1 Brood Surveys and Hunter Observations Used to Predict Gobbling Activity of Wild Turkeys in 2 Mississippi 3 Matthew D. Palumbo,* Francisco J. Vilella, Bronson K. Strickland, Guiming Wang, Dave 4 Godwin 5 M.D. Palumbo, B.K. Strickland, G. Wang 6 Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture, Mississippi State University, Mississippi 7 State, MS 39762 8 Present address of M.D. Palumbo: Westchester County Airport, 14 Loop Road Building 10, 9 White Plains, New York 106704 10 Francisco J. Vilella 11 USGS Cooperative Research Unit, Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture, 12 Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762 13 Dave Godwin 14 Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, 1505 Eastover Drive, Jackson, MS 15 39211 16 * Corresponding author: Plums526@aol.com 17 18 Disclaimer: “This draft manuscript is distributed solely for the purposes of scientific peer 19 review. Its content is deliberative and predecisional, so it must not be disclosed or released by 20 reviewers. Because the manuscript has not yet been approved for publication by the U.S. 21 Geological Survey (USGS), it does not represent any official USGS finding or policy”. 1 22 Abstract 23 The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks utilize data from turkey hunter 24 observations and brood surveys from across the state to manage wild turkey (Meleagris 25 gallopavo) populations. Since 1996, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and 26 Parks’ (MDWFP) personnel and cooperating wildlife managers have collected gobbling, jake 27 observation, and brood survey data to better forecast poult recruitment and hunting quality. Our 28 objective of this study was to evaluate if MDWFP’s survey data can be used as a viable predictor 29 of gobbling activity and hunt quality. We used three mixed models to investigate the relationship 30 between number of gobblers heard per hour of hunting (expected hunt quality) and the number of 31 jakes observed per hour of hunting one year prior (model 1), the number of gobblers heard per 32 hour of hunting and the total number poults per total hens observed 2 years prior (model 2), and 33 the number of jakes seen per hour of hunting one year prior and the total number of poults per 34 hens 2 years prior (model 3) from 1996 to 2008 among 5 wild turkey management regions 35 encompassing the state. We incorporated year and region as random effects to account for spatial 36 and temporal variation. We found that model 1 (P = 0.001) and model 3 (P <0.001) displayed 37 significant relationships. We recommend managers incorporate hunter observations of jakes seen 38 per hour of hunting the previous year as an indicator of statewide gobbling activity, rather than 39 the brood survey data. Gobbling activity is influenced by a multitude of factors and further 40 research is warranted to determine statewide relationships. 2 41 Introduction 42 Many states index wildlife population abundance by collecting harvest data or use data 43 gathered during hunting seasons to estimate harvest, number of hunters, and days of hunting 44 (Strickland et al. 1994). However, many of these estimates vary greatly, making yearly and 45 regional comparisons difficult (Connelly et. al. 2005). Thus, wildlife agencies also rely upon 46 observations from field personnel to index wildlife populations. For some states, recruitment 47 estimates for wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) are indexed through brood surveys conducted by 48 volunteers on “routine duties” during summer (Shultz and McDowell 1957; Wunz and Shope 49 1980). 50 The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks (MDWFP) uses a 51 combination of hunter harvest data and field observations to index wild turkey populations 52 throughout the state. Harvest data collected through a Spring Gobbler Hunting Survey (SGHS) 53 are used to index harvest rates, population size, age structure and gobbling activity on a yearly 54 basis across the state. Additionally, data collected during brood surveys conducted by the 55 MDWFP, Mississippi Forestry Commission, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 56 and Weyerhaeuser Company are used to index reproduction and estimate productivity of wild 57 turkey populations statewide. The MDWFP uses a combination of data from the SGHS and 58 brood survey to predict the age structure and population levels that spring hunters can expect. 59 The MDWFP also attempts to predict gobbling activity based on the brood survey of two years 60 prior and jakes seen one year prior from the SGHS, which is used to categorize expected hunt 61 quality. On average, adult gobblers gobble more than sub-adults (Bevill 1973; Hoffman 1990) 62 and male two and three year age classes are dominant over older sibling groups (Watts 1968). 63 This dominance can be displayed through increased gobbling (Bevill 1973). Thus, the MDWFP 3 64 assumes that the two year old age class of gobblers is the most vocal age group of male turkeys 65 (D. Godwin, A. Butler, and J. Koloski, MDWFP, unpublished report). However, gobbling 66 activity has been reported to be extremely variable and influenced by a variety of factors 67 (Hoffman 1990; Lint et al. 1995; Kienzler 1996; Miller et al. 1997a; Miller et al. 1997b) 68 Since 1996, MDWFP and cooperating personnel have recorded number of gobblers heard 69 per hour of hunting, number of jakes seen per hour of hunting, and number of poults per hen 70 from five turkey management regions in Mississippi. Our objective was to determine if a 71 relationship exists between counts of jakes observed and poults per hen and subsequent gobbling 72 activity. A relationship among these counts would make predictions of gobbling activity more 73 reliable and strengthen current strategies for turkey harvest recommendations. 