New Staff Orientation Checklist Welcome to MSU Extension! We’ve assembled this checklist to help you navigate the complexities of our organization and learn the essentials. It is divided into six sections as listed below. These are NOT in any priority or chronological order. As you scan the sections, you can decide what’s most important for you, depending on your current needs. Getting started—an HR Quick Reference Guide, p.1 Getting connected with Technology, p.2 Learning about your Institute(s) and roles, p.3 Learning about your county/district offices Getting to know MSUE and the OD Team Professional Development, Now & Later Other Recorded Learning Opportunities Listed under each heading are resources to help you complete the task and become better acquainted with MSU Extension. Explore these links to learn about and use the resources listed – including reaching out to the noted individuals with questions. Check off items as you work your way through these gradually. Certain information applies to specific classifications of employees, and these are indicated. Also, be aware that the Organizational Development (OD) website ( is a key resource. Some of what you can find there is indicated below, but there are many more helpful recordings and documents available on the website. The most updated version of this checklist document can be found there on the NEW STAFF page: Getting Started—HR Quick Reference Guide Task ☐ Activate your MSU NetId Information The NetId is required to gain access to almost all University or Extension systems. You receive an email or letter in the mail in your first few days which includes instructions for activating your NetId. Additional information here: Resources MSUE HR 517-353-9108 ☐ Obtain your ANR account ☐ Review the HR Quick Reference Guide ☐ Contact Central HR Benefits ☐ Enroll in benefits ☐ Update/Verify your contact information Simply activate your NetId and notify MSUE HR that you’ve done so – MSUE HR will take it from there. This guide provides basic information about getting connected electronically, getting paid (and setting up direct deposit), signing up for benefits (you have 60-days from your date of hire to enroll), and time-off issues for both academic and nonacademic employees. s/files/Human_Resources/HR_Q uick_Reference_Guide.docx HR Website _resources Central HR Benefits will be able to provide you with an overthe-phone orientation, answering any questions you may have related to benefits. Please contact them as soon as possible New employees have 60-days, employees who are newly eligible for benefits (e.g. have gone from a temp position to a regular position) have 30-days, from date of hire to register for benefits. This process is completed through the Enterprise Business System (EBS) which you will have access to after activating your NetId. There may be a 2-3 day delay following your netid activation before you are able to log into EBS. Your work address and phone number will be available via MSU People search ( and the Expert Search site ( within a few days after your date of hire. Please look up your information. If anything should be updated send an email, including a CC to your direct supervisor to 800-353-4434 MSUE HR 517-353-9108 MSU HR Benefit website: MSUE HR 517-353-9108 Quick Reference Guide nefits/ 517-353-9108 Getting Connected with Technology ☐ Explore the ANR Tech website ☐ Order necessary technology equipment ☐ Forward your University email account to your ANR email account ☐ Access your ANR email account through Outlook ☐ Access your ANR email account through the web ☐ Share your Outlook Calendar ☐ Scheduling through Outlook ANR Tech supports the work of MSU Extension via several resources. Take some time to browse their website to find information including: How-to resources in documentation, video and recorded webinar formats. Pay special attention to the training materials on Outlook, Sharepoint, Adobe Connect and Lync as these are used as primary sources for communication, collaboration and information sharing. Review the ANR Tech Services Guide to Services. Most often new employees will already have their equipment in the process of being shipped to them or it will be set up and ready to go. In some instances this may not be the case. If you need to order any equipment please coordinate this with your supervisor—i.e. your ID for Educators, and your DC or Supervising Educator for non-academic staff. Two email accounts will be assigned to you as an employee of MSU Extension. The first will be <YOUR NETID>, this email address is used by Michigan State University to send you information about your benefits, events, University training opportunities, etc. You are STRONGLY encouraged to forward this account to your ANR account (<YOURNETID>@anr.msu. edu) once it is established. Your ANR account is used by your colleagues and CANR for communication purposes. Forwarding your University account to your ANR account will ensure you receive important information and save you time because you won’t need to check both accounts on a regular basis. This account will be available after your NetID has been activated and ANR Tech has been able to set up