Integrating Oceanic Iron Fertilization (OIF) Strategies William S. Clarke The overall objective is to develop ways by which the nutrient-deficient areas of the global ocean can be made to offset global warming, extreme weather events, and ocean acidification. Different strategies are required at different locations. This is indirectly supported by the Royal Society publication Ocean fertilization: a potential means of geoengineering by Lampitt et al. (2008) In Processes and patterns of oceanic nutrient limitation Moore et al. (2013) provide information regarding which elements are likely to be limiting in a variety of ocean and seasonal environments, and hence provide evidence for the selections of the following strategies. Prospective methods, most of which come under these different strategies, might well include the following. First, the phosphate-rich, but iron and silica poor, areas of ocean south of 42 degrees South, together with some Arctic and sub-Arctic waters, can be addressed with buoyant flakes carrying ultraslow release iron and silica minerals to generate marine biomass and carbon biosequestration. Second, the highly stratified and nutrient-impoverished seas of the Caribbean and many tropical waters may possibly be addressed using flakes bearing a mix of nutrients, chief of which are phosphate wastes (from Florida, Morocco and Australia), iron and silica. Whilst this should help to transport dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) somewhat deeper into sea, its main functions will be to generate increased albedo and additional marine biomass, and to make some contribution to reducing ocean surface acidification, ocean surface temperature and consequently hurricane strength. Third, some favourable tropical locations may use Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) pumping mechanisms to generate power, potable water and uplifted nutrient-rich waters for mariculture operations. Others may use anchored buoy-borne wind turbines. Fourth, the temperature/nutrient/ salinity stratified waters of the Gulf of Mexico, with their excessively-nutriated benthic waters (from the Mississippi) and often impoverished surface waters, together with oceans where the needed nutrients can be found in deep water, are probably best addressed by wave or wind powered pumping mechanisms. These both bring nutrients to the surface where they can be used by phytoplankton and cool the surface by moving warm, surface water deeper. Fifth, Arctic waters may best be addressed using buoy-mounted, wind turbine-powered pumps having two functions. The first of these is to pump seawater onto newly-formed sea-ice or previously formed floes. This serves to thicken, and eventually to ground, new ice-mountains that will both increase Arctic albedo and reduce methane emissions. Ice dams thus formed across river mouths should also help to cap with ice areas that otherwise are commencing to emit greenhouse gases. The second function is used in the warmer months to pump nutrient-rich benthic waters to the surface where their nutrients are taken up by phytoplankton. Sixth, temperate oceans will Copyright © 2014 Winwick Business Solutions P/L 1 need to be treated differentially, depending on the mix of the nutrient concentrations in their water columns. And seventh, productive ocean areas, coral reefs, seagrass meadows, and most inshore waters should typically not be treated at all, except conceivably when there are seasonal or otherwise temporary nutrient deficiencies that might beneficially be offset by the use of flakes. In many ocean regions various combinations of these methods will be optimal. A particularly useful combination will be that of flakes to complement the nutrients that are brought up from the mesodepths of a given ocean region by wave and wind-powered pumps supported on anchored hollow ferroconcrete buoys. We may have to employ most of these methods and combinations to have some chance of avoiding looming global catastrophes. The challenges are wicked ones. However, with some further study, modeling, experimentation, refinement and quantification, the buoyant flake concept can avoid the more intransigent roadblocks to success. We do not need to navigate all the roadblocks at once. Instead, we can just select the easiest ones to address, provided that solving them leads to deployable results. Whilst the equations that build the case for any particular solution are important, equally important to get right are the parameters to be input to the equations. These are best confirmed by experiment and modeling, followed by approved, transparent, and cautiously-scaling trials. Caribbean Experiment Whilst climate engineering operations in the Southern Ocean show the most promise, these are very costly to undertake. More modest approaches are preferred initially. The easiest problem to address from the above list is that of testing whether a small amount of buoyant flakes, carrying a phosphate and iron-rich fertilizer mix and possibly some seed organisms, is