LL & MT, 3/9/2010 Validation of CLIC simulation and reconstruction tools This list below defines the “deliverables” related to the software tools and their readiness for the mass production and reconstruction of the CLIC detector benchmark studies. The required studies apply to both CLIC_ILD and CLIC_SiD with the respective reconstruction software chain proposed for the CDR. One of the main aims is to evaluate the current performance for physics objects in the following energy/angular ranges: Jets: Electrons: Muons: Photons: 45 GeV – 1.5 TeV, 5 GeV – 1.5 TeV, 5 GeV – 1.5 TeV, 5 GeV – 1.5 TeV, cos < 0.950 cos < 0.995 cos < 0.995 cos < 0.995 A further aim is to understand the ability of the current software tools to overlay background and the impact of background on the event reconstruction, with the aim of understanding what is feasible for the benchmark analyses and the likely CPU resources. The final aim is to start to define the requirements for event generation (numbers of events and type) for the benchmark studies and to understand the CPU resources required. 1. Particle Flow and Particle ID related to PFA Aim: establish performance of particle flow reconstruction software in terms of jet energy reconstruction and lepton identification efficiencies. The required studies are: Jet energy resolution at high energies (45 GeV – 1.5 TeV) overall and as a function of cos [Angela for CLIC_ILD, Marcel for CLIC_SiD]. Plots: o Plot of jet energy resolution vs energy for Zuds events; o Plot of jet energy resolution vs cos for 45, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500 GeV jets. PFA Reconstruction of Digital HCAL for CLIC_SID [? For CLIC_SiD]. Plots: o Plot of hadron energy scale (mean reconstructed energy) for KLs; o Plot of single hadron (KL) energy resolution [%] vs. energy; o Plot of jet energy resolution vs energy for Zuds events. Muon identification (reconstructed particle flow objects). Plots: o Efficiency for isolated high-E muons (in e+e- smuons) as a function of cos [? for CLIC_ILD, ? for CLIC_SiD]; o Efficiency and Purity for muons in b-jets as a function of energy and as a function of cos [Erik for ILD, ? for CLIC_SiD]. For 250, 500 and 1000 GeV jets. Electron identification, including final state radiation o Efficiency for isolated electrons (in e+e- selectrons) as a function of cos [? for ILD, ? for CLIC_SiD]; o Efficiency and Purity for electrons in b-jets as a function of energy and as a function of cos. For 250, 500 and 1000 GeV jets [?, ?]. Photon reconstruction: [Jacopo for CLIC_ILD, Peter Speckmayer for CLIC_SiD]. o Photon identification efficiency as a function of energy and cos for single photons (5 GeV – 1.5 TeV). [?, ?] o Photon identification efficiency and purity as a function of energy and cos for photons in 250, 500 and 1000 GeV jets. [?, ?] 2. Tracking performance Aim: establish performance of the track reconstruction software over the full solid angle. The required studies are: Tracking finding efficiency. Plots: o Efficiency and fake rate (split tracks) for single muons as a function of energy and angle. [? CLIC_ILD, ? for CLIC_SiD]. o Efficiency for single electrons. [? for CLIC_ILD, ? for CLIC_SiD]. o Track reconstruction efficiency versus angle (for different energy ranges) in 250, 500, 1000 GeV jets. [? for CLIC_ILD, ? for CLIC_SiD]. Momentum resolution. Plots: o Momentum resolution for single muons as a function of energy and angle. [? for CLIC_ILD, ? for CLIC_SiD]. o Momentum resolution for single electrons as a function of energy and angle. [? for CLIC_ILD, ? for CLIC_SiD]. Impact parameter resolution. Plots: o d0 and z0 resolution for single muons as a function of momentum and angle. [? for CLIC_ILD, ? for CLIC_SiD]. Quantify CLIC_ILD track splitting issue (FullLDCTracking). Plots: o Splitting rate in single muons (as above). [? for CLIC_ILD]. o Track splitting rate in 250, 500, 1000 GeV jets versus track energy energy. [? for CLIC_ILD]. o False TPC/Si track merging rate in 250, 500, and 1000 GeV jets as a function of track energy. [? for CLIC_ILD]. 3. Flavour Tagging Aim: establish performance of current flavour-tagging software and formulate a strategy for its application to the benchmark studies. In the first instance the required validation studies are: b-, c-, b/c- tagging efficiency and purity. Plots: o Efficiency and purity curves for 45 GeV and 250 GeV jets for comparison with ILC LoIs. [? for CLIC_ILD, ? for CLIC_SiD]. o Efficiency and purity curves for 500 and 1000 GeV in bins of cos. [? for CLIC_ILD, ? for CLIC_SiD]. 4. Monte Carlo Overlay Tools Aims: establish current status of CLIC_ILD and CLIC_SiD overlay processors. [? for CLIC_ILD, Christian for CLIC_SiD]. 5. Beam-induced background related issues Aim: demonstrate the viability of reconstructing events in the presence of background. Incoherent pairs and tridents. Can the overlay and reconstruction software cope with overlay and reconstruction of incoherent pairs and tridents. o Assume overlay of full bunch-train in TPC o Assume overlay of 40 BXs in Silicon detectors o Numbers: Reconstruction time per event for 1 TeV Zuds events. o Plots: Track finding efficiency versus momentum for 1 TeV Zuds events. hadrons o Track reconstruction efficiency for full bunch train overlay in TPC o Time-stamping strategy in PFA analysis o Feasibility of overlaying full bunch-train of hadrons background in benchmark studies. Need: Reconstruction time per event. Impact on PFA. Impact on track reconstruction efficiency. 6. Monte Carlo Performance Aim: understand impact of range and energy cut-offs and benchmark MC performance (seconds/TeV of visible energy). Use Z uds events at 3 TeV as standard. Understand impact of range/energy cuts from Geant4 team, CALICE and LoI groups. [Angela] Validate performance (Mokka and SLIC) as a function of range cut and energy cutoff. Plots [Angela for CLIC_ILD, Christian for CLIC_SiD] o Time versus range cut o Time versus energy cutoff o Impact on physics performance (muon momentum resolution, EM energy resolution and jet energy resolution?) 7. Event Generation Aims: agree on generators (baseline is Whizard for compatibility with ILC LoI studies) and start to define event samples required for the benchmark analyses. Comparison of Whizard/Pythia with and without ISR/Beamstrahlung [Stephane, Peter Schade] Tuning of Pythia fragmentation and b-decay parameters. [?] Understand requirements for each benchmark analysis, i.e. desired numbers of signal and SM background events. [Analysis teams] Understand event generation requirements for CLIC_ILD and CLIC_SiD benchmark studies [Frederic/Mark].