Handout #1 Key Terms Benchmark Assessment/Benchmarking

Handout #1
Key Terms
 Benchmark Assessment/Benchmarking
 Repeated Testing of ALL Students for Universal Screen AND Universal and Simple
Basic Skills Progress Monitoring (e.g., 3 times per Year)
Universal Screening
Testing of ALL Students to Identify At Risk--Usually ONCE PER YEAR--And at END of Year, if
possible to allow scheduling for subsequent FALL
Individual Screening
Testing Individual Students When There is Suspicion of a Basic Skills Deficit
Multiple Gating Screening
Use Existing Test Data on ALL Students to Identify Those Students with Potential of a Basic
Skills Deficit Follow Up Testing with R-CBM
Recommended Screening Practices
*Grades 7-9 Universal Screening Maze or Multiple Gating Grades 10-12 Multiple-Gating or
Individual Screening R-CBM
Mark R. Shinn, Ph.D.
School Level Analysis (Reality Check)
Tiered Transition
Summary of Impact
Yellow/White Scores & Percentiles
Guiding Questions:
1. What percent of students are performing at low risk (Tier 1), some risk (Tier 2) and
high risk (Tier 3) for each grade level? – Tiered Transition Report
Data Based Decision Making
Handout #1
2. What does instruction and the classroom settings look like in grade levels and
classrooms in which there are a high percent of students who are low risk? What
occurred in previous grades to prepare the students? How can this be replicated?
3. What could be implemented in grade levels/classrooms in which there is a high percent
of struggling students? What occurred in previous grades to prepare the students?
Analyze the problem (possible reasons/hypotheses). Develop and implement solutions
based on hypothesis.
4. What percent of students at the low risk level (Tier 1) remained at or above target in
each grade? What percent of students transitioned to a lower level of risk (i.e., Tier 3 to
Tiers 1/2, Tier 2 to Tier 1) or to a higher level of risk (i.e., Tier 1 to Tiers 2/3, Tier 2 to
Tier 3) at each grade? Is tiered instruction having a positive affect on student
outcomes? – Winter & Spring Summary of Impact Report; Yellow/White Scores &
Percentiles Report
 If yes, continue what you are doing.
If no, analyze the problem (possible reasons/hypotheses for the problem).
Develop and implement solutions based on those hypotheses.
5. Considering AIMSweb data and other available information, what structures and
professional development are needed to achieve positive outcomes for students
Grade/Class Level Analysis (Resource Allocation)
Tiered Transition
Rainbow Report
Instructional Rec (K-1)
Quadrant Analysis
Summary of Impact
Guiding Questions:
1. Is Tier 1 instruction meeting the needs of the majority of students (75-80%) in our
grade level? – Tiered Transition Report
a. If yes, continue what you are doing.
b. If no, analyze the problem (possible reasons/hypotheses for the problem) and
determine how to adjust Tier 1 instruction to meet the needs of most students.
Data Based Decision Making
Handout #1
2. What are the instructional needs of students? Are there groups of students with similar
needs? Given this information, how will we meet the needs of students at Tiers 1, 2 & 3?
 Reading-CBM Quadrant Analysis with the Criterion Referenced Rainbow Report
 AIMSweb CCSS M-CAP Report
 AIMSweb Instructional Recommendations Report
 Other available data (e.g., historical information, grades, assignments, program
assessments, SBA, HM Phonics Screener, DRA, English language proficiency,
attendance, office discipline referrals etc.)
3. Which student’s should be targeted for additional intervention and/or differentiated
instruction? – Norm Referenced Rainbow Report
a. Students > 25th percentile should receive differentiated Tier 1 instruction based on
student needs (refer to 1b)
b. Students scoring from the 11th percentile to the 24th percentile should be considered
for Tier 2 intervention in addition to Tier 1 instruction
c. Students < 10th percentile should be considered for Tier 3 intervention in addition
to or in place of Tier 1 instruction
4. Are Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention groups closing the achievement gap for students? –
Winter & Spring Summary of Impact Report
a. If yes, continue what you are doing.
b. If no, analyze the problem (possible reasons/hypotheses for the problem) and
determine how to adjust interventions to meet the needs of students.
Student Level Analysis (Individual Problem Solving)
Box & Whiskers
ELL Performance Profile
Progress Monitoring
Guiding Questions:
1. What is the student's performance compared to the grade level target for success? Is the
student at or above the target? – Box & Whiskers Report
a. If yes, continue what you are doing (Note: if student is far above, consider
b. If no, what is the student's performance compared to grade level peers at that
school? – Box & Whiskers Report
 If performance is similar to peers (i.e., > 25th percentile), focus on systematic and
Data Based Decision Making
Handout #1
explicit Tier 1 instruction.
If performance is below the average range (i.e., < 25th percentile), focus on
intensifying instruction to match the needs of the student (i.e., Tier 1 instruction
+ Tiers 2 or 3 intervention). Additional diagnostic assessment may be needed.
c. If ELL, what is the student’s performance compared to grade level peers at the same
level of English language proficiency? – ELL Performance Profile
 If performance is similar to peers, continue to provide systematic and explicit
reading instruction in addition to English language instruction. Check to make
sure the student is making adequate growth with English language acquisition
 If performance is below peers, intensify reading instruction to match the needs
of the student. Check to make sure the student is making adequate growth with
English language acquisition (ACCESS). Additional diagnostic assessment may be
2. Is the student making adequate growth in response to Tier 2 or 3 interventions? Are we
closing the achievement gap? – Progress monitoring Report, Targets for Success, &
National Norm Table
a. If yes, continue or fade the intervention.
b. If no, analyze the problem (possible reasons/hypotheses for the problem) and
decide how to adjust the instruction/intervention to accelerate learning. Additional
diagnostic testing may be needed.
Data Based Decision Making