capable of causing a substantial increment in ocean surface albedo for an extended period in the oligotrophic and highly stratified surface waters of the Caribbean. This can be twinned with an assessment of what additional marine biomass is produced and how much this reduces surface ocean acidification when done intensively. The increase in albedo might be translated both theoretically and practically into its cooling (or at least reduction in warming) and extreme weather mitigation effects, should the method be deployed more widely. Whilst this experiment might not attract industry investment, it could well attract philanthropic and government attention and funding, particularly if performed in the Caribbean approaches of hurricanes. A secondary outcome of likely interest to both industry and governments would be the potential increase in marine catch and royalties. Three good things about this approach are: that initial scientific trials can be small enough not to require international approval; that the flakes can be formulated to make up what is deficient at each test site (nitrates excluded); and that the experiments are best not conducted in distant, dangerous and season-limited Southern Ocean waters. A suitable fertilizer mix for this purpose might be formulated mainly from phosphatic clays slimes and sandy Copyright © 2014 Winwick Business Solutions P/L 2 wastes (select those at the silty end of the sand-silt grain size spectrum) from Florida that also include substantial amounts of calcium, silica, and iron, plus some finely-ground ore(s) containing manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc, nickel and cadmium, which are the other six micronutrients most likely to become limiting (in roughly that order) in surface waters. As iron, molybdenum, nickel and cobalt are required for nitrogen fixation, the ore mix in the flake should also include molybdenum in case this should become limiting following a major increase in the diazotroph concentration of surface waters following flake fertilization. The overburden and country rock wastes associated with the Floridan phosphate deposits frequently also contain significant concentrations of useful trace metals and metalloids, such as Fe, Cd, Cu, Mo, Ni and Zn, as well as them often having some appreciable phosphorus content. Although these wastes will not all be in a finely-divided state, many of them might still prove to be useful components to include in flake fertilizer mix. Although this particular use of flake fertilizer would require much higher concentrations of flakes on the sea surface, the method still appears viable. Confirmation, or otherwise, would follow parametric experiments, operational modeling and limited trials. As the main macronutrient supplement, phosphate, would be released over a shorter period than a year, the husks would not need to be as durable or as siliceous as rice husks. Hence, North American grain husks of wheat, barley and oats might suffice, and the lignin might be derived from the straw. Thus, the Mississippi River, the MidWest grain belt, New Orleans, Tampa and Florida’s phosphate clay wastes might beneficially replace their Chinese equivalents. The cost of these US-made flakes delivered to Caribbean waters is expected to be approximately $100/tonne, which is a little more than the cost of Chinese flakes delivered to Southern Ocean waters. These have been estimated in a separate paper to be approximately USD$84/tonne. A tonne of US flakes will carry the equivalent of 22kg of P2O5, or approximately 10kg of phosphorus, together with the other phytoplankton-useful components of phosphatic clay wastes that include silica/silicates, calcium, iron and potassium. The husks will also include an amount of opalline silica, useful to diatoms. Should it be useful, to these nutrients being disseminated may be added (or disseminated concurrently) a minor additional amount of potash (~KCl) and seed amounts of the microorganisms: diazotrophs, diatoms and microalgae. Allowances for these possible additions are included in the cost. It should be noted that Wikipedia records that the Trichodesmium species of diazotrophs are the only known diazotrophs able to fix nitrogen in daylight under aerobic conditions without the use of the heterocyst cells that are needed by all other filamentous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. Trichodesmium and other diazotrophs provide nitrogenous nutrients that can support complex microenvironments and hence species up the food chain. Because filamentous diazotrophs possess gas vesicles, they will likely remain in close proximity to the buoyant flakes and thereby be in a good location preferentially to access the slowly dissolving phosphate and iron. Copyright © 2014 Winwick Business Solutions P/L 3 The minor amount of radioactive minerals it contains is not expected to cause a major problem, particularly as most will soon sink to the ocean floor and be buried. The source phosphate rock was itself originally deposited from an