Volunteer Position Description Small Animal Care Specialist Mon-Fri: 8-10a, 10a-12p & 4-6p Sat & Sun: 9-11a & 3-5p Reports to: Volunteer Coordinator Commitment: 2 hours/week, 4 month (minimum) commitment Work Location: Adoption floor & consultation rooms The purpose of this position: Bunnies, birds and gerbils, oh my! We welcome all types of small animals, all of which need just as much exercise and TLC as our cats and dogs. Our Small Animal Care Specialists spend time with these animals outside of their cages, holding them, grooming them and providing one on one attention. We want to make sure these animals are well socialized so they will find their forever home! Responsibilities and Duties Include: Following safe animal handling skills and procedures at all times Holding, grooming and socializing with all types of small animals Reporting observations, health concerns and behavioral issues to staff immediately and logging in small animal book Cleaning cages and providing fresh food and water Observing infection prevention control measures to avoid the spread of disease Qualifications: Must be comfortable handling rabbits, gerbils, guinea pigs and other small animals and reptiles Ability to tolerate loud noises and odors such as cleaning agents and fecal matter Ability to follow instructions and work without direct supervision Ability to maintain a clean environment Requirements: Must be prepared to get dirty and perform other than desirable duties such as cleaning up after small animals in their cages and in our consultation rooms, laundry and dishes Not allergic to pet dander, bleach, or other cleaning agents/fumes Must be at least 16 years old (with parent/legal guardian consent) to perform duties alone Must be at least 12-15 years old to perform duties with a parent or legal guardian Must attend orientation session and small group training