamanistic society based around a central tribe goal with quick execution of plans.
Yatosh hate the demonic, outter things and shadow borne. The great battles of the
Yatosh and their cousins the Delug shape the reality of ancient legends in Voriidin.
There are actually very few contributions by the yeti folk to the overall stability and
economy of the planet, but many believe they have a more mystic influence and
keep spirits and other potentially evil things at bay.
Average Lifespan: 76 Years, Height: 6’9, Weight 378 lbs.
RACIAL BONUS: Strength of the Cold: Yatosh are very strong and receive a +1
to strength at character creation. Also they are resilient to cold and can survive in
cold and take 5 less damage from frost attacks.
RACIAL STAPLE: Ape Strong: Yatosh can reroll a failed endurance, agility or
strength roll once per day.
RACIAL PERK: Abominable: Yatosh can enter a berserker rage once per day
as a free action for 3 turns. While enraged the Yatosh rolls their offense and defense
dice twice in combat and is resistant 4 to mental effects. During abominable the
Yatosh gain +2 to strength tests.
Yatosh History: The Noble Yatosh got their roots long ago from the Ajvuun
Kara’Tese. The Yatosh were made as guardians for the primal forces of the world
and the piece of reality most did not see. Yatosh were great warriors, being made to
be strong, fast, and unbending in the harshest of elements. The story goes that a long
time ago when Jonas created the destroyers of legend, the Mightans. Kara’Tese
fought one to a standstill and put it into dormancy, this monster became the
mountain Emprum and atop the beast there is the Axe of Kara’Tese the Yatosh holy
relic. The sacred axe is one of the key focal points of Yatosh history. All events are
judged from the day the battle occurred and when the Mightan slept. All Yatosh are
honor bound to fight against the forces of corruption, and will give their lives freely
for the freedom of others. Yatosh are reclusive though, and do not trust many
species after their push to the brink of extinction. The city state of Iim was one of the
few places that still held Yatosh for the longest time. The scattered people groups
that Yatosh frequented made them more out to be legends then actual beings. The
North housed the second largest population of Yatosh, as hunters from the Emprum
colony made their way down off the mountain and populated in secret. The
barbarian tribes of Yatosh were the first places where history was recorded for the
ape men. The legacy of their medicine, chieftans and weapons all came from the
letters and scribe writings found when the barbarians were pushed out by Meznar
and the Frost Lords. The medical advancments of the Yatosh were the biggest boon
to their ability to form into a civilization. The different companies selling medication
became a staple in the society of the ape men and their doctors or shaman became
epic. Yatosh did not lose their economy during the drought and other forces that
collapsed other kingdoms. The sheer lack of advancement protected many Yatosh
from the horrors of depression. It was the epic of Yavole that made the ape men a
force in the new civilizations arising among the sentient races. Yavole went with a
young adventurer group to the northern docks to travel with soldiers to reclaim the
silodon homeland. The young Yatosh fought unlike any other warrior present, with
skill, tenacity, and an unstoppable berserker rage! The eventual loss sustained by
the army did not deter the young Yavole from exploring the entire radioactive sight
where the monsters and robots were thick. A small group of warriors assisted him
in his search and for over a year they fought and tried desperately to make headway.
The overbearing adventurers made real advances in the areas of gorilla
warfare while they fought to reclaim key positions. The fights that arose during the
resistance did not move the line of control, but Yavole found a great deal of
information that his wizard could send to the Silodon in order to aid in the capitals
reformation. Eventually It was Yavole who liberated the capital city of the Silodon
from the rampaging creatures that defiled it. Though the terrorists who followed
Meznar escaped, the city as a hole was saved. The Yatosh finally returned to the
forefront of Voriidin in the battles against the mighty Frost Lords who nearly
annihilated all the armies of Voriidin. The power of the ancient frost folk could only
be bested by the cunning of the Yatosh barbarians who led the assaults on the
creatures minions. The overall contribution of Yatosh has been military might, even
when guns became popular among the flat land people, the Yatosh were able to
overcome a series of marksmen by posing an overwhelming charge. Though many
Yatosh died, the plausibility of the armored Yatosh frightened most warriors. The
Yatosh now focus on breeding and bolstering their numbers back into a mighty
nation they once were.
DWARVES: The dwarves of the northern mountains and the southern desert
are some of the stoutest folk ever seen. Dwarves are masters of the metal craft and
are able to conceive and design a plethora of different artifacts seemingly
impossible to build. Dwarves are renoun drinkers and love their ales and mead
almost as much as battle and honor. Dwarves value gold and gems, seeking to mine
deep within the earth and beneath the sand to find true treasure. Despite their greed
dwarves are faithful allies and will stand up for their friends in the face of
insurmountable foes.
Average Lifespan: 200 years, Height: 4’4, Weight 200 lbs.
RACIAL BONUS: Stout: Dwarves gain +1 endurance at character creation.
Dwarves also take 3 less damage from poison.
RACIAL STAPLE: Metal Craft: Dwarves gain a +3 to knowledge and crafting of
metal. This ability translates to knowledge technology and hacking in the future
RACIAL PERK: Loyalty: Dwarves gain +1 exp. Whenever they actively defend
a commrade form harm in true combat. This effect cannot award more then 5 exp
per combat.
Dwarven History: Dwarves say they were made by Jonas the Ajvuun of earth
as a line of defense against the greater powers of the world. The Dwarves have
always been an enigmatic folk who thrive in the heat of battle and brawling.
Dwarves favor community and social independence highly and will not hesitate to
push their own enjoyment of ale and a good fight on others. Dwarves first began to
settle in the northlands some six thousand years ago after they were formed from
the clay of the mountains. The Dwarves fought tooth and nail against horrid beasts
of ancient times in order to found their mountain homes. The dwarves were the first
to design mason tools and were able to bore deep into the rock with great speed and
efficiency. In no time the first mountain of the dwarves was settled and the people of
soil were safe from the biting cold around them. From their mountains the dwarves
could launch nigh insurmountable defenses and oppose some of the greatest
monsters ever seen. The first titanic creature to attack the dwarves was a recluse
the size of a dragon. The giant spider infiltrated the mountain and slew many in its
persuit of food and shelter. The giant spider proved inferior to the overwhelming
might of the dwarven phalanx, which was born during the battle, and eventually its
legs were cut out. After conquering such a foe the dwarves began to build and
celebrate their victory. As the dwarves dug down they found a special type of
underground wheat and barley that made the staple of dwarven ale. The sub beer as
it is known, is the only drink naitive dwarves call their own. The beer was the main
economy booster of the dwarves, the bright Bubble Gut Tom was the first dwarf to
create the liquar known to drinkers across the world. A fan of beer Mr. Bubble was
able to decipher the keys to making a more stout drink and eventually the whisky
drink was born. Using whisky the dwarves were able to trade with a new race that
arrived in the heartlands, the humans. Dwarves did not like to venture out of their
mountains, but instead decided to dig tunnels to favored spots of trade. While the
stout folk dug their roads, the mighty centipede dragon was discovered. A monster
centipede that spat acid and cut through the earth with its claws, the centipede
monster was a terror the dwarves had never faced before. The phalanx was
ineffective against an acid spray, but the dwarves were innovative and chose to
collapse their tunnel instead of die by being melted. While they bought time, they
knew the monster would burrow its way to their mountain if they did not slay it.
The metal workers of the dwarves began to examine the acid burns and decipher a
meathod to counter act the creature. The only solution the dwarves could come up
with was milk, yak milk. The dwarves designed, grew and wore cheese armor,
something that had never been done before. The dwarves strategy worked partially.
The base within the cheese countered the centipede dragons acid but not its claws,
after one good swipe the armor was open. The dwarves lured the beast into their
mountain home and collapsed the tunnel pinning it to the ground. The beast shook
and stirred and almost brought the mountain down, but the dwarves were able to
hit the beast with black powder bombs and destroy its support legs. With the beast
pinned the dwarves hacked and slashed the beast till it bled out inside the
mountain. Many dwarves lost their lives and the innards of the mountain became
unstable, which ultimately led to abandoning their home. But the dwarves slew one
of the greatest threats to their survival they had ever encountered. The dwarves
became well known as monster slayers and their reputation for drinking, even
more famous. The elf and dwarf rivalry began when an elf wizard accidently pulled
the drinking cup of the dwarf king to himself, when he tired a drink manifestation.
The dwarves were angered at the attack and swore the elves as their rivals.
ELVES: The elf is one of the strangest species on Voriidin. One of the two
anscestors of man, the elf is imbued with natural omeus and magical energy from
birth. Elves are the guardians of many of the mystic and misunderstood forces of the
world. Elves rarely interact with other species in their home land but out in the
rough elves are some of the best companions for a good adventure. Elven women
are said to be the most beautiful in the world and as a result they developed a
manipulative art akin only to the wiles of the fair folk. Elves have contributed a
great number of medical advances as well as the knowledge of the world tree.
Average Lifespan: 500 years, Height: 5’7, Weight 165 lbs.
RACIAL BONUS: Blessed: Elves can gain +1 spirit or +1 aura at character
RACIAL STAPLE: Ancient: Elves gain a +2 on knowledge tests having to do
with magic, nature or supernatural forces. Elves also have the ability to speak with
plants and animals.
RACIAL PERK: Paramount: Elves can reroll a failed attack or defense roll
once per day.
Elf History: The elves are perhaps the most diverse and interesting species of
the races of Voriidin. The Elves first began to populate Voriidin during the second
millennium before recorded history, or so they say. The Elves were made by Irliina
as caretakers of all of nature. The Elves were graced with the longest lives of all
living races and beauty above others. The elves made good use of all their gifts and
worked the land hard until they could yield a crop and begin to grow a city. Plants
and animals naturally responded to the touch of elves and they could talk to them
like a man talking to another. The elves used their ability to commune with nature to
design massive structures out of lowly trumpet vines and ivy. The weaving
tapestries among the treetops were both beautiful and deadly. Elves were masters
of the bow and the sword, training day and night in the heat of honor and battle to
protect what was theres. The first elves in Voriidin began by creating a grove in the
southern panensula about 200 miles inland from what is now the city of Tish. The
Elves fortified themselves among the rocky forests and built massive cities in the
trees without disrupting the echo system. Once their cities were erected the noble
people began to look inward and discuss a stable form of government for the
growing population of elves. There was only one species of elves in Voriidin at the
time, so the regulations of Voriidin elves are different from Nishral elves. The tneats
of the early society had to do with the phases of the sun and moon as to when
harvest and festivals would occur. It was the knowledge of the harvest that the Elves
shared with mankind in order to propagate the first kingdoms of their half children.
Magic came to the elves naturally. The movement of omeus power and its actions
wer simple for even the smallest elven child, but the devout spirit of the elves
allowed them to reach great sincerity in their persuit of the divine. The cities of the
elves began to grow until they pushed toward the west. It was on a dark night when
the shadow borne first attacked the elven camps. The creatures were cold and
ruthless unlike any that had been seen. They corralled and slaughtered any elf they
came in contact with and only a young boy was able to escape. The lad ran and ran
until he found what appeared to be a small grove where he could hide. The
creatures that came after him, passed right by his hiding place. Despite their sense
of smell, the shadow borne seemed unable to locate the boys simple enclosure. For
days the creatures hunted around the area searching for his scent trail. The boy
moved into a large tree, a species he did not know, and hid in the roots that jutted
out of the ground. He tried to talk to the tree to thank it for hiding him, but the tree
did not respond, only hummed with delightful sounds. The boy saw that the tree
was producing sap and tapped the tree in order to balance it. The tree hummed
softly and the boy ate to avoid starvation and dehydration. Suddenly after eating the
sap the boy felt a surge of life energy within him the likes of which he had never
known, the flowers and leaves around him began to sing with a unified chorus, glory
to the Author and life continue! The tree spoke to him but once saying, “I am the
world tree Inam’reel. And thou art the first druid of Irliina.” The boy left the grove
and the shadow borne fled at his pressance, the life energy to strong for them to
stomach. The young boy returned to his decimated village to find soldiers
dispatching the evil beasts. He was able to heal the wounded and call forth rapid
growth among plants in order to create tonics and medicines. The soldiers took the
boy back to the elder where he told his tale. The elves were astonished and made
pilgrimages to the world tree to make vows and praise the Author for such a gift.
The elven line of druids began with the young boy named Las’tal. Though Las’tal did
not die like his brethren, the elder sap sustained him and death passed over his
blood for some time. The world tree explained that his life was extended many times
over and his responsibilities were as well. The arch druid protected the southern
cresent for over 3000 years until he finally died and the tree produced sap overflow
once again. The second arch druid led the elves north into the heartlands and
founded the little known north eastern tribe of the elves known as the Dona’hue
elves. The Don elves were a collection of craftsman and metal workers, and the tribe
eventually became a city of warrior elves much unlike their southern cousins. The
arch druid found another great tree, the tree of knowledge. But those who
approached the tree of knowledge were driven mad with the overload of
intelligence and wisdom the tree provided. The second arch druid sealed away the
path to the tree and none have seen or interacted with the tree since. The warrior elf
tribes began to produce a great number of warriors. Over the years the Don elf
warriors became the staple elf units within armies and resistances against dragons,
Meznar and catastrophes of the recorded eras. Elves first encounters with the Kratt
were somewhat notable, in the fact that it was the first time a elf came in contact
with something as in tune with nature as it was. The kratt loved the elves and their
arch druid, but when the shadow borne attacked the meeting the little insects
showed they had a lethal sting. The elves began to disdain the power of the Kratt as
the gentle locusts, believing one day the Kratt would devour all magic and life on
Voriidin. Eventually time passed and the elves watched and aided where they could.
The third arch druid helped construct the elven empire that still stands to this day,
and defeated Meznar at the great defense of the world tree. To this day the elves
pride themselves in their love of life, and the defense of nature and their friends.
ROWIN: The Rowin are a humanoid species with many features like those of
bear and wolves. Rowin are loyal and honorable fighters, but do not stray from the
path of their elders. Rowin have contributed a number of new metal recepies to the
dwarves and as a result help build the steam power advancements of the world.
Rowin are excellent at acts of discipline and Rowin monks are the best in the world
by far. Rowin specialize in their natural weapons and abilities in order to aid their
friends just they way they were created. Rowin look down upon a great amount of
self modification. They believe in bettering ones self but having something material
empower you is a weakness or necessary evil in most cases.
Average Lifespan: 65 years, Height: 5’8, Weight 190 lbs.
RACIAL BONUS: Discipline: Rowin gain +1 exp whenever exp is gained by the
RACIAL STAPLE: Scent: Rowin can smell their surroundings incredibly well.
As a result Rowin can detect hidden units by smell if possible within a 20ft radius of
RACIAL PERK: Thousand Year Training: Rowin training with natural
weapons gives them a claw and bite attack that each deal 2 damage. This barrage
attack can be made as a full round action that makes two claw swipes and a bite.
Rowin History: Long ago in south western Voriidin there lay a tribe of people
much unlike the other humanoids that settled the land. The Rowin were a beast like
people with many humble practices and understandings. The first Rowin settlement
was older then that of the elves, which makes most scholars believe the Rowin were
the first race to appear on Voriidin. Rowin were first created some 10,000 years ago
in the south west, in a rocky out cove hidden form the rest of the world. The crag
held a massive fertile plain of wheat and the Rowin put it to good use. The beast folk
thrived in the savannah that was held within their rocky enclosure. The river that
cut through the rock was the source of life for all the inhabitance of the crag. It was
the river that first inspired the rowin to adventure, and begin to explore the
mysteries of metal craft. Rowin became disciplined warriors early on in their
development, seeing as the beasts that lived near them, crocodiles, lions and hyenas
were not the friendliest. Rowin specialized in martial combat, with their claws and
fangs. The first monks began in the Rowin cities and their ability to fight and
overcome was rivaled by few. The agriculture of the Rowin was limited to the lesser
grasses, and major crop development was always a hinderance to their civilization.
The Rowin instead chose to rely on nature to provide and would cultivate the
population of termites and other sources of renewable protein near their villages.
The first Rowin settlement grew into a mighty kingdom long before other races even
existed. But the shadow borne were a constant thorn in the side of the Rowin. Unlike
most races, the shadow borne were not equipped to easily slay a Rowin in hand to
hand combat, many shadow borne first learned to use bows and blades because a
Rowin monk would slaughter them with the same ferocity the shadow borne slew
men and elves. Rowin created the first monastic order devoted to the Author,
tempered with the teachings of Balgori. A strange mix that the most disciplined of all
races would adopt the Ajvuun of humor as their primary teacher in their culture.
Yet, laughter nurtures the soul like a plow to the field. So the Rowin began to expand
across the savannah and discovered a plethora of rare gems and ores just growing
out of the ground. The Rowin soon had developed forges and kilns before the
dwarves and were crafting crude swords and armor long before the elves mastered
the art. Rowin began the first animal husbandry and domesticated the buffalo that
dwelt in the area. With livestock as their primary resource the Rowin were able to
venture out of the savannah with adequate food and work force. The Rowin
discovered the elves first, and their meeting was civil and beneficial. The elves
introduced the Rowin to wine and the Rowin taught the elves of metal and gold.
Though animal husbandry was not something favored of the elves, for they merely
spoke to animals, the Rowin were not offended by the gestures. The Rowin
eventually set up a mighty kingdom after many of the catastrophes that befell other
races. It was not until the draconic juggernaut made the scene that the Rowin were
persecuted nigh unto extinction. Though some history says the Rowin went extinct
they actually survived in their original home land, unknown to other species. The
greatest foe and threat to a Rowin is a dragon, and they stop at nothing to expunge
those who worship or ally themselves with the horrid forces of destruction. The
Rowin are very noble, and when the Hartfield line approached them to adopt their
lesser chieftans as nobles in a growing society the wolf folk accepted. The hartfield
lines were very beneficial for the Rowin growth and development, eventually
leading to the centralizing of the road systems in the heartlands. Steam power
would never have caught on in Voriidin had not the Rowin applied it in their cities
first hand and showed how efficient the machines could be. The Rowin still pride
themselves in their metal working, but it is their mining skill that makes them stout
rivals of the dwarves. Rowin have a nack for digging and they have discovered many
ancient ruins of a species even older then themselves and technology thought
impossible by other species. Also many ancient evils have been discovered by the
Rowin, and each time the bear people rise to slay the darkness before it infects the
rest of Voriidin. There have been many evil creatures and shadow borne threats that
were completely culled by the Rowin under ground before the dark armies were
ever able to collect. Overall the Rowin are stalwart allies and some of the best
friends to have. The culture of the Rowin is old and strong, rewarding those who
take the time to invest in their rich history with gold and adventure.
DELUG: The Delug are reptilian reletives to the Yatosh. Their
humanoid/raptor build with gorilla musculature makes them a terror to face in
combat. They have feathers coming from their head and elbows, and large talons on
their feet make grappling illadvisable. Delug are tough allies with little regard for
pain and a natural urge for adventure and glory. Delug are highly ritualistic people
seeing the path of the Divine the way of living. Delug were not known of until
recently but their contributions in the Hero’s Call era has been huge as they slay
vampires for fun rather then challenge. Delug value armor and weapons above
omeus ability and their affinity for magic is limited.
Average Lifespan: 200 years, Height: 6’, Weight 220 lbs.
RACIAL BONUS: Tribal: Delug are devoted to their allies and receive a +5
when deciphering against bluff and disguise or other effects that test the validity of
an allies identity.
RACIAL STAPLE: Reptilian Surge: Surge of Glory points or scars do not
regenerate once per day like other species, due to the fact Delug shed their skins and
the marks of combat on a monthly basis. Instead a Delug only regains scars
whenever points would be gained form injury. Delug gain natural regeneration, able
to recover lost limbs and organs through natural healing over a long period of time.
RACIAL PERK: Raptor: Delug gain a +4 on perception tests and can also
attempt to detect enemies with smell using a perception test.
Delug History: The Delug were born on the horrendous continent of Tanand.
The ancient Ginth, an Eliin like Volta’razz from a world long gone, formed them
along with the other races of Tanand. When the ginth slept the Delug began to create
their own civilization. The first nation of the delug was forged on the north end of
Tanand where the jungle was thinnest and the plains were ripe for agriculture. The
Delug loved the thrill of combat and their fighting styles began to emerge before
many other species. The most interesting fact about the Delug were the
teleportation stones that they found lieing in the dirt near their main city. The
stones seemed to be left there by another species before the Ginth came to rest in
Tanand. The beings had aligned the crystals with strange names and markings but
the Delug were energetic and able to decipher the gems use. The Delug explorers
teleported to Nishral, and Voriidin multiple times using the stones and are known as
the cloaked ones in ancient mythos by the Rowin, Humans, and Elves. The Delug are
a powerful people and in their infant cities they would tame and breed dinosaurs as
their pack mules and fighting brothers. War was a new concept to the Delug, but one
they reveled in. When the shadow borne arrived on Tanand they were met by
overwhelming opposition by the Delug and the flora and fauna of Tanand. The first
war was held against the landing forces of the Shadow borne and the Delug city.
