SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Detection of a key Hg methylation gene, hgcA, in wetland soils. J. K. Schaefer1*, R-M. Kronberg2, F. M. M. Morel1, and U. Skyllberg2 1 Dept of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 2 Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE-901 83 Umeå, Sweden *Corresponding author Running Title: Detection of the Hg methylation gene, hgcA, in soils 1 1 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 2 3 Growth of bacterial cultures for DNA extraction: 4 Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA was grown under fumarate-reducing conditions as described in Schaefer 5 et al 2011. Desulfovibrio sp. ND132 was grown under sulfate-reducing conditions as described in 6 Gilmour et al. 2011 (Gilmour et al., 2011). Strains Desulfovibrio africanus, Desulfobulbus propionicus, 7 and Desulfococcus multivorans were grown on sulfate as described in Ekstrom et al 2003 (Ekstrom et al., 8 2003). All other strains were grown in medium as recommended by ATCC (D. desulfuricans ATCC 27774) 9 or DSMZ (remaining strains). DNA was extracted from cells using the UltraClean Microbial DNA Isolation 10 kit (MoBio, Carlsbad, CA). 11 Testing Hg methylation capacity in bacterial cultures: 12 Desulfobacterium autotrophicum and Desulfosarcina variabilis were grown under sulfate-reducing 13 conditions in DSMZ medium 383 and 193, respectively, and tested for the capacity to methylate Hg(II). 14 Desulfovibrio sp. ND132 grown under sulfate-reducing conditions (Gilmour et al., 2011) was used as a 15 positive control. Cells and sterile medium were exposed to 50 nM Hg(II) for 24 hours during mid- 16 exponential growth and stored frozen until analysis. Methylmercury was analyzed by distillation (Tekran 17 2750 Distillation System), followed by ethylation with tetraethylborate, and GC-CVAFS detection on a 18 Tekran 2700 Methyl Mercury System (Schaefer et al., 2011). Results are shown in Fig. SI2. 19 PCR amplification, cloning and sequencing of hgcA amplicons: 20 Approximately 1 g soil was preserved with 3 ml LifeGuard solution (MoBio, Carlsbad, CA) from each site 21 immediately after collection and stored at -80oC upon returning to the lab. Genomic DNA was extracted 22 from soil following manufacturer’s protocol (MoBio, Carlsbad) using the PowerSoil Isolation and 23 PowerClean DNA Clean-Up kits. Purified DNA from all samples (D. multivorans, native soil, and 2 24 enrichments) was quantitated using Quant-iT Picogreen dsDNA kit (Life Technologies, USA). hgcA was 25 PCR amplified in either 50 or 100 µl volumes with 1x Phusion buffer, 0.2 mM dNTPs, 3% DMSO, 0.5 µM 26 each primer, 50 ng genomic DNA, and 1 U Phusion (NEB, Ipswich, MA) for an initial denaturation of 2 27 min at 98oC followed by 35 cycles (10 s at 96oC, 30 s 60oC, and 45 s at 72oC). Amplification products were 28 verified by gel electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide. While multiple bands 29 were observed from cultured isolates, typically only a single band (~650 bp) was observed from 30 environmental DNA. This 650 bp band was excised from the gel and gel-purified using QiaQuick Gel 31 Extraction kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). The isolated PCR product ends were adenylated by incubation with 32 Taq polymerase (1U Taq , 1x Taq buffer, 0.2 mM dATP) for 15 min at 72oC and ligated into pGEM T-Easy 33 vector (Promega, Madison, WI) overnight at 4oC according to manufacturer’s protocol. The ligated 34 vector was subsequently cloned into chemically competent TOP10 cells (Life Technologies, USA), and 35 transformants selected for on ampicillin-LB plates using blue-white screen. Plasmids were extracted 36 from individual clones grown in broth overnight using QIAprep Spin MiniPrep Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). 