your ANR account. Once you have your ANR account take some time to set up your Outlook account by setting up your signature, adding contacts, establishing folders, etc. Note: when looking for an individual in the Outlook address book look by the person’s LAST name. You can access your email from any computer with internet connectivity by going to ort/support ort/guide Staff members are expected to share your Outlook calendars with office colleagues, workgroups, and your DC and ID. Instructions: s/files/45/OutlookTrainingDocs/Cal endarDocs/ANR_TS_Outlook_2010 _Sharing_Calendar_102.pdf ort/search_results?query=outloo k+calendar There are many ways to access and schedule appointments, meetings, etc. with Outlook. Instructions for these actions are available on the ANR Tech website. Tips for ordering technology with MSU Extension rt/new_computer_purchase ANR Tech 517-355-3776 Instructions for forwarding your University email: upport/home ANR Tech 517-355-3776 Instructions: ads/files/45/OWA/ANR_TS_How _To_Login_Into_OWA.pdf ☐ Explore SharePoint ☐ Try MSU People Find & Update Your Information! SharePoint is used across MSU Extension to collaborate with ort/share-point workgroups, co-workers and administration. TIP: Your user id for SharePoint will be anr\[your netid]. People Find is a tool you can use to locate faculty, staff and students at MSU. Update your information in People Find by following these instructions: go to and search for your name. To include your phone number or update your information please send an email to Learning About Your Institute(s), Roles, and Position Employees will meet with their direct supervisor (an Educator’s direct supervisor is the Institute Director; Supervising Educators will meet with their new Program Instructors, Coordinators, Associates) Supervisor ☐ Note contact ds/files/Directors_Office/Conta Find directories – Office, District, Institute, MSU, County information ct_DO_ID_DC_OD.docx ☐ Organization Structure ☐ The Institutes ☐ Campus MSU Extension is a broad reaching organization with many arms. Ask your supervisor to discuss this with you. out The breadth of the educational programming carried out by Contact information for the MSUE is organized into four, multi-faceted Institutes. All Institute Directors is at the employees support the processes and goals of each Institute end of this section. (see the link to the right) and most employees are specifically assigned to one or two of these: Agriculture & Agribusiness (AABI) – Dr. Ron Bates Children & Youth (CYI) – Dr. Julie A. Chapin Greening Michigan (GMI) – Dr. Dave Ivan Health & Nutrition (HNI) – Dr. Dawn A. Contreras Support in the areas of Communication, Human Resources, Contact information is Event Planning and Financial Transactions is available to assist available at the you in your job. These functions are primarily housed on Organizational Development Campus. website: ☐ Expectations ☐ Funding Sources & Organization Visibility & Reputation ☐ EDUCATORS: Your supervisor will discuss with you the expectations of your performance in your position, the evaluation process, workgroups, logic models and reporting your time away from the office. MSU Extension serves the community of the State of Michigan. Funding is tied directly to the services MSUE provides and is, therefore, affected by our visibility and reputation within the community. Ask for a mentor Program Institute Directors—160 Agriculture Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824 Administrative Support: Lori Martin; 517-355-4631; Dr. Julie A. Chapin, Preparing Michigan’s Children and Youth for the Future 446 W. Circle Dr., 160 Agriculture Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824; e-mail: Dr. Dawn A. Contreras, Improving Health and Nutrition 446 W. Circle Dr., 160 Agriculture Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824; e-mail: Dr. David Ivan, Greening Michigan: Leveraging Natural & Human Assets for Prosperity 446 W. Circle Dr., 160 Agriculture Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824; e-mail: Dr. Ronald Bates, Enhance Michigan’s First Green Industry: Agriculture and Agribusiness 446 W. Circle Dr., 160 Agriculture Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824; email: Your Supervisor See a list of workgroups: Your supervisor Your co-workers Your Institute Director Your Institute Director Office: (517) 432-7608 Fax: (517) 355-6748 Cell: (517) 420-7692 Office: (517) 353-3886 Fax: (517) 355-6748 Cell: (517) 242-1954 Office: (517) 432-7602 Fax: (517) 355-6748 Cell: (989) 225-4032 Office: (517) 432-7693 Fax: (517) 355-6748 Learning About Your County/District Offices ☐ MSU Extension Around the State ☐ Get to know your local office ☐ Go over MSUE Basics ☐ EDUCATORS: Meet w/ Institute Director or District Coordinator With offices in almost every county in Michigan the staff of MSU Extension is widespread. The state is divided up into Districts which consists of several counties each. You can find contact information for your co-workers throughout the state through the use of the listed resources. List of Counties: Meet co-workers (both MSUE and County employees) Take an office tour Discuss: o Office hours o