Though the Delug almost went extinct, they completely slaughtered the shadow
borne, making Tanand the only place where shadow borne do not exist. The last
soldier died before she could return to her eggs. The new generation of the Delug
hatched in the hundreds with no parents to take care of them. But the reptilian
instincts of the Delug took over and the hatchlings hid in the ruins of their parents
huts and cities until they grew into adults. The pure generation knew nothing of the
teleporting stones or the shadow borne, and so the Delug species started anew. The
world of Tanand was a violent place filled with flesh eating creatures of all shapes
and sizes, but the most unnerving of beings were the out worlders that arrived
during the height of Delug civilization. Three cities had arisen from the hard work of
the hatchling generation and the Outworlders sought to concume the meager souls
the Delug called their own. The soul wars were some of the most violent battles ever
recorded, no other species had truly fought the outter folk like the Delug did. Mostly
demons and shadow borne troubled Voriidin but the outter folk were a darkness all
their own. The beasts were voracious and had powers over the mind that could
drive even the most seasoned warrior mad. It was in the heat of the outter struggle
that the Delug developed the ability to discern between who was friend and foe,
piercing the mind control of their enemies. The Delug fought for years in their
second war, with little to no headway. It was not until the teleportation stones were
rediscovered in their entirety that the Delug hatched a plan. The outer folk were
very vulnerable to portals, and as soon as they came within range of the cities the
Delug focused their energies on the fiends and tore them apart by teleporting parts
of them to different areas. With their new found weapons the Delug pushed back the
outter spawn to their entery portals. Foolishly the Delug followed the creatures into
their domain. The sky was warped and pulsing, the ground felt like puss beneath
their feet and the air was riddled with floating liquid and a putrid oder. The horror
of the mind was nigh impossible to ignore as the Delug who returned killed one
another in madness. The portal to the outter realm was maintained, carefully
watched but seen as a necessity. The Delug eventually planned enter the portal one
day with greater number and stronger will, and kill the great Outter who drove the
legions of evil into the plain of Matra. Even when the explorers on the Marlin arrived
and encountered the Delug they still would rant and rave about the horrid things
behind a sheen of moving glass. The explorers were taken to the hellish beyond and
returned scarred for life, but the crew of the Marlin grew strong in the fact they had
seen oblivion and returned. With their new found bravery the Marlin would return,
carrying Delug, to face the threat of Meznar. Today the Delug have small tribes
around the coast of Voriidin. The bulk of their horde still protects the many evil
things that plague Tanand. The Delug have not divulged much to society in the way
of advancement but surprisingly it was Delug poetry and novels that influenced the
mainland the most. Having seen the total unwinding of reality before them, the
creativity of the Delug was matched by few and they could weave stories and tales
unlike any other species. The fire side stories of the Delug are a boon to any who
keep them as friends, and let no one tell you otherwise but a Delugs true joy is being
a Bard.
KRATT: The cricket folk of the western woods. The Kratt have largely been
avoided by all races and armies. Kratt are a sneaky people with access to natural
powers even elves cannot attain. Kratt are fun loving and desire nothing more then
good friends and food. Kratt are always up for adventure and their bouncy
personalities get on the nerves of adventuerers rather quickly. Kratt have dedicated
a number of great advancement in medicine and chemical weaponry to society. Most
sedatives and narcotics came from Kratt recipies for such items as soup and
brownies. Kratt design living constructs to fight for them or just carry them around.
Most often the constructs are made of rock or wood, but Kratt have been known to
make them out of clouds and ice.
Average lifespan: 60 years, Height: 2’10, Weight 80 lbs.
RACIAL BONUS: Mmm Plants: Kratt can naturally make potions and poisons
to coat their allies or their weapons. Kratt can make such poisons and tonics out of
any plant which some believe is an omeus power the Kratt are unaware of. The
poison does 4 damage over 4 turns, 1 damage per turn. If the victim resists the
poison damage they are stricken with nightmarish diarrhea. The Tonic heals 4
points of damage upon application. A tonic can only heal a number of times equal to
the users endurance.
RACIAL STAPLE: Chitin: Kratt are insectoid creatures, and as a result they are
immune to many of the pressure shifts and air quality issues of other races. Kratt are
immune to the bends and catastrophic pressure change. Kratt can breath both
oxygen and carbon dioxide.
RACIAL PERK: Boing!: Kratt can take their entire movement action as a
hulking leap in a target direction. At level 10 the Kratt can alter their trajectory in
the air by using their wings. Though kratt cannot fly until level 20 their wings
develop with them and allow for slow falling at all levels.
Kratt History: The first Kratt originated from an unknown area of the North
west. The Kratt claim Irliina to be their mother, but this may be because she is
mother nature. The Kratt first developed their towns and living quarters out of the
living trees of the northwest. The Kratt homes are some of the most impressive
structures in all of Voriidin. The mighty tree golems constructed by the Kratt tower
over the forest floor keeping would be invaders at bay. The Kratt never attempted to
expand more then 150 miles away from their original home land. The southern and
northern Kratt species developed from the main tribe that split during the 4th
millennium before recorded history. The Kratt were always masters of agriculture,
achieving feats with herbs and spices even the elves could not achieve. The Kratt
were unable to talk directly with the plants and animals that lived with them, but
the songs and light hearted hearts of the insect people were enough. The Kratt built
many great wells within the forests. The wells harnessed the omeus energy that
flowed through the forests, and every tree in the area would root into the water
flow. The Kratt used this rudimentary system of planting in order to harvest the sap
and materials available to them The Kratt began to be interested in martial skill
when a Human wandered into their village and was covere din blades and blood.
The Kratt did not understand war nor did they care for its outcome, but the thrill of
combat was made out to be the best game by the human. The Kratt began to fight
one another for fun, taking up sparing and monastic training. Eventually the first
Rogues and Monks formed in the Kratt. The bug people were able to infiltrate better
then most other species due to their size, and their knowledge of poison and magic
affinity made them excellent assassins. Though only one Kratt was ever noted as an
assassin he went on to start the first circus of assassins within Voriidin. The
assassins guild was originally a circus for the poor and needy to come and receive
work. But when the hunted started to arrive an assassin guild soon started under
the guise of a fun filled event. The Kratt Dosh continued his work until the day he
died, executing those hated by governments and nations alike. Though not all Kratt
grew a negative reputation, it was just the fact that the Kratt never were involved in
any form of polotics of social gathering. No war ever had record of Kratt other then
those who joined adventurers. There were never any Kratt armies only Kratt
farmers and doctors who helped the sick and the poor. The Kratt were even passive
in the great dragon war, somehow sedating the voracious green dragons and leaving
them outside the woods with gift baskets and nice cards. The Kratt are a very
accentric people and enjoy the arts and the finer moments in life. The Kratt are some
of the few people who still trade in the value of life. Kratt feed and clothe one
another because each other Kratt is part of the story of life. Each brother and sister
would make a void if not cared for and to see them cared for brings a joy the Kratt
could never pay for. As a result he Kratt have no known currency besides food, and
they enjoy the company of their guests and friends, making strong family groups.
Though many question the insect in them, since they love family, but scholars
believe their urges to be results of their sentience longing for a hive mind. The only
notable contributions to the global economy that the Kratt have given are powerful
poisons for slaying shadow borne and other creatures thought immune to toxin. The
Kratt have also been responsible for some of the strangest events in all the history of
Voriidin, including an event which caused an entire city to be replaced with flowers.
Not just small flowers but every item, object and building in the city was replaced
with a potted flower of varying size. The people went to sleep one day in their
homes and awoke to potted flowers. The Kratt were no doubt responsible for they
were playing in the flowers when the townsfolk awoke. But the next day after the
town had gone a bit crazy they awoke to a huge balloon with a smiling drawing and
their belongings returned. Ever since no one has bothered to get in touch with the
Kratt and feel it is best to leave them to their wiles and merry making. Yet some
adventurers cannot pass up a Kratt elementalist or a mighty barbarian from the
cricket folk of the western wood.
ORC: The barbaric orc have been a grim villan of many human stories. Orc
are actually a tribal people much like the Delug with a respect for the natural order
akin to Elves, though no orc would admit it. Orc see strength as the greatest aspect
of a being and Orc only ally themselves to strong allies, seeing Yatosh as their
superiors. Orc have made great contributions in rune magic and other crafting
omeus abilities. Orc mainly stick to hunting and trapping but some orc are even so
advanced to have made their own steam powered advancements on Gorinth.
Average lifespan: 75 years, Height: 6’, Weight 220 lbs.
RACIAL BONUS: Tough Blood: Orc gain +2 hit points per level.
RACIAL STAPLE: Wild: Orc gain a +4 to survival test or a +2 to stealth and
athletics tests.
RACIAL PERK: Rune Masters: Orcs have the natural ability no matter their
class to etch orc runes into their weapons and armor. An orc can only have one set
of their runes active at a time, either offensive or defensive but the runes empower
their attack or defense dice 1 increment while using the runed material. The orc
runes prevent the item from being enchanted or mechanically sophisticated.
Orc History: The proud and somewhat noble orc have been living on the continent of
Voriidin for years before their discovery. The Orc are a proud race and do not
submit to any known authority other then their own. The first kingdom of the Orc
arose around the time that the first recorded history began. The orc were a strong
warring people, nestled between the ogre tribes and the troll warlords. Battle was a
daily struggle for the orc, there weren’t any predispositions of peace and easy times
in the orc’s past. The entire first century of the first tribe was riddled with battle
against the trolls, ogres and shadow borne that polluted the area near where the
tribe had begun. The battles began like any other, the orc would rush out into the
violent wilds and surround their enemies in less then a days time. The orc were not
ones for scouting and would scout with their primary forces broken into tactical
strike teams. The first dragoons were born of the orc, who used rihnos as their
primary mounts to devastate the ranks of their enemies. The orc were not fond of
dragons but respected them for their strength. The first dragons that arrived on
Gorinth were stunned when little green creatures began biting and swinging axes at
them without fear or remorse. The orcs became a barbaric species as a result of
necessity rather then choice. The second city of the orc came under siege by the
living dead and the first necromantic cult of Gorinth. The gorinthians armies allied
with the orc to expunge the dark dealers and outter folk who erected the obolisks
that decimated the barriers between the shattered plain and the ream of Matra.
After killing the fiends and stopping the invasion of zombies, the orc returned to
their villages and attempted to create a civilization. The poetry and agriculture of
the orc is limited and their history does not show much advancement until after the
dragon wars when the great pirate age began. Orcs made the best pirates ever seen,
they were tough, ruthless and immune to many of the illnesses associated with life
at sea. The orc built their empire on the backs of 100 foot crocodiles that swam the
channel of Voriidin. These colossal beasts were not easy to tame, and had it not been
for the pirate lord Chung’gak there would have never been an orc navy or pirate
fleet. The Orc see themselves as a collective, and as a result they do not expunge
piracy from their waters. Instead the orc see pirates as competition and literally
take the pirate routes in order to be sieged and be provided a good battle and maybe
a good death. As a result it is orc trade that keeps the profession of piracy alive in
the world, in a crude form of cat and mouse combat. Orc have also been noted for
their mastery in the art of chain and thrown weapons. There are very few other
beings that can match the accuracy with which an orc assassin can fling her chain
blade. So great were the orc chain masters that rifle technology caught on as a hobby
for skeet shooting rather then weaponry. Orcs have a dark side other then war,
many of the orc who saw the outter spawn wanted the power of the void for their
own and became dark shaman. The evil shamans began to raise elementalists
specializing in death element and the corruption of magic and omeus. The second
necromancy threat arose from the orc Vulgorth the terrible. The mighty warlock
used his necromantic influence to cut a hole through the troll forest and harness
demon energy from the fissure of Gorinth to use against his kin. The orc hero Stof
was ultimately the man who slew the dreaded Vulgorth. The battle raged for almost
five hours, each soul tradeing blow after blow, then retreating to rest before
resuming the struggle. The warrior eventually gained the upper hand when his
shield reflected a terror bolt back at the warlock. The Orcs have since expunged the
art of death elementalism and rather favor life and justice among their people. The
adopting of Kara’Tese in their pantheon has made the Orc reverent of the righteous
battle and many orc paladin have begun to arise where none existed. The Orc are
now incorporated in the Hartfield lines of Voriidin and their warriors are some of
the gratest on the continent and the most noble of souls.
Within the realm there are many different classes which define a characters ability
to wage war on the forces of darkness. A class is a specific dedication to a type of
training and teaching that will both grow and empower the student. A character
class has many useful magic or non magical tools that can aid a character in
achieving far more then they could on their own. Each class is designed to fill a need
in the game and some classes can be stretched in order to cover multiple positions.
The different classes also have their own effects on the societies they are a part of.
Most classes are revered in some form or fashion for what they give to the cities in
forms of defense or healing potential. Some classes like warriors and monks are
seen as role models for the younger generation, while wizards keep the peace with
the fear of the unknown.
Barbarian: The barbarian is a strong warrior of the northern tradition. Barbarians
are often mindless berserkers on the battlefield with no fear or remorse. A
barbarian can very from a raider to a defender of his people with a chaotic
personality. Barbarians favor strong adversaries and scoff at those who cannot hold
their own in combat.
Offense: 1d12
Defense: 1d4
Bonus Hit points per level: 6
Base Abilities:
Cleave/Melee/Whenever you slay a unit in combat you may attack a target within
Fury/Self Buff/During combat the barbarian enters a berserker rage making them
immune to fear effects and deal +1 damage and soak +1 damage from all attacks.
Level 2 –
Level 3 Fury rank 2/+2 damage and soak, up from 1.
Level 4 –
Level 5 Battle rush/After an attack if the barbarian has another action they may take
a 5ft step in a direction and attack without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Level 6—
Level 7 Fury rank 3/+3 damage and soak, up from 2.
Level 8 –
Level 9 Inspiring durability/whenever you roll a maximum soak your allies gain a
+1 confidence bonus to their next roll in combat.
Level 10 Culminate/ When below or at 30% health the barbarians class die are
Level 11 –
Level 12 Poison resist 1/Disease resist 1
Level 13 Scatter the Weak/Whenever the barbarian rolls or has a maximum number
on their class dice, when attacking, all enemies within line of sight of the victim get a
-1 on all their rolls until combat ends as a fear debuff. This ability can stack a
number of times equal to half the barbarians maximum level.
Level 14 Poison resist 2/Disease resist 2
Level 15 –
Level 16 Poison resist 3/Disease resist 3
Level 17 Fury rank 4/+4 damage and soak, up from 3
Level 18 –
Level 19 –
Level 20 Survived against the Fittest/The barbarians surge of glory points
regenerate twice as fast.
Surge of Glory/Unstoppable
Rank 1: The barbarian enters a threshold for 6 turns. During the 6 turns the
barbarian gain an extra movement action and gains a +10 bonus vs. debuff rolls.
Rank 2: The barbarian enters a threshold for 8 turns. During the 8 turns the
barbarian gains the same buffs as rank one but has his or her offensive class die and
defensive class die increased one increment for the duration.
Rank 3: The barbarian enters a threshold for the next 10 turns. The barbarian gains
the same buffs as level 1 and 2 of this ability during the 10 turns. The barbarian also
gains healing equal to the damage and mitigation they roll on their class dice.
Warriors: The disciplined fighters of Voriidin. The warrior is a noble and honored
combatant that braves the harshest positions of battle so that his or her allies may
remain safe. A warrior can be a destructive power or a shield wall. Warriors favor
their abilities to withstand over directly crush enemies like barbarians. Warriors
wear heavy armor and prefer to stand between friends and harm, rather then the
Offense: 1d8
Defense: 1d10
Extra hit points per level: 4
Base Abilities
Bulwark/passive/whenever you roll maximum soak on your defensive die or dice
you reflect an amount of damage to the attacker equal to your level if able.
Allied Weapon/ You deal +1 damage with a chosen weapon type.
Level 2 Focus/passive/each time you critically defend the next attack dealt to you
deal +1 damage on your next attack in combat. This effect stacks a number of times
equal to the warriors level.
Level 3 –
Level 4 –
Level 5 Weather the Storm/ Once per combat you may gain an extra defense dice on
a chosen defense.
Level 6 Student of War/self buff/ You gain +1 damage and soak equal the warriors
defense die increment and defense die increment. For example a 1d8 would award
+3 a 1d10 would award +4. This effect occurs whenever you critically attack or
defend. The effect lasts for 2 turns.
Level 7 –
Level 8 –
Level 9 Corruption resist 2
Level 10 Allied Weapon 2/passive/ You deal +2 damage with a chosen weapon type
up from 1.
Level 11 Veteran of Combat/passive/increase your critical strike and critical block
rating by 2.
Level 12 –
Level 13 Corruption resist 4
Level 14 Improved Focus/passive/each time you critically hit or defend you deal +1
on your next attack in combat. This effects +1 continues to add in combat maxing
equal to the warriors level.
Level 14 –
Level 15—
Level 16 –
Level 17 Allied Weapon 3/passive/ you deal +3 damage with a chosen weapon type
up from 2.
Level 18 Weapon Master/passive/doubles the weapon bonus if able, of weapons
wielded by the warrior.
Level 19 –
Level 20 Master the Storm/passive/Increases the number of times per combat you
can activate weather the storm by 2.
Surge of Glory
Battle Forge/Rank 1/For the next 6 turns the warrior gains the battle forge bonus.
The warrior gains the stacks of rolling a critical for normally succeeding at an attack
or defense roll.
Battle Forge/Rank 2/For the next 8 turns the warrior gains the benefits of Battle
Forge rank 1, but also gains the ability to reroll 3 or less rolls on class die.
Battle Forge/ Rank 3/For the next 10 turns the warrior gains the benefits of Battle
Forge Rank 2, but in addition gains healing equal to half the amount they roll on
their class dice when attacking or defending rounded up.
RANGER: The ranger is a staple soldier in any battle or group. Rangers specialize in
ranged attacks that do not require tapping into the ethereal net in order to use
range. Rangers tend to be loyal and honest, but there are some who favor the path of
a rogue. Rangers tend to spend most of their lives in the wild wether it be on an
alien planet or in a deep forest of Voriidin.
Offensive dice 1d8
Defensive dice 1d6
Hit points per level: 2
Base Abilities
Scattered Blast/A ranger may fire two projectile attacks in a single attack action but
loses half their bonus to hit. The ranger may forfeit their bonus to hit on a melee
attack in order to reroll it if the attack misses.
Survivalist/Rangers do not take terrain negatives, and gain +1 to all advantage
bonuses from terrain and position.
Level 2 Track/passive/+1 survival, +1 athletics, +1 stealth, +1 perception.
Level 3 Duel Wielding/passive/ You can duel wield weapons of 1 handed or smaller
size in either hand without negatives.
Level 4 Maul/ranged/A special full round attack that batters the target. The ranger
rolls their offense dice to determine the bleed damage, dealt 1 per turn, and the
victim has their next attack damage reduced by half the rolled amount rounded
Level 5—
Level 6 Decipher weakness/passive/Enemies have minus 1 soak while within 40ft
of the ranger.
Level 7 –
Level 8 Vital Exploit/passive/your critical attacks bypass armor bonus to enemy
Level 9—
Level 10 Bonus Feat
Level 11 –
Level 12 Animal Companion/The Ranger may gain an animal companion listed as a
potential companion from the creature compendium. The creature must be within
the level range of the Ranger to be obedient and loyal.
Level 13 –
Level 14 Improved Track/passive/ increases the bonuses of track by 1.
Level 15—
Level 16 Improved Survival/passive/ increases the bonuses of your survivalist
ability by 1.
Level 17 –
Level 18 Poison resistance 2
Level 19 Disease resistance 2
Level 20 Improved Scattered Blast/You may now launch three projectile attacks in a
single attack action by forfeiting half your bonus to hit. You now automatically reroll
a failed melee attack once per action without forfeiting your bonus to hit.
Surge of Glory
Master Hunter/Rank 1/Activate/ For 6 turns the ranger gains the master hunter
buff. While the buff is active the ranger bypasses terrain negatives when attacking
and denies enemies advantage bonus against the ranger. The Ranger doubles their
range and their melee attacks gain a 10ft reach.
Master Hunter/Rank 2/Activate/For 8 turns The ranger gains the benefits of rank 1
of Master Hunter but also gains A bonus to hit on attacks equal to half the rangers
level. Allies within 40ft of the ranger gain half this bonus.
Master Hunter/Rank 3/ For 10 Turns the ranger gains the benefits of rank 2 of
Master Hunter but also reduces enemies soak by 6. Allies gain half this bonus for
enemies within 20ft of them.
Ranger Pets: A rangers animal companion can be chosen from creatures in the
creature compendium. The compendium will have a header (Ranger X) where X
represents the level the ranger has to be in order to attain the animal companion.
ROGUE: The universe needs those are willing to do the dirty jobs that offend or
conflict with scheduals. Rogues fit the bill to stop, steal, kill or inhibit the actions of
others if the rogue chooses a good or evil path. Rogues get the job done and as long
as their friends prove their usefulness the job gets done without casualties.
Offensive Dice: 1d6
Defensive Dice: 1d8
HP per level: 3
Base Abilities:
Hidden Actions/passive/When the rogue makes an attack from stealth their
offensive class dice increases 1 increment.
Hidden Benefit/passive/The first turn when acting from stealth the rogue gains an
additional action.
Level 2 Sleeper Strike/Whenever you critically hit an enemy you can negate the
critical to apply a strike to a pressure point. The victim is weakened and does not
benefit from their bonus to dodge until the beginning of your next turn.
Level 3—
Level 4 Shadow Knowledge/ +1 stealth, +1 perception, +1 gather information, +1
street wise.
Level 5 Bonus Feat
Level 6 –
Level 7 –
Level 8 Shank Storm/ The rogue may take a full round action to strike out 5 times at
a target. Only one chance to hit roll is needed but the victim only takes 1d20 damage
without soak.
Level 9 Shadow Knowledge 2/Improves the benefits from shadow knowledge by 1.
Level 10 Open Up/Once per day the rogue may gain a +10 to a chosen skill test or
mark an enemies weaknesses, reducing their soak roll to a 1d4 for 1+1d4 turns.
Level 11 –
Level 12 –
Level 13 Eviction of Attack/You may maximize your class dice once per combat.
Level 14 Dodge to Shadows/ You may enter stealth in an area of light cover if you
roll a critical test.
Level 15—
Level 16- Level 17 Bonus Feat
Level 18 Improved Hidden Benefit/Whenever you act from stealth any allies that
allow you to flank your target gain a bonus action also on their next turn after you
act from stealth.
Level 19 –
Level 20 Improved Hidden Actions/passive/When the rogue attacks from stealth
their class dice improve until the end of their next turn.
Surge of Glory/Rank 1/Adept/passive/Increases the rogues offensive or defensive
dice by 1 increment. The rogue may change their decision at the start of a new day
after a long rest.