earlier, shallow ocean. A preliminary estimation of financial viability of the method is desirable. Using the mineral ratio of phosphorus found in the edible parts of autumn herring (0.25%) as representing all marine biomass, it is calculated that from each tonne of flake disseminated, approximately four tonnes of additional marine biomass would potentially be generated. Allowing 80% for losses and taking the average price received by Norwegian fishers in 2012/13 for their herring of $1,040/tonne, this could mean that an investment of $100 in flake could generate $832 worth of marine catch. Even after taking out the cost of harvesting, monitoring, royalties and overheads, this would appear to be a viable business, provided that the fertilizing agency can garner the additional catch benefit. There would also be the additional public benefits of increased albedo resulting in global cooling and extreme weather mitigation (the amounts of which are each to be modeled subsequent to experimental results providing accurate parameters). Ocean surface de-acidification and carbon sequestration (caused mainly by lignin sedimentation and DIC transportation downwards) might provide additional modeled benefits. Prior to any trials of this concept, the science first needs to be vetted (and possibly adjusted) by independent scientists. Furthermore, there should be biogeochemical modeling and lab tests performed to optimize flake composition and structure and to confirm that such fertilization should work and is likely to have net beneficial effects. Regarding approvals, small-scale scientific trials are already encouraged by reputable scientific bodies, and anyway, the trials would be below the threshold of ones requiring international approval. Should these trials confirm by practice and modeling that, when extended to global nutrient-deficient waters, the technique should have a significant global cooling effect, then, once the costs and logistics have been established, a solid basis for seeking scientific, industrial, governmental and public support for progressively wider deployments will have been developed. These might be initiated individually by several of the Caribbean island governments, or, perhaps better, done in concert with other nations under international scientific supervision. Garnering public support for later stage trials may not be as nearly impossible as it seems. First, no nation will be asked to bear the costs, as industry will do it for profit under international scientific modeling and scrutiny. Second, the trials can start well below mesoscale level, be conducted in jurisdictional waters, and should meet LC/LP requirements as interpreted by each trialing nation. And third, by then all may well be experiencing even more severe fallouts from global warming. Following these limited trials, industrial partners could then proceed with developing options, business cases and strategies for successively navigating Copyright © 2014 Winwick Business Solutions P/L 4 the remaining roadblocks. Together, they could investigate the viability or otherwise of: ocean carbon credits, plume royalties, marine cloud brightening, ocean de-acidification, extreme weather moderation, and global warming reversal within fifteen years - all measured against progressive targets set by sophisticated models. Arctic Experiment If seawater is pumped onto sea-ice during cold times, it spreads out and freezes, see Zhou & Flynn (2005) paper Geoengineering Downwelling Ocean Currents: a cost assessment. This process also serves to radiate more heat off-planet, because more heat is given off as more ice freezes quickly without the insulating effect of other ice above it. Should the discharge continue, then an iceberg or ice mountain forms in a way similar to which volcanoes form mountains, except that ninety percent of the growth in height-depth of each ice mountain would be underwater as the base of the ice mountain sank under the increase in ice mass above it. Unlike our vanishing sea ice, these ice mountains would not disappear in the warmer months as they would have become too thick. Furthermore, with additional pumping they would tend to grow larger each autumn and winter. Multiplied, they could thus be used to keep our polar regions safely frozen in regions where we decided it were best, leaving other parts ice-free in summer. This would have several beneficial effects. First, it would retard global warming. Second, it would help to keep the jet stream, the polar vortex and the ocean conveyor system stable, thereby improving global weather. Third, it would prevent the extinction of many species, including polar bears and several species of cetaceans and seals, including harp seals, because their sea-ice habitat would no longer be lost. And finally, it would help to prevent the outgassing of methane and carbon dioxide from polar regions and tundra, thereby limiting some catastrophic positive feedbacks of global warming. The ice mountains and plateaus created by the system would not be as