Office meetings o Calendars o County holidays o Celebrations & Events o Where/how to provide emergency contact info o Keys o Parking o Phone usage and voicemail o Mail o Office equipment (fax, scan, copy, etc.) o Network printing if applicable o Other as relevant Record hours and expected schedule; note MSU holidays (available on the MSUE HR site) Civil Rights: goals/expectations/office role, location of file in office, role of EEO Councilors, who they are, how to file a complaint. (See MSUE Civil Rights, below) Order Business Cards (See ANR Communications below) Obtain a name badge. The HR department will contact Anne Brooks to order it. You’ll receive it at the New Staff Onboarding event, or by mail from Anne. Obtain cell phone and find and fill out the mobile communications agreement, if applicable (See MSUE Business Office > Forms below) Become familiar with computer and passwords Arrange a time to be introduced to Co. Commissioners if appropriate. Learn their names. Discuss the importance of community partners, stakeholders, and organizations as applicable. Discuss how to manage operating account, obtain purchasing card, and contact the appropriate fiscal officer: ____________ (See MSUE Business Office below) Visit other offices in coverage area. Your supervisor or someone designated by your supervisor will go over this information with you! Your District Support Person Your co-workers MSUE Find An Expert: Campus Listing: tors_office Supervisor District Coordinator District Support Supervisor District Coordinator Getting to Know MSU Extension & the OD Team ☐ Watch ‘Welcome to MSU Extension’ ☐ Add Director Meetings to your calendar ☐ Explore the MSU Extension website ☐ Get to know the Director’s Office ☐ Locate and take A 20-minute video overview of MSUE by former Director, Dr. Tom Coon Meetings are held by the MSUE Director on the first Monday of each month from 4 – 5pm. These are informative, farreaching and help you to stay connected to the big picture. Links to the Adobe Connect meeting will be provided via email from the Director’s office for each meeting This is our organization’s public website and a first stop for many of our clients and employees when questions arise. Explore the links and, and check out the Find an Expert tool! Access to the Director’s office as well as links to the weekly Spotlight newsletter produced by the MSUE Director are available here. MSU Extension uses Acronyms! See this list on the OD New Staff site. Website with contact list: ectors_office oads/files/New_Staff/acrony ms_2013.docx note of the Acronyms List Study the history of our mission and heritage. The ☐ Discover MSU Several informative pieces sesquicentennial anniversary of the Morrill Act, passed in are available here: Extensions Land1862, was in 2012. This Act marked the beginning of the land Grant History ☐ Review the CANR Org Charts ☐ Explore the MSUE Organizational Development (OD) Team Website ☐ MSUE Human Resources ☐ MSUE Business Office grant system, today numbering more than 100 universities serving our nation and the world. MSU Extension is a part of the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources (CANR) - take a few minutes to see how Extension fits! w_staff_onboarding CANR Chart: http://www.canr.msu.ed u/faculty_staff/governan ce This is your one-stop-shop for organizational information, forms, recordings, resources and links. Each OD Team unit has its own set of pages—Business Office; Civil Rights; Communications & Marketing; Diversity & Multiculturalism; Human Resources; Information Technology; Planning, Evaluation & Reporting; Professional Development; Volunteer Management. Each unit is described more fully below. Manager: Adam Koivisto, 517-353-9108; man_resources Explore the many resources found on this site, including an HR Quick Reference Guide, and links to Hiring Procedures/Forms, Timesheets, and the Administrative Handbook. Manager: Adam Koivisto, 517-353-9382; siness_office Find links to Staff, Forms , and Resources. Some important forms include the Purchasing Card Agreement, Purchasing Card Application; TRW-Travel Authorization Form; and TRW-Travel Reimbursement Worksheet. Under ☐ ANR Communications & Marketing ☐ ANR Technology Services ☐ MSUE Civil Rights ‘Resources’ find important training materials on EBS, operating statements, and TRWs. Business Office Recordings o Completing a SER (Semester Effort Report) o REPORTS: Balances and Expenses o Travel and Non-Travel Related Reimbursements Director (Interim): Kris Hynes, 517-432-7102; Find resources on: media relations, tips for writing MSU Extension stories, press release guidelines, events management, MSUE graphic identity, MSUE publications & book store, photo/audio/video release forms, style and review guidelines, business cards. In the right column are a few links to get started. Explore the MSU Extension Bookstore. ANR Communications Recordings o Navigating Copyright and Fair Use of Information o Planning an Uneventful Event: Secrets from a conference planner o Events Management System: Managing Your Event o Completing your Event: Getting Vendors Paid and Processing Reimbursements o Make Closing your Events in the Events