1 2 3 4 5 Supplemental Material 6 Sensitivity Studies 7 Several assumptions were tested to determine their sensitivity on urban excess estimates. These 8 assumptions included (1) the effect of using interpolated rural concentrations at the location of 9 the CSN site versus the average concentration at nearby sites, (2) the effects of altitude Spatial and seasonal patterns in urban influence on regional concentrations of speciated aerosols across the United States, by Hand et al. 10 corrections on urban excess, (3) the sensitivity of excess to elevation differences between urban 11 and rural sites, (4) the impact of the distance limit between urban and rural sites, and (5) the 12 relationship between city population and urban excess estimates. 13 A major challenge in computing urban excess is quantifying the regional concentration at an 14 urban site. Excess often has been computed using concentrations at urban and nearby rural site 15 pairs. If more than one nearby rural site is available, rural concentrations can be averaged or 16 considered separately. Spatial averaging of rural concentrations removes some of the subjectivity 17 of the choice of rural site and allows for a regional concentration to be determined at the actual 18 location of the urban site. To test the sensitivity to the choice of rural concentrations, we 19 compared excess ratio estimates using interpolated rural concentrations at the location of the 20 urban site to estimates calculated using the average of concentrations from nearby (<150 km) 21 rural sites (usually 5 sites or less). Annually across the United States, the error in excess ratio 22 associated with using interpolated concentrations relative to averaged concentrations was ~12% 23 or less depending on species, with the largest error associated with AN. The biases for all species 24 were low (<5%) and the excess ratio estimates were highly correlated (Table S1). Estimates of 25 errors for monthly mean aggregated excess ratios are shown in Figures S1a and S1b for sites in 26 the West and East, respectively. The biggest errors occurred during winter months for sites in 27 the West, especially for AN. Higher errors were associated with outliers that corresponded to 28 urban sites in California with only two or three nearby IMPROVE sites. December mean AN 29 interpolated concentrations at the location of a CSN site are compared to the average of 30 measured IMPROVE concentrations from nearby sites in Figure S2. The outliers in Figure S2 31 corresponded to sites at Fresno and Visalia, California. In both cases the rural sites were at 1 32 higher elevation compared to the urban sites. The higher errors in winter suggested that 33 meteorological effects (wintertime low boundary layer and wind speeds) were enhanced when 34 the average of two or three rural sites was used to compute excess, rather than a spatial 35 interpolation of concentrations from surrounding sites. In the East, lower errors were associated 36 with excess ratios. 37 The second sensitivity test investigated the impact of altitude corrections on urban excess. We 38 compared excess ratios computed with rural concentrations that were altitude adjusted to the 39 elevation of the urban site to ratios computed with concentrations corresponding to local 40 elevations of rural sites. Across the United States the error associated with altitude adjustments 41 was 2.4% (bias of 4.7%), with somewhat higher excess ratios for nonadjusted rural 42 concentrations. The error was higher in the West (8.5%) where higher elevation sites were 43 located. This altitude correction does not account for effects of boundary layer height and 44 sampling of different air masses. 