Minutes - NZTCPASE

New Zealand Tertiary Council for
Physical Activity, Sport and Exercise (NZTCPASE)
Minutes of Meeting
University of Canterbury, 6 December 2011
Members: Greg Anson (Auckland), Doug Booth (Otago), Ian Culpan
(Canterbury), Henry Duncan (AUT), Bevan Grant (Waikato), Denise Harnett
(Wintec), Sally Lark (Massey, Wellington), Duncan McKenzie (SIT), Hugh
Morton (Massey, Palmerston North), Richard Pringle (Auckland), Jerry Shearman
(CPIT), Rex Thomson (UNITEC)
Attendees: Nick Draper (Canterbury), Glynis Longhurst (Wintec), Steve Stannard
(Massey, Palmerston North), Richard Beddie and Stephen Gascal (REPS—
Register of Exercise Professionals), Peter Joyce (Chair of PBRF Health Panel)
Apologies: Sue Emerson (UNITEC), Carl Paton (EIT), Dean Rankin (UCOL),
Greg Ryan (Lincoln), Alan Reynolds (Skills Active)
1. Minutes of the meeting 9 December 2010
Action: Approved
2. News
D. Booth reported:
Excellence in Research Australia has abandoned its system of journal
rankings as part of its assessment of Australian academics
Summary of discussions conducted by the working party examining clinical
exercise physiology in New Zealand (provided by Jerry Shearman)
3. Correspondence
D. Booth advised of correspondence received from TEC re PBRF panel members.
TEC did not accept any of TCPASE’s nominations
4. Skills Active (Alan Reynolds)
No discussion in the absence of Alan Renolds
5. Richard Beddie and Stephen Gascal (REPS—Register of Exercise Professionals)
Richard Beddie and Stephen Gascal outlined the roles and functions of REPS.
They encouraged members to register their degrees with REPS to facilitate the
registration of graduating students as exercise professionals.
6. PBRF (Professor Peter Joyce, Chair of the PBRF Health Panel)
Professor Peter Joyce offered members of TCPASE his thoughts on a number of
PBRF matters relating to the Health Panel (under which Sport and Exercise
Science falls). Among his thoughts were the following:
Special Circumstances:
Some weight will be given to maternity leave, sickness
No weight is given to high teaching loads or bad HODs (!)
The expectation is that journal articles make up the four nominated
outputs. Any deviations from this (i.e. books, book chapters,
conference proceedings, theses) should be fully justified in the
commentary box. Text books (unless research focussed), theses,
conference proceedings, commissioned reports carry little weight.
Assessors will assign most weight to research articles and portfolios
should not include more than one review article irrespective of the
impact factor of the journal
Research specific to New Zealand and published in New Zealand
journals will be viewed favourably
Contribution to publication: Staff should not express their contribution to coauthored articles in percentage terms. Most weight is given to the intellectual
idea behind the article (i.e. “I conceptualised and initiated the research
question”) and least weight to data collection.
Commentary box: Use the commentary box to:
highlight the significance of the research (i.e. “This is the first study
done on/in the area of …”; “This article provides the first evidence
that …”; “In this article we showed for the first time that …”; “This is
a breakthrough article in which we …”; “This article changed
industry/professional/clinical practice by …”; “This article had an
economic impact on …”).
Describe the quality of the journal (i.e. “This article was published in
Salvation Army Sunday News which has an Impact Factor of 6.3 and
is ranked 3/78 in the field of Development Studies”)
Impact Factors should be seen as the starting point for discussion
around the quality of the research – PBRF is about quality not
quantity – best international standards for the discipline
Other publications: Notwithstanding the importance of the four NROs,
assessors look at the overall portfolio, including other publications, and can
make a “holistic judgement”, irrespective of the numbers they assign to
NRO, CRE and PE.
Keynote Addresses: Identify the significance/status of the conference
within the field
Comments: “guard against waffling—it is better to be vague than be
Other information passed on to members during the meeting included:
Assessors will read at least two of the nominated research outputs for
the quality of the research
Most discussion of portfolios occurs where they are ranked at the
margins (top and bottom) of each grade.
In most cases four journal articles are sufficient to achieve a C.
7. SESNZ and TCPASE (Sally Lark, SESNZ)
Sally Lark, Chair of Sport and Exercise Science New Zealand advised members of
the following:
Catriona McBean appointed National Manager of SESNZ
SESNZ is in the process of updating its constitution and website
SESNZ is in the process of discarding institutional memberships and
changing membership categories to:
Full member
Life member
Student member
SESNZ ran their own conference last year but may consider running further
joint conferences with Sports Medicine New Zealand in the future.
SESNZ is currently examining the issue of accreditation in the area of clinical
exercise physiology
8. Clinical programme(s) accreditation (Jerry Shearman)
Jerry Shearman outlined the summary of discussions conducted by the working
party examining clinical exercise physiology in New Zealand which he circulated
prior to the meeting.
Members of the working party agree that the accreditation of clinical physiologists
needs to progress. They identified two options:
Alignment with SESNZ and ESSA
Alignment with an established clinical health workforce group and
developing our own accreditation pathway (potentially based in ESSA but
with more clinical competency and local contact)
The working party asked members of TCPASE for their thoughts.
In the wake of discussion, the following motion was carried (proposed H. Morton;
seconded J. Shearman): The TCPASE working party examining the accreditation
of clinical exercise physiologists in New Zealand pursue “alignment with an
established clinical health workforce group with a view to establishing an
accreditation pathway”.
9. Election—Office Holders 2012
a) D. Booth elected President
b) G. Anson elected Vice President
c) S. Lark to host the next meeting at Massey, date TBC, but preferred to be
between late November and early December