liable to melting under black carbon emissions as are existing ice-fields because any deposited black carbon would soon become buried in new, surface ice. What this surface-freezing ice does, is to create a thermal bridge between the ocean water under the ice and the upper atmosphere. The heat liberated by the freezing ice on the surface convects with rising air columns into the upper atmosphere and then radiates, with little interference by atmospheric greenhouse gases, directly into space via long wave radiation. In Bonnelle’s phrase, a thermal shortcut is formed between the seawater under the otherwise insulating ice and the atmosphere. The process is akin to the action of a heat pipe, where differential heating and cooling is applied between two zones, either actively by pumping, as in this case, or passively as in the millions of heat pipes, or thermosiphons, that de Richter notes are used to keep the permafrost frozen under some pipelines, roads, railways and other infrastructure. Each growing ice mountain would act as a heat island, where the heat generated by the freezing water would flow up the gently sloping conical ice mountain to produce a tubular updraft of relatively warm air from its pinnacle that might be Copyright © 2014 Winwick Business Solutions P/L 5 lofted as high as the tropopause, even when strong winds were present. From high in the troposphere there would be little insulating greenhouse gas or cloud above the plume to prevent its contained heat from radiating into space, thereby efficiently cooling the world. The heat would tend not to be radiated back to the surface because of the clouds and greenhouse gases below. Existing technology can be adapted to make and operate such a ‘glaciating’ system. Wind turbines mounted on tethered buoys could be made to power with renewable energy the seawater pumps, the water stream distributers, the deicing equipment, communications and other power requirements. In warmer seasons, the turbine power could be diverted to bringing nutrients to the productive surface waters to aid in the proliferation of polar biomass and to increase the albedo of polar regions by the reflectivity of phytoplankton-rich waters near the surface. Wind turbines come in many capabilities, sizes and heights. The largest current ones deliver 8MW of power and have blades that, at their lowest sweep, are still 45m off the ground. It is surmised that only relatively modest capacity wind turbines of approximately 1MW power output will be required for our purposes, provided that their initial supporting column can be extended to perhaps 160m above the ~30m diameter buoy. Alternatively, the column could be designed to be extendable by the insertion of additional segments or by telescoping. In either case, for extra column strength cable guys could secure the upper part of the turbine support column to projections from the outer rim of the reinforced concrete buoy, in a way similar to some radio masts. With a supporting column this tall, and with each turbine blade being perhaps 50m long, allowing clearance this leaves approximately 100m of column that can be allowed to become iceencased before extension is required. For reasons of economy, perhaps only two standard sizes of pumping facility might be considered, the larger and much rarer version being designed to permit accommodation. Consider building an ice mountain over the nine colder months of the year. Now, a 1MW wind turbine is capable of producing enough power for a 60% efficient pump to pump seawater some ten metres above sea level at the rate of six cubic metres per second. In these months this would generate an ice mountain of volume 1.38 km3, less any subsequent warm season loss. Call it 1.2 km3 per year. Such a rate would enable the ice mountain to ground itself safely in water that was less than approximately 50m deep before the encasing sea ice melted, thereby threatening the mooring system. Subsequent years of ice accumulation would tend to secure the ice mountain even more firmly. However, as the ice mountain grew above the size it would reach in the first year, its volumetric growth rate would decline in stages because the seawater would soon need to be lifted higher than ten metres. The superstructure of each installation is to be supported on a hollow, reinforced concrete buoy, shaped something like a lifebuoy or toroid. This toroid will encase the top of a downward and stabilizing extension to the turbine’s supporting column. Projecting wings at the base of this extension help stabilize the buoy before it is thoroughly encased in thick ice. The entire installation is designed to Copyright © 2014 Winwick Business Solutions P/L 6 be readily transportable by tugboat and the buoy is designed to resist being crushed by sea ice. Each buoy might be constructed economically on a submersible mold floating in a deep dock. This mold is shaped like the lower half of a toroid, but with an even diameter inner neck to accommodate and secure the lower and upper support columns. Above