Organization of the Periodic Table.
 Development of the periodic table (Mendeleev)
 Reading the periodic table – Periods, Groups (Families), Element Name, Chemical Symbol,
Atomic #, Atomic Mass/Weight.
 Reading the periodic table – Location of metals, nonmetals, & metalloids.
 Reading the periodic table – How is reactivity related to the # of valence electrons?
 Trends across the periodic table. (Reactivity & Atomic size)
 Metals:
 Location on periodic table, physical vs. chemical properties, & common examples.
 Nonmetals:
 Location on periodic table, physical vs. chemical properties, & common examples.
 Metalloids:
 Location on periodic table, physical vs. chemical properties, & common examples.
 Basic Characteristics of Different Groups – Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, Transition
Metals, Halogens, Noble Gases.
States of Matter & Their Properties.
 Solid – Particle Arrangement, Characteristics, & Types – Crystalline & Amorphous.
 Liquid – Particle Arrangement & Characteristics - including viscosity.
 Gas – Particle Arrangement & Characteristics.
 Changes in State – Melting Point, Freezing Point, Boiling Point, Evaporation, Condensation,
& Sublimation.
Physical Properties of Matter such as flexibility, texture, malleability, ductility, etc.
 SI units for mass & volume.
 Mass – Difference between mass & weight, using a triple-beam balance in the lab.
 Volume – Two different methods to solve for volume. (Water displacement & Equation)
 Solubility
Chemical Properties of Matter such as reactivity, flammability, pH, and oxidation/corrosion.
Evidence that Chemical Reaction has occurred including formation of a precipitate, generation of
gas, natural color change, combustion, endothermic/exothermic reaction.
Atomic Theory – Identify & compare Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr, and Chadwick.
Atomic Structure – Nucleus, Electron Cloud, Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Particle Charges,
Particle Locations.
Isotopes vs. Ions
Classifying Matter
 Elements
 Compounds
 Mixtures (heterogeneous vs. homogeneous)
 Solutions (saturated vs. unsaturated; dilute vs. concentrated)
Formation of Compounds & Molecules through atomic bonding:
 Valence Electrons
 Bohr Diagrams
 Electron Dot (Lewis Dot) Diagrams & the Rule of 8.
 Ions & Ionic Bonding
 Covalent Bonds
 Naturally occurring, inorganic, solid, crystals, & consistent ratios of elements.
 Testing minerals.
 Color (streak test)
 Texture
 Hardness (Moh’s hardness scale)
 Luster
 Density
Classify Rocks by Observable Properties
 Grain Size (fine, course, no visible grain)
 Texture (depends on shape & size of grains)
 Density is mass ÷ volume.
 Model the Earth & Its Layers
 Convection Currents
Rock Cycle
 Overall concept & flow of the rock cycle.
 Igneous, sedimentary, & metamorphic rocks change continually throughout the rock cycle.
 Characteristics & Formation of the 3 types of rocks.
 Lava vs. Magma (Extrusive vs. Intrusive; Changes in texture due to rate of cooling)
 Cycle of weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, & cementation – Sedimentary rocks.
Evidence of Lithospheric Plate Movement
 Wegener’s theory of plate tectonics initially not accepted by others because he couldn’t
explain the cause of plate movement.
 Land features (Pangaea, mountain ranges, ages of rocks, etc.), fossils, &
climate/habitat changes support his theory.
 Later, fossil records & sea floor spreading support his ideas.
 Harry Hess & the process of sea-floor spreading.
 Magnetic “stripes” on the ocean floor, ages of rocks, & molten material along midocean ridges were presented as evidence.
Plate Boundaries & Landforms
 Types of boundaries – divergent, convergent, transform.
 Boundary type leads to:
 Mountains
 Trenches vs. Rift Valleys
 Volcanoes – Know where they are located & what they can form.
 Subduction – Density determines which plate is subducted.
 Faults
 Types of Stress = Compression, Tension, Shearing
 Types of Faults = Normal, Reverse, Strike-Slip (Right or Left)
 Movement of the Earth’s plates causes earthquakes.
 Mercalli scale, Richter Scale, Moment-Magnitude Scale.
 Focus vs. Epicenter.
 Damage & Side Effects - Tsunami, Aftershock, Liquefaction.
Motion – Relative to frame of reference & can be shown using graphs, motion maps, etc.
Define and Solve for Speed, Velocity & Acceleration – Noting the differences and similarities.
Velocity: Speed in a specific direction, or a change in position over time.
 Measure & calculate speed using distance ÷ time.
 Interpret distance vs. time graphs.
 Interpret speed vs. time graphs.
 SI unit = m/s.
Acceleration: A change in velocity over time.
 Measure & calculate acceleration as a change in speed or direction over time.
 Can be negative or positive.
 Can occur with a change in speed and/or direction.
 SI unit = m/s2.
 Interpret velocity vs. time graphs.
Force: A push or a pull.
 Solve using mass x acceleration.
 SI unit = Newtons (N)
Friction: Force exerted on two surfaces when they rub together.
 4 Types – Sliding, rolling, fluid, & static.
 Acts in direction opposite to that of object’s motion.
 Produces heat.
 Two factors that influence the amount of friction are the type of surfaces & the force used.
Gravity: Force that pulls objects toward each other.
 Influenced by mass and distance.
 In the absence of air, all objects on Earth accelerate at 9.8 m/s2 due to gravity.
 Air resistance affects falling objects, slowing down those with greater surface area.
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
 Objects at rest remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
 Objects in motion remain in motion at a constant velocity unless acted on by an
unbalanced force.
 Known as the Law of Inertia.
Inertia: The resistance of an object to a change in its motion or position.
 More mass means more inertia.
 Change mass and inertia will change.
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
 The acceleration of an object depends upon the mass of the object & the force used.
 Use the equation Force = Mass x Acceleration to solve for any variable.
 Understanding the impact/results of manipulating variables in the equation. (Doubling the
force leads to an increase in acceleration, etc.)
 Known as the Law of Acceleration.
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
 For every action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force.
Momentum – A measure of mass in motion.
 Solve using mass x velocity.
 SI unit = kg  m/s
Centripetal Force: Force that keeps an object moving in a circular path. Pulls inward.
Satellite: Any object that orbits another in space.