Rank 2/Adept/passive/Increases the rogues offensive or defensive dice by 1
increment. The rogue may change their decision at the start of a new day after a long
Rank 3/Adept Action/Activated/For the next 8 turns the rogue singles out a target
enemy. For the duration of this effect the units offensive and defensive die are
reduced to 1d4. Increases and boosts are ignored by the unit.
WIZARD: Wizards are the order keepers of the realm. There are few who are graced
with the knowledge and understanding of the worlds workings and the Ethereal
Net. Yet wizards are those who have the knowledge and discipline in order to
overcome the trials of darkness and wield their omeus power as a weapon against
darkness, or light.
Offensive dice 1d4
Defensive dice 1d4
Casting dice 1d10
Hit points per level: 2
Base Abilities
Detect Omeus/passive/Allows the wizard to detect magic users and magic abilities
as well as suppressed omeus in individuals who would otherwise not know they had
potential. Also allows for the detection of omeus centered beings like elementals.
Effects a 50ft radius making objects with omeus and magic glow.
Dispel/active/Allows the wizard to remove omeus enchantments and magic effects
by attempting to match the cast power of the ability. This can be dangerous with
omeus based enchantments for some of the core energy is left in the enchantment
making it much more powerful.
Level 2 Level 1 cast mastery
Level 3 –
Level 4 Level 2 cast mastery
Level 5 Bonus Feat
Level 6 Level 3 cast mastery
Level 7 –
Level 8 Level 4 cast mastery
Level 9 –
Level 10 Enchanting
Level 11 –
Level 12 Level 5 cast mastery
Level 13 –
Level 14 Level 6 cast mastery
Level 15 Bonus Feat
Level 16 Level 7 cast mastery
Level 17—
Level 18 Level 8 cast mastery
Level 19—
Level 20 ArchMage/passive/The mage has reached a level of prowess that gives him
or her a +3 automatically to casting abilities. The mage may also attempt 9th, 10th
and 11th level abilities at their own risk.
Surge of Glory/Rank 1/Boost Cast/ The next three casts performed in combat by the
mage have their effects improved to the next higher cast version. For example a
flame shot would become fire ball.
Rank 2/ Empowered Cast/The next six casts made by the wizard have their effects
increased to the next higher version of the cast.
Rank 3/Ultimate Cast/Choose one ability you can potentially cast and cast the
ability without paying the cost and as a swift action. Max rank 11 casts.
SPELL BLADE: The spell blade is a powerful warrior of the front line. A spell blade
fights for their own moral code most often and uses magic to give them an edge in
combat. The different spell blades that have terrorized or saved armies, have always
been seen as omens of change. Spell blades are often found in taverns of major cities
using their powers as parlor tricks to pay for their drinks.
Offensive Dice 1d8
Defensive Dice 1d8
Cast Dice: 1d4
Hit points per level: 4
Base Abilities
Detect Omeus/passive/Allows the wizard to detect magic users and magic abilities
as well as suppressed omeus in individuals who would otherwise not know they had
potential. Also allows for the detection of omeus centered beings like elementals.
Effects a 50ft radius making objects with omeus and magic glow.
Blade of Magic/passive/The spell blade deals +1 magic damage on each basic attack
equal to one third of the spell blades level rounded up.
Level 2 Special Slash/Activate/Once per combat the Spell Blade attacks with a basic
attack. The attack is empowered by omeus energy and denies the victim a soak roll.
Level 3 Duel Wielding Proficiency
Level 4 –
Level 5 Bonus Feat
Level 6 Level 1 Cast Mastery
Level 7—
Level 8 Expunge/Swift Activate/Once per day you expunge the area removing all
magical and other special effects from the field of battle for 1d8 turns. On a 7 cast
test the spell blade can focus the ability only on enemies but the duration is 1d4
turns. The zone of expunge is 40ft but the focused zone is 20ft.
Level 9 –
Level 10—
Level 11 –
Level 12 Swift Blink/Swift Activate/Once per combat the Spell Blade may blink 20ft
in a target direction, bypassing obstacles and gaining a glimpse of the area where
they will arrive for 2 seconds. The sight granted is true sight.
Level 13—
Level 14 Level 1 Cast Perfection
Level 15 +1 to all skills
Level 16 Fighting Stance/passive/At the beginning of combat the spell blade may
choose to take 1 dice increment from offense or defense and increase offense or
defense with it. Example reduce offense to 1d6 in order to have 1d10 soak for
Level 17-Level 18 Spell Breaker/passive/Upon landing a critical strike on a foe, a spell blade
may break a beneficial buff or suppress an enchantment on the victim for combat.
Level 19—
Level 20 Equipped/Active/The spell blade can manifest ethereal versions of their
main and offhand weapons that can each launch 1 attack as swift actions in addition
to the normal attacks of the spell blade.
Surge of Glory/passive/Rank 1/Specialist/ You gain the next level of cast mastery
Rank 2/Specialist/You gain the next level of cast mastery
Rank 3/Sage/You gain spell perfection on the caster ranks awarded by the previous
ranks. In addition the spell blade may use expunge an extra time per day.
SHAMAN: Men and women devoted to caretaking the omeus power that runs
throughout the universe as a whole. Shamans specialize in elemental power and
omeus manipulation within the body before release, instead of magic which uses
omeus once released. Shaman dedicate themselves to healing and mending the
world, but some dark shaman have devoted themselves to corruption.
Offensive 1d6
Defensive 1d6
Casting 1d8
Hit points per level: 3
Base Abilities
Shift: The shaman may select a chosen elemental type, either fire, frost, earth, or
vortex damage as the damage type of their class dice on attacks.
Focus: At character creation the shaman selects a specific element of the primal
four, fire, frost, earth or vortex and becomes focused on that element. For the
remainder of the shamans life, he or she takes half damage from that element and
applies that elements benefits accordingly when awarded by their class.
Level 2 –
Level 3 Spread/passive/ you can separate your class dice damage among enemies in
a 10ft area from your initial attack impact, dealing no more damage then the total
amount rolled on your class die.
Level 4 Pray and Prey/passive/You invoke the power of one of the four primal
guardians to restrain or harm a target based on your Focus. (See Chart A for
Level 5 Choose your Path, +1 knowledge religion, +1 knowledge the plains
Fury Path
Level 6 ---
Level 7 Fire Blood/by making a successful 6 cast/omeus focus check you are able to
purge your body of a harmful ailment with fervent heat, but the fire burns you for 3
damage. If you are Focused on Fire, this ability heals you for 6.
Level 8—
Level 9 Tornado/by making a successful 8 cast/omeus focus check, you are able to
increase your defensive class dice one increment with a howling vortex of wind. If
you are Focused on vortex then the cyclone will deflect projectiles fired from 31ft or
further away. The cyclone must be maintained every turn with a cast/omeus focus
check but this can be done as a free action. If you are Focused on vortex the upkeep
is every two turns instead.
Level 10 Choose your Path Combat, +1 Intimidate, +1 Survival
Order Path
Level 6 Frost Scales/By making a successful 5 cast/omeus focus check you are able
to dawn frost scales that allow you a resist roll, 1d20 success is higher then 10, to
shrug off any negative status effect made on you. The effect lasts 3 turns but you are
slowed by the frost to half your normal movement speed. If you are Focused on
Frost you are not slowed and the difficulty to shrug off an effect is reduced to 8.
Level 7—
Level 8 Earth Momentum/By making a successful 7 cast/omeus focus check you are
able to balance your body with sand collections on your frame. As a result your
attacks deal extra damage equal to half your endurance the effect must be
maintained every turn. If you are focused on earth then when you are attacked the
sand sprays at your opponent, canceling the effect, giving them a -3 to hit.
Level 9—
Level 10 Choose your Path Combat, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Streetwise
Fury Combat Style
Level 11 Duel wielding proficiency
Level 12 Erupting Criticals/passive/Whenever you critically strike you may replace
your bonus damage to place a lava mark on a victim. Whenever the victim rolls a
max dice increment within the next 3 turns accept a critical defense, they take fire
damage equal to the maximized roll. If you are Focused on fire critical defenses take
half fire damage.
Level 13 +2 to a chosen skill
Level 14 Shunt/Activate/Once per day the shaman may take an additional action.
This may be activated on an enemies team to give an automatic counter attack. If
you are Focused on vortex an ally may perform this effect also that is within 20ft of
the shaman.
Level 15 Choose your Element Specialization
Order Combat Style
Level 11 Frost Motion/By making an 8 cast/omeus focus check you send omeus ice
magic around you in a 30ft zone. The ice mist remains for 4 turns, during which time
the frost solidifies in place beneath the feet of the shaman allowing them to move
into the air if they desire. If devoted to frost the frost platforms are larger allowing
for more stable footing which grants a +3 to dodge for the duration. Only 1 mist aura
can be active at a time. The frost aura will cool objects as would normal exposure to
–10C tempratures, the shaman is unaffected.
Level 12 Bonus Feat
Level 13 Motionless Stone/passive/ The shaman is able to control their weight in
bursts, effectively making them immune to forced movement. If you are Focused on
earth motionless stone allows you to shift into a stone form absorbing an incoming
attack completely once per day. Shifting into stone form can remove petrification.
Level 14 +2 to a chosen skill
Level 15 Choose your Element Specilization
Fury Fire Specialization
Level 16 Burn/passive/ your basic attacks with one handed weapons deal +2 fire
Level 17 Fire Touch/passive/ your touch can ignite objects with a flame about as
strong as a match. The flame deals 1 fire damage if you hold it against a target. If you
are focused on fire you gain immunity to fire for 3 turns after coming in contact with
a flame, this does not apply to fire based attacks.
Level 18 Pyro Addiction/passive/whenever you take fire damage if you absorb it
with a soak roll you heal for the amount. If you focus on fire you may double a soak
against fire damage, but if you do not soak the amount your entire soak is negated.
Level 19 Fire Spirit/passive/ Whenever you critically hit with an attack you send
out a concussion of fire in a forward 20ft cone for half the attacks damage. If you
focus on Fire you may take a 5ft step, without provoking an attack of opportunity
and release the blast in a different direction.
Level 20 Fire Devotion/Activate/Doubles your Fire damage for 1+1d4 turns once
per day.
Fury Vortex Specialization
Level 16 Cyclone Shot/Activate/ You empower a bullet/arrow with the power of the
cyclone. When this attack impacts a location, the area is consumed in a typhoon of
wind lifting everything less then 1000 lbs 15ft into the air before slamming it to the
ground for 15 damage. Once per combat use. If you Focus on Vortex power you may
use this ability on a successful 8 cast/omeus focus check.
Level 17 Lift/passive/ you gain slow falling.
Level 18 Sphere/Activate/You hurl a ball of swirling winds traveling beyond
300mph forward in a 25ft line. Everything hit by the sphere is thrown in a random
direction at least 20ft away. You can activate this ability a number of times per day
equal to your aura. If you are Focused on Vortex the orb sucks up its first victim and
deals 5d10 damage to them.
Level 19 Flight/Activate/You may fly a number of minutes per day equal to your
Aura score. If you Focus on vortex you may fly twice as long.
Level 20 Gates of the Gales/Activate/Once per day you may launch a 40ft wide 80ft
long zone of wind that extinguishes all special abilities and magical/omeus abilities.
The cone lasts for 2 turns and during these turns the Shaman is immobilized and
unable to attack or defend. Enemies moving toward the shaman, through the lane
must succeed a 30 athletics test to move at normal speed. Projectiles passing into
the vortex are deflected. If the shaman focuses on Vortex power they are able to fire
a focused vacuum beam that deals 75 damage to a 40ft line.
Order Frost Specialization
Level 16 Ice Touch/passive/Your basic attacks chill your victim reducing the victims
movement by half. If you Focus on Frost your attacks also reduce enemies
movement within 5ft of the effected victim. The debuff of Ice Touch lasts 1 round.
Level 17 Frost Visage/Activate/By succeeding a cast/omeus focus check of 12 you
may create an ice visage. The mask grants you one ability of the targets class if able
or a special/spell like ability of creature. The level range of the abilities able to be
taken is determined by a 1d12 roll. The Frost visage remains till it breaks and only
one Frost Visage may be active at one time. If you Focus on Frost you may have two,
a split mask, Frost Visage active.
Level 18 Shattering Wing/Once per day the shaman places frost wings on his allies
in combat, Max 4 sets active. If the victim would be critically hit or be killed by an
attack they are whisked away to a safer location within 50ft, an ice replica is left in
their place, which shatters. If you Focus on Frost your allies are healed for 20
whenever this effect occurs. Shattering Wings only lasts 10 minutes out of combat.
Level 19 Frost Hammer/Activated/ A number of times per day equal your aura, you
may manifest a colossal ethereal ice hammer that smashes a 20ft area. The area is
dealt damage as if hit by a colossal hammer, but aware units get a +4 to dodge. If you
are focused on Frost the victims lose their bonus to dodge.
Level 20 Crimson Tundra/Passive-Activated/ In combat whenever a unit takes
damage, their blood freezes once it leaves their body and swirls around in a ice
shard storm around the battlefield. The blood storms hit points are equal to the HP
lost by enemies in the area. At any time the shaman may command the swirling
blood shards to strike chosen targets dealing 1 damage per HP in the storm reduced
to target a victim. The Storm can be damaged by fire attacks. If you are Focused on
Frost Crimson Tundra can be used to heal yourself by reducing the blood storms
Order Earth Specialization
Level 16 Stone Skin/passive/Increases your soak one increment. If you focus on
Earth you regenerate 1 hit point per round but can regrow lost limbs.
Level 17 Boulder/Swift Action/Three times per day you may manifest a Boulder
within 20ft of yourself. The Boulders size is average 15sqft, but if the boulder lands
on a victim it deals 40 damage before it disappears. The Boulder can intercept
attacks. If you Focus on Earth you can manifest the boulders under a victim which
causes a micro earthquake that knocks down all in a 30ft area from the manifest
point. A 25 athletics test can negate the knockdown.
Level 18 Cataclysm/passive/Whenever you critically defend you cataclysm the
earth around you creating a stone spike barrier around you 10ft high providing total
cover. If you are Focused on Earth you cataclysm on offensive critical strikes
knocking back foes and dealing them 20 damage and shielding you.
Level 19 Shatter/Activated/Shatters the ground and omeus flows in a target 40ft
zone removing all types of armor and soak mitigation for 3 turns, once per day use.
If you are Focused on Earth you heal 10hp for all units effected and are immune to
the negatives of this ability, you may instead heal allies with some of the healing
provided by this ability.
Level 20 Titan Lance/Activated/You launch yourself forward up to 30ft in a target
direction by calling the earth to your aid. A massive lance of ore is formed during the
dash. If you collide with an enemy you deal them 25 damage and knock them aside
while you travel regardless, if able. If you critically hit you deal the victim 100
damage and impale them. The entire ordeal takes place in a 30ft line and the earth
construction is 20ft wide. If you are Focused on Earth you can instead dash forward
in a 30ft 10ft wide line and petrify enemies in the path.
Rank 1/Assume the Elements/Activated/For 6 turns the shaman or voidwarper is
able to cast abilities of level 4 or less as a once per turn free action regardless of cost
as long as the ability deals with Vortex, Fire, Frost, Earth or Lightning.
Rank 2/Control the Elements/Activated/For 8 turns the shaman is bathed in the
light of the Omni-Elementals Crypt and are imbued with the power of the elements.
The shaman deals 10 fire damage on attacks, heals for 10 health on defenses, gains
an extra movement action, chills foes on hit 25% and at the end of the 8 turns calls
down a blast of lightning from the portal that deals 45 lightning damage to the
Rank 2/Void of Elements/Activated(VoidWarper)/For 8 turns the voidwarper
drains the elemental remnants out of all in a 30ft zone from the shaman. Victims
lose 10 degrees of body temperature a round, lose their movement actions, are
unable to cast, and cannot be healed.
Rank 3/Elementary/Activated/The shaman channels the combination of the
elements into his or her allies regenerating them to full health. Also the allies gain
one extra action in their next turn.
Rank 3/The Void/Activated/The voidwarper concentrates the emptiness of outter
space onto the consciousness of those within 40ft of him or herself. The untempered
minds of victims who fail a critical resistance test have their thoughts, personality,
class and other aspects sucked out of them. For 3 turns all units within 40ft of the
voidwarper become their puppets.
Unlike other classes whos abilities are kept in tradition over the years, the shamans
are unique in that their power is derived directly from the omeus flow of the
elements. In space and future worlds their connections are more thin, and the areas
of traditional shaman power are hindering to space travel. The result being that
shamans began to become Void warpers to manipulate the primal forces of the
Universe in order to overcome the lack of raw elements.
The transitions alone are listed below.
FOCUS/replaced with/Void Draw: By making a cast/omeus focus check as a free
action when making a skill test, attack or defense the voidwarper can reduce the
difficulty of the test, or reduce the defense/attack of their victim by an amount equal
to half the amount rolled for their cast/omeus focus check.
Level 2 Star Scythe/Activated/Once per combat the shaman can draw in star light
energies to perform an arc swing that deals 14 damage or heals an ally for 14.
Level 3 –
Level 4 Warp/Activated/Once per day the voidwarper/shaman can warp to a target
location they have traveled within 1½ days.
Level 5 Choose your Path
Eclipse Path
Level 6 –
Level 7 Glowing Power/Activated/By succeeding an 8 cast/omeus focus check the
shaman may heal a target ally for 10 health
Level 8 +2 diplomacy
Level 9 Star Surge/Activated/All enemies in combat are prevented from using their
special abilities until the start of the voidwarpers next round. This effect includes
passive abilities such as regeneration and phasing to avoid harm.
Level 10 Choose your combat path.
Forces Path
Level 6 +2 to Piloting
Level 7 –
Level 8 Gravity Reverse/Activated/In a 30ft zone around the shaman gravity is
either reversed for all but the shaman or re-instated on a focal point designated by
the shaman.
Level 9 Thrust/passive/The voidwarper/shaman gains an extra movement action in
their turn.
Level 10 choose your combat path
Eclipse Combat
Level 11—
Level 12 Ball of Light/Activated/By succeeding a 9 cast/omeus focus check the
shaman forms a ball of light that richochets in a random direction whenever it hits a
target. The ball lasts 3 full rounds and is calculated for four bounces at the beginning
of a round. If an enemy is hit they take 8 light damage, and if an ally is hit they
receive 8 healing.
Level 13 +2 to Knowledge Aliens
Level 14 Phase/Activated/Once per day the shaman can phase into an alternate
dimension for a moment avoiding an incoming attack.
Level 15 –
Level 16 Eclipse/passive/If under the shadow of a natural eclipse the shaman gains
the ability to peform their movement actions as a teleport. Also the
shamans/voidwarpers attacks bypass armor but have a 25% chance to miss.
Likewise attacks against the voidwarper/shaman have a 25% chance to miss.
Level 17 Celestial Bane/Activated/Once per combat the void warper may select a
target victim. The victim is scorned with celestial light dealing damage to the victim
equal to the amounts rolled on their next three dice.
Level 18 –
Level 19 Star Edge/passive/The weapons of the shaman are enveloped in starlight
empowering them to leave a star dot on a victim. The dot stacks until combat ends
and each time the victim of a start dot deals damage they heal their victim for an
amount equal to the star dot stacks they have. A shaman must hit a victim with an
Eclipse ability or a weapon strike to apply a star dot.
Level 20 Event Horizon/Activated/The power of the eclipse fills the shaman
increasing their power greatly. The shaman gains 100 temporary hit points as a
shield that absorbs all incoming damage, during which time the shaman is immune
to effects and abilities other then their own. The voidwarper’s attacks also bypass
omeus or magic defenses. During this state the shaman is ethereal and can move
through solid objects as they please. The effect of Event Horizon lasts only 5 minutes
or for combat and takes exposure to an eclipse to recharge. If in the shadow of an
eclipse the shamans shield increases to 150 and the activation of the Event Horizon
Scars them.
Forces Combat
Level 11 Gravity Well/Activated/ Creates a gravity beacon on a target foe. All
projectiles are gravitated toward the target, even omeus/magic abilities that are
launched as projectiles. The gravity well lasts for 3 turns and can be activated once
per combat.
Level 12—
Level 13 –
Level 14 Enertia/passive/On a critical strike or defense the shaman transfers their
defense or attack roll -1 to a nearby ally. For example a nearby ally would get an
automatic 19 on their next roll. If the roll is successful the roll is reduced by 1 and is
transferred to the next ally. The process repeats until the roll fails. Only one instance
of Enertia can be active at one time.
Level 15 Mass/Activated/ Twice per day the voidwarper can change the mass of an
object at will up to 4 times its original mass or 4 times less.
Level 16 –
Level 17 –
Level 18 +1 to knowledge space, +1 to piloting, +1 to survival
Level 19 Black Hole/Activated/Once per day the voidwarper creates a singularity on
a target location within 20ft of themselves. Anything at the heart of the Black Hole is
blinked out of existence for the duration of the ability, 4 turns, units within the draw
of the sphere blink out of existence once they reach the center, unable to resist the
pull of the sphere without a critical defense. All units absorbed by the black hole are
regurgitated in a forceful explosion after the abilities end dealing 15 unstoppable
damage to the victims.
Level 20 Space Travel/passive/The warp ability of the voidwarper can be used a
number of times per day equal to their intelligence or aura.
DRAGOON: There are some people in life who embody heroic actions, then there are
some who don’t care and smash stuff with hammers or trample it with mighty
mounts; Dragoon are both. Dragoon rampage across enemy battlefields with little
regard for their own well being but will surely lay down their lives for their allies
and even their mount. Dragoon love combat and sometimes like money, but give a
dragoon a lance and a sturdy steed and thine enemies shall become red mist by the
close of the day.
Offensive Dice 1d10
Defensive Dice 1d8
Hit points per level: 5
Heroic Life/passive/The Dragoon heals for half of any dice increment it rolls at
maximum without modification.
Kill it with Death!/Activated/Once per combat the Dragoon automatically hits with
an attack made in range.
Level 2 Mount/passive/The dragoon creates a special bond with a specific mount of
their choice of a tamable creature (game masters discretion). The animal levels 1/3
the speed of the Dragoon and gains +1 defensive or offensive dice increment.