the mold is suspended an inflated, spiral-wound, polymeric, toroidal-shaped bladder that is held in place by straps and wires attached to a surrounding toroidal mesh of steel reinforcing bars. The bladder acts as an integrated mold and is not removed. Its outer layer may be textured on the outside to increase concrete adhesion. The skeleton of the lifebuoy is then lowered onto a bed of liquid concrete in the one third mold and vibrated to remove air pockets. In a process called shotcreting, concrete is then sprayed onto the pressurized bladder and the reinforcing bars until the buoy shape and the desired wall thicknesses in each part are complete. The in-situ bladder helps prevent subsequent water intrusion at depth. When the concrete of the buoy is cured, the semi-submersible mold is detached from it. A stabilizing weight with locking wings are attached at the end of the supporting column and then lowered through the toroid’s hole. The top of the mainly-submerged column is then attached to the now-floating buoy. The above-water turbine support column, nacelle, turbine system and gearing, turbine blades, pipes and pumping system are then progressively attached using a single, possibly travelling, crane mounted on the dock wall. Such a dock or harbourside facility may house many such molds, so that mass production, or even fully automated, techniques can be used. A flexible inlet pipe for seawater, possibly made from corrugated or otherwise strengthened PET polymer, would extend above and below this weight. It might be designed for its lower end to lie on, but just above, the ocean floor in order to capture the most nutrient-rich water whilst excluding abrasive and clogging material. This pipe would line the inside of the submerged support column. The pipe could be released and replaced from above, should subsequent marine encrustation become too great. Backup piping might also be run periodically from a higher hatch in the support column and running along the then top surface of the ice mountain to the sea, should the currently operating pipe lose its unrestricted access to seawater or become too clogged with marine encrustation. Backup pipes would soon become encased in insulating and strengthening ice. They might even be given external protrusions to anchor their thin walls deeply into the ice. Thus, it probably would not matter if the pumped water were warm enough to melt some of the surrounding ice. The pump could be designed to float on the water inside the support column, having pipe extensions both up and down. This would allow easy access for maintenance and replacement. Replacing clogged inlet pipes might be done by attaching the pump to one of the succession of pipes laid out each summer on the then ice-surface and leading from the water, through a matching hatchway into the support column. Clogged upper pipework would also occasionally require replacement. Upward pipe extensions would be made whenever telescoping or section extension was performed. Telescoping might safely and economically be put into effect by internal jacking. Four pre-laid drag-embedded anchors laid at right angles would initially anchor each buoy. Copyright © 2014 Winwick Business Solutions P/L 7 Any such anchoring system could only be expected to restrain a buoy that was not encased in free-floating ice. This is so because once even a modest ice hill had formed, the tension placed on the anchoring system due to wind, wave and current would tend to break it loose, unless the ice structure itself were already grounded or otherwise attached. An ungrounded ice mountain not encased in sea ice, and that was itself not attached to the land or immovable ice, would tend undesirably to move until beached. To prevent evolving ice mountains from becoming moving navigational hazards, the buoyed facilities should perhaps be initially moored in shallow enough water that just one cold season of nine months would allow enough ice to be accumulated so that the growing ice mountain became grounded or else that it became frozen onto some immovable structure. Should the ice mountain be allowed to melt, the facility might become free floating again, even though possibly still moored by its anchors. After being towed into place and anchored, operators would wait for a sheet of sea ice to form around the buoy. When this was thick enough, a remotelydirected nozzle would send a thick stream of pumped seawater radially out along the ice surface. This stream would be so variably directed as to form an increasingly high, but low-angled cone of frozen seawater around the reinforced supporting column of the wind turbine. As this cone grew, its base and its encased buoy and wind turbine support would slowly submerge as its mass increased, keeping only around ten percent of the forming ice mountain and the turbine blades above water. It is hoped that the angle of slope on the surface of the cone might be kept to as low as perhaps three degrees. Were the column supporting the turbine and blades to be extendable