45 The third sensitivity test investigated the relationship between urban excess and elevation 46 difference between rural and urban sites. Much of the analysis has pointed to the importance of 47 meteorological influences on excess especially for sites in the West in winter when elevation 48 differences could lead to the sampling of different air masses. To explore this possibility we 49 examined the relationship between excess and difference in elevation between the CSN site and 50 the average elevation of nearby IMPROVE sites within 150 km. A linear regression performed 51 between urban excess and elevation differences did not reveal a clear dependence of excess on 52 elevation difference (see Figure S3a and S3b for West and East, respectively). Correlation 53 coefficients (r) were actually negative for most species and months in the West. Mostly positive 54 correlation coefficients were computed for all species for eastern sites even though seasonal 55 patterns in excess were less evident for eastern sites. 56 The fourth sensitivity test examined the assumption of the distance limit applied for rural and 57 urban sites. Based on the spatial gradients in the rural concentration field (see Figure 2), rural 58 sites too far from an urban site may not be representative of the regional conditions near that 59 urban site. The excess analysis was repeated by varying the site distance limits (10, 20, 40, 60, 60 80, 100, 125, 150, 175, and 200 km) to evaluate the sensitivity to the distance of rural sites. The 61 rural interpolated concentration fields remained the same, but excess values were computed at 2 62 CSN sites that were located within the distance limit to an IMPROVE site. Obviously, the 63 aggregated estimates of urban excess depended on which and how many sites were included in 64 the analysis. For distance limits greater than 80 km, the annual mean excess ratios were nearly 65 constant up to a distance limit of 200 km for all species (see Figure S4a and S4b for West and 66 East, respectively). However, the number of sites included in the analysis did not change 67 significantly for sites in the West, although the number of sites did increase in the East where 68 urban site density is higher. Lower ratios at shorter distance limits (10–60 km) suggested that 69 the closest IMPROVE sites may be more influenced by urban sources and therefore not as 70 representative of regional concentrations as sites somewhat farther away. In the West, EC and 71 AN were most sensitive to shorter distance limits (<80 km), while in the East, EC was the most 72 sensitive, suggesting that these species may have steeper spatial gradients relative to other 73 species. We chose a distance limit of 150 km to achieve a statistically representative number of 74 sites (35 in the West and 81 in the East) for regional analyses and to capture the transport of 75 primary aerosols [Wangstrom and Pandis, 2011]. 