37 The individual hgcA amplicons were sequenced from purified plasmids by Genewiz (South Plainfield, NJ) 38 using M13F(-47) sequencing primer, and trimmed of the pGEM vector sequence. Only high quality 39 sequences were kept for further study. Any sequences which contained ambiguous nucleotides or other 40 problems were sequenced on the complementary strand using the M13R primer. Sequencing problems 41 which could not be resolved by resequencing were discarded from further analysis. Sequences obtained 42 from each library were analyzed by a TBLASTN search ( of translated 43 nucleotide in the database using a protein query and evaluated by sequence alignment to other known 44 hgcA sequences. 45 Preparation of soil enrichments: 3 46 Soil enrichments were prepared in triplicate in an anaerobic glove box (Coy) using freshly collected soil 47 from sites B2 and B7 in southern Sweden (August 2012). For each enrichment, 8 g soil and 8 ml site 48 water (0.2 µm filtered and N2-bubbled) was added to 50 ml serum bottles and sealed with butyl rubber 49 stoppers. The enrichments varied by amendment: Control (no addition), +SO4 (+0.5 mM each sulfate 50 and organic substrate), and +Fe (+0.5 mM each colloidal Fe(III) and organic substrate). The organic 51 substrate was a mixture of equimolar sodium salts of propionate, butyrate, acetate, lactate, and 52 ethanol. Each enrichment was then flushed with N2 gas and incubated at room temperature for 14 days 53 in the dark. After two weeks, the enrichments were spiked with 30 and 45 ppb 198Hg(NO3)2 and 54 incubated for an additional 48 h to allow for Hg methylation, after which the enrichments were analyzed 55 for methane concentration and subsampled for DNA extraction (0.5 g) and CH3198Hg extraction (4 g) and 56 analyzed by GC-ICPMS (Tjerngren et al., 2012). 57 Methane analysis 58 Methane samples were taken from the headspace of each serum bottle while in the glove box, and 59 transferred into evacuated 22 mL glass GC-vials using a syringe with a three-way stop valve to keep the 60 sample in the syringe during the transfer. The samples were analyzed on a gas chromatograph (Clarus 61 580, Perkin Elmer Autosystem, Waltham, MA, USA) equipped with a TurboMatrix 110 headspace 62 autosampler, a HeySep Q column and a flame ionization detector. Temperatures for the detector, oven 63 and the injector were 100, 35 and 50oC, respectively. Nitrogen gas was used as the carrier gas at a rate 64 of 40 mL min-1. 65 66 REFERENCES 67 68 Ekstrom, E.B., Morel, F.M.M., Benoit, J.M. (2003) Mercury methylation independent of the acetylcoenzyme A pathway in sulfate-reducing bacteria. Appl Environ Microbiol, 69: 5414-5422. 4 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Gilmour, C.C., Elias, D.A., Kucken, A.M., Brown, S.D., Palumbo, A.V., Schadt, C.W., Wall, J.D. (2011) Sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132 as a model for understanding bacterial mercury methylation. Appl Environ Microbiol, 77: 3938-3951. Schaefer, J.K., Rocks, S.S., Zheng, W., Liang, L., Gu, B., Morel, F.M.M. (2011) Active transport, substrate specificity, and methylation of Hg(II) in anaerobic bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108: 8714-8719. Tjerngren, I., Karlsson, T., Björn, E., Skyllberg, U. (2012) Potential Hg methylation and MeHg demethylation rates related to the nutrient status of different boreal wetlands. Biogeochemistry, 108: 335-350. 