Otherwise the mount of a dragoon levels like a normal creature of its species. The
Dragoons mount is unaffected by charm or mind control effects.
Level 3 Weapon Specialization/passive/The Dragoon selects his or her weapon of
war and gains a +1 to all rolls pertaining to their chosen weapon.
Level 4—
Level 5 Choose your Path
Lancer Path
Level 6 Fortified/passive/The Lancer gains +20 maximum hp.
Level 7+1 to diplomacy, +1 to barter,+1 to perception
Level 8 –
Level 9 Armored Charge/The Lancer does not provoke an attack of opportunity
when riding past foes.
Level 10 Valiant Effort/Once per day the Dragoon increases the offensive
increments of allies by 1 for 1d4 turns.
Level 11 –
Level 12 +1 to streetwise, +1 to gather information
Level 13 Lancer beats Paper/passive/The attacks of the Dragoon deal an extra 1d8
damage to enemies with light or less armor.
Level 14 Lancer beats Scissors/passive/Attacks made with edged weapons deal 1d8
less damage to the Dragoon/Lancer.
Level 15 Lancer beats rock/passive/Attacks made by the Dragoon/Lancer bypass
50% of natural damage reduction. Example Golems which take all physical damage
as non-lethal/disabling damage (if the amount hits their total hit points the golem
goes into stasis until awoken) A Lancer would deal 25% of their damage as lethal go
a Golem.
Level 16 –
Level 17 –
Level 18 Mounted Power/passive/ Your mount can now assist you by adding 1d10
to any resistance based roll the Lancer/Dragoon makes. The Mount gains
regeneration 1 regardless if it naturally has regeneration.
Level 19 –
Level 20 One man Cavalry/Activated/ Once per day the Dragoon charges forward
ignoring terrain and movement imparing effects. This ability also removes negative
effects on the Dragoon. The charge marks enemies hit that the Dragoon passes by
within 5ft. Enemies collided with take 25 damage. Marked victims are automatically
critically struck by the next attack made by the Dragoon or his or her allies against
the victim. The mark vanishes after an automatic critical is awarded.
Dragon Slayer Path
Level 6 Ancient Power/passive/you can only roll minimum of half your maximum
amount on your class dice.
Level 7 Defend Against Flame/passive/you gain an extra soak roll against fire
Level 8 –
Level 9 –
Level 10 Dragons Bane/Activated/Against a dragon or comparable creature of
power the Dragoon is able to leap up to 20ft into the air and slam down upon the
enemy. The slam attack is unavoidable and deals 1d20 unstoppable damage. This
ability has a 1d6 turn cooldown.
Level 11 Ageis/passive/Allies targeting the same enemy as the Dragoon gain a +1
bonus to hit and damage, and a +1 to defense.
Level 12 Arc Charge/Activated/Without needing a mount the Dragoon is able to use
the momentum of swinging his or her weapon of 1½ hand size or greater, to launch
a charge level melee attack by suddenly stabbing in a target direction. This attack
has a 25% chance to miss but upon hit the attack is considered a charge. While
spinning the weapon enemies who fail an opposing strength test fall prone from
being hit by the weapon. Enemies of larger size are knocked back instead. This
ability has a 1d4 turn cooldown.
Level 13 –
Level 14 +1 to intimidate, +1 to streetwise, +1 to tumble
Level 15 Overwhelm/Activated/Once per day the Dragonslayer gains +3 critical
strike range and +3 critical defense range for 1d8 turns.
Level 16 –
Level 17 Parry Mass/passive/ Allows the dragoon to counter attack with a weapon
larger then 1 hand, such as a pole arm, in melee range.
Level 18 –
Level 19 +1 to intimidate +1 to street wise, +1 to tumble
Level 20 Dragonbane Form/Activated/ The Dragoon embodies the fury and might of
his foe to destroy them. The Dragoon gains A bonus to their stats equal to the stat
bonus of the selected victim for 3 Rounds. Once per day use, yet this ability
automatically activates when the Dragoon is below 10hp even if the ability is on
Rank 1/Dragoon Oath/passive-Activated/ The dragoon negates imminent death and
exhausts his or her surge points and stabilizes at 1 HP.
Rank 2/Dragoon Style/passive-Activated/ The dragoon does not take negatives
from attacking with an oversized weapon in melee. The Dragoon can mimic a
immediate enemy roll once per day. The dragoon may spend his surge points for
this ability to cause his next twelve attacks to apply confusion to his victims, even if
they are immune.
Rank 3/Dragon vs. Dragoon/Activated/For the next 6 turns the Dragoon is the only
unit in combat that benefits from stat and ability bonuses. Allies benefit 50% during
this effect.
BARD: There are many who fight, many who love and many who govern. A bard can
be one of many talents and gifts. The bard holds a very meaningful roll in the lives
and well being of the populace as a whole. To fight alongside a bard will fill many
with wonder at the ability shown by such a lowly muse. While those who bolster
their skills can be astonished at their cunning.
Offensive die 1d6
Defensive die 1d6
Casting die 1d6
Hit points per level: 3
Songs/The bard can attempt a perform test, to sing a number of different types of
toons. Uplifting music can grant a +1 to initiative, while a dirge would increase
damage dealt by allies by 1. There are a number of effects and the style of music can
alter the effects at the game masters discretion.
Swift Hand/The bard can quick draw weapons smaller then one handed as a free
Level 2 Duel wielding proficiency
Level 3 +1 to Bluff, +1 to Barter, +1 to lockpicking
Level 4 Bonus Feat
Level 5 Choose your Path Symphony/The bard is able to sing a riveting song of
encouragement once per combat that inspires his allies granting them +10
temporary health, stops bleed effects, and gives them +3 damage that decays 1 per
Jester Path
Level 6 Punch Line/passive/Whenever the Bard critically defends they may launch
two counter attacks.
Level 7 –
Level 8 Funny Buisness/passive/Gain a bonus to either Barter, Bluff or Streetwise
equal to your Agility.
Level 9 –
Level 10 Dupe/passive/Whenever an enemy moves the bard may move 5ft as long
as they pass a 15 difficulty stealth test.
Level 11 –
Level 12 Sucker/Activated/The bard jeers and mocks a target opponent with a bluff
test. If the victim fails the self control test they are compelled to attack the bard, who
automatically counter attacks the poor slob. An enemy targeted by Sucker that is
over a 4 intelligence will not fall for the tactic more then twice.
Level 13 –
Level 14 Mock/passive/Enemies within 30ft of the Bard incure a -2 to hit from the
distracting gibberish the bard inadvertently sputters. Allies who fail a difficulty 15
self control test take a -1 from laughing.
Level 15 –
Level 16 Decoy/Activated/The Bard creates a decoy of themselves as a swift action.
The decoy can act just as the bard would even able to launch one attack. The bard is
rendered phased for the duration of the decoy increasing stealth by 5 and giving
attackers a 25% miss chance. The decoy dissolves after 1 turn.
Level 17 –
Level 18 Epic Farse/passive/Whenever the bard critically defends his attacker is
denied their next critical roll instead dissolving the critical as a normal 20.
Level 19—
Level 20 Comedy/passive/ Allies within 30ft of the bard gains a unique effect, roll a
1d4. 1- The allies projectile or thrown attacks launch a fire work that explodes
dealing 15 fire damage to enemies in the area and healing allies for 7. 2- The first
time the ally is attacked they react like rubber negating physical damage. 3- The first
cast made against the target of this effect, is copied as a bubble around the victim
that counters the next cast made against them of equal or less level. When a
spell/cast is countered in this way the spell shield pops releasing the spell on a
viable target other then an ally. 4- the unit increases 1 size category for combat.
Confidant Path
Level 6 –
Level 7 Argued Point/passive/ Increase your Diplomacy, Sense Motive or Perform
skill by an amount equal to your intelligence.
Level 8—
Level 9 Harsh Words/passive/ Victims who fail barter, bluff or sense motive tests
against you take damage equal to half your successful barter roll as non-lethal
damage. The victim is unaware of the strain of your voice.
Level 10 –
Level 11 Diplomatic Immunity/Activated/ The bard cannot be targeted by attacks or
abilities for 1 full round. Once per day use.
Level 12—
Level 13 Rebutt/Activated/Once per day the bard may automatically counter a
target spell or spell like ability.
Level 14 –
Level 15 Debate/Activated/Once per day the bard may freeze a foe with a soul
shattering conundrum or debate, the effect being countering a melee attack.
Level 16—
Level 17 Song of Open Doors/passive-Activated/Whenever the bard is singing
without taking actions in their turn. Allies gain a +3 to all rolls. This ability can be
activated by the bard to return the group to the last inn they stayed at within 2 days.
This ability resets cooldown once every two days.
Level 18—
Level 19 Tragedy/passive-Activated/The bard gains a +10 to all discussion skills
when in the presence of an ally. Tragedy can be activated to cause all enemies within
30ft of the bard to roll a 1 on their next two rolls.
Level 20 +1 to a chosen stat.
DRUID: The druid is a mighty warrior and protector of nature. There are a number
of different beings who tap into the forces of nature, but few who have a natural
connection to it. All races can identify druids in their ancestory. Ever since the world
tree was guarded by all mortals the duty of Druid has not left the world. Druid
exploit all forms of nature and the workings of such.
Offensive die 1d8
Defensive die 1d6
Casting die 1d8
Hit points per level: 4
Assume Form/passive/As a full round action the Druid may assume the form of a
creature they have seen or studied. The creature can have no more hit points then
10x the druids level. The druid has the physical abilities and stats of the selected
Oath of Nature/Activated/By succeeding an 8 cast/omeus focus check the druid may
heal an ally for 1d12 hit points. Then after the unit is healed they are healed for an
equal amount over an equal number of turns. For example if an ally is healed for 12
then the next twelve turns they are healed for 1 each turn.
Level 2 Claw Strike/Increases base melee damage with your hands and feet by 2.
Level 3 Affiliate/Allows the druid to transition their body to the habitat they are
currently in. Must spend an hour meditating or in dire circumstances can instantly
adjust once per day. Affiliate can allow the druid to survive in areas such as a lava
world but they are not immune to fire, such drastic shifts would cause fire to be
taken as non-lethal and give the druid a weakness to frost, (Example).
Level 4 Plant Devotion/passive/As long as the druid is touching a living plant they
gain photosynthesis.
Level 5 Herbalism/Activated/Once per day you may sprout a small druid plant in a
target location, the plant can have Affiliate used on it.
Level 6 –
Level 7—
Level 8 –
Level 9 Instinct/passive/The druid gains +1 critical chance on skill test rolls.
Level 10 Layered Flesh/Activated/The druid is able to transfer some of their animal
knowledge into omeus reactions within a target. The target of this ability gains +3
damage reduction for 3 turns. The druid cannot focus the same ally twice.
Level 11 Primal Urges/passive/The druid becomes immune to mind control
commands that would make them harm a mate, and is immune to commands or
tricks to make them eat poisoned or diseased food.
Level 12 Strike of the Wild/passive/On a critical attack the druid may choose to
assume the form of an animal with a higher beneficial stat or size category bonus to
deliver the critical strike before returning to normal size. On ranged critical hits the
druid summons a bolt of lightning that strikes the target for 1d20 damage.
Level 13—
Level 14—
Level 15—
Level 16 Raised on Honeysuckle/passive/you may choose one skill of the druid and
grant it a +5 bonus.
Level 17 Animal Traits/passive/The druid selects three animal traits that always
apply to the druid. For example scent, tremor sensing, or far sight. A druid can even
choose types of mobility like flying, which will sprout eagle colored angel wings for
the druid to fly in a humanoid form. Special attacks cannot be mimmiced by this
ability, such as ink spray, acid spit and unhinging the jaw.
Level 18 Rebuke the Devourer/Activated/ On a successful 12 cast/omeus focus
check the druid emits a glow of healing light that either removes a harmful status
effect from allies hit or heals them for 20.
Level 19 Hereditary Superiority/passive/ The druid chooses to focus on herbs or
animals for this passive. If they choose herbs they produce two potions whenever
they make 1 from residue. If they choose animals their animal form max hp
threshold is increased by 100.
Level 20 +1 to a stat
The druids of the future are exposed to so many different environments then the
native terrestrial. The druids decided in the wake of technology to embrace the
power of metal as a form of nature manifested. The xenoforms found among the
stars were inducted into the lore and study of the druids and the two breeds of
future druids were born, Xenomancers and Mechanomancers. Xeno and
mechanomancers are the same in terms of druid die increments. Xenomancers
receive the same base abilities of a druid but instead turn into an alien creature
instead of an animal. Mechanomancers assume form works the same as a druids but
they become a construct, android or golem; both are regulated by the same hp
restrictions for their transformations.
Level 6 –
Level 7 Future Prey/passive/increases the health threshold of your alien options by
Level 8—
Level 9 Ravage/Activate/The druid launches a gruesome attack combination. The
druid attacks with a 20 +stat modifier, then an 18 +stat modifier, and finally a 16
+stat modifier to hit. The Ravage weakens the druid making them unable to act for 1
round and unable to ravage for 1d4 rounds. Ravage is a single action combo.
Level 10 +2 to survival, +2 to knowledge xenoforms
Level 11 Exotic Restoration/passive/Causes the healing of the druid to be converted
into natural healing acceleration instead of scar removing supernatural healing.
Note that healing multiple times will remove scars from natural overlap, so let only
1 heal be active at a time per target.
Level 12—
Level 13 –
Level 14 XenoPredation/passive/ The druid has gained the extraterrestrial hunger
of the aliens he or she allies with. The monsterous creatures empower the druids
fighting style to new levels granting the druid +1 chance to hit per round in combat.
This does not apply to Ravage.
Level 15 –
Level 16 +2 Diplomacy, +2 Knowledge xenoforms
Level 17 Species Supremacy/passive/If the druid would be slain in combat, once per
month the druid instead goes into a cocoon near instantly. While in the cocoon the
body appears dead but the druid steadily reforms him or herself. Once the
regeneration is complete, 1d8 hp per day, the druid hatches and the cacoon goes on
Level 18 –
Level 19 Biome Shock/passive/ The pressance of the xenomancer unnerves those
around them who are not of its pack. Enemies within 10ft of the xenomancer have
their critical ranges reduced by 1 to a minimum of a natural 20 for a critical. In
addition the attacks of the druid deal +2 unstoppable damage to enemies.
Level 20 Alpha Predator/passive/The druid has become so in tune with the
xenomancy elements that they begin to manifest without shifting shape. The druid
gains scent, x-ray vision 30ft, and echo location. The druid’s pallet has shifted so
much they can eat just about anything making them immune to disease and poison,
that has not been specifically made to hurt them.
Level 6 Flurry of Steel/Activated/The druid launches a barrage of micro missles in a
target direction striking everything in a forward 30ft cone for 1d6 unstoppable
damage. This ability has a 2 turn cooldown.
Level 7—
Level 8 Targeting System/passive/Every time the druid misses unintentionally, with
an attack they gain a targeting charge. Once they reach 5 targeting charges their
next attack automatically hits.
Level 9—
Level 10 Stronger Stuff/passive/Increases the health per level toward shape shifting
for the druid by 5.
Level 11—
Level 12 Plasma Weapons/Activated/The druid channels plasma matter across his
or her weapons to inflict major damage. The plasma does not harm the druid but
causes the victim to suffer plasma burn, which deals 1d20 unstoppable damage. The
damage of plasma burn is drawn out, if 20 is rolled 2 damage will be dealt over 10
Level 13—
Level 14 Technology Calls/passive/The druid gains the ability to interface with
machines much like druids of old communed with plants. The druid can speak with
machine ghosts and other synthetic consciousness.
Level 15—
Level 16 Overpowered/Activated/The druid can allow an ally to transform into one
of the druids mechanomancer transformations but with only half the health point
potential options.
Level 17 –
Level 18 Death Ray/Activated/Once per week the druid can focus the raw power of
the Mechanomancer and launch a devastating blast of plasma energy in a forward
direction 5ft wide for 300yds. Everything in the blast distance takes 2d20
unstoppable damage minimum of 15.
Level 19—
Level 20 Sion of Metal/passive/The druid gains the ability to transfer their
consciousness into a machine. The druid can even transfer their consciousness upon
death into a nearby machine, but this drains them and cannot be used more then
once a week. A druid can communicate via wirless communication merely by
Surge of Glory
Rank 1/Wild Empathy/Activated/For 6 turns the druid is able to commune as an
extension of whatever habitat the druid is in. The druid becomes near omnishiant in
the small area and cannot be sneak attacked. While in this form the weaknesses of
enemies are revealed and attacks fail to compare to the druids skill, therefore
attackers and defenders lose their bonuses to their d20 rolls against the druid.
Rank 2/Wild Hunger/Activated/For 8 turns the druid enters a feeding Frenzy
shifting into a known beast every turn out of control. At the beginning of each round
the druid shifts into a new form but an ethereal version of the prior beast remains
and continues to attack enemies with a 25% chance to miss and be missed. The
ethereal beasts dissipate after the effects of Wild Hunger subside.
Rank 3/Regrowth of Withered/Activated/For 10 turns the druid enters a trance.
While in the trance allies take on the aspects, but not features, of plants. Allies
become immune to bleed effects, internal damage, severed limbs can be refused to
the stump, natural healing occurs 2 per turn, and with photosynthesis active allies
do not get tired and gain an extra action in their turns. Also as their skin reacts with
a plants durability their soak die increase 1 increment. A great amount of trauma
will shake the druid from the trance, a shaken druid must make a difficulty 5+ the
damage they took concentration test or lose their focus. Forced movements is a set
25 difficulty.
MONK: Monks are a unique form of indaviduals who focus primarily on hand to
hand combat and using omeus focus in order to achieve fantastic results. Monks
cannot cast spells but can use omeus focus abilities to prepare effects within their
own body and release them as modifications of their fighting style. Monks are even
tempered and well mannered but it requires a great deal of discipline to dedicate
ones self fully to the way of a monk. Note the ki abilities of the monk can only be
used if the monk is unarmed.
Offensive die: 1d4
Defensive die: 1d4
Casting die: 1d4
Hit points per level: 4
Lightning/Activated/ The monk can launch lightning from their body as a ranged
attack. This attack deals damage equal to the monks willpower score +casting die.
Iron Body/passive/ Monks base range for critically attacking or defending is 19-20.
Focused Runner/passive/While unarmed the monk receives +1 action in their turn.
Level 2 +1 diplomacy, +1 streetwise
Level 3 Flying Kicks/passive/the monk can launch his or her kick attacks with a 10ft
reach if they have only taken 1 movement action this turn.
Level 4 +1 survival, +1 perception
Level 5 +1 dice increment allotment
Level 6 Dragon Palm/Activated/The monk channels their omeus energy on a
successful 6 omeus focus check. The channeled energy then causes the physical
strikes of the monk to arc as omeus energy from a victim to the nearest enemy.
Enemies cannot dodge this effect but only class offense dice damage is delt on the
jumps. The blast will continue to arc up to 10 times, 15ft arc range.
Level 7 +1 dice increment allotment
Level 8 –
Level 9 +1 dice increment allotment
Level 10 Choose your Mastery +1 to a stat
Roaring Fist Mastery
The monk no longer uses weapons other then natural ones.
Level 11 Ki Shield/passive/When attacked at range the monks soak increases 1
Level 12 Impact/passive/your melee attacks reduce armor mitigation by 1 degree.
Level 13 –
Level 14 +1 dice increment allotment
Level 15 Defy Reality/passive/By focusing their omeus power a monk can shift and
react with super human ability granting all attacks a 25% chance to miss the monk.
Level 16 -Level 17 Restoration/passive/natural healing rate is doubled.
Level 18 –
Level 19 Exploit Pressure Point/Activated/Once per combat the monk may attempt
to neutralize an enemy temporarily striking all their pressure points in the span of 4
seconds. The result is the victim enters a death like state for 2 rounds. While in such
a state the victims abilities and effects cancel.
Level 20 Ascended Fist/passive/Critical strikes by the monk allow the user of
Dragon Palm as a free action. The dragon fist procures off of the critical strike. This
effect automatically meets the omeus focus check needed.
Metal Monk
The monk can benefit from his or her Basic abilities while wielding weapons.
Level 11 Unstoppable/Activated/For 3 turns the metal monk deals an additional
1d12 unstoppable damage.
Level 12 Dents/passive/The first attack each round against the monk deals 50%
Level 13—
Level 14 Internal Modification/passive/the monk can manifest fire, frost or
lightning for their lighting ability.
Level 15 Combustion Fist/Activated/Once per turn the monk may launch a free
basic attack in their round.
Level 16—
Level 17 Ki Bulwark/Activated/Once per combat the monk can place a ki shield on a
target, which absorbs the next attack made against them.
Level 18—
Level 19 +2 survival, +2 knowledge ride, +3 self control.
Level 20 Mech Pilot/passive/When the Monk enters combat their omeus pulse
surges drawing stone or metal dust from the ambient area till the monk has either a
golem suit or power armor. The material dissipates after the combat.
Surge of Glory
Rank1/Ki Focus/The Monk lets out a phantom mark in a target forward 15ft cone.
The first enemy hit by the cone is singled out. The Monk teleports to the victim and
launches six unavoidable strikes which each deal class dice damage.
Rank 2/Ki Storm/The same as Ki Focus but all enemies in the 15ft cone are struck.
Rank 3/Power of Ki/The same effects as the first and second ranks, but the damage
is unstoppable and effects a forward 30ft cone.
ELEMENTALIST: The elementalist is a powerful soldier that impliments a number of
different elements in order to achieve their desired results. There are a variety of
indaviduals that can meet the criteria of a an elementalist from those who wield
death to those who mend the world with strange powers long forgotten.
Offensive die 1d4
Deffensive die 1d8
Cast die 1d6
Base hit points per level: 4
Strange Power/passive/The elementalist can spend 5hp to increase their cast die
increment for a single cast.
Ancient Restoration/passive/Whenever the elementalist succeeds a cast test they
are healed for the amount on their cast die.
