Thomas Edison Career and Technical High School Global History I- Ms. Bellomo Ancient Civilization Poster Project Due Date: Wednesday November 28, 2012 Directions: You will create a full size poster illustrating the civilizations of Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, or Ancient India. Your poster must include the following: 1. A map of the region which shows the location of the Ancient Civilization. The map can be printed or drawn. 2. In the middle of the poster you must include a summary paragraph explaining which factors made your chosen civilization successful. (You may want to include the geography, social class structure, explanation of important artifacts, or contributions.) 3. The poster should include at least five pictures depicting the civilization. You should also briefly explain the picture and its contribution to the civilization. Your poster must include the following items: ____1. Full size poster. ____2. Title on your project. ____3. Picture labeled with a brief explanation. ____4. A summary paragraph and map which have titles and labels. ____5. The poster should be colorful! (If you print pictures and they are in black and white, please use markers or crayons to highlight them! ____6. The poster is turned in on time. (5 Point deduction for each day late) Your poster will count as 15% of your second marking period grade. You can find a rubric below explaining the breakdown of how you will graded. If you have any questions or need supplies, please ask! Grading Rubric: 15 points Criteria Directions Attractiveness & Creativity 15-12 points 11-9 points 8-6 points 6-1 points All directions were followed and poster was turned in on time. Most directions were followed and poster was turned in on time. Some directions were followed and poster was turned in on time. Did not follow directions, poster was extremely late. The poster is exceptionally attractive & creative in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The poster is attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The poster is somewhat attractive but may be somewhat messy or disorganized. The poster is messy, disorganized, and shows little effort at creativity. The poster includes all required elements as well as additional information. All required elements are included on the poster. All but one of the required elements are included on the poster. Several required elements are missing from the poster. All information & content displayed on poster is accurate and relevant to the topic. Most information & content displayed on poster is accurate and relevant to the topic. There is some information or content displayed on poster which is not accurate or relevant. Much of the information or content displayed on poster is inaccurate or not relevant to the topic. Poster shows use of correct punctuation and spelling, there are no grammatical errors. There are a few errors in punctuation, spelling, or grammar on the poster. There are more than a few errors in punctuation, spelling, or grammar on the poster. There are many errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar on the poster. Required Elements Content Accuracy Grammar & Mechanics