76 Finally, relationships between population and urban excess were examined using 2010 census 77 data (http://www.census.gov/popest/data/cities/totals/2012/SUB-EST2012.html) for estimates of 78 city population for CSN site locations. No clear relationships emerged between the population of 79 a city and urban excess for any species, and in fact the highest-population cities did not 80 correspond to the highest excess ratios. This result is not surprising given that the influence of 81 meteorology on urban excess affects cities regardless of size. 82 83 84 85 Table S1. Comparison Statistics for Annual Mean Excess Ratios Calculated with Interpolated versus Measured IMPROVE Data and CSN Data for CSN Sites within 150 km of an IMPROVE Site Species Errora (%) Biasb (%) Correlation (r) Ratio of meansc (meas./interp.) ASd 5.8 -0.4 0.82 0.99 ANe 12.3 4.8 0.77 1.08 POMf 6.0 1.2 0.96 1.02 ECg 8.0 0.3 0.98 1.02 3 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 X Yi ; X i and Yi are the monthly mean data for CSN and IMPROVE concentrations, Error median i Y i respectively. 1 N X Yi b Bias i ; The number of data points is given by N =116. N i Yi c Measured/Interpolated refers to the ratio of the mean measured IMPROVE concentrations to mean interpolated IMPROVE concentrations at the location of a CSN site. d Ammonium sulfate = 1.375*sulfate ion e Ammonium nitrate = 1.29*nitrate ion f Particulate organic matter = 1.8*organic carbon g Elemental carbon a Figures 99 100 101 102 103 104 Figure S1. Monthly mean error (%) in urban to rural ratios computed using measured and interpolated IMPROVE concentrations for CSN sites (a) West and (b) East of -100° longitude for ammonium sulfate (AS), ammonium nitrate (AN), particulate organic matter (POM), and elemental carbon (EC). 105 4 106 107 108 109 Figure S2. 2008-2011 December monthly mean ammonium nitrate (AN) concentration (µg m-3) for average measured IMPROVE data and interpolated data at the location of the CSN site. Sites east and west of -100° longitude are shown in black and red, respectively. 110 111 112 113 114 115 Figure S3. Monthly mean correlation coefficient (r) for urban to rural ratio estimates versus elevation difference between CSN and averaged nearby (<150km) IMPROVE site elevations for sites (a) West and (b) East of -100° longitude for ammonium sulfate (AS), ammonium nitrate (AN), particulate organic matter (POM), and elemental carbon (EC). 116 117 5 118 119 120 121 122 Figure S4. Distance limit (km) versus annual mean urban to rural ratio estimates for sites (a) West and (b) East of -100° longitude for ammonium sulfate (AS), ammonium nitrate (AN), particulate organic matter (POM), and elemental carbon (EC). The number of CSN sites associated with each distance limit is shown above the plotting symbol. 123 124 Sites used in the analysis 125 126 Table S2. CSN Sites Used in the Analysis (with IMPROVE Site within 150 km) CSN Site ID 10730023 10732003 10890014 40139997 40191028 51190007 60190008 60290014 60371103 60658001 60670006 60730003 60731002 60850005 60990005 61072002 61112002 80010006 80310025 80770017 81230008 Latitude 33.553 33.5 34.688 33.504 32.295 34.756 36.781 35.356 34.067 34 38.614 32.791 33.128 37.348 37.642 36.332 34.278 39.826 39.704 39.064 40.209 Longitude -86.815 -86.924 -86.586 -112.096 -110.982 -92.281 -119.772 -119.04 -118.227 -117.416 -121.367 -116.942 -117.075 -121.895 -120.994 -119.29 -118.685 -104.937 -104.998 -108.561 -104.824 Elevation (m) 177 180 180 355 710 77 91 118 126 250 19 169 237 21 19 91 308 1558 1606 1524 1464 6 90090027 100010003 100032004 110010043 120111002 120573002 120730012 121030026 130590001 130690002 130890002 131150003 160010010 180190006 180372001 180970078 181630021 191130037 191530030 201730010 202090021 211110067 220150008 220330009 240053001 240330030 250130008 250250042 