Level 2 –
Level 3 Bane/Activated/ The elementalist targets a unit in combat and inflicts a
mark upon them. The mark causes the enemy to take +1 damage; This effect stacks.
Level 4 –
Level 5 Rune/Activated/Allows the elementalist to place a rune that triggers when a
unit reads or touches the rune. The run allows the elementalist to sense the one who
triggers the rune and cast a level 1 casted ability at them if wished.
Level 6 –
Level 7 Empower/passive/You can choose if you increase your bane to effect up to
three targets instead. Or increase your rune to the ability to use level 2 casted
Level 8—
Level 9 Spark/passive/Whenever the elementalist casts an ability if they roll
maximum they may cast another ability that can be afforded for 6 or less.
Level 10—
Level 11 Multi Angle/Activated/Once per day the elementalist can launch their
attacks from any location within 10ft in combat accept inside units.
Level 12 Woad/Whenever an ally critically hits or defends the elementalist can
place a rune by taking a free 5ft step and placing it.
Level 13—
Level 14 Destruction Bolt/Activated/ A powerful attack that deals 1d8 unstoppable
damage on hit.
Level 15 Choose your Mancery.
Level 16 Undead Army/Activated/When casted this ability must succeed a 10. When
used the necromancer summons 1d8 burning skeletons to due their bidding. This
ability can also be used to raise 1 giant corpse, 2 huge corpses, 3 large corpses, or 4
medium corpses as zombies. The zombies last until slain.
Level 17 Doom Path/passive/Destruction bold deals 2d8 damage instead, if a victim
is in range to be killed by the destruction bolt they are slain by the damage unless an
ability negates the attack. Also all units killed by the necromancer become zombie
minions of theirs.
Level 18 Zombie Apocolypse/Once per day the necromancer expels all life energy in
a 30ft zone. Everything within the 30ft zone is turned into a zombie. Each zombie
attacks with two attacks at their closest target in sight. After all attacks are made the
units return to their original states. No form of abilities or specials are calculated.
Level 19 Boon of Doom/Activated/Once per day the necromancer channels the
power of death into his enemies. If the victim fails an endurance save vs. your
difficulty 15+your willpower then they instantly die.
Level 20 Lich or Dark/passive/The necromancer either becomes a lich or a Dark
Level 16 Blood Tithe/passive/Allies can use the hemomancers hp to aid to casts at
the hemomancers consent. If the allies cast is successful the hemomancer is healed
for double the cast.
Level 17 Fire Veins/passive/ Enemies in combat take 2 damage each round and
increases 1 each round. Whenever the Hemomancer spends blood on a successful
cast they deal that damage to all enemies within a 20ft zone of the hemomancer.
Level 18 Surge/Activated/ Increases the body temperature of a target victim by 100
degrees. This deals massive internal damage and instantly slays victims of a 6
endurance or less if they are hit. Other victims take 40 unstoppable damage. Can
only be used three times per day.
Level 19 Hemogolem/Activated/The blood on the battlefield coalesces into a blood
golem under the hemomancers control. The golem acts as a mud golem but is made
of blood. Any additional damage adds to the hemogolems health. Hemogolems
remain after combat.
Level 20 Crimson Sea/Activated/Once per week a target victim with less then 100
health instantly dies and the hp is added as reserve casting fuel for the next three
Level 16 Will of Frost/passive/All allies gain 50% movement speed, and all enemies
lose 50% movement speed. If more then 4 enemies are effected the Cryomancer
gains an extra action in their turn.
Level 17 Stasis/passive/If the cryomancer would die they instead freeze solid in a
4ft thick block of ice. The area within a 30ft area is frozen solid in three inches of ice.
If the area rains the ice can be moved via the subconscious will of the Cryomancer,
teleporting up to 1 mile away. Melting the ice negates reactivation of stasis and the
cryomancer drops helplessly out unconscious.
Level 18 Frozen Stance/passive/All damage done to enemies in combat causes
bleed effects if able. If the victim is unable to bleed but is cut they take 5 damage.
The cryomancer uses ice to wedge open victims wounds with his frigged power.
The victims of frozen stance must take a movement action to clear the ice from their
wounds in order to heal the wounds. The bleeding from this effect is 2 damage per
Level 19 IceAxe/Activated/On a successful 10 cast test the Cryomancer launches a
spike of ice that deals 25 frost damage to a target victim on hit. This ability
automatically hits a victim of Frozen Stance, as the ice in their wound suddenly
enlarges to a 7inch wide foot tall ice spike.
Level 20 King of Glaciers/Activated/The Cryomancer overshadows the battlefield
with a powerful glacier zone. Enemies are frozen in place and the first attack made
against each of them is doubled. A difficulty 20 cast test must be made in order to
succeed this ability.
Level 16 Earth Born/passive/ The geomancer becomes linked to the will of Jonas. As
a result of the geomancers link they are able to heal from merely standing on the
gound. Geomancers also can cast for free a cast up to level 4 for merely standing on
the earth. You must be touching the earth with bare skin in order to harness Jonas
Level 17 Bulwark/Activated/You roll 2d20 for a defense roll and if the roll is higher
then the unmodified damage, or above 20 for effects, then the attack is negated.
Level 18 Earth Revoked/Activated/ Whenever the elementalist casts a spell/omeus
focus ability that is utility or healing, they may cast a free attack spell against
enemies standing on earth or stone.
Level 19 Gravel Tornado/Activated/ The Gravel tornado requires a 20 cast test to
succeed. The ability creates a 40ft tall, 20ftwide tornado of gravel. Enemeis hit by
the tornado are shredded for 1d12 unstoppable damage per turn. Victims of large
size or less are sucked into the vortex for its duration. Each of the rounds the
tornado lasts, 1d4, the victim takes damage but may roll a defense. If the victims of
the tornado roll a critical defense they can sling themselves from the shredding
Level 20 StoneHenge/passive/The geomancer takes 1 less damage per round till the
end of combat.
Level 16 Restore/Activated/Restores 30 health points to a target ally. You can use
this ability 8 times per combat.
Level 17 Remove/Activated/On a successful 15 omeus focus check/cast the
Restomancer can remove a harmful debuff from an ally. This ability can also be used
to instantly destroy undead of at least 10 levels lower then the Restomancer.
Sentient undead receive normal saves.
Level 18 Greater Heal/Restores an ally to full health and removes all bleed effects
from combat. Once per day use.
Level 19 Regenerate/Activated/The Restomancer can apply a powerful
regeneration ability to an ally that heals them for 30 without removing scars. The
regenerate causes the target to regenerate 1 hp per round for the remainder of
combat and if used out of combat the day. This ability can only be used three times
per day.
Level 20 Reanimate/Activated/Once per day the Restomancer can restore a fallen
ally to life.
Level 16 The Path of Flame/passive/The pyromancer chooses one passive ability of
opponents they are aware of, from study of combatants or experience. The
Pyromancer cannot choose a different effect once he or she chooses till combat is
over, or their target producing the effect dies. The chosen effect is negated with all
its benefits.
Level 17 Firebrand/Activated/The Pyromancer is immobilized and channels raw
heat into the battlefield. Enemies not immune to fire are burned from taking actions.
Whenever a roll is made victims take 1/3 the total roll rounded down as fire
Level 18 Torrential Flame/passive/ All fire damage casts done by the pyromancer
deal double fire damage.
Level 19 Burning Sands/Activated/Engulfs a target area in a pyramid of flame. The
pyramid of flame spawns 1 ash mummy per turn for the 10 rounds the pyramid is
active. The flame mummies last until slain and units within the pyramid must
succeed a successful 20 resistance or be trapped inside the flaming pyramid for the
duration. Those trapped within the 40ft by 35ft tall flame pyramid are dealt 10 fire
damage per round and are unable to move but are also untargetable. Quenching the
pyramid is impossible by casted abilities of level 6 or less. This ability can be used
three times per day.
Level 20 Born of Flame/passive/All enemies are no longer immune to the flames of
the pyromancer, instead they have damage reduction 20 vs. fire. The pyromancer in
turn gains damage reduction 20 to fire and can survive in any heat based
Level 16 Nova Ball/Activated/A target area erupts for 10d10 unstoppable damage.
A 100ft zone is effected by the noval ball and victims are slowed and burned by the
overwhelming energy. The nova ball quenches other abilities in its sphere of
influence like a dispel of level 7 or less applied to the entire area. This ability can be
used once per day.
Level 17 Realm Jumper/Activated/The Neomancer creates a portal to a target
location on a successful 15 cast test.
Level 18 Survivability/passive/At the beginning of the day the Neomancer receives
a universal shield that absorbs the next 1d4 casts used against the neomancer
during the day.
Level 19 Zero Gravity/Activated/All gravity is negated and a powerful upburst is
launched in a target 20ft zone.
Level 20 Empower/passive/All allies deal an additional 1d10 damage on their
attacks. This damage heals the allies and applies a stacking damage absorbing shield
to them. Allies must be within 40ft of the elementalist.
Level 16 Toxin Air/Activated/ The toxomancer makes the air toxic causing all in
combat to lose one action in their turn they are exposed to the poison.
Level 17 Venom/passive/All attacks by the toxomancer leave a damage over time
poison on the victim. The first attack deals 1d4 per turn. Each consecutive attack
increases the poison damage dice increments to a max of 1d12. Allies attacks that
are within the Toxin Air effect can add more stacks with their attacks to a max of
3d12 from multiple sources. The venom lasts until cured by an outside source.
Level 18 Absorb Toxin/passive/The toxomancer has so much poison in their blood
they are immune to disease, toxins, body snatchers, parasites and even nano-bots
dissolve in the toxic conditions of the toxomancers bloodstream.
Level 19 Even the Dead/passive/The toxomancers poison damage becomes acid
damage against those who are immune to poison for the terms of overcoming
damage immunity and damage reduction. If the victim is immune to toxin and acid
then the toxomancer can rebuke the entity keeping it at least 10ft from the
toxomancer at all times.
Level 20 Corrupting Glare/Activated/ Once per day a target victim withers beneath
the spite of the toxomancer, and gains a stack of Venom. The damage dealt to the
target is converted to unstoppable damage for the duration of the poison. Only a
critical defense can cancel this effect on the victim. This ability cannot be countered
or automatically absorbed or negated.
Surge of Glory
Rank 1/Overwall/Activated/For the next 6 turns all abilities of the elementalist
overload, but the elementalist is protected from damage from the overload.
Rank 2/Incorruptable/Activated/Instantly copies the next 4 attacks or abilities used
in combat and creates ability gems. The ability gems can be saved indefinitely and
when activated the stored ability activates. To use the the gem one must succeed a
15 focus test.
Rank 3/Ancient Study/Activated/For the next eight turns the elementalist can cast
an ability for free. A level 1 cast the first turn and increasing level until on the last
round a free level 8 cast can be made with no drawback. Enemies cannot evade the
CLERIC: Those who devote themselves to the will of the Ajvuun and the creator can
channel the energies of the divine. The divine power is channeled through a select
few and they are named clerics. The clerics destroy evil where it sleeps and try to
spread the torch to those who have clouded their way with greed. Clerics are adept
at destroying the undead and their casts are usually specified at bonus effects
toward evil.
Offensive die 1d6
Defensive die 1d6
Casting die 1d8
Base hit points per level: 3
Heal/The Cleric can make heal checks to improve natural healing restoring hit
points naturally equal to half their heal checks.
Purge/All casted attacks made by the cleric gain the good subtype for purposes of
dealing double damage to abominations, evil or undead targets. Casts with the evil
template are uncastable by the cleric unless they are evil, in which this abilities
effects switch. Example evil clerics cannot cast good subtype casts but their neutral
casts gain the evil subtype for the purposes of dealing bonus damage and withering
the good.
Level 2 Clean/Activated/Grants 1d4 true healing to a target.
Level 3—
Level 4 Compound/passive/ Damage that is unstoppable is not unstoppable the first
time it effects the cleric.
Level 5—
Level 6 Protection/passive/ The cleric gains a bonus defense roll whenever they fail
for the first time in the combat.
Level 7 choose your Ajvuun Path.
As a servant of mother nature the cleric gains an animal companion of half their
level to aid them.
Level 8 Flowering Life/Activate/Creates a field of flowers in a 20ft zone. Enemies
that enter the flowers are sprayed with burning pollon that reduces their chance to
hit by 50% for 2 rounds. This ability can be used once per day.
Level 9—
Level 10 Linked/Activate/You can channel a single cast through your animal
companion once per day.
Level 11—
Level 12 +2 diplomacy, +2 knowledge nature.
Level 13 +2 survival, +2 knowledge toxins.
Level 14—
Level 15 Field of Thorns/passive/Whenever the cleric is attacked a lashing barrage
of thorns manifests and deals 1d8 damage to their attacker. The thorns deal damage
to ranged units as well.
Level 16 Boon of Nature/Activate/ Increases your and your animal companions size
by 1 increment and you can cast level 2 or less abilities for free. This effect lasts for 5
turns. After its duration expires the boon of nature goes on a 10 turn cooldown.
Level 17 –
Level 18 Lashing Vines/passive/The cleric may speak to and command their
protective field of thorns to touch and apply heals over great distances, as the vines
can travel up to 40ft through the ground. Commanding the vines to attack is a free
action. The vines will attack on each of your actions for 1d8 damage.
Level 19 Rejuvinating Touch/passive/ Increases your Clean to 2d4. Also Clean can
be used once for free at the beginning of each round.
Level 20 Plant Fortress/Activated/Once per week the cleric creates a 500sqft fort
for them and their allies to use as base camp. The fort comes furnished with fruit,
water, walls, beds and other amenities of a normal fort.
For following the forge master the Cleric can make their own favored weapon. The
favored weapon of the cleric cannot have its damage soaked by enemies.
Level 8 Stone Barrier/passive/absorbs 4 damage from all attacks made against the
Level 9 Grave/Activate/Instantly buries a target undead 6ft under. Can be used 3
times per day. This ability effects an undead of equal or less level to the cleric.
Level 10—
Level 11—
Level 12 Soil/passive/ At the beginning of combat the cleric receives 4 bonus
movement actions and 1 bonus action. The bonus actions do not reapply each round,
but the cleric can a lot their actions to allies at the start of their turn.
Level 13 +2 craft armor, +2 craft weapon.
Level 14—
Level 15 Golem Bane/Activate/ deals 100 damage once per combat to a target
Level 16 –
Level 17 Tunnel/passive/The cleric can move through the earth with their
movement actions like they normally would on the surface. The cleric is encased in
an ethereal bubble and phases through the earth. The cleric wont suffocate with this
travel method.
Level 18—
Level 19 Guardian Worm/Activated/Once per three days the cleric can call one of
the ancient guardian worms from the Megaloviathin shrine to fight with the cleric
for combat.
Level 20 +1 to a stat
The Peacekeeper is one not to be trifled with by the forces of darkness. Oliin
followers are blessed with the pressance of Oliin which gives them a +4 to a chosen
aspect of their character.
Level 8 –
Level 9 Force of Law/Activate/Once per day you can suppress a target enemy and
inhibit their abilities for 5 turns. During which time only basic attacks can be made
by the victim.
Level 10 Freedom/passive/The cleric gains a 5ft step whenever they heal an ally
directly or over time.
Level 11 Fortified/passive/The cleric may use over charged spell casts as swift
actions once they have stored twice the cost from true healing.
Level 12—
Level 13 Hold in Check/When the cleric critically strikes they may cast a level 1
good subtype ability for free.
Level 14 –
Level 15 –
Level 16 Improved Hold/Improves hold in check to apply to critical defenses as well.
Level 17 –
Level 18 Improved Clean/Increases clean to 1d8
Level 19 +5 Diplomacy, +3 Concentration
Level 20 Supreme Hold/Improves hold in check to allow level 2 casts.
The war Ajvuun, and leader of the armies of Shollar. The war cleric is rewarded for
their service with a once per day invocation of Kara’Tese which makes their next
basic attack automatically hit, deal unstoppable damage or place a casting absorb
shield on a victim. A casting absorb will negate 15 points of rolls.
Level 8 Demolish/Activated/The cleric harnesses the power of Kara’tese to deliver a
powerful crushing blow that deals damage in a forward 20ft line. This ability has a 3
turn cooldown.
Level 9—
Level 10 Spirit of War/passive/The cleric thrives in combat and does not need to
roll concentration tests if attacked while using a level 3 or less ability.
Level 11 Cleaving Tide/passive/Whenever an enemy is slain in combat the cleric
may cast their clean ability on a target.
Level 12—
Level 13 +1 survival, +1 knowledge religion
Level 14Level 15 Fearless/passive/The cleric becomes immune to fear effects.
Level 16—
Level 17 Cleave for Friends/Activated/Three times per combat whenever an ally
slays an enemy they may take a 5ft step and make another attack.
Level 18—
Level 19 Dawn after Battle/passive/Negative status effects on allies have a lesser
dispel applied to them automatically after combat ends.
Level 20 Broken Hope/passive/Enemies cannot benefit from healing effects within
15ft of the cleric.
The lord of time and death, No’volo is a powerful Ajvuun and his clerics feel it. Those
who choose No’volo have their natural life spans doubled.
Level 8 Chrono/passive/The cleric may take an extra movement action in their
Level 9 Necro/Activated/Three times per combat, two armored skeletons appear at
the call of the cleric to do battle with the enemy. The skeletons are the same level as
the cleric.
Level 10—
Level 11 Chrono Armor/passive/ Twice per day the cleric can make an enemy reroll
a target attack.
Level 12 Necro Blade/passive/ Twice per day the cleric can reroll an attack.
Level 13 +3 Knowledge religion
Level 14—
Level 15 +1 Knowledge history, +1 knowledge law, and +1 knowledge the plains
Level 16 –
Level 17 Sands of Time/Activated/ Once per combat the cleric launches a withering
dust at a target enemy. The dust deals 1d6 damage, but for each damage inflicted the
victim loses that many total actions. This effect bypasses damage reduction, and
absorb effects.
Level 18 –
Level 19—
Level 20 Reverse/Activated/Once per day the cleric can reverse a complete rounds
worth of effects, actions and time itself.
The defender of civilization and one of the primary bastions of humanity. The
mighty Tareena has been the greatest defender of mortals since the beginning.
Clerics who embody Tareena are granted the shield of faith that protects the cleric
from the first negative status debuff inflicted on them per day automatically.
Level 8 Guarded/passive/The armor the cleric no longer impedes them.
Level 9 Defender/passive/The cleric no longer loses a bonus for using a hand and a
half weapon in one hand, and deals bonus damage equal to one 5th the clerics level.
Level 10 –
Level 11 Improved Tactic/Activated/The cleric may insert themselves at the top of
the next initiative once per combat.
Level 12 –
Level 13 Guarded Cast/passive/The cleric gains a bonus to concentration equal to
their endurance
Level 14 –
Level 15 Returning Fire/passive/Attackers take 2 damage whenever they attack the
cleric or his or her allies in combat.
Level 16 –
Level 17 Supreme dispel/Activated/Once per day a target unit has all subtypes,
debuffs and extra curricular modifications annulled regardless for 5 turns, or 2
minutes out of combat.
Level 18—
Level 19 Daylight/Activated/ Once per day a 40ft zone is engulfed in intense
daylight of desert proportions.
Level 20 Shield of Tareena/passive/The first time per day the cleric would die from
unnatural means the death is prevented.
The master of comedy and the bringer of Humor. Those who serve balgori may alter
reality in a seemingly harmless way at the start of the day but only if the effect is
funny. And if it messes up the world No’Volo might get angry.
Level 10! I mean 8/Comedic Expression/passive/A target ally suddenly changes
their appearance effectively stunning those around. Giving the first action taken by
those around the ally to have a 25% fail chance.
Level 9—sorry no stuff 
Level 10—maybe next level
Level 11 Ripping Good Time/Enemies in combat have theirbonuses halved for the
first three turns of combat.
Level 12 Comedian/The cleric can react to the humor of others in a positive way.
Whenever the cleric tells a joke that makes people laugh they receive 1 true healing.
Level 13 Because Humor/The cleric can cast polymorph and other non cleric
abilities of the shift/disguise sub type.
Level 14—no more minutes.
Level 15 – patience is a virtue
Level 16 This/ would have been an ability had you got anything.
Level 17 Die Laughing/Activated/ Once per day enemies in a 50ft zone are stricken
with uncontrollable laughter and have 1 unstoppable damage dealt to them every
round for the rest of combat. This trauma negates regeneration effects.
Level 18 –
Level 19—did ya see that blank spot?/The cleric gains the ability to negate a targets
ability until they legitimately laugh at the cleric. This effect is also canceled upon the
clerics death.
Level 20 Out with a Bang/passive/Upon death the cleric explodes in a 50ft zone that
renders all in the blast unconscious for 3 turns and deals 2d20 damage to enemies,
while healing allies 2d20.
The untold Ajvuun of emotion and darkness, Scaro is signified by the crow and seeks
to unravel the fabric of the universe. Those who follow Scaro seek the end times and
as a result those who follow Sarco have their lifespans halved but gain double xp.
Level 8 Fade From Life/passive/all damage dealt to the cleric has a 50% chance to
be reduced by 50%.
Level 9—
Level 10 +1 die increment.
Level 11 –
Level 12—
Level 13 Carrion/passive/Whenever a unit dies the cleric heals themselves for 1d8
true healing.
Level 14 Lonely Path/passive/The cleric heals allies equal to the damage over time
effects on the cleric.
Level 15 Void of Emotion/Activated/Drains the life out of a victim and adds it to the
cleric. The amount of life drained is equal to the clerics level. This ability can be used
3 times per combat.
Level 16 –
Level 17 –
Level 18 Insight Agression/Activated/Twice per combat the cleric causes a target
enemy who fails their defense to attack their nearest ally.
Level 19 –
Level 20 Love Conquers All/Activated/Once per day the cleric can bind themselves
to an ally. Until the end of the day the two units share regeneration rates, healing
and can use one anothers actions or initiatives.
