Earth and Physical Science Final Study Guide 2012 – B3 Atmosphere Layers of gases and tiny particles surround the earth Gravity pulls gases to earth Troposphere, o closest to Earths surface o Temp gets colder as altitude increases o weather Stratosphere extends upward from the troposphere and the air gets warmer as altitude rises Mesosphere above stratosphere-coldest layer –temp decreases as altitude increases Thermosphere/exosphere temp increases steadily with altitude Atmosphere/ozone protects from UV Maintains temp where h2o is liquid and holds h2o Nitrogen most abundant element in the atmosphere, oxygen second Global Climate Change – o o o ozone, being destroyed over time. Cfc’s =cause. UV break through=causes skin cancer greenhouse effect caused by burning of fossil fuels. Global temp increases, deserts increase, coral reef destruction, sea level rise sea level rise=LAND ICE. melting ice from global increase temp. destroy ocean front houses, docks, roads, salt marshes, water heated up from air around which causes it to spread out Layers of the Earth Layers… o inner core: pressure, solid metal contains iron&nickel. o Outer core responsible for the magnetic field. o Lower mantel=earths volume and very rocky. Plate tectonics o Upper mantel inside is made up of hot weak deformed rock… o crust is highest layer Plate Tectonics Alfred Wegner* =came up with continental drift theory=plates together Named this pangea Old evidence, puzzle pieces, all land masses fit together, 2 fossils of same organism found on opposite land masses, mountains continue on opposite continents, Antarctic fossils found, paleomagnetism=new evidence. Rock age at divergent boundaries ad mid atlantic ridge moving, 3 types of boundaries. Transformation of Energy A total amount of energy never changes in a closed system At a highest point the KE is 0 Friction is not applied potential energy is converted into kinetic energy Energy cannot be created or destroyed it only changes form Kinetic energy is based on velocity&mass (m)(g)(h) Velocity is SPEED Joules are the unit of energy Energy is lost due to friction (form of heat) Energy comes from the sun (heat,light&radiation) Waves A transverse wave oscillation is perpendicular to the direction the wave moves Longitudinal wave has vibrations the same direction as the wave moves Crest is the high point of a wave Trough is the low point of the wave Wavelength is the distance from any point on a wave to the same point on the next cycle The speed of the wave is the speed in which the wave oscillation travel through material Plane wave moves perpendicular to the wave fronts Circular waves form a circular wave front Reflection is when wave bounces in a new direction Refraction is when a wave passes through an object and bends in a different direction Diffraction=a wave bends around an object Constructive interference when two waves interact the amplitude goes ^^^ Destructive interference= crest & trough meet=cancel each other out Standing wave STUFFFFF=] During absorption waves bounce and loses amplitude until you don’t have a wave anymore Earthquakes 3 waves Pwaves=fast=pass through core Swave=slow, more damaging than pwaves=side to side movement Surface wave=most damaged Intensity is measured in mercalli scale Magnitude=size of earthquake=measured by richter scale Intensity is how much damage an earthquake causes Caused by plate movement+tension builds up ….can also cause tsunami How depth effects intensity Told us about layers of the earth Fault, epicenter, focus Volcanoes 3 types of volcano, shield, composite, cinder cone Shield=flat with thin mafic lava=not explosive Composite= most dangerous(layers of ash and lava -solid rock- from formed lava, lava is viscous) Cinder cone=shape of a cone(ash rained down from older volcano) Volcano occur in subduction zones, hot spots, divergent boundaries(the WORST) Bad for atmosphere, release toxins(co2) Difference between lava and magma =lava above the ground and magma is still UNDER ground Mafic(dark, hot&thin) vs felsic(light, cold, thick, very explosive, oceanic, continental) Erosion/Deposition Deposition = beach made with fine sand, with small rocks, flat wide land Erosion = beach made of corse sand, rocks, and boulders, STEEEEEEP. Erosion=3 waves be formed, gravity, water, and land. Deposition formed =Glaciers wind&water Longshores transport=movement of water and sediment parallel to the shoreline from the water. Moving in direction because of wave currents GLACIER SHTUFFFF=] Sand bar is deposited sand parallel to the beach Split/tembolo Tembolo is a ridge of sand deposit connecting islands to mainlands (both are long skinny deposit of land)