upwards, there is little to prevent the ice mountain’s mass from being increased almost indefinitely. The main constraint might be the height above sea level to which the seawater could economically be pumped. If this height were, say, 100m, then the ice mountain could extend approximately another 900m below the sea surface and be some kilometres in diameter, the diameter depending in part upon how far the mass of briny seawater could flow down the sloping conical ice surface of the ice mountain before it froze. Should the effective flow distance be 2km, then the roughly cylindrical volume of such an ice mountain this tall could approximate 11 km3. The creation of such grounded ice mountains might even be able to prevent the collapse of ice shelves and glaciers, such as the Thwaites ones in Antarctica, thereby stabilizing the Western Antarctic ice sheet and preventing sea level rise of ~4 metres. The sea that is currently undermining the Thwaites ice shelf is only ~600m deep. As the seawater flowed down the sloping ice mountain, freezing as it went, the remaining flow would tend to become both colder and more briney the further it went. This is so because water freezing tends to exclude salts. Thus, the now concentrated brine solution might well flow off the ice mountain surface back into the ocean. This effect should add strength to the otherwise declining thermohaline current (THC) by its increment to the downwelling of cold, briney and hence dense seawater, caused by the sea-ice formation, that renders Copyright © 2014 Winwick Business Solutions P/L 8 Western Europe unusually warm for its latitude. Of course, in summertime the outer edges of the ice mountain could be expected to melt and break off under the influence of storms and warmth. These edges would be reformed and extended the following winter. Even after its first winter, the annually maintained and increased ice mountain would not substantially melt, except when the sea or Arctic climate became much warmer. The shape of the ice mountain would tend to be that of two cones, one inverted, with their bases fused together. This is so because the perimeter of both would grow as new ice froze on the uninsulated surface of the upper cone. The lower, inverted cone might be the one to experience the most melting because of its intimate contact with relatively warm and probably moving ocean water. Any melting of the lower cone would tend to melt the ice surrounding the concrete buoy and the support column just above it. When this sank enough to meet the ocean floor, the weight of the ice mountain would tend to crush the sub-surface stabilizing column, the hollow concrete buoy itself, and the lower part of the turbine support column. Fortunately by then, these would no longer be required. The mass of each ice mountain would be composed, at least initially, of wellnutriated, but somewhat briny sea water from the depths. As this mass partly melted (probably mainly from below) in warm times or waters, it would generate considerable Arctic biomass, far more than did the original, nutrientdepleted pack ice and snow. Furthermore in warm times, pumping energy might instead be used to bring deep, nutriated water to the sea surface for fine dissemination and uptake of its nutrients by phytoplankton, thereby increasing Arctic biomass. Arctic conditions are particularly harsh, but are not that different from those experienced by existing North Sea wind turbines in winter. However, unmanned ice-mountain wind-turbine installations in the Arctic are individually probably less mission-critical than are those in the North Sea and they do not have the complication of power line maintenance to the shore. Hence, the maintenance and repair of those turbines used to generate ice mountains, albedo, and biomass can probably be left to the summertime. However, given the corrosiveness of brine, together with the effects of extreme cold, marine organisms and ice, pumping elements in contact with the brine may need to be made of highly resistant materials, such as titanium, ceramics, polymers and/or carbon fibre. Some few of the installations might be designed to include accommodation. If so, the inside of the supporting column could include spiral stairs surrounding a lift. Shelter, workshop and storage space might be provided by means of inflating a flexible, toroidal-shaped dome over a ring-shaped platform encasing the supporting column of the wind turbine. Later on, a solid dome of ice might be formed over this inflated dome by spraying seawater over it. Such an installation could become like Norway’s Svalbard facility for seed preservation or Sweden’s IceHotel. The space inside the dome would then be accessed via short corridors leading to doors in the column. Successively higher, linked habitats could be constructed as the ice mountain grew upwards from its top surface. When the Copyright © 2014 Winwick Business Solutions P/L 9 planned full height was reached, a final habitat level might be constructed with direct access to the nearly-flat surface of the ice cone and windows to the outside. This topmost habitat could easily be over 30m in diameter just by using inflated and triple-insulated roofing material. Linked and similar radiating domes might be used for diverse purposes. Utility services for them would also be provided via the support column. Spare power from the wind turbines might even permit hydroponic horticulture and waste recycling to occur there. Each completed ice mountain would be able to include long landing strips in different directions. Power storage systems would ensure that air-conditioning, communications and other vital services did not fail when the winds did. One ice mountain facility on either side of the mouth of a north-flowing Arctic river, or a string of such structures across the wider estuaries of such rivers, might well be able to freeze together in order to hold back some or all of the issuing riverine water. Once the dam had formed and the river flowed (even under some of its own ice), the water could back up and rise in level sufficiently for a portion of its water to cascade over the dam (now weir) onto the stillfrozen sea ice floe beyond. As fresh water freezes at a higher temperature than does briny seawater, this would tend to increase the area of thickened ice many times over. Furthermore, the surface of the area-increased fresh water behind the weir might also tend to freeze. This would have the effect of encasing the newly-submerged, low-lying land in a coat of ice, thereby increasing its albedo and tending to lock in most of the otherwise outgassing methane and CO2 beneath it. Thus, both shallow ocean, littoral, and nearby tundra could be frozen over by continued such applications. The area frozen over by such river mouth, inter-island (particularly Canadian) or shallow ocean installations might come to cover thousands or even millions of square kilometres. The placement of such installations would not necessarily be restricted to the extensive shallow waters bordering the Arctic Sea. Provided that a new installation had its forming ice mountain frozen solid onto that of an existing one or land, thereby mooring it before the warmer season began, there seems to be no reason why arrays of such installations might not extend progressively further offshore. They might even be linked by a series of long cables frozen into the ice with anchor points in order to minimize the calving off of icebergs. Thus, there seems to be no physical reason why these man-made ice sheets and mountains might not cover much of the Arctic Ocean, leaving only selected wide passages and open areas clear for wildlife, shipping and other activities. The total area north of the Arctic Circle that appears to be suitable for such ‘glaciation’ is in excess of 4M km2. Antarctica, Greenland, Russia, Norway, Chile and Alaska and some other polar and sub-polar regions also have some suitable sites for ice mountain construction. Tall ice mountains might also be created in river valleys, thereby providing cheap dams in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions from which hydroelectricity might be generated. However, unless the ice dams were thick and frozen onto the permafrost, they might not be as stable as traditional dams. Hence, care would need to be taken regarding the safety of inhabited areas, infrastructure and wildlife in the lower levels downstream. Copyright © 2014 Winwick Business Solutions P/L 10 Preliminary tests on the viability of the ice mountain concept may be performed at low cost. Once sea ice has formed sufficiently thick to support it, a protective capsule and platform mounted on a triangular assembly of three tall buoys, sitting on the ice, might house a diesel-powered pump designed to pump seawater from below the ice through a slowly-rotating nozzle covering a wide circle onto the ice. Sensors would monitor and relay the build-up of ice into an ice hill, together with its undersea and ice floe effects. When downward ice growth or ice hill subsidence threatened to close off the original inlet because of contact with the seabed an insulated new pipe might need to be laid onto the young ice hill’s surface leading to the sea. This new pipe would soon become encased in insulating ice when above sea level. Given the specific design of the pilot pumping facility, the experiment ought to be able to determine the angle of inclination of the resulting ice hill, its changing volume, its evolving undersea profile, the energy required to produce the hill, where improvements might be made to the design, and some of the problems to be encountered by future windturbine powered designs, designed to generate ice mountains. Southern Ocean Experiment Details for this have been documented in other papers by the author, as have simplified ways by which the parameters can be established and models run to establish the various effects. Results from the Caribbean experiments will inform Southern Ocean trial planning. Copyright © 2014 Winwick Business Solutions P/L 11