The master of the appointed time and heralded as the lord of assasssins. Clerics who
follow Xel’Paldor are usually death dealers. As a result the cleric receives a sneak
attack like a rogue where the first attack from stealth deals class die damage as
Level 8 +5 to stealth
Level 9—
Level 10 –
Level 11 Silent Whisper/passive/After the cleric sneak attacks a target they have an
8 cast absorb field placed on the victim. This means the victim must make a total of
eight points of casting in order to be able to cast normally.
Level 12 Duck/Activate/Twice per combat the cleric can shift back into stealth on a
20 stealth test after sneak attacking. The cleric becomes invisible for 1 round from
this effect.
Level 13—
Level 14 –
Level 15 Word in the Dark/passive/The cleric can cast level 2 or less abilities
without speaking or using focus gestures.
Level 16—
Level 17 +5 to lockpicking
Level 18—
Level 19 Shadow/Activated/The cleric can attack from their shadow or another
shadow in combat, once per combat. This attack is an automatic sneak attack.
Level 20 Xel’Paldor’s Curse/The cleric becomes a vampire with resistance 2 hours to
sunlight exposure.
The Ajvuun of redemption, Tovicuss values life and hope above all. Those who serve
Tovicuss are granted a unique insight into resurrection. A cleric of Tovicuss can use
their true healing to place a life shield on their allies. If the ally would die they
return to life equal to the true healing the ally has received thus far. The true healing
shield can be no higher then half the allies health. The shield gets half -1 as its
maximum each time its invoked. This shield only occurs from damage based deaths.
The shield halving effect from reapplication after revival resets after 24 hours.
Level 8 Faiths Light/passive/Increases the clerics clean by 1.
Level 9 Guard the Faithful/passive/Each time an ally takes damage the cleric
absorbs 1 of the damage.
Level 10 –
Level 11 –
Level 12 Spirit Shield/passive/The cleric gains damage reduction or staving equal to
their spirit.
Level 13 –
Level 14 Touch of Grace/Activated/Imbues an ally with 12 true healing. Once per
day use.
Level 15 Concept/passive/All allies may reroll one class die once per combat.
Level 16 –
Level 17 Invulnerability/passive/Whenever the cleric would be reduced below 20
health they gain invulnerability for 1d4 turns. This effect can only occur once per
three days.
Level 18 –
Level 19 Last Light/passive/Allows the cleric to use movement actions in order to
channel a clean. Clean can also be done at a range of 30ft.
Level 20 Salvation/Activated/Once per month the cleric can revive a fallen unit.
The architect of Menasure and the lord of kinetic energy. Clerics of Dronn focus on
force energy and barterin. The cleri is able to mak lesser deals with a unit. The deal
must consist of a grantable reward and a task or goods to be traded for. The cleric
who makes a number of deals can be awarded with xp, items and more.
Level 8 Unstoppable/Activated/Once per day the cleric can cause all damage dealt
by a target unit to be unstoppable on their next attack.
Level 9 +5 to Barter
Level 10—
Level 11 +2 to Stealth, +2 to Diplomacy
Level 12 +2 to intimidate, +2 to concentration
Level 13—
Level 14 Unwilling Barter/Activated/The cleric forces a victim to accept a marked
deal. The victim takes 1d8 unstoppable damage when they make an action that does
pertain to attacking the cleric. Forced movement will deal damage to the victim. The
deal lasts 1d20 turns. This deal can only be made once per day.
Level 15—
Level 16 –
Level 17 Force/Activated/Once per combat the cleric forces one of their dice to
maximum. This effect procures abilities and critical hits.
Level 18 –
Level 19—
Level 20 Impossible Force/Activated/Once per day the cleric can cause all actions
his or her teammates to be un-counterable. Victims cannot benefit from their stat
modifiers in the 80ft zone effected and victims cannot critical. This effect lasts 4
Surge of Glory
Rank 1/Touch of Mercy/For 6 turns all actions made by allies heal them for an
amount equal to the roll they make. This healing is true healing and does not
remove scars.
Rank 2/Touch of Grace/For 8 turns allies gains regeneration 20.
Rank 3/Touch of the Martyr/Activated/Whenever the cleric would die they may
place a shield of holy energy around all their allies equal to their maximum hit
points. The shield lasts until depleted, the shield absorbs damage.
The paladin is one of the paramount warriors of history. It is the duty and mission of
the paladin to not only share the light of the Torch, but to abolish all evil. The
paladin devotes themselves to the extension of the Author, Ajvuun. Paladins
devotion manifest in the form of the different aspects controlled by the Ajvuun.
Offensive die 1d6
Defensive die 1d8
Casting die 1d6
Hit points per Level: 5
Replenish/Activated/A target ally gains regeneration 1d4 for 8 turns.
Ajvuun Blessing/passive/ The paladin gains an Ajvuun’s blessing. Each paladin
receives a different blessing dependent on which of the eleven they choose. The
blessing can manifest as an attack, utility or defensive ability. At level 10 the paladin
also gains their paladin power, and again at level 20.
Dronn/Whenever the paladin deals damage, a third of that damage is dealt as
unstoppable damage.
Dronn Power 1 Obliteration/Activated/The paladin deals 50 unstoppable damage to
a target. Once per day.
Dronn Power 2 Crushed by Dronn/Activated/Once per day the cleric smashes a
target area with the fist of Dronn dealing lethal damage to all in a 50ft zone. Enemies
with less then 50 hit points are instantly slain. This death bypasses abilities and
Irliina/Allows the paladin to summon a more powerful mount, such as a war rhino
or a battle crocodile.
Irliina Power 1 Flourish/passive/ causes Replenish to give a bonus to work on
plants and other natural materials.
Irliina Power 2 Unquenchable Life/Swift-Activated/The paladin becomes
invulnerable for 1d4 turns.
Tareena/Grants the paladin a bonus defense die increment.
Tareena Power 1 The only One/passive/Unstoppable damage is converted into
regular damage vs. the paladin.
Tareena Power 2 Martyr/Swift-Activate/The paladin gives up their life to make his
or her allies invulnerable for 1 round.
Kara’Tese/Grants the paladin a bonus offensive die increment.
Kara’Tese Power 1 Crippling Barrage/Activated/ One victim per day has their autofailure range increased by 1d4 for the remainder of combat.
Kara’Tese Power 2/Wade into War/Swift-Activate/Makes the paladin incorruptible
for 1d4 turns.
Oliin/Grants the paladin a bonus casting die increment.
Oliin Power 1 Calm Mind/passive/ The paladin does not need to make
concentration tests to focus on level 2 or lower casts.
Oliin Power 2 Powerful Mind/passive/ The paladin can cast one ability a day
without needing an omeus focus or cast check.
Sarco/ Allows the paladin to remove a positive buff from an enemy upon a critical
Sarco Power 1 Drought/Activated/Once per day for 1d6 turns there can be no
casting in combat.
Sarco Power 2 Numb/Activated/Once per day for 1d6 turns there can be no physical
attacks or abilities in combat.
No’Volo/ Grants the paladin an extra action in their turn.
No’Volo Power 1 Weave/passive/whenever the paladin rolls a natural 20 on their
attack they gain an additional action afterwords.
No’Volo Power 2 Wither/Activated/Once per week a target victim reverts to their
level one stats and HP until the end of the round.
Xel’Paldor/ Whenever the paladin attacks a foe with hit points equal to or less then
the paladins level, the victim rolls their defense. If the defense is not a critical
defense the paladin executes them automatically, but the paladin must roll to hit and
not roll a 1.
Xel’Paldor Power 1 Bleed/Activated/All units in a 30ft zone are afflicted with a1d4
damage per turn bleed that lasts until healed. Victims immune to bleed effects take 1
acid damage per turn until cleansed. This abilities effects end after 20 minutes out of
Xel’Paldor Power 2 Greater Execution/passive/The paladin no longer has to roll to
hit to exact their Xel’Paldor blessing.
Bal Gori/ The paladin can use their replenish on an enemy, but while replenished
the enemy is turned into a chicken for the duration. Attacking the victim will remove
the replenish and the transformation. This effect bypasses resistance effects or
shields if it hits.
Bal’Gori Power 1 Switcheru/Swift-Activate/Once per combat enemies change
weapons without realizing.
Bal’Gori Power 2 Held Up by Strings/passive/ Debuffs that effect allies have strings
that tie them to reality, the paladin can cut them with attacks in order to remove the
Tovicuss/Maximizes Replenish and allows it to apply to up to 5 targets in a single
Tovicuss Power 1 Redemption/The paladin can cast the 5th level ability starch
resurrection without needing a cast/omeus focus check. This ability recharges after
the paladin uses replenish to heal a total of 100 points of damage.
Tovicuss Power 2 Smite Evil/Activated/The paladin attempts to instantly slay an
evil creature who fails an endurance save equal to the paladins level. If the foe is
undead the paladin receives a +5 to their difficulty.
Jonas/grants the paladin an extra movement action and 1 damage reduction and
staving, any damage mitigated by this effect becomes true healing for the paladin.
Jonas Power 1 Stone Body/The paladin does not show the outward weaknesses of
aging. The paladin only grows grey hair slowly to show how close Xel’Paldors blade
is coming to their life force. The paladin dies once all their hair turns white.
Jonas Power 2 Eternal Soldier/The paladin upon death goes to join Jonas at the
infinity engine to stop the Mightan awoken beneath the deep scape. In combat the
Paladin no longer fears their demise, as a result the soul of the paladin cannot be
touched making them immune to mind control, seduction and fear.
Level 2 –
Level 3 Bonus Feat
Level 4 +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intimidate
Level 5 +1 Ride, +1 Concentration
Level 6 –
Level 7 +1 Sense Motive, +1 Gather Information
Level 8 +1 Ride, +1 Concentration
Level 9 –
Level 10 First Ajvuun Power
Level 11 –
Level 12 Bonus Feat
Level 13 +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intimidate
Level 14 +1 Sense Motive, +1 Gather Information
Level 15 –
Level 16 Strength of Character/passive/The paladin can heal, absorb, dispel, or gain
a bonus to a roll equal to their WillPower, Charisma and Spirit score total. The
bonuses can be broken up and don’t have to be used all at once. This ability gives a
grace of a minimum 10 points to spend.
Level 17 –
Level 18 +1 Willpower
Level 19 +1 Endurance
Level 20 Second Ajvuun Power
Surge of Glory: Paladins are unique in the fact there surge of glory is used as an
accent pool to the paladin. The paladins pool caps at 10 just like other classes but
the points add passive bonuses dependent on the paladins choice. The benefit is
allocated as a +1 to a specific stat for the paladin. The points can be spent one at a
time to grant the paladin a bonus action.
The psionic are a rare breed of warriors that harness the crushing powers of the
mind in order to influence their prey. The Psionic has access to a plethora of abilities
unknown to the rest of the world. Psions are harnessed as useful tools of
interrogation and mass battle generals.
Offense die: 1d8
Defense die: 1d8
Hit points per level: 4
Thought Pierce: The psionic can read the mind of the weak.
Will over All: Willpower applies its stat bonus at a 50% ratio to other aspects where
stats apply to the psionic.
Level 2 Fortress of Thought/passive/ The psionic can sense mental and spiritual
effects around them within 30ft.
Level 3 Insight Emotion/Activated/ The psionic can cast level 1 spell/omeus
abilities that insight debuffs relating emotion.
Level 4 –
Level 5 +2 to intimidate, +1 to stealth
Level 6 –
Level 7 +3 to gather information
Level 8 Open Borders/passive/ The psionic can communicate with teammates
telepathically up to 50ft.
Level 9 Telekinesis/passive/The psionic can attempt skill tests at range, dashing in a
target direction for ranged athletics test.
Level 10 –
Level 11 Suffocating Doubt/passive/Enemies who fail to hit the psionic garner a -1
to hit stacking up to five times. This effect is negated whenever the effected enemy
hits the psionic.
Level 12 Suffocating Fear/passive/ Enemies hit by the psionic garner a -1 fear
debuff to defense stacking up to 5 times. This effect is negated whenever the psionic
Level 13 –
Level 14 –
Level 15 Staggering Victory/passive/The psionic can reduce their stat or other
bonuses to give a bonus to allies at a 50% reduction. For example an ally attacking
who only has a 5 strength could be bolstered if the sion gave up his or her 10
strength to give the ally a +5. The pass effect lasts for the round.
Level 16 –
Level 17 –
Level 18 –
Level 19 Overturn/Activated/Forces an enemy to reroll once per combat.
Level 20 Improved Fortress of Thought/ The psionic gains true sight in a 30ft area
around themselves.
There are many different rules that govern the practices of characters within the
realm. Below are listed the charts, rules and different order systems that govern
reality. The system is straight forward and easy to modify and enjoy. Each class as
noticed above is unique and fits their own role in the world.
Stats max at 10 and the difference between base stats and max stats is great. The
base stat of a common human is 2-3 in each stat. A character can have max of 5 in
any stat at starting level.
STRENGTH: The physical prowess of a character. Strength adds +1 to hit and
damage in melee attacks per point. Strength also adds to physical skills equal to the
ranks in strength the character has.
ENDURANCE: The tenacity and overall stoutness of a character. Endurance governs
the bonus hit points per level and overall ability to survive trauma that a character
has. A character gains +1 hit point per level equal to their endurance score and a +1
to physical resistance tests and survival checks, per rank.
AGILITY: Agility is the ability for a character to move fast on their feet. Agility
modifies a characters aim with ranged weapons and their more dexterous skills.
Agility gives a plus one to hit with ranged weapons. Agility gives a +1to dodge per
point and a +1 to initiative.
INTELLIGENCE: Intelligence governs the mental strength and omeus channeling of a
character. The intelligence of a character gives a +1 to hit with omeus/casted attacks
and a +1 to their damage. Intelligence helps with most skills pertaining to the mind.
WILLPOWER: A very useful stat for those who thrive on resisting the forces of the
mind. Willpower also gives a bonus to retain scars when sustaining supernatural
healing. Willpower also awards a number of times per day a caster may surge to
gain a bonus to their dice rolls
CHARISMA: The charisma of a character determines their ability to communicate to
other units in the universe. The charisma of a character governs a characters natural
awareness of supernatural events.
SPIRIT: Governs the power and the connection a character has to the shattered plain
and the beings who dwell within.
AURA: The strength of the users omeus power and grants a bonus to dodge against
casted attacks equal to the users aura score.
Everyone who plays fantasy games would be bored stiff if they did not get to slay a
demon or rout an orc army. Within the game of Hero’s Call the combat system is
easy yet hard to master fully, for there are always ways out of a predicament. When
you attack and defend you use your bonuses based on your stats and your class
bonus and or any ability bonuses.
INITIATIVE: When combat starts each player makes an initiative roll. An initiative
roll is 1d20+the users agility and any modifiers.
ACTIONS: The individual turn of a character is defined by two base actions known as
a movement and a main action. The main action includes things such as attacks,
casting, using a skill or making a movement. A move action is a lesser action that
allows moving and the use of lesser items .
ATTACKING: Attacking is performed by rolling a 1d20 plus the attackers bonus to
hit. When attacking a character may use half their class dice as a bonus to hit instead
of a bonus to damage. For example a barbarian would get a +6 bonus to hit but
forfeit the 1d12 potential damage bonus.
DEFENDING: Defending is done by rolling a 1d20 plus the defenders bonus to
defense. A character before being attacked may decide to use their base class soak
dice as a bonus to defense, but only half the possible total. For example a wizard
with a 1d4 soak would get a +2 defense.
Note: Mounted combat with a vehicle or a mount requires a ride roll after each
charge and attack to stay mounted or to prevent injury to your steed. The difficulty
of the ride test is determined by the game master but the average is 15.
DEALING DAMAGE: The character can deal damage with weapons and a variety of
abilities but every class shares the power of class dice. A class die is rolled in
addition to the base damage of the weapon or ability. The amount rolled on the class
die is added to the total of the damage done.
SOAK: The defensive die of a character is the amount of damage the character can
mitigate on their own whenever they take damage. A character rolls their defense
die and subtracts the amount from the damage dealt to them.
SKILL TESTS: The character may perform a skill test in order to gain a particular
advantage in and out of combat.
ITEM USE: Using an item consumes either a move or a main action. Most items are
used with move actions so that a character can still attack.
CASTING: Casting is a special form of attacking that uses the characters casting dice.
A character cannot cast without casting die. Whenever a character casts each ability
has an overload chance. If a cast overloads it can cause a plethora of random and
dangerous effects. In order to cast a character must peform an omeus focus which
requires a chant and hand motions to gather their internal energy to be released by
as a cast/spell. An omeus focus is the step of channeling the inner power of the
omni-elemental but not releasing it as a form but instead empowering the body with
ADVANTAGES: The advantages of good placement and combat awareness are key in
the struggle for combat supremacy. Different advantages can give bonuses to attack,
defense, casting or all of the above. The list of Advantage types are seen below.
Mounted: +1 to all actions
High Ground: +2 to defense, +1 to hit
Flanking: Victim does not benefit from their agility when you attack them.
Stealth: Your attack that breaks stealth cannot be countered. You must be
undetected in order to gain this advantage.
Flying: +1 to all actions
Fortified: By barricading yourself into a narrow pass with large defensive
structures, a fortified advantage can be gained. +3 damage absorb per turn, +2
resistance tests vs. fear.
Blessed: Divine empowerment can grant a blessed advantage which gives units +1
health regeneration per round for as long as they hold the advantage.
FIRING INTO MELEE: When using a ranged weapon it is always important to use
caution when firing into melee. A weak hand can lead to a punctured ally, always
make sure to take the Power Shot feat so that your arrows and guns can be strung
and held tightly so as to deliver a clean blast. Those without Power Shot take a -3 to
hit their target when firing into melee, and if the attacker rolls a 1 they
automatically shoot at their ally.
UNARMED: Unarmed attacks deal non-lethal damage unless you area monk or have
the unarmed specialty feat. The base damage of a fist attack is 1 and a kick is 2 but a
kick can have dire consiquences if countered, like being knocked prone.
SURGE OF GLORY: Whenever a character takes 10% of their maximum health in an
attack they gain a scar. The scars of a character mark their triumph and faults, but
only a brave few can tap into this combat knowledge. Characters surge pool is
awarded upon receiving their first combat scar. Each class has different ways of
exploiting the combat surge. A character can have a maximum of up to a 10 scar
rating. TABLE/ 1 scar=1/ 3 scars= 2/ 5 scars= 3/ 7 scars= 4/ 11 scars= 5/ 13 scars=
6/ 15 scars= 7/17 scars= 8/ 19 scars= 9/ 21 scars= 10. Spending your surge of glory
depletes your pool and you only regain 1 point per day per 10 levels. If you are
healed in supernatural ways your scars will be removed thus reducing your pool.
When you are healed by magic, divine power, or other supernatural forces you lose
1d4 scars. Cybernetic healing in growth pods and other such futuristic healing can
also remove scars.
There are a number of different skills that can greatly influence the world and the
character using them. A skill empowers a character to perform great acts of
strength, dexterity or intelligence. The skill list below describes how different
characters can use their skills and what they are, in order to influence their
situation. At starting level a character receives 5 free skill points they may allocate
to skills in order to account for the characters life before adventuring. Each skill is
useful in different circumstances but some skills tend to incite combat while others
alive tension, while others improve situations and the overall health of players.
Perception: The art of using ones eyes to peel back the fabrication of a scene and see
all the hidden details.
Stealth: The way of the shadows and hiding within the places eyes don’t wander.
Barter: The ability for a character to negotiate price and other aspets of an item or
Diplomacy: A characters strength of speech and powers of persuasion. Diplomacy is
a peaceful approach to conflict.
Intimidation: A combination of diplomacy and fighting. A true gentlemen uses
intimidation in a room of nobles and diplomacy in a den of brutes.
Sense Motive: The ability to pierce a mans lies and tie him with them.
Bluff: The best bluff, is one that convinces the bluffer he was at fault.
Athletics: Carves fat off your bones, and keeps a troll from doing likewise.
Ride: A form of bluff that births into intimidation, and later into sense motive.
Gather Information: The skill of not caring where someone is hiding, but removing
all the hiding places.
Knowledge: An intelligent way of proving your stupid. Keep it humble and the world
will be humbled.
Crafting: let your hands show you what a mind can dream.
Tumble: Its not about getting up, its how you go about doing so.
Balance: Its like tumbling standing up.
Heal: Mending with ones hands begins in ones heart.
Weapons and armor are a paramount necessity to the survival of a character. Each
class determines the armor and weapons a charater can use via the class die. Below
is a small chart to describe what weapons and armor correlate to die increments.
Note the penalty for using a weapon such as a 1½ hand weapon in one hand is -2
damage -1 to hit. Similarly duel wielding without proficiency penalty is -2 to hit and
-1 damage.
1d4 ½ handed weapons such as throwing daggers.
1d6 ¾ handed weapons such as a Sai or a dagger.
1d6 1 handed weapons such as a mace
1d8 1 ½ handed weapons such as a bastard sword
1d10 2 handed weapons such as a great axe
1d12 2 ½ handed or mighty weapons such as a zueihander. A 2 and a half handed
weapon is a special weapon that relies on body movement or positioning for proper
use such as swinging with a full body motion instead of arm strength or bracing like
a rocket launcher on the shoulder.
Future adaptations
1d4- combat shuriken
1d6 – stun batons
1d6 –pistol
1d8 – shotgun
1d10 – bazooka
1d12 – minigun
1d4 cloth
1d6 light armor
1d8 medium armor
1d10 heavy armor
1d12 reenforced plate/mech
Weapons in the realm are more then just metal and skill. There are multiple
different buffs and debuffs that can be applied by having the right stats.
The cost of an average weapon for a major city is listed as the final portion of the
weapon. Major cities of the realm go off of the Chet and Blanc system 10 chets to a
Blanc, 10 Blanc to a Solle.
