Welcome to Kaurath

Welcome to Kaurath
The High Kingdom of Kaurath now contains nine kingdoms including the original Kingdom of
Kaurath and has spent half its existence fighting a five hundred year war with the undead
Kingdom of the Barrowheart. That war is suspended, the ancient curse that caused it now
abated, though the consequences and ill feelings linger. The death of the old King sealed the
peace and his bastard son Bulzaric rose from the command of the half-orc Razioch forces to
assume the throne, confirmed by one of the Stags, mystical symbols and guardians of Kaurath.
An even more Ancient foe, the would-be Sorcerer King, Zoradieth raised his head again and his
greatest foe the ancient High King Morathel assumed the throne temporarily to oppose him.
King Bulzaric concentrated on preparing to take up active rules.
Periodically nobles and adventurers gather in one of the cities of the land, most commonly the
gate town of Celtios, just north of Kaurath City along the royal road on the border with the
Barrowheart where so much suffering occurred.
The High Kingdom is divided into four Royal Provinces each ruled by a member of the Royal
Family and administered by a Skald who acts as high magistrate for that part of the human
kingdom as well as liaison with the other member kingdoms in that Province.
Each Royal and Skald maintains a personal court of Knights, Squires, Lords and Ladies, and
other supporters who aid them with their responsibilities. The most common path of
advancement rises through sponsorship by a current noble of the realm to follow the Path of
Nobility through demonstration of the noble virtues and qualities in day to day life, in times of
stress, and in testing, both practical and ethical.
Free schooling covers basic education for any who seek it but more advanced training is usually
handled by apprenticeships.
Private healing circles are maintained in most large towns and cities, often by subscription or as
a charity. The Royal Castles and military bases normally maintain circles as well. In the Royal
Gatetown of Celtios where many Gathers take place the Healer’s Guild (Earth Guild) has
responsibility for all resurrection circles and the associated administrative duties.
Many towns and most cities have at least one celestial circle capable of providing assistance
identifying magical items. Some Royal Castles and major military bases may as well. In the
Royal Gatetown of Celtios, the Celestial Guild has responsibility for identification circles and the
associated administrative duties.
A variety of craft guilds exist in Kaurath. The most important ones are chartered by the High
King and have duties to advise the monarchy and its magistrates as well work for the
improvement of the craft and of the realm. Among those with charters of most interest to
adventurers are the Celestial Guild, the Earth Guild (or Healer’s Guild), and the Alchemists Guild.
Royal Academy
Another body of interest to adventurers is the Royal Academy in Celtios. It focuses on training
young adventurers in the skills they need to succeed and progress in their endeavors. This is a
relatively new Viisas Talo but is part of the ancient royal educational systems dating back to the
days of when Queen Faranan charged the Viisas to establish their Talo across the land to educate the
Kaurath, while used as the name for the entire region it is most properly the human monarchy,
which holds the High Kingship among the Nine Kingdoms. Humans are found in everywhere in
the nine kingdoms and the Barrowheart but are rare in the Plains of Morathel.
Innos Halal, an elven kingdom in central Haltia east of the Lake, ruled by the Haran Quinar and
Harni Ruthiel. It is heavily forested, ancient, and rich in lore and skill.
The Gythai are a reptilian Magocracy in the south of Haltia, ruled by the Kawei and a council of
the clan leaders. It is mostly water and swampland with dry land reserved for purposes that
require it such as trade and libraries. They engage in aquaculture of all sorts and trade up and
down the river.
Seannaught in the north (Western Kasember near the Lake) and Briar Hollow (Southern
Kasember along the river) in the south are similar agrarian realms ruled by the Grand Foreman
or Grand Sheriff, respectively, elected for a seven year term by the constituent regions of the
The Vaeltaa are a normally migratory people similar to those known as gypsies elsewhere in
Avalon who can be found throughout Kaurath. Some are more settle and have a stronger
hierarchy than elsewhere, perhaps because a single voice was required to speak with the High
King in council during the Barrowheart war.
The Vorlonal are a union of Barbarian tribes who have established a kingdom with a solid
capital and a unified rule. They live, herd, and farm in Harcos to the east of the Dragonspine
mountains but as part of the High Kingdom they provided a strong backbone of the army
fighting the Barrowheart during much of the 500 year long war.