271095008 290470005 291860005 300630031 300930005 310550019 320030020 320310016 340230006 340273001 340390004 350010023 360010005 360050110 360310003 360551007 360610134 41.301 39.155 39.739 38.922 26.083 27.966 30.44 27.85 33.946 31.513 33.688 34.261 43.6 38.278 38.391 39.811 38.013 42.008 41.603 37.701 39.118 38.229 32.536 30.462 39.311 39.055 42.194 42.329 43.997 39.303 37.901 46.875 46.002 41.246 36.245 39.525 40.473 40.788 40.641 35.134 42.642 40.816 44.393 43.146 40.714 -72.903 -75.518 -75.558 -77.013 -80.238 -82.23 -84.348 -82.715 -83.372 -82.75 -84.29 -85.323 -116.348 -85.74 -86.929 -86.115 -87.578 -91.679 -93.643 -97.314 -94.636 -85.655 -93.749 -91.179 -76.474 -76.878 -72.555 -71.082 -92.45 -94.377 -90.424 -113.995 -112.501 -95.973 -115.092 -119.808 -74.423 -74.676 -74.208 -106.585 -73.755 -73.902 -73.859 -77.548 -73.995 5 6 31 31 3 28 16 2 214 64 244 240 853 140 139 240 120 254 282 405 269 161 47 16 10 47 60 5 318 273 250 1020 1697 347 583 1403 24 256 3 1578 30 14 584 146 5 7 360810124 361010003 370210034 370350004 371190041 371590021 390350038 390350060 390490081 390811001 390990014 391510017 391530023 401091037 401431127 410510080 420010001 420030008 420030064 420110011 420210011 420270100 420290100 420430401 420490003 420710007 421010004 421010055 421255001 421290008 421330008 440070022 450190049 450450015 460990008 470370023 470654002 470931020 470990002 471251009 500070012 510870014 530110013 530330057 530330080 40.736 42.091 35.607 35.729 35.24 35.552 41.477 41.494 40.088 40.322 41.096 40.787 41.088 35.614 36.205 45.497 39.92 40.466 40.324 40.383 40.31 40.811 39.834 40.245 42.142 40.047 40.009 39.923 40.445 40.305 39.965 41.808 32.791 34.844 43.548 36.176 35.051 36.019 35.116 36.514 44.48 37.558 45.648 47.563 47.568 -73.822 -77.21 -82.583 -81.366 -80.786 -80.395 -81.682 -81.678 -82.96 -80.606 -80.658 -81.394 -81.542 -97.475 -95.977 -122.602 -77.31 -79.961 -79.868 -75.969 -78.915 -77.877 -75.768 -76.845 -80.039 -76.283 -75.098 -75.187 -80.421 -79.506 -76.699 -71.415 -79.959 -82.415 -96.701 -86.739 -85.293 -83.874 -87.47 -87.328 -73.214 -77.4 -122.587 -122.34 -122.308 13 490 651 341 223 224 186 197 263 266 281 334 313 344 193 86 241 312 279 92 455 354 91 125 202 99 25 12 344 378 125 17 0 303 439 153 258 309 230 139 42 34 64 19 58 8 530530029 530530031 530611007 540511002 540690010 47.186 47.266 48.056 39.916 40.115 -122.452 -122.386 -122.176 -80.734 -80.701 97 29 6 245 262 127 128 129 130 Table S3. IMPROVE Sites Used in the Analysis. Site ID ACAD1 ADPI1 AGTI1 AREN1 BADL1 BALD1 BAND1 BIBE1 BLIS1 BLMO1 BOAP1 BOLA1 BOND1 BOWA1 BRCA1 BRID1 BRIG1 BRIS1 BRMA1 CABA1 CABI1 CACO1 CACR1 CADI1 CANY1 CAPI1 CEBL1 CHAS1 CHER1 CHIR1 CLPE1 Latitude 44.3771 42.0912 33.4636 39.9232 43.7435 34.0584 35.7797 29.3027 38.9761 43.7158 33.8695 42.85 40.052 47.9466 37.6184 42.9749 39.465 30.1086 44.1074 43.8325 47.9549 41.9758 34.4544 36.7842 38.4587 38.3022 38.7701 28.7484 36.9562 32.0094 44.3335 Longitude -68.261 -77.2099 -116.971 -77.3079 -101.941 -109.441 -106.266 -103.178 -120.103 -96.1913 -106.852 -109.64 -88.3733 -91.4955 -112.174 -109.758 -74.4492 -89.7617 -70.7292 -70.0644 -115.671 -70.0242 -94.1429 -87.8501 -109.821 -111.293 -99.7634 -82.5549 -97.0313 -109.389 -106.956 Elevation (m) 157 512 507 267 736 2508 1988 1066 2130 473 1389 2296 263 526 2481 2626 5 -7 233 26 1441 49 683 191 1798 1896 665 4 342 1554 2470 9 COGO1 COHU1 CORI1 CRES1 CRLA1 CRMO1 DENA1 DEVA1 DOME1 DOSO1 DOUG1 EGBE1 ELDO1 ELLI1 EVER1 FLAT1 FOPE1 FRRE1 GAAR1 GAMO1 