1d4 weapons
Shuriken/ 2 damage /4 agility: successful hits inflict a bleed (1 Chet
Throwing daggers/ 2 damage/ 4 agility: successful hits reduce victims soak by 2
until the next round. (1 Chet
Hand crossbow/range 50ft/ 4 damage/ 5 intelligence: can equip poisons and tonics
to the arrows. (1 Blanc
Club/ 4 damage/ 4 strength: dazes enemies on hit. (2 Chet
Sap/ 3 damage/ 4 agility 4 strength: stuns victims on hit. (5 Chet
Kunai/ 3 damage/ 5 agility: bypasses 1 armor rank. (4 Chet
Spade/ 2 damage/ 5 willpower bonus: Forms an ethereal shovel when fighting
zombies that deals 6 damage instead. (1 Chet
Wand/ 2 elemental damage depends on the wand/ casting die: can be used at range
of 25ft. (4 Chet
Micro Blades/ 1 damage/ casting die: the micro blades can be made into a mini
storm of metal that deals 1 damage to all enemies in a 100ft zone. (3 Chet
Whip/Range 10ft/ 1 damage/ 4 intelligence: deals unstoppable damage. (3 Chet
Blow Gun/Range 25ft/ 1 damage +poison/ 4 Spirit: causes the victim to hear
random noises for 2 rounds. (2 Chet
Blade Fan/ 2 damage/ 5 agility: allows the attacker to launch a second attack on a
critical. (2 Chet
Quarter Staff/ 4 damage/ 5 agility: You may launch two attacks per action.
1d6 weapons
Sai/ 4 damage/ 5 agility: can be used in duel wielding to give a +1 critical defense
chance. (4 Chet
Dagger/ 3 damage/ 5 agility: If used from a sneak attack it deals +3 damage. (4 Chet
Tonfa/ 3 damage/ 4 strength: cracks down on a foe dealing +1 unstoppable damage.
(3 Chet
Short Sword/ 4 damage/ 4 intelligence: Grants a +2 to defense. (4 Chet
Kunai’w’Chain/Range 15ft/ 3 damage/ 4 agility: +5ft range. (5 Chet
Shovel/ 4 damage/ 4 intelligence: critical strikes against zombies of medium size or
less instantly kills them. (4 Chet
Pick Axe/ 3 damage/ 4 strength: Increases critical strike chance by 1. (6 Chet
Kukri/ 3 damage/ 4 strength: Natural 20 attacks decapitate the victim if they roll a 1
on their defense, if able. (6 Chet
Longsword/ 6 damage/ 4 willpower: grants +1 damage reduction. (7 Chet
Katana/ 6 damage/ 4 willpower: grants +1 damage staving. (8 Chet
Crossbow/Range 55ft-slow reload/ 7 damage/ 5 Strength: removes slow reload
penalty. (7 Chet
Mace/5 damage/ 5 willpower: explodes on impact dealing 4 light damage. (5 Chet
Pistol/Range 65ft 6 damage/ 5 agility: deals +2 damage on critical hits. (9 Chet
Short Spear/ 4 damage/ 5 Strength: deals +2 damage. (5 Chet
Flail/ 4 damage/ 4 strength: causes bleeding on hit. (7 Chet
Bat/ 4 damage/ 4 strength: stuns a victim on hit.
Metal Bat/ 5 damage/ 4 strength: stuns a victim, if they resist they are dazed. (1
Short Bow/Range 40ft 3 damage/ 4 Agility: adds agility stat to damage dealt.
1d8 Weapons
Long Bow/Range 80ft 6 damage/ 6 Agility: Allows a volley attack where 1d6 arrows
can be fired at a single zone, minimum 40ft away, the arrows arc in the air before
Bastard Sword/ 7 damage/ 5 Strength: can be used in one hand at no penalty. (8
Large Katana/ 7 damage/ 5 Strength: deals at least 1 unstoppable damage. (1 Blanc
War Axe/ 8 damage/ 5 Strength: If the swing hits the ground or an object a
shockwave emits forward dealing half weapon damage to the first victim within 10ft
in the line of the axe. (8 Chet
Long Spear/ 6 damage/ 4 Agility: can be used to launch a pole vault attack that
increases attack damage to 1½ if it connects. The pole vault is a full round action. (7
Kratt Kill Beam/ 6 damage/ 5 intelligence: can be broken in multiple places in
succession to turn the broken stick into a bomb that explodes for 10 fire damage in a
15 ft zone. (7 Chet
Kratt Large Sword/ 6 damage/ 5 Intelligence: Applies a special parry style that
awards +1 critical defense chance when wielding. (8 Chet
Dwarven Wood Chopper/ 7 damage/ 5 Spirit: The axe engulfs in the ash of the
ancient wood, dealing +2 fire damage on hit for combat. (1 Blanc
Yatosh Side Arm/Range: 70ft/ 6 damage/ 5 Spirit: The fire arm reloads itself.
Delug Buster/ Range 80ft/ 8 damage/ 4 Aura: The shots explode on impact dealing
1 fire damage to adjacent units. (1 Blanc
Scemitar/ 7 damage/ 4 Endurance: deals +3 damage on counter attacks. (6 Chet
Power Staff/ 8 damage/ 4 Endurance: deals its damage in a 10ft forward cone from
impact. ( 6 Chet
Shotgun/ 8 damage/ 4 Intelligence: Deals double damage at point blank range. (1
Blanc, 4 Chet
Machine Gun/ 7 damage, fires twice per attack/ 5 Agility: Removes the rapid fire -2
to hit penalty. (1 Blanc, 4 Chet
Staff/ 7 elemental damage based on the staff/ casting die: gives the user +1 on
critical defense. (1 Blanc
1d10 Weapons
Heavy Hammer/ 9 damage/ 4 Agility: Gives the attacker +1 to hit. (9 Chet
Heavy Axe/ 9 damage/ 4 Strength: +1 armor level penetration. (9 Chet
Claymore/ 10 damage/ 6 Strength: +2 damage reduction. (1 Blanc 1 Chet
Bazooka/Range 170ft/15 unstoppable damage to a 10ft zone/ 5 Intelligence: Causes
the blast radius to double. (3 Blanc
Gem Rod/Range 80ft/ 9 elemental damage/casting die: The user can choose the
element when they attack. (2 Blanc
Heavy Machine Gun/ 10 damage-slow reload, fires twice per attack/ 5 Agility:
removes slow reload. (9 Chet
Greater Club/ 8 damage/ 6 Strength: Knocks back a victim 5ft on hit if they fail a
balance test vs. your attack. (9 Chet
Ion Cannon/ 10 damage/ 5 Willpower: The blast can arc in flight up to 5ft. (1 Blanc
3 Chet
Thunder Club/ 11 damage/ 8 Endurance: The thunderclub can expunge a powerful
burst of energy that paralyzes enemies within 20ft who fail an 18 endurance test.
Once per round use. (9 Chet
Delug Storm Staff/ 5 damage/ 10 Willpower: Mimics the 3rd level casted ability
lightning blast once per round. (2 Blanc
Sniper Rifle/400ft 10 damage/ 7 Intelligence: gives the user stealth attack bonus
regardless of class when attacking with the rifle. (2 Blanc
1d12 Weapons
Heavy Rocket Launcher/150ft range 20 damage/ 7 Charisma: Grants you a +5 to
your intimidate while wielding the weapon. (4 Blanc
Minigun/75ft range fires a 5ft wide beam of pure bullet fire. The stream lasts 1d4
turns and deals 14 unstoppable damage to those in the path. Each turn an enemy
starts in the stream deals them 14 unstoppable damage./ 5 Intelligence and Agility:
the beam becomes 10ft wide instead. (1 Solle
Halberd/5ft reach 14 damage/ 8 Strength: Can launch two attacks per action at
reach length. (3 Blanc
Zweihander /5ft reach 16 damage/8 Strength: grants +4 damage reduction (3 Blanc
Yatosh War Axe/ 17 damage/ 10 Strength: You gain +2 critical strike chance. (4
Proton Hammer/ 14 damage/8 Willpower, 8 Charisma: You can envelop yourself in
proton particles once every 1d4 turns. The proton shield blocks the next incoming
attack. The shield activates as a lightning action. (1 Solle
Armor: The different types of armor give a range of different mitigations and effects.
Armor is a specific craft that leaves combat in the hands of those skilled rather then
lucky. Armor grants a specific bonus based on the make of the armor. Light armor
grants +1 ESI Medium graints +2 ESI and Heavy grants 3 ESI. ESI is effective soak
increment, this means that if you have a soak of 1d8 and wear medium armor you
have 1d12 while wearing the armor. If the armor is removed you drop your soak
level. Very heavy armor grants a special increment of 2d20 regardless. Although the
penalties for armor use can be determental. Light and Cloth give no negatives, while
Medium armor reduces your maximum movement by 1 square or 5ft and heavy
reduces your movement by 2 squares or 10ft; very heavy armor reduces your
movement by 3 or 15ft. Armor can be doubled up if it is a normal armor and cloth or
light armor. You must have the proper increments to double up armor. For example
someone with a 1d6 has two lower increments worth of armor so they can stack two
armors of a lower increment. Somone with a 1d8 soak can wear a 1d6 or light armor
and a cloth armor to take up their three increments.
1d4 Armors
Cloth/0 mitigation/+1 damage staving vs. frost and light (1 Chet
Grass Weave/0 mitigation/+1 damage reduction (1 Chet
Typhoon Cloth/0 mitigation/With powers over the wind the typhoon cloth grants a
1d20 soak rating. (1 Blanc
Yatosh Cloth/0 mitigation/ +4 damage staving vs. frost (3 Chet
Yatosh Hunter Garb/ 0 mitigation/ +3 damage staving vs. Frost +1 damage
reduction. (5 Chet
Master Yatosh Garb/ +1 ESI/ +2 damage staving +2 damage reduction. (1 Blanc
Elven Garb/ 0 mitigation/ +2 damage staving vs. Light (1 Chet
Elven Weave/ 0 mitigation/ +2 damage staving vs. Shadow (1 Chet
Elven Royal Garb/ +1 ESI/ +8 damage absorb (1 Solle
Magi Robes/ +1 ESI/ -- (6 Chet
Arch-Magi/ +1 ESI/ +1 damage reflection (7 Chet
Sewer Suit/ 0 mitigation/ +2 damage staving vs. toxic
Kratt Good Vest/0 mitigation/Upon the first time you are slain wearing the vest, the
vest revives the wearer with 10% of their maximum hit points. (1 Blanc
Silodon Armor/+1 ESI/ Awarness of magic/omeus energy within 10ft.
Light Armor
Leather/ +1 ESI/ +1 damage reduction +1 to Stealth tests. (3 Chet
Studded Leather/ +1 ESI/ +2 damage reduction (4 Chet
Hemp/ +1 ESI/ +5 damage reduction vs. bullets. (3 Chet
Tin Armor/ +1 ESI/ +1 damage reduction +1 damage staving (4 Chet
Copper Armor/ +1 ESI/ +1 damage staving vs. toxic +1 damage staving vs. Shadow
(4 Chet
Bit Mail/ +1 ESI/ +1 damage absorb (3 Chet
Legion Armor/ +1 ESI/ +2 damage reduction vs. Arrows (3 Chet
Delug Armor/ +2 ESI/-- (7 Chet
Light Shield/0 mitigation/ 8 damage absorb (5 Chet
Rowiin Garb/ +1 ESI/-- (2 Chet
Elven Leather Armor/ +1 ESI/ +2 resistance vs. disease and toxin (4 Chet
Silk Armor/0 mitigation/ +5 damage reduction vs. arrows. (3 Chet
Elven Silk Armor/0 mitigation/ All non energy ranged projectile attacks deal nonlethal damage to you. (2 Blanc
Human Royal Garb/ 0 mitigation/ All melee attacks deal non-lethal damage to you.
(1 Solle
Rowin Special/ 0 mitigation/ +5 damage staving (6 Chet
Medium Armor
Scale Armor/ +2 ESI/ +2 damage staving vs. Frost +2 damage staving vs. shadow (5
Hide Armor/ +2 ESI/ +2 damage reduction (5 Chet
Kratt Heavy Armor/ +2 ESI/ +4 damage staving vs. toxin (5 Chet
Orc Armor/ +1 ESI/ +3 damage reduction +2 damage staving (5 Chet
Chainmail Armor/ +2 ESI/ +2 resistance vs. Bleeding (4 Chet
Rowin Armor/ +1 ESI/ + 3 damage absorb (4 Chet
Kevlar Vest/ +1 ESI/ bullets deal non-lethal damage to you.
Medium Shield/0 mitigation/12 damage absorb (1 Blanc
Orc Warchief Armor/+2 ESI/ reduces enemy chance to hit by 1 in a 10ft zone
around the wearer. (8 Chet
Gorinthian Mail/+3 ESI/-- (2 Blanc
Saulnulian Suit/ +1 ESI/ gives the user a +1 to hit. (6 Chet
Royal Rowin Armor/ +2 ESI/ 8 damage reflection (1 Solle
Coral Armor/ +1 ESI/ +3 damage reduction, +1 damage staving vs. Frost (5 Chet
Heavy Armor
Dwarven War Plate/+3 ESI/ Ranged attacks deal non-lethal damage to the wearer.
(1 Blanc
Fury Automail/+3 ESI/ 4 damage absorb (1 Blanc
Orc Dreadnaught Garb/+4 ESI/-- (2 Blanc
Yatosh Basalisk Armor/+2 ESI/ non physical attacks deal non-lethal damage to the
wearer. (2 Blanc
Strong Shield/0 mitigation/ 16 damage absorb. (1 Blanc
Full Plate/ +3 ESI/ +2 damage reduction (9 Chet
Rowin Forbidden/+3 ESI/ the user cannot be critically struck. (5 Blanc
Silodon Battle Suit/ +3 ESI/ all damage is taken as non-lethal damage. (1 Solle
Very Heavy Armor
Royal Dwarven Automail/2d20 mitigation set/ Can be used by any level of soak (1
Pillar Plate/2d20 mitigation set/ +5 damage staving, +5 damage reduction (1 Solle
Avoriin Martyr Armor/2d20 mitigation set/ The amount of damage soaked by the
user is reflected back on the attacker. (1 Solle
Crafting Armor: In order to craft armor the player must make a craft armor type
test. The higher the test the better the armor. The base templates for armor are
listed below of what is made on an average roll. The mitigation, ESI and special
bonuses can be added with good rolls.
9 points +1 ESI
3 points +1 damage reduction vs. (x)
3 points +2 damage staving vs. (x)
5 points +1 damage reduction
5 points +1 damage staving
6 points +1 damage absorb
10 points takes (x) damage type as non-lethal
20 points takes all damage of either physical or non physical as non-lethal
5 points Causes target debuff (x)
18 points +1 ESI without increasing armor class
Crafting Weapons: Weapon crafting is much like armor crafting but weapons are
used up much more frequently then armor. There are fewer portions that factor into
a weapons design which means more focus can be taken to the individual beauty of
the weapon. There are however size limits for damage on a weapon before I moves
to the next category.
1d4 – 4 damage
1d6 – 6 damage
1d8 – 10 damage
1d10 – 15 damage
1d12 -20 damage
+4 points +1 damage
+6 points +1 damage over size limit
+5 points adds chosen debuff (x)
+6 points Adds stat award level.
A stat award level is a special type of crafting that awards a player a bonus for
having the stats to use a weapon. Such effects can add +2 damage, chance to hit,
minus to hit, and -2 damage mitigations. Other effects can be added for every 3 stat
point requirement, the user can take a level of spell/omeus cast and add it to the
weapon as an on hit spell like ability. Adding a spell like ability is called enchanting
the weapon. A crafter must have a 15 craft before they can begin to enchant items.
Remember whenever you craft a weapon or armor piece its health is 10vs.
sundering. Armor gains more health the more expierenced the maker. For every 2
ranks in craft weapon or craft armor the piece gains 1 hp vs. sundering.
Feats range from martial training to hidden technique. A feat is a specific stepping
stone in character development that helps a player advance without the use of
magic or modification. Feats are often very strong but simple in their design. Taking
a feat is not a common occurance for most characters but whenever a Feat is gained
a building block has been placed.
Basic Feats: These techniques have been passed down for generations and are
common fields of study any martial trainer can teach. Basic feats are very helpful for
rounding out a character and strengthening their weaknesses. Note that the basic
training feats can only be taken once, such as weapon, defense and casting training.
Weapon Training: Increases your Combat die by 1 increment.
Armor Training: Increases your Defense die by 1 increment.
Casting Training: Increases your Casting die by 1 increment.
Skill Training: Increases a chosen skill by 2.
Spot On: Increases vision range by 10ft and grants +1 perception.
Discipline of Battle: Increases your defense chance by 1.
Focused Study: Increases your chance to hit by 1.
Endurance Training: Increases your maximum health by 6.
Speed Training: Increases your initiative by 2.
Defenses: Increases your resistance rolls by 1.
Martial Feats: The training by martial masters have developed and honed the
martial feats. Those who choose to follow martial fighting styles may benefit greatly
from exploring the options available within the list.
Student of War: You deal +1 damage to enemies equal to one third your level
rounded up.
Counter Offensive: Increases counter attack damage by 2.
Duel Wielding Proficiancy: Teaches you how to duel wield weapons of one handed
size or less effectively. Taking this feat removes the duel wielding penalty for the
Shield Block: While using a shield you may make an improved shield bash attack
that can be launched as an automatic counter attack (if in range) on a 15 to 20
defense roll even if you did not fully defend against the attack. The shield bash does
1d10 damage.
Mounted Combat: Teaches you how to perform mounted combat effectively. No
longer does the user have to make ride checks after charging or attacking. When
fighting in mounted combat the attacker is treated as having a constant positional
advantage against other units, even mounted ones, unless they also have Mounted
Combat and are mounted.
Martial Prowess: When using a quarter staff or a long spear as a two handed
weapon, or using a tower shield, you can no longer be flanked.
Fight with a Wall: While using a tower shield, you may devote your movement
action to fortify yourself, giving you the fortified advantage if you are not flanked.
Sanguine: Your weapon attacks attempt to inflict bleeding on victims wearing nonheavy armor.
Take a Hit Give a Hit: For every 5 points of damage you take from an attack, your
next attack deals +1 damage.
Power Shot: Ranged attacks can be fired into melee combat without risk of firing a
weak shot that veers off course.
Break Off: Causes removal of arrows to elevate to a main action instead of a
movement action for victims of your arrows.
Quick Hands: Your unarmed attacks launch at such great speed you can make a skill
test in a full round action after attacking with unarmed strikes
Fast Feet: You may launch unarmed attacks as movement actions in addition to
main actions. Off hand attack cannot be used in movement action unarmed attacks.
Omeus Bones: You can now deflect bullets, projectiles and other forms of harm with
your hands as long as the damage is less then your endurance score. This feat can be
activated once per round to deflect a single projectile. The damage is factored as the
base weapon value without modification when determining if this feat deflects shot.
The deflection must be declared before the attack roll is made.
Bane: Select a chosen enemy type, you bypass damage reduction or damage staving
of that chosen foe with your attacks.
Casting Feats: The use of omeus focus and spells is not a defined science. There are
many techniques and movements that accent the already complicated texture of
casting. The feats listed below can help some casters to avoid messing up, while
others can improve damage and effect.
Inner Calm: You no longer have to chant in order to focus omeus for a specific
cast/spell level. Each time this feat is taken a new rank can be assigned this feat.
Spell Mastery: You master a specific casting level to the point where your casting
cannot be lost by interruption, but instead can be re-attempted with a move action.
Spell Perfection (requires spell mastery, level 15) You may use a cast/spell of a
specific level perfected once per turn as a free action.
Swift Cast: You may cast a particular cast/spell/omeus focus as a move action.
Accent: Whenever you overload a cast you may have the overload deal damage to
you, but you deal an equal amount to a 15ft zone around yourself as lightning
Fix It!: Once per day you may have a cast that would overload, not overload.
Messed Up!: Once per day you may cause an enemy cast to overload.
Take It: Once per day you can absorb a negative status effect from a cast/spell or
omeus focus without being harmed.
Burn Trail: Doubles the range of your casting. If you launch the cast/spell using its
unmodified range it leaves a trail of fire beneath its path that deals half the casts
damage as fire to victims in the path. Minimum 4 fire damage dealt. Instant target,
no travel time, targets explode in a 5ft area around the cast for 4 fire damage.
Sneaky Cast: You may select a favored cast. Whenever you critically cast the
spell/omeus focus you may add one of the following effects. Invisibility for 1
round/teleport 15ft/heal 10 health/makes your next cast a move action, if it were
already it becomes a free cast/or makes your next cast bypass 50% damage staving.
Burning Edge: Increases your critical cast chance by 1.
Corrode: Your casts have +1 to their difficulties to be resisted.
Fleshly: Your casted attacks can now cause bleeding or stun victims instead of their
normal debuffs if you choose. Fire attacks and acid cannot cause bleeding.
Mind over Matter: Your casts can pass through 1 solid object in their path thinner
then 1 foot, even enemies. Taking this feat multiple times increases the matter able
to be passed through by 1 foot or the number of objects.
Scape: Whenever your casts overload you may choose where the range of overload
effects are. 10 effects.
Divine Feats: The divine is nothing to scoff at. The channeling of the Ajvuun power
can be greater then that of any spell. Yet the fickle attention of many Ajvuun can be a
turning point between the faithful and the hypocrits. There are a number of feats
that bolster the bodies ability to receive divine power, and likewise multiply the
talents granted by divine aid.
Blessings: Your divine empowerments now grant you the blessed advantage for
their duration.
Swath: Enemies targeted by your divine abilities have their chance to dodge reduced
by 1 and their chance to resist reduced by 1. This effect lasts until you stop focusing
the target, by dedicating an attack or action against them.
Healing Hands: Increases your heal skill by 2.
Restoration: Whenever you mend an allies wounds with a heal check they gain 2
health regeneration for 1d8 turns.
Corroding Touch: Your heal checks can remove magical debuffs.
Diplomatic Voice: Increases your diplomacy by 2.
Peace Keeper: Increases your skill tests after performing a successful heal test by 1.
Impervious: you gain a +1 to all resist checks.
Swift Focus: Allows your prayers to be done while performing other actions, For
every four actions taken you can cast a level 1 divine ability.
