Parent`s Handbook - Lisa`s Lil Tikes

Lisa’s Lil Tikes
Preschool Corp.
Parent Handbook
A student’s success in school starts in the heads and hearts of her parents and her teachers. The way we see
them, the way they see themselves, is what they will become.
Linda Holt, 1995 Hawaii teacher of the year
Daily Schedule
6:00-7:00 Welcome to school, wake up time
7:00-8:00 Constructive play inside (for early arrivals, time is set aside for breakfast, prior to 8:00)
8:00-8:15 Diaper change/Potty Time
8:15-9:15 Outside play for all
9:15-9:30 Separate into classes
9:30-9:45 Morning group time/circle time
9:45-10:00 Time for special activities (Art, science, music, movement, cooking, etc.)
10:00-10:15 Diaper change/Potty time
10:15-10:30 Snack time
10:30-11:00 Inside play/Discovery centers
11:00-11:30 outside play
11:30-12:00 Lunchtime
12:00-12:15 Prepare for rest time) diaper change/potty time
12:15-2:15 Nap time
2:15-2:30 Diaper change/Potty time
2:30-3:15 Outside play for all
3:15-3:30 Snack time
3:30-5:00 Inside play in small groups (circle time, story time)
5:00-6:00 Discovery centers inside and prepare to go home
School Hours
Preschool hours El Cajon are 6:00am-6:00 pm
Preschool hours La Mesa are 6:00 am-6:00 pm
All Children must be dropped off in the morning prior to 10:30am. No children will be admitted after this time.
The center will be closed on the following holidays
½ Day New Years Eve
New Years Day
Martin Luther King Day
Presidents Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
½ Day Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Day after Christmas
Health & Safety
Please sign your child in each morning. Lisa’s Lil Tikes Preschool Corp. cannot assume responsibility for your
child unless he or she is signed in by an adult who is authorized to do so. You must use your child’s full name
on the sign in sheet. A child will not be able to leave the building with anyone except a parent or someone
designated by the parents on the Identification and Emergency form. Be sure and let staff members know if
someone other than usual is picking up that day, and let that person know that we will require a picture ID.
Lisa’s Lil Tikes Preschool Corp. abides by all legally served court orders. Have a notarized court order on file
regarding parental custody matters.
All children must be dropped off in the morning prior to 10:30am. When dropping off your child in the
morning, wait until your child has been greeted by a teacher and checked for good health.
For the protection of all children, your child should be kept at home if he/she shows any of the following
- Diarrhea or vomiting. Children with intestinal disturbance accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting should
stay at home until free from all symptoms for 24 hours.
- Fever. Children with a fever of over 99 degrees (oral) must stay at home for 24 hours after symptoms
- Any undiagnosed rash.
- Sore or discharging eyes or ears or profuse nasal discharge.
If your child develops these symptoms while at school, he/she will be isolated from the other children and you
will be called and asked to take your child home as soon as possible.
Please inform staff of any allergies.
Our staff can administer only prescription medicine. It must be in its original container and labeled with your
child’s name and written instructions from the doctor. Over the counter medications will not be administered.
DO NOT leave medicine in your child’s cubby or backpack.
Age Requirements
Lisa’s Lil Tikes Preschool Corp. provides a full day and a half day preschool program for children ages two
through five. We also provide before and after school care for school age children at the El Cajon and La Mesa
location on Parks Ave. We also provide infant care (full time) in our La Mesa locations.
There is an initial, non- refundable registration fee, which does not apply toward tuition. Thereafter, there is a
yearly fee of $50. If a child drops from the program, registration must be renewed upon readmission, but
space will not be guaranteed or reserved if center is filled to capacity.
Tuition Payments
All tuition is payable in advance. Fees are charged for each day that the child is scheduled to attend. Holidays
and random illness are not deductible from tuition. Fees are payable monthly or semi-monthly. Payments are
due on the first or the fifteenth of each month. A five day grace period follows each of these days. If tuition is
not paid by the fifth or the twentieth a $10.00 late fee is applied and due with that payment. Please be
advised, after five late payments the late fee will increase to $20.00. All cash payments are to be given to the
director or the teacher and all checks can be placed in the tuition box. Make checks payable to Lisa’s Lil Tikes
Medical Records
State regulations require us to have a completed pre-admission health history for each child completed by the
parent. Your child must also have a physical examination within four months prior to his/her admission to the
center. The physician’s report is to be filled out by a doctor and returned to us when the child begins attending
The center will notify parents in the event their child is injured in an accident. Please notify the center of any
change of address or telephone numbers. In case the parent cannot be reached they give the Director or the
Owner/Administrator the authority to call a doctor or hospitalize the child at the parent’s expense. If the
situation is an emergency the Director will call 911 immediately. The parents will assume fees for emergency
Prior to 8:00 am you may bring breakfast for your child, and we will provide milk or juice. Morning and
afternoon snack will be provided by the school and will meet the nutritional requirements of the State of
California Licensing Agency. Each child will need to bring a lunch from home. Please keep in mind that all
lunches sent to school should provide foods from all four food groups. Milk will be provided at lunchtime.
Things from home
Please do not bring toys to school. The school has many excellent materials for the children to use at school. If
your child has a special attachment to a “lovey” such as a blanket or stuffed animal, and it will make your
child’s day easier, your child is welcome to bring it. Please let the teacher know, so we can look out for it.
You may provide a special snack for your child’s birthday. Please talk with your child’s teacher to determine
what is appropriate. Please do not bring extras such as balloons or favors.
Schedule changes
Please notify the school of any changes you would like to make in your program. A two week notice must be
given prior to dropping days.
The school has a two week mutual notice period to terminate enrollment. Please give the Director two weeks
notice prior to cancelling enrollment. The center does not refund for vacations, our registration fee or the
child’s last two weeks of enrollment.
The school may terminate your child’s enrollment if your child:
- Is not ready for the benefit from our program
- Is having emotional or behavior problems which harm other children or interfere with others being
able to participate in the program.
If your child has difficulty adjusting to the program, a conference will be arranged with the child’s teacher, the
centers director, and the parents. The staff will work together with parents to develop a plan to help your
child be successful. Counseling may be recommended. Either parent or school may give termination notice.
Please dress your child in comfortable play clothes with shoes suitable for running and climbing. Select
clothing that enables your child to use the toilet. Sandals must strap across the foot and behind the heel.
Please label ALL clothing. Please understand children will get paint and other sorted spots on their clothing!
Please DO NOT send them in party dress up clothes.
Required forms for enrollment
Registration Form/Enrollment Form
Child’s Pre-Admission Health History Report – Parents report
Physicians report
Immunization record
Parent’s Rights
Personal Rights
Handbook Policy agreement
Admission Form
Identification and Emergency Information
Consent for medical treatment
I/We have read this parent handbook carefully and agree to follow the center policies. I hereby
acknowledge that I have received the Parent’s Rights Form (LIC 995) and the Personal Rights (LIC 613)
from Community Care Licensing.
Parent____________________________________________ Date_____________________
Child’s Name____________________________________________