APUSH Summer Assignment

“American history is longer, larger, more various, more beautiful, and
more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it.”
James A. Baldwin
AP United States History (APUSH)
Teacher: Mr. Popp
Room: 503
Email: Andrew_popp@sanger.k12.ca.us
Summer Assignment:
Unit 1: The Foundation of the North American Colonies
1. Read Unit 1: Chapters 1-6 in the American Pageant Textbook (pages 1-125).
You can check out the textbook in the school library.
2. Unit 1 Key Terms and People (KTP). Students will be required to learn
certain important key terms, events, and people for each unit. The specific
terms will be given for each unit. The terms for Unit 1 are listed below. For
each term, students must include the following information.
Why it was important
*Bullet points are acceptable but complete sentences are preferred.
Terms must be completed using binder paper with three whole punches on the side.
(So that your term list can be added to your APUSH study binder at the start of the
school year).
Unit 1 Key Terms and People:
Anne Hutchinson
The Great Awakening
William Berkeley
Indentured Servitude
Slave Codes
Jonathan Edwards
Benjamin Franklin
George Whitefield
Christopher Columbus
Slave Codes
William Penn
Mayflower Compact
Albany Congress
Nathaniel Bacon
John Peter Zenger
Proclamation of 1763
3. Unit 1 “Discussion Questions” Read over the discussion questions before you
begin reading. As you read through the unit continue to refer back to the
Discussion Questions. Answer the Discussion Questions in well-thought out,
complete sentences. The answers to these questions must be supported with
evidence found in the reading. Discussion Question responses should be 5-8
sentences in length.
Unit 1 Discussion Questions:
1. Were the Americas discovered or were they conquered?
2. What were the prevailing attitudes and behaviors exhibited by the
Europeans towards the Native American population?
3. What circumstances led to the introduction of slavery into the colonies?
4. What was the economic relationship of the colonies to Europe during this
period? How was it beneficial to the colonies? How was it detrimental to the
5. What was the role of religion in the early colonies? To what extent is it
accurate to say that religion was the reason for there being colonies in the
first place?
* This course will use Google Classroom throughout the year to support the learning
inside and outside of the classroom. You must first join the Google Classroom for
this course by using your Sanger Unified School District Email account and entering
the provided class code.
Sanger Email Username: ID@sangerusd.net
Password (case sensitive): GDocs4fl
f=first initial
l=last initial
Google Class Code: 6bkxfb