74 Methods 75 In the SGHS, individual hunters voluntarily report throughout the spring season (typically 76 mid-March to 1 May) location of hunt (i.e., whether the hunt was on private or public land); date; 77 start and end time of hunting; county of hunt; number of gobblers heard; number of gobbles 78 heard; number of gobblers, jakes, hens and unknowns seen; time a gobbler was harvested; and 79 beard and spur lengths (D. Godwin, A. Butler, and J. Koloski, Mississippi Department of 80 Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, unpublished report). From June to August while conducting daily 81 activities, brood survey participants record number of poults, hens with and without poults, 82 gobblers, and “unknown” (age and gender not discernible) observed, as well as location (county 83 and/or wildlife management area). 84 85 We calculated mean number of gobblers heard per hour of hunting, mean number of jakes observed per hour of hunting, and total poults per total hens observed for each turkey 4 86 management region 1996-2008. The five turkey management regions were delineated by 87 differences in physiography and location of logistical support (Figure 1). 88 We estimated the mean number of gobblers heard per hour of hunting as a conservative 89 index of gobbling activity (Gobbling Activity Index, GAI) since the propensity to gobble may 90 differ among birds. We assumed that number of jakes seen per hour of hunting would be an 91 adequate index of recruitment of one-year-old gobblers to the two-year age class, when gobblers 92 are assumed to be most vocal (Jake Recruitment Index, JRI). Total number of poults per total 93 hens (Nest Success Index, NSI) was used as an index of fecundity and recruitment (Glidden 94 1977; Seiss 1989). Previous research at the Tallahalla Wildlife Management Area (TWMA) in 95 Mississippi found a high correlation (r = 0.82) between number of successful nests two years 96 prior and number of gobblers heard the current year (Miller et al. 1997b). Therefore, we assumed 97 that NSI from 2 years prior would index abundance of two-year-old gobblers. 98 We tested 3 separate mixed models to determine the relationships among NSI, JRI and 99 GAI from 1996 – 2008 using the SAS 9.2 software package (SAS Institute, Cary North Carolina, 100 USA). We used the mean count of GAI, JRI, and NSI for each region and year for analysis and 101 did not have NSI data for 1996. In model one we compared JRI to NSI to determine if poult 102 recruitment was a reliable predictor of jakes observed while hunting the following year. In 103 model two we compared GAI to JRI to determine if the mean number of jakes observed while 104 hunting was a reliable predictor of gobbling activity the subsequent year. Finally, with model 105 three we compared GAI to NSI to determine if poult recruitment was a reliable predictor of 106 gobbling activity two years later. We used year and region as random effects to account for 107 annual and regional variation in turkey counts and used the Kenward-Rodgers degrees of 108 freedom adjustment for models with multiple random effects (Littell et al. 2006). From each 5 109 model we output parameter estimates and associated errors for use predictive models. 110 Additionally, to gauge model fit we compared the predicted values from our mixed models to the 111 observed values for JRI in model one and GAI in models two and three using Pearson’s 112 correlation coefficient. We acknowledge this is not a true correlation between the response and 113 explanatory variables, but we provide this correlation statistic as a simple measure of model fit to 114 augment the F- and P-values for each model. 115 116 Results All three models demonstrated relationships between current and prior turkey counts. In 117 model one, JRI was related to NSI one year prior (n = 60, F = 16.39, P < 0.001) with a 118 correlation of r = 0.65 between observed and predicted JRI counts. In model two, GAI was 119 related to JRI one year prior (n = 65, F = 11.46, P = 0.001) with a correlation of r = 0.91 between 120 observed and predicted GAI counts. Finally, in model three, GAI was related to NSI two years 121 prior (n = 60, F = 3.52, P = 0.067) with a correlation of r = 0.91 between observed and predicted 122 GAI counts (Table 1.) 123 Discussion 124 Previous research has focused on monitoring broods to index population parameters, such 125 as productivity (Speak et al. 1969; Gardner et al. 1972; Glidden 1977; Speake1980; Bartush et al. 126 1985). Miller et al. (1997b) attempted to correlate an estimate of productivity (i.e., nest success) 127 to breeding behavior (i.e., gobbling activity) for wild turkeys. Miller et al. (1997b) detected a 128 significant correlation between nest success two years prior to number of gobblers heard, but not 129 to number of calls heard. They hypothesized the proportion of two-year-old birds in the 130 population could be indexed by nest success two years previous and can contribute to the 131 potential of hearing an individual turkey gobble. We attempted to test this hypothesis at the 6 132 regional scale and did not detect the same relationship. But, we did determine the JRI used to 133 track the proportion of juvenile male turkeys in a population that will potentially be recruited to 134 the two year old age class was as suitable index of gobblers heard during a hunting season. 