Management a Snap o The Power of Reporting in the Events System Director: Mike Walters, 517-355-1762; This department was covered in Phase 2 because it plays a large role in getting you, as a new employee, up and running in your position. Coordinators: MSUE Human Resources, 517-353-9108; & Dionardo Pizaña 517-432-2666; Civil Rights and the associated requirements are an important and required part of all programming done through MSU Extension. Find many useful resources including: antidiscrimination statements, information on parity, the ‘And Justice For All’ poster, and sign-in sheets. unications_marketing Social Media Guidelines ds/files/Communications/2013 msu-guidelines-for-socialmedia.pdf Events Management System m/getting_started Graphic Resources, including business cards & templates m/msue_graphics ormation_technology l_rights_diversity_multicultu ralism ☐ Diversity & Multiculturalism ☐ MSUE Planning, Evaluation & Reporting Coordinator: Dionardo Pizaña, 517-432-2666; ersity_and_multiculturalism Diversity and Multiculturalism are key to MSU Extension extending services to underserved clients and recognizing the differences in those around us that make us stronger as an organization. As a new employee you will be required to attend the Two Day Multicultural Self-Awareness Workshop within the first 6-12 months of employment. You will find information on this and many other resources such as Program Planning and Reporting Resources, Learning Resources and Spanish Language Resources Coordinators: Bruce Haas, 517-432-3491; & Cheryl Peters 517-432-7605; nning_evaluation_and_repor The information in this section Is for those required to report ting in MIPRS, but everyone should be familiar with this because these are the systems we use to show our clients a return on their investment. Look for: Planning programs using logic models and clear objectives. Also review a series of recordings on planning in the Michigan Planning and Reporting System (MIPRS) o Logging Into Michigan Planning and Reporting System (MIPRS) Recordings: o PRE-TRAINING for Using the Michigan Planning and Reporting System (Flash Movie) o Dean Solomon’s demonstration of building an individual plan from workgroup plan in word and then using it for building the plan in MI PRS. o Entering a Plan into MI PRS o How to delete Unwanted Plans o How to add Days of Effort in a Plan before submitting for approval Evaluation. Review some PowerPoints, Word documents, and websites on developing an evaluation plan and getting IRB approval. Recording: o Understanding Evidence-Based Programs o Reporting. View recordings on reporting, including those listed above under ‘Planning’. Recording: o On-line Training for Reporting in MI PRS MI PRS. Review a series of documents on reporting in MI PRS, in addition to the recordings listed under ‘Planning’ above. Professional Development, Now & Later ☐ MSUE Professional Development ☐ Attend the Diversity & Multiculturalism Workshop ☐ Attend New Staff Onboarding ☐ Attend Fall Extension Conference ☐ Attend Other Training Specific to Your Role The MSUE Professional Development unit is also a part of the OD Team. There are many opportunities for learning both at fessional_development the start of your employment and throughout your employment relationship with MSU Extension. Explore the professional development website to find: A link to the searchable Professional Development and Multicultural Library where you can check books out online. View this 3-minute Recording: o Using the Professional Development Library New Staff. Resources to help as you learn about the mission and history or our complex organization. Online Learning & Collaborating. Information and how-to handouts on Adobe Connect, Adobe Presenter, and Skype. eXtension. Learn how to get an eXtension ID and what tools and resources are available to you. Recordings: o How to Get an eXtension ID (4 minutes) o Communities of Practice: What, Why, and How? o Step by Step: Join an eXtension CoP Today! Adult Learning. Resources on effectively teaching adults, learning styles, and using PowerPoint effectively. Leadership Development. Learn about Facilitative Leadership and Conflict Smoothies. Core Competencies. Learn about our ten core competencies and our six administrative competencies. Professional Associations. Information on each of our seven professional associations. As noted above all new employees are required to complete this training within 6-12 months of their date of hire. Talk to your supervisor and make sure you are scheduled! ersity_and_multiculturalism/ workshops New staff onboarding events are held several times per year. You will be invited to the next one after your date of hire. Watch for this email to arrive and plan to attend! MSUE Human Resources An annual event which includes multiple professional development opportunities. Talk with your supervisor to determine if you will benefit from attending. There are many more training opportunities available to staff based on a particular role (e.g. Institute, workgroup, supervisor group, etc.). Check with your supervisor to review other training requirements ents Supervisor Workgroup Leader Institute Director