GICL1 GLAC1 GRBA1 GRCA2 GRGU1 GRRI1 GRSA1 GRSM1 GUMO1 HACR1 HALE1 HAVO1 HECA1 HEGL1 HOOV1 IKBA1 INGA1 ISLE1 JARB1 JARI1 JOSH1 KAIS1 KALM1 LABE1 LASU2 45.5693 34.7852 45.6644 41.7627 42.8958 43.4605 63.7233 36.5089 35.7278 39.1053 31.3492 44.2312 37.7009 36.0853 25.391 47.7734 48.308 39.7058 66.9025 46.8262 33.2204 48.5105 39.0052 35.9731 44.3082 43.9373 37.7249 35.6334 31.833 20.7585 20.8086 19.4309 44.9702 36.6138 38.0881 34.3405 36.0778 47.4596 41.8926 37.6266 34.0695 37.2207 42.552 41.7117 40.6932 -122.21 -84.6265 -121.001 -102.434 -122.136 -113.555 -148.967 -116.848 -118.138 -79.4261 -109.54 -79.7832 -94.0348 -99.9354 -80.6806 -114.269 -105.102 -79.0122 -151.517 -111.711 -108.235 -113.997 -114.216 -111.984 -71.2177 -91.4052 -105.519 -83.9416 -104.809 -156.248 -156.282 -155.258 -116.844 -92.9221 -119.177 -111.683 -112.129 -88.1491 -115.426 -79.5125 -116.389 -119.155 -124.059 -121.507 -92.0059 230 735 178 1207 1996 1817 658 130 927 1182 1230 251 297 697 1 1580 638 767 196 2387 1775 975 2065 2267 453 370 2498 810 1672 2158 1153 1258 655 404 2560 1297 1166 182 1869 289 1235 2597 80 1459 229 10 LAVO1 LIGO1 LIVO1 LOST1 LYBR1 MACA1 MAKA1 MAVI1 MEAD1 MELA1 MEVE1 MING1 MKGO1 MOHO1 MOMO1 MONT1 MOOS1 MORA1 MOZI1 NEBR1 NOAB1 NOCA1 NOCH1 OKEF1 OLYM1 ORPI1 PACK1 PASA1 PEFO1 PENO1 PINN1 PMRF1 PORE1 PRIS1 QUCI1 QURE1 QUVA1 RAFA1 REDW1 ROMA1 ROMO1 SACR1 SAFO1 SAGA1 SAGO1 40.5398 35.9723 38.5346 48.6419 43.1482 37.1318 48.3718 41.3309 36.0193 48.4871 37.1984 36.9717 41.4269 45.2888 41.8214 47.1222 45.1259 46.7583 40.5383 41.8888 44.7448 48.7316 45.6495 30.7405 48.0065 31.9506 42.8619 48.3877 35.0777 44.948 36.4833 44.5284 38.1224 46.6964 39.9428 42.2985 33.2939 34.7339 41.5608 32.941 40.2783 33.4598 39.9791 34.2969 34.1939 -121.577 -81.9331 -86.2604 -102.402 -73.1268 -86.1479 -124.595 -70.7846 -114.068 -104.476 -108.491 -90.1432 -80.1453 -121.784 -73.2973 -113.154 -67.2661 -122.124 -106.677 -100.339 -109.382 -121.065 -106.557 -82.1283 -122.973 -112.802 -71.8786 -119.927 -109.769 -68.6479 -121.157 -72.8688 -122.909 -68.0333 -81.3378 -72.3346 -111.286 -120.007 -124.084 -79.6572 -105.546 -104.404 -95.5682 -118.028 -116.913 1732 968 281 696 1015 235 -999 2 902 606 2172 111 379 1531 521 1282 77 439 3243 883 2482 568 1283 48 599 504 695 1627 1766 45 302 401 97 165 366 317 661 956 243 4 2760 1072 293 1791 1726 11 SAGU1 SAMA1 SAPE1 SAWE1 SAWT1 SENE1 SEQU1 SHEN1 SHMI1 SHRO1 SIAN1 SIKE1 SIME1 SIPS1 SNPA1 STAR1 SULA1 SWAN1 SYCA1 TALL1 THBA1 THRO1 THSI1 TONT1 TRCR1 TRIN1 TUXE1 ULBE1 UPBU1 VIIS1 VILA1 VOYA2 WEMI1 WHIT1 WHPA1 WHPE1 WHRI1 WICA1 WIMO1 WRIG1 YELL2 YOSE1 ZICA1 32.1746 30.0926 36.0139 32.2486 44.1705 46.2889 36.4894 38.5229 37.3038 35.3937 34.0908 32.0574 55.3255 34.3433 47.422 45.2249 45.8598 35.451 35.1406 38.4341 44.6634 46.8948 44.291 33.6548 62.3153 40.7864 59.9925 47.5823 35.8258 18.3363 40.969 48.4126 37.6594 33.4687 46.6243 36.5854 39.1536 43.5576 34.7323 34.38 44.5653 37.7133 37.1983 -110.737 -84.1614 -106.845 -111.218 -114.927 -85.9503 -118.829 -78.4348 -107.484 -82.7744 -110.942 -92.435 -160.506 -87.3388 -121.426 -118.513 -114 -76.2075 -111.969 -96.5602 -105.287 -103.378 -122.043 -111.107 -150.316 -122.805 -152.666 -108.72 -93.203 -64.7962 -95.045 -92.8286 -107.8 -105.535 -121.388 -105.452 -106.821 -103.484 -98.713 -117.69 -110.4 -119.706 -113.151 941 7 2935 714 1990 214 519 1079 2351 1617 1600 45 57 286 1049 1259 1895 -3 2046 390 1195 852 885 775 155 1014 15 891 722 51 371 429 2750 2063 1827 3366 3413 1296 509 2106 2425 1603 1215 131 12