135 The Miller et al. (1997b) research was performed on TWMA in central Mississippi and nest 136 success was determined from radio-monitored hens from 1984 -1995 from Palmer et al. (1993) 137 and Miller et al. (1995). Palmer et al (1993) and Miller et al. (1997b) indexed nest success from 138 daily monitoring hens until they were found in the same location for 2 consecutive days, 139 whereupon the hens were considered to have initiated nesting. During incubation hens were 140 located twice daily to determine hatching date, nest destruction or desertion, or hen mortality. As 141 soon as incubation stopped researchers approached the nest to determine fate (Palmer et al. 1993 142 and Miller et al. 1995). These hens and their nests where intensely monitored (Palmer et al. 1993 143 and Miller et al. 1995) compared to the brood survey that the MDWFP can efficiently conduct. 144 The NSI of total poults per total hens seen 2 years prior, which is gathered from staff while they 145 are conducting routine duties throughout the state, is not as accurate. And therefore we 146 recommend not using the NSI as an indicator of expected hunt quality (i.e., gobbling activity) at 147 the regional level. 148 But the NSI was significantly correlated to the JSI which indicates that it can track population 149 size of wild turkeys at the statewide level. Furthermore, the JSI was also significantly correlated 150 to the GAI which indicates that the JSI, a surrogate for the gobbler population one year prior, is 151 an indicator of gobbling activity. But previous research by Lint et al. (1995) at TWMA reported 152 that gobblers heard per day was not related (P= 0.14) to estimates of gobbler population size but 153 was strongly correlated to harvest and harvest per effort. 7 154 Our statewide analysis resulted in different correlations than were documented at a single 155 management area, TWMA. The TWMA studies were at one research site where turkeys 156 observed, monitored, and hunted could be considered of one population. Therefore estimates of 157 these metrics are more consistent over years. Through the SGHS hunters may be visiting several 158 different areas and essentially recording data from several different populations. We attempted to 159 address the lack of spatial congruence by incorporating region and year as random effects, which 160 resulted in detecting significant statewide correlations. 161 The SGHS is useful to track long-term trends in wild turkey populations across the state. 162 But the amount of spatial variation between sources of data such as gobbling activity, brood 163 surveys, and jake encounters, likely can result in poor models to explain gobbling activity. 164 Standardization of brood, jake, and gobbling call count surveys should be warranted to decrease 165 this variation. The ability of observers to detect and identify birds has been recognized as a 166 source of variation in many studies trying to detect birds (Diefenbach et al. 2003), therefore, 167 unbiased observers (i.e. not hunters) that are consistently assigned to specific surveys may 168 reduce variation. Additionally, attempting to predict a behavioral response that is influenced by 169 such a variety of factors may consistently result in a high level of inaccuracy. The indices we 170 investigated can be used to predict regional gobbling activity with consideration that there is a 171 large amount of variation associated with this mating behavior. Therefore, we recommend 172 further research into potential sources of variation (i.e., observers, habitat, hunter effort and 173 success, brood survey effort, weather, population dynamics) at regional levels, so that more 174 accurate relationships can be determined. 175 Acknowledgements 8 176 We greatly appreciate the efforts of Mississippi’s sportsmen and the various natural 177 resource agencies that have gathered wild turkey observations. We thank S. L. Edwards, R. S. 178 Seiss, A. Butler, J. Koloski for their support. Funding for this project was provided by the 179 Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks through project W-48-56, Study 58 of 180 the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for 181 descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 182 183 184 185 References Bartush WS, Sasser MS, and Francis DL. 1985. A standardized turkey brood survey method for Northwest Florida. Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium. 5:173-181. Bevill WV Jr. 1973. Some factors influencing gobbling activity among wild turkeys. 186 Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Game and Fish 187 Commissioners. 27:62-73. 188 189 190 Bevill WV Jr. 1975. Setting spring gobbler seasons by timing peak gobbling. Proceedings of the National Wild Turkey Symposium 3:198-204. Connelly J W, Gammonley JH, and Peek JM. 2005. Harvest management. 6th edition. Pages 191 658-683 in C. E. Braun, editor. 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Model Response variable Explanatory variable Intercept estimate SE Slope estimate SE Num df Den df Fvalue Pvalue 2 GAIa JRIb 0.563 0.063 0.483 0.143 1 53.4 11.46 0.001 3 GAI NSIc 0.609 0.066 1 JRI NSI 0.098 0.028 a. Mean number of gobblers hear per hour of hunting. 0.029 0.051 0.016 0.013 1 1 47.8 57.9 3.52 16.39 0.067 <0.001 b. Mean number of jakes seen per hour of hunting one year prior. 12 c. Total poults per total hens observed 2 years prior. Figure Captions Figure 1. The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks wild turkey management regions from 1996 - 2008. 13