CURRICULUM COMMITTEE - Salem State University

Salem State University
Meeting: 14/15:21
Date: May 7, 2015
MEMBERS PRESENT: Rebecca Hains, Francesca Pomerantz, Gretchen Sinett, Joseph
Kasprzyk, Amy Sprenkle, Christopher Schoen, Donna Hills, Mary-Jo Grenfell, Megan Miller,
Neal DeChillo, Regina Flynn, Rory McFadden, Sami Ansari, Zachary Newell, Jen Girgen
GUESTS: Vickie Ross, Steve Matchak, Bo Hatfield, Manish Wadhwa, Jim Gubbins, Michael
Deere, Benjamin Levin, Yu Hu, Chris Mauriello, George Abboud
Chair’s Report
Rebecca Hains announced that a quorum had been reached and called the meeting to
order at 10:08 AM
Subcommittee Reports
No reports
Special Business
IV. Old Business
A. HISTORY DEPARTMENT (11/10/14, CRS A, Joe K. 12/8/14) TABLED
HST502-Historical Fieldwork-New
This packet is still tabled.
B. GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT (3/30/15 CRS A, Francesca P. 4/6/15)
GPH301-Introduction to Quantitative GeographyQR
GPH347-GIS Applications: Special Topics-New
GPH442-Programming for GIS-New
BS- Cartography and GIS-Change in
GPH 301 is requesting QR certification and was reviewed by the appropriate sub-committee; Student
experiences were added in response to feedback. Department didn’t want to identify student experiences
in great detail because 3-4 different faculty members regularly teach this course. Steve M. said individual
faculty members add their own flavor to the course. Joe reminded committee members to get Vickie
revised forms quickly when changes are made at UCC meeting.
GPH347-GIS Applications Special Topics: Reviewed by sub-committee. Chris asked about the number
of times the course would be repeated. The box was fixed to indicate the course could be repeated once
for credit (the course can be taken a total of two times).
GPH442-Programming for GIS – Resubmission dates need to be filled in for this course and GPH347.
Joe expressed a concern that teaching a new programming language is challenging, particularly if
students don’t have programming experience. He suggested that there be a geography pre-req. so
students have an understanding of GIS when they come in. That way they’re not getting their first
exposure to GIS and the new language at the same time. Steve Matchak responded that he thinks the
course can work without a pre-req. but adding a pre-req. would be a safety. GPH140-Intro to Maps and
GIS or GPH340 were added as a pre-req. SCHI # filled in. These changes will also be made in the CID.
These courses are included on the Department’s new Cartography and GIS flowsheet. It went through
several drafts to make sure credits added up properly.
The vote to approve was unanimous.
C. GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT (3/30/15, Francesca P. 4/6/15)
Accelerated BS/MS Geo-Information Science-New
Francesca motioned to accept the packet. Zach seconded. Steve M. explained that they are
building on the successful M.S. program they’ve had for 15 years.
Rory asked about calling it Geographic Information Science instead of Geo Information
Science. Steve responded that he wanted to keep it as is due to consistency within the
department, but that he would bring the issue up with his department.
4+1 sub-committee reviewed this proposal and noted issues with the credit counts which
have been resolved. Neil suggested taking out word “accelerated” from the title; Steve
concurred and the word was removed from the title.
Rebecca asked why there were no credits for WII/III on the flowsheet. Megan explained that
there are check boxes for WII & WIII rather than credits because students can double dip.
This is standard now on flowsheets.
The vote to approve was unanimous.
IDS255-Comparative Religious Tradition-Change in Course
IDS275-Love and Compassion Across the World Religions-New Course
IDS320-Human Sexuality I-Change in
IDS461-Seminar in American Studies-Change in Course (WIII)
Pre-Law Studies Minor-Change in
15:195 IDS271-Information Technology, Society and CultureCS
IDS290-Introduction to Medical HumanitiesWC
American Studies Minor-Change in
Religious Studies Minor-Change in
Gretchen motioned to approve the packet; Neal seconded. IDS 271 is requesting CS
certification. This was reviewed by the appropriate sub-committee and revised to address
feedback. This course is a humanities exploration of issues related to technology, society and
culture. The sub-committee asked for list of readings which were added. Example debates
were also requested and more detail was added. IDS 255 Comparative Religious Traditions
has been put forward for PGR and was reviewed by appropriate general education subcommittee. IDS 275: Love and Compassion across Word Religions is a new course
requesting PGR and WC certifications. This was reviewed by the appropriate subcommittees. There were no substantive suggestions. IDS 320: Human Sexuality is seeking
PRG certification. This was reviewed by the appropriate sub-committee and has gone
through several revisions in response to feedback. Megan asked what level is this course
aimed at – freshman/sophomore or junior/seniors? Jim Gubbins said course is used by SMS.
Megan suggested the department discuss which level the course is for.
The Pre-Law Studies minor is requesting a change in title to Legal Studies and some new
courses are included. Megan suggested adding a sentence to the course list: other relevant
courses may be considered with permission of the minor coordinator. Jim Gubbins
IDS 290: Introduction to Medical Humanities is a new course is going to be included in the
new bachelor’s degree in health studies. This is requesting WC certification and was
reviewed by the appropriate sub-committee. Donna asked about using the word “health care”
instead of “medical” in the CID and in the title and Jim Gubbins concurred and this is
something that will be discussed in the department.
