CENTRE FOR RESEARCH EXCELLENCE IN FOODS FOR FUTURE AUSTRALIANS CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR PhD SCHOLARSHIPS AND TOP-UP SCHOLARSHIPS Objectives of scheme The Centre of Research Excellence in Foods for Future Australians is a newly established research centre (funded by NHMRC) which brings together researchers, clinicians and allied health professionals with an interest in nutrition during pregnancy and infancy. Our team of investigators includes basic scientists, dieticians, immunologists, and research clinicians who work together to undertake world-class research in this area. The vision of Centre of Research Excellence in Foods for Future Australians is to undertake high quality basic, clinical and translational research to determine the best nutritional advice for the health and future of young families. We have a number of internationally competitive research programs currently underway which span across a broad range of research areas from basic science to clinical and translational research. These research areas within the CRE include, but are not limited to: Pregnancy and Infant Nutrition Nutritional requirements of preterm infants Long term impact of perinatal nutritional exposures Understanding the role of nutrition in normal growth and obesity Studies of Consumer behaviour Nutritional metabolomics Nutritional Immunology We are seeking candidates to undertake PhDs in all areas of our research program. We welcome applications from graduates from a diverse range of academic disciplines, in particular: nutrition and dietetics, nursing, biomedical sciences, medicine, economics and commerce, population health and statistics. All successful applicants will work as part of a multidisciplinary team. Eligibility Completion of Tertiary studies with a minimum Honours degree (or equivalent) in any of the following fields: medical, allied health, science, commerce or economics. Applicants for the Full Scholarships must be Australian citizens or have permanent resident status with qualifications recognised in Australia. Applicants for the Top-Up Scholarship must hold an external Scholarship and be undertaking a project within the CRE Duration of Award Full-time Scholarships are awarded for a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years, with the possibility of a six-month extension Part-time Scholarships are awarded for a maximum of six years. Benefits and conditions Two types of scholarship are available: 1. External Scholarship Holder top-ups: Students who successfully obtain Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA) or similar or who are self-funded are eligible for a top-up of $5,000 pa. This is paid directly to the student. 2. Students who are ineligible for traditional funding scholarships such as APA, or have not come through a traditional honours program (i.e. students who have a background in Nursing, Nutrition & Dietetics or similar) but who have an excellent academic record are eligible for a stipend of $25,000 pa. Part-time stipends are paid pro-rata. The stipend for full-time enrolment is provided tax-free under Section 23(z) of the Income Tax Assessment Act. Part-time scholarships are taxable. Additional Earnings Scholars may undertake part time paid employment during their Scholarship in line with the terms of their Administering Institution. Reporting requirements and Scholarship obligations As part of the funding agreement, Scholars are required to: Submit full progress report annually Apply for external support for funding travel and conference attendance Acknowledge CRE on all publications, technical papers and media Contribute service to one CRE committee (nominated by the Scholar) Attendance of at least 80% of monthly investigator teleconferences Attendance at annual meeting to present findings Inclusion of at least one CRE chief investigator on supervisory panel Selection criteria and scoring metrics Applications will be reviewed by the Independent Scientific Review Committee and assessed on the following criteria: Academic Record Research Experience Publications/Track Record Research Project Alignment with CRE aims Feasibility of project Novelty of project significance Supervisor/Institution Referee Reports Applicants are expected to speak with their proposed CRE supervisor prior to submitting the application Applicants may be requested to attend an interview with the Scientific Review Committee How to apply Supervisors Applicants must arrange TWO supervisors with appropriate qualifications and demonstrated experience in the proposed field of research. Your supervisor should provide a project summary of not more than 1 A4 page to be submitted with your application. Application form Complete section 1-4 Academic transcripts Provide a certified copy of your academic transcript. Ensure it includes the description for scores, marks or ratings achieved. Referees Applicants must provide the full names and addresses of at least TWO nominated referees. Nominated referees must be external academic referees not connected with the proposed research project. CENTRE FOR RESEARCH EXCELLENCE IN FOODS FOR FUTURE AUSTRALIANS PhD SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM Return completed form to Renae Johnson renae.johnson@adelaide.edu.au DUE DATE: 31 January 2013 SECTION 1 – APPLICATION DETAILS Name Enrolling Institution and Department Institution and Department where research is to be conducted Intended Supervisors Short Title of Research Project Full Title of Research Project Proposed Submission Date for Thesis Have you applied for any other scholarships for next year or do you intend to apply? YES NO If yes, list details of degree and institution and attach supporting documentation: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate the type of Scholarship you wish to apply for: Full-scholarship Full time Part time Top Up Scholarship (external scholarship holders only) Please indicate the name of Scholarship currently held: Australian Postgraduate Award University of Adelaide Graduate Centre Scholarship University of Adelaide Divisional Scholarship Other, Specify ______________________________ SECTION 2 – PERSONAL DETAILS Name Home Address Home Phone Work Address Work Contact Number Email Date of Birth Citizenship – Are you an Australian Citizen? If No: of which country are you a citizen? Do you hold permanent Australian residency status? Provide evidence of residency ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (Attach a certified copy or original of your academic transcripts) Year Awarded Qualification Institution POSTGRADUATE WORK EXPERIENCE Date (From/To) Position Employer PUBLICATIONS: SECTION 3 – NOMINATED REFEREES 1. Referee Name Appointment(s) Department Institution Address Contact Details T: F: T: F: Email 2. Referee Name Appointment(s) Department Institution Address Contact Details Email SECTION 4 – SUPERVISORS 1. Supervisor Name Appointment(s) Department Institution Address Contact Details T: F: T: F: Email 2. Supervisor Name Appointment(s) Department Institution Address Contact Details Email CERTIFICATION BY APPLICANT I certify that all details given in this application are correct, and agree to abide by the conditions of the Postgraduate Health Research Scholarship Scheme. I have enclosed a certified copy or original of my academic transcript. Signature Date: