St Mark’s CE Primary School 15.07.15 ST MARK’S CE PRIMARY SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY MINUTES SUMMER TERM 2015 Date: Time: Venue: 15 July 2015 6pm The School GOVERNORS PRESENT Mrs A Whitehead (Headteacher), Mr S Powell (Chair), Miss M Nuttall, Rev A Bull, Mrs E Handley, Mrs L Hegerty, Mr A Campbell, Mrs S Metcalfe, Mrs E Harding, Mrs C Oldham, Mrs B Rhodes, Mr D Brown IN ATTENDANCE Mrs A Paterson Mrs G Wagstaff Ms J Crook 1. Governor Support Officer Associate Member Observer APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE The Chair welcomed governors to the meeting. Jill Crook was introduced as a potential new Foundation Governor. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Mr G Ebbrell. Governors were informed that Mrs C Robinson had resigned from the Governing Body. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS Governors were asked to declare a personal interest in any agenda items; there were not any declarations of interest. Governors were reminded that they should declare any interest should it arise during the meeting. 3. RECONSTITUTION Governors discussed the skills matrix and skills set; the Chair noted that governors had the right skills set and expertise to meet the requirements of the Governing Body. Governors discussed the reconstitution process. The following appointments were duly approved by the Governing Body to commence a four year term of office with effect from 14th July 2015 – 13th July 2019: 7 Co-Opted Governors 1. Sean Powell 2. David Brown 3. Barbara Rhodes 4. Emma Harding 5. Lindsey Hegerty 6. Gina Wagstaff 7. Vacancy – TBC A discussion followed about the role of Associate Members. The GSO clarified that Associate Members would not be included on the Instrument of Government. The Chair explained that the governor skills set had been considered during the reconstitution decision making process. A discussion followed about the difference between the categories of governors. It was advised that there was more flexibility available Signed: Date: 1 St Mark’s CE Primary School 15.07.15 regarding Co- Opted governors, and that they could be appointed according to their specific skills set and the requirements of the Governing Body. It was noted that a potential candidate with an experience of finance would be beneficial. Governors were informed that the election process for Staff and Parent Governors would remain the same. Governors noted that the following governors’ terms of office would continue: 3 Foundation Governors 1. Rev A Bull (ex officio) 2. Mrs E Handley (nominated by PCC Parish Council / Diocese) 3. VACANCY (Mrs Jill Crooks TBC) LA Governor Miss M Nuttall 3 Parent Governors 1. Graham Ebbrell 2. Adam Campbell 3. Sarah Metcalfe Headteacher Mrs A Whitehead Staff governor Mrs C Oldham (i) Election of Chair Governors duly AGREED a continuation of the current arrangements and terms of office would remain at two years from the date of the autumn term meeting. The Chair and Vice Chair would remain in office until the 2017 autumn term governing body meeting. Nominations for position of Chair were invited, Mr S Powell declared an interest; there were no further declarations of interest. It was proposed by Mrs S Metcalfe seconded by Mrs E Handley and unanimously RESOLVED – that, Mr S Powell be elected Chairperson for the agreed term. Mr S Powell in the Chair. (ii) Election of Vice Chair It was proposed by Mr S Powell; seconded by Mrs E Harding and duly APPROVED that Mr D Brown be elected as Vice Chair for the agreed term. Review of Committee Membership, Appointment of Linked Governors, Committee Chairs The membership was reviewed as per Appendix 1. Signed: Date: 2 St Mark’s CE Primary School 15.07.15 Review of Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs Governors duly agreed to the following appointments: Resources Committee Rev A Bull to continue as Chairperson of the Resources Committee for the agreed term. Mrs B Rhodes to continue as Vice Chair for the agreed term. Premises Committee Mr D Brown to continue as Chairperson of the Premises Committee for the agreed term. Mr A Campbell to continue as Vice Chair for the agreed term. Teaching and Learning Committee Miss M Nuttall to continue as Chairperson of the Teaching and Learning Committee for the agreed term. Mrs E Handley to continue as Vice Chair for the agreed term. Review of Committee Remits and Policies The Governing Body agreed that a review of their existing policy portfolio would take place throughout the academic year as required at the relevant committee. Governor Code of Conduct The Chair informed governors that this was subject to some amendments. Governors agreed to defer this item for approval at the autumn term governing body meeting. ACTION Open Governance Policy Governors resolved that they would continue to adopt the Open Government policy; Governing Body meetings would be open to the public, subject to the exclusion of observers for confidential items. (iii) PREVIOUS GOVERNING BODY MINUTES RESOLVED – that the minutes of the meeting held on 11th March 2015, copies circulated previously, (a) be approved and signed by the Chairperson and (b) authorised for publication. (iv) Matters Arising from Previous Governing Body Minutes 3 (ii) Training Session for Church Schools – Links with the governors at All Saints were noted; an agreement was required as to how this would move forward. The Kid’s Choir was very successful; it was noted that it had benefited the children who had joined. Is there much use out of the Story telling area? Book boxes had been purchased for the Lower and Upper Key stages. This had enabled staff and children to make good use of the area. P5 – Regarding Ofsted – are we aiming to be outstanding? What is the criteria for this? The Headteacher talked about the Ofsted decision; it was noted that some children had made expected progress not better than expected over previous years. The Signed: Date: 3 St Mark’s CE Primary School 15.07.15 Headteacher referred Governors to the Ofsted website for further information. Governors noted the changes to the Ofsted framework and inspection process. 7 (i) Lindsey Hegerty was identified as the Safeguarding Link Governor – this was highlighted as a very important role and governors were informed that Lindsey and the Headteacher maintained regular contact. Awareness of safeguarding updates and training was ongoing; governors noted schools responsibility to safeguard all pupils. The following actions were duly completed: 3 (iv) British Values was published on the school website. 6 (i) The Chair had contacted Pam Dunham, Co Coordinator of LA Governor Services with regards to the cancellation of training courses. It was advised that this was purely due to low uptake. All governors were encouraged to make use of the training events by Governor Services. 7 (v) Assessment without Levels – Mrs E Harding provided an update to governors. Work was ongoing to develop the in-house system for Reading, Writing and Maths; this would also be supported by external systems. Governors were informed that the school was well prepared and had a bespoke system in order to meet the school’s needs. The Assessment Team would continue to meet for a further year. Is SATS staying with levels? No; it was unknown how future results would be reported. Governors discussed the issue of how to show progress made without levels. Next Governor Development Training Session – date TBC. The Headteacher suggested that Link Governors would be linked to Teachers; and attached to a Year Group. This would be considered at the next Governor Development Training session. PREVIOUS COMMITTEE MINUTES Resources Committee 18th May 2015 Steering Data Committee 2nd March 2015 Steering Committee 11th May 2015 Teaching and Learning 8th May 2015 (v) Matters Arising from Previous Committee Minutes RESOLVED – that the minutes of the following meetings, copies circulated previously, be approved by the Chairperson and authorised for publication: Teaching and Learning (no date) it was confirmed that this referred to the meeting on 8th May 2015. What is UFSM? Universal Free School Meals. Item 11- New Behaviour Management System – The points system applied to the whole school; points could be gained or deducted in accordance with behaviour Mrs C Oldham had organised the end of term Celebration Day. The House points system was explained (Bronze, Silver and Gold) and a variety of rewards were described. How many children have a full day? Approximately 60 children. The Headteacher talked about the moderation of house points within the classes regarding the half and full days to ensure fairness. The idea was to reward the children who follow the rules and were consistently well behaved. Governors noted that the system motivated the children and that there had been Signed: Date: 4 St Mark’s CE Primary School 15.07.15 a great response from children. A governor said that she had access to a discount store and suggested that prizes could be purchased there at a reduced rate; this would be considered in future. It was noted that the system encouraged a corporate environment within the school. Steering Committee 11th May 2015 – What are monitoring meetings? Governors were advised that this referred to the RI outcome. Item 7 – The Chair requested the End of Year reports from each Chair of Committee. ACTION Item 8 - Meet and Greet of Governors and Staff - All governors were invited to attend the School on Wednesday 2nd September 2015, 12 – 1pm; food provided. ACTION Resources Committee Meeting – 18th May 2015 – Governors noted concern regarding the changes to the LA funding formula and that this would have a detrimental effect on the budget, if there were not an increase in the number of pupils. It was advised that the budget was similar to the previous year. The Headteacher explained Pupil Premium funding. Premises Walk around – Governors were referred to the paper copies provided in the Governor’s pack. It was noted that a governor had reported an open window at the spring term governing body meeting. A governor noted that a further incident relating to an open window at the Children’s Centre had been reported; the Headteacher undertook to contact the Security Company. A governor raised concerns about the cleanliness of the Children’s Centre; it was noted that a supply agency had been contracted and that the Headteacher would discuss the issues with the School Business Manager. ACTION The Headteacher was aware of the drainage issue on the grassed areas of the playground; this was worse after hard rain. Governors were referred to the Health and Safety Performance Report; half- yearly report. Is there any update on the sickness absence (non-teaching staff)? This information would be available at the next Health and Safety meeting. Governors were informed that Sick Packs had been produced for each classroom. HEADTEACHER’S TERMLY REPORT 4. The report of the Headteacher was presented and discussed. Governors’ questions were invited and the following items were highlighted: Signed: All governors were invited to the Leavers Assembly to be held in Church next week. Requires Improvement Plan – governors were referred to a link of all completed actions which was attached to the plan. The plan would be reviewed on a regular basis by the Steering Committee. Talk for Writing; a whole school approach to writing was discussed. The Headteacher explained the concept and referred to the use of story mapping, guided writing and Makaton. This would be led by Miss Malpas. The programme would be rolled out across the school from September as part of a three year plan. How does signing help with writing? Governors were advised of the benefits of a multi-sensory approach. Is Writing a national issue? Yes; the Headteacher provided examples of barriers to vocabulary, it was noted that this would be Date: 5 St Mark’s CE Primary School 15.07.15 discussed at the INSET day. Are stories read in school time? Yes; 10 -15 minutes four times per week was allocated to reading. The Parents and Children’s Book Club ran twice a week for KS1 and was very successful. The Reading raffle was explained. The main target was the engagement of parents. Governors noted the parental impact on a child’s learning and the importance of family time. p2 – A lock down procedure for the School had been agreed by the Critical Incident Team. Governors were advised of the alarm system and the procedures to be followed. Two -way film would be purchased for the interior library doors for safety purposes. Governors noted the Evacuation plan. Governors discussed the procedure in relation to children’s personal medical equipment such as inhalers and epipens. Governors confirmed receipt of all the other documents which were attached to the Headteacher’s report for information. Behaviour Management System – This item was discussed earlier and the system was clarified for governors. It was noted that all children would start on Green at the beginning of the day. Are children used to it? Yes; and staff were making good use of the system. Pupil Premium Report – What is the Manchester University tutoring programme? This was an extra resource available. The Headteacher was thanked for her comprehensive report and there not being any further questions it was RESOLVED – that the Headteacher’s report be received. 5. GOVERNOR DEVELOPMENT (i) Development Plan The next meeting was arranged for 6th October 2015; Lynn Perry SIA would attend to discuss assessment without levels. This would be a useful guidance session for governors to discuss and consider questions and challenges for the Headteacher and School. (ii) Training Governors were encouraged to attend training courses made available by Governor Services. A new training programme would be circulated to the governing body in the autumn term. 6. BRIEFING PAPERS FROM STOCKPORT LOCAL AUTHORITY Governors noted the updates: (i) Early Years Pupil Premium (ii) Early Years Baseline Assessment (iii) PSHE Update (iv) The Constitution of Governing Bodies (v) Signed: A register of governors’ interests and governor information to be uploaded to the school’s website by 1st September 2015. ACTION National Standards for Excellence for Headteachers Date: 6 St Mark’s CE Primary School 15.07.15 (vi) Ofsted Update (vii) DfE Updates 7. DATES (i) Full Governing Body Wednesday 25th November 2015 6pm Wednesday 16th March 2016 6pm Wednesday 13th July 2016 6pm (ii) Committee Meetings Resources Committee 28th September 2015 Teaching and Learning Monday 5th October 2015, 1.30pm Steering Committee – TBC 8. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (i) School Drop off Zone A governor raised concerns about parking in the drop off zone; this was an ongoing issue that had been addressed in previous newsletters. A governor suggested the use of cones to direct a single file traffic system around the drop-off zone. Governors were advised that the children’s posters would be displayed in September. It was suggested to have someone to manage the area and keep the traffic flow moving. Governors were reminded that it was the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their children arrived safely at school. Mrs E Harding offered assistance; the Chair recommended that this item be considered further at the beginning of the autumn term. Does there have to be a drop off zone? Governors noted the limited parking spaces. It was suggested that if the problem continued; due to the safety of children that the parking zone may no longer be made available. Locking the school gates may be considered in future. ACTION (ii) Sexting issue A governor referred to the sexting incident; which had occurred outside of school. Is there a school policy about this? Governors were informed that the LA would produce a policy. (iii) Long Service Award The Chair presented a Long Service Award to Mrs B Rhodes, who was congratulated on her length of service and support to the school. (iv) School Dates and Table Plan Information regarding the Teaching Plan and school dates was tabled for governors. (v) Skills Matrix A governor asked whether the skills matric would be reviewed; the Chair informed governors that this would take place in the next academic year. ACTION There not being any other business to discuss, the Chairperson thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.33pm. Signed: Date: 7 St Mark’s CE Primary School 15.07.15 ST MARK’S CE PRIMARY SCHOOL SUMMER TERM 2015 GOVERNING BODY MINUTES MEETING ACTION POINTS MINUTE POINT ACTION REQUIRED ACTION FOR 3 Governing Body Code of Conduct to be Chair 3 (v) 3 (v) ACTION DATE TO BE COMPLETED Autumn term amended and considered for approval at the governing body autumn term governing body meeting. meeting Item 7 – The Chair requested the End of Committee Year reports from each Chair of Committee. Chairs All governors were invited to attend the meet Governing Wednesday 2nd and greet of Governors and Staff Body September 2015, ASAP 12 – 1pm The Headteacher to contact the relevant Headteacher Post meeting people regarding the issues raised (open window and cleanliness of Children’s Centre) 6 (iv) A register of governors’ interests and Chair / governor information to be uploaded to the Headteacher 2015 1st September school’s website by 1st September 2015. 8 (i) School Drop Off zone to for discussion at the Chair / Autumn term next governing body meeting Headteacher governing body meeting. 8 (v) Skills Matrix to be reviewed in the next Chair / academic year. Governing Autumn term Body Signed: Date: 8 St Mark’s CE Primary School 15.07.15 Appendix 1 ST MARK’S CE PRIMARY SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY 2014/2015 COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP CHAIRPERSON Mr S Powell 2 year term until 2017 VICE-CHAIRPERSON Mr D Brown 2 year term until 2017 DEVELOPMENT GOVERNOR Mr Sean Powell RESOURCES Mrs C Robinson* Mrs B Rhodes** Mr S Powell Rev A Bull VACANCY Mrs E Harding Headteacher Business Manager – Invited TEACHING & LEARNING Miss M Nuttall* Mrs L Hegerty** Mrs C Oldham Mrs E Handley Mr G Ebbrell VACANCY Headteacher Mrs S Metcalfe PM MONITORING PANEL Mrs B Rhodes* Miss M Nuttall Mr D Brown Rev A Bull STAFF DISMISSAL A panel of 3 or 5 governors made up from the full Governing Body with no prior involvement or knowledge of the incident. REVIEW OFFICER Mr S Powell INCLUSION / SEN/LAC GOVERNOR Mr D Brown ICT GOVERNOR Mr G Ebbrell SAFEGUARDING GOV Mrs L Hegerty NUMERACY GOVERNOR LITERACY GOVERNOR Mrs B Rhodes HEALTH & SAFETY GOV Mr D Brown EDUCATIONAL VISITS Mr S Powell Miss M Nuttall DIVERSITY GOVERNOR STEERING GROUP Mrs B Rhodes Mr D Brown Miss M Nuttall Mr S Powell* Headteacher PREMISES Mr D Brown* VACANCY Mrs G Wagstaff Headteacher Mrs C Oldham Site Supervisor - Invited COMPLAINTS 3 or 5 governors from the whole Governing Body who have no prior knowledge or involvement in the incident. PUPIL DISCIPLINE A panel of 3 or 5 governors made up from the full Governing Body with no prior involvement or knowledge of the incident. STAFF APPEALS Miss M Nuttall Mrs B Rhodes PAY COMMITTEE (min 3 governors) Mrs B Rhodes Mrs C Robinson Mr D Brown Rev A Bull EXTENDED SCHOOL PAY APPEALS Miss M Nuttall * Denotes Chairperson ** Denotes Vice Chairperson ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ARE AWARDED VOTING RIGHTS ON COMMITTEES Signed: Date: 9