Improved Swift Focus: (requires swift focus level 9) Every two actions taken can
allow you to cast a level 1 divine ability.
Perfected Focus: (requires swift focus) for every two actions you can upgrade the
divine ability level of a prayer started by improved swift focus.
Overwhelm: Allies healed by your heal tests get a +1 to their next skill tests.
SPELL LEVELS: There are eight distinct levels of spells. Each spell is an omeus
charge linked to a specific element, then released by the user for maximum effect.
There are a number of side effects to casting though, some spells have an overload
amount that can cause a negative event to occure. Casting can be tricky and a
number of mages count on their casts being perfect, when a natural 1 is rolled
though the cast being attempted fails and the spell drops to a level 1 spell of a
similar effect. There are Omeus focus levels but they maximize at 4, they are listed
below the spell levels. Spell levels can go as high as 12 but attempting them always
has an overload if you are not an arch mage. Overloading an ability occurs
whenever you roll more then your level higher then the requirement for a cast.
Some casts are spontaneous and have a random chance to overload (below 50% on
a 1d00) On casts where enemies can dodge you have to roll to hit adding your
intelligence as a bonus to hit. In order to cast certain levels of casts requires certain
class die increments. Each die increments determines what can be casted in combat,
for example a 1d4 die caster would roll a 1d4 at the beginning of combat and what
they roll determines the number of casts their level they can perform in combat. The
higher the cast level the fewer that can be made. For example a 1d12 caster could
cast up to level 8 or higher but the cast number is subtracted after first level.
Example if you want to cast eighth level casts and you roll a 12 then the cast level 8
would be subtracted from the 12 for 4 level eight casts that could be made that
combat. Only level 1 casts do not subtract from the total rolled. Outside of combat a
caster may use a number of spells equal to their level, drawing from the omeus
without the aid of adrenaline or a brush with death. The same subtraction rule
applies to casting outside of combat.
1d12=above 8.
Spell Focus: A caster may choose a school/elemental type with which to gain focus.
A characters mastery level is equal to their level and gives either bonus damage or
extra range. The extra range granted allows for arching and shifting other then just
straight line casts.
Level 1 Spells
Fire Spike: Deals 4 fire damage to a target enemy, this damage cannot be avoided by
Ice Spike: Shatters a spike of ice in a target 10ft zone dealing 2 frost damage to all in
the area. This damage cannot be dodged.
Toxic Bomb: Creates a toxic bomb that can be saved for later, max of 10 bombs at a
time. The bomb explodes covering a 10ft area in toxin inflicting poison to all who fail
a resistance equal to the spell level + your level.
Whisper: Allows you to set a single audible word to repeat at random intervals in a
room. The whisper lasts for an hour.
Shift Appearance: Shifts your outter appearance to the point you seem like another
of your race. Overloading can cause you tolook like pieces of different people.
Shatter: Makes the sky within the vision of a single target look as though it is
shattering and dieing. The victim must make a difficulty 15 resistance or be
paralyzed with fear for their turn.
Wind Blast: Sends a surge of wind that knocks back medium or smaller units who
fail a 15 strength test.
Glitter: Creates 1d8 sparkling particles the size of a golf ball. The particles swirl
uncontrollably confusing any who stare directly into them for more then a round.
The orbs last for 3 minutes.
Trash: summon a piece of trash to hit a victim in the face dealing 2 non-lethal
damage and making them smell awful for 2 minutes.
Laser:marks a victim for 2 rounds. During the duration the target takes +1 damage
from your attacks.
Cloud: creates a smog cloud around a target 15ft zone blocking vision for 2 rounds.
Lightning: Strikes at a foe with a bolt of lightning dealing 4 damage with a 25%
chance of paralyzing the victim if they do not resist.
Parasite: Afflicts a victim who fails a 20 resist test with an omeus parasite that
reduces all their cast attempts by 1 or their chance to hit if non-casters. Each turn
the victim takes 1 damage which is given to the caster as health. The parasite lasts a
number of turns equal to the casters level.
Root: Causes roots to teleport from the ground and grapple a victims feet preventing
them from moving if they do not dodge.
Star Bomb: Deals 2 damage to a 50ft zone.
Bolt: Summons and hurls a metal spike at a foe dealing 10 damage if it hits. The
metal pole remains for combat.
Hover: The user levitates for 3 turns avoiding land based terrain negatives. Moving
over an open space or gap will keep the user in their place they would normally
levitate. The users movement is somewhat awkward and a 12 difficulty balance test
is needed to make full movement actions.
Call Food: Calls food from the nearest mage post to your location.
Call Water: Calls water from the nearest mage post to your location.
Return: The caster alone returns to the last inn they stayed at, appearing for 1 hour
before returning to their prior location exactly.
Level 2 Casts/Spells
Death Herald: Summons a skeleton from the death gate to fight for you until combat
Nature Herald: Summons a local beast or a spirit wolf, if no beasts are available.
Void: Reduces a victims chance to hit by 2 for their turn if they do not resist.
Talk to Nature: Allows the user to talk to animals and trees for one hour.
Drown: Removes the air from a victims lungs.
Encase: Increases your ESI by 1 for 1d4 rounds.
Empower: Increases your ESI by 1 for 1d4 rounds.
Strength of Ages: Increases your strength by 1 for 1d4 rounds.
Dexterity of the Tiger: Increases your agility by 1 for 1d4 rounds.
Wisdom of the Owl: Increases your willpower by 1 for 1d4 rounds.
Endurance of the Tortise: Increases your endurance by 1 for 1d4 rounds.
Fire Blast: Deals 10 damage to a target if they do not dodge. The victims haveto pass
a 15 dodge test or be burnt reducing healing received and preventing regeneration.
Cast Off: Removes gravity around a target victim for 3 turns, each turn the victim
falls 9ft into the air.
Stone Shift: Molds 20sqft of stone into an object of your choice.
Barrier: Protects the user from the next 10 damage by absorbing it. Lasts 4 turns.
Level 3
Flame Engulf: A victim is engulfed in flames for 7 damage then may roll to resist the
incoming fire orb that deals 12 damage. Allies can intercept the fire orb.
FrostSpike: The target is struck with a powerful ice spike that pierces through
outter protective casts, such as barriers and absorbing shields. The spike itself only
does damage equal to the users intelligence score.
Uproot: Forms a 20ft tall tree which falls in a target direction at the end of the
Fossil Form: Petrifies a target enemy who fails a resistance.
Renew: Restores 10 health to a target object organic or machine.
Water: Drenches a 20ft area in a powerful burst of water that knocks all in the area
of medium size or less prone. Only characters with a 6 or higher strength or
endurance can roll to resist.
Solar Blast: The caster charges up a beam of energy that destroys dark and shadow
creatures of level 4 or less in a forward 30ft cone. Other dark or evil creatures are
Control: Sends a command, a single word, to an enemy. If they do not resist they
must perform the command to the best of their ability. The compulsion ends after 3
Gape: Removes a victims abilities from their class during their turn.
Fire Breath: Deals 50 damage minus the total levels of characters in the area to a
target enemy. Minimum 10 damage.
Scorpion: Transforms a target into a scorpion until the end of the turn. Attacking a
victim that is a scorpion will deal damage to them as if dealing damage to the
arthropod, but after taking damage they revert to their normal form.
Void: Creates a void in a 50ft area for the remainder of combat. Any enemies who
die in the void area become skeletons under your control until combats end.
Level 4
Surge of Nature: Forms a mighty treefolk to fight for you. The tree folk lasts for
Power of the Dark: Harkens a void creature to fight for you, for the duration of
combat. This ability can also be used to subjugate a darkspawn of eighth level or
Destroyer of the Light: Heralds a destroyer of the light who destroys the nearest evil
thing. If the creature who is targeted by the herald is hit by the attack are dealt 30
damage. The herald has true sight and ignores terrain and shields.
Impale with Light: Impales a victim with light who does not resist, making them
unable to take their turn but immune to damage.
Force of Fire: Burns away a victim with less then 30 health. This attack cannot be
resisted or dodged.
Frozen Land: Sets out a frozen zone for the remainder of combat that slows all
enemies by half.
Oversized: Increases a targets size by 1 increment. This effect does not stack with
other size increasing areas.
Disappear: The user becomes invisible until they perform their next action, or 2
minutes pass.
Joust: An ethereal mount is summoned beneath a target medium or smaller unit.
The mount carries the creature who fails a 20 agility check 20ft before launching
them onto an ethereal spike which deals 20 damage unless the victim pass a 20
willpower check to realize the lance is ethereal.
Level 5
Orb of Death: A victim struck by this attack must pass a dc equal to your level
endurance save or instantly die. If the victim dies, their total hit points erupt out as
necromantic energy bolts striking the nearest living creatures. Victims are dealt one
fifth, rounded down, of the victims maximum hit points in shadow damage.
Nullify: Cancels a target spell or omeus focus effect. This cast can be made as a
counter action.
Earth Power: Empowers a unit increasing all their stats by for 2 rounds.
Flaying Wind: Any units effected by a slowing effect take frost damage equal to the
amount they move while slowed for the next 2 rounds.
Vaccume: Deals 40 vortex damage to a target victim in combat. If two charges of 5th
level casts are used the victim cannot avoid or defend against the attack.
Armor: Increases your armor mitigation by 5 ranks for 4 rounds.
Cleanse: The area in a 30ft zone is cleansed of all toxins and diseases.
Destroy: Destroys a target item that fails a 14 withstand test.
Hurricane: Every round for the remainder of combat all enemies take 2 vortex
damage for breathing.
Revoke Blood: Paralyzes a target victim.
Level 6
Gladiators Ring
For combat the combatants in combat can only use one special ability or have one
special effect active. Only one type of cast/omeus focus can be used by castes.
Summons a swarm of flesh rending insects that deals 500 non-lethal damage to a
30ft area.
Transports a chosen item to your location if able.
Revives a fallen unit whos vitals have not deteriorated completely. The target is
regenerated by the revival.
Decimate: Destroies a non-living unit who does not resist a willpower test vs. your
level +2.
Sabre of the Sky: A sword of heaven appears which deals 5 Vortex, 5 Fire, 5 Light
and 5 Lightning damage on hit. The sword lasts until it is dismissed, only one active
at a time, and will sheath as a tattoo of lightning at the users command. The sword
can be redrawn as a free action.
True Sight: Allows the user to see through all illusions, concealment casts, barriers
and other sight imparements besides solid objects for 3 rounds.
Polymorph: Shifts a target unit into another target unit of the same major type. The
new form grants its physical stats and hit points, but the target retains their mental
traits and techniques.
Tear: Opens a portal to a different dimension, or global location specified by the
Move Liquid: Moves 100squft of liquid up to 50ft in a target direction.
Level 7
Reduce: shrinks a victim to tiny size. If they are already small size they are
destroyed unless they pass a willpower test vs. your level.
Catapolt: Increases the range increment of your next ranged attack to 4 miles.
Equanox: Can shift day to night for the remaining 12 hours. After this effect the time
reverts to what time it would have been.
Restoration of Hope: Creates light ammo in an endless supply for allies within a 50ft
zone of the user for the next 8 turns.
Elemental Purge: Deals a chosen elemental type of damage to a victim equal to half
their total level each turn for a number of turns equal to half their total level.
Elevate: Lifts an entire town sized object into the sky for 1 day. The object can move
up to three miles a day and will then slowly fall back to the ground.
Recall: Opens the abyssal gate and retrieves the body of a fallen unit whom can be
seen as a mental picture in great detail by the one using the Recall. The target of the
recall may make a dc 20 endurance test to have their soul follow with their body.
Unlimited: Opens a stable portal to a target location previously traveled.
Level 8
Undo: A target character is afflicted with a destructive surge of time energy that
causes them to lose 1d4 levels. The victim must make a series of constitution saves
to recover the levels. If the rolls are failed then the character retains their abilities
but loses hit and skill points and other level benefits. If a natural 1 is rolled all
aspects of the level are lost and the level must be relearned.
Slay: Instantly slays a target who fails a roll vs. your level.
Map: Open your map and select a target location. The location is struck with a
Ice Mountain: All enemies in a 40ft area can only make 1 action in their turns for the
next 10 turns.
Life Repulsion: All damage done to units in combat is regenerated and the damage
forms as a ball of necrotic energy at the control of the caster. The orb can then be
directed at a target 20ft zone where all the damage explodes in an upward cone of
Shield: Deflects anything trying to affect the user for the next 3 rounds.
Acid Storm: Turns all the rain droplets in a target storm into acid damage.
World Warp: Warps a single 35ft area of the world to your desire for 1 hour. This
effect can also be used to make a storm cloud or other weather event for 1 hour.
Level 9
Dismiss: Removes a 10ft area from the world save for the base materials which
compose it.
Poison Blood: The victim becomes allergic to their own blood. The victim must make
a dc 10 endurance test to act, a 15 endurance test to move, and a 20 endurance test
to resist the overtime effect of this ability. Every turn the victim takes 1/10 of their
maximum health as poison damage.
Hell Steed: Summons a steed from the realm of Xel’Paldor, Zix’alla or Dronn to serve
as your mount. Multiple uses of this ability can create uncontrollable creatures that
will attack the user and run wild.
Beacon Beam: Reduces all units health to 75 in combat, or heals them to 75. The sky
must be sunny in order to use this ability.
Dark Spike: Removes a characters ability to cast/omeus focus for 7 rounds.
Mold: Returns a characters class dice and stats back to their level 1 marks. The
person then may use this time spell to revamp their decisions and rebuild
House: Pulls together the materials to create a two story house of basic build, in a
target area.
Level 10
Bolt of Ice: Summons an ice spike above each enemy that falls attempting to impale
Golem: Creates a medium stone golem.
Dark Warp: Summons a black hole in a target location for 1 round, the suction is not
applied, but victims who touch the 5ft event horizon are destroyed without save.
Colossal units are unable to interact with the micro black hole.
Renewal: Restores the life to a target area removing all negative effects, curses and
Level 11
Strike From Above: Deals 100 lightning damage divided among enemies evenly on
the battlefield regardless of staving.
Colossal Ally: Summons a Colossal creature to fight with you for combat.
Time Stop: Halts ambient time in a 50ft zone accept for you.
Level 12
Curse: Allows you to craft a curse of your desire
Second Chance: Reverses time for a corpse reviving them in their time.
NOTE: For casts that do not have a duration, they last until after your next turn.
OMEUS FOCUS: Any class can perform an omeus focus for the omeus lives in all
sentients of the realm. Omeus focus is different then casting for the energy built up
is never released outwardly as a spell. The Omeus instead bolsters the body and
improves technique. In their development a character may choose two omeus focus
with which to combat evil, but there are some class specific groups. Any class may
take from any group but the difference being a specified class may perform the focus
as a main action while an off class must spend a full round action.
Group 1 Warrior, Barbarian, Ranger, Rogue
Swift Strike: The user dashes forward striking the first victim in their path dealing
+7damage and preventing counter attacs. (1d4 turn cooldown). Rogues may use this
ability as a counter as well.
Overbaring: Improves the characters next attack to inflict three physical debuffs of
the users choice. 1d4 turn cooldown. Rangers only have a 2 turn cooldown.
Absorb War: The next attack made by the combatant heals them for the damage
they deal. Barbarians receive this as health regeneration, once per day use.
Barricading Force: Increases the users counter attack range to 15-20 for the next
round. Once per day use. Warriors can use this once per combat.
Group 2 Paladin, Cleric, Druid
Natures Might: Improves a chosen stat by 2 for combat, once per day use. A druid
may use this once per combat.
Divine Strength: Makes the user immune to status debuffs for 2 rounds. This effect
removes existing debuffs. Once per day use. Paladins may use this ability once per
Inner Devotion: Allows the character to regenerate 10 health instead of launching
counter attack. Once per combat use. A cleric may activate this whenever they
critically defend.
Group 3 Spell Blade, Wizard, Psionic
Sever: Tears away the users soul making their body undead. The user can go into
negative hit point equal to their maximum hit points. A 15 willpower test must be
maintained in order to keep the soul hovering around the body. If the roll is failed
the character rolls an endurance save if a 20 or higher is rolled the character can
reattempt the willpower roll. If a natural 1 is rolled on the endurance save the users
soul exits their body and they die. Whenever the soul returns to the body the
negative hit point damage is converted to non-lethal damage. Once per day use.
Spell Blades can activate this at will and does not have to save.
Determine: Gives the user a bonus to their next skill test equal to their willpower or
intelligence. 1d4 turn cooldown. A psionic can activate this ability for an ally.
Halt: The user may activate this ability in order to stop a teleport, blink, or shift near
them. The user may do this once per day. A Wizard may do this once per combat.
Group 4 Monk, and Elementalist
Mastery of Omeus: The user may use this ability to replicate another ability in a
different group even if the class requirement is not met. Once per day. Monks can
use this ability 5 times per day.
Overcast: The user may cast a spell of level 4 or less and make themselves the center
point, turning the cast into a 10ft area of effect event around themselves.
Elementalists with this ability can turn any cast they perform into a 10ft area of
DEBUFF LIST AND MECHANICS: Whenever you cast an ability there are a number of
different effects that can occur from being attacked. Each difficulty for a debuff is a
10 to resist. For each additional time a character would suffer a debuff the difficulty
increases by 1 until the debuff is removed. Debuffs are primarily non-physical
effects from supernatural attacks but some like bleeding are caused from physical
attacks. Physical debuffs are noted with a P after the description and a NP notes a
non physical debuff. Some debuffs have a B which means either physical or
supernatural can cause the effect.
Burn: Prevents regeneration and natural healing till removed. NP
Bleeding: Deals constant damage per turn until removed, base 1. Bleeding damage
increases the more stacks of bleed effects that are suffered. B
Paralysis: The victim is unable to move or act. B
Petrification: The victim is turned to stone. NP
Fear: Fear can have a majority of effects that can cause characters to lose bonus to
hit and damage. The basic fear effect is caused when an ally is slain in 1-2 hits by an
enemy in which case the victim is afflicted with fear that reduces their chance to hit
and damage by 1. B
Coma: Victims who go below 0 health enter a comma. While in a comma the
character cannot act or revive until they pass a 15 willpower test. P
Frozen: The victim is encased in a thick pain of ice and will remain in stasis if they
pass a 15 endurance save. If the endurance save is not passed the victim begins
slowly take 1d4 frost damage each turn until they are thawed. NP
Slowed: The victim is slowed by some means, losing their ability to move effectively.
Most slow effects cut max movement by half. B
Withered: Victims of shadow damage can sometimes wither losing their main
actions in their next turn. NP
Blinded: The victim loses all bonus to hit during the duration if they can see
normally. Those who can see without their eyes take only half reduction. Already
blind victims are immuned. B
Drained: If a user fails three casts in a row they become drained and lose their next
Confused: A confused victim attacks every nearby unit systematically until they are
not confused or the potential threats are dead.
Shocked: After taking lightning damage a victim gains a stack of shocked. If the
victim fails their resistance they remain schocked. Upon gaining 5 stacks of shocked
the victim is paralyzed. Stacks are removed whenever the save is made but the
difficulty increases by 2 per stack.
Unstoppable Damage: The damage cannot be absorbed by shields or abilities.
Damage can still be soaked. Unstoppable damage also goes through light and
medium cover.
Cover: A character behind light cover can take a maximum of 20 damage from an
attack while a character behind medium cover can only take a max of 10 damage.
INVENTORY: The inventory is the place where all the items and gear that can be
found within the realm is stored. Below is a list of different items and substances
that can be collected via exploring, purchasing or any other form of haggling. The
basic currency system is broken into two main increments a Chet and a Blanc. A
Chet is able to purchase 1 lb of any material on the Chet buy list. A Blanc is able to
buy 10 lbs of any substance on the Chet buy list or 1 lb of anything on the Blanc buy
list. A Soul is government currency that can buy a ton of material on the Chet buy
list or 200lbs of material on the Blanc buy list.
Granola mix
Sheep Meat
Oak Wood
Spruce Wood
Maple Wood Granit
Chicken Meat Mice
Bug Mush
Watermellon Mellon
Blue berries Apercots
Farm Medley Fertilizer
Grass Sead
½ days work Tin
Village Wares
General Goods
Smelting Materials
Bee Shelf
Cold Iron
There are a number of different materials that are not listed above. These are just
the normal items traded, with some groups such as Medley and general goods in
place to cover any specific materials that the game master might want to see
implemented such as whale oil for example. The sky is the limit but from this list one
should be able to determine the value of their item on the Chet and Blanc system.
Some items may be sold for Souls but this can have drastic effects on the economy,
as well as making you a target for thieves.
Weapon and Armor Material
Some of the value derived from certain materials is derived from their ability to
provide special effects on weapons and armor. There are a number of different
materials that have varying results when formed into a weapon. Other materials
allow a special process known as enchanting. Whatever the case may be the proof is
in the metal.
Silver=Bypasses evil and lycanthrope damage reduction
Gold= Allows an enchantment to be placed into an item.
Iron= Basic Material Increases weapon health from base 10 to 15
Bronze = Allows the weapon to deliver a shock attack once per day for its weapon
damage at range.
Tin= Increases damage on a weapon by base 1.
Cold Iron = allows the armor worn to absorb a spell used against the wearer and
save the charge to be used later. A weapon can mimic the effect on a counter attack.
Copper = Increases movement speed of the user by 5ft.
Titanium = The item forged of titanium has +5 sunder health and takes half damage
from all sunder damage.
Rubidium = The wearer of rubidium armor is protected by a shield of force that
absorbs 20 damage. A weapon made of rubidium automatically sunders for its base
damage and half damage against titanium.
Tungsten= Weapons and armor made of Tungsten do not sunder, instead whenever
the tungsten item would be dealt its max sunder health in a single hit it shatters.
Hemp = Hemp armor allows the user more mobility and has no movement negative.
Itrium = The armor or weapon regenerates if sundered. Yet the weapon or armor
will explode at high tempratures.
LoreSteel = A mythical metal that regenerates within a days time from any harm and
can be enchanted.