The Razioch are the half-Orcs now native to Kaurath. They have fought the Barrowheart and its
minions for five hundred years and continue to engage in constant war with the monsters
spawned from the Plains of Morathel and much of their culture has a martial tinge as a result.
They are deeply tied to the land of Kaurath and take pride in being its defenders, as then-Prince
Bulzaric won their allegiance for the kingdom.
The Ograth are the half-Ogres native to Kaurath and have a strange and somewhat mystical
culture, which might have been peaceful save for constant conflicts with the Troll Masters of the
Dubhember Peaks and the Razoich.
The province of Haltia lies in the west of the High Kingdom between the two great rivers
flowing from the Lake of ice and from the Dragonspine mountains. It is heavily forested and
produces a wide range of timber, wood products, fruits and vegetables. The current capital,
Kaurath City, lies within its borders just down the Royal Road from the Gatetown of Celtios
where most Gathers take place. It is the province with the longest border with the Barrowheart
and much of the part of the Royal Road and the Gatetowns spaced all long that Road which saw
combat in the war lie in Haltia on the border or separated from it by Lake Haltia and its
associated river.
The province of Kasember lies north and west of the Dragonspine Mountains and the river
connecting them to Haltia. It is primarily plains and a source of much of the grain that can be
forced from the rock soil of Kaurath. Its large size permits it to support the same population as
the denser but richer lands of Haltia. Rensvarvas lies to the north and west and the northern
mountains mark the north east edge of Kasember.
The province of Harcos lies east of the Dragonspine Mountains. It is primarily plains and a
major source of meat as much of the land is occupied by herding barbarian tribes. The rich
grasslands supports many clans, though not all parts of the Vorlonal kingdom, as well as a more
settled population but only major city. The foreign elven kingdom of the Keskaur lies against
the Kalivan Mountains and marks the western border of the nine kingdoms.
The province of The Plains of Morathel lies south of the Dragonspine Mountains. It is infested
with monsters and echoes of the past and is a dangerous land. Repeated attempts to colonize
or improve it have failed. It is a source of rare herbs, exotic plants, strange beasts, and all sorts
of dark and dangerous things. Anything that dies there rises again as undead for a time. This
is where one can find most of the Razioch and the Ograth (the half-orcs and half-ogres of
Nearby Realms
South of the plains one finds the elementally infested lands of Evandar and central and western
Other realms are known to lie beyond the mighty mountains to the north east and west but
there are few passes and little trade with most.
There are many unincorporated barbarian tribes throughout Kaurath, especially in the north
and east.
The elven kingdom of the Keskaur lies against the Kalivan Mountains in the east.
The mysterious Dubhember reside under the Dubhember Peaks and are rarely seen elsewhere.
The newly peaceful Barrowheart occupies a large area to the west of Haltia through and past
the mountains.
Two Dwarven kingdoms are found to the north and south of the Barrowheart, Kulta Kerros
and Eltor Szakal respectively. Those who left Kulta Kerros during its recent civil war have
been digging new dwarven realms under Haltia and Kasember. There are also a fair number of
Ahkera dwarves working in the High Kingdom.
North of Kasember are the nomadic Ferrishyn of the Kingdom of Rensvarvas.
The mountain boarders and the central Dragonspine mounts are lightly populated and the locals
do not necessarily give allegiance to the High Kingdom in any useful sense.
The gate Town of Celtios lies on the Royal Road a day from Kaurath City. It is common to see
royals and notables in town to relax away from the capital and for adventurers to there gather
periodically. This area has seem a remarkable amount of fighting over the years, perhaps
because of the concentration of important targets and the number of strangers visiting.
Maggie Barnstead of the rich and widely connect Barnstead family operates the most notable
Tavern in Celtios It can be found on the hill overlooking the main royal guildhalls in town. It is
wise to stay on her good side as it is said a Barnstead always knows someone who knows
someone. A number of the most notable traveling merchants stay in her in and it is known for
land deals taking place in the back corner and even occasional auctions of magical artifacts.