78 79 5 80 6 81 Fig. SI1: A nucleotide sequence alignment of each forward and reverse hgcA-targeted PCR primers to select genomic sequences. Mismatched 82 base pairs are indicated in red. Species Desulfovibrio sp. ND132 Desulfovibrio aespoeensis Desulfobulbus propionicus Desulfomicrobium baculatum Desulfovibrio africanus Geobacter sulfurreducens Geobacter bemidjiensis Geobacter metallireducens Geobacter uraniireducens Geobacter daltonii Desulfomonile tiedjei Syntrophus aciditrophicus Gene Locus Dnd132_1056 Daes_2662 Despr_0439 Dbac_0376 Desaf_0117 GSU1440 Gbem_1183 Gmet_1240 Gura_0480 Geob_2483 Desti_1022 SYN_00351 Binding position 261 249 261 297 237 228 282 228 219 228 249 411 hgcA_261F forward primer CGGCATCAAYGTCTGGTGYGC CGGCATCAACGTCTGGTGCGC CGGCATCAACATCTGGTGCGC AGGGATCAATGTCTGGTGTGC CGGCATCAACATCTGGTGCGC GGGCGTCAACGTCTGGTGCGC CGGCATTAATGTCTGGTGCGC CGGCATCAACGTCTGGTGTGC CGGGATCAATGTCTGGTGCGC CGGCATTAACGTCTGGTGTGC CGGCATCAATGTCTGGTGCGC GGGAATAAATGTCTGGTGTGC CGGGATCAATGTCTGGTGTGC Binding position 912 903 915 939 891 870 918 870 855 864 915 1080 hgcA_912R reverse primer GGTGTAGGGGGTGCAGCCSGTRWARKT GGTGTAGGGGGTCGAGCCCGTGAAATT GGTGTAGGGCGTCGAGCCGGTGAAGTT GGTGAAGGGGGTGGAGCCGGTGAAATT CGTGTACGGCGTGGACCCGGTGAAGTT AGTGAAGGTGCTCGATCCGGTGTAGTT GGTAAAGGGCGTACTTCCGGTAAACGT GGTGTAGGTGGTGCAGCCGGTGAAATT GGTGAAGGGGGTGCTGCCGGTGAAATT GGTAAACGTGGTGCACCCCGTGAAATT GGTATAGGTGGAACAGCCGGTAAAATT CGTGTACGTGGAACAACCGGTAAAATT AGTGATCGGCGTGGAACCGGTGAATTT Methanosphaerula palustris Methanoregula boonei Methanocella paludicola Methanolobus psychrophilus Methanospirillum hungatei Mpal_1034 Mboo_0422 MCP_0718 Mpsy_0587 Mhun_0876 228 288 255 327 285 TGGAGTCAATGTCTGGTGTGC AGGCGTAAATGTCTGGTGCGC GGGCATCAACGTCTGGTGTGC GGGAGTTAATGTGTGGTGTGC AGGGATTAATGTCTGGTGTGC 849 912 876 951 909 GGTGAACGGGGTCGCACCAGTGAAGAG GGTAAACGTGGTCGAGCCCGTGAAGTT CGTGAAGGTCGAACATCCGGTAAAGTT AGTGAATGTTGTACAACCTGTAAAGTT AGTATATGGCGTGGACCCGGTAAAATT Desulfosporosinus acidiphilus Desulfosporosinus orientis Desulfitobacterium dehalogenans Dehalobacter sp. CF Syntrophobotulus glycolicus Ethanoligenens harbinense Desaci_1621 Desor_2652 261 261 AGGAATTAACGTTTGGTGTGC GGGAGTCAATGTTTGGTGCGC 903 903 AGTATATGTTGAAGAGCCTGTGAAATT GGTATAGGTTGAAGAGCCTGTAAAATT Desde_2772 DCF50_p1170 Sgly_2352 Ethha_0975 261 408 318 348 GGGAATAAATGTATGGTGTGC AGGCATTAATGTCTGGTGCGC AGGTGTTAACGTCTGGTGCGC TGGTGTGAATGTCTGGTGCGC 903 1050 954 984 AGTGTACGTTGAAGAACCAGTAAAATT AGTATATGTTGAAGATCCGGTGAAGTT CGTGTAGGTCGACGAGCCTGTGAAATC CGTATAGGTTGAGCTTCCGGTAAAGTT 83 7 84 Table SI1: The number of hgcA-like and non-hgcA sequences detected in each clonal library. Library ENP1 ENP3 B7 B2 B2_C B2_SO4 B2_Fe 85 86 a 87 88 89 90 b Description Native soil Native soil Native soil Native soil Control Incubation Sulfate Enrichment Fe Enrichment Total Sequences 9 8 29 34 27 17 18 hgcAa 9 8 29 25 18 9 17 Other (not hgcA)b 0 0 0 9 9 8 1 Eight of these reported hgcA sequences were dropped from further analysis due to the presence of ambiguous bases not resolved by re-sequencing. Sequences found not to be hgcA but detected in libraries included (no. of clones): benzoylCoA reductase (6), Rieske 2Fe-2S domain containing protein (2), a glycosidase in the Type II secretory pathway (7), L-aspartate oxidase (1), a Signal peptide protein (1), and the remaining were <400 bp and unknown. 