A change from 18 to 15 credits is requested for the American Studies minor.
The vote to approve was unanimous.
E. COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT (2/28/15-3/1/15, CRS D, Chris S. 3/25/15)
ITE101-Survey of Computing-New
ITE105-Problem Solving with Algorithms-New
ITE201-Fundamentals of Information Technology-New
ITE205-Software Design and Programming I-New
ITC183-Cybersecurity: A Personal & Professional Responsibility-New CoursePGR
ITC117-Computers in the Professions-Change in
ITC241-Spreadsheets in the Professions-Change in
Chris motioned to accept the packet. Zach seconded. These proposed courses are going to be
the foundation of a new IT program. Right now they are proposed as free electives but will
be core courses for the new program to be proposed soon. The courses have been reviewed
by the appropriate sub-committees. Megan requested a statement in the packet that ITE is a
new subject code proposed by the Computer Science department with an explanation of what
it means. ITC 183 is seeking PGR certification. This was revised in response to feedback
from sub-committee. Discussion ensued about how ethics are addressed in the course.
Benjamin explained how the course will address ethics and issues of personal responsibility
through scenarios. Joe suggested adding another bullet to the topic list related to ethics and
application to real world. This course affects the IDS department and a letter of support is
included. Megan made a recommendation that Information Technology Fluency in the Arts
& Sciences minor needs to be revised to reflect new courses. This will be taken up by the
ITE 101: Survey of Computing is a request for a new course. The phrase “satisfies computer literacy
requirement” was removed from the course description. This is going to be the intro course in the new
program. This will be co-listed with CSC 200A. Megan asked about the logic of the course number levels
and co-listing a 100 level with a 200 level. Joe explained that the accrediting body decided that the
umbrella term for “all things computer” be “Computing”, with sub-disciplines for specific content areas.
SSU has a major in computer science focused on theory and software development; information
technology overlaps with computer science at the introductory level but is its own sub-discipline. ITE
101, ITE 105, ITE 201, and ITE 205 will form the core of an eventual proposal for a new program in IT.
Students will take two intro courses (ITE 101 and ITE 205) at the same time to see which program (IT or
computer science) is right for them. These courses are designed to meet accreditation requirements; the
formatting of the CID reflects this.
ITE 105 is a request for a new course: Problem-Solving with Algorithms. ITE 201 is a
request for a new course: Fundamentals of Information Technology. ITC 117: Computing in
the Professions is a change in course description. ITC 241: Spreadsheets in the Professions is
a change in course description.
The vote to approve was unanimous.
SMS250-Nutrition and Physical Performance-Change in Course
Gretchen motioned to accept the packet; Megan seconded. This is a request for PGR
certification. This was reviewed by the appropriate subcommittee and more precision was
requested in relation to how the course addressed the PGR criteria; the course was revised in
response to the feedback.
The vote to approve was unanimous.
G. PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT (10/29/14, CRS B, Regina, 12/8/14)
PHL126-Critial Reasoning Through Writing (WI)
PHL304-Existentialism (WII)
PHL309A-Alternatives to Violence
PHL303-Philosophy of Religion
PHL316-American Pragmatism
PHL311-Sustainable People, Sustainable Planet
Regina motioned to approve the packet; Neal seconded. PHL 126 is requesting W-I
certification. This was reviewed by members of the W-I general education sub-committee.
PHL 304 is requesting W-II certification; Megan Miller pointed out it needs a W-I course as
a pre-requisite. This is not a revision of the course; only a request for the W-II designation.
The certification of how the course meets the W-II criteria is missing. This course will be
tabled until the 5/21 meeting. PHL 309A is requesting PGR certification. The question was
raised about the need for a change in course form. A change in course form is not needed if
the only aspect of the course changing is a general education certification. Megan asked if
ethics (required for this certification category) was adequately addressed. Chris is on the subcommittee and believes it meets the criteria for PGR certification. PHL 316 is seeking CS
certification. This was reviewed by Donna Hills, member of CS general education subcommittee. Donna explained that the course meets CS criteria. PHL 311 is a request for a
new course: Sustainable People, Sustainable Planet with PGR and W-II certification. The
new course form is missing. The W-II request form is missing. PHL 311 will be tabled until
5/21. Megan clarified that any course submitted by November 1, 2014 that receives a W
designation will be retroactive for students. The effective date of the W-II courses needs to
be Spring 2016. Regardless of the effective date, the designation gets applied to previous
semesters of the course.
The vote to approve was unanimous.
Rebecca reminded the committee that the May 13th meeting is for special business only. We will
discuss survey results about UCC forms. Rebecca will distribute the survey results to the
committee members prior to the meeting. The final meeting is May 21 and may begin earlier
than previously scheduled; Rebecca will send Doodle poll to determine if there will be a quorum.
There being no other business, Megan moved to adjourn the meeting; Sami seconded. The vote
to adjourn was unanimous, and the committee adjourned at 12:54 PM.
Submitted by __________________________________
Francesca Pomerantz