91 8 92 93 Table SI2: A description of the different OTUs and their similarity to other known hgcA-containing microorganisms. OTUa No of clones Sweden (Boreal) ENP (Tropical) B7 B2 B2 ENRb ENP1 ENP3 1 28 2 3 11 3 1 3 6 4 B7-02, -03, -06, -15, -17, -26 1 B2-31 ENP1-01, -03, -04, -06, -09 5 5 4 6 hgcA clone IDc B2_C-01, -02, -04, -07, -08, -10, -15, -16, -17, -18, -20, -23, -27, -28, B2_Fe-05, -07, -08, 09, -12, -15, -16, -19, B2_SO402, -03, -05, -08, -09, -10 ENP3-09 B2-06, -08, -13, -14, -17, 18, -21, -24, -27, -33, -34 B2_C-03, B2_Fe-03, B2_SO4, -07, ENP1-02, -05, -08 1 7 ENP3-01, -02, -03, -05 2 B2-28, B2_Fe-02, -06 2 B2_C-13, B2_Fe-17 8 2 B7-18, B7-21 9 2 B7-04, -09 10 2 B7-14, -16 11 2 12 1 B2-15, -29 1 B2-26, ENP1-07 13 2 B7-12, -20 14 2 B7-01, -07 15 2 16 1 B2_Fe-10, B2_SO4-11 B2-10 17 1 B7-33 18 1 B7-34 19 1 B7-11 20 1 B2_C-14 21 1 B2_C-25 22 1 B2-25 23 1 B7-10 24 1 B7-25 25 1 B2-30 9 Closest match to GenBank by TBLASTN search, accession no., locus tag (% aa identity) Inferred Phylogeny Methanocella arvoryzae, AM114193, RCIX2342 (61%) Methanomicrobia Desulfobulbus propionicus CP002364, Despr_0439 (52%) -Proteobacteria SRB Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (64%) Only distantly related to sequenced genomes Methanolobus psychrophilus, CP003083, Mpsy_0587 (70%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (74%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (67%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (69%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (67%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (71%) Desulfobulbus propionicus CP002364, Despr_0439 (54%) Desulfomonile tiedjei, CP003360, Desti_1022 (57%) Only distantly related to sequenced genomes Only distantly related to sequenced genomes Only distantly related to sequenced genomes Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (66%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (65%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (66%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (69%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (73%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (68%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (73%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (71%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (68%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (70%) -Proteobacteria FeRB Unknown Methanomicrobia -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria SRB -Proteobacteria SRB Unknown Unknown Unknown -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB 26 1 B7-19 27 1 B7-08 28 1 B2-07 29 1 B2-03 30 1 B7-32 31 1 ENP3-04 32 1 ENP3-07 33 34 1 1 35 36 37 B2_Fe-13 B7-28 1 B2-19 1 B7-31 1 38 B2-23 1 ENP3-06 39 1 B2-35 40 1 B2-32 94 a 95 bENR 96 97 c Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (66%) Geobacter uraniireducens CP000698, Gura_0480 (%) Dehalococcoides mccartyi, CP004079, dcmb_330 (54%) Dehalococcoides mccartyi, CP004079, dcmb_330 (55%) Dehalococcoides mccartyi, CP004079, dcmb_330 (55%) Methanosphaerula palustris, CP001338, Mpal_1034 (63%) Methanoregula formicicum, CP003167, Metfor_0951 (75%) Methanolobus psychrophilus, CP003083, Mpsy_0587 (59%) Only distantly related to sequenced genomes Only distantly related to sequenced genomes Only distantly related to sequenced genomes Only distantly related to sequenced genomes Only distantly related to sequenced genomes Only distantly related to sequenced genomes Only distantly related to sequenced genomes -Proteobacteria FeRB -Proteobacteria FeRB Chloroflexi Chloroflexi Chloroflexi Methanomicrobia Methanomicrobia Methanomicrobia Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown An OTU is defined as all hgcA clones exhibiting > 90% deduced amino acid identity. = enrichments Clone ID names are prefaced with the site location. Clones from B2 enrichments are further denoted as “_C”, “_Fe”, and “_SO4” for unamended, +